Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Sep 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN DEALERS PREPARE FOR LOBSTER DAYS Comes the Season When Crustaceans Are in Style And Experts Tell How To Eat Them Boston, Hept, 6--This is the ses sop of the year when tha kingly crustacean comes into its own and | of the Caribhean aren since the be is looked upon by housewives and restatiraniours as A vital part. of the daily diet, There are two kinds of lobsters | violence to he recorded in standard in the ocean, The ones most fam: ilar along the northern coast Are |record in the story ef perhaps th of a deep green color with large claws, food. The other claw hag small sharp teeth and is used more for | West Indian hurricanes have heen holding the food, These claws are extremely powerful pound lobster could easily crush the bones in 4 man's hand, Nature has wisely provided the lobster with the means for growing a new claw If it should by some ae. | in 1492 he was driven hy cident or encounter with Another of the species lose one of its ori ginal pincers, This accounts for the wide variance in siga of (he claws sometimes found in species used for domestic supply The other variety of lobster comes from the south and ts known a8 Lhe crayfish. crawfish or spiney Inhster, It Is of a yellow gray col or and has no large claws, The meats of the two varieties have ahout the same taste and are equals ly popular, J Lobsters reach the market in four general forms; alive, boiled, lobster meat and canned dome panple have the idea that a lobsier should be quite active when on ex: hibition, In fact they heligve that he should cavort around much like A race horse, This Is distinetly Against Mr, lobsier's nature and for this reason many perféetly good specimens ara hoiled hy the deal ers and sold as cold boiled lobster Some people object to taking the meat out of the shells and this has led to the marketing of lobster meat ft takes from four ta Ave pounds of lobster to make one pound of meat and this Is consider. ed the cheapest. way tn huy lobster Canned lobster is thoroughly pro- cessed and will kesp the same as One of the claws has large | made by people Ih any part of the teath like grinding molars, and is] globe against the adverse forces of used for erunching or grinding the | nature, and a twor hy United States weather experts, so CARIBBEAN SEA HAS REPUTATION FOR HURRICANES Many Major Catastrophies Have Occurred There in Last 400 Years Hurricanes have scolrged countries inning of history, From Columbus' frst voyage in 1492 until 1855 there occurred 485 hurricanes of sufficient fistories of the Antilles, and in that greatest and fongest-sustalned fight During the last half-century Jo systematically recorded and classihod that the long narrative of natures violence is virtually complete Columbus reported that when cousting the northern coast of | whi violent winds 50 leagues to the north, Fhe storm compelled Whine to remain in harbor off "Espomola" several dys A year later, returning to Bpmn, Ea A THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1930 Two-inch Missed Putt Decides Prince of Wales Trophy Match Columbus' ships were struek hy a hurricane which lasted three da | Ihe great navigator was so cert "| of impending disaster that he wrole | an account of his discoveries and | threw it overboard . | A few major catastrophes thiough the centuries follow | : In 1508, Santo Domingo, scene nf the present disaster, was truck bh a hurricane, Houses were wreeked, | and 20 vessels destroyed The year Ind was marked bh three terrific hurricanes in the West Indies, and 2) vessels were wreeked on the goast of St. Kitts A ( fi " 1 necessitated, Laing, 1s well known in the golfing world far lig fine secammodation, he annual championship matohes, of » Wales Trophy in (ha principal feature afield and are always a source of inter but to the many vigltors at the warld-famou leiry, hen Dave Amott, Winnipeg, Manitiba, amateur golf champion, missed n wx foot, putt by two Inches, on the B6th, on the links of the Canadian Pacific Nallway's Banff Bprings Hotel, Banff, Alla; he ted the mateh with W, J Tarontn, for the Prince of Wales "Trophy On the 87th, thus landed in # bunker, which cost him threa nd lost the eup The. pletures show § 1) The Prince of Wales (up, up for eons petition each summer at Banff. (2) Dave Arnott, taken Just after the close of play on the 87th (Hh Me fatal putt Arnotl needed to hole out on the w ("BI Thompson, Arnot which ith and yin "y "BINT Thompson, the v inner L the end of a lypieal drive he match was followed throughout hy an exeeion ally large gallery, Indluding golfers from I} aver the continent The Banff Hpring otel, headquarters for social and sportin Iifa in the Rocky Moun« hich that for the Prince of aitrpet players from far wl, nol only to participants In 1680 the island of Gaudeloupe | ment Jand grants of 100 weves onvh, tuken from the land, and, with #1 | noon thelr Tend they have built was devasted, wile cost them a total outlay of 000 capital he had among them three hi Fieri din Ga it) Wi Barbados, in 1674 experienced a Ver hovtly after taking up when the landed, th i [Ive (anon wing hid HOF i | hurricane which blew down a nil, the had f aval I my ny horee n | Wi Wine in| i Linh now ny hore | oki patil A 4 MH A Mach adi or. Lhuir de 1, houses, killed 20, ahd wrecked of It I hones by of the timbei [the thre month I p a 1 ured. AD n {ships in the harbow | | Antigna was destroyed in 1621 'The town of Part Royal, in Jan re yy a -- arn rr alea, was hit hy a hurricana in 1744 Fil ' oh i Wn whith wrecked 20 essely and kill Wh W op ed 400 ' ¥ Strangest Weather Phenomenon In 1789 occurred one of the sirang est weather phenomenon ever 1 corded A heavy gale impeded the any other canned eommodity current of the Gulf Stream hich Discussing this industry, whieh! yas foreed from behind hy Trade develops into large proportions at} winds off the Gulf of Mexis he this peason as the price is low and supply ample, E. H, Cooley of the Massachusetts Fisheries Associa tion says! 1 am often asked the reason for the discoloration or dark ening of canned lobster meat, In vestigation hy leading food experts has shown that it 1a practically im possible tn keep crab or lobster meat from darkening. There is, however nn deterioration and the taste and the food value remain the same, the only eect heing to cause tha housewife to dislike the ap pearance,' In speaking of the most sdible parts of the Iohster, Mr, (Conley sald: "A greenish mass of fat wil usually ba found in the body De not throw this away as it is one of the most tasty parts of the lah ster.' LOUISBOURG YIELDS HISTORIC RELICS Loulsburg, N.H.~-Waorkmen en gaged in restoring parts of the old fort which was almost completely demolished In 1763, have found hundreds of interesting relies of the Freneh regime and unearthed the foundation of the ald military hos. pital which proves it4o have been a larger - Institution than any now existing on Cape Hreton Island, Crumbling. casements and parapets have been reinforced with concrete and the old well {a heing opened np and lined with original stone Part of the Town Clock, aurgiea Instruments, old muskets, a human lawhone and many other reminders of the early days have heen dis ravered, GARAGE 10 x 16 Erected, Complete, $89.80 W. L. SCHROTER Phone 2083) or 2830) sea rose until it is said to have enti pletely submerged Tortugas and ¢ the islands in that region The Spanish fleet of five rich treasure ships bound from Vera Cruz for Havana and Old Spain was forced ashore hy a hurricane in 1766 Ihe storm recordd in history a ihe most terrific eyelone that ever | occurred, and still referred to an | "ihe greatest hurricane," ocenrred in| October, 1780. It started at Barba | dos, where trees and houses were Wl hawn down, moved northward to] santa Lucia where it engulied an | English fleet, and buried 5,000 peo ple beneath ruins on that island | Next it swept Martinique, where it | destroyed a French fleet of 40 ships | carrying 4.000 seldiers The hurr | cane sank ships as far north as Her | muda | In 1791 a combined hurricane and flood in Cuba destroyed the royal to | bacco mills and killed 257 persons Probably the most persistent hui ricané ever reported was that in 18% which swept the Leeward and Virgi Islands, Porta Rico, the and part of the United States coas It last more than a menth a systematic record ol cantly was analyzed hy Charles 1 SEVEN HOMESTEADS faven homesteads for one family fs the record in land settlement made recently hy the Drumm fam fly from Oermany, who were 10 cated hy the colonization depart: ment of the Canadian National Railways this year in the district of Bdson, west of Kdmonton on the main line of the National Railways, This family ¢onelats of father and mother, two grown up sons, one daughter, three nephews, and one son-in-law, all the male mambers of the family taking up movern: STORED NOT JUST ONE KIND BUT ALL KINDS OF LUMBER PRODUCTS, AND SERVICED ON AN ACTUAL CASH GUAR. ANTEE WHICH WORKS. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Rd. North Telephone 2821.2820 PROPERLY » CARED FOR aver the period 1879-1038, which re« | A in on the square floor plans show this pleaosant eomhination of ma terials in this hullding proves that | layout, sach has its own advautage, (ton (ar vemoved, home Of en 00M oe % o Cracking Another Case af Foundation Wark Althon SEMI-DETACHED LTS The formation af the roof In de CAVING to a cortuin degen FOR ONE FAMILY the appearance of "an house when in reality the straeture | a sun room on the second flony In #, Hivin Ionhape -- -- anomie hiend to a nleety Hane Lien 0 | hrick and half timber ave in vid Each house is well planned, the good With | rooms all heing of good sive and hi very well loeated he {In both are specially attractive foal LAr W uy Mitehell, meteorologist, in an official f ures yor every detall conforms in| uses n thely design Coat wloaet publication making a completes harmonious de: | pantvies, storernoms, malds' quae -------------------- alan Lave, all are tn convenient location ad that passage from one place tn H|another Ia simple 1] There ave four hedrooms and ures, the | one house, threa hedirooms, a «en sa Construction Not Plaster, is Com- mon Cause of . There are nine wars to avoid racked plastering woanihle for plaster and plastering methods to he had, most cracks in plastered walls ave the symptoms of faulty construetion, Ope of the commonest reasons fn faulty bearings under the posta which support the house girders, Wooden girders, floor Jai wooden posts wedged up with thin pleces of wood lke shingles will settle, and crack the plaster, whit id of the uts, op DE a. [and a sun room in the other, and despite the vast differences tn thelr Eh MO oan Wage ' § | LLL) nae bi rth avast mart AR A -- HOUSES V, 8. WRIGHT, Architect Resembling more a palatinl resis | the different construe Rahamas, | dence than a pair of semi detach houses, these residences would, n doubt, fd favor with a great num: [ance hora with a delightful effect The U.S, weather bureau has kept [ber of people who desire the come | hurricanes | pantanship which usually semi-detached house haw fis awn distinctive fount MERIT ta sach house sup plumbing raquire OF 'wa hathiranom pn! pdaguate ment Outline Kpeeifientions sige of Mouse, 4801 4 in, x AD i nom Padtabile Lot: Th £1 frontage Walls: Hone and stucen Hooft Wood shingles Cuble Contents: 72.000 ou ft Appronimate cost; $958,000 Readers desiring further infor [mation regarding a house of this design should communicate with | Mo WN Wright, T48 Vieteria [Hauare, Montreal, IQ. and mention | dunia No, 246 Consult a local ' avehitect (Ff designing arohiteet is Copyrght, 1080 Wy ve FLooe A second fault {a the use of give dera that are ten small or that are mada to apan toa far, The use af joists of (nsufelent sige is a third fault, The fourth cause of cracked plas: ter in fatlure to support partitions adequately, Kooy joists ave nat (de signed to take tha heavily concen trated load of a partition, aa that if only one joist gets thin load it ix hound to bend more than the others, oracking the plaster not enly in the calling below but in the partition, The rule ts to double the joists un. der all partitions Fault number five la improper framing over wide openings. The heam must he made heavier, nr the opening must he trussed. Other wise the plaster over the opening will be disfigured hy cracks, Number xix has to do with the settlement of the wood. frame through shrinkage of the parts This vequives nar tne wall eon struetion permit settlement all the way around at a perfectly uniform rate Fault number seven has ta do with the framing of the woodwork around the ohimney. The heavy masonry chimney stack will settle more than the rest af a house, If wa are to prevent a crack where the masonry joins the wooden wall, the planter must he made independ. ent of the ohimney stack, Number efght has ta do with tha settlement of wall toundations and footings. The. ninth tem ix the separation of partitions from walle, The angle where two partitions or where a partition and an antaide wall join Ia often oracked, To prevent this wa reinforce the angle with a ateip of metal lath hent inte the verner and nailed along the edga of it, Capyright 1880, The Architect' Small House Service Bureau, fae. aeres of land and expect to have about sixty scree cleared and brok. an ready for next year's erop, To pay expenses during the winter, the men intend working in some lum: ber camp or any other kind of work that ean be secured, Thess 60ple ure very satisfied with thelr ocations, as well as with condi tions in Caneda, 'Thelr own words, to a representative of the Colon) gation Department were: "We have waver fell, better In our lives, even though the work is hard." I .~"_ NEW REPARATIONS '¥resh from The flavour of SALADA is tk-2 most delightful of all SALADA TEA the gardens' cided owing to lack of evidence, and | ir Is believed that some of these ca Appointment of Commis. || J jo"CE00 "0 ; " sioner to Adjudicate Cases otwpecid | RUBBER PAVING HELD FEASIBLE Ottawa, sept, 6=Anpolniment of & commissioner to decide upon a series of new reparations cls Is under Decline in Rubber Prices Makes Development a Possibility stood to be under conuderation | the Government, Since James Friel, | K.C, of Monckton, NB, the form er commissioner, completed his re port in 1927, approximately 100 new claims have been registered with the Department of State, and It Is ex pected that a new commissioner will i shortly he chosen hy the present New York «That springy, youthful Coyvernment to adjudicate these cases step ay soon becomn a gener 1] The amount of the new clalms is be | eharaeteristie, 10 yon should see an awn Heved to total whoot Sabon, OCLORENBIIRI Come Fellowing the war a large onmber | the street with the verve and zest bonding of Canadian ehvilians who had suffers {of an year-old, don't stire Ie ed losses an au resylt of enemy action | ma be walking on rubber pave fyled elalms lg Ottawa ent The hulk of these wera for the loss his pleasurable prospect fs held of fishing vessels which had been Laut Ly Fo] Hendriekeon, president destroyed along the Atlantie coast hy | of ihe New York Robber Exchange enemy submarines or otherwise, | A chief obstacle vo the development in 19285, Mr, Friel was appointed, Mr, | As production grew, the warket hi ilel's recommendations were tabled | came im the House of Cammons in 1928, | decline l'oday the trees planted five and last vear osm exceeding | years ago are ready 19 produce with $6,000,000 was voted to pay the appli | the price at 14 conts cants whose elalms had. been aj Stabilgation of production bit proved never to get too far ahead, will bh In addition to the new elulms athe salvation of the rubber Industry, number of old claims remain unde: | says Henderson, He predicts no dn glutted, Inevitably came the Cher elms were for injuries to pers Lol rubber pavements tn the past has son and property suffered when pas | heen the high price of rubber, he senger and merchant ships were sub [points ont. But with the price of hy the enemy at sea. Provision for | rubber hovering around 14 cents a the payment of these clatms wan | pound, whereas five vears ago i made in treaties with Germany and | sold for $1.25, this Uroplan mprove other countries who had been at war ment becomes more feasible, Over vith Grewt Britain production be blamed for the hay | Too adfudicate the eluling Hon | dechine in rubber prices | William Pugsley, of Saint John, NJ Overproduction 6 due 10 the w wits appointed reparations ceommis [creased planting of rubibe treeyl sianer in 1928 Following his death | during the price booms five years agn, | | nes suggest staunch build * + + under motorin mounted on rubber . , . long, you at our and let this splendid car demonstrate for itself Wes Service pe industry, t MAC, General Motors' PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANA ROGER L. CORB Athol Street West, Oshawa Ont. IT'S BETTER BRCAUSE IT'S Eroanhnt ue OLDSMOBI EARNS YOUR CONFIDENCE - Sa M§ creise in business during the reialn der of this year, but sls sees ne prospect of further serions decline Plantation owners were hit. had eel by the slump in rubber prices but more efficient methods are con tantly reducing production costs, and ome plantations may eventually be ible to grow It us cheaply ws five conty a pound, says Henderson, BURIED CITY 18 FOUND IN MEXICC Mexico City, Sept. 6="The Depart iment ol Bdaeution announced 1oday tht Boy Scouts had discovered w 1 icheologlenl gone in the wilds of the State of Guerrero, Among the figures th vered Ie uw large plone phils bearing uw marked resemblance tor that in Fgypt Cooverimnent archeologists ure lea Ing forthwith to tdy the ur which, according 10 the diseoverers' preliminary reports probably fnelpde wi entire hueied city A number ul hills in the zone wre believed to cove pyramid On the simmit of one ol them there fs a huge globular stone govered with ua kind of hevoglyphie Ihe Department conumunigue suid that there wis no known record of the zone, whieh It wus believed had never begun. seen before hy a white wit), The discoverers brought phot graphs of the sphing and other vel vith thew as proof ef their find Cannda has the Iargest single establishment in he world, This is conducted by the PH ) Gels wt Hrampton { 1778 greenhouses fu (he ant, measuring 0 miles in all, and covering #6 nerves; There ) rose bushes and many housands of other plants hers ure OUR first appraisal of Oldsmobile leaves you with a friendly feeling of confidence towards this car whose very dependability high-spirited and absolute But not until you have driven it ten thousand miles or mre condition . . . and in all kinds of weather | , will you ully realize how Oldsmobile earns and keeps your dence, You will discover that Oldsmobile, like a true friend, becomes even more trustworthy , . . that it inspires deeper the longer it serves you, Like thousands of other Oldsmobile owners, Mill louse shat iss dependabiliey is based not alone pgm inhi dy 15 e design, but also oo such mechaniaal Sfoumenss as 8 wifiy 03 0] confidence wet springs coo: shock absorbers Ves y We roof rh Be toi Suche bioals how Oldsmobile earns confidence Drive Oldsmobile yourself, the qualities owners everywhere claim for it, Ask about the General Motors , most complete in the automobile own plan of 'OLDSMOBILE DA, LIMITED ETT O-rreex CANADIAN § at R -- CONAN Bolleitor Conveys tice of fit, Sou D, Cons 4 4 Hollelto fitore. street dence § + ANTE "vimers, ""goe WL, Loan, "ALEX ter, etn practice "Phone A) ee. M posite | FRAN] Bolleite Ancer, new A Ottice, ' pp---- Hts, Disney flee ho BJ '10 Hur * Harper "rons D day an DR. M goon, / dence toria H PDR, GI Hurgeo infants residen 1166 DR, D/ I RC slolan, Oftico 3020, North, DR, ©. Rurgeol d Fide. DR I, sian, Si and re North bord 1 PRS Hpecial als, Ce King ' 4 arahite Royal Res,

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