Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Aug 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1930 = owmanville Daily Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The Times in the Cowan Bleck, King Street. Telephones--Offico--587; House--131, Bowmanville Representative--B, Herbert Mortlock Whiz and Goodyear Play to Second Tie in Final Series Large Crowd Sees Fastest Game of Season at School Grounds. Knight is Star of Game With Three Two Base Hits. Extra Innings Played Ten innings of the fastest soft: hall seen in Bowmanville through. out the entire season failed to find a winnér between the Goodyear and the Whiz in the second game of a five game series for the cham- plonship at the public school grounds last night, Yor the second time this week Lhe score was tied the last game & to 8 and Inst night's tilt 6 to b, As in the previous game there was very little to choose between the two teams and while Rowan of the Whiz was the star hurler of the night the Goodyear were closer in the field, There were about ten two and three base hits which gives one an idea of the style of hitting which was a feature of (he game, Knight was perhaps the sai of the whole game and he sure prised the fans with threes (wo base hits, As a matter of fact he was out only once in five times at the plate, Osborne with a three hase hit, Hobbs with the same and B.. Colwell with a two base hit were among the heaviest of the hitters, Bun Moore was not his usual self and did one thing which he has never done this season, He dropped two catches, As a rule when it's in Moore's hands It Is there to stay so it naturally made the crowd gasp to see him off form, The Game Whiz batted first and falled to score, Piper and Knight managed to get to the bases, Goodyear opened up with a run In the first with three men down and Goddard on third, Whiz falled to score in the next three innings while Good yoar came back with three more in fourth making the score with near. ly halt the game gone four to nothing in favor of the Rubbor Men. Whiz staged a comeback in the fifth and scored three and then held the Goodyear scoraless except for one in the ninth Innings, Whiz liad meanwhile added one In the sixth and one In the seventh so when the regular nine Innings was completed the game was tied at five all, The extra innings proved to be a battle royal and with three Whiz men out without reaching a base the game seemed to he the prop- erty of the rubber men, The Good year final innings saw Bert Cols well make a two hase hit to start with but James, Hobbs and Roach wore all out before Colwell could sneak a base, Rovan's record show. od three strike outs with a walk also while Bert Colwell gave one walk and had no strike out Ear! Cupningham of the B.T.8, was the plate umpire with Large and Bottrell on the bases, The teams were: Goodyear--Oshorne, 2h: K. Co. well, sa; Goddard, If; Murphy, ef; BH. Colwell, p; James, 1b; Hobbs, db; Roach, rf; Mooreraft, c, Whig--Cameron, 2b; Piper, ws Knight, rf; Corden, 1b»; Moore, rf; Cowle, ¢; Large, of; Rovan, p; I. Piper, 8b, In u special session of the naturs alization court held recently at Oshawa, Ont,, more than 100 per. sons, all of them from Central Europe, were passed for British citizenship, Application for Sanitary otro Applications in own hand writing for the position of Sanitary Inspector for the City of Oshawa will be re. celved by the undersigned until 5 o'clock pm, Sept. Sth, 1080, Applicants to give full in. rep. rogarding age, Tod | LEGION BRANCH 15 ORGANIZED IN BOWMANVILLE Officers Chosen at Enthusi- astic Meeting R. M. Cotton Elected Presi- dent and Major W. J. Hoar Vice-President With an assured. charter, member ship of well over fifty members, the Bowmanville Branch of the Cana dian Legion, British Empire Service League, was formally organized at a well attnded meeting of the war veterans held in the Parish Hall last evening, when R., M, 'Cotton was elected by the members as their president for the first term of office of the branch, The meeting was a high- ly successful one, and was featured by an interesting discussion of the place which the Legion would oe cupy in Bowmanville, and some of the avenues of activity In whieh it could operate for the benefit of the veterans of the town, and of fhe community as a whole, In the course of the discussion the question of the status of the Soldiers' Club, which had earrled on successfully and well for a number of years, was Ireely considered, hut any differences of opinion. were happily ironed out when the election of officers took place, and only the most harmonious of relationships were apparent The full list of officers elected Is as follows ? President, R. M, Cotton, 1st Vice-President, W, J 2nd Vice-President, C, T Secretary, Thomas Annison Treasurer, Fred Cryderman, Executive Committee, F, C, Hoar, W. Smith Ferguson and Tom Hamil ton, The president and executive were empowered to select the standing committees of the branch W. I. Hoar, chairman of the first meeting 'held two weeks ago, pre sided over the gathering in a happy manner, and recounted what had tak. en place at the last meeting, at which it had been decided to organize a branch of the Legion. He called for unity of spirit and purpose in this effort, and introduced M, McIntyre Hood, Provincial Second Vice-presi dent of the Legion, to address the meeting 80 Her Ross Hood, in a brief address, dealt with what eould be nccomps lished in Bowmanville by ou Legion Branch, dealing with the socinl side of Legion activities, and its possibili tes as a means of providing relief for comrades in need and distress, He alsa stressed the value of the services the Legion adjustment services, and gave some interesting informa tion regarding the workings of the new pension act clanses and the wa veterans allowance act. He made a strong plea for complete unity among the veterans of Bowmanville, und asked that all get together with in the Legion to help fight the battles of those who needed the assistance of their comrades, After a period of di cussion, dur ing which some 45 members present signed their names to the charter ap plication, and the chairman announe ed that several others unable to be present at the .meeting also wished to sign it, the officers were elected It was decided to hold tlie next meeting on Friday, September 8, and that regular meetings should he held on the Ist and Jrd Fridays of each month, At the next meeting the for- mal membership applications will he received, and the installation of of ficers will take place on Friday, Sep tember 19. An effort is to be made hy the executive to secure the town council chamber for the meetings, Fhe meeting closed in a highly en- thusinstic manner which indicated that the Legion branch in Bowman- ville has a bright future ahead of it. chiefly ---------------------- Canada has now more than 338, 000 miles of telegraph lines, BOWMANVILLE'S LARGEST INDUSTRY which all members should bear in mind, THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY'S PLANT IN BOWM ANVILLE The plant has been en: jocated in Bowmanville in 1910, The ul with a big dance early this year, Which its twentieth Goodyear Plant L ocated Here is this month celebrating | manville, anniversary in Bow. | larged on many occasions since it | [atest addition being formally open: Twenty Years Ago This Month This month the Goodyen, and Rubber Company are celebrate ing thely twentieth anniversary In Their first plant was los cated In Bowmanville where they bought out the old Durham Rub ber Company, The following story from the current {issue of the Wingfoot Plan, plapt publication, will be of Interest to citizens It was 20 years on August 16th since Goodyear bullt thelr first thre fn thelr own factory in Canada, A few old-timers will still remember that oceaslon and the coming of Goodyear to Bowmanville This wus the first step towards world-wide Goodyear organiza tion. The parent Goodyear Com pany at Akron, Ohlo, wan then 19 years old, having been organized in 1808, It Is now yoars old and during these years have made the name "Goodyear the greates in rubber Beginning of Goodyear In Cannda The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co, In the year 1010, decided to manufacture tires, tubes and mech. anieal goods In Canada, With this ond in view, a factory organization was welected from the Akron plant to lay the foundation for the Goodyear product in Canada: tho men sent over from Akron were W. E. Kavanagh, Supt; B, A. Sin ler, charge of tubes and wecossor fen: BE, C. McConnell, manager of cost. department; and J. A. GI hooley, In charge of tires The company located in Dow manville, Ontario, and used part of the building which the Durham Canada, in an Rubber Company located in, It wus | a two-storey hullding, 60 fi, by 100 ft, It is still used at the press ont time for the manufacture of mechanical goods The Durham Rubber Company mixed and prepared most of the stock for the Goodyear for weveral months, The first tubes were man ufactured fn May, 1010, in one of the small rooms formerly an office by the Durham Company and consiated. of duction of twenty-six a dns Bulld Fiest Canadian Tire The Goodyear plant, which heing built; was not ready work, but was rushed on and August 15th, 1010, everything In readiness to go ahead with tives, J. A, Gilhoolay bullt the first "Goodyear made<dn-Cannda tire It wan a 34 x 4 No Hook tire, hut as the heaters were not ready it WAN NOCONsary to use a holted mould to got the necessary pres sure and the tire was cured in one of the Durham Rubber Company's heaters Goodyear Takes Over Entire Plant In October, 1010, the Goodyenr took over the entire Durham Rub ber plant, and W, F. Stearns, Supt of that compuny, was appointed to act In the same capacity for the Goodyenr, but he only remained a short time and then resigned Howard Hoskin, manager of the cont department, succeeded him temporarily until J, J, Morlarity came from the Pennsylvania Rub- har Company and took over the task of superintendent, Get Rush Ovder The first large rush order the Goodyear recelved was an order from the McLaughlin Motor Co, of Oshawa, for seventy tires and as the company had no tire bulld- ing machine and practically no equipment compared to what ft hag today, It was necessary to do all the operations hy hand and when all the operations of a tire are considered, it can he meen that this wan 'a pretty large undertak- Ing and made it necessary to work night and day to get the order out on time, The fact that the heaters were Installed and ready tor dae helped things considerably but when it come to night work things were greatly wet baek as no lights had been installed, But a long wire fn pro for hy win the wan raked up to make an exten. slon cord which was connected with the lights in the Durham plant, With this one Hght, and a lantern which was horrowed from the night watchman, as the only means, of illumination, the Joh of ouring and stripping tires wan completed, The tires were then londed into a furniture van and delivered to MeLanghline at 1 o'clock at night, They were the first Goods vear "Made-in-Canada! tires shown at the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto, "The firat tire machine was installed in 1911 With additional ones added each year, Mr. Koken Comes to Canada as Superintendent Morlarity resigned Mr, after Tire used as | Rubber | WAN | two years of service and KE. MH. Koken nssumed his duties as sup- orintendent In May, 1014, ind wince that time there has heen such a. demand for our goods that the twenty-five tires which were the dully production rapidly grew and wovernl additions were added to the factory until the maximum uvernge of 1,000 tires were pro- duced. dally, The largest one-day production In Bowmanville was 1,477 tires which was made on one of the "Boonter days," New Toronto Plant In October, 1917, the plant New Toronto wan ready for pution and the tives, tubes and ne transferred from Bowmanville to New Toronto, This gave the old plant considerable room for expansion In the Mech. anleal Rubber Goods Department Fhe first tire bullt In the New Toronto plant a J0xd1y Clin tire and J Githooley hullt with Harry Nanson of the Mpecifieations Department and H V. Powers of the Squadron as in terested lookérs on, The original plant at New To- ronto has had wevern! hufldiny programs and has more than doubled Its floor space, The Bow manville plant had also greaty exe panded Ita floor space, New To ronto In 1023 produced 4,000 tires, which was considered quite a feat, A few months afterwards the rec ord of 6,584 was reached on n | #pocial booster day A few years | Inter 10,000 and over per day was complished the time produced and the used would correspond per day hefore balloons nugurated | NEWS ABOUT TOWN Grn -- nt occu ot orien wero Win A cher i | often n« | A | being h600 are material 8,000 in present to were BTS. Camp Closes moving day nt the #ehool Camp at the night the fare Today 1s Noys' Training ke and last well party to thelr old guarters and chool Tusedny an Indinne assembled around the camp fire last night und held a corn roast and toasted marshmallows, The camp which fx now lighted with electricity was a hlage of light and with the huge bonfire making a fitting center plece, War crys and songs rent the ule for three hours ax the hoys hid their farewell two of the happiest month of their lives, The tuff wore entertained at supper the camp at nix o'clock maw school opens on the hoye to Church Rervices St John's Anglican 1iht Sunday after Trinity Communion § n,m, Morning or 11 am, Sunday School pom, Evening Prayer 7 pm tor will preach, Mt Androw's Church Holy Pray 12.30 Recs Preoghytorian Hunday School 10 am, worship 11 am, Kvening 30 pom. The Minister Church MoMming worship 7 will preach Trinity United Chureh--Suffday wehool and morning service 11 a, m, Evening service 7 pom, Rav, W J. H, Bmyth, M.A, B.D, will have charge of the pervices, St, Paul's United Church Morning worship 11 a.m, subjoct "Amos the herdsman, a lay preach» or from Tekoa and his message." Sunday school at 12 noon, Kven- ing worship 7.10 pm, subject "The River of God." Hand at Camp The Oshawa Citizens' Rand will ronder uw further 'concert at the Cream of Barley Camp on Sunday nfternoon and evening. Thera Ia hound to he a large crowd to hear thom If the weather In favorable nn the probabilities state will be, Monday Holiday Monday being a holliday there will be no issue of The Oshawa Daily Times. Reporters and carrier boys alike welcome one of these fow days of rest which are dots ted, none too plentitully in the course of the year, -- Work For Unemployed According to an announcement piven Ly Premier Forguson yea. torday work will proceed this fall oh grade crossings and bridges which were announced recently by the Minister of Highways for Ontario, Included in the recom mendations made by the Minister Wak the straightening of the bridge over the CPR, at Rows manville, This would, in the opin- lon of local contractors, be a con siderable Job and would last seve oral months, The work would ab. sorb practically all the unemploy« od In Bowmanville Weddings PLUMMER-=LAUGHER The of HBlelly Kthel Laugher, of Sarnia, eldest daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. C, Laugher, of Pembroke, to Lorne M, Plum mer, of Port Hope, son of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Plummer, of Bow manville, took place quietly ut the home of the bride's parents, 83H James Htreet, Pembroke on Mon day at high noon, Rev, Dr, (4, A Melntosh, minister of Wesley Chuareh, conducted the marriage caremony In presence of the Immediate relatives of the young couple The bride only her sister, Miss Florence 1, Laugh er, and Mr, Erie PP, MacKenzie, of Surnin, was groomsman Follows Ing the ceremony, a wedding lun cheon was served in the dining room, which was tastefully decor nted with pink, and white streams ors, and the rooms of the home looked very attractive with bous quets of garden flowers, Mr, and Mrs, Plummer left later on n mot. or trip and will take up residence In Port Hope, Among the out-of town guests. present for the cere- mony were Mr, T, Morris, of To- ronto, grandfather of the bypide; Mrs, A. J, Mason of Springlield, NB, aunt of the bride and Mra H, Wyatt, of Toronto, aunt of the bride @ marrvinge the attendant wa The Whitby Advertising, subscriptions and Whitky B 1 ht ch Oifice, at Gazette and Chronicle,~Telephone 23, After Business Hours~Phone 359, REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H., ORM he plant employs in normal times well over three hundred hands. FINE PROGRAM GIVEN AT REGULAR MEETING OF W. Mrs. F. Cc Colmer Gives Fine Paper on True Greatness The regular meeting of the Wor Institute was held in the 5 Hull on Friday . afternoon, to other attractions the at. was smaller than usual, Mrs, Harry Allin, president, pre. sided and opened the mesting hy | usking all to join In winging com [ munity songs. The business meet | i | men's 0K Owing tendance ing was short---no new business halng discussed, A very Interesting program fol. lowed in which Mrs, D, J, Cham- hers sang two numbers In excel lent volee and Mrs, Ruby Daniels played a plano solo, Mrs, ¥, C, Col. mer gave a paper entitled "True (irontness" In which among other things she owed that the truest greatness Is unseen and unknown and that. the real heroes are not deterred hy obscurity and discour- ngement, The members were pleased to have Mrs. Cooper, Orono, presi dent for this district, present and appreciated her remarks for the Improvement of the meetings Mrs, Cooper left some splendid thoughts on the "Ideal Member" Daily Times news will be received at the ISTON & . WHITBY FIRMS hefora the boys proceed | Hrown | DISPLAY EXHIBITS AT TORONTO FAIR Hatch Specialty Co. Taking Many Orders -- Trees Co.'s Fine Exhibit Interest to the Cana Is that of An exhibit of much tho people of Whithy at dian National Exhibition the Hatch Spocianlty Company, Whithy's new industry, manufacts uring a hardwood floor waxing ma chine which Is making a hit The exhibt Is located in the Pro cons bullding, adjoining the Kxhi- bition of fees and in In charge of Mr, Clive CC, Hatch, who has assists Ing him Mr, Cecll Greenfield.' The Company has already hooked a large number of orders to he filled ut the new factory in the Walker bullding, Dundas Street West, and with a weeld yet to go other orders will undoubtedly be taken Another Whithy firm with factors log In Toronto and Whithy, with a very fine exhibit at tha Exhibition Is Samuel Trees and Company, This exhibit x also attracting much attention, au it embraces all the lines manufactures by the Company in blankets, leather goods, ete, TRAVELLER LOST GAR IN WHITBY; WAS RECOVERED Taken From Business Street and Found With Wheels and Tires Gone When G. R., Reall, advertising specialty salesman of Toronto, parked his car in front of the Post Ofce in Whitby on Wednesday morning little did he think that a fow minutes Inter It would he gone, This, however, was hin experience, My. Beall drove in early from the elty and went out to sell some of his goods, When he came back a few minutes later hig oar was gone, and no person around saw it being taken away Mr. Deall notified Chief of Police, Quantrill, and a search was Inatituted, with the re- sult that it was found abandoned on the Base Line, about a mile west of Whitby, with two wheels and two tires missing, : The thieves are belleved to have whom a far mer saw working at the ear, little [thinking, however, that they had tolen the machine, The Chief hax good description of the men and hey may be apprehended at any ren {Wo Young men, Fhe car was towed hack to Whit und delivered to the owner It him not a few dollars to In shape for the road, fs the first ear reported some time iH eont Iplnee It This tolen for Whithy News In Brief Council Meets Tuesday On account of Monday helng a hojlday, the Town Counell will meet en Tuesday evening, This Is the first regular mession for a month, and there is a lot of business piled up Tenders will he opened for new sidewalks. by-lawg will he pas sed and communications dealt with, Minister to Return Rev, A. I, Richards, DD, pas- tor of Whithy United Church, who with his family hag heen holiday ing for a month at Trent, will re. turn on Thursday next, Sunday will witness the last of the union services hetween the United and Baptist Churches Hand Did Not Knter Whithy Citizens' Band, which has entered the brass hand musical competition at the Canadian Nas tional Exhibition for the past two yoars winning a prize in 1020, did not enter the competition this year, The membership is a little down as some of the bandamen who are out of work have had to go elses where, while other members, ine cluding Bandmaster J, Broadbent, have heen sick, It is expected that un entry will be made next year. Proceeding With Harbor Work Work Is proceeding en the re. pairs to the south hreakwater at Whithy, hy the contractors, the Randolp MeDonald Construction Company, There fa 600 feet of res construction work to ha under: taken, and with good weather much bilities of yesterday concluded the program, Dainty re- freshments wers served a 3, vener, Mre, VV, Jackman, seconded by Mrs, W. L, Buttery expressed the thenks of all, to those taking part on the program, The meeting by #inging "God Fave the "Rociale today" discussion on and A short closed King," hy Group con with Mrs, 1, C, Colmer, Greater Car in ways Reduced in price as much as $110, the New Series Pontiac Big Six is the greatest value on the market today, Pontiac, now listed for as little as #880 at factory, Oshawa, is a greater car because of these seven attributes, Performance There is a "zip" to Pontiac pick-up---a quick, even spurt that gets you away in advance of the pack when the green light blinks, Plenty of speed , , , as fast as you like , , . mile.a-minute or better, New Series performance=try it and see for yourself! Safety Because 1 centte of gravity has been materially lowered, Pontiac has a road-gripping ability, a road sureness and handling ease that would compliment » much bigger car, New Series performance try it and see for yourself! Comfort The smoothness of the engine together with an im. proved four point insulated mounting reduces noise and increases comfort, Lewjoy, hydraulic shock absorbers level out the roads, Weatherproof, rub. ber, draft collars, fitted to the steering column and pedals keep out the cold and dirt, New Series com. fort==try it and see for yourself! Ease of Handling Pontiac's new worm and sector steering | adds immeasurably to the ease and accuracy of handling, Drive in ease and comfort==New Series style, Try It and see for yourself! Dependability Pontiac has always offered----and delivered--a long life of thoroughly enjoyable transportation, Now, more than ever, with great improv in i able mechanical details, Pontiac Big Six gives true big car dependability and long life, New Series performance==try it and see for yourself! Beauty The Pontiac Big Six offers that beauty of line, proe portion and color that is only possible in a really big car, New Series beauty=-see it for yourself! Economy Pontiac owners everywhere write and tell us of the close economy which such features as the new intake manifold design have effected, New Series perfor. mance--=try it and see for yourself! The facilities of GM A C, General Motors' own time payment plan, are available to make purchase convenient, General Motors' Owner Service Policy assures your complete and con. tinued satisfaction, New Prices dither w= G80 ----t--h] at factory--Oshawa of it will he done this fall, Contract Not Let Yot Although tenders closed on Aug, 16th for the new warehouse builds ing at the Ontario Hoapital, Whithy, the contract wo far as can he learn. ed has not yet heen awarded It In understood that there was some delay in getting out the plans, However, thera is a good chance that work will be commenced this fall, : County Gaol Improved Some improvements, including the installation of new: cells and a better fire protection service have Just been completed at the county gaol, These were authorized at the June session of the County Couns ofl, The County Property Commits tee met a few days and inspected the work, Moffatt Motor Sales Limited 88 Simcoe St, North Oshawa, Ont, Phone 918 ROY W. NICHOLLS, COURTICE, ONT, HICKS & SMITH, WHITBY, ONT, CORBETT MOTOR SALES CO., BOWMANVILLE, ONT. H. R, ARCHER . « MOTOR SALES, PORT PERRY, ONT. P3230 OURSELF Associate Dealers OR Y een nce cu a J TRY IT---AND SEE F

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