Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Aug 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN Ri" where, ECTION.... J, \ Legal CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS Bolleitors, Notaries Publie, Bie, Conveyancing and general prac tice of Law. Offices 7% Blimcos Bt, South, Oshawa, Phone 4, GO, D. Conant, B.A. LLB; A VF, Ane nis, B.A, LLLP W B. N, SINCLAIR KC," BANK ot Commerce Bullding, 2x "MANGAN, B.A, --DBAI: rister Soligiter, Notary Publie, Conveyancer, Money to loan, Of- fice 14% King Bt, Cast, Oshewa, Phone 446, Residence phone #37, ORIDABON, CREICHTON AND Yraser, Borricters, Conveyancers, Notaries Publis, ete, Office over Standard Bank, Entrance Bimcoe coe St, Phone 18, J. ¥, Griorson, K.C., T. KX. Creighton, B.A, N, C, Fraser, B.A, Raa {OUTS 8, HYMAN, BARRISTER, Holleitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan, 16 Simcoe street nporth, Phone 67, Resi. dence B473W, GREER AND HUMPHREYS BAW. risters, Solicitors, ete, 24% Bim. coe Bt. N, Phone #160, Money to 0 nde tmiesienn ALEX C. HALL, B.A, BARRIS- ter, ets, Conveyancing and general practice, 22% King Bt, East, Phone 39587, (tf) A), PARKHILL, BARKISPEK eta, Money to loan, Alger Bldg, op- nosi*e Post (Office, Phone 1614, FRANK 8, LBBS, BARRISTEW, Solleitor, Notary 'ublie, Convey: ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Bulllinr, opposite Pos Office. Phone 2006, Medic Co ---------------------------- ; DRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney lock, Phone 2060, Of. fice hours a.m. to 8,40 pm, Dr, B, J, Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery «nd X-Ray Dr, B. H, Harper, special attention to child. ren's Diseases and Obstetrics, Hun: day and night ealls 2416 or 1232, DR, MoKAY PHYSICIAN, BUI geon, Accougher, Office and resi dence. King St, East, corner Vie. torla St, Oshawa, Phone 04, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East, Phone 11566, Hi DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D}, CM, L. R, C. P, and 8, Edinburgh, Phy- sician, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Offico 143 Simcoe 8t, N, Phone 2020, residence 40 Cadillac Ave, North, Phone 8165, i DR. C.°W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, surgeon, Obstetrician Office and residence, 612 Simcoe Street north, Phone 2415, DR. |. ARCHER BROWN, PHYS! sian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and. residence, 185 Simcoe Street, North phone 3107, Veterinary Surgeon PR, SHIRLEY, VETERTNATTAN Specialist Diseasos Domestic Anim. als," Oat and Dog Hospital, 203 King West, Telephone 620, : (6 aug, LI De a a Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR, IT, BRYANS OI' 1460 BLOOR gtreet West Toronto will be at his office over Juv & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treats ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may he made at drug store, Phone 07, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat A 5 FT RICHARDEON, specialist, Office over Mitchell's Drug Store, Phone 2660 and 432), Architects 0.0, BTENHOURE -- GENERAT architectural work, FCecond floor, Roya! Bank Building. Phone 14046, Tes, phone 900), : Dental Dit, £, J. PHILLIPS, OVER DAS. sett"s, Special attention to X-ray work, Ons extraction, Nurse In attendance, Phone 969, House 1412 DR, H. W, COORT, 0 BIMCOW BT, north, over Mitchell's Drug Store, Gas for extraction, Phone 64, bi. L, ©, AUBDELY, DENTIET, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrac. tions, Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 048, residence. 1378M, DR. J. 7, BROCK, DENTIET, 16 Bimeoe $t, N, over Dawland's, Phone 1957, Res, 202W, Evenings by appointment, . DI," CANGMATD, DR, DAVIES Dencists, 87 King 8t. BE. Specis attention to gas extraction and X- ray work, Nurse in attendanse, Phones 1248 and 804, Optometrist OH, TUCK, OPTOMWIRINT, specialist In muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses, Author "of Eye Care and Eye Strain, Tbe Chilo and Its Development, Dis: ney Bloek opposite Post Office, I'hone 16186, sate (Aug. 17-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH ONTAR- fo Land Surveyors and Civil Engin. eers, sub-divisions, town planning, municipal engineers, 466 or 411 King St, EB, [hones 20632) or 2644, Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING NT, Kast, Ambulance, Residence 642 Bimeoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W, Lf a OBHAWA BURIAL CO, M, IT, Armstrong & Son, Proprietors, Funeral! and Ambulance Servire, day and night, Phone 1082W, K7 Celina, (ate Insurance 10 King 8t. west, Oshawa, The old. | ast V'ire Agency In Oshawa, 30 Re- putable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult NR, N, Johns, B60 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants at tended to and your interests pro- tected, ATT Transportation CARTAGR AND STORAGE COLE. man's, 86 Bond west, Bpeclalists in furniture moving storage Ware: house and moving van equipment, Phone 82 L oe CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand apd cinders, Local and long dietance hauling, Smith & Cox Phone 924, 10 Bond ft, West, pa OSHAWA. OLDEST ESTAR: lished furniture movers, Park Road cartage, Local and long distanee, Frank Cowle J'rop, 44 Park Rd South, Phone 215. (Aus, MOVING, CARTAGHE, ALBO HAND, gravel, stone, bluck loam, hauled anywhers, "hone 1970W (Aug, 58:1 mo) sn 24:1 mo) wma TTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE shop, Specialists in permanant, finger and marcel waving Per: manent wave prices $6, $7.60, $10 and $15, All other lines of Heauty Culture, Phone 2068, Apply 88 Simcoe street porth, TSPERT MARCELLING BY DET: ty Ward at Netty Lou Permanent Wave Bhoppe, Marcel and sham: poo $1, Phone 2008, Sin WATSON'S BARBER AND Heauty Shop, 9 Celina 8t, We spec: falize In ladies' halr cutting, mare colling, shantpooing, facials, Marcel 50 cents, Jor apprintments phone 2603, (Aug, 17-1 mo) PRADY'H TARBER SHOP, § Richmond Ht, Kast, ladies' hair cutting, curling, marcelling, ete, I' M, Brady, proprietor, successor to Mr, Ioshay, (hoe) THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AN: woolate architects, Simeoe St, 8. Over Felt Nros, Watch Repairing FA, VON GUNTEN BXPERT Swigs watchmaker, repair shop at © 44% King Street West, Your pat. ronage {8 solicited. LE Shoe Repairing THE BRAT PLACK WHERE YOU get your shoes fixed like new (a by Menko, corner Simcoe N, and Willlam W, (July 30-1 ma) ii ---- Rates for Classified Ads. First tnsertion=-=114 cents per word, Minlmam charge 30e. Each subsuquent oconsecu- tive Insertion lo per word, Three consecutive inser: tions for thy price of two first insertions (three conta a word), Minimam charge fur three insertions, 60 cents, Pox number 10¢ additional Professional or Business 'Cards, $3.60 per month for 30 words or less; 10 cents a word per 'month for each wdditional word, TIMES CLASSIFIED + ADS CONT LITTLE; AC COMPLISR MUCH TRLRPRONE 85 Ask ton Cransified Ad Department Radio Service FATTERIES CHARGED be with rectal $1.00, Repaired and rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St, Phone 1880W, (Aug, mo) OSHAWA WADIO SERVIC}: pairs on radios, power packs and eliminators, Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for fale, Batteries charged and repaired. Phone 385604, Charles Wales, 146 Blgin cast, (Aug, 12-1 mo,) OA ON WADIO BATTERY, called for and delivered, The, Phone 15640.J, (18Aug.~1 mo) an. oe of this nature, For thy convenience of cust snd collect for same. All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling » large number of small arecounts wo come personally to The Limes office, a telephone call will bring 8 messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 1.3K FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT who find it inconvenient 1 Building Supplies OUWENT BLOCKE, BAND AND grave! for sale~"To insure prompt delivery, place wders in advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale Phone' 1618, ERE IER ES TTI SRE Second Hand De NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR. niture bought and sold, 186 Bloor #t, K. Phone 1617M, (Aug 22-1 mo) RSTREAL al apes © EE El Falmist | MADAME WENA, PALMIAT, 816 Buena Vista, Appointments, Phone J424W, (Aug 4-1 mo,) MADAME BROWN, PALMIBT Phoné uppointments 206360, 93 Loulsa street (Aug, 26-1 mo) Money Loaned ON YOURTAUTOMOBILE CARN refinanced Paymonts reduced, Additional cash given, Terms rea sonable Motor Loans and Dis counts, Bulte 6, 144 King st, ¥E Phone 2700 Open evenings (Aug, 10 tf) fT GUTBOL," VIRET CLASE PA- perhanger, painting and griaining Prices right, work guaraulesd, Hao Pine Ave, phone B066w or 2007Tw (7811) a Motor Cars GWT YOU GAR WANRED All SJominlon Garage, §8 Bond strec! west, Phone U108. All cars al ous price $1.00 (Aug, 17-1 mo) Wanted To Buy WANT D==h0 ACRES GOOD land, falr butding in exchange for splendid home In Oshawa No pgents. Plone 13600, 300 Albert street, Oshawa, Ontario (470) PAY with east HOTRE WANTED WILL cash for six roomed house modern conveniences, North ward preferred, Address Mack, 60 IMvision street, Phone 787M (400) -r ato Caulking NOW TH YOUR OPPORTUNITY to get your house caulked, makes house warmer, saves fuol, shuts out insects, drafts and dampness, stops window leaks, gives comfort, For estimates apply to ¥, H, Law- won, route 2, Oshawa, phone 733 ri (Aug, 21-1 mo) Books TOBENTRAHAWS CIRCULATING library, You will enjoy reading the latest. letion at minimum cost, Phone 1474, 37 Hlmcoe Ht, North, ("MF tf) Contracting CONTRACTING == CONURETE plastering, electric 0, alterations, Phone 130 for estimates, (14er) Money to Loan LOANS ON GOOD CITY PROPER ty and farms, Apply A, J Parks hill, 87 King St, East, Phone (July 81t0) BY, Wi ' arrange first mortgage on your rosidence, if well located, Hradley Bros, over Ward's, Simcoe South, (July 28-tf) Auctioneer | PHONE 716) W, J. SULLEY AUC: tioneer, 36 Simcoe St, 8, Oshawa, Ont, Special attention given to household furniture sales and Farm. stock and Implements, Your Patron. aga solicited... Spirella Shop SPTRELLA ~~ URINGS STYLE, health, comfort, Personal atten tion and service, Phone Mra, Blais ter, Distriet Manager, 2180M, (Aug, 22:1' mo) Hematitching HEMETTTOHING, MICOTING, nine cents a yard, Meating skirtu one dollar, drosses cut and fitted perfectly," Kmbroldery work and all Kinds of men's repairing; ete, The Del Shop, 84% Simcoe south hone 1654, (Aug, 48-1 mo) Art AH MoGEE, TART TEACHER, Classes convene Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and evenings, Make application at once for fall term, 302 King St, Hast, Oshawa, Ont, Phone 2108W, (Alb) For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- ern sultes including electrie refrig eration stove, laundry conven ences, ete, continuous hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantees Co ltd, manager for owner, Toronto (47-1) FOR RENT-=APARTMENT, CEN. tral, & rooms, newly decorated, all convenlences, lease or hy the month, Box 746 Times, (166LF) CHEERFUL APARTMENT IN business section, newly decorated, by the month or year, Box T47 Times, (168L0) APARTMENT, FURNISHED OK unfurnished very convenlence hone 15660 or #347TW (oer) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors Apply Bradley Bros (BLT) FIVE ROOM TRICICHUNGALOW, all conveniences, Bloor Bt, west Apply J, DD, Rutherford, phone UREN (gin HOURT TOW RENT, NAR MU ois office, All convenlences, Hard wood floors throughout, fireplace sun parlor, Apply 01 Ritson Rond North (Aug, 20-1 moi THREE LARGE ROOM AND bathroom to vent, Clothes closet in Apply i Hilleroft 4 pm (400) FOUR HOOMS, BATHROOM flat, terms very reasonable Apply 78 Patricia Avenue between 6 and 5pm (40e-hide) TO RENT FRONT BEDROOM suitable for business couple, hrenk fast or hoard if desired, I'hone H174W, (400) FO RENT=IN GOON PRIVAT home, large hed sitting room, also single hed room, central, All con venlences, Apply 105 Albert St (40) RENT=<8 ROOM FRAME Immediate posssesion, rent, 'hone 342 r 12 (40) NEW RIX ROOM HOURE, ALL conveniences, rant. reagonnbl Phone 162 or S488) (400) TWO OR THREN "VFURNTRHED or unfurnished rooms, All conven lances, reasonable rent, Apply '78 Bimeoe street south, Phone 1602 W thie) OI Hardwood for stove, Bt, Phone (H00e) ROOMS, CKEN- euch room pliant wlte) FOR house onihle rons NEW NOOMED™ HOUR rent, near Collegiate, floors, fixtures, wired ole, Apply 84 Alice 2001 APARTMENT | tral building, steam heat, newly decorated, furnished if desired, rent reasonable, Phone 1400 Sn (400) THREE ROOMS TO WENT, HUTT couple, Phone 18027, (400) TO RENT-- 308 TRESANI, 0 roomed house, all conveniences, hen pen, double garage, Phone 1837 » 14, (600) ATTRACTIVE FRONT HOON, furnished, new home, suit couple, ladles or gents, with or without meals, 613 Simeon north, (80¢) TO RENT--HOURT, 4 "ROOMS, light, water, easily heated, nortl end, Phone 1607W, (foe) To RENT" 2 FURNISHED rooms, every convenience for Hght housekeeping, Phone 400 (500) | FOR For Rent FOR NENT THREE Bron rooms on bathroom flat, every con venience, wired for stove or gus, heat, water and telephone, ZY Brock street east, VOI RENT THREE UNKFUK- nished vooms, newly decorated, all conveniences, heat, water and light, Central, Phone 11681. (hh) TWO LARGE AIRY VRONY yooms, semi or unfurnished, #172 Ritson Rd, N. Phone 2162W, (hile) U5" RooM™ BRICK ™ HOUBE, hardwood finish, Apply 812 Ri. gon Rd, North, Phone 2162 (hile) FOR TENT =P LAT CONTAINING two nicely furnished vooms, Vvery convenience Private hath, alen three nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping, Kyery conven fence, Bath flat, Also garage, Ap ply 21 Warren Ave (hile) TATHROOM VLAT™TO RENT, 3 rooms, all convenlences, TOK Agnes Hires (Hin) FOR RENT 140 BURK STREET brick cottage, all conven Conant & Annis (hle) FURNIEHED ROOMS hourd if desired Phone 1046W (hie) Real Estate For Sale ROOM PIA ity piyed condition, In Wired fh x 130 balanes hve per 1.0 (hin) 0 rooms, fences, Apply BRIGHT in private famil Garage Lo rent | | 9 | SAL north of "ira cludes electri for range, Garage, Lot Price $3,800, $200 cash | FH Interest cant Apply os hose on clans fistiuPe strana per month Mell {78 AT TW RIX™ oom | A conven) hys owner fox "on house Hygxhorn Ave Low price for good cash pay "hone 2020M (61h) For Sale FANG GIVE, "BYONE, CTS ders, black loam, $1.69 per yard "or quality and service phone Es gry Lros, 333 r 11, Ghee ment Articles (May 8-11) MIALED HARD AND 20¥ 1 WOULD slabs, $3.50 per load, Alse bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288 (Apr, #1) FOR BALE-~HEINTZMAN co Ld, pianos, new. and used planos, nlso radios, latest models; terms arranged Apply CG, Trulli Phone LG66) (111-41) FOI BALE == PAINTH, VARN ishes, Wa hava tho largest assort ment af waints, varnishos, ete, 1p in -the elty The Paint Htore, KO King street west (Apr. 86 0) BALE NEW AND USED bleyeles, nocessories, auto Lire and tubes, algo clean household furniture Kvarything clenring cheap, 104 Eulalle Ave (ANE GOLDIN hurrel r 6, How «1 mo) SWEET, undelivered manville, John (ANd) ALY, APPLES, 1.00 per hone 1348 Adsworth ELECTR Diviglon SALE pine 17670 DRIEHR Ep sale, foy RADIO, FOR Hireel (40) BARN TIMBER, A snap tor quick sal (hth) AND OTHER good aoa "OR chiefly hone LADIER clothing tion, too J104M FOR HALT ploves, 2 electri stove Harry D ware, 21 King west condl hone (hoe) (IAN for wmall mn awner. USED ranges, 8 cook Wilson, Hard Phone 40 (hohy RANGE, reasonable, (Hoh) GAN new, Phone (hoe) RANGE Alma (hile) ~ Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT--THREK UN» furnished vooms, central, wired tiple stove, Apply Box 907 (Hoh) Money Wanted WANTHD ~~ NIN HUNDRED Hollave on 1st mortgage, city props orty, Apply Box 006 Times FON NATLE--=RITCHEN used few months, Phone 3000 FOR HALK range, white enamel, used only 2 months, 425M, FOR HATH ette, like new; alreet, CARINET like Fh ELECTRIC cheap 168 lor glo Times (hoo) TH PORTTION™ AN housekeeper, Apply Mra, Magy I. Dressmaking DEBFMARER WILL G0 0UT BY the day or sew at howe, Phone LaLOW, (Aug, 21-1 mo) DHE ARING = LADIES AND children's dress and purses' unl forms, Phone 774 or eal at 211 Albert Bt, (Aug, 16-1 mo) Music LVONARD RICHER, LICAM, Si pervisor of Music Public Schools, di rector of Music Oshawa Collegiate Lessons: Violin, Theory, ete, Only limited number of pupils aceepted 652 Carnegie Ave, Phone 25787, 3 (Aug, 254) MRE MEREDITH "MOPVATY, A TCM, Is prepared to take a Wm: ited number of pupils in planos forte, Apply 90 Noxhorough Avenue, Phone 3611W Aug, 27-1 mo) NTTWACEIVE ROOM WITH bhourd, 146 Bimeoe street north Phone 2% (4h) ROOM AND DREARVART, 254 Richmond street, cast Phone ROAW, (49¢) ATTRACTIVE ROOM, WITH bourd, private home, very contri "hone 1028) (60a) ROOM AND BOARD "64 PARK road north, Phone 460M, (hin) ROOM men or (hile) FRONT business HET TALA WARM BRIGHT and meals for ladies, Phone Builders' Bargains Oule Flooring 6e, sq, foot; Wall hourd 29.60 thousand feet; Ready Glazed Barn Bash 08ec; Blate Roof ing 2.86; 28 guuge metal roofing h.66; Honse paint hile, gt; Garages $10 down payment, Asphalt hing- log 0.40; Metal vslling 6,46; Rep: tie Tank #6 down payment, Write now for Big Free Bale Catalog Amnzing savings for July and Aug ust, Halliday Company Limited, Box 16, Hamilton, For Sale or Exchange BEMALL 4 ROOMED HOURKE WITH three A6x1856 foot lots, WII sae rifice for cash or trade Phone (40¢) 2ORTW, Situations Vacant FTA NOW=YOU CAN "KARN money qulekly, taking orders for the most beautiful line of Persons al Christmas Greeting Cards ever hown in Canada Write for par. tiewlars Itegnl Art Co, '10 Bpa- dina Ave, Taronto, "Situations Vacant: LEARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY---~AM bitlous, reliable men wanted at one Part time pay while train Ing Aviation Meehanles, Gar we Work, Driving, Battery, Elec trie Aeatylene - Welding, House Wiring, Induitrinl IKlectrieity, Machinlgt, Brieklaying, Plastering, Drafting, Barboripng and Hal dressing Act quick, get your aps pleation in now Write or em for information Dominion Trade Nehools, Ltd, 70 Queen West, Tox ranto, Kastern Headquarters, Kms ployment service-=const to const, (Hat.-Oct, 86) BARN TNMONEY NOW TAKING orders for personal Christmas Greeting Cards Finest line ever shown, Kasy to sell Write for partiewlars Regul Art Co, #10 Ave, Toronto (Hn) Help Wanted--Female GOOD GENERAL FOR FAMILY of wix, good wages; prefer girl or woman over 30 vears of age, Box 004 Times (400) ATENOGIRATHERE AND TYPIRTS wanted The Civil Herviea Com misglon of Canada wants typists and stenographers, "18 years or older, Examinations will be held October 14 and 16 for hoth ex perienced and Inexpevienced clans es, Appointments are made purely hy merit, Prepare for an good, per manent position with the Civil Herviee hy getting full Information from The Pearless Business Cols lego, 17% Himooe street north, (610) Lost and Found ORT TETWEEN MIRRTPTR Paint Works and Grand Cafe, Trenton Chapter Prize Hook 174, Leave at Merritt's Paint Works, (61h) FORT RONTON "TULT, WRMALI, brindle, white face and neck, ¥ white front paws, Answers to name "Dot", Pinder leave al for Npad' Cook, Newcastle, Ontario, (40a) Humane Hoclety, Reward, (61h) For Sale or Rent FOR RACE OR HERT--REMT-DE- tached brick house, Brock Bt Kast, All conveniences and garage Por particulars apply to Rey kK, Thompnon, Myrtle Station, V.Q., Ontario, Phone 120 rv 4% Vort Perry, (hh) EN I EI hE Auction Sale TORRORY, REVT, =--=AUCTION wale of farm stock und imple ments, the property of Vercy Mors vison, lot 2, con, 7, Kael Whithy, As Mr, Morrison Is giving up farming there will he no reserve, gale al one o'clock sharp, stands urd time bills, Wm, Maw, auctioneer (Befept, 6) Agents Wanted DONT WOIRY BALARY INCREARED BELLING Imperial Art "Made Tn-Canada" Christmas Greeting Cards, Belece ton entirely now Hovelty and henuty combined AL prices une equalled elsewher: germpla hook gent on approval to reliable men and women only, Writa "Imperial Art", Bl Wellington West, To: ronto Hea Hoy ne (3) 2% to Hept BEX Palen Pro (Aug EITHER ensy selling pomething different, Vast good repeaters, Exclusive ree samples, 1, A, Le Company, Limited, Alex (hin) AGENTS weekly duety wellery, Lerritory fehvra & andrin, Ont Pets and Live Stock. = GERMAN TOLICK i mile, Phone 3144] (61h) DOG TAX COLLECTOR On Hept, 4nd next in Township Hall, Columbus, the Counell will herr in person, applicants to eol lack the 1640 Taxes of Kast Whit hy, Applicants will have to he able to furnish $26,000 of bonds to the satisfaction of the Counell, The loweet or any applicant not neces wari : Colnmbu All eu, 1040 I, G, PURVER, noecapted Clark (47-40-51) IN THE BUPREMYE COURY OF ONTARIO Hig Judge local judge In chambers, 20th day of August, 1980, he tween; The Imperial Life Assur ance Company, plaintiff and Rus poll Black, Julia Wack and Ed ward Bmith, defendants, Upon the application of the Plaintiff and upon reading the af tHauvit. of Alfred Franels Phillips, fled, and upon hearing what was wlleged by counsel, it {8 ordered 1, That service upon the De fendants Russell Black and Julin Wack of the Writ of Summons and of all other proceedings In this action by publishing this Order to gather with n notiee endorsed thereon ones a week for three weeks preceding the 16th of Nepts ember ALD, 1000, In the Oshawa Daily Times, a ne wepaper publish od in the City of Oshawa, will ha good and sufficient service of the raid Writ and of the notices there unde And it fs Turther ordered that the sald Defendants, Russell Black und Julia Black do enter an ap pearance and file a Biatement of Defence to the sald Writ of Hum mons in tha Court House at Whit hy an or bhetore the 28rd day of September, A.D, 1080 Dated at Whithy this August, 1080 Rony RUDDY, Local 8.0.0 Judge at Whithy, (h1-66-02) Ruddy, Friday the Honour 2th day ul A FR 5 NOTH 1) . ud The Plaintiff's mortgage dated the 156th day of Ontober, 1088, made hy the Des fondants, Russell Rlnek and Julia Dlack to the Maintif And the Platntitfs olaim that there 1s now due for principal the sum of $2660.00 and for interest the sum of $140.00 and the Plaintiff's olsims payment from the Defend: ants, Russell Black ang Julia Black of the amount due under the covenant in that behalf and to Immediate possession of the mort haged premises and that the mort Kage may he enforced by foreeloss ure, Dated at Whithy this 27th day of August, 1980, J ROUT, RUDDY, Loval Mate 8,0,0, Judge at Whitby, elalm 1s on A (51-56-02) ~ ROYAL YORK Orange T ea Fekoe iron 28e| At all Superior Stores EXOCHANGY.==4 Acres heautis ful home and surroundings, All modern, Also 40 acres and burn, Ideally located, Willing 0 take my 100 ncres, brick house, hip roof barn, bush, creek, nll close to Oshawa; for Oshawn property, Don't walt but. write Box 865, Times, i I A ----t HARDWOOD VIOOKS Ladd by expert mechanies, Old 'looy finished like new, Ge. Contractors, BW, HAYNES 161 King wt. West Phone 481 « Vesidence BOTAW NE YOUNG, ha Princel oshowatonth Ex ert Watch Repairin pa i STORE King & Prince Mts, Machinery Repairing NOTHING 100 LARUR NOTHING 100 SMALL Adan acMachine Shop 101 King st, W, Phone 1814 _ _"_"_" FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check ignition, clean and ade Just points, adjust egarburetor on Chevrolet Cars, 88 to 1080 models, Ontario Motor Sales Ltd, 00 Bimeoe Mt, Bouth re Ye CAREW LUMBER \ 4 ATHOLL STW (O51 Pl nic a-- Diamonds ! | o Bassett's n Oshawa's Main Covew 1 a Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 00 Carnegle Ave, I'hone 1088 A EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Son dnllaing exclusively in muscle oveslght and Satie. Whe paonst Disney Block . Opposite Mast Offeg ELLA CINDERS--Miss Fix-It, Inc. 11 Cand D [ANY THIN ELLA CINDERS LB) COMPANY i " | Shed how rowcsnwal or @i WATCH BLA | noise Fog mo meen ter '8S proreisesy Wen! ER ME M OPEN FOR, IN A ave NOIR TTL &-

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