Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Aug 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1930 (OSHAWA DEFEATS BOWMANVILLE IN TENNIS MATCHES wom Oshawa Intermediates Enter Playoffs of Eastern Section Defeating the Bowmanvile Inter, mediate tennis team hy A score of Both 0 the Oshawa Intermediate team of the local einh reached the fayoffs of tha Western Rection of he Central Ontario Tennis Assoc iation at Bowmanville on Tuesday evening, The playoffs for groiip honors will he plaved hptwean Whits by and Oshawa to-night, The win, ners of this match will mest the winners of the Eastern Hection to compete for the Truman Cup at Belleville on Baturday, Sep! The Bowmanville team although losing all events put up stiff opposi- tion, a number af tha evenis heing won by a very close margin, After the 'match the Bowmanville Club entertained the visiting elub and served refreshments, The results Were | Winklew, fanted Ww. ff Tan Comrie, Oshawn des Todd, Bowmanville 6:0, nik, Oshawa defeated 1, N. Jackman, Bowmanville, eB, 1:5, D, Holden and J defeated A, Kent and RH, Bowmanville, 6:1, f-2 Ladies' Doubler, Miss J and Mrs, Btuart, Oshawa, Misses N, Goddard and H Bowmanville 6:7, 7 Mixed Doubles, | Miss Rhelley, Oshawn, defeated R Emith and Miss DD, Bonnyeastls, Bowmanville, 0:6, 0:4, A:8 ARTINT Lister Oshawa, Mitchell, Osborne, ' fi, Rowlands and YOUNG WINN AGAIN Josephine Jean Nlake, a former | resident of the City has attained fame as a youthful vielinist at the Canadian National Exhibition, On Monday last she was awarded (ha sliver medal in contests under nine years, Little Josephine Blake who is only mix years old Is the firs! merit of the allneation af suMelent ty high marks to obtain the medal | in this class It. will he remembered that Miss [How Much] How Much | Does Baby | Weigh? There [a a vital relation hetween an infant's health and weight, A gradual in oreass in welght from week to week is a sure sign of a happy and. healthy baby, MOTHER for your hens knowledge vi hinoe a heautilyl BABY SCALES Have your baby weighed regularly each weak ana this will he: marked on a special weight card se that you may know just exactly how baby 1s progressing, This 1a only one of the Nitle ways in whieh we are trying to be of veal service to the mothers of Oshawa, When you ave alone and can't met out you will find our telephone delivery ners viea an courtenus and satis fying an if you came in pers won, When you want Baby needs 'phone The REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell Ltd, King 8t. E, Simeoe 80, §, Phone 20 Phone 64 | and talled The Best Blake played al the Big Valr last year when her brother Archie Blake represented Oshawa and dis tinguished himself by winning a mes dal, Oshawa indeed (esis proud of the excellent showing of the budding virtuoso, "The Times joins with hey many friends in wishing her (he continued sucess which her Ane showing this year merits, PICTURE CONTEST CLOSES SATURDAY All Entries Must Be Received At C. of C. Office . Before Noon Three days yel remain hetore the closes of the Chamber of Com meres Pletorial History contest, and the ehanes to rake in a useful ten dollar bill still existe, Haturday woon the contest closes, and all ens tries must reseh the oMoes of (he Chimher on King sirest east hes fora that time, Anyone 1s eligible tn enter, and any photograph which deplets a view nf Oshawa, an Interesting hit tory, or leading citizens of the city, Y ubles M, Haines and B, Cpa Olfver and | A. [RETY to.morrow to turn In a view of [10 the present antiquated city hall Martin | oalfe glrants, and the excuse for a defeated | poliea station which (8 now serve ing that purpose on 'rines street | | | | | 4 | fe COAL | Jeddo Premium in America At Usual Coal Prices | of Oshawa's present or past his praesent, past or future, will he res celved, A real opportunity may exist af- hops, will We refer Oshawa which, many soon he ancient history, Bt the corner of Kimena and Mel MERCHANT DENIES DOING BUSINESS To Western In a letter tn The Times, Angus Bell, local musician, who Is now touring the western provinces of Canadas with a theatrical company headed by Bert Johnston, another Oshawa entertainer, tells of some interesting experience encounters od on tour, The company, ha says, lias received a splendid reception in the west, and he sends the fol: fowing editorial, clipped from & yecent issue of the Hanna Herald, of Hanna, Alberta, as an indica tion of how the company Is being received OLD VRIENDN "Very vecently, residents of Hanna and district had the oppor: tunity of ones mors renawing aoe quaintancs with two of the hes! known and most widely respected members of the Canadien stage, in the persons of Joe Marks and Hert Johnston, Thess two, with thelr company, are again touring Cans ada, and are al. present nearing the completion of thely tour of the Western provinoes "Visits of these two colabrities bring to our mind the good old days, days bhafors the advent of the moving pleture; days when a poster or placard carrying the name "Marks Brothers signalised an event of (he season, In enter tainment, for all and sundry, Those were the days when, as schools hoys, we received a pasteboard tieket on leaving school wi noon, hearing the words: "This Tieket and Five Cents, Admits, ote, ate," And when we visited the "opera house! we gob nur money's worth, "Those wera the grand old days, when Tom and WHI and all the rest of the Marks family led In the stage world of Canada, Their VINA to the old Ontario home towns were real avents, and their ON SABBATH DAY Court Accepts Statement of William Frederick William Frederick faced In ety po lee eourt this morning a charge of keeping his place of business open on Sunday, August 10th, but denied that anv business. transaction had taleen place To substantiate his Innocence, called an witnesh Walter Chemy, stated that he had made a plirehase of meat and milk from Frederick on Saturday, August 9h, and had re guested that they he left fn the re frigerator in the store until Sunday The goods were pald for and the financial transaction completed on Naturday Magistrate give Frederick doubt, and: the hi whan Willis was {nelined to the hanefit of the ease wan dismissed Nankatehewan Sill Toads The pen of Harred Plymouth Rooks entered hy Mra, WV, Thompaon, of Haskatohewan, eon tinues to lead In the 11th Canadian KEE Laying Contest at the Damin fon Kxperimental Farm, Otiawa, with a seore of 1770.1 points, The pen lead 1a now 46.0 points ahead of the nearest competitor, with but # few points separating the second aud third pens, As tha contest enters the 40th week close sony ing hetween pens and individual layers brings added Interest, Al the present time production is het ter than for the corresponding waek In any preceding contest, on all round improvement heing shown hy layers, - ET---- Clover Reed Prospects The Heed Nranch of the Domine lon Department of Agrioulture est imates that the production of alaike clover seed for 1040 will he better in quality hoth with respect to oolour and purity than last year's orap, Ontarie production is not expected to exeead one-third of the 1090 erap when 70,000 bushels were harvested, The alaike seed market {8 not averly promising at the present time, Hatter prospects are reported for red clover need with practically no carry-over from Inst year and 1600 acreage about 60 per cont, below normal, An In. oreaned acreage of alfalfa being baing saved for seed Ia reported, names awaken pleasant memories In the hoys of the old aqastern shawa Entertainers' Visit Town Recalls Days of Marks Brothers some entertainment, aud the rec. ord which these men have left Is a veal tribute to thelr ability as en- tertainers and citizens, "And at thet time, Ber, John ston, the famous maglolan, Wie up and coming, Wired by a fanious father, once the world's champion all-round wihlete, and nm KOnoral favorite throughout Kastern Cane ada and the Wales, the son ine herited many of the enviable qual: ities of the father, Neri faced the footlights of the Kickapoo Indian Medicine troups, His fame grew And success wis ahead, Later, an woointed with the Marks company, he entertained hundreds of thous: ands, and the theatre which hooks ed Marks Brothers was almost ine variably assured of a paying run, "Phe old days have passed, The moving pleture, the "leg show" and the talkies have, to n large extent, displaced the typs of en: tariainment presented hy Marks Hrothers and Johnston, But that these men survive and still draw arowds, Is a real 1eihuls to thelr sh) me showmen, There wre hose who still prefer to ses the "Magle Whow' | who. much prefer the Marks Brothers' types of comedy dramun, or the sleight of hana of Bert Johnston, to many of the chenp, tawdry moviestulkion of the day. And these are the peopla who make It possible for the names of Johnston and Marks to still aps pear on show hills When the house In filled, and applause rings true, ft must he a source of satis faction to theses men to know that there still live those patrons who Ika to ha antertained without (he necessity of siooping to the ringue "These oldstims entertainers have countless friends throughout the length and breadth of the Dominion who will wish them wall, They ave pure and pares] or Canadian life, and It makes one country, The name ""Marks' was GYOF A HuArantes of clean, whales Teddy Oke, Billy D'Alosane| dro, Mabel Ray and other Officials Guarantee undance of Entries At Oshawa Falr Athletics The oloaing of the Canadian Na tional Exhibition In Toronto on Hept, Ath brings the time for Osh Awa Falr, The Fale this year Is being held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of tha second week in the month The Fair, thin year, will he held on A bigger and more ambitious Bomle, With the largest Hat of prices over offered, In the history of tha alr, The prises have never heen wn generous and tend te hring out the heat In avery elass, The com munity that surrounds the City of Oshawa has an ample chanes In show Its wares and at the same time henafit hy the Ane promiume offered hy the directors The grand stand is eeviain to he the centre of Interest for old and young, On the last two. days In the afternoon the ambitious program of aports Inaugurated by a spacial oommittes |x tn he run off, Many of the outstanding stars of the apart world have given thelr cons sent to the request of the oMoelals and will be present to compels In the apan avents, Other events are opsn to athleten fram the counties of Durham and Ontarla only The evening programa before the grand stand have not heen neglects ed, On Wednesday and Threads) evenings Nept, 10th and 11th, fine vaudeville hill will he presen od, to he followed hy a display of fireworks on each evening, The Marry Lottridge Showa have heen secured hy tha direcorate to take part of tha Midway attrac, tions, A parade of prise animals will he a great attraction af (he closing day of the falr, Horses and cattle whieh have taken prises are oh: ligated tn take part in the parade in order to obtain thelr prise money we | Produced | } vidi Telephone 262 DIXON COAL C0. | Er AF Five DirectLines | Individual eellophane wrappers and A New Idea Ofolals of the Dominion Live stock Pranch are watohing with Interaat the progress of tha new ystam of marketing meat known to the '"package meat" or 'rapid freening' method, Tt han already haan successfully introduced in the avger ratall distribution cantres In the United Hates, and bids fale revolutionise meat retailing voatheda fn the Reitieh Market, Dy ie new process outa of heel, muts ten lamb, pork, and veal are dross. of at the packing plant, packed in | muhjected ta vapid feeasing at very [ 1ow temperatures, Tt in found that hy "snap" treesing only tiny foe oryatala are formed in the flesh of the meat, preserving all ita fine qualities Bony unimpaired, The new system provides a serious threat to the future of that old fiber Institution, the bhuteker shop, OUT OF RCNOOL Viear's Wite=~"AN Mrs, Jackson, L wee you' have heen having a party," Mee, Jackson (orimsoning) «No no, ma'am, My husband works at A hrewery and those bottles you uo Are his home work' ==Anawers. MORE IMPORTANT "Tey one of these olgare, They {are AN finest things out." Thanks, How are they when foal good within to ses (hat they AL survive Annual Oshawd Fair to be On More Ambitious Sc ale POLIONYELITIS SITUATION SEEMS MORE FAVORABLE Fewer Cases Now In Quar. antine Health Board Reports Clptimintic reports continue to come focth on the infantile paralysis situation' in this eity, Not only have Ho new canes heer reported for the pust four days, but the number in quarantine ix now steadily decreas IE One more cane was prononn d no Jubiet a omenace, and removed from quarantine this morning, leay Ing wn total of eleven houses guaran tned in the elty, with 14 cases. One house has three children down with the disease while another has two he announcement hag been forth coming from the Hoard of Education anent a determent. of the opening of Oshawa's school system, and it expected that unless the Doard Health make a recommendation tn the contrary within the next MN hours, both public schools and Colle plate and Vocational Institute will commence thelr fall terms, an prey ously announced, on Sept. dred New Hamburg Boys Drowned Two Lads Slip Into Deep Water at Dam and Lose Lives (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kitehener, Aug, 80.-=Twa boys vaying In the New Hamburg dam ate Wednesday were drowned when one of the paly kot Into deep water, and his chum apparently went ta hin rescue, lef, Jaooh Rireet, son of Mr, and Mra, Krad Richeley and Barl Huehn, won of Mr, and Mra, Muehn, of Waterloo Hiveet, The lads had heen avimming at the village swimming pool but ap: parently tived of this and went to the dam, They were bathing alone when the tragedy ocourred, It In thought there were no witnesses, Mloyd Huehn, brother of one of the lade, valsed the alarm and the hodien were recovered in 20 minutes hut life wan extinet, A double funeral will be held on Saturday afternoon, with services al the homes and a publio service at the Teimity Lutheran Chureh, Ins torment will he made at Riverside cemetery, The Elohelar hoy was seven years of age, It in learned Huehn had wlipped tate the water nt, Mother re. I'm ashamed of you eating your sister's shave of oake, What have | been trying to teach yout" Robby "Always to 'lake par, mother, weAnawers, "Did your "husband follow my direotionn® Did he take the medi one 1 left for him religiously?" "UM afraid he didn't, doctor In fact, he swore avery time | gave in her neyre lghted ?" : Nim a doe, w=Tit BIS, BE Lk OIL New President Rules in Peru Government of Revolution. ary Leader Takes Over Reins of Office (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Lima, Peru, Aug, 20, A new military government, headed hy LAeutenant-Colonel Luin M, Ban- oheg Corre, who Initiated the re: volutionary movement at Arequipa Just wix days Ago, assumed com, plete control in Peru yesterdny, A new junta, headed by Mancheg Caren was formed, and sworn In It displaced hoth vestiges of the eleven your dictatorship of the des posed president, Augusto 1, Lee guln and the junta of Genernl Man. wel Maurin Ponce, members of which on Monday foreed the president's resignation RAGLAN « Raglan, Aug, 26, Miss Valde Hortop, of Port Perry, was Lhe guest of Miss Balla Wilson for a few days Miss Hazel and Mr, Frank Grogs, Toronto, are holidaying at the home of thelr parents, Mr, and Mra A I), Orose Mr, and Mrs, Tt, Radbourne and daughter, of Toronto, spent the waak-end at the home of Mr, and Mra, Norman Hughson Mr, and Mpa, John of Oshawa, spent Thursday the former's mother, Mrs Hgueleh, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs Melville Knapp, on the arrival of a huhy pir) Mr, and Mrs, Thos and Mr, and Mes, Lloyd wera Hunday visitors of Mrs, J. Evans, The regular ehureh wervies was held on Munday afternoon, ~The congratulation welcomes Rev, Mer rlam home aualn after a month's holiday at his summer home at ee Lake Mr. Lloyd HWughson, Toronto, spent the week-end with hin parents Mr. and Mes, Norman Hughson, Mis. Miller and Messrs, Lloyd and Clarence, Miss Marguerite Mil lor and Miss Ruby Wilson spent i fow days with Mrs, Miller's moth or at Orillia The many friends of Mr Height are pleased to hear wtoadily improving, Mr, Charles Fox, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mra, A, J, Grose The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Ald was held on Wednes day afternoon last, with & falr at tondance It wan planned to have a roast chicken supper on October 1st for the reopening of the hall, which Is being completely remod elled, A good programme ly being secured Miss Jean Thompson has return od home after visiting with rela tives In Toronto Me and M ra, tevin Ormiston and won, George, and Miss L, Gilbert wpent Haturday at Port Rolster Mr, Grant Nright is conveloseing after being under the doctor's care Mr. Jack Mule Aas returned to his home at Mount Dennis after spending two months with Mr, Carl Avery, Mr, and onto, apent Nunday Mere D, Thompaon Miss Marion Nrent, of Port Parry, In visiting with Mr, and Mes, G, Arent Mra, WW, Rright and Miss Ethel Bright visited in Toronto recently, Mr. Frank Mason, of Oshawa, wan the guest of Mr, and Mra, Wm, Avery on Runday, Messen, John Wilson and George fray were in Toronto on Monday, Mr, Gordon Thompaon, Toronto, ppent the week-end at hin home here, The home of Mra, Charles Luke wan the scene of a pleasant gath ering on Thursday afternoon, when about twenty-seven members of the W. MH, of Myrtle, and a few friends from Raglan, assembled to spend an enjoyable afternoon with the former member, Mra, I, Thompron wan (n charge of the meating In the abrence of their president, Mra, Merriam, After the roripture reading Mra, Price and Mra, DeLnery sang a heautitul duet, A chapter from the Htudy Rook wan read by Mra Harrison, Miss Olive Harrison SANE A nolo, Mea, Deloury gave a reading. Little Misa Doreen Wile lame, who fn only five years old, planned averyona with her vooal and instrumental solos, Prayer wan lad hy Mya, D, Ross, The next menting 1a held at the home of Mea, Chistoolm of Myrtle, and a cor dial Invitation 1s extended to all Raglan ladies, A very dainty lunoh win served hy the hostess, Mra, Luke, asalated by Mes, George Bray and Mra, Gen, larke, Ormiston with Wm MeKea and MoKes Mr. and Wm ha In (irons, of Tors with Mr, and Mera, N Cold storage axpartn of the Dom inten Department of Agvienlture advise that hy propsr curing most of the damage caused to potatoen held In low temperature atorage oan be eliminated, It ts found that the more serious injuries come from the placing of tubers in stor Ake temperatures around 32 des green Fy, within two or three days of harveating, When placed in preliminary storage at temperatures ethoen 40 and TO degreen ¥, for a period of six days potatoes have an opportunity to properly "oura" They may then be placed in storage at low temperature without sevious Injury for the balance of the stor: Age neason, ES i % (ie hd vy. Sp rv nro is : INDIAN LEADERS ARE SENTENCED oa ---------- Six Months Imprisonment Handed Out to Men Arrested Yesterday (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) New Delhi, Indian, Aug, 20.-=All members of the All-Indin Congress working committees who were ar, rested Wednesday wers senigpesd yeptorday to six months simple Imprisonment, Their arrest took place on charges of holding a meeting In defiance of the high commissionsr's notifiea. thon proclaiming the commities an unlawful association In Delhi pro. vines, V. I. Patel who resigned as pre wident of the Indian Legislative Asgamhly to participates In the elvil disobedience campaign wis among thoss senienced, ' MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Aug, 2 Mr, ang Mis, Thomas Snowden, and Mrs, Will Snowden motored (0 Huntsville on Tuesday and spent un few duys there Miss Freeman recently vi ited her wunt and uncle, Mr, und Mis. VI Freeman, Bt Catharines A number from here uttended Sie lem MHurvest Home on Sunday and Monday Mr, und Mrs. Lou Hoekin, daugh ter, Vilean and Mr, and Mery, John Snowden attended the wedding of Mr, Garnet Garrett, Oshawa, on Suturday, August 2ird - Miss Ivy Hunt, 8t. Catharines cently visited Miss Nellie Misses Fdnn Swallow Foames, and Mr, Jack Sunday with Me, and Nure, Belleville ENNISKILLEN Lnniskillen, Aug, 2o=Mr. and Mrs Jus, Bradley visited the latter's bro ther, Mr. Kirkland, Peterboro, und als visited Mr, and Mrs, George Gow, recent) Mr, und Mrs, Brooks, NY, spent a few days at Mr Slemon's home Mr, and Mrs Fred family, of Purple Hill, guests at the home of J, born Mr, and Mrs, A Brunt, Mr. and Mes. O, Jeffrey, and fanily, visited friends at Seugog Sunday Miss Livan Souch, Bowmanville, |» spending a few days with her sister, Mrs, J Pye Mr. and Mrs Stewart Rodman and Miss Flora Miller, Port Perry, are guests of Mr, Vo C0 Ashton Our sympathy {8 extended to Mes I, Tompson and family in the death of a loving hushand and father, My 1 Tompson whe died in Oshawa Mr. Tompson was once a former resident here north of the village Me and Mes, Buggmaster are vis ing friends In Buffale Mrs. Lyle Lindsay Is visiting Mrs Preston The much needed valn came Saturday, Things were getting bad ly dried for the need of rain Mr, and Mrs, Wie Broad and daughter, Violet Toronto; Mr, and Mes, John Broad, Detroit; Mr and Mes, HL Slemon and daughter, Greta, Toronte, Noyd and Keith Slemom Mr, and Mra, Hugh Annis, were re cent guests of Mr. and Mrs Sle mon Mi Mi team of horses 1a My huis Mr 1a, Wm thu Lyra re Snowden and Dora Cator spent Mrs, Id. De Brooklyn, GM Ciibson and were recent H, Vree 8] on R, Price has purchased a car Genrge Reid. has sold his fine Crass, Colum and Mis, Harry Miss Mary Lane, Whittaker, My Redknapp and Lane, Castle Mr, and Mrs and Mrs: Ar Alfred, Newton ville, Mr, and Mes, 15D. Pethiek, of Toronto, recently visited, at the home of 8, R. Pethiek Mr, Tra Travall, Oshawa, Is busy putting the stucco finish on some houses in our vieinity MUSIC DAY AT THE EXHIBITION WAS-COLORFUL Importance of Radio As Factor in Goodwill Is Emphasized Toronto, Aug, 20.When acats tered showers struck Toronto yeas terday afternoon they seamed to concentrate on Kxhibition City, In the middle of the afternoon there wan A blisgard of vain that went the ovewds rushing for shelter in the bhulldinge and under trees Again In the evening at 6.18 o'olook lghtning Mashed, thunder boomed and rain suddenly poured for five minutes on the Exhibition Grounds, Rut it takes more than such a wetting to apoll a day in Kxhibi tion City, and yesterday, Alberta, Munie, Radio and Women's Day, wan one of the outstanding ocoas alone in CNB, history, Marking the time an Music Day, troubadors, singing, unciog, and instrumental groups toured through the grounds presenting a vaviely of programs, In the Amphitheatre of the Music Dullding there were a series of delightful presentations, The band competitions and also the bagpipe contents, which ave a feature of the ONK, were held in the afternoon, and then at night the musical theme of the day wae olimaxed with another concert by the famed Exhibition Chorus, At Directors' Luncheon At the directors' luncheon the speakers were M, I Aylesworth of New York President of the Na. tional Nroadoanting Company, and Premier Rrownlea of Alberta, Mp Ayieaworth emphasized that vadio {a an outstanding factor in the FRR SRT ie CHO 4 YOUR DOLLAR HAS MORE BUYING POWER NOW. MILLS AND FACTORIES ARE SELL ING FOR LESS. WHY SHOULD WE NOT??? A New Low Price DEMONSTRATION The ARCADE $2.95 Will Buy a Much Better Lady's Autumn Hat than it has in the past, and as for Winter Coats it will be a revelation to the people of Oshawa, Already, we have put away on Deposits numerous Garments, for Women who are thrifty, they realize they can save Now ~=and at the same time Get a much better Choice, This week we are featuring two price ranges, $18.50 and $24.50 Guaranteed $35.00 value. Just come in and see them. TOMORROW THE LAST DAY OF OUR BIG HOSIERY SALE The Thrifty Parents Will Look Towards the Arcade in outfitting the children with new clothes for School, BOY'S SUITS AT SPECIAL PRICES GIRL'S PRETTY DRESSES AT GREAT SAVINGS, BOYS' ALL WOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS Beautiful designs, Reg. $3.50 value. All sizes. Each $1.95 Boys' Tweed LONG PANTS Well made and hard wearing. Just right for school, Sizes 26 to 32. Pair $1.15 BOYS' SUSPENDERS Regular 28c. School Special, pa'v i§c promoting of international good will Promise HWrownles brought from his Provinces felleitations and greetings, and n message exproseing strong belief in the development of Canada ax an outstanding unit In the Empire and a leader In the nations of the world Hpocinl programs in the Women's Mullding partieularly. marked the day as heing dedlented to women's Interests throughout Canada, while Alberts was especially remembered in addresses delivered fu thin nec tion of the Exhibition aetivities, saskatchewan and Press Today Is Huskatehewan and Press Day in Exhibitton Clty, Mem hers of the fourth estate from all over Canada are guests of the occas won, The gpenkers at the directors' lipehaon will be Hon, J. 1 Bryant Administrator of Public Works and Telegraphs 1 Naskatehewan, and Arthur Mord, editor of the Free Press, London, Ont An added attraction will he staged thin evening when the New Zonlund Kmpire Games drew and the Argonauts meet In a special CEN L0AE YOWINgE races on the water front It In wcheduled for 7 o'clock At Oh o'clock this afternoon the iret of the small-boat salling ves gattan begging on the Kxhibition waterfront, with races for 14«foot dinghya and 20+foot pfoops, Bats urday's regatta, whieh begine at 4 o'¢lovk, Includes events for 14-foot and 16-foot dinghyns, ap well as the 20sfoot sloope, The race for the Bir Thomas Lipton Trophy will be staged on Monday The Bug Detectives Neither Heotland Yard nor the equally famous Nurne Agency in he United States can boast more Able detectives than the lntomols opiate and Rotanists of the Domine lon Department of Agriculture, whos lives and energles, not withs CANADIAN PACIFIC A. CANADAS ¢" Y GREATEST NGN FROM MONTREAL a. fouthampton-Hams Burg M nteAIm RE vied \ fp: Is DE ivuasvy vA Montetnre To Havre AntwerpsLondon Sept, 11 Liiva esas Montrose sept, 28 Cva vasa ss ves Metagama Ooh, § + vvassasassss ss Montealm To Glasgow=1 iverpool-Belfant pt, sept, 28 iv. ¢ si Duchess of Atholl 10 Oct, Duchess of Bedford Sept, 12 xOvt, 11 .. . Minnedosa adept, 17 200, 10 Die hess of York wept, 18 Duchess of Richmond anept, 27 x0et, vss a Melita x Doss not oall at Liverpool, a Cally at Liverpool only FROM QUERED To Cherbourg-Southampton Sept, 2 Hept, I Bmpress of Australia 30 Bmpress of Scotland 18 Oct, 8 Wmpreas of Mranve Apply Local Agents op J. No Mackay, General Agent Phone Adelaide 2108 CANADIAN PACIFIC BLDG, Toronto alept, HEY sept, » Sept, sem bbb ion ASRA out risk to personnal welfare, are davated tn the protection of our on of food supply, They are continu. ally on the alert to check (the inva slons of crop thieves in the form of Ingecis, bugs and germs of count lous wpecion Thely work Involves the solution of mysteries quite as thrilling, and even more importani to the welfare of the nation, us that of thelr polices contemporaries, In pgtend of bullets and guns thesn "hug! detectives den! with larvae, wpores and gorms, infinitely more Intrionte and harder to deal with And thelr work too, is never done there {a always some new problem of feld laboratory study Just around the corner or ET Low Fares TO TORONTO EXHIBITION Going Aug. 21 to Sept. 6 Return Limit Sept, 10 FROM Bowmanville ........$2.00 Newcastle ........o0is 2.20 Oshawa .... ivi 1,88 Whithy .. wsuiinn: 1.38 Similar Low Fares from other points Tickets on Sale by all Station and Ticket Offices CANADIAN PACIFIC Hi L Ho ikl lil Lh li I il i hn Findlay Quebec Cook $43.00 Less Warming Closet $29.75 HARRY D. WILSON HARDWARE Pree Installation, Trade in Service

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