Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Aug 1930, p. 1

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"All the News While It Is News" The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in # Growing City VOL, 7-=NO. 49 uss-- Published #¢ Oshawa, Out, Vay Except Sundays Fue Holders OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28 1930 18 Cents 8 Week: 3 Cents » Copy TEN PAGES " News in Brief Frank J, Plant Honored Ottawa ~¥rank, J, Plant, Chief of the Labor Intelligence Branch of the Department of Labor yester- day was receiving congratulations from his colleagues on his comple: tion of 30 years' service in the La- bor Department, He has been with the Department of Labor since its inception in 1900 and is the oldest member of the tefl, Heads Collegiate Lindsay When the Collegiate Institute re.opens Tuesday next, the seven former teachers will be re-placed by eight new teachers. There will also be a new Principal, W, G. McMillan, who takes the place of Dr, Kirkconnell, superan: nuated, » Ld . Biuenose in Raco saint John, N,B.--The Interna flonal champlonships schooner Bluenose will ba in competition this fall with her rivals from the port of Gloucester, Mass, Capt. Angus J. Walters LJ LJ L Hitch-Hiker Hurt Kingston. --Arthur Hecht ot New York, a '"hitch-hiker' is in the Kingston General hospital suffering from a fractured skull with but slight chances of recovery and four other persons ure suffering from minor injuries, as a result of an auto crash on the Gananoque high- way five miles east of this city, \d ' LJ Aviators Hurt Hamilton, Jack Kingsborough of Coldwater, Ont, and Jerry Hart, student passenger of Hamilton Aero Club, wera Injured at the airport when thelr plane crashed from a height of 60 feet . LJ LJ Hot in Old England London,---Heat such as {s seldom registered in theses northern In lands sent the mercury spurting in to the nineties to.day and broke a record of nearly a century's stand- ing. It was the hottest Aug. 27 In 00 years. » LJ] Conservatives Protest Quebec.~-Action to annual the election of J. Fernand Fafard, Lib- eral M.P, for L'Islet County, has been taken here hy IL.J, Gauthier, unsuccessful Conservative ecandl, date in the general Dominion elec tions of July 28 last, on the grounds of alleged frergularition. Searching For- Missing Ship Four Members of Crew In| Peril -- Three Swam to Safety (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Atlantic City, N.J., Aug. 28. The fate of four members of the orew of the schooner Francis T., of | Halifax, today, hung in the balance as coast guard boats raked the nea for some sign of the craft which was thought to be founder. ing. The names of the four men ware not given out. Three known survivors yester- day staggered from the sea, They feshly made thelr way a few feet onto the beach, Then their knees gave out and they éollapsed, They are: John Larre 24; Clar. ence Atkinson 27, and Freeman Bonbury 24; all of Halifax, Tossed Into the waves when thelr dory capsized, they had swum for eight hours before reaching land and safety, i, they said, MISSING FLIERS LOCATED IN B.C. Pilot and Passenger Had Been Missing For More Than Week Uneau, Alaska, Aug. 28.---Re- ports. that Captain ¥, J, A, Burke, Canadian aviator missing for more than a week, had been found alive and uninjured with his passenger, an unidentified miner, near Atlin, B.C, reached here last night, The report gave no details other than that Burke: had been found hy Plot W, A, Jorss, who took off from Teslin, N.C, yesterday to woarch for the missing plane, |. WEATHER { A deop depression is cens trod over Hudson Straits with a trough of low extending southward to the great lakes, Local thunder showers have occurred in northern districts of Ontario while elsewhere in eastern Canada the weather has been fair, High pressure and cool weather covers the western provinces and north. west states, and except for a few light showers the weather has been generally fal in the west, Lower Lakes and Georgian Bay-=Partly cloudy with seats tered thundershowers, Friday w=Fresh northwest winds, fair and somewhat cooler, announced | apltuAauatratin repudiated Her ogi sapped the climax conference eity counell announced that the Hy. dro would sell the street railway and the urbap bus system to the Australia's Financial Position i 8 Declared to be Very Serious REPUDIATION | OF ALL DEBTS SUGGESTED English Economist Declares Repudition of Debts Would Close Doors of In- ternational Finance to Commonwealth BOND HOLDERS WOULD TAKE COURT ACTION Expert of Bank of England, However, Has Reported That Finances of Australia Are in Serious Condition fydney, Australis, Aug, 28 It Australia repudiated her debt it would be the first time on rec ord that a British Dominion had failed to meet {ts obligations and the result would inevitably be the closing of the of interna tional finances agaipst the com monwealth, sald Prof, Theodor E (3, Gregory here today. Dr, Greg ory, who Ix professor of banking in London University and is a noted economist, Is now on his way back to England If repudiation were attempted, the prefessor continued, the Brit. ish bondholders would organize thempelves to take action in Aus tralian courts, The council of for. eign bondholders in London would protect the rights of the bond- holders In cases of this sort, Professor Gregory pointed oul (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) | | | doors tions now she would have ao Most diffienlt time In raising money for the next ten or 15 years. Her own people, If solicited, would hesitate to subscribe to loans If previous loans had been cancelled Although no member of the government of Australin and ne himself in favor of debt repudia- tion, the labor party of New South Wales and other hodles have bee fn demanding cancellation of ob- lIgations since the position of the report of Bir Otto Niemeyer, Bank of England expert, to he serious, CLAIMS TARIFF OF UNITED STATES CAUSING HATRED U.S. Commerce Expert Sets Effect in Retaliation of Europe (By Canidting ress) Paris, Aug =A slashing attack on the new Uited States tariff act As a menace to American foreign trade was made yesterday by Dr, Edward Ewing Pratt, eminent com- merce expert and economist, who has possibilities in Europe, Dr, Pratt, who was acting Secre- tary of Commérce .n the Wilson ad« of hate and animosity risen to a de- gree impossible for untravelled Ame ericans to imagine." commonwealth was shown by the $1,000; Toronto, A 1--=Marvin responsible politician has declared Towa $10,000 2-Isndor hourne, Ont, minutes, 63 | A--Willilam F, Goll, New York, | 8 hours, 21 minutes, 34% 3+6 seconds, {George Official Times -For Winners in Marathon Swim ofMeinl | times for all six finishers who share in the $15,000 prize money of the Canadian National Exhibition mara- thon swim y ug. 28 The onterday are Nelson, 46 1.5 seconds Spondor, Port Col $2,600; 7 hours, BA | 0-6 wecondnr Riagden Momphis Tenn., $7560; 8 hours, 25 minutes, 37 2-5 mecondy, B-=Ernst Vierkoelter, $600: R hours, 40 minutes, 10 2.5 seconds, Toronto f-~Norman Ross, Chicago, $250; A statisticip women are content to stich rigid path of economy. They prefer the buy-ways.--Montreal Star 8 hours 68 minutes 40 1.5 seconds, nosays that very few Fort Dodge, : 7 hours, 42 minutes, to the IOWA KID WINS MARATHON SWIM CROWN AND PRIZE OF $10, 000 ---- on When the gun sounded, whistles blew and crowds cheered last night | for the winner of the fifth mara. thon swim it was Marvin Nelson, 10«yearsold Fort Dodge, Towa, youth. who climbed the ladder at the finishing float and flashed a $10,000 smile at the officials, Last year Marvin sank some B50 yards | from his goal, but this year Dame Fogtune made it up to him, He covered the 18-mile course in rec. ord time of 7 hours 48 minutes and 20:18 seconds, The second prize winner was Isadore Spondor of Port Colborne, Above are shown young Nelson and the other swims mers who finished in the money: (1) George Blagden of Memphis, Tenn,, who came fourth and won 8750; (2) Isadore Spondor, 18: yearsold Port Colborne lad, who brought fame to his home town by coming In second and winning #2.500; (8) Marvin Nelson and his $10,000 smile; (4) Wm, PF Goll of New York, who came thir) Trans-Atlantic Fliers To Visit Niagara Falls (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, N.Y., Aug. 28,--The sturdy transatlantic flying boat, the Dornier-Wal, was being groomed to- day for a holiday jaunt to Niagara Falls, the n just completed a survey of the trade | Chicago and the James, Gordon Bennett balloon race at Cleveland. ational alr races at Captain Wolfgang von Gronau ministration, said he found a "tide | take off to-morrow Buffalo as all four German filers belleve thelr trip to this country \ and his crew of three planned to morning for will not. have been complete unless they nee Niagara Falls, Remaining overnight in Buffalo they expect to take off Saturday morning for Chicago where they will remain over the week-end, On Monday they planned to take off for Clayeland to witness the start of tha National Balloon race, Captain von Gronau sald they probably would return to New York Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, "The tariff bill has injured Ameri occurrence in the last generation," Dr, Pratt declared "Italy's retalia- tion in placing a duty of $1,000 on small American motor cars of the Ford and Chevrolet class is only the beginning of general retaliations." Domestic Commerce. He travelled throughout Europe following the re- cent passage of the tariff act by con« gress and discovered, he declared, that America was anpopular alread) and that this bill had more or less declared he had found it not can Joreign trade more than any one Music and Livestock Judgin Today's Features at xhibition (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug. Dr. Pratt was formerly chief of | marathon swims out the Amerieun Bureau of Foreign and for another yoar the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition settled down to- day to the celebration of Alberta, Music, Radio apd Women's day. M. H. Ayleaworth, president of the National Broad: casting Company, will speak of mat. ters pertaining to the radio when 28. With the of tha way New York, he speaks at the director's lunch, eon Musle like the billows of the sea will surge through the park, as ploturesque figures wander about playing various instruments, The spirit of Alberta will be re- flected in the Coliseum where live. atook of the. western province will compete against stock from other parts of Canada for the blue ribbon awards in the various classes, only a handicap to American trade and industry generally in European should be popular, but that as a re. sult of the tariff act "the very exist. ence of our trade is endangered," So---------------------------- Offer to Sell Rallway elty at $4,000,000, countries where the United States Fruit Shipments To West Started {By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hamilton, government Aug. 38,=Within 24 Hamilton.--F, A, Gaby, chief en. | hours from the time the Dominion gineer of the Ontario Hydro-Elects ric. Commission during a private | protecting local fruit producers a with members of the |carload of plums was enroute from Winona to the west, the first ships |p ment in many months, tective tariff is responsible, it was explained, enacted legislation The pros '% New Westminster Team in Toronto , (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug, 28.-<New West: minster Salmonbellies. lacrosse champions of the west, arrived in Toronto to-day, fresh from thelr victory over Winnipeg, They will have thelr initial workout to-day in preparation tor thelr games with Brampton in the Mann Cup on Sate urday and Monday, Optimism Hits Stock Markets In Old London Sentiment Is More Cheerful Than it Has Been For Months + i (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Eng, Aug, 28.-=A new wave of optimism has been started by rising prices on the London Stock Exchange and the political prophets have heen set guessing. Renewed strength to-day follows ed yesterday's all-round rise in the security markets, Sentiment in described as being more cheer ful than it. has been for wmany months, Industrials have scored substantial gains within the last few days, The: city, as a consequence, has been alive with rumors, They run the gamut from the reported resig- nation of the Rt, Hon, Philip 8now- den, as chancellor of the exchequer and the adoption of a moderate poliey of protection, to the formas tion of a coalition government, While these rumors have been discounted it is reported that the conversation between the Labor and -Liberal leaders on unemploy- ment have been paving the way towards definite plans covering road construction and agricultural improvements, It As understood that Prime Minister Ramsay Mac-§ Donald and Mr, David Lloyd George the Liberal chief, will meet again at an early date. lishing float and Is Judge Condemns Sloppy Justice in Kingston Case DAME FORTUNE SMILES ON MA RVIN AFTER LAST YEAR'S TO UGH BREAK and won $1,000; (5) Norman Rosy of Chicago, who came sixth, just inside the money, to win §350; (68) Marvin Nelson plowing his way Into the finishing post after doing 15 miles; (7) after which he mounts the ladder of the fin acclaimed world's marathon swimming champion and (8) Frnst Vierkoet. ter, former hig swim winner, who came fifth, to win R300, (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug, 28, = Justice Wright at Osgoode Hall this morn, ing ruled that the Jaller at King- ston, Ont, had no right to held Frank Challes as a material wit. ness in an auto theft case and re- served judgement as to whether Challes could legally be held in Jail on the theft charge, Justice Wright sald the proceedings' before Magistrate, Broadshaw , had been "very badly handled----about as badly handled as they could he" Miss V. A, Robinson for Challes Canadian Wheat ' Pool Will Join World Allian ce Vienna, Austria, Aug, 28 = Congress of the International Co-op+ + yesterday confirmed , the decision of its central committe UNEMPLOYMENT REMEDY SUGGESTED 'TOM MOORE ASKS HOURS BE SHORTER Canada's Labor Chief Says Unemployment Has Come To Be Recognized as Pro- blem for Government ADVOCATES PLAN FOR INSURANCE Says Increased Productivity of Machinery Has Made Necessary Shortening of Working Hours (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottaws, Aug 28 ~=Unemploy« ment must he met hy shorter works ing hours and a scheme of unem, ployment insurance Tom Moore, president of the Trades and Labor Congress of (Canada, declared to-day in a Inhor day message largely through the activity of trading un» jong, the menace of unemployment has heen recognized Mr, Moore sald, not ulone ag a problem for the worker, hut one to which ats tention must he given by governs ments Correspanding to the increase in the use of machinery, thers should he a shortening of the working day and the working week, while for those unable ta secure work a sys stem of unemployment Insurance should he instituted Deprecating excessive competi tion in trade, Mr. Moore expresses gratification that co-operative mes thods are more generally recogniz, ed, The message follows "Labor has just cause to cherish Lahor Day Established as a na tional holliday through trade union effort it provides not only an occas lon when workers and their famil fes can meet in a spirit of festivity but also a time when, through the columns of the dally press, an opr portunity is given to make hetter known some of labor's achievements and ideals Labor Hopeful "In good times or bad, Labor's message 1s always one of confidence and hope for the future, Labor refuses to accept deefat, and hows Producers' Co-operative Societies for | ever dark the immediate outlook,' membership in the Alliance, The decision marks an important J step for the Alliance, wherever which has | exists to overcome any dificulty by maintaing its confidence in the abil. ty of the peoples of all eountries, democratic government hitherto 'concentrated its efforts on |constitutional means. consumers' co-operation, A resolu- Thomas Al- len, Vice-Chairman of the Cosoper- ative Wholesale tion was moved by Sir plishments history of Labor accoms« through trade union (Continued ¢ on Page 8) "The i J ale Society, endorsing the efforts of the Alliance to estab. lish organic relations with organiza« ig tions of agricultural producers, and was accepted by the Congress message from 'the Canadian Wheat Pools' Organization Was brought hy Andrew Cairns, Mr, Cairns stated that the wheat pools were true co-operative societies, sald: "A great Injustiea has been done," Justice Wright: "I won't say that, but I am satisfied that if the crown attorney had been there, there would not have been this mix. up." W, B. Common for the crown ad. mitted proceedings sloppy, Justice Wright: "Why was the man not tried hefore? He was com. mitted on July 16." Crown: "He had a solicitor," Justice Wright official's. duty to see a man fs tried." Ontario's Mineral Production Exceeds Record for Last Year (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug, 28.---An increase of $2,788,401 in the value of pros duction of Ontario mines and smelters for the first six months of 1930 over the value of the out- put for the corresponding period of 1020, Is tha feature of the semi. annual report issued by the prove inclal department of mines, The total value of mineral pro- duction for the first six months of 1030 was $58,206,562 as coms pared with $66,498,161 for the corresponding period in 1929, Though in the midst of a period of depresaion, the report says, the mineral output for 1930 will be about $117,000,000 dollars, if the rate of production for the first half of the year is maintained dup ing the balances of the 12 months, had been and Central Europe "It 1s the otewn | #180 suffered, In Heat Wave Britain and Europe Arey Suffering From Extreme Heat iv (By Canadian Presa Leased Wire) \ London, Aug, 28. --Most of Eure ope sweltered today in a continua~ tlon of a heat wave of the past few days which has taken at least eight lives from prostration in Great Rritain, The hot weather again caused much discomfort in the British Isles and was also felt in Western where high temperatures for this time of year were recorded, In Germany 90 de~ grees was registered vesterday and Italy had similar high figures while France, Belgium and Spain Several, industries in Bilbao, Spain, suspended work, As far na Great Britain was concerned" the thermometer today registered 09 degres fahrenheit at 4 pom, and oppressive humidity made conditions worse, The lightest of summer garh ia being worn and outdoor swimming pools are crowded, In one Shef« flald laundry, the work girly were allowed to wear bathing costumes to escape the heat, Hight deaths were recorded throughout « the country including two guardamen engaged in mills tary MaRosu vers at "At Aldershot. This will equal the value of pro- Pulp and Pay Paper duction in 1939, Opponent Chosen Ey or Shamrock V Newport R.1, Aug. 28.--The Enterprise has been chosen to de. fend the America's Cup against Sir Thomas Lipton's challenger, Shamrock V, in the races off here next month. by the cup committee, after a series of elimination races with three other yachts, \ MAN ESCAPES FROM JAIL AT KINGSTON |Stnadian woo (By Canadian Press. Toned Wire) Kingston, Aug. 28. fon Bureau of Statistios ~ William | responding Exports Lower Ottawa, Aug. 28.~--~Exporta of wood pulp during July of $2,088,287, ° 1% has heen estimated by the Domine The com figure for July, 1829, Proctor, who gave. his address as (was $3,127,292 and for June, 1930 Toronto, and who 'wax yesterday committed for trial here on the |all of house-breaking, to-day [amounted to §11,820,019 in July, charge escaped from the county jail short. ly after noon, and was still missing at 2.30 pm, $3,208,864, kinds; Kxports of paper a including newsprint, A year ago, the figure was $12,267 ,« 309 and for June 1930, $11,684,» va Sa A -- 2

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