Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Aug 1930, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN Boy Scout Activities News of what the Boy Scouts of Oshaws are doing contributed by the scout lead- ers, Contributions to this column will be welcomed, and should be sent Times office to the not later than Tuesday moming each week, RCOUT NOTES - Now we are off and the greatest event which Beouting in Oshawa has ever planned is being antieip- ated and prepared for in no un- certain way, Replies from outside towns and cities stating the intentions of num- bers of Scouts from these localities to attend our Rally have wiready heen received, But we are running Away with oureelves and we have forgotten the most important thing we should have sald, That is, that the Rally 1s post. poned until Bat, Sept, 20th, and Bunday, Sept, 21st, owing to the recent epidemic of Infantile Paraly- ws, This postponement will give everybody more time to prepara for the hig event and get ready to win the Cup for thelr Troop, That reminds us, There is to he a ehalleuge cup to he competed for each year hy the Troops taking part fu the Rally, Oshawa Troops will hava to take cafe that one of the outside Troops does not run oft with that Cup, Then in the evening of Saturday Bept, 20, we have gol a great pleas ure in store, for we are to see the Jamboree moving pletures, and boys in Scout uniform, or Wolf Cub uniform will he admitted free of charge, The showing of these Alms has been made possible hy the gener. osity of Messrs: H, A, Brown, RL, B Melanghlin, G, Hezzlewood," J Beaton and W, E, Davis, who sub scribed to the local Association & sum of #250 to cover the rental of the G0L.M, C, Auditorium for the avaning The thanks of every BKeout in Oshawa will go to these gentlemen for their help, And now for the programme We are listing below a list of the events and games in which each hoy should endeavour to represent his Troop, Before giving this list however, we must remind you of the handi- erafts display, First of all, points will he award od to each exhibit in the handicraft display, to he applied to the Troop ! to which the exhibitor helongs, for the cempetition for the Cup, Then the hoy earning the most points In the display, for his exhib. its, will receive a special prize, Now then let us all get to work and ses what can he done about it, and rememhar wea must keep that Cup in Oshawa Rain rather dampened the Ardor of the prospective the Peach Melba, put on hy the Ath, Troop, on Haturday last It is rumored that Jupiter Plu. viug hina a wrong idea of sea-scont- ing, nnd thinks that the name re quires a large amount of water on special functions in order to make them realistic However we helleve that the financial results were very fair con. sidering the conditions, and we un: derstand that this Is due, to some extent, to the good salesmanship of some of the Committees members, A.M. J. Rlaw, of Port Whithy, is home Again after his strenuous summer of work In the Interests of Reouting He {8 looking extremely well and is fairly bubbling over with ens thusiasm It is sald that Mr. Blow will en. deavour to hring some of the boys of his eld Troop to the Rally te Be ARR A i We Fill Tir customers for | rn put on a demonstration, Wg hope he does, Troop Notices The 6th, Troop will meet on Friday next at their outdoor meet. ing-pince on Mary ft, North, Boys are urged to be present as definite preparations for the Rally must he started at once, In view of the latest medical re. ports we fesl that there will he no danger from the meeting, Court of Honour-17,00 p.m, Troop Mesting=7.50 p.m, Saturday, Keptember 80th 40 p.m.~All Troops assemble at the Armouries, 00 pom.--Parade to Alexandra Park, visiting Troops leading, Oshawa Troops and Wolf Cub Packs according to Troop num- hers, A0 pom, Flag Break followed hy march past of all Troops and address of welcome hy the Mayor und District Beout Master, 3,16 pm, --Beout games and dis plays, JA8 pom, displays, AB p.m, plays A0 p.m, Grand Rally 46 pm--Grand Rally of all Troops at Baluting Base, follow- ed by addresses from Headquars ters' representative and Presi. dent C, M, Mundy of the Oshawa Local Association a0 pm Jambores moving ple tures will he shown at the GMC Auditorium sunday, Neptember 21st, n.a0 am Cianeral assembly at Armotiries 10.00 am Parade to the (larden of the Unforgotien Wreath to he ald on the Memorid 11.00 am =Chureh Rerviee al Wt Andrew's United Chureh, Af tar Barviee all Troops will parade hack to the Armonries for dis, miss! Wolf Cuh games and Beout games and dis Ground cleared for Competitive Games Bkin the Hnake, (One team consisting of 10 boys from each Troop) Message Carrying Relay, (One team consisting of 4 boys from each Troop) Fire Lighting and Pot Rolling (2 teams of 2 hoys each from each Troop), Push and Pull Tug of War (One team of 8 boys from each Troop) Band Boal Race, (One team consisting of 8 rowers and | cox awain from each Troop Knot Tying Relay, (One hny from each Troop) Knots to be standard Tenderfoot knots 7. Monkey and Crab Relay, (Ona team of 8 hoys fram each Troop) Rarn-yard Relay, (One team of A hoys from each Troon) fn Bolster Bar (pillow Aghting) (Twn hoys from each Troop) 10, Friction Fire Lighting (open avent) Special prizes. will for boys winning tems Hh and 10 only, Troops will work for points on the All-round Cup in all othe avents The Fields and Grounds Commits fea reserves the right to omit any of these events If time does not permit the running of the complete programme as scheduled A resort is & place where you pay a dime every hour dr so for some thing vou eould get for nothing at home, ~Los Angeles Times HE hole that looks like a cave lo you may not look so bad to our repair men, Bring every puncture or blowout to us before you throw the tube or tire away, You'll be surprised . what our Goodyear Factory Goodyear Tube Repair Kits take care of emer geney repairs on the road, One may save you the price of a new tube or tive and a lot of time and trouble, They come in three slice = at prices, ing, Methods and Goodyear Repair Materials can do in Yoelalmiay an otherwise good tire,! And we sa the tire is worth re e cost will be far below the actual mileage put back into the tire ROY WILLMOT ALL WEATHER TIRE SHOP 11 Celina Street, Oshawa, Ont. Phone 2462 he awarded | Eee PROSPECT NEWS Prospect, Aug, 21 Chicken thieves have again vigited this dis. trict, the loser this time heing Arthur Geey, On Wednesday night SOMO parson or persons unknown entered the hen house which Is located near the road and took over 20 young fowls, Mr, and Mrs, Orpwood and babe, of Oshawa, spent the week-and with Mr, und Mrs, Barber, Miss Winnie Munro has had her house and harn wired this past week ready for the hydro Miss Katherine Neaves and My Wm, Martin attended the wedding of Mr, John Reaves in Toronto on Thursday evening lax Mr, and Mrs, William Tompson spent a day In Toronto recently Miss Helen Short, of Beagrave, is spending an week with Miss Dalln Martin Quite # number lstenad in. on the radio last Baturday evening to hear Hitle Devens Williams sing In Toronto as Darene is only five years ol and has mn wondarful volce The community is real pleased ail her success, This 1s the second time that she has heen called to Torontn, to song in the children's Wogram Mrs, William tertain the Woman's Boclaty of Manchester this when they will hold their monthly meeting Mr, and Mrs Tompson Is to en Missionary week Tack Barber spent of Mr, and Mrs, I, Martin Mrs, Lakey, of Utlea, mother of Mrs, George, 1s very wick at present Af she 18 an elderly 1ady her recov ary 1s doubtful Rev, Mr, Merriam Is to take the parviea on Bunday next as he Is ox pected hack fram his holiday The Service Army Mare than 18,000 persons carry on the telephone work of the Rell Bystam in Ontario and Quahee operators linemen-instnllers commereinl workers---all coopers ate to maintain "tha (Alking wires" for a husy populnes, Talks to distant friends are hecoming a weekly habit with thousands of uners WHITBY DUNDAS STREET BLOCK CONVERTED INTO FACTORY Floor Waxing Appliance To Be Manufactured Here; \ Local Man Interested A new industry own in the near future, it was learned today. Carpenters and arti sans are making extensive altera tions to the block an Dundas street west formerly decupled hy Allen Walker The new industry is being brought to Whithy by Clive Hateh, who for a number of years was associated with his father, the late Fred Hatch in the Hateh Mig. Company, Mi Hatch will manufacture an appliance for waxing floors, The appliance has not heen introduced to the mar ket hefore and it Is believed that it is of a new design and in & great improvement on the waxers now on the market The starting of the industry will bring a block, that has been empty lor several years, into use again, At the present time three men are employed manufacturing samp les for tha Canadian National Exhi bitlen, The company will have a booth there and will present thelr product to the public for the frat time, It Is expected that the factory will be running in "full swing In three months time, Is to come to the NO FAILURES IN THREE SUBJECTS OF UPPER SCHOOL Local Pupils Did Well In Departmental Examinations In three of the Upper School subs Jecta there were no failures, and in each of four othera but one fallure, Orval Robertson and Muriel West. ney each passed in ten subjects, the former being credited with first class honours In elght of the ten subjects, : 1==First Class Honoura--over 78 per cent, Se=Second Class Honours--86:78 per cent, ComCredit==80-80 per cent, 8 J: Bentley==Lit, C; Alg. 3, Geom. the evening Wednesday al the home | Hist | Hint, C MIDDLE SCHOOL or cent, Pe Third Class Honours-- 60:08 |A J. Bascom==Alg, C; Trig. 1; Phy, |1 Dr, Veank Carlton (1) whose vadio talks on government departs mental matters are well known throughout the country, snd who, hy the courtesy of the Ontario publicity bureau, will again act ws official host at the Canadian Nutlonnl Exhibition, (4) AM, Patience, chairman of the convene ton committee of the Institute of adio Kngineevs, who has had » great deal to do with the success of the convention held In Toronto this week, (#8) OP, Kdwards, director Canadian government radio service, department of maps Ine, who Is also attending the ens gineers' convention, C; Phys C; Lat, Au, C; Lat, Co, 3, I, Brawley=Comp, 2; Lit, C B, Chapman=Comp, #, Lit, C; Trig, 8 A. Draper--Hist, §; Alg, 4; Geom Cy Trig 1; Lat, Au, 3; Lat, Co. 8; Fr, Au, 2; Fr, Co, | §, Graham=-Alg. C. Trig, 1; Phy, 8; Lat, Au. Ci; Fr. Au, 8; Fr. Co, 45 I, Halla Alg, 1; Geom, C Trig, 1; Lat, Au, 2; Lat, Co, 8; Fr Au. 1; Fr, Co, ( H, Levine=Comp, 8; Lit, 2 K, Lomax-=Comp, C: Lit, 2 D. Long--Alg, 2; Lat, Co, C J, MaeConnell-=Comp, (!; Tit, 2 D, Maundrell--Alg, C,; Trig. 1; Lut, Au, ( M. McArthur 1; Alg, | F, Mutech--Hist, 8; Fr, Co, 2 Comp, 1; Lit, 2; Hist ' Comp, 8; Lit, | Fi. Odlum ( M, Osborne J. Parker--Comp, 1; Lit, | P, Price~Comp, C M. Puckrin--Alg Au, Ci Fr. Co, C Quinn==Alg, C; Trig Ci Lat, Au, C3 Fr, Au, 8, 0, Robertson Comp, 8; Lit, 2 Hist, 1; Allg, 1; Geom, 1; Trig. | Lat. Au, 1; Lat, Co, 1; Fr. Au, 1 r, Co, 1 K Thompson Comp, ( Ci Trig. 1; Fr #4) Geom Comp M, Wastney- Lit, i; Hist 1 Geom, 1; Trig Au: C; Lat, Co, C; Fr. Au ('o, ( R. White Alg. i; Lat. Au (} l.at, Co, ( : arfoll Comp, 211 C, PUPILS MADE A FINE SHOWING Were Successful In 92 Per: cent of Examination Papers Written The pupils of the Whitby High School wrote 268 papers at the re. cent Middle Hehool examinations and were successful in 02 per cent, of these, a much higher percentage than was recommended by the teachers, In four of the subjects there were no failures and but one fallure in each of the four others, Marguerite McArthur was credited with first elasn honours in alx papers of the Middle School; and also with first class honours in three papers and third class honours in one paper of the Upper School, l= Firat Class Honours Over 7H per cent, 2-=8econd Class Honours 66:75 per cent, S=Third Class Honours-- 60-668 per cent, Co Credit--h0-60 per cent, H, Augustus--Agr, I, ©, W, Baker==Comp. 2; Lit, 8; Can, Hist, 8; Ane. Hist, 8; Algebra 1; Aen 1 1, 5 Bascome=Lat, Co, C; Fr.- Au, C; Fr. Cov C, J. Bentley==I'r. Au, § : BE. Rird--Comp, 8; Lit. 11 Can, Hist, 95 Ane, Hist, 1; Alg 1; Agr, "1, Brawley «Geom, C; Lat, Au, &; Lat, Co, C} Fr. Aw C; Fr Co, C; Agr 11, C J Yi Chapman=Lat. Au, 8; Fr. Au, 8 Aen 1 C J. Chapman~--Alg, 2; Agr 533 0, Dewland== Comp, C; 'Lit, 2 Ano, Hist, 21 Alg : G, Blma--Comp, C; Lit, 8; Geom, 21 Lat, Au, 1; Lat, Co, 0; IY, Aw Ci Ir, Co, C3 Agr 11), R, Gale--Agr, 1, C, 7, Gee-=Can, Hist, 2; Lit, 1; Ane, Hist, C; Alg, Oi Af 1 5 J, Giroux---=Lit, C'; Geom, 1; Lat, Au, 2; Lat, Co, 8; Fr, Au, C; Fr Co, Ci; Agr, 11, 8, W. Gordon=Comp, A; Lit, 8; Can, Hist, 1; Ane, Hist, 11 Ale 85 Agr 0 ' W CO, Greenfleld==Lit, C1; Can, Hist, C; Ane, Hist, C3 Agr, 13 V. Hall==Comp, C; Lit, C; Hist. Ci Alg. C, B, Lawler--Comp, 8; Lit, 8; Can, Hist. 1: Ane, Hist, 1; Alp, C; Agn vl 8, Lawler-=Comp, 81 Lit, 1; Geom, 2: Lat, Au, 8; Lat. Co, 8; Fr, Au, 8; Fr, Co, 8; Asn 11, C, H. Levine--Geom, 2; Lat, Aw 1 Lat, to Ji Fr Aw 18 Fr Co, 1; rl C, » Levine--Comp, 8; Lit, 1; Can, Hist, 1; Ane, Hist, 1; Aly, 1 As I, "P, Lovine- Comp, C; Lit, 8; Ane, Hist, 2; Agr. L 8 Can, 2: Lat, Co, 2) Fr, Au, C; Fr. Go, 1} { Hist, 1; Ane Hist, 2) Alg. | Agr | list, '; An 8 Lit, Cl Gp Alg | Agr, 11. ( thy, 2 L | 1; Phy % | 3 K, Lomax-=Cieom, 1; Lat, Au, 1} Lat, Co, 13 Yr. Au, 1; Fr. Co, 2; Agr. 11, 1, I, Liuka==Lit, #; Geom, 2; Lat, Au, 2; Lat, Co, 2; Fr. Au, 8; Fr, Co, C; Agr. 11, C, J. MaeConnell=Geom, 2! Lat, Au, #: Lat, Co, C; ¥r. Au, 8; Fr. Co, C; Agr. 11, C, 1 Me Arthur--Ceom, 1; Lat, Au, 1; Lat. Co, 13 Fr. Au, 1; Fr. Co, 1; Agr. 11, 1, J, MeClintoek--Comp, 2; Lit, # Can, Hist, C3 Anc, Hist, 5; Agr. 1, i M. Mantell=Comp, f; Tit 25 Can Hist, C3 Ane, Hist, Cj Alg, Cj Agr, 0 Fr. Au, #; Fr. Co, H. Merriam- Ane, Hist, C}; Lat, Au, Ci Vea, Au, C; Fr, Co, C, M, Merriam Comp, C; Lit, 8; Can, Hist, 2; Ane, Hist, 2; Alg. 2; Agr. 1}, H, Neul Lit, C; Can, Ane, Hist, C; Agr. 1. 2, I, Newman Geom, 2; Lat. Au, 0, Maundrell Hist, 2; Agr. 11 ( ¥, Odlum lat, Co, 1; Agr, 11, 4 M. Osborne Lat, Co, 1; Fr. Agr, 11, © J, Parker Lat. Co, 1; Fr Agr. 11, ( I', I'rice nN, Pringle Hist, 2; Ane 0 (jeom, 2; Tat, Au, 1} Fr. Au, Cj Fr, Co, }} 2; Lat, Au, 1; fr. Co, C; Geom Au, 2; Geom, 1; lat Au, 1] Au, 2; Fr. Co, 2; Ag 2: Agr. 1, 2 Comp, 1; Lit, 2; Can Hist, 1; Alg. C; Agr Comp, C; Lit Hist, « Comp. 23 Lit, 2 Hist, 1; Ag. 3; Fr. Au, C; . T Nea €; Can Hist, C; Ane I, Rosettani Can, Hist, 1; Ane Agr. 1.1 M. Ruddy fr, Ca, ( Geom, 2 Agr. 11, C, | |G, Heott Comp. Cy Lit €; Geom Cy Lat. Au, C1 Lat, Co, 8) Fr. Au | Cg Fr, Co, Cj Agr. 11. 8 H, Btein= Comp, C; Lit, 8; Can, 1; Agr, 1. § K. Thompson-=Ceom, 2; Lat, Au 11 Lat, Co, 2; Fr. Ay, 2; Fr. Co, §; 1]. C C. Webater--LIt, 17 Geom, 1; Lat, Au, 21 Lat, Co, Bi Agr, 11 1 M, Westney-=Comp. fi; Lit, 1; Can | Hist, 1; Alg, C1 Agr, I " (jeom, 1; Agr. 1. C) C. Worfolk--Geom, C; Lat, Au, C Co, C; Fr. Au, Cp Agr. 11, ( ah a a Bk Th td dp! | R. White an Joh, 1 1006 men in our City looking for is Just ke drawing a white feather neroks the eye In this $160,000.00 scheme noths ing is said or provideB for new oMes furnitura-=Did ever a "gob rieh-quick'" wife take hey old furnis ture in her new manston-=If we used the ald Markel hullding for a winter City ¥urniture Vactory and purchased the material, how many City Vurnfture Merchants have we and how many would this part of the undertaking provide a job for' At the hest the trifling employment benafits would be only temporary Any unemployment relief scheme for this city should have for iis object something thet would tend towards progressive or continuous amployment and ravennes for those whom we are fesking to help, | am not going to outline in this letter any such deheme, hut | am prepared to make (hig statement and qualify same Inter, If question ed properly, that there existe todny within our City one of the finest opportunities thet ever existed, for works of progressive and industrial development, upon & tripartite part nership principal, thet would give employment, not only for na faw dogen hut to hundreds, and with opportunities for continuous em ployment and Inereased reveniiss Prom what Mitle knowledge 1 may possess not only from Ihe Constructions! side of 1, hut from the financing of such Public under takings, | halleve the Anancing If carried out upon. a thoroughly equalized principe, would not add a fraction of o mill to the working man's tux hill in this Clip The Layout or Proposed Bile It must he remembered this bullding Is not a Clty Hall, hut only an ofce Boek or Bullding which It Is proposed to arect com paratively close to the sldewnlk facing Bimeos BL, taking up over 100 feet of the Memorisl Park YOU CAN PREVENT FOREST FIRES { WHAT OTHERS SAY || tp bebo hb, | ADMININTRATION ING MONEY BY LAW The Bditor, Oshawa Dally Times | would ask you to ba good anoukh to KIve me apace in Osh AWA'S only paper, (0 axXpress my views on this subject, especially an the volume of published opin {on in your paper has heen in favor of the proposition upon which the taxpayers will he called upon to vole on August 28th, T have neith ar APOIOEY NOT BXCURe to make for I have given considerable time and thought te this subject the ant three vears, and I may add that in the years heyond! 1 Was once en ganged upon the question of a Cen tralized Administrative Rystem for an important County Administra tive Nloek-=plans in my pressnt possesaion==which makes this ques tion doubly Interesting to me, I am opposed ta the proposition from each of the three main stand. points! 1, From the point . 2, From the Employment Rtand- woint 1. And Thirdly General Layout In the first case it 1s claimed the elty will, at the and of this venr retire $841,000,00 of ita De benture debt, In other words, that a part of the Mortgage Dabt of thi City will he lifted, and therefore on this account our Mill Rata will not he increased, A poor excuse at this time for even endeavoring to maintain eur high tax rate, Would any sane working taxpayer do such a thing If he were lifting a Mortgage on his home? My alternative Is, that the Pub. He Utilities Commission, baing pro. hably the ohlef Pores behind the soheme, should erect ita own build. ing, and finance it out of their sur- plus profits, which 1 am awsured they have the power and financial ability to do: This would not affect the general taxpayer one cent, and as the profits from the Pyublie Util. tien Commisaion are derived mainly from the larger user and more fore tunate or wellsto=do within the City they are the people who should hear the cost and not the General taxpaying oltinen, there being hundreds of taxpayers in this City who have not the goad fortune yet to be users of either tha light, water or gas supplied by the Com: minslon=-Why then affect thelr tax bill one lata by arking them to pay Let the Commission, 1 suggest, acquire the ""Whitehouse" site on Metealf 70 x 140, arect their own bullding thereon, relieving thereby the office congestion in the present City Offica hy transferring the Wats er Ingineern Stal, apd wo design or build, that gueh building would he contiguous th and work in with the future City Hall facing south on Metoalf, whenever that time ahoulll come thereby planning ahead and looking ahead, Hmployment Standpoint NK Financial Meand- nuiLD. | As an argument to help the un. employment 'situation, with over equivalent destruction of all future Ing uppearances of an desl Memaol In inl and Central Park Lnyout any Landseape Architecl ever con (eh n 2 x 4 destruet)ve Millions TRAVELLING Wherever you go, banking service awaits you if you carry a Dominion Bank Letter of Credit or our Travellers' Cheques. When abroad, on- business or plea- sure, they are a safe,easilynego- tiable means of carrying THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 OSHAWA BRANCH T. W. Joyce, Manager to the sheer on this count henutify Win pREl [AVOUrS I trust the Citizens wes our viceless forest heritage JORESTS provide the raw materials for Canada's second greatest industry, con. serve water supplies for power projects, protect fish and game and provide the main attractions to tourists. In his own interest, every Canadian should do his part in reducing losses from forest fires, over ninety per cent. of which are preventable. \Ya\"4 31,13 FORESTS depend on them/ t ' FOREST SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR a --_-. alone will vote Na und Never, ngainet such wn Memaorium Thanking you £0F Vi, wow ni Yours sincerely, F. G, Carnell,

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