Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Aug 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1930 PACE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr, H, BR, Fitzgerald, 18 Klena Street, of this city, spent the week: end with friends in Ottawa Miss Betty Ellsworth of Toronto is to be hostess at a luncheon and bridge In honor of Miss Eleanor MeLaughiin on Wednesday Mrs, H. Ormshy, of Detroit, Mich, is spending a few days with her unele and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, 8 Schwartz, Oak Street Mrs, Erie Phillips entertained a! luncheon yesterday ii honor of hey sister, Miss Kleanor Melaughlin, whose marriage to Mr, Churehill Mann, of Toronto, takes place an Saturday, SUMMER SALE Where i A Talkin FASHION SHOPPE hone HORRY : Sheer Chiffon Full Fashioned HORTERY AM ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor, King & Simeon Bt i SR 7% PEERLESS BUSINESS COLLEGE FALL TERM OPENS SEPT, 2 Office Hours: 10:12; 3:4.30 PHONE 3218 True Stories Stranger Than Fletion STRANGEST TALES OF ROMANCE ano MYSTERY By Vance Wynn (Author of To:Day's True Detective Btories) oy one HE TRAGEDY A RINGER Bome day some will give us 8 volume devoted to the yearts breaking results of unrequited lave, and when it enmes one of the | chapters will surely tall of the! tragic ease of Genevieve Ray and the Curate of Wyveston Miss Ray was the daughter of a laborer who went from London te Histres, Bhe obtained employment in a millinery establishment near Covent Garden, where she attracts ad much attention hy reason of her | heauty and amiability, In 1748, while the Earl of Sandwich was shopping in the distriet he met Miss Ray for the first time and became Interested in the girl, He soon dis. novered that she was the possessar of an unusual veles and he under. took the husiness of having it ouls tigated for the operatie stage, The noble Earl posed as the patron of arts and ha felt that this was a case In whieh ha might use his meas and his Influence far the develops ment of a prodigy, - Rhea was tak- an to his country seat, and under | the tutorship of ahla Instruetors soon became a singer of merit Some years later, Captain Mak man, of the sixty-eighth Pant, dined with Lord Bandwiech at his country state and there met Miss Ray Like many others wha had met the girl the soldier Wdmired har. Hut In this case admiration soon save way to love and in tha eourss of time ha became completely infats uated with the girl, Ha hung anon her for days and he prolongad his visit In order that he might he constantly hy her side, Aelng young and heautiful, she was rlut: tered hy his attentions, hut thera is nothing to show that she favored hs suit, Indeed, the time came when his lovemaking hecamwe 1rks sgme, She intimated that, hut the only effect was to fan the flame Lord Sandwich, in a good-natured WAY, suggested that Haokman's attentions wera hecoming trouble some ta Miss Ray, hut that, tan, was without any effect upon the loveemaddened man, Rome years later Captain Hack. man was attracted hy the religions lite and in the course of time ha took Holy Orders, He Lecama a minister, the soldier transformed inte the clergyman, and hecame the Reverand Mr, Hackman, Curate of Wyveston, in Norfolk, Hut the ohange In his vocation failed to cause any change in his feelings to. ward Miss Ray, He was Just as infatuated as ever and he press od his sult in a way that was rath. or embarassing to the vising young singer, Sha might have cared fov Mm, but she certainly did pot give hm any encouragement t this stage of their respective careers He urged her ta marry him, Tt seems © od that she gave this affer thought ful attention, hut without changing ar mind, She declined and asked im not to press his attentions up. on her any further, She thought of her abligations ta Lard Sandwich and alse considered what aha called her "oareer." Bhe had just received an offer of $15,000 a year to ap: pear in grand opera and it looked as 1f ahe was about te ander upon a successful aperatie life, That had heen her ambition and she sald vesolutely that nothing should in. terfare with it, But, ales, for the uncartainiy @f Mrs, Harvey Simpson, Chatham, has returned home after visiting for the past month with her moth: or, Mrs, KB, 1, Vickery at Mrs, Viek: ary's summer home on Lake Beugog i In honor of Miss Eleanor , Mer Laughlin whose marriage takes place on Saturday, Mrs, Gordon Conant entertained at a delightful supper party last evening Miss Josephine McLennen, of this city, has veturned after spending two weeks' vacation In Ottawa and Norway Bay, Quebss, with hey aunt, Mrs, Alexander, . Miss Vivien Goyne, who has haen visiting with her aunt, Mrs, B. J, MacPhee, in Detroit, Mich, returned to town ast evening, In honor of hey daughter, Anna, who bas returned from Regina, where she has heen hiving for the past year and a half, Mrs, M, Mg Kay, h Burke Street, enteriained AL A BUrprise corn roast ast sven: ing Mi und Mrs. B, MM.ean, of Mont real, are visiting the latter's sister, Miss M, Wige, William Street Mi J. WW. Barrowclough and dunghter, Mrs, Cyril Deyo, of Osh awn, are in Kingston, the guests of Mis. DL Jackson Ihe name of the soloist at the Huber-Melntyre wedding, in the de cription of it given in Tuesday's is of The Times, was stated incor rect! Instead of Mrs, Grant Uf should he Mrs Grant Berry and Mrs He Jarrett and daugh ter, Kathleen, Mr, and Mrs, A. W I. Smith and Miss Lucille Crozier who have heen spending the month of August at Gull Lake, Minden, Ontario, returned to town yesterda Capt After meeting of the the Canadian the regular Ladies" Auxiliary of Legion last evening a social Wh held in the Legion Hall, All those present at the largely attended meet ing remained and enjoyed the musical 2 AND A OLERGYMAN human Ife, something was going to interfere with Jt In & most pro nounced and final manner Hackman continued to haunt her footsteps and the time cams whan [she refused tn sea him any mars, [The blow almost erushed the man | He felt that her affections had been absolutely withdrawn and. the thought drove him to the verge of {insanity, He was living in Loudon [at the time and his ons occupation now was to wateh her wherever she went, Far a time he was ean. tent to get merely a glimpse of the face nf the adored ons, If he eould hut toueh the hem of hav dress he would imagine himasif In Paradise On April 17, 1770, ha learned that ashe was going out far the evening, Ha discovered the time of hep intended departure and ealled on her at her house, Bha positively declined ta see him, saying that the Interview would he useless and would anly add te his misery, But {he hung about the house and when she came aut and enterad her ears riage, he fallowad her vahiels, It want tn the Cavent Garden Theatrs, Hackman purchased a eheap tioke! rn ones Inside the house found that she was seated In a hox with her friend, Blgnara Galli, the sine or, All evening he feasted his ayes upon Miss Ray, At Intervals he left the house and went ta an Inn nearhy, where he drank a good deal af hrandy Presently the opera ended ann Miss Ray came out, surrounded hy A group. of admiring friends, 8%» was gay and animated, and thers was mueh laughter, The vouny woman never appeared happier in her life, and the fact that she had just almnad a contract and loaked torward® to a brilliant career as a sinwer neemed to liven her apirita immensely, ®ha reached the eurh and placed her font on the step of her oarriage, At that moment she felt seme ane . plucking at her dress, fhe turned and saw the white and agonlsed face af Waok. man, He never sald a word, and hafore sha could speak tha hystand. arn. werg ahaeked hy the sudden and unexpected veport af a pistal, The next moment she fell dead In the gutter, bathed (npn her own hinod! Wha ean deseribe that dramatie seena? The flickering torches, the wild sereams, the eries far help, the rloh dress af the young woman, hes spattered with mud and blood, ard Hackman, Iving on the sidewalk, shouting like a maniae and trying vainly to kil himself with the butt ond af ha pistol! The senvel was long-drawn aut and trying to all eancernad, Rut the end was inevitable, The jury convietad the unfortunate wan withant leaving the hox, Wa was anndamned ta death and axseuted Just hefavg tha hinck eap was yu! aver his head he peolasted that he had acted unen the apie af the moment, Fe had. na thouph of Killing the wiv] but the steht of her face caused him (0 loss My rea: on, "A momentary fransy avareama Me he sald, with tha 'savy atesa in. [ine dawn hig tana, Yond catnad me 1 sammwit the dead (Neil Nr Pahl Ledger) OF intersat to society and military siveles in Canada Is the announer ment of the engagement of Min Vi vian Beott, pictured above, daughter | Alwyn Craffrey Harry Ernest of Mr. and Mrs Beott, ta Captain ov-- program and delighting were the features of the Lee and Mi Payht those took part in the Mrs soloist @ fitt Mrs Bishop heen in England and on salling fram Liver uni heptenhe Five to the opening wha Lee ' as pianist M Hethuue thi Clughiterson jh ng un me Canada a Tew of the On the occasion of fith wedding Mrs, Morgan, Nuss haonared by sone of the the Daughters of Fugland Mrs. Marian mpl hy surprise when the wt then AM tor present silver the anys were | friends Nitin i" | f Hi them with t} ft ol sand plat ili hride and yi frwenty five When the ehill breeses begin to blo with penetrating insistence, the beloved hip:length evening jacket must yield ta the long weap, The new wrap is long, very long, and fa bries employad are very sumptuous, including such articles as velvet and Weeks, MU, MM dian Corps of Lignals, son of the Inte Major and Mrs w A Weeks, af Charlottetown, Princes Edward Is. the Royal Cana: | land ead hy Mrs. A Fit mde the presentation lett for their cre served and gl musi gramme on ENGAGEMENTS vl Mei Charles P il auth, Oshawa nowieh he wement of they Lars Marguerite, (a My of Windsor, of Oshawa The place the Iatiay Hoey fn fhe Taughin Terhin tn ba, farmer nunders Liner Tr ia th tke part of Beptambel Mrs © Mad I'he nl BO RRNOURCES her grand Marjorie, only Mr. and Mra tn My, Nov on of Mr and (Miawn The place In Rep i cient Viglen Ita f the late I harnley tinyne fenerh Hono h ha on tunghter ini Iohn man Ford Mrs Olin A TIER A | Take | | tamber Youth is comfdent and shows it; Age In wiser far and knows i, wed il Mother Nature, Impy the black Chipmunk was Katting the hahit of staying oul nse 11) after the coming of the Wack Shadows each night, All the res! of the Chipmunk family tank care in he safely in thelr heds vary soon after the approgch of the Rack shadows, They worn afraid to ha ont miter dark. You see, thely eyes | n are made for daylight seeing, 11 4 just the same with Happy Jack the (bray Bauwirrel and Chatters) the Hed Bgulreel and Rusty the Fox gauirrel, All are afraid to ha onl after dark. Thera Is hut ons of the squirrel consine who is nit afraid at that time, This one 14 Timmy the ¥Viying sgulrrel UNp good will came ol slaying oul so late,' declared Biriped Chip mink, who is, you know, the (ather of Impy 0 URL, protested Impy, 1 Hike It when the Black Mhadows come | fael a lot safer then, 1 cannot wo |, ahnlly he ween UNG. and you eAnnoL see ke awe) yourself," retorted Wiriped Chip munk When Jolly, round, red Mr. Bun goes to hed it Is time for # Chipmunk to go to hed No gobd | will come of helng onl afler dark, | One of these days you will ha plok | ed up hy Honty the Horned Owl or | Hpooky the Ke reach Owl" | UWhn are they?' asked Impy | who quite naturally, never had seen them Phey are feathered who tly hy night. and ses hy night and who would ke nothing beter than a tender young Chipmunk hi surprises mie that you have nol heen | ploked up before thie, They have wonderful eves and wonderful ears'! Wht good do thelr them?" demanded Impy, UThelr eave give them A chance tn ise thelr eves,' replied Htriped Chipmunk a | don't see any sense to thal, sald ITmpy What have Lhalr ears gol ta do with thely eyes" "A yery great deal replied striped Chipmunk helr sara are wo wonderful that they ean hey the tiniest rustle of a leaf. They ean hear It at some Ji le distanes BNA IER oars fo ne, hie perfectly had Hawks," that An Owl male PEE METI TA By Thomton W, Burgess Mp rrr ------ and they comes from tn that eyes do the Ike the members of the Hawk fam iy, do all thelr hunting with thelr hut the members of the Ow LLM family nse holh ayes and oars may think yourself quite safes when you ara ging In the middle of w Winok shadow, Owl should startle you with his te rile voles wo thal 0 Hille lent oy made hie with your claws, Hooty would have You hefors yon know he a sald tmp won uny a | ean tell Just wherg ji! Then they tly right und thelr. wonderful rest, Homes hunters, wool You LO I hut If Hooty the vost rue ion preiniime thlfty hayes You move aysy moving rustle u leant ite sound | , and In whe ghout, I oeauld hewr him oom "MY ears may not erful Hike his, hit they wre good enrn I hive neva WHICH -- Long Run Economy or Low Original Cost? The mecurmte time to figure (in you ure vendy to discard 1 welled the vost of upkeep to the Herve the genuineness of the value In terms of length of We vevently vend of an mevehnt who saved $1,000 on the bullding of his new thnn nn low avidinal cost We are here to sell you merchandise of a quality that will give you lasting satisfaction, the keenest competitive prices. cost of an urticle is when Only then will you he able to original purchase price and hy ho pny wl ope slong un inferior wall WIG exten Insurance hin that cannes the long run oe onomy he hina Io noe and now Very " yen vison Tike tn he Interested In And we aim to mest dimeulty In heaving the | "Don't make the mistake of com paring Owls Hiriped Chipmink BH AN ving dungeons Chipmunks "You'd he » nice Huwhk replied "You wouldn't mpked #0 elo touch you [11re Leoming given with H fore it 1a Lime fi Owls do not Hk Owl If he wing trl tha | ao nol of almost nn nose whei ne | That 1a whit mike That | whi | 0 hnve ion why lif | he | ane vi nil wre A Aig Wike Felire vill hie SHE THOUGHT If It weren't for that hint of 'B.O.'I" Yet, 10 be polite, SHE SAID, "I won't ask you to come Im rath er late," you far Wine In hed with the ER ---- oS -- id nothing, Mriped hit no way of knowing hether or not his warning would offal 1940 1 lors iw Owls ta he out 11} "hr ght Hight Onan Bunting until he Hine l hudow Hi ji hnve (Capyright I'he next " W. Burgess. "Impy Meelis a vurninag timpy Chipmunk youl Lt nf us,' Ie aus n | everywhere, lame, plain or patterned and often lined with velvet, Ruby ved fashions | the wrap in the Vogue illustration, A eivonlir Hounse joing the wrap in a shaped line and affords the gradual fulness that covers a long full akin, The collar, shown af velvet might of: fastively he fashioned of summer av: if FRY ree ------ A ---------- TS mine: Shire fulness add interest to the sleeves, Wool arepe in a warm autumnal ved is the feature of the fall wmode as shown in the picture shove, The normal waist line is in dicated hy a fabivie helt, and touches are lent hy white pique ravers on the lapels, Shetek is hy Vogus, shave you've ever hag, we mp Hover § oP hd WRI, TT™ rare to ask him nd Why, It was only 10 o'clock, There must be another reason, Why had she turned so vool? Why act so strangely? Friendly at fst==then suddenly distant, Now he knows the reason == knows how to correct the fault that once made people avold him, "Today he's welcome A RK RS longer robs him of popularity, It ruins romance Many a budding romance has been wrecked because one or the other of the couple wan eareloss about "BO." Of course no one means to offend, #0 eaay to be guilty and not know it, Pores give off a quart of odour-eansing waste daily==hoth visible and fneivible perspiration, We qulokly become so used N LIFEBUOY A SHAVING CREAM {iain No th pp | \ Te hy Limit A cold good-night vv. was "B.0." the reason? (Body Odour) ; to thia ever-present adour that wa don't notion it in ourselves, But others do! Why take chances when the remedy Is wo simple, so delightful P- Just wash and bathe with Lifehuoy, Its ereamy, abund= ant, antiseptio lather. leaves you gloris ously, satisfyingly elean==purifios pores #0 deeply that "1,0." husn't a chance. body odour==no Fresh, radiant beauty And what: a fine complerion soap Lifes huoy Is! Work ita bland, penetrating lather well into the skin. It frees the clogged pores from fmpuritions freshons dull skina till they glow with healthy beauty. Its pleasant, extrasolean soent==that vanishes as you rinse==tells you Lifebuoy purifies, Adopt Litehuoy Lifebuoy stops body odour But i's ew! TILLIE THE TOILER--Making It A Foursome \TH B YAR S RS MAC," HE Br YEAR? DIVINE! FR, evs By Russ Westoves OW MAC, TS | € LIM \8 PROMA GIRL, v N A owt [MW] WOLD ae BRING HER UP TO THE HOUSE. TONIGHT MAC, \'T'LL BE AN EXCUSE FOR MIX TO ASW BUD

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