Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Aug 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1930 ON ARSON CHARGE Veterhoro, =Vryederick Melig, pro prietor of an auto, electric and radio repair shop here, was balled for trial by Magistrate Langley in police court, when he appeared for prelim nary hearing on a charge of arsow, Bull was set at S8,000, FIRE LOSS AT TOLEDO Brockville ~Fire Sunday morming at Toledo, Kitley Vaownship, destroyed a service station, n garage, two resi dences and u store, The buildings and practically all their contents were totally destroyed I'he cause of the Mire ap unknown, The damage has not yet Leen estimated, V- YEARS OLD BUT MOWS HAY Picton Mr, V., A. Mills of Island Is very active though in his BRthy vear, This season Mr, Mills was able to mow several acres of hay and enjoyed doing the work CANAL BRIDGE COLLAPSES Cardenyville=On Vyiday morning a rather serious aceldent occurred when one of the hridges over the Murray canal collapsed, No one wa hurt but couple the worknren who were replacing the plank foo were thrown from their feet I'he heavy timbers underneath broke, af terward, the eable gave wa and left hoth ends of the bridge rest ing in the water PILOTS NEW PLANE Campbellford I'he Camphelliord i ol hoy NSE vbr AV tlantic City is always ('in secason" There's never a dull moment at Atlantis City, all-yenr-round is vaeation time! Bracing alr=sporta=~ wonderfulfogd=relnn- ation! Bpenda week or aweekend, with ue ou'll return homeleel, nghi=lresh=vigorousl ~ RATES American Plan Single. ; $710 90 » DeoubleS 1210817 Kuropean Pian Videored 3 J 's One of the lines! Hotels In Atlantic City f wetl ord weekand enjoy the lunury of nest appointments without exarbitant a Pookles, Write or wire for reservations, ERLOOKING THE OCEAN nN BATHE AC. ANDREWS, : Nay Por the EA W QV. MEEKS, Mor 4 LN aw Ne -- OUR PRICELESS OPPORTUNITY UST LOOK forward a score of J years, to the time when your children will be grown-ups, Can you Imagine anything that will be more precious then than a vibrant movie record of them as they are today==to flash on your home screen at will? The priceless opportunity to make that record will not always be yours, Stop today == while you think of it==for an Interests ing Ciné-Kodak home movie demonstration, See how easy and inexpensive it Is to have home movies the Eastman way, Jury & Lovell Ltd. King E, Phone 28 Simcoe §, Phone 68 "EASTERN ONTARIO Big | [! " ! Plying Club's plane, which has recent ly been undergoing tests at Belle ville, was brought back to Campbell ford by the president gf the local club, Mr, C. D, pg ho made a solo hight, taking. about hall an hour for the trip, 368 BOATS USE MURRAY CANAL Vieton, «Since April 20, there have been Jol boats of all denominations passing throtgh the toll bridge of the Murry Canal ut Twelve O'Clock Polit, which testifies to the pops larity of the Bay of Quinte with those possessing witer craft, Since August Ist, there have been over forty vachts and other boats passing either up or down STEAM ENGINE BLOWS OUT Northport,=On Vriday last, about eleven o'clock, while threshing at Mr, Beith Barker's, the steam engine blew out throwing sealding - water and burning wood from the furnace for some distance, setting fire to the straw in the barnyard in several places, Fortunately no one was hurt Mr, Harold Barker who was running the engine was at the time standing on one side of the engine but was uninjured FIGHTS UNEMPLOYMENT In an efort to help al levigte the unemployment situation here, the Allred MeDonald Lumber Company has received two scow fonds of eordwood from Nogie' Creel About 90 cords are contained in the which were un loaded after having been towed down [rent hy the "Jerome | PETERBORO DISCOURAGFES GAMBLING Peterhor Five slot which have rested in the Police Sta tion for months were recently removed Wpped back to the ner, Carnell of Toronto I'hey seized from various stores gambling de vice POLIOMTITIS AT LINDSAY Lindsay Another case of infantile paralysis has been reported in Ops making a total of seven eaves in thi district, De; VF, Blanchard, Medical Officer of Health, informed the Post Saturday Lindsay now has five of this dread disease and Ops two Peterboro two Saturday the SCOWS, machines sOme and WwW. R had heen about the city a on Cases has CAE NEW ROADS FOR PEMBROKE Pembroke = Although the season is pretty well advanced, I" either under way or on three sections of roud in people of Pembroke and district are interested, One is between Metawan and Chalk River, in the Military Camp and the third at Port age du Fort work shortly which new will be another SIX POUND BASS Peterbern High fishing honors were gained by Miss Hazel Blakels of Tweed, when she landed a 534 pound smallsmouthed haves near Geo Sammon's resort in Maginaw Like Miss Blakely was casting with a Nght {rod and line when she hooked hig fellow, which had a length of 2) inches and a girth of 15 inches SMALLER PAYROLLS COMING Pembroke Although unemploy ment does not offer a serious prob lem in Pembroke vet, indieations, gained from a survey made by Mayor Taylor and his colleagues on special committee of the gown Council, at the request of Hon, (4 dean Robertson, minister of labor, are that almost every industry in Pembroke will reduce the number of men on the payrool hy next winter GAME BIRD SEASONS Cobourg. ~The open season for the shooting of ducks, geese, Brant, Rail and Coots, Wilson's or Jacksnipe for Cobourg and" district in the current vear will be from September 15 to December 15 with hath dates inely sive, The shooting of weodeock will commence an the same date ax the above but will end on November Jo, the Openings in ocean liners for women hairdressers, an employment huréan, A life on the ocean "wave," AVS Father was standing on the hearth rug lecturing his son and daughter, "The trouble with you young peo ple of today 18" he bellowed, "that vou smoke, drink, dance, and flirt too much," "But, dad, darling," protested his wayward daughter, "that's not trou ble, it's pleasure" I A ST --iin --CO SEMET - SOLVAY WE ARE SOLE AGENTS POCAHONTAS SCREENED AND CLEAN CANNEL SIZED FOR FIRE PLACE DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE R62 Five Direct lines EXPERIMENT WITH LONGEVITY DIET Louis Man, 67, Will Try to Live to Age Of 100 Years Paris, Vreance, Aug, 26,-1Park Hammer, retired #t, Louis paint manufacturer, expects soon (o take fn Russian couples to HL, Louls for un experiment looking toward a diet for longevity, After three months In the Mis wgourl City, Mr, Hammer will move his experiment to a different clim- fte for another thres months, and thereafter will move at similar intervals, Yesterday the retired manu- facturer placed an advertisement in a Russian dally, offering $200 uo month and expenses plus $2,600 should he discharge the ecoupls within a year, Ha expscls numer ous replies, since about 60,000 hard pressed Tussian emigres live In Paris, 5 Mr, Hammer Is 67 years old and expects to work oul a system that will enable him to live to 100 UNVEIL STATUE T0 LORD WILLINGDON St. 1g | lan wheat to the United Kingdom | Honored by People of Ma- dras, of Which He Was Formerly Governor Madras, Indian, Aug, 26. "The efforts of Lord and lady Willing. don to Improve the social relations between the different classes of this community an well as Lord Willingdon's work as head of the Madras administration will bear their fruit In dus season," sald the itt, Hon, Bir George KBtanley, pres ent governor of tha presidency when he unveiled a status of vis count. Willingdon Mir Georges and other speakers piald warm tribute to the work done here by Lord Willingdon, as gov ornor The present governor-general of the Dominion of Canada was governor of Madris from 1019 to 1024, haing promoted to the posal thon after five successful tenure of the governorship of Yonra' SPECIAL SESSION MEANS LARGE SUM T0 OTTAWA PEOPLE Rents in Capital Will Jump Just Before Parliament Convenes -- Ottawa, Aug, 20.~The special ses sion of parliament which will open early in September will bring about $500,000 to Ottawa, This sum, whicl is entirely "found money" for land. lords, merchants, men and women on the temporary staff of the eivil ser vice und even taxi-drivers and res taurant keepers will be spent by the newly-clezted members of parla ment, the Senators, the hundreds of tourists who will visit the city at that time and by the government itself Fen the telegraph companies will re celve their share of the "windfall" he. eave of the thousands of words the newspapermen will send out daily concerning the deliberation of the new parliament, Just before the opening of parlia ment, rents seem to go higher here in Ottawa for it is a well-known and obvious fact that even members of parliament must live somewhere dur- ing the time they are here. Appar ently, landlords look upon them as fair game and step up their rents a few pegs The fonul staff of the parlia ment buildings will receive their share of the unexpected money, They ine clude special guards, committee sec returiat, stenographers, Hansard re porters, und even scrub women, Ottawa, at least, will he one city that will derive direct beneht from the session that is called to find ways and means of combatting unemplo ment NORTHERN ESKIMOS RELISH ICE CREAM Natives Of Arctic Regions Also Have a Decided Sweet Tooth Vancouver. B.C, Tha skimos of Canada's "ar North have be come {ea cream conscious, and when the schooner Old Mald No, 2, ple. nity Hudson's Bay Company fleet, left here for Lhe Western Arctie recent. ly she carried what Is believed to bs the firs. Ice cream freezer to pass through Bering Wiraits, Whale blubber must have lost Its taste among the hardy natives of the barren lands, for cases of pon. nut butter, frult salud, grape Jujee, canned grapefruit, lobsters, Jams and vegetables found a place In the unsorted cargo, All sorts of candies were. also Included In the cargo, and according to the shippers most of the swest goods arse for Christ mas presents, The territory visited by the trading schooner 1s reached from the outside world but one » year, Large shipments of fence wire to bs used for newly established fox farms were also included In the Cargo, There In even a parcel marked "hip bath' which has chums od considerable speculation, ELECTION ROORBACK BRANDED AS UNTRUE ®t, Thomas, Aug. 24 plete denial to the election roor- hack of M, FF. Hepburn's eam pulgn in West Kigin to the effect that the Cunadian Milk Products, Limited, n branch of the Amer) can Borden's firm, had received an order from the United Yeas! Company, of London, Vngland, for one milllon pounds of malted milk, was given by Stuart Pea hody, general advertising man ager at Borden's Limited, hound office in New York The letter says In part; "While It Is true that we have manufactured and wold consider abla quantity of our malted mill in England, the truth of the mat ter in that no such order has hosp received by us. It In difficult foy un to Imagine whers this rumor started and wo are very glad In deed, to give the facts In Ihe mal ter TORONTO WOMAN Coms- rest in Hospital at Brantford Brantford Aug oh Willams, 5 Withrow Avenue, Tor onto, lies In the Brantford Hospits) facing a charge of criminal negli gence and possibly manslaughter turesque trading schoonar of the Rombay WHEAT DROPPING TO LOW NINETEES Light Trading Prevents Greater Slump On Winnipeg Market ! Winnipeg, Man, Aux 4 | Wheat was back to the dark nine tea yesterday and another day of | losses will bring It precariously clone tn the high sightieth, De clines of 1% to &e¢ a bushel on the Winnipeg exchange, rubbed out the last dollar wheat for the time being, carrying the May ful ure down 00 Me oft BM «¢ for tha day Light and featureless tradin saved. the market from more dras tie losses, Despite heavy receipts of new wheat aver the week-ond selling pressure ~did net material Ine. October wheat finished off 1 at D7%e and December down 114¢ aL ni te D8 '%e Indications that the wheat pon! Wan selling In large quantities, contained In reportn of 4 large ox port trade last waek, worn not 're. flected In today's market Canh wheat business was limit ed, offerings continuing draggy. Coaras grains held fairly firm in light trade, In CANADIAN GRAIN STATISTICS PROVE VERY MISLEADING Writing in The Financial Post, Toronto, W, Sanford Evans, Winn|- peg, points out that thera is ne ar curate knowledge of the distribu tion of Canada's exports of grain The total quantities leaving Canada are, no doubt, correctly recorded, but there are at least 47 countries in the world to which Canada does not know how much she sells in Any year. Aw grain values are the higgest item In our trade returns, this means that Canada nnot Mtrike a correct balance of trade With any of the ahave countries, The returns of our grain trade and of our total trade with the United Kingdom are unfortunately the least correct of all, Now that Canada is facing a grain marketing problem and ix to participate with. ha few weeks in an Imperial Eeon- omle Conference, at which grain purchases and balances of trade Will ba leading subjects of discuss: fon, It Is of the first importance that the present unsatisactory con- dition of official records should he recognised and that auch aetion an 'In practicable should be taken te improve It, Mr, Evans points out the chief factor of error in our grain statis tion Is that mueh of our grain leavos Canada for nominal (destinations hut In diverted en route to real buy. ora elsewhere, Thus the Canadian Customs reported exports of Canad- Lo the quantity of 800,671,743 bush. ola, Yet this Is more wheat, hy 17,000,000 bushels, than the Unite ed Kingdom, according to the Brit. ish Customs, Imported from all the world, : \ motor eyelist giving evidence be. fore Mr, Justice Hawke in the King's Dench Division, said he saw the head and neck of a horse approaching a arising out of the death of Mrs po E-- »" . + more powerful than ever; capa! le of extremely high speeds; with an unequal- led flexibility; revealing the stamina, economy and reliability of McLaughlin-Buick valve-in-head design. wr lL Incorporating among other features, the new Ring-Type Torsional Balancer, the new Air Intake Silencer, New Dual Car- buretion, and the Engine-Oi ture Regulator, these new eight cylinder engines have a silence that indicates their extreme efficiency. " New Insulated Bodies by) SEE IT KILLED IN CRASH Driver of Car Is Under Ar- fubour #2 william | averaged around #410 hogshead and the best of the catches heen marketed with them, Bardine herring poor condition all through the een far, heen senttered and the (lmorge McAffes, 4 Cornell Avenue, Tovonto who died following on auto aecident. here HEalurday allernoon, With Williams were Mrs, Anna Cribbs, Newtoundland, and her son, red Cribbs, who has been visiting the home of Mr. Williams, the party being on the way Lo visit Mrs, Me Affee's newly-married daughter at Windsor The driver and the wert in the front gest, The other man was in the rumble sent, When the cor got to a point a few miles west of Alberton It skidded into the ditch and turned over, Mry, Me- Affes died on the way to Hamilton hospital havihg suffered skull Ine juries, Mre, Cribbs hus sovere la corntions and fractured ribs, Vred Cribbs han on broken right arm and Incarations, Willlams the driver of the cay received weyvore Ircorations to the hend faces and legs Ir Hpeors of Ancaster wag enlled Mr, McAffes wan notified of the death, and he wis present at the cone, enrly sunday morning, With hig wife, who was 46 vears of nge, he kept nn confectionery store in Toronto, The Leaflic on the west rond was hard to handle No less than five Cary went Into the diteh when motorists pulled up quickly to view the wreek n hay have heen In have of Jum right size available to warrant any general opening of the factories, Two packing concerns at Kastport put up a few hundred cases cor- Her In the season to take care of some rush orders, bul they soon discontinued operations, Despite the generally pessimistic reports the average packer feels that the worst is over. 1'actories all along the coast have been put in the best condition In years and the slogan sesmu to he "quality rather than quantity," The season this year Is hound to be the shortest in voars, but if the fish are "right" as to condition and size It Is believed the general opening will he about the fifteenth of August, FEven ina brief two months of activity un sur- prisingly large quantity of sardines can be put up if the fall schools are satisfactory, Iarge schools of hake and pol lock have heen geen in the waters near here but just as the fisher man bhagan to fesl that maybe they would make a little money after ull, the dreaded dogfish appeared These ravening proedaceous pests swarm over the grounds devouring and demoralizing the valuable food fish Haka fishing at the grounds east of The Wolves has been aban doned and the so-called "channel fleet'! of small boat fishermen are son wo #ehools no loty two women SMALL DEMAND FOR SARDINES having their lives made miserable by the "dogs." CONVINCED WRECK OF LA SALLE'S SHIP HAS BEEN LOCATED (By Canadian Presh Lessed Wire) #heguandah, Ont, Aug, 26, Af« ter weveral days Investigation the expedition looking Into the hulk ot a shipwreck in Miswlesagl Firat, off Manitoulin Island In Georgian Bay, Is convinced the wreck Iu that of the explorer Lagalle"s ship Grits fin, which was lost in this vicinity about 260 yours ago, While no cers tain fdentification has yet been mudg of the parts of the vessel the axe aminers have reached the cone clusion from the nature of constrir. thon, The extensive local tradi. tions and the histories! facts of the Lasalle explorations support the belief that the wreck Is actually that of the adventurer's pioneer vessel, Twelve-year-old Marjorie had been reading about Egypt, "Do vou know what the oldest flower in the world is?" asked hey mother, thinking the answer vould he the lofty Marjorie "I suppose apple-flos thoughtfully responded it would have to be the som!" "w An Towa man has perfected a ne kind of Aheat that looks like barley und tastes like oat Sounds like one more thing for the farmers 1 raise too much of - Judge Jy at ' | Industry Lowest Ebb In Many Years; Factories Closed | { | | Lauber, Me Ihe fAehing indus | | try around Passamaquoddy Bay and the of Fundy 15 nt the lowest ahh In many years a ult of the Idleners of the American fuetorjes and n whortnge of line fish, Vast of herring huve been ightad hut with factories | ¢losed there hus been little or no | eal) for them A wealr at Ken dall's Head short distance from Eastport has n making good hauls but the owners have heen forced ta well the fish 1o Eastport ny USED uehool condition 1928 Model A Ford the n hee Bargains in Good One Whippet Six Sedan, late model,' beautiful 1928 Chev. Coach--in first class condition 1927 Chev. Sedan--completely overhauled 4 Ford Coupes--from $40 up CARS coach--looks like a new car | Interesty for fish meal at a price of # hogshead, Ordinarily the for herring during the | summer months in 85 to $7.50 a | hogshend In American markets A firm sardine packers at Nlark Harbor, N.B is reported to be the only company to maintain In higher prices for tha fish For the past two years thelr price for Ast grade sardine herring ha price Ross, Ames { n 135 King St. W. Company, Limited Oshawa & Gartshore Phone 1160 TETETETT-- IRIE: ad with MASTERLY NEW valve-in-hea STRAIGHT EIGHT ENGINE N\ Fisher skillfully protected, like a" fine home, agains: heat, cold and noise, are quietly luxurious. The new Syncro- Mesh Transmission makes gear chang. ing noiseless. Moreover, the new cights reflect the full experience of McLaughlin. Buick, winner of many more buyers than any other maker of fine cars. NC G M A C, General Motors' own a payment plan, makes pur.' chase convenient. General Motors Owner Service Policy assures your com- plete and continued satisfaction. DRIVE IT unmatched | Tempera- [FOUR SERIES O 1200) 2000) G4 ) ~ 0) sam Ly " d SYNCRO-MESH TRANSMISSION! © Sdn wltraduswrions and' lin-Buick's Jine standard transmission tn the series of lowest price, THERE concealed turning from forty vards AWAY, » IS A McLAUGHLIN-BUICK DEALER NEAR YOU TO Bh 8 SERVE YOU, I

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