Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Aug 1930, p. 2

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Er RE HT ETI EW FCT ---- : : : BONG | liandsome cups In expected to draw Gates, Distance--15 miss, the naw mikiviry Junta In Lima, fd 'B ill il 8 | some of the most outstanding sth ' [J Ti 18.00 noon Business and Profes- | lowing requests by student of I ) [i | letic men In the pravines in the |} I h J Wh th D | h wonal Women's Luncheon, wr: Lega he prosecited oWmanvi e at y mes | open events In faet many have C l y ai y imes | i | vangsd by the Business and Vro | haan signed tno nppesy in Oshawn Adve I | fasslonal Women's On ies of Elected to Court ising, subssriptions and news. will he ressived a1 the I dist mm ) 2 ¥ News advertising and subscriptions will be received at on hase two days Avartisind, i pith plans Sud navi uil ta _tevsivid at tha | the National Goumelt of Worn. \ The Haine Holand eharies § jit Swymunvilie. Otfiss of The Timer in the Fowan tol Intending na y How Witer Business Hourn=Fhone 19, f "Y | f- Wins a hag tite fred Hughes, aii Jiies + ja hi i i ] IT] | \ | I noon nomen's netitute | Hed Btates, vias chosen hy a 1) 4 # v note of the rules governing the REPRESENTATIVE~-JAMES i ORMISTON » Luncheon, dedicated to Britdeh | manent court of Jaternational Justi Telephones--~Office~BBT7 House131, BVENLE, Al they are under the sane . Ul ated ATLANTIC ERY Y'S Hawa Columbia, Collsenm fn take the place of Sir Ceell Hur y Bon of (he Amatenr Alhletie ' 1.00 pm langhtar Competition | of Great Britian, in the Chamber +1 Bowmanville Representative==B, Herbert Mortlock Amatenr Alhiotie Vaderstion "eons POPULAR NURSE take them to Atlantic City and ally Lossiod Fireproof Hotd J qu i i Judging Contest, Bununary proeediye Lantants wil have to he yegister ANAS Ba other points, and on thelr return $20 ROOMS Lith Hp best w All Classes of 1 ivan nek on Fk | es Sok Wier Bos, olen) od, It they have alrendy heen veg: they will taka up vesidence in Tor hibit Idvektock Avenn and $ 1 4 Iutaved and have thely cortifientos ont where the groom lu smployed or Tr Horse Aviada, 174 L 00 1e t e oun they will not need to register, v Hoth the hide and" groom wie Svorinoking the Gieenn 1LA010.00 p.m. Continuous Band : A Entries for hoys under 16 evens , i JL well known in Whithy, "he former Wnginesn 83 vp American soup | Conuartn, All-Canada Paymanent B De eatin WwW hi 5 to 4 Will not he aeceptod unless neeom inn gradupto of the 1060 claw of | Poven Band, Grenadier Guards y g 4 panied hy wn. certitienta af hive ' v the Oshawa General Hospital, | oo Samed figrmes Avetd 7 E and other hands, North and -- ho A A ------ Which will hn yoturned (a thelr | Miss Gladys Eaton Married] vila the groom inn son of a wel) Rel dull es woth Band Blands WHET The entry = fos tor each Known mevehunl, spending his hoy 200 pm dudging Hackney, Executive State Last Game games whthough he did nothing { syvent will he 26 cont on Monday to Mr, hood days here . ha mS Welsh snd Bhatlund Ponies, Coll spectacular, Rovian pitied only w Any person In Bowmanville Ham Aen Must be Played Tonight or fale game hut bs Dilkely wiiting 00 wishing (0 enior in Why of thes Harold Seldon 2.00 Lo 4.00 pom, Betty Brosdeast Either Team Defaulting|!/! tonight to show whit he ie made bayants muy ger official ante , ) We 9 ing In Her Model Kitehan, Wom Bf he game tonight 1s called for 7] Banks nt thi ) n Anion Proahrinrian ednesday at ons IHAING (PAAR) Hawmanville office Lose the Game sharp with the accent on the Tot or mia Ouhawn Ditty Times fram | Cire, Wiithy, tesutitully deen AW The .N. E. ga0 pom Demonstrations and ad "i he tere Jue tans Herh Meo BW Ho Mortlock, Tha closing | wied with summer fowars, wis the N Arenson hy the Business and Pro Wi AditInG, ¢} Ante for entries is Septem) weanm of 0 very pretty wedding on fenplonul Women's Commities woming from "ein In the seventh Colmer; Williams, thy Hisekney, » en 'n Rep aminy dtu REBHE Or in y Vequing on ULL [ , a a Aunding, Innings the High Bchoal Btudents | 1. Bagnell, 2b; Bagnell, Shi Oshorie WHDNEMDAY == AUGURT 47TH j ! { IA an Fintan, HN doughtey of y witish Col " 1 pmo Vaudeville, #6 Aeris peat the Wiis bi He old ii Rig ta" i Wi Biv ing n, Ya . Hi ) tha Jute Clarence nnd Amelin Baton NOT PUBLICI IY ht JH Rotl Mureunte Crandutand ! i eh fl i 1 ' f night te decide the winners of the | K p Moore, 1h LL | Wik Ive In marrige to Hivald ¢ 1.00 aan ==HBehooling of Horses, 1 pom, --Bpacial speakers, Aus Knight, rf; Corden, ¢| . : £0 Mr, "a os W J Fant second schedule and the team to | Munson, 1; Large ef; Rov I Beldon, younkest son of Mi and - Coliseum Arenn plaes Wamen " Inatituta, t the Goodyear in the finals, The | Piper, 1, dh, Umpires: Botirell ain ) am Mow, Copling Baldon, of Whithy, The B00 gm ==Bulldings and Midway Wing, Wamen's Bullding, eet mee rh ) John Lindy, pastor of the | Town Clerk Sends Letter to B00-4,00 pm Programme " Bg of dit ted up By, 1 Adhd i i, Lie he a no in he Y opel v A hares of hi Britian Gotmhin Nar be Ame wis fast ine I General Motors Head Judging Viesos Wan, Bleep ; . the series us the Whiz had pulled ] y ¥ " " a o noeangregation which N A 8 ht Pavilion Womens Juin Vast Wing, eny out of the first game list week with NM Wied tha elreh ames Are Soy Induing of gin, Coliseum nmen's Hunde Of iw margin of ten runs, The last game JIA ' | ) fo the strains of the wedding . Ari PILL TO 0pm fu Masking Demons ra JPIRIN ables will Mllove is scheduled to he played this even % " marvel, played hy Migs Josephine (End duy) Cul Bhow Bldg tan, Kinst Wing, Women's Bulid vo those pA i / 1] raid rh ing but there seems to be some nis v i . Fhama AT CM, the lavely and Acting on Instructions from het yo 0001,00 a.m. Bart of Vifih Ld ke A Man id a blind Uy understanding concerning It, Twa of \ J J Local Nursery Wins in Come! popiitor bride ontered the chuveh | Town Gounetl, Town Clark and | Marathon World Chimplonahip | B80 Dm arachute Jump, Water: | Juan the systemic pains that the students are in Belleville today fran women suffer yield to these t ini wis given away hy hee unele, | Treasurer, John 1 Frost, last week Hwim apap Biarting pain The \D attending i sports meet nd ins Al A petition With Lending My, (oargs Anderson he hride | sent pn letter to My, | H, Melaugh Ww rir south of Pr i f.00 p m Hares Bhoaw, Commer ahlets! Genuine olin AE MANY NT get hack in time to play and Fran \ 'L, Nurseries At win hocamingly gowned in egg | Hn, president of the General Mot ell Clnanng Roadsters, and | dmportant uses, Head the proven Williams, manager of the High Behaol " ' shall witin ond lace with hat and {ors of Canndi, enguiving what a ER BR Hinters, Coliseum Arens directions found in every package faam wishes he game Phktpaned, : Exhibition Boas to mitel, and eareying wn { Hon IF any, had heen taken hy the -- w------ do Hh "i mw Vande Him Bia | 4 of {Pirin ablets pnd don ondure | HA €al hardly he done Ae du 7 gust af 1 | Wh | executive of the Cor nm ens fel on Voyageurs," Musleal | needless pains from ell ie 1 for the finals which are henehit RI Entry Blanks For Athletics The exhib f | dal i hiih : I 1hiliman Lug Bi ih Hon A ith wore Shin alfont Applications for | ide, Vivawork aur Line Hom i and whieh sr due to he laved on : f | [0 1 frankdale in Vi Ll \ ; A -- Bd ih, hee ie (© he pial en | gn Sept, 10. and 11 May | Nurmeries at the Candia National | bridesmaid, Mise Svein Tieiwrly, thet ompioyeos of tie General ||| Samitary Inspector | bottle af these tablets | iho he Ja In the past If one team wished 10 n Exhibition has hoon awarded fest | cousin of the bride ware 6 | Motors Hving tn Whithy had heen Applications In own hand PERU'S PRESIDENT hf ed "i A subject to on Wren oA wime he v tid sa and Be Had At I'imes prige for the best display of oo | pink georgette gown with avehid | told hy foramen that (hey must writing for the position of HAS SURRENDERED i} ihe Quek vellot, oh i Hudde h ) A Wi { Ane ii TR \ . ) y \ trae this is what the High School wish ta Office natural gavden receiving special | immings and matehing hat and hike up residence In the lata Rankary Inspector for the a Lh fu: rd effects, AK irin does not do today but the excentive of the aomment from the Judges on thei | hoes, and earriod butterfly yoses, | ClLy or give up thelr jobs Clty of "Oshinwn will he pes dopross the heart i look oath ' league say play or give the game to 0 fine example of & rook garden, | The groom was ably supported hy he town oler) recnlved wn ceived hy the undersigned | (Hy Canadian Press Leased Wire) time for the name Aspirin==and the Whiz, So if the High Sehond hnwinay . whi 4 yi ) UA Many loeal people will vementher | Meo Barl Beldon, of Detroit, Wis | prompt paply from Mi, Melaughtin (BE unt) A o'clock pom, Rept Liv, Avie, d=CHflelul anion the word genuine printed in red on wish to play their Tast game and thei Mw tod oe Iw Su Hg the exhibit shown hy the Brook. | cousin. During the signing of the Athing Jol the ow af the ol ah, 100, ment win ade today that the cruis-| every box, pens last chance for a place in the finals ' d WOR WEI dale ar the Bowmanville Pale last | resistor Mes, Frank 7. Mathison, | Who had heen warned as veporied, pRieants (on gly full Ins cr Almirante Gray, on which is quay Fivi they will have to he on hand this conjunction with the Osha wi Pll vane and the favorable comment | of Oshnwi, sang very aoeaptahly | also the name of the foreman, My formation regarding age tered former president Augusto RB TRADE MARK REG, pew : evening ur lose their last ehanee, In Faly on Wednesday and Thureda heard of Chat {hme Bo tavarable |For You Alene The ushers | rast forwarded al ones to My experience, ving, Leguln, "ha urrendered mgly the cise of neither team turning up | #ertombe 10 and 11 in fae was the comment last vane | were te Charles Tacher, of Tar: [Mebaughlin the names of three men 1 HANE, mined the executive will declare the Good There ara a number of events fig 1) pompany decided on the | onta, and My. Donald Heldon, of [and threes faremen, ond he now City Clo, | Presumably the Almirante Grau West vear winners of the league and will | open to vesidents of the town and | soe exhibit ni the Wxhibitton tn | Haman wwalta further ward from the Gen will deliver the farmer president to I in award them the cup, In the event of | many local High Behool hove Wave foo onia (his year and it was thi After (hin coremony a repaption [erul Matas president | last this taking plage the executive will [ stated thelr fntentlons of entering | auntie which careied awiny the frat | was held at the home of My. and Enclosed in the jetter went to anil call upon another team to meet | In one or mare of (he event prign in competition with the hest | M1 (ane Anderson, Byron | My, Melanin was a clipping ug Goodyear for the five benefit games Events whieh are of Interest 10 | nurseries tn (he provin ha ox | Bteeet Houth, where a buffet tun: | from a Toronto evening paper pur eae » " The Game Bowmanville are Nibit as will he remembered was | ehoon was served to ahaul sixty parting ta he an interview with Wels ig opened the batting with a for Wamen veilly somet Nin of vo hillstde | Bums he toast to the heide was | Ueneval Manager Brown, in which al un in the Jou nd inings adding one 100 yard dash apen cane with coda fo in th hack: | proposed hy fu Mr. Lindany and [the latter Wit roparted tn have NA I more in the third and ane in the A0 yards hurdles, open ground and waterfall coming | appropriately vesponded to by the | stated that Whithy men liked tn sixth while the High School failed 440 yards velay, open from © spring in the rocks hi | Bran tulle for publicity, Mr, Frost nasi Ia to seore until the fourth innings add And the high jump rocks were partly covered with The young couple received many [od Mr, Melaughtin that the Counell Aid! ed ane in the sixth and took the game Then for givie there In the 100 | moss and a faw wild fowers wars | beautiful and contd gift fram | felt that thin was not the ease Ald, and fied : 13, found ih three in He yards open only to givls In the | shawn Ino amongst the trees and | thelr many friend Later in the [and expressed the hope that My wera Ww y mn pe i | on ; " iy oo Ai Counties of Ontavlo and Durham {Oe Iowan Just a seone which | afternoon Mr. and Mes. Heldon left | Brawn had heen misquatad hy the C1] Nor a ¢ Ma wn VE ' Hep ' \ f Vad in whl yl Foronta paper in question luded | . p we Hoys' Kyents ane would wee in the woods and 11 | for a haneymann rip v h will pai | eed iy SANG FURR AWA, eh were, sol There are twa events apn to | wis no doubt foe naturale Which ' and the Whiz were not in far ithe hava In whieh eontestants are M11 the prise | nl f the and their fielding a BD I iii nhligad to he residents of Durham | co itulate the Hrookdale ] "wm | nmong | deputy returning om tionahle nature, Colmar hurling for | OF Ontario Counties, Thay ave the [honor attained ) \ | ow mher the students played one of his best 100 yards dash and the 400 yards ' / I'he canstraction of th new the dash " 1 [ hulldings hy day labor instead of | a RR : Men's Kvents WH erenite Wi d ANI) CONDEMNED KIVINE OL CORLIROLE WAN BUREBRLAA Are the Bylaws to be carried on Thursday? Will the ratepayers of Oshawa \ hen events 100 vards san ls | hy MN LINE An ain if nuel yi TORI PR RRL Wk pet for J |p HE, RUNG 000 Mukus of abide | show by their votes that they are going to uphold the dignity of this city, by ' ' . A \ i "gn i i nN wo i { f fire | ited mile, 440 relay and the 1 mile ves | he ay. Battin an W BY RATE PAYE RS avanly divided AMONE. Lhe unem seeing that the city officials are properly housed and a police station built in . a i ) p | \ \ The +4 KARN Av. Other apen events are 130 played. Mr, King kiao considered Oshawa suitable to its needs | L1 veh { Wis { h | A a wauld mean a savin 0 would iki Lig wilt hay " " he | 104s t f : Ry, i " ¥ a wh ol . 4 " n fl (1h, | Hie if AN | Wen ated, ™E \ ole yards and a 440 vards races open | the hen busin i mr | 1 ARLIAY Pi Erttiolan the bylaws he sald only ta residents of Ontario and Lives naw an Wi | \ Lae Dinnald ol Han he suggestion w nade hy an { { waa | FOR SERVICE Bae sdante of ONare And |e ow, 40 (NOT TVORAYSP INE (he IY Below is a list of property owners who have allowed their names to be used wrtin | 08 inane kai i \ i \ i | 0 EPR WW Woeiy om . iy i FoMONE 378. NEXT THE POST SFPI0) The Prices tk A shen oon. our wa ' Letter gn ahead With work on the as supporting both bylaws, Tomorrow we will give you another list FAVA The prise Hat which Includes 14 i like | i ! hiattes {outfall sewer than spend money on | wh pros -- a a---- tkaan 4 \ Ma: iil Mie) hutlding Ho thought Read Them Over veadv ; al Wid that unl potion wera taken | . : ~- 3 aps . El " - . ] " - u BEEBE REBR Lie appninty EAC fin olty ta oanstinet an efielent G, D, Conant J. T, Lethbridge GT. Wright i] ase aH he \ ha dal Jp blip Hh Pravin | D, F, Johnston \ A, R. Goyne RB, A, Brown Yin hoy? " Sod Lg ay tareg va C, E, MeTavish Martin Libby Norman MeGee 0 fet wnvone wet away with (00 Ag W. M, Gilbert W, H. Ka Wm, Goold f they \ Wi Theva was Hite probability of rv MW, o Hy m m: Ge inlay od J : ; ae" Ra: the pravinein]l authorities fareing A, GQ, Storie GT Noxon R, E. Hawke 3 to got Chiaith ' J q aot table [ERO CHEER Band fn Phils matter, May | AW, Bell H, Simmons A, Marchant tthe " Weve! aelared tht the con | or Mitehel ronlied, Mis Worshin F, L, Mason Cleve Fox R, J, Ahtison inn v owas ait of order | IE ela mally Ht IR Aa G. W, Hasselwood 8 A, Gates N. G. Miller Pation Mayor Miteholl was lator able ta | Hons which wore hinught up at i +." J. Swiy eshift Bl " pont oi itothat tha appointing of the meeting and was able ta do sn F, J, Reddin Jas, H, Mallett Ym LA Graham ne of [the dep returning aMeers was | With a divectnoss and conden C. M, Mundy A: Mock + Shar LJ tivia [left tn the hands af tha oly elork [Whieh ndloated his thorough under E. A, Lavell Uriah Jones WV: 8 » Langmaid fou WRT ce wh year, © Ha admitted tha i | tana tug of A Rg Hon W, J), Trick Rex Harper hb Ke Alexander \ \ uve i Oe iH 0H 1, A | if | LAIR EY vi noon then a Wh hak possihig.da have | ALL Ne J, H, Beaton W.-H, A, Palle P, J Brady EL) } \ A. found -competont unemployed men | $60,000 (a eamplets the sewage . ALE LL y J 4 dee WALL ADER. | 3 & y | far the positions and stated that { Huposal plant, he olnimed nil Rom MeKinnen T, X Corvin + A Wlison W dh I EL [he hid taken objection to the fact | When the wark was complated (have Geo, Miller D, Guiltanan J FT. Harvls on wm " ! EMEIAN § - that & city. aMeinl was ineludad | Was no assuranoa that it eanld he | R, F. Bennett Roy Fields Robt, Leyden A 4 : 4 i aperated satisfactorily Whh ow p las, Waele ) . Me CLEARANCE 0 ) Adis . hm, TEL Hard to My, King's suggestion eons | J Ww, Horsbery I | ¢h C F Sturgess y : ! 1%, IO \ N 1) \ AR) earning day abhor he thought that C, R, Cronier J, T, Beaton A Swarts itehell TPN + W MA M ' It wad worthy of the eauncll's host R. Leo, Gray Foster Snowden Alfred Kellet A | . ar Wl \ {] canslderation C, M., Anderson Ralnh M, Butt Stan, Young nittee, Br ason n S in oom 0 S$ § f | ny Ww \ " n AY Wi Hulley, who Is a in A. V. Swail C, V, Edmunds Thes, Knox { A \ i 1 14 \ A J Ud § ; wes! Aol representative, axpinineg Ww. H, Hutehison N, 8, Baird Wm. Roddy p " i - ! f i elearly why he In common with : N Ww. J I! -- pl ATARTING ] | (hirteon other members of the oly A, C, Cameron + dh Sulley Th ; Li Reali A onunoll wis supporting the hylaws A. Bouckley Geo, L, Gummew " ursday, August a8 i! Hg lve vane ain health hesan rhe halides wars aiwoltely M. A. Jacobi Ji Gi Langmaid A. C. Cameron lay | tem Pog tone Hhewmatic pain Regd hi Sid end woul he D, J. Brown G, Clement Clifford Harman ®m BUNDLES WITH BORDER a ad. RN. Joh A. F. Richards Geo. T. Mori yaar : . ror ja Juskenn whe, sanenind tin F. M. Tai N. P. Hon Goo. Hurt y ALLL . TO MATCH srnetion of an outfall sewer would Allin F, Annis Geo, Hughes Thomas Hawkes Su Hive Mare, work to the unsmploved D, Campbell J, Nerval Wilson Robt, MeDonald | ory Haveaw, #& member af the \ New ae aaa alive srted Ait Lieut, Col, F, Chappell J. A, Coleman Ed, Jackson uy 200 ROOM LOTS he WAR opposed to the hylaws as G, W. Garner E. Kuteh J, B, Waterows wwiond A Af vat Wrtuaed A. E. Culler 8, Baldwin © W. G, Bunker lay he TO CHOOSE FROM IN ooneludIng (he masting, Prosi E. Parson , A I Miller T, B, Mitchell aufeln dont Douglas stated that it had s way A BW Come carly for the Better Choice and be Sure to Bring the Sine of Your Rooms ratepayers will take the farm of ed . of Rwy Roum i the Howe R rdlese a anolal evening, tt was intimated x Wn M a w " ® ge pu ' sine, ranging in price from 8c per [8 : = 3 Tat i ohn gis © wie | a By Memorial Park " w mM nN a. Hd afforded a saplandid appartunity fop fran disoussion of important muni olpal problems, It wan the duty of @ @ the ratepayers to voles their apin fan ane way or another when the : hylaws ava vated on Thursday The Reptamhar meeting of the a 5 Clearing For Less Than 3¢ Price FOR HAMILTON MAN dba NICHOLSON : ; wool In order to make room for the new and stiffness in my knees almost Kad Hamilton, A W=Tae years hy allay seasons Wall Papers, Come and see for We past going |b osafored with ingdis | RUsen with ten lashes at the end of J 1) {and gestion, lost weight and was hahitw: | three months was the sentenge im yourself these extraordinary values, anelal I A $ \ Ph | thay 1 nation : R ] : PHONES -- stapla ally constipated, Navaon gave we a {posed an Claude Anderson hy Judge |B at 8.00 Pe. m. hei ty appetite withewt a toueh of in LoClomant fn county erfminal out digestion and stvengthened and fins | today, Anderson was convicted on. vigorated we all aver, wy vogaining | charge of assaulting &- young Haw T Di th B | my lost weight and the hewmatie | ian nurse, The prisoner was {ond ° scuss e y aws held ; od PAINS Ate gone, 10 have a long eriminal repard, Judge aol X28 WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE Ratusliah i Stites | Meiuituut snprested 4 deter \ { WONY and campletely aver ton \} wig B ER 6 Ratimates Given on Your Painting and Decorating 1871 WY constipation without the fo an ta nt aM ond 10 AW h Attaoks e i e . solting "= R. Nicholson, & Rroakfield | 14 golf i 8 v A 8 be wae 4 85 SIMCOE ST. N, -- soll Tv Noah patie, he mental Sand In endanc Ra Taranto ame they've paving on hoi Hargon way he obtained in Oshawa [vacant lots wust he the Shetland va from Karn's Drag Stove, ety Qtawa Citieen - i " Rl ws i Ww a " KS Ws = mw a a n ™ " MW

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