THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY AUGUST 25, 1930 PAGE SEVEN JHE, CLASSIRIED meets S 1 ANY ON ¥ "2969 He CONANT & ANNIA, BATRTETENS Wolleitors, Notaries Publis, Bte, Conveyancing and general prae tice of Law, Offices 7% Bimeoe Bt. Bouth, Oshawa, Phone 4, 0, D, Conant, BA, LLB. A FV. An nls, BA, LLD HANK W BE. N, SINCLAIR KC of Commerce Bulldi + Ay Notary Publie, to loan, Of flee 14% King Bt, Bast, Oshowa, Phone 445, Revidensa phone bi. , GREI Fraser, Borristers, Conveyancars, Notaries Public, ete, Office over Standard Bank, Entrance Simeoe coe §t, Phone 18, J, ¥, Griarson, K.C., 7. K, Creighton, B.A, N, C, ad B.A, . O0TH §, HYMAN, DARWIETER, Sl Notary, over Dewland's Store, Money to loan, 16 Bimeoe street north, Phone 67, Resi dence 8473W, a ; D WOMTHARYE DAR: risters, Solicitors, ete, 24% Bim- coe Bt, N, none $160, Money to Loan, ALEK 0 WALL, HA, WAR: ter, etn, Conveyancing and general ractice, 22% King Bt, Bast, "hone 4047, (tf) A PARKHICL BARKISTER ste. Monsy to loan, Alger Bldg, op: posite Prst Office, Phone 1414, FRANK 8, ERBS, DARNISTET, Bolleitor, Notary "ublie, Convey: ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Bullin , opposite Pos Office. Phone 2006, Medical Pits, HAZLEWOOD & WARPER, Disney ulock, Phone 2060, Of fice Bours 0 am, to 880 pm, Dr, B. J, Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Nay Dr, B HW, Harper, special attention to child: ren's Diseases and Obstetrics, Hun. day and night calls 8416 or 128, DR, McKAY PHYSICIAN, BUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi dence. King Bt, East, corner Vie toria Bt, Oshawa, Phone 04, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYRIGIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East, Phone 1166, A PR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, CM, 1. R, CP, and 8, BAinburgh, Phy slclan, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Office 149 Bimecoe #t, N, Phone 8020, residence 40 Cadiling Ave, North, Phone 8166, i PR, GoW, CARN, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician Office and residence, 12 Simcoe Street north, Phone 2415, DR, J. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI. sian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and residenze, IAS Simcoe Street, North. phone 3107, solisitor, Money rister Conveyancer, Veterinary Surgeon PR BHINLER VETERINANTAN Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim. als, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King West, Telephone 620, (6 aug th Ear, Nose, Threat Specialist A a PR, 7, T, DUYANS OF 100 RILO0R Street West Tofonto will he at his office over Ju/v & Lovells Drug fitore each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treats ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may he made at drug store, Phone 97, "Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat b 1 RIOCHARDEON, apecialist, Office over Mitchell's Drug Store, Phone 2000 and 432), Architects T0, NTENHOUNN -- GENERAL architectural work, Fecond floor, Royal Bank Building, Phone 1406, Res, phone 000), En THOMBON AND JORNSON, AR: woolate architects, Himeoe 8t, 8, Over Felt Hros, a Watch Repairing FA VON GUNTEN EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat: Tonage 3 sollolted, & |8imcoe street, Dental attention to X-ray Nurse 10 Houwe Bpeeial Gas extraction, Phone 069, seiL's, work, gusidance 1814 . HM, " f north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. (as for extraction, Phone 64, |] ENTTRT, Nitrous oxid ox gon FH) for extrae- tions, Office, Royal Rhone 048, residence, 1478M, vil Dewland's. " ' ' ' Himeoe Ht, N, over Evenings Phone 1067, Nes, 202W, by appointment, attention to gas extraction and X- ray work, Nurse In attendance, Phones 1840 and R04, Optometris tometris TOR specialist In muscle eyesight and glasses, yo Care and [Eye Strain, The Chilg and Its Development, Dis er Baek opposite Post Office, hone 16146, anomsies, Author of (Aug, 17-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying PONEVAN AND BMTTH ONTAN in Land Surveyors and Civil Kogin: eers, sub-divisions, town planning, munielpal engineers, #656 or 411 King 6t, BE, I'hopes 2682) 2644, Undertaking CURT BURIAL CO. 67 KING WT, Kast, Ambulance, Residence 542 north, Phone 8104 and 210W URHAWA BURIAL CO, 0,7 Armstrong & Hon, Proprietors, Funeral and Ambulance Bervice, day and night, Phone 1088W, 87 Celina, (4th or Insurance DAVIE AND HON, INSUTANGH, 10 King Ht, west, Oshawa, The old. ent Fire Agency in Oshawa, 350 Ree putable I'l Fire eo Companies, WHEN PLACING INRUNANCE eensult MN, N, Johns, 80 Himecoe north, Your insurance wants at. tended to and your interests pro- tected, Transportation GANTAGE AND BTORAGE COLE man's, 86 Bond west, Bpecialists In furniture moving storage ware: house and moving van equipment, Phone K2, GARTAGH, MOVING, = URAVIL sand and coders, Local and long distance hauling, Hmith & Cox Phone 024, 10 Hond At, West, ORTAWAN OLDEST -- ENTAW, lished furniture movers, Park Road oartage, Local and long distance, Frank Cowle Prop, 66 Park Rd. South, IPhone 210 (Aug. Beauty Parlors pS ------ TTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop, Hpeclallsts In permanent, finger and marcel waving, Per manent wave prices #6, $7.00, $10" and $16, All other lines of Beauty Culture, Fhona 2068, Apply 84 fimeoe street north, WRPERT MARCELTING BY HET: ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe, Marcel and shame poo #1, Phone 2008, WATHONE ~~ BARDEN Beauty Shop, 0 Celina Ht, We spec fallzge in ladies' halr cutting, mare celling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 60 cents, For appYiatments phone a6, (Aug, 17-1 mo) Radio Service PATTRRIES CHANGED 766 with rental $1.00, Fepaired and rebullt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St, Phone 1880W, (AUK, moe) ORNAWA TWADIO FERVICE=I: palra on radios, power pucks and eliminators, Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for pale, Patteries oharged and repaired, Phone 33060J, Charles Wales, 140 Klgin east, (Aug 13-1 mo.) GAT OR™ WADIO BATTERY, called for and delivered, The, Phone 1664J, (18Aug.~1 ma) LL) I mo) 80.1 Repairing your shoes fixed like new Wa Hake, corner Simcoe N, and (July 380-1 mo) 14 wii am W, | Classified Ads. Firet {nsertion==1134 oenta por word Minimum charge 800, B UDILQUERL 00RNEOU: So 10 per Rm Jawe, mrersions ares po a word), Minimem ¢ Nr three insertions, 60 cents, Box number 10¢ additional Professional or Busines ad $3.80 por month for 30 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each LH aitlanal word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COM LITTLE! AC COMPLIAH MUOUR th TRIAPRONE 80 Wi Ask for Classified Ad Re Department or Meney to Loan WHC COANE ON GOOD GITY TRO ty and farms, Apply A, J. Parke hill, 87 King St. East, Phone 1014, (July 81st0) ii LJ arrange first mortgage on your rosldence, If well located, Bradley Bros, over Ward's, Simcoe South, (July 28st1) a] Bank Bldg. | MAID, DR, DAVIER, Dencists, 87 King 8t. B. Special RD | = All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling » large numbers of smal) arsounts of thie nature, w come personally to The and collect for same, For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient Times' office, » telephone call will bring 8 messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 2.3K FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT a Building Supplies OUNMENT BLOCKY, BAND AND gravel tor sale==To Insure prompt delivery, place wders In advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale Phone 1618, I SE Second Hand Dealer NEW AND FECOND HAND FUR niture bought and sold, 186 Bloor st, 1, Phone 1617M, (Aug, 28 Palmist MATAME WENA, PALMTET, 446 Buena Vista, Appointments, Phone dew, (Aug f=1 mo,) MADAME THROWN," PALMINT, Phone appointments S006, 93 Lauin «ry 'out, July 26-1 mo) Pets ots and d Live Stork, TOULANY "MEN = GET YOUR heavy breed 1V+8 Ib, -cockerels eaponized at 10e each, Minimum charge, $1.00, It pays to eapon: ize, Ives Broa, 0620 Drew street, (July LA 1 mo.) I mn) I Persone] WHY HUFFER I= URE THE NEW Harmony: Kleatre Magnetic Appl ance, Others are obtaining health, why not you? Electro Magnetism Ia one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century, In many canes where everything olse has failed the Harmony Klectro Magnetio Appliance has brought health, We are not out to sell you something that you are not satisfied will benefit you, Therefore we give you a free offer to prove what we says is correct, When you are satisfied the Hare mony will help you then it Is up to you to use your own judgment, Ww. (0, Huteheson, Dominion Sales Manager, 1064 . William §t, 8, Phone 260, Oshawa, July 40-1 mo.) aa "Money ney Loaned ON YOUR™AUTONORTER.™ CANS re-financed, Payments red aeod Additional cash given, Terms reas sonable, Motor Loans and Dis counts, Multe 6, 14} King st, B, Phone 4700, Open evenings, (Aug, 16 th \) "Painting 'and Decorating TT OUTROLE, VINAT CLARE PAs perhanger, painting and gtalolng: Prices right, work guarautesd, 0 Pine Ave, phone §0606w or its. (19H) Motor Cars ONT YOUN OA WARNED AT Jominion Garage, 88 Hond atreel west, Phone 8108, All cars at one price $1.00, (Aug, 17-1 ma) FON FALE=--=1000 CHITYETER A Sedan, In excellent condition Ia every way, Car has been nsed only two months, Phone 2700 or apply at room 6, 14% King St, K, Osh. Awa, (Aug, 18:1 wk) FON BALE=NEW DURANT 1 amall mileage, Will sacrifice, hone 285 or call 48 Brock Ww, (400) TORD TOURING, CHEAT FOR quick sale, Apply 410 Mawson Ht, (480) Auctioneer donear, M6 Simeoe St, 8, thawe, Ont, pe attention Sivan household furniture nies and Fa stock and Implements, Your Patron. o health, comfort, Personal atten: tion and service, Phone Mrs, Blat ter, 'Diatriot Manager, 2180M ug, 88.1! mo) Hematitching TRMETTTONING, PICOTING, nine cents a yard, PMeating skirts one dollar, drossea cut and fitted, perfectly, Kmbroldery work and! all kinda of men's repairing, eto, The Dell Shop, 26% Simcoe south, Phone 1636, (Aug, 28:1 mo) IT VERNTN "ERADICATED by thia new system, guaranteed hy Dominion 'Hoard of Health, 'Kills bed bugs and thelr eggs, cook: roaches, ¢lothes moths and stored products insects, . For partioulars Ee wR viii Tl SER Room and B . wr ard Bow ROON and meals for business ladies, Plione A044W, men or (480) 7 For Rent FOUR AND TIVITROOMED MOD: ern suites Including eleetric refrig: eration stove, lanndry convenis ences, ele, continuous hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, phone 2671, or The Trusts and Cuarantes Co Id, manager for owner, Toronto : (47-L1) VAIRTMENT, CEN: tral, 6b rooms, newly decorated all conveniences, leases or hy the month, Hox 746 Times, (16811) CHEERFUL APARTMENT (IN business section, newly decorated, hy the month or year, Hox 741 Times, . (1h 1) APARTHENT," FUNNTERED UR unfurnished, Kvery convenlence "hone 1660 or RBATW, VOR RENT=A (3n APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences hardwood floors Apply Bradley Hiro, (NHLT FIVE ROOM TRICK BAUNGALOW, all conveniences, Hloor Ht, west Apply J, DD, Rutherford, phane Hang, (aoer) HOURE TOR RENT, NEAR MOT ors offices, All convenlences, Hard wood floars throughout, fireplace, sun parlor, Apply #1 Ritson Road North (Auk, 20:1 mo) FOR RENT FURNINHED rooms, every convenience for Nght | = sultahle for young HUARW, housekeeping, couple, "hone (430) 4 ROOM FLAT TO RENT WITH heat, water, Hght, phone and gar nEn, hone 1710) (440) A TULLY FURNTAHED COTTAGK on beach, after Heptember first Cheap, Rox 62 Telephone #1 Howmanville (440) FON TENT=TFURNNTRITED HED room, hreakfast (f desired, Apply 70 McMillan Dffve, Phone 2080W (dd) FOUR HOT WATER WWATED rooms, furnished or unfurnished Convenlent for business couple, 'hone 2088M or call 106 Willlam Kant, (d4o) TWO TURNTRHED OW UNFUR: nished rooms te rent, hot water heating, electric stove, garage, "hone 1014), (440) TOR RENT" TWE™ WRIOHT rooms in private home, Board If denired, Also garage, Phone 1040W, (d4e) TWO TURNIERED ROOGMA AND bathroom for rent, also Rarage, All conveniences, Apply 208 Colt Ntreet, (460) TIORT™ ROOM, TOR WONGA lo, furnished or unfurnished, Ap- ply on premises Mrs, Hatemen, twelfth house north of Ross Core ners, west side, (400) RTO Y URN TRAD ROOM 70 rent, very central, hoard it qemred, T8 Bond street west, (4fe THIN ROOM hardwood finish, Apply 413 IAW, NRICK NOUR lose to "Motors Ritson Rd. N, Phone (46h) Articles For Sale FART OW VEL, "oI "BYONE, ders, black losm, 84.6" per yard, Vor quality and services phone Es scry Bros, 883 rv 11, (May B-tt) MIXED HARD AND » slabs, $3.50 per load, bone dry body w sterous Meek Lim ii Phen, J (Apr, 2011) ron HALT --HEINTZMAN IAd,, pianos, new And used sa also radios, latest models; terms arranged, Apply ©, Trull, Phone L666, (11141) w= PAINTH, VARN: shes, We have the largest assort ment of paints, varnishas, ete, A in the eity, The Paint tore, § King street west, Apr. 88 hi FON BALE = y URED hleyoles, accessories, auto tires and tubes, also clean household furniture, Yverything clearing chenp, 164 Eufalie Ave, (Aug, 1-1 mo) YON BALM TARE CHICO wagon, lawn mownr and several other articles, Phone H70J, (46h) TON FAL = TACTICALLY NEW aloctrie stove, Himmon hed, Hbe rary table, Phone 1826W, (46h) FO RAT =A RIT OF VINE tools suitable for technical or fine carpenter work, Neasonahle, Rox Kah Times (46h) "Situations RTATY NOW=YOU CAN EARN money qulekl taking orders for the most beautiful line of Person ul Christmas Greeting Cards every shown In Canada Write for par thiulnre Itegnl Art Co, 810 Hpa dink Ave Taranto )Iressmaking WARE WITLI, G0 OUT RY ol it 'home hone (AUK. 21:1 mo) PERE ARING CADIKA™ AND ehildren's dress and nurses' unl forms, Phone 677J or call at 211 Alhert Mt (Aug, 18:1 mo) Ce ---- TET I Caulking NOW TH YOUR OPPONTUNTTY to get your house caulked, makes house warmer, saves fuel, shuts out Ansects, drafts and dampness, stops window leaks, gives comfort For estimates apply to J. H, Law: won, route §, Oshawa, phone 748 ri (Aug, 21-1 mo) : am fd Dk pi tha diy Ha1ow How Contracting CONTRACTING ==" CONURETE plastering, electria 0: alterations, Phone 140 for _eAlimates, (RE 1i4) aan tam Real "Estate For Sale FORTHALL FOURT TROOMED bungalow with = concrete cellar, pond well water, ten acres Rood for truck farming, also. plg pena and ohleken houses or will ex change for about two seres with cottage and some cash one 16TNE (460) Agents 'Wanted DON'T WONRY MALAY INCREASED SELLING Imperial Art "MadesIn-Canada" Christman Greeting Cards, Heloos tion entirely now Novelty and heanty combined, at prices un equalled elgewhere, Hample hook sent on approval ta rellabla men and women only, Write "Imperial Art", B1 Wellington West, To ronto, (Auk ei to Rept, 40) "Help Wanted--Female WANTED =CROMTETENT COOK general for two weeka' relief work, Apply Employment Service, 8 Bond street went (440) WANTED=FOR AMALL ADULT family, capable experienced maid or working housekeeper, Must he good plain cook, Mrs, A. K, Ohrists Ian, Dundas Bt, West, Whithy, (MWh) Help--Wanted Male \ yg TIRARING WELT, utter young man, 10 to 25 to travel with 'manager Apply Mp, Hammond, Room 15 Y.MC.A, Monday and Tuesday, 6 to §, (40a) -- Builders' Bargains "Oak Tooting 00, nq, foot; Walls board 27,60 thousand feet; Ready | Glased Parn Hash 080; Blate Roofs Ing 3,88; 28 mauge metal roofing 0.06; House paint 680, qt} Garages $190 down payment, Asphalt hing. lea 6,46; Metal elling 6,405: Rep: tio Tank #0 down payment, Write now for Rig Free Sale Catalog, Amasing savings for July and Aug. ust, Halliday Company Limited, Rox 16, Hamilton, Pat had quarrelled with the fares man of the works, One day as Pat was passing the works the foreman called 10 him or Sneee, Patt! «Ves pg MV aml =""Well there will he grass rowing on the field hefore 1 give you work" Pat="Hegorra, and there will he OWA grazing on the grass hefore I'l come here to work for you," WOO Foreman Do you see that field] . ith its sight-eylinder gasoline engine and two eleetrie mo in tors purring and humm elactro-mnotive fraction, Ing travels between Hamilton and Goderich | ple and a and Its slater car No, 46, between | for bageags and expr Ee ----~., E TIME TABLE | Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINES WEEK RAY BCHEDULE (EMective on and alter April #/, (Dy light Paving Time) Going West Leave Ie Arrive Bowmanville Oboe Whithy (REET ( 740 am Kl 80) #0 TE m WAT am, 1020 am i If lM wm 1410 pon LA pow, 2.00 pon LY pom, A pam A pm, AL pom AA jm 5,40 pom 7.00 pom A pom 45 pn HA pom ) am vn, 10.40 pom, JE Laave Hospital Oshawa 080 am 7.50 am, 10,30 am, 10 OS pom 130 pom ad 10.00 a.m 1.3 am 118 pom 2.80 pa, 148 pom, 410 po, AAS pm A043 pan 505 poms R08 pom £0 pom 780 pon 0,00 pom, B08 fm 0.50 pm, 10,10 pm 00 pom, 110 pom, HLM pom Fie marked * are though Whithy Hospital, 1.00 am LOO pom 4% pm 6.50 pms SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Arrive Haaplial (LL Le | ¥ Arvive Bowmanville Oshawa, Whithy N00 am, 90am, 948 aan, JOC LY am LEW pm LAS pony 318 pom 345 pom PRL "m A pm 618 pom Av pom, KIA pom, "0.00 pm 10, i". 2.80 pm A 00 pon HM pm BA pm my, 1048 pom, 1 Hing East Arrive Oshawa 10.30 am 100 pom 00 pm £00 pm 7.00 pm 2.00 pow HLA pm Leave Hospital Whithy lod am, 1018 am 1A pom 248 pom 145 pom AA pom NAS pm 1% pm HO poms 1018 pm 1 Time marked * Whithy * Hospital sla Busses For All Oecaplons anable EW and Careful Dy TA ON, Proprietor BOER P one 417 or Oshawa's Waithha C MIME "rant BE Effogtve April B17, 1830 (Standard Time) Galng (11) ally Jaily ally (Except Sunda Jaily , Daily Calng Bas Pally Daily dally (Eacept daily Daily CANADIAN Change " 1.08 mm 030 pow, 1,10 pom, 13.08 a.m, Sunday) A am, 9.58 wm, 12.58 pom, 1,58 pom, 440 po, Adl poy Ray, 9.8 pm, Daily 10 pin Bait Except Saturday 12.00 am, VRSTRO! ND reive Oshawa dally Jhil%, Except Sunday Dat: Except Bunday ib, Except Sunday daily Jaily Except Sunday 136 am SN am S40 am, 0.20 am 0.08 a.m 210 pu £00 pom f49 pan YAN om, LAL EE GRAY CONC H LINES (Standard Time) Effective April "mh, LL Latve Wily Daily, Fxoept Sunday Daily, Except Sunday Daily Daily Daily, Except Sunday Daily \ .X LR LU LR] 10x nn 6.45 248 pm, 32 0) a pm 9.40 pom 10.45 pom, 1.00 pom busses to 108 po, 13.08 19%.) Arrive Hospital Ham ERTS 435 pm pm Arrive Bowmanville 7.90 a.m 530 am B50 am LI Ham 12.40 p.m J An X ji.m fm fm 1) mm Xam, yim Arrive Bowmanville Ham 1.30 p.m 0 pom 5.80 pm 7.90 pom 2.30 pon 0pm are through busses to Ivers MA ath: 10 Prince 8, Naren RAILWAYS ime effective July 11th arante 10% LR] Ottawa ours have un range Al AN AYErHER soothing but. powerful Warmony, | an Lous No, 47, the Canadian Pacific Rall WAY'S new gasselectrie combined passenger And baggage oar, em wndying the latest developments In| gpoed of Gh miler comprise a ment w and Waltham, These of A400 miles speed of 50 miles , but uitaln a maximum an hour, They firgt=clags compart Mi passengers, a imokivg compartment for 15 pen 17:fo0l. compartment wling EXCHANGE ==B4 Acres hesuths ful home and surroundings, All modern, Also 40 acres and barn, Ideally located, Willing to take my 100 ncres, brick house, hip roof barn, bush, creek, all close to Oshawa; for Oshawa property, Don't walt but write Box 868, Times, ---- HAIDWOOD VIOORS Laid by expert mechanics, Old 'lo; Anished iike new. Ge. 21 ' Contractors, mW, HAYNES 1601 King st. West Phone 481 » Hesidence BOTBW I ---- rs _e I their ment nd 1 thin EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop I Hew Alvays i PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Stmeoe Ht, B, == We Deliver TR ROYAL YORK Ge Tea Fekoe At ee Superior Stores LA, = 1935 YOU Ah PY gy epairing URNS JEW King Oke Me, , "0 Machinery Repairing NOTHING 200 LARUB NOTHING 100 BMALL - AdanacMachine Shop 101 King Ne, W, Phone 1814 aan , COAL COAL hone 108 W. J. SARGANT Yard==40 Bloor Mireet MN Orders Promptly Delivered F. L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Wood "Sard "hone Oshawa 854 Whitby 18 REPAIRING WATCHES OUR APRCIALTY (t your watch is uot giving satisfaction we oan repair and make It tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Oftioinl Wateh Inspector for Causlian National and Osh awa Kallronds 10 King Nt, W, 'hone 18D Suits, Regular | $28.00, . I Special ..., $12. 50 | Dominion Clothing Co. I uN King St. W, Phone Bil | Men's { | Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 12 SIMCOE, ST, SOUTH wa FREE 3 POINT \ ADJUSTMENT Check ignition, clean and ads Just points, adjust carburetor on Chevrolet. Cars, 1088 to 1030 models, Ontario Motor Sales Ltd, VD Simooe Nt, South . Ea ------------ Ye CARI W LUMBER ( 4 ATHON EW. Qn oy Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner RS eM Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 900 Carnegie Ave, Phone 1058 RYESIONT gy BY malin Spaialining sthuively in Oleney Blok + te Bast Offs ELLA CINDERS--Back to the iCty phone 2800F, (48h) WE WAIBN'T MUCH NE WW NOTHING OF WALKING TEN MILES) b 4 ta EEA Ts Si -- -- MA SH JON JN NEITHER, | in' Ay 1 \NW