Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Aug 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY AUGUST 25, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Commu nity SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr, and Mrs, William Thomson ana daughter, Janet, of Bt, Mary's Are gussis of Mrs, Thomson's sly tor, Mrs, W, J, Trick, and Mr, Trick, King streat sant, Mrs, G. Logerman, Mill sireel, and Mrs, J, Walker, Bimeos street south, 1eft today for Broskville to attend the Grand Lodge Bessio the LTH, Mr, Albert Walker, of (hin city, an returned home from a week's vacation al Inglewaod Lodge, Was an Beach, Mr. Wm. Bugden, WM, of Lk, TB, juvenils lodge, in Attending the Loyal Trus Blues Grand Loge session In Brockville, Mr, €, (1, Young, of Athens, Tint, is & visitor al the home of his son, Mr, Ralph P, Young and Ms, Young, Allee strat, for a few days, M, Maulntrye Hood the week-ond In Woodstook W. WH, Duther and family, of Chicago, who are touring In Can ada spent the week-end al the fGenosha Hotel M, 8 Atler ana sister of Phila Adelphia, I, J, Campbell, Passine, Na, and J, Pollard and wife of Hamilton were weekend guess al the Genosha Hate Mrs, M, Melntyre Hood children are spending a week In Wandatoek, where they are (he Kuesin of Mra, Hond's mother, Mrs dames Harris Mr, and Mrs. W. A, Wright and Miss May Wright nf Tyrone were weslki-ond guests of relatives In tawn, Mr. and Mrs. . May and daugh tar, Marjory of Buffalo, are visi ing relatives In Oshawa Miss Helen Wright, of Walker ville, Ontaria, formerly of Lath hridue, Alherta, 1s the guest of Miss Eleanor Fleming Alma Rivest and Master Robeit Fleming, Alma Aireet, lias returned from a month's visit In Walkerville, and is socom panied hy Master Robert Weight, whe will he his guest for a time FEHR PEERLESS BUSINESS COLLEGE FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2 CWiee Hoursi 10:18; 2430 PHONE M16 a SUMMER SALE | | Wane | a Talks | FASHION SHOPPE | I Phone 80SOW J HOA \ ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Mr, WH, 1, Gillespie and Misses peterson and feholl, of Vort Dodge, Town, are visiting in Oshawh, the guests of Nelson H Bell, Mrs, AB, Baldwin, of Lindsay, Was heen the guest of her sister, Mrs, Clave Vox, Simeos Hires! North, for the past week My, and Mys, Ted Tvey and fam: fly; of ¥iint, Michigan, were yueks and guests aL the homes of Mr, and Mrs, Clave Fox, Himeos Hirest North, Mr, and Mrs, Ggorge B. Bull, #imeos Sires North, have yeturned home after spending & few days at Lake Katchawanoka, While there Mr, Bull caught a twelve pound lunge, Mrs, tun Pollest, DDGM, Mrs, Beatrice Hrust, PM, of Vietoria LTB, No, hh, and Mra, MeCor mick, of Florence Nightingale Lodge, Toronto, 1eft (his morning as delegates for (he fifty-sixin drand Lodge which 1s being held in Brockville and on thelr return will visit Kingston Cleorge Walsh, William Jenkins, J M, Mcintyre Hood returned on Huturdny from Hamilton, where they attended Lhe annual provine oinl convention of the Canadian Legion Misses Phyllis Clamanes, Mare jory Moore and Krington Parsons of Oshawa, 1sft an Friday morn ing for Normandale, Lake lris, where they are attending camp council. They will he aut of town for a wank Hoheri Hibbs, T, Dalby and A the Gardon On Baturday svening home of Mr, und Mrs Conant, Mrs. Conant and Mrs Hoss MoKinnon entertained at a HUPpRer party in honor of Mr, and Mrs, Harry Lockie, who are leav Ing Oshawa shartly to make thelr home In London, Ontario Among the Ameriean tourists who have made the Cenosha Hotal thal headquarters for the Exhini Hon are Me, and Mrs, H, 6, Lain puch of Chicago, Alvin W, Bralliv and party of Jackson's Helghts, N do 0, W, Blots and party of Mead ville, Pa, 1, A, Hanvieks and Mra Henriekn, of Chien, and H Mil tan Grissen and Mrs, Crissen of Hpringfield, Pa My, and Mra, Vietor Hergen, My and Mas. HJ, Bedard and len Pallatier af Quehee City are visit Ine friends In this eity and are to spand a few days al the Canadian Natlonal Exhibition returning each BYARINE 10 thelr suite at the Cen osha Mole) I 0 EARTH earth! Give comfort 1a the "rea tures of varth Who move on heavy AIFINE MPa s The little cat In pass, And sows who patient walt the ops dalned birth, Mares (nh the meadows, fuxes (n the wand, Nient-ayed walnseote wall, Leaf: shadowed deers ave Ha all Round each to each tn lie's Arrange sinterhond Grant to our weakness strength and fierce aontent Wha form the string by which life's how Is hent Elisabeth Coatawarth Saturday Review ir feet avrnm | WH ulee were swift I'he niles hehind the py an in The --.k OF gonrse ale travel Tan's sale, Why should 1t he an exception ?« Pasvaie News Most Motorists will approve of«ee The Safety Responaibility Law Effective The ond i TE da September lst driver will undou With which he pe Puy TY SR |] It bars from the road the careless, irresponsibledriver Nghway. Aun of follows inabili Et ity a CL Fih000r Insurance a more than bl cp Bg By a OR RUE op The Canadian Automobile Underwriters Association $eddonu's hy "én es ot vi anny A Era R Ne a C2 T EE EAE RE 4 % adknis Ww Arg 7, 7% A thaw of WWM, Princess Countess of Harewom, sons, Viscount Lascelles and the He Hone Gerald Lasealles, grands none of King George of Fngland, Mary, the with he ---- Black Pussy ls Too Late By Thornton W. Burgess 'Tin hard to hunt and walsh and wall And then diseover you're ton late Black Puny -- Ruck My Wack Puss snr that doesn't A than Wack the sheer hi day she § she hunts miee | hipels 1 has morning she wa munka Yeu wis f Chipmunks. Khe kien Chipmnnk Mes | raised a fami! hat meant there were several Chipmunks along the old "IEopught net no dificult cate one of those voung munkp"" thought Hack Pussy haven't had time to become an wise as their father and mothe I sup pose they can move filed hut an old hunter Hke we ong he able to surprise one oF two them" Fisay Sa Black Pa nil oh 0D 1 Cul Wah pve Puss mii ve of himting on hunting a AOA e sah tdenrly | she nee ENE Wines au Hunting wih hinih that nel {pind tone wall bi HTH Mw as Ih Hut, though ut where 1owent in Wack Pussy rowan all in val WHA VAT VEFy Patient ist a the Plack black lump on! only a little hed lke a NW TH DL Hi hed ie Ht ne of the ald wall from h Ik fl That Ia | noticed a LB 1) Tiabanice stile along the top af the old stene wall fives few eps gronehed and looked wir an black head i and all the time the tp of ber] as a lump of goal Mack Pusey tall was moving back antl foath didn' pa particule, attention Once she thanght she yh ni merely wandered where mink disappear between he that black thing had eoire froan and of the ald stone wall just ahead wl hut never seen ft hefore hey she moved agulekly that centered her attention on place and there she erauched ready thought she had 10 apring should that Chipmunk con MO In Mack RA A Wh AS th NE. phe hm A A Bh Linke why whe hen the place whe % dU hipmiink ia he re ah Rep Rose Tea " qed Ba" Toto QUALITIES = = TED LABEL % Onanor. Puen Linorgs Nowa, only wo | wedding Weddings DOU GLAM LEG A quiet wedding was solomnized on Haturday afternoon, August 43, ul the residence of Nev, J, B, Wilk won, Buckingham Manor, when he united in marriage Besirice May, "youngest danghior of My, and Mrs, lirnent Loxge, Oshawa, and Vred W. Douglay, eldest son of Mr, and Mra, I, Douglas, of Markdale, Ontario, After a shart honsymoon to Toronto and Markdale Mr and Mra. Douglas will resides In Orhawa le -------- NOSYaaM ANTHUR A quiet hut pretty wedding took place at the homs of her parents on Waednesdey, August 20, when Orman Gertrude, only daugh« (ar of Mr, and Mrs, Chas, MeAr: thir, Oshawa, became the hride of of Mr, and Mra, Wm, Nowe, of Toronto, 'I'ha bride 1ooked aharming wearing a gown of vobin's sg hlue silk taf feta and carrying a shower hous Guét of cream rows huds and ly of the valley, The hride was at tended hy Miss Audrey O'Keefe, of Toronto, who wore a gown of muiive flowerad muslin and ears riod a hounuet of awesthear! roses The groom was attended hy Mr Alfred Weardmore, of Torento, After the ceremony which was son. ducted hy Rev, Manse! Irwin, a taoaptinon. wan held after whieh the happy couple 1aft on 8 meter 1p, The hride travelled in a navy blue sult with gray hat and shoes On thelr return Mr, and Mrs, Ross will reside in Toronto =" GARNETT PHILLIPN On Huturday afternoon, Angus AL three o'clock, Bt, George's Church Contre Mirest was the Keane of A vary pretty wedding, when Ada Phillips, daughter of Mr 1 A and the Inte Mes Phillips, of lngland, heoames the heide of Garnet carrel, of Oshawa, only kon of Mr, and Mrs, 0 area, Contre Wires, Oshawa, The cere mony wan performed hy Rav, RN, fl Patterson, raetar of Christ Church, Oshawa, The hride, who WARE RIVER Ip marriages hy her nele, Mr. OQ | Ith of th wan prottily attired in a gown of white caleness ereps with tulle veil, Ap fashion and earried a bouquet of pale pink roses, Her two brides. maids, Misses Annie Willis, of BEng. Ind, and Nancy Calg, of Oshawn, wore hecomingly designed dresses of pale pink with hroad-rimmed hats to mateh and carried houguets of asters, Mr, Boh, Lyons, of Osh. AWA, Wan hast man Mm, 60. DO Hmith, aunt of the bride, entertain ad nt a veeaption following the Kighty guesin ware pres nnd In the svening the married couple eft for a mater trip to Naw York, Hiinois, and Detroit and an thelr return they will reside In Oshawa, an GIbk Hires i -------- ---- patience was wasted No Chipmunk reappeared Finally Black Pussy got to her feet and be gan to move along the top of the | old wall. She moved stealthily, as i» the way of a cat, but-she saw noth i to interest her especially Just ahiead of her there was a Nile black limp on one af the stones of the old wall, It owas right. where Blaek Pussy had Arst notiged it, She pail Wo particular attention to it. She was Within easy Jumping distance of it when that little black lump ands denly came to life and somethin black disappeared down in the old wall. Just too late Black Pussy reas Heed that something alive had fools ed her) but what it was she didn't know Now, Tmpy, Yhe Black Chipmunks for of course it wan Imp=had seen Black Pussy all the thine. He had sat there perfectly still, pretending to be a plecs of goal, All the time he was learning He was atudyin Mack Pussy, Striped Chipmunk had warned him about her, So he had known whe she way as soon ay he saw her, Now he knew how ashe hunted "I've fooled her," chuckled Impy, "She war hunting for a Chipmunk, all right, but she didn't know this one when she saw it, I've learned one thing anyway." "\What {x that? waked ha fathe er, Striped Chipmunk, tmpy chuckled again, "I've learns od" waid he, "that the most foelish thing a Chipmunk can do, when he knows an enemy has seen him, ix to put hs head out of the same hole that he foes inte, 1 dare say that Black Pusay {a watching for me right now and, fT should poke my head out where | came in, she would catch me" "Right!" sald Striped Chipmunk approvingly, "Quite right, my won, You are learning fast, Now we'll go soe what Black Pussy iy doing." (Copyright 1930 by 1% W, Burgess) Pusey's Fourlards, ete, worth | to $3.95 On Sale For ., $1.79 is Economy Uppermost In Your Mind? Then read about some startling prices we have placed on many lines of dependable merchandise for this week A Manufacturer Cleans up his range of Sample Summer Dresses | Women's Wash Dresses 14 and 20 only, Cray. sheen, Silk repps, Voles, at our own price GIRLS' DRESSES Sige 10 only. Craysheen, Fuji, Foulard, Print, ete. On Sul For rr: IBC Size 4 only, to $1.80 On Sale For GIRLS' PANTIE DRESSES Regular up 20 x 30 inches. Colors LARGE CHECK TEA TOW. ELS OF FINE IRISH LINEN Green, Helio, Gold, Regular 39¢ quality, This week only. Blue, Rose 25¢ This week EMBROIDERED PILLOW of fine Irish Cotton, signs scalloped or hemstiched ends, Size 22 x 33 CASES Attractive dee 89c only, per palr .... IRISH LINEN TEA in plain colors with and Blue, Sizes 20 x ular 39¢ This week only , deeper tone, Gold, Helio, Green TOWELS FANCY border of white with 30. Reg .. 25¢ This week TOWELS BIG COLORED TURKISH IA real handful of superb quality Cream with Red or Blue striped centre well worth 89¢ pair This week only, each ... or check centres. A beautiful heavy quality in a good generous sixe 20 x 40, Regular 68¢ JACQUARD BATH TOWELS colored ends and striped 3c ONY "nici lar $8.98 ~25¢ RICH BROCADED SILK BED. 80 x 100 inches. Colors Rose, Gold Ivory, Mauve and Green. This week only ..........o000. PREADS $3.88 is a very scarce article, colors, This week only Re Bred Fed Genuine Angora Wool A new supply just in from England in white and ERRRRR RRR RRR hn a_i a THO MEN ARE SLAIN ON TRAIN (Continued from Page 1) bumpers to Kmo, He had flaresly venlnted efforts to arrest him hes fore escaping from Fort I'rances Followed to Farmhouse Dashing away from the scene of his double murder, Frenette trav: elled toward Barwick, and stopped at the farm of W, Ftocktinh, whom he induced to give him breakfast, A short time after his arrival, howevar, Provincial officers, with A posse of oitlgens, arrived at the farmhouse, Armed with both res volvar and rifle, Franette began firing an moon an they came into view, All the polies were armed, and whenever Frauatt's outline showed th window or door a shows AEE EEE EE EE EE EE] 3c | l or of hullets was sent In his direcs tion, He 'was finally struck in the Kroln, was captured and taken to the hospital at Kme, where he died, In the encounter a bullet barely missed the head of Pro vinelnl Constable Patterson The hodies of Dalton and Jones wera taken to the undertaking rooms of I, VV, Grean of Fort Frances, and now await a Corons ora Inquiry, A -------------- TAKING MIS MEDICINE A portly woman of very elusive beauty. wan addressing a meeting on temperance reform, "My friends," she sald, "I had a husband who wis addicited to the hot the, He was a great trial to me, but one day 1 persuaded him to take the pledge. He did so, and my joy was so great, so overwhelming, that | flung my arms around his neck and Kissed him "And served him Jolly well right," vided a voles fram the crowd, TE, Thin Sickly Child Backward in School Help the pale, puny, delicate young- ster who hasn't enough energy to «0 out and play like pr, children, It In your solemn duty, mother, to give your boys and girls the flesh. adding, anergy-creating, strength« building henefit of McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets==you can't start 'too oon, Children love these sugar coated tablets and you yourself won't be able to praise thew enough ence your kiddies grow well and strong again--once they Mart to add good solid flesh=--=nervousness disappears thelr happy laughter, sunny re tions and healthy litle bodies wilt warm your heart, 60 tablets, 60 cents at Jury & Lovell, Ltd, T. B, Mitchell, Karn's Drug Store, or any drugstore, yy ---- PASTRY BREAD FLOUR XXX, ECLIPSE, MARVEL 24 1b, Bag 88¢ FLOUR FIVE ROSES 24 1b, Bag $1.10 HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED yr. -- A THE TOILER--Falsetto Voice VIER "TWAT CRCHENTRA LEADER AND "THE TihkE 8 DIPDY HER 40% ce RA A Ue A \ A [| WV Bry un eB Spin on : i TR Or Ig A AH ¢) " > % » A SY $i vA LLIN ip ON A a

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