Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Aug 1930, p. 4

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18 or 13 of yn ad nn ch h~ {7 en ele fi on Int HL ie he TY RS MPEP WE 2 en PAGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY AUGUST 25, 1930 Ang again, The Oshawa Daily Times IA DAILY THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) An independent gt i pi published ov afternoon except Sundays and legs) hol days at Oshawa, Canada, by The [limes Col ' Chas, M. Mundy, Pr 4 A, Re Allowsy, See. retary, Oshawa Daily Times is 8 member of the Press, the Canadian Daily News apers Amociation, the Ontario Provincis) Dailies and the Audit Buresw of Circulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier, 15¢ a week, By mail in Canada (outside Oshawa carrier deliv limits) $4.00 a year; United States, $5, 8 yearn TORONTO OFFICE 518 Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107, H, D, Tresidder, representative, REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S, Powers and Stone Ine, New York snd Chicage MONDAY, AUGUST 2b, 19850 REASONS FOR PASSING THE BYLAWS The reasons in favor of passing the hyluws providing for the construction of eivie ad: ministration buildings and a new police sta- tion were splendidly summarized at the meet ing of citizens held on Friday evening Int, when the mayor and members of the eity council turned out in full force to express their views on the question, The meeting not only revealed the convincing nature of the reasons why the bylaws should be passed, but showed the weakness of the opposition, Let us look, first of all, at the opposition arguments, Ald, MacDonald claimed that the eity could not aftnrd the expenditure, hut it has already been clearly pointed out that the buildings will add only an insignificant amount, if it adds anything at all, to the taxes which the average ratepayers will have Lo pay, John Btacey criticized the scheme hes cause It was not big enough, because the council was asking the citizens to spend only $158,000, instead of about $850,000, for muni. cipal buildings, Bo here the opposition is working al cross purposes, one man saying too much money is being spent, and the other claiming the amount is not nearly large gnough, The latter argument, of course, Is just a red herving dragged across the trail, alnce the council members have decided, hy an overwhelming vote, that, by cutting oul the frills and fads, it is possible to provide elvie buildings and a police station by the expenditure of $163,000, Alderman Jack: son's objections were equally puerile, for ev. ery citizen who knows anything of the pre. gent police station conditions Is thoroughly aware that no amount of cleaning up will aver make it ndequate for the purpose which it has to serve, The arguments in favor of the project have only to be reiterated to show how strong they are, Viest, there is that of necessity, No one will deny the need for the buildings which ave planned, The present system of scattered civic departments tends to create ineffici ancy, and is wasteful to a tremendous degree, Centralization 1s the only method by which this can be overcome, and the civie adminis. tration building will provide centralisation, and will save the money being paid out In rentals, Second, there is the fact that the construe. tion of these buildings will provide a large amount of work for the unemployed men of Oshawa, With 1,600 unemployed registered at the employment bureau, this should be a strong argument, particularly as skilled ar tisans, who have suffered greatly from lack of work this year, will be the chief henefi. ~ glaries, Thivd, there 1a the argument that the work can be done more cheaply at present, because the depression has reduced building costs, than if it were delayed until things are hoom- This is another way in which money can he saved, and the cost to the rate payers kept down to a minimum, And lastly, there is the argument that, taking into consideration all the factors that enter into the cost to the ratepayers, the buildings can be erected without adding anys thing to the tax rate, As has been explained before, the total cost of carrying the deben- tures will be about $0,460 a year, This can be taken care of by the natural increase in assessment, without raising the tax rate, and furthermore, the debentures to be issued will not increase the city's debenture debt, be- cause the debentures being retired this year amount to $260,000, Looking at the two sides of the question, it would be quite safe to say that "the ayes have it," and that the arguments in favor of the bylaws far outweigh those against ms WE day will be a day of testing for the ratepayers of Oshawa, and the only way in which they can demonatrate to the vest of Canada that they have faith in the future ia by voting in favor of hoth the hylaws, TRADE CANNOT BE ONE-SIDED The announcements of last week regarding the raising of tariffs by New Zealand against Canadian automobiles have created much anxiety in Oshawa, on account of the fact that the local plant of the General Motors of Can. ada, Limited, was the manufacturing fac tory for Genersl Motors ears going to that country, General Motors officials are not greatly exercised, because they state thet if the cars cannot he exported from Canada, on account of the high tariff, they can quite easily be made in one of the United Btates plants, But there is no comfort in thet statement for the men who earn thelr livell- hood in the motor industry in Oshawa, The decision of the New Zealand govern. ment, however, has brought into prominence the certainty that trade cannot he one-sided, No country which depends on export trade for its prosperity ean expect to prosper If it tries to shut its doors to the products of coun- tries to which it sells, For years there has heen an outery in ag rieultural circles against the New Zealand trade treaty, because it allowed large quan. tities of New Zealand butter to enter Can. nda, The matter has been dragged into elec: tion campaigns, and the producers of butter have finally prevailed, to the point that the low rates against. New Zealand butter have been increased, although there is still a pref- erence over the rates charged to countries outside the Empire, All through the agita- tion against the New Zealand trade treaty, however, there were two volces which were not heard, There was the voice of the hutter consumer, who was able, because of the low duty, to buy his butter more cheaply, And there was the voice of the manufacturer of goods which by reason of the New Zealand treaty, found a splendid export outlet for thelr products, the chief being automobiles, Now has come the rude awakening, Vor years it has been sald that the agricultural industry was being ruined to help the manu facturers, Now, perhaps, it will be said that the manufacturers are being sacrificed to help the milk producers, One cannot have cake and eat It, too, and so no country can expect to export goods under preferential tariffs, unless there is willingness to admit other goods on the same basis, If the New Zealand government sticks to Its present attitude, Oshawa is hound to suf fer, because it will loge the employment which has been provided by the manufactuie of automobiles for export to New Zealand, Bn it will be hoped that wiser counsels will pre vall, and that when the new trade treaty Is negotiated between the two countries to thke the place of the one which has been in ef fect for the last five years, it will be of such # nature that this important hranch of Can ada's export trade will not be ruined A WELCOME CONVENTION Oshawa has been honored by the decision of the Ontario Provincial Command to held ita next annual convention in the ¢ity of Oshawa, This is an honor which Is keenly contested, and the local delegates who fought for it, and succeeded in securing it, are to he complimented, not alone for thelr success ful Aight, but for their intense loyalty to the city of Oshawa In doing so, The Leglon convention, better known as Soldiers' Provineial Parliament, ia a highly important gathering, It assembles each year the leaders of the organised war veterans of the province, to the number of between three and four hundred, for a three day con. vention, This year, at Hamilton, over 125 delegates registered, and there were scores of others brought to the city by the conven- tion, With the Legion growing at the rate of thirty to forty new hranches each year, the convention next year will be even larger than that at Hamilton, so that it will be a gathering which will he worthy of a warm welcome, USING THE HARBOR It haa not taken long for the new Oshawa harbor to justify its existence, The announces ments last week that goods had come to Osh. awa by water direct from Helgium, and that the Canada Steamship Lines is putting addi. tional hoats on its service to and frem Osh. awa, are indications of the usefulness of the harbor to the city, Yet that ia only the beginning, When local industries return to normal business condi tions, the harbor will become even busier Ahan it is at present, and will be one of the important sources of employment, It is to he hoped that hefore long there will be an Increase in the harbor facilities for handling freight traffic, The building of warehouses should not be delayed any longer, for with these available, the steamer traffic will grow, until the daily arrival of ships could be expected, The harbor is already juss tifying ita existence, and when there are greater facilities for handling waterborne traffic, ita utility will he multiplied many times aver, EDITORIAL NOTES -- Arve you a Dynamiter? In apite of the Canadian National Exhibi- thon, the rain of the last few days has been a welcome visitation, Oshawa can hold ita head up, In spite of the infantile pavalysls scare, It has heen declared the moat progressive city in Ontario in the matter of public health, Hamilton's great effort in ataging the Bris tish Empire Games has been crowned with success to such an extent that Toronto might well turn green with envy, THAT the greairst mensse to city government today is » neglect on the part of some sitizens to do thelr duty, They wre responsible in most cases far the way the eny Is governed, Must of them take # lew minutes on election day te vite for same man; some of them don't even take the trouble to vote, If the officers elected ask for a lit: tle se-aperation and support, thelr requests (all upon deaf sare, They say, "We wre tan husy to help, You were elesied to run the City; why don't you da ii" At the same time they find no troyble In getting time tn find fault with every: thing that 1s dene, The average sity will have just mr gond government as they try te get, Citizens should recognize and ap precigte the respansibilities of eitizen ship and should do thelr part City government always will be duminated by those who ave constant ly and persistently active. 11 the good citizens wie ws wetive ws they should be, it will he foods if they are not, the grisfters will take charge ETERNAL VIGILANCE I8 THE PRICE OF GOOD GOVERNMENT DON'T FORGET THAT! Eve Care and Eye Strain by €, W, Tus', Opt, D, (Copyright, 1088) SAVAGE EYES Part 4 "The savages (ook the examination meekly, ot explained, Perhaps the interpreter pade them believe they Were going nnder a governient ex TTR AY Clue acted hored ihe they grinned bina ine the Wrprine viien the jungle eyes revealed the identign! detects townd in civilized eyed, such us far-sighted TIT tgmatism, © Not one perfect oye gong them! Hut the ey with which they were compared were like wise tar from pertect, For a really periect eye, even simon chiddren, 1s wh PRE as i purple elephant | Approximately tarty per cent of | AMErICAnS Weal HIASKEs ground 46a re: | live eve strain mptama, The np | toms are caused however, not hy our | struggle for knowledge and power hut hy those aflietions to which all! fHesh seein hel Jungle eves apparently need glasses far the sme rea that ours dal (ha he continued) Bits of Humor | Jerry had: had hig fest fepm at # hoarding school, and while he was on holiday his wnele visited the family "Hello, Jerry!" sid Liuele Haw da you bike your form Master" YHe's not tan had, Unele,)! replied Jerry Rather bigoted, though "How » ! : "ee will insist that wards can enh he spelled his wav" A girl competitor kissed the judge at oan angling carnival \ hashing smack, "Leagur of Nations afcials should he paid hy results," deelyres a poli Heian, They're an peaceswork as it is LOOKING AHEAD First Charu Girl="And he's sueh w serious minded hoy, Always telling me to put something away for § rainy day Segond Charus Girl you saving his letters Bits of Verse By A J, Reynolds Yau never iid, © heart, teel sa alone, Birds of the air seemed hrathers of my soulg The wild Howers, glancing from their tern-acteened knoll, comradeship peculiarly (help awn The rushing hraoks would call in ls (uid tang Toa me! To nie! And T would seem to hegre Coampantonahle valees an my ear What seeds of tragedy were sown? "Well, uvenlt wm 3 Gave Earth's songs seem sweet to me ay heretolone Barth's glories are not faded to my KaLH And long-tried friendships grow from mare ta more; And stronger grow as thousand hus Wan tes, Came forth, O heart! and leave thy curtained throne The lle that gerves ean never he Wlone, EE -------------- The New Man==Put an the new MAR, Which after God 1a oveated In vighteausness and true holiness, ~=Hph, 4104. : Prayer: That Body of 4 Pours fy ra W. Barton, M.D. Pinying them Ki W Three hoy seals wore near A viver when none nf fell In Instead of vunning tal help and thus losing viluahle thine they secured a lave heaneh drove #oanuple af nals in wl angle as to Improvise & honk, anid were able (no Ash thelr companion aut of the wale He was uneonseiois gueh mn hit despiie Beutty (eight), president | Lol the CH, wha formally open: | of Allsbnnadn year of He Lita National wine Marvin, president of the (N van dao the entire ahibition work af resi Kure) avery four or Ave seconds Kacy thin up tor hours If neces wry, I thers wre others Lo relieve ven from time to tine, During this time others can gpply heat tn extremities, or wih Lhe Wands and tel Lo promote wirmih Thin In weknowledged to he the mol eMelant method of resuscitil lan, This HWitle Wit of kndwisdgs muy wave # We aa 1 did when us ed hy these twelve 10 fourtesn yeur ald hay seouls, JAPAN 15 SEEKING PARTIAL CONTROL OF NITRATE TRADE Tako = Inpan in nogotinting with the government af Chile te obigin woeancassion In nm wpeeifod ieckiion for the praduetion af Chilean nl Fratan, and I 10 probanie that if (hae danl goes theoligh Japanese ne tareptn will abtain nn Important share In the contra) of this vast in fustry According to Matsinota ¥Kitedn, Arm weerdtary of the Japaneses Je gution In Chile and som in-law af Premier Hamnguehi, the negot intlons are geogressing favorably, He haliaves thal Lhe scheme will ves wl In large development of Japan ERB mEriculture ax a Yaree part of the export nitrate ig ta ha brought to this eountry for Adlstrihution among farmer, "Bobby," fortitude" "Ability ta stand, quickly "Naw use It 1B sentence wiked Baby thought for a while, "Fhe iat showed great fortitude when 1h mule kicked him," he answered utked teacher, "define replied Bahhy, "teacher Ohadiah-=""1 think Peagy will mis an ideal wife, byery (ing | go 1a time | find her darning her fathey fick! Joshua =""That caught me 1 tf (0h > I'vavel The King's Highway Cann | fatt EXHIBITION SPECIALS | August 23rd to September 6th, transfer tao and Grannis Keturn tekets good unl) September mh EE ..,E' LEAVE OSHAWA siandard Time the face that there was ho seal [ein wh am 11080 aan: Ib pam muster oF loader prosent, thay pov | The pilleit-appaeen Arewn ARO am 1480 pon, he pn severed with the Behuater method | od and the method apphies to # Vil 7.8 Am 180 pn, TH0 fm, of resuscitation tm Honey of {! m. al electri whnek or sult Bi0 Am @./0 Pon hs. HO pm minutes until the hoy revived and | Hon placed fave downwards on he wan am RAO pan 00 pom wan later able to gn home LAL na 1080 am A480 pony aHO00 pam Naturall hel parent wid | Place Jesilt amiride ar on weeflnlly except munday, hesBaturday, Sunday ani tawnafolk wer proud of them dnd foide of | patient' hady, # | Holidays only, cesBunday only Chelr aol win BWI ALLY Tocaginiged. | nealing position, (ading hin heii And vel thin pot of 1 Uation | fang Yanr hands Hat th the sina Heturn conchos leave diesel from Exhibition whith oun he tearned tn ane or twa laf his b the thutihs neal Gironinds ta comneet with regular conches (a Osh minutes ix still unknown to thank ouehing and the Angers spread oi Ann at Hay at Dundas, ands af peaple hey may stil) {an each sida af the hody over the Hegular eonches leave Bay at Dundas dally exeept have in thelr minds rolling the vie [owe vibe, lean forward, and Munday at 6.80 sm. and dally at 7.80 am, and tm aver n barrel to ger tie water [standily allow the weight of vou avery howe on the half howe until 10.80 pom, except aut of his longs, then ane helper {neds to fall payer an them, and so 0 pm and B80 pon: Baturday, Sunday and Halls work his arms gpwards and down: produce 8 Arm downward proseure Amps only 6.80 pay, and B80 poe Mandard Tine, whrde 10 fares uly into his Yung wield inbonut he viglent Ep my whilst letthig him Te on his back, | (By this mesos the air, and wale Tickets and information a, with another helper teving ta hold [if Ihara be any is deiven aul af th hig tangus out sa that it will nal {patient Jung j fall hack and shut out the air, ang Immediate! thareaftor iwi GRAY COACH LINES wii) anather helper ay Iw rub: fhaokward ralansing Ihe pressure | hing Wis hands and feer 10 promote | hat without Hit Phe hands tram n elrevnlation Liha patient's hod epeat (his for | ! Genosha Hotel OSHAWA Phone 2825 Hy he thf method, and 1 ard and hackward movement speak of 1 aver AY, ne a Porson | (pre pre and relaxation af pres HETURN FAR Eabid IB Includes Exhitition admission tieket fram terminal and roach inside Exhibition By Dorothy Dix Osawa LOTHER.CONACIOUR? Of course he is == that nice John, Richard, Harry, you've taken for het. ter or worse, Don't you believe he doesn't notice the FROCK you have on, He may not he able to describe the exact style, hut he knows whether YOU look well in it and he knows, tee, what COLOUR is in; He's not the least bit salour blind, Men Love Colour Don't think you must wear the very latest thing the moment it comes out, There 1a all the ALLURE in the world in a almple little blouse or dress if ita COLOUR is becoming to yous=and if it has lost none of ita original fresh: ness and charm, For it's COLOUR that takes a man's eye! Clever wives tnvariably follow two very simple rules= ! FIRST: they are saveful to select cols ours that are becoming ave SECOND: they keep the colours unfaded 'on hin hed in thelr allues ing, vital eharm, "But how can we keep colours a allure ing-as new!" women ask me, 'Wash. ing so soon leaves them faded, lifeless," Tt in true that just ordinary "good" soups take same of the colour out along Lord, make us faithful and gy aver strivipg to de Thy w with the dirt, but the famous Lux is made te keep colours ( A talk with women of ing=freah=vital, 1t cleanses without dis: \ Your dainty slip covers--=lux will love off roi ly, with the inexpressible eharm , vibrant colour, Dororay Dix turbing the most delicate flowers like Vint, any more than plain water will, In Your Home, Too Not only yourolothes==hut your home, everything associated wit should seem charming toyourhusband, ourtalng, table linen, keep all these YOU w= Perfect! (Lett, shave) Sample (Righty hove) Sample It's just i i \ . Lh bar all ' . onl Hid new=when you undeniably faded, 1) wear it the emetional actual Nined hut the wer of ealaur a i ) \ ln magle glamour to you appeals ux If its Safe | Nice fhusband af fons He's very clothes-conscious and not a bit colour-blind Disappointing! times w LL) nal lo on in Water, as Safe in Lux! Lover Brother Limited, Torani Ltd LS RR GE] | noticed it was always the sane -

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