Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Aug 1930, p. 3

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-- THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, MONDAY AUGUST 25, 1930 PAGE THREE Election Machinery War Veterans From Oshawa Made Magnificent Showing In Warriors' Day Turnout eady For Vote on Bylaws Thursday | Local Contingent Was Largest of any Outside Branch of Canadian Le- glon--March to Music of Ontario Regiment Band SGT. MAJOR COOPER COMMANDS LOCALS pr Oshawa Veterans are Choered When They March Past Saluting Base-- Major General Garnet Hughes Takes Salute, ' Cowhawi's wir veterans, parading under the ausplees of the Jocal branch of the Canadian Legion, mide a magnificent showing in the Warrlors' Day parade at the Canis dian National Exhibitlon on Saturs day afternoon, when, in spite of the rang they stepped out In splendid style, to the musle of the Oniurin Regment band, and were wecorded a hearty round of applause as thi marched past the saluting post, Th Oshawa contingent, incidentally, wis hy fur the largest from outside of Taronto, and wus the contin gent from an individual braneh' of the Legion to turn out in force, with its own band at the head The party left Oshawa on Natur day morning, four Jarge busses und w fleet of private cars being necessary to carry the contingent to the ex hibition grounds, After spending ie forenoon at the exhibition, the veter ans went ta the starting-point fos the parade, the old Trinity College grounds, and from there, under the command of Sergeant Major William Cooper, joined In the parade of thousands of veterans and troops The band of the Ontario Reglment, which had volunteered te services, made 4 great Impression us It mar ehed past the saluting stand, playing "Where are the Boys of the Off Rrigade" followed by the Oshawa Legion party, which had fie heat ful flag at the head of the purad Cheer after cheer rung out as the Oshawans marched past, in splendid order, row after row, with eves turn od sharply 10 the right in salute to Brig.-Gen, Garnet Hughes, who was the senior officer at the saluting point, It was a great moment for Oshawa, one enough to make anys one seeing the parade feel that the war veterans had upheld the eity's honar in a aplendid way After the parade Oshawa veterans with the wives and families of many of them also there, joined In the erowds enjoying the ex hibition, and at a late hour the hiss ses were again loaded up and the party returned to Oshawa The Oshawa Citieens Band which alse journeyed to the Fxhibition 10 fofn In the Warrlors Day Parade only were unahle to take part owing to thelr truck stalling and getting them | at the Exhibition tee late to take part, No doubt they would have wiv en a good account of themselves had they arrived In time CITY NEWS WINS SET OF SILVER Mr, Sam Terry who conducts a general grocery business at J17 Nim con Street, South, has won a special prise of a set of silver salad forks in a competition conducted hy Lever Rrothers for a window display of their Toilet Soap, MORE TOURINTS NKEN A larger number of Amerioan oars have heen ween on the Kings ston highway here during the past week than at any other time this simmer, Many of the oars hear Ohio Hoenaes and a large proportion of them are filled with tourists ine tent upon visiting the Toronto ex hibition, NUMMER Is WANING Evidence that summer ls fast waning in seen on every hand, The golden rod and other late flowers are heglnning to bloom and the hay fever addicts are busy with thelr handkerchiefs, Thoughts will soon "he turning from the hoe ta the ooal shovel, -- ---------- When Mp, King wane wondering whe Mr, Bennett could take with him te the Imperial Conference, he didn't know about all our favorie sons, = Was over, the | DELEGATES AT THE CONVENTION PLAYED MINIATURE GOLF Sanitary Inspectors En. joyed Round on Tiny Tim Course a ---- That miniature golf is a demos eratie pastime, which plays favor Hen to nelther youth nor experiences, wis evidenced ones more during the convention of the Ontario Bani tary Inspectors, held in the hotel Gennshn Inst week One of the tidbits of (he eon vention, so far as could be gather ad from the subsequent conversa thong around the lobbies of the hotel, was a very informal tourna. ment staged on the Tiny Tim minia tire course, apposita the hotel, In which the malority of the visiting | nupectors took part, most of them | | making thelr Aral sequeintance with the game on the oceaston And the champion of the Int wis Hanltary Inspector HWarhert Maviwather, of Guelph, hy his own admission tha oldest delegate tn the convention During the Anal wounlon of the conference, My, Merl walher rose from his ehalr, and fesued an opan challenge to his fellow Inspectors to play him at any time for the Banltary Associa thon, "ping-pong" title | OBITUARY | --_ -- EDWARD THOMIPSO The funeral was held yesterday afternoon of the late Kdward Thompson, who died on Friday, Ausnst 22, in his peventy-Afth year The funeral was held + fram the hame of his son; Mr, Milton Thomp son 114 MeLaughlin Blvd, whera the deceased had bean lying for the Just three yours, Ho was form. erly a resident of Toronto and En ninkitlen The late Mr. Thompson was very well known ann prominent ahureh worke) He Is survived hy five one, Arthur, of Flint, Miehis HUN, Ambrose of Regina, Hank, Lslie, of Tyrone, Ontario and Kd- gnr and Milton, hoth of Oshawa, One daughter, Mrs, Anderson of Whithy alse survives fev. John Lindaay. of Nt. And rew's Prashyterian Chueh, Whithy WAR In ohne of the serviea and he win assisted hy Rey, Nennett of Otterville, Baptist. Chureh Inters ment wan made In MeCres's come tory, near Pontypool, Ontario JAMES BIDDLE Ploton, Aug, 28-=James Hiddie, for 20 years associated with a pack mg company at Rloomfeld, was found dead tn his oMee this morn ing. Mr. Nddle had heen In poor health for some time past and it ia halleved that he suffered a heart attack on reaching the oes, Nur vividg him are hin widow, two pons, George Riddle of Oshawa and Herb. ort Riddle of RloamAeld, and two hrothers, Bert, Chief of Police, Plo. ton, and Elmer Riddle, Bloomfield, Nrothers in New York who wom $140,000 on a horse race a month ago atill have the money, That is news Stratford Reacon-Herald New Martin eee WI "Wings of iret Action==Theills Comedy GOODRYE LGN NTATION TAR Volee of Hollywood Last Time Today HIS FIRST COMMAND KEEN INTEREST BEING TAKEN IN OPEN TOURNAMENT Men's Doubles Tournament Under Way on Local Tennis Courts mE A Keen Interest has heen taken in the open men's doubles tournament heing held under the ausplees of the Oshawa Tennis club nt thelr courts here, Mr, John Harris, of Port Perry, a member of the Oshawn Club has donated two fine cups which will he presented to the wine ners, In all thirty-two players are taking part in the event, The ma- forty of the contestants are mens vers of the local club although sev era) from Whitby, Bowmanville and Port Perry are taking part, Army Armstrong and Dr, McMullen hav ing deefnted Harris & Willis nthe semifinal round will meet the win ners of the match hetween Messrs Strike & James of Bowmanville, and Alger & Vyerson, of Oshawa, in the final round Results to Date First Round Messrs, Strike & James (Bowman ville) defeated Morrison & Medcalle (Christ Church) 6:1; 6:2 Drs, Langmind & Harding (Osh awk) defeated M, Hainer & let cher (Oshawa) GA; 3064 und 7:8 Messrs, Ginle & MeArthur (Whit hy) deteated Lister & Totter (Osh Aw) 0:8) 03; 0d Mesars, Alger & Kverson (Osh awit) defeated Bascomb & MiNab (Whithy) 6-1} 6:1, Messrs, Harrie & Willis (Oshawa) defeated Dudley & Alexander (Bow minville) 6:4; 30} 6:3 Dr. Mills and Grad (Whithy) de fented MH, Hainer & Snowden (Osh awa) 6:0; 6K; 6.0 Messe, Fishlelgh & awin) defented Sisson & mianville 6.4; 85:7; 6:3 Messrs, Armstrong & MoMullon (Oshawa) defeated Robinson & Mi Kinnon (Oshawa) 6:2] 0:4 Second Round Messrs, Strike & James (Bowman ie) defeated Drs Harding & Lang minid (Oshawa) 6:1) 6:2 Messrs, Alger & Everson (Osh awd) defeated Cale & MeArthu (Whithy) b:0; 6d Messrs, Marrs '& Willis (Oshawa) Carn (Osh fodd, Bow defeated Dr; Mills & Gira (Whithy) 0:1 16:0), 3 Messrs, Armstrong & Ly, MeMul len defeated Fishleigh & Corn (Lah awi) hed) OHA Seniors at Toronto On Saturday afternoon the senior ream of the local club went to Tor unto where they were to play an ex hibition match with the Toronto Crigket Club but on accoust of rath the tournament wis postponed, Th group match hetween the. Bowman ville Intermediates and the Oshawa Fennig Club intermediates which was 10 havk been played on Saturday i heing played early this week Oshawa win this event they will he ted with Whithy in first place and the playoff for group honours wonld have to he staged later in the week DIED APOTAWOOD-=AL the home of her daughter, Mrs, D, R, Came: on, 108 Bimooe Nt, North, Mary Metcalfe Npotawnod in he Adth vear . Herviee Monday, Aug, 86, 1000 midnight at & pom, leaving on train for Maeville, Ontario (48a) oo Late lo ity " WW . fstied, If ambitious, with fal education, should Investigate Phone 2618 for appointment (48a) FIN NEED OF A anon WELL paid job write Box R47 ig + \ (46a) TO TRENT TX NOONE, HEATH apartments, partly furnished, In cluding sleotrio stove, also unfur 'nished 4 room apt, 287 Division At, Phone 277TW, (480) sible party four room hungalow, Good locality, also six room house i] option of purchase, Poa, Phone (400) HEAR LADIES KAROO RAND AL Chosen Friends Dance, Wed neaday, Aug, 37, at & pm, Fun for all, ¥nge! Hall over Dew. land's store. Admission. 28e, (40a) Announcing . . . THE RE-OPENING OF THE Commercial Hotel Dining Room IN THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL ¥ Completel Mr and Mus, "Tom" MeTaggart Na ---- the Most Modern in Ontario Eom--------------y Renovated, in Now one of Nothing but the Best Ingredients used in PureFood Ow Dinners A twenty hour week snd yainfall 8 causing farmers and gardeners of this district to rejoles, Biarting early Maturday afternoon the rain continued almost without interrip. ton until about 10 o'clock Munday morning thus murking the snd of approximately six weeks of drought, The moisture will greatly hensft griing, rool crops and vegeiuhles, Although this distriet sxperience od an abundance of rain during June and the early part of July, thers has practically bean a drought Heavy Rain Causes Farmers Of District to Rejoice dry weather was having an adverse affect on crops And as a matibr of fact considerable damage resulted, Pasture lands also suffered and it win becoming increasingly difficult for farmers Lo pasture thelr cattle, horses, sheep und other livestock, Saturday's rain came' in gener ous measure, AL times It driggled and at other times It poured, bring. ing welcoms relief Lo the parched, wun-haked land, No ons complained nhoul its coming for 1 was relly nasded and represented a saving of since that time, broken only be an oooasional Hight shower, The hot, thousands of dollars to Lhe pros vines, WHAT OTHERS SAY | J a A THE MUNICIPAL, BUILDING NYLAWK Mr. Vditoy - AN the property owners of this oly, are asked to vole on August 28th on two money by-laws for a totul expenditure of $168,000, may | take the privilege, through the columns of your valuables paper, of axplaining the different points of the hy-lnws, as briefly an 1 ean There are three questions on which to volte 1, Do you tavor spending $100, 000. for the purpose of building al Administration hullding 2, Do vou favor spending #64, 000 for the purpose of a Police Winton 8, Do you favor the corner of ftiehmond and Prinee sirasis, or Hagol street, as the location for the police station The City Counell, City OMelnls and the heads of the various bodies or commissions pf the eity have spent much (ime, energy and mid night oll, In consideration of the plang, specifications and cont of the proposed hulldings, and have now reached the point whersa we have to pass the matter on for the consideration and judgment of the FRIBpAYeTrN The Administration hullding Is to he placed at tha north west corner of Bimeoa and Motealfe straels Two stovies high with basement butlt with hriek and cement, and in ostimated to cost $100,000, Tt will house the oMees of the Puhlie teiities, City Clark's ofMes, Cily treasurer's oMees, Kngineer's oMen, annesument Department, Tax Colle tor's oMes, Rourd of Health, Public Cline, Juvenile Court, Welfara of ficen ote, hringing all the above depariments under ona roof owill cost 85.000 (sight thous and) a year for twenty years to carry the debentures on this build ing. The Publie Utilities, Commins slon, have agreed to pay $4,000 a year rental for the portion of the bullding oecupled hy them, and with #840 mn year saved on the rental of the offoes now used hy the Juvenile court and Folica Mag intrate nMes on King St. Kast, these two (tems of 84.840 deducted from the AR,000, will leave a total of $4,100 to he. paid hy tha elty aach veur on the Administration huilds ing, & matter of a quarter of a mill The estimated cost of the Police hullding ta 864.000 and will he of the same construction as the Ad ministration Pullding It will contain a eourt room, Chief of Pollen aMee, General walling room, Room for the police with locker for each, eall rooms for male and female prisoners, shower baths, garage, ote, and will ha thordugh- ly up to date, and sanitary In avery respect, You are also asked to vote an the alte of the Police hullding, Whether It shall ba lo. oated on the corner of Richmond and Princesa streets, where the Market hullding now stands or on the Naggot street alte, where the Tom Thumb Gelf course in loeated, hoth of which properties belong to the elty, The unemployment in eur olty and the many skilled and unskilled workmen who have appealed for work, has heen the strongest factor in bringing the bounell to the cons clusion of presenting these by-laws to the ratepayers, Thera Ia no doubt an to thelr necessity, the time Is long past due when we should have had them, The Areh. Itect, Contractors and workmen must all he oltinens of Oshawa, an that every dollar possible shall go Inte A home of 'thin elty, The fivat clause of the Employ: ment service Counell of Canada, recommended to the Dominion Government! "That an a means of immed. fate rallef of unemployment, Fedaral, Provineia! and Munis olpal authorities in thelr ves peotive apheres ahould eom- menca work of a permanent nature, such an bulldings and Construction, Including high. ways, Wharves, Bubways, Rail. way orossingn, Needed public hulldings, an well an improve. , ments, repaiva to and mainten. ance of publie highways and properties,' The present government have pledged themeelvea to take up the unemployment question at a apeeial meating of parliament to hea held early In September, Oshawa needs public bulidings, wharves, and a subway, If thin byslaw (a carried on the 28th of August wa will he in a position to go to the govern: ment at once and say we are ready 10 go on with a program of work Ineluding our Administration builds ing and police station and will ne doubt receive help from them for thair construction, the Council ass suredly will not proceed with the work until we find out what the CAUSE OF BRAWL Peter Kolnik paid ten dollars and costs In eity polies court, on a charge of sommon assault preferred on hehalf of Hophis Chisnle, The avidence adduced showed that Pet. or had, while under the influence of Intoxleants, provoked a nelgh hourhood brawl, during which he had seized the complainant hy the throst and thrown her fo (he ground, The defendant made a categorical denial of everything, hut the magistrate tonk Hitle stock of his unsupported protestations government's attitude the projects Oshawn. navey had a hellor chunes and may never have such chance spain to gat public build ings An cheaply as nt the present In towards NO NEW INFANTILE PARALYSIS CASES REPORTED TODAY --------r Brief List of Precautions Is Given Parents The infantile paralysis situation has taken on a mors favorable aspect over the weekend, with no new cases reported, and the num her in quarantine now stands sia tionary aL 19, It i8 urged on parents, however, that no precautions whould he re Jaxed until all danger of further contagion has heen entirely elimin- ated, The following suggestions are added to those which have heen already issued hy the health depart ment of tha ely ! 1, Wash all milk hotties on the outside hefors removing Lhe cap 2 Boll a) unpasteurized milk for three minutes hafors using 8. Do not allow children to pit pencils or other articles In Lthely mouths This Is a partienlarly dangerous practice, sinen the infec tion of the diseases is in the month nose, throat and other body Ais chargas 4, Insist in thorough washing of childrans hands before eating LARYT WEKK'S WINNER AT TINY TIM GOLLY COUNRE The following 18 the Het of win ners tor the different days of Inst week, at the Tiny Tim Golf Conrse Opportunity doses not knoek at the | Monday, gents, O, Blenk: Indies door avery day, and | trust when | Miss HH, Creamer, Tuesday, gents the hallots are counted on Thurs: | Tvan Ell eott; ladies, Mrs. Cran dny night that it will ba found the | field, Wednesday, gents, Moss Citizens of this City have faith In| Wehh and Purdie ted Indies, Oshawa and its future Ming Thorhurn Thursday Thanking you Mr, Kditor, gents, M. Kennedy und K, Cayley; Yours truly, Indies, Miss MH, Creamer. Friday, T. N Mitchell, gante, 0, Delong, and Indies', Miss Mayor M, Tiny ---- En a Ratepayers to Decide Fate Of Proposed Administration Building and Police Station 1930 DREDGING PROGRAM HAS BEEN COMPLETED Channel Into Turning Basin Deepened To Over 17 Feet The Avedging program for 1940 in Oshawn harbour 18 completed, and the hoppertype dredgs which has heen Anishing up the Joh ix ready to depart Tha woctor of the turning basin designated for this year's excaval ink 18 now completed, and the channel has heen dredged out to A normal depth of 18 fest through ont, I'nis means a draught of 17 foot gix inches nt Lhe present time, pines the luke 1aval has fallen ahout wx Inches recant) The dredged channel adjoins the present wharf for the last 160 feet approaching the turning basin, and then angles slightly away from the pler towards the lake opening of the passageway hetween pler and breakwater It is sald that Tommy Church may he appointed & Senator In that event 'there will he less sleeping in the Upper House Chatham News City Clerk F. E. Hare Di- rects Preparation For Voting Day--Two Bal lots to be Submitted ONLY RATEPAYERS ALLOWED TO VOTE List of Polling Stations and Deputy Returning Officers Announced ~ Those in Favor of Pro- gress Will Vote "For the Bylaw" Inder the efficient Alrection of City Clerk, ¥, KE, Hare, the city's machinery Is heing olled for the voting on the hylaws und question which will take place on Thursday of this week, The ratepayers of Oshe awn, those who actually pay taxes into the city treasury, will then decide whether or no the muniels pulity Is to build an sadministras tion hullding at cost of $100,000 and a new police station AL cost of BLB,000, In the event 1Lhat a new police station will he built the ratepayers will also designate the alte which is tn he selected on Bagot sfreet or the mouths (Continued on Page 8) election in preparation TR Because: ious Because: Because: Because: " Because: Because: Why You Should Support the Two By-laws parts of the city. the Biggest GEO. T. MORRIS Chairman Property Committee Oshawa is wasting money and sacrificing efficiency every, year by continuing its policy of housing city offices in inadequate, decentralized and antiquated buildings in var- The new proposed civic buildings will take care of all the administrative departments of the city, and will also pro- vide offices for the Public Utilities Commission, the Juv- enile Court, and other departments which are no in rented property. Civic Pride demands thal a city of the size and Importance of Oshawa should have some kind of centralized civic ad- ? ministration buildings, instead of having only a few cramped offices, some of them rented, for the purpose, J The cost to the ratepayers per annum, after allowing for the rental of space to the Public Utilities Commission and for the rents saved by accommodating officials now working in rented offices, would be $4,160 a year--less than a quarter of a mill on the dollar in taxes. To give work is better than to give charity. The Unem. ployed workers of Oshawa would have an opportunity of finding work in the construction of the civic buildings, which would, by agreement with the contractors, be built by local labor. Employment is urgently needed by hun: dreds of Oshawa families, and this project would be one means of relieving unemployment, The Dominion Government have promised {o solve the unemployment question they are sure to make grants for unemployment when spent on public buildings. The first item mentioned by the Employment Service Council of Canada in its recommendations to the Government on employment is public buildings. Be Sure and Attend the Public Meeting On Tuesday Night, at 8 p.m,, in Memorial Park . . e Want Crowd Yet T.B. w housed une Hh. WH £3 wan) = to See MITCHELL Mayor i

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