Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Aug 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY AUGUST 25, 1930 Bowmanville Daily Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of Bleck, King Street, The Times in the Cowan Telephones==Offico-~B87; House131, Bowmanville Representative==B, Herbert Mortlock Shrubb Defeats Longboat In Exhibition Mile Event "Bowmanville man wins by twenty yards in race be- tween veterans of the cinder track, Race re- calls old time friendly feud, The long standing friendly feud hotween two of the world's former best marathon runners Tom' Longs boat of Toronto, and "Alle" Bhrubb of Bowmanville, was renewed this afternoon in front of the Grand stand at the Canadian National Kx. hibition in a matched mile event, Alfred, aged 50 years, looking fit and Tom, aged 45 years, a little vo. tund at the waist line, toad the and startle ust at the wor ~~ nd da Ju Longhoat took the lead, hui he- fove golhg half-way around the half. mile course, shrubbh beat Longhoat to' it, and led all the way homes, - The crowd was split and cheered both men, Bhrubbh showed that condition counts, and had little trouble in finishing the mile sprints ing at the end, Longhoat had to forces himself to Anish, The winner's time was § minutes 84 8-5 seconds, He did the Arst half-mile in 8 minutes, 40 seconds, Alt Bhrubb and Tom Longboat emerging from vetirement to run a one-mile race aL the Canadian Nar tional Exhibition, recalled to sports lovers of mature years memories of exploits that made the names of the two vunners famous the world over some 35 years ago, and the ex- ecitement that those exploits then aroused in Toronto and elsewhere, Vor Longboat was king bt long~ distance runners in the latter half of the Arst decade of the century, and Shrubh was the world's greatest runner for distances up to twelve miles, Longhoat attained celebrity in this country, when in 1006 an On- ondaga Indian lad of 10 years of 'age clad In a cheap cotton bathing sult, he won the Hamilton Herald's around-the-hay race of slightly more than 10 miles, Then he led the field to the finish in the Ward marathon race in Toronto, and, in 1007, he gained the victory in the Boston marthon and received on his peturn to this city a welcome in which thousands of eltigens parti: oipated and whieh some of those who witnessed his latest perfor. mance at the Exhibition this year no doubt recalled, Longhoat coms pated in the English marathon in 1008, but fatled to Lring the vies tor's erown back with him te Cans ada,' He won many races on the pontinent afterward before he retire ed from the cinder track and later served In the Canadian army in France during the Great War, RECALLS GARDEN RACE The meeting of Longboat and Shrubh at the Exhibition, no doubt brought to the minds of onlookers # vecollestion of thely tormer meet ing in Madison Square Garden New York, There the two men ran # race of 28 miles, the marathon dis tance before a tremendous crowd, Shrubb collapsed atl the twenly: third and Longboat completed Lhe distance alone and won the race, ghrubb, when he took part in this gontest was Already a slay wong vunners, In 1906 he had run a race in which he had broken a world's record at every milepost from the fifth to the tenth, He had then many vietories to his eredit and he added to the number during his ve- sidence in Toronto city from 1000 to 1014, Watching the race at the Exhi- bition between Shrubb. now more than Afty years old, and Longhoat, fort-three years of age, the older sportsmen must have called to ming the smooth and seemingly effortless style in which the former used to win races and the dogged persever: ance of the latter In a long run The older sportsmen muy hive ves membered how Longhoat rather less than twenty-five Years ago, held the key to fortune in his hand and now earns his ving hy hard work In a minor position in the employ of the City of Toronto They may have contrastéd the hlave of glory In which Longboat and ghrubh once moved with the quiet retirement in which Longboat lives in this city and Bhrubb lves In (he town of Bowmanville over these things, (he moralists among the spectators at the Exh! bition may have reflected upon the short duration of fame gained hy physical prowess and upon the fact that in sport age must Inevitably give way hefore the speed and vi gor of youth QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS MAY BE EXPENDED HERE New C, P, R, Bridge and Cottages at the BTS, Would Make Work for Unemployed ---- Works costing In the neighbap. hood of a quarter of a milllen dol lars may he done in Bowmanville district within the next twelve monthe If the reports of the Hoss Commission and the Hou, George B Henry. Minister of Highways for Ontario are put Into effect As we stated In The Times ahout A week ago the Minister of High ways among other highway im: provements is planning with the permission of the Legislature to straighten out the C.F R, averhead bridge at the western limits of the town, This bridge has long heen In need of drastio alterations and the procedure of this work will he welcomed in the town, While The Times conservatively estimated the cont of this work to he in the nelghs horhood of $100,000 local eons tractors helleve that if the highway BROCADED SILK a. | Thinking |, Ww. Vy WARD, B.A Police Magistrate of the Yown of Bowmanville, who left to«dny on an extended vacation which he has heen advised to take following » lengthy Hiness, My, Ward will he away shout six months, His work in Bowmanville will he taken cave of hy Col, W, H, Vieyd, Magistrate for the town of Cobourg, is straightened and a new bridge built it will take nearly twice this sium, A commencement on this joh alone would he a God send to loca) unemployed, The other work scheduled and which appeared In the report of the Hoss Commission lssued Inst week I Included among numerous works whieh are needed in connestion with Ontario's corrective institutions and with this in mind when the respective proposed works are sift ed out the work In Bowmanville will Hkely ha one that will go an The eammission intend to spend the sum of $106,000 in the bullding of new cottages nl the Boys' Training Hehool and this fob tea would pro vida work for at least half of the unemployed in thetown for a whole nmmer While evervone in town will hope thal these warks ara pro- | eoded with tog much eannot he ax pected, for when the Legislature meets to discuss the expenditure there 18 hound to he 4 long delay making it almost impossible for the work to he started this year, and even then the Bowmanville projects | Might not stand the strain of Lhe government debate Meanwhile everyone In Ho ville will wateh elosely for any furs thar developments along this ln and. will welcome the start of tha work and tha tmprovements made with the work heing dane Vinan I ETE Tw = me rT rr --.1 | NEWS ABOUT TOWN | ------------ Playofs Tosnight Whig will meet the High students in the second gums playa al the Publie grounds tonight Whi first game with # handy hut the High Behool are that they can oversoma this ons gama lead to-wight If they win to-night another game will ha play od vo-morrow hut {if the Whig ve peat thelr win of last week they win the second series and ave raady to meet Gogodyear tn the Nuals, lag to attend tonight pulionl Of the Boehool wilh the mt dohn's Anniversary Plans are practically vompleted for the celebration of the bhth an niversary of ft, John's Anglican Chureh which will ha held ou the lant Wunday In Heptember I'he ight Reverend J, | Hishop of the Diocese of Torente has consented to preach at the morning sevice on that day and i Is hoped to gol the Rey, I" HB grave DD, D, Provost of Trinity tor the evening service, A litle hook. Jet. prepared hy the Reetor and the Chureh Wardens containing the hiss tory of the church since ita founda. tion 06 years ago is now helng printed and this will he distributed when the anniversary Ia celebrated Use A Chicage woman Is suing for di voree hecause her hushand = has a wogden leg. It that he had the wooden leg before marriage, but she didn't know it, never having SORINY { heard him squeak.--=Detrait News, WHITBY CHARLES BARTON WINS FIRST PRIZE IN BOWLING MATCH Jamés Robb and George Anderson win second and third places Lighteen howlers took part in the weakly Jiney 'Cournament, ul the greens of the fown Lawn Bowling Club on Priday evening lust, The small crowd was no doubt due Lo other sporting attractions, which took thelr share of ardent bow: levy, " Charles Barton won the first Priee, un ehinaware cup and souger with a grows weore of §4 points, Mr, Barton scored twelve "points in his frst game, thirteen in the second and nine in the third, James Hobh secured second prise hy whoring 34 points, one less Lhan Barton, Mr, Robh secured Lhe shine score ne Mr, Barton in his first two games hut one less in the third game, Georgn Anderson won the third prige, altar he had tied with W, J, Correll - with a total of 87 points, My, Anderson won Lhe play-off tor the prige, © All the scores were remarkably high, the lowes. score for the avening heing eighteen points, The Jitney Tournaments will be gantinued until the end of the sea won, They will take place every Friday night until further noties, RAIN IS WELCOMED HAVEL | eanhdent | Eweoney, Lord | BY THE FARMERS | Much Damage Had Been Caused by Dry Weather The heavy downpour of rain which drenched this distrigt on pits wrday aftarnoon and which continys ed during the greater part of the night will prove a hoon te the root arops, as well as some of the othey Inte crops The amount of good that the rain did ean hardly he oat tmuted in dollars and cents, Motor travellers were prone to look on the vialn as a hinderance to a week and's pleasure one farmer in conversation with he Times sald that his turnip erop would he a total He had turned the whale erop under with a lust week, as (the Lops were with Hee The farmer in (question atteihuted the scourge (eo {the lack of moisture, during the last Levernl months Another. farmer in the distriet {elated that his corn crop had grown approximately three fuehes in the lanl month, He doubted very much whether the rain would help growth In Nin cnke, ud Lhe rain hind come tea late to do material good OSHAWA ELECTION WACHINERY READY FOR BYLAW VOTE (Continued from Page 8) east corner of Riehmond Pringe streets Twa hallots will be submitted to each vater, The ene will he headed "Administration Bullding" while printed helow will he "For the hylaw' and "Against the hys law," Those In favor of Oshawa taking a forward atep will mark UN" apposite "For the bylaw," Those who are apposed will place an UX" opposite the phrase YAainst the hylaw," On the same ballot the caption [ "Police Hiatlon" will also appear and In the two lines helow "For the hylaw' and "Against the bys law," Onee again those who are In favor of munivipal progress plow covered and Stock Market Prices Markel Summary by Canadian Vress Toronto ann New York Wock Quotations Supplied by Biggar and Opawiord, Alger Buliding, Oshaws z Toronto Stock Exchange High h 1 % I Clone 16% IL #1 15% 66% 18% 194 LE) HER 494, 15 194 LER 114 hh 18 hid lg an Block Low Br. A Ol Brag, Can, 1st Coskahutt Cty, Dry Dm, Blrs, Gypsum Hr, Wal, Vord Int, Nkl Int, Pel Imp, OI Ms, Hr Me, I'M, Mt, Pw Pe, Hr, MK Shaw, 0h 8, Btatlon 89 Standard Mining Exchange 4 204 hh hi 716 hin On 21h Bay 760 2HEh #160 1 fn 4 15% ULE 181 1914 (1 E87 LF 8] 104 ERT 1614 hi % 4 ann hi fi 10% B10 gh 780 42h ah 4 200 hh LL] 11h h10 2h ho EFL] g1ah Abana Alay Amulet Big Mix De, Mn» Holl He, Ha, Lk, Bh, Nrnda " P] fd, By, Th, Hi, Wr. Hr, 117 #40 180 ih 1h 620 180 Hh hao 180 New York Exchange fork Am, Cun, Am, Ts, Am, Inter, Anaconda Alte Birap Bath, Elesl Byers AM Chrysler Col, Gan Fox Film Gen, Klee, Gen, Mot, Int, Tel Kelvinator Mi, Ward Nat, Cash "i Paramount Ph, N. Jey fiadio Bimmons Bt, NJ, §] ig UH, Heel Vanadium yal Maney 8% I Am, Fr, Pr, 14% 14% Bendix +. ' na, Corl Itadio Kth, ftuhher Truck Close 146% 14% 20% 04% Low Via 71 10% 64% Ah 1h IR LEA (ER 48% LUA 1 71 Hs if 14% EFA ih 16% TL Wi 40% HE] 8H '% LLL 20% 167% LL) High 40% Hi % Ah 4 Ha % YA TH % ih% hil "ih Th ih ih 1h Bh Y% hs 2h % 70% 20% 16014 hi 20% per cent 8% OBITUARY MAS, MARY M, KPOTSWOOD The death occurred very early this morning of Mary Metoplfe wpotawood, widow of the late W A, J, Bpotewond M.D, In her sixty sixth year, AL the home of het daughter, 103 Himeoe Ki North, The iate Mrs, Hpolewood Wik formerly a resident of Hicavilie, Ontario, but had heen Hving with her only daughter, Mrs I Cameron Oshinwha for the last alayen Years Her hushand, the mie Dr, W, AJ. Bpotawood, pre decensed her hy ExAacLly Lwenty-two years Besides her only daughter Mrs Pp, KR, Cameron, ot 108 Himeos Ht North, Oshawa, sh 1s survived hy three brothers, Alex and John, of Wiceville and William Henry, of Maxville, and threa mislers, Mra Wm, Franklin of Maxville Ontario, Mrs, 4, I, Ryan and MI Laura Metoalfe of Riceville, A service will he held this even Ing at § o'clock al the home of her) daughter, Hey AM Irwin nol Novthminster United Church to be in ohare of the service, The hody will be taken to Riceville, where ins terment will he made to-morrow HUGE FLYING BOAT 'PLANS LONG FLIGHT Friedrichahaten, Germany, Aud U4, =The 1§ powerful motors on the DOX, Germany's phenomenal flying hoat, were given their tna ground testa In the hangar here yeaterda) The trans-Atlantic alr voyage naw {8 planned for Reptomber, In the avent the Leviathan of the Alpe t han carvied 180 paseengors over Lake Constanee In (rial fHEN R= tarta early in Heptemher the route will ha via Asores and Bermuda, with Lishon, Fortumal the starting point ¥] rm a Himeoa street south, ™ A. Biokle No, 4, south-east ward-=Miller and Libby's office, Celina street, H H., Buckley No. BK, south-east street school, ©, ¢ No. A, south-east ward street sehoal, Wm, gel No, 7, aouth-east ward son road south, 6, Hhreve No, § north-west ward-=Clty Hall, A, G0, Lambert No, B®, north-west ward ward--Alhart Atenhouse Himeos A Rit Hop. we Tuesday at The C.N.E. ness appointments with the secre. tary of the Chamber, CONELY HOMEBIEW Vincent. Motugks was sssesssd fifty dollars and Bmte tn city polices court this morning, when hs plead 6d gility, tivough his solicitor, to Wn oeharge of concocting homebrew heer without, a leenss, Joseph Timar, charged with egal poses son of the seme fluid, pleaded that Matuekn, his borrder and (sl low-Hungarian, had hrawed he intoxleant in question without his permispion, and obtained nu dls chargs, by » lopsided margin of KEYED wrokes, ; Vinding the range of birdies snd engles with remarkable spade shots, the volyspoly New York gharpshooter hinged old mgn pir right out of his strongholds hix cards of 6% und 67, which, added Lo hig lending 46-hole total of 1472, gnve him the 477 strokes for the long 14-hols strugkls, MY STAR All that 1 know of a certain star Is It can throw (like the angled spr) Now a dart of red, now a dart of se blue, Fill my friends have sald they would fain see, tou, My star that darties the red and tle ie, Then It stops like a bird, Nike 4 flower hangs furled| They must solace themselves vith the Saturn shove i What matter to ma If thelr star |e iw world, Mine has opened its soul therefors I love It, we Robert Browning Gene Sarazen Easy Winner Of Western Open Golf Title Tudinnwood Club, Orion, Mieh,, Aug dheCiane Barngsn, swarthy won of Waly, led wn parshsliing brigade over the Indianwood Club trinl Baturday With such an astounding burst of marksman. ship, thet ha ran away with the Western Open Golf Champlonkhip fo me Always Resilient --a mattress you would be proud to show The Marshall Spring Mattress Is a very different kind of mattress » ++ hundreds of tiny springs form the luxurious spring centre of this famous mattress and are the secret of its amazing comfort and durability, Your Marshall cannot flatten out (00 wm 0.00 Why 11.00 am LR 11.00 am Wing, 0h pm ul pm manent (iyanndle wands yon pm and 200 pm g.00 In CAELIng ih pm Hiand, LAO pom eANnin, fare ih pm arfront LOO pom hoat rad 0H pm 7.00 pom, stand Guest eheon oooley The Joe i open Administration I " | Women's Bullding Child demonstrations, on, Arranged hy Faronta Counell on Child Wels AlEpIoes Counell of Women, Women's Rullding Parachute jump UPreesforall" on } tn Tuesday, August Both Yukon and Young Canada's Day Behooling Coliseum Arena horses, of Bulldings and nid 20th International Cal Whow opens, Cat Bhow Hullding Films representing different phases of work of No tional Counell of Women, Wesl Women's Hullding, Directors Luncheon, Hutlding, y 10.80 pom ==Contin uous reneert hy AllCanada Per Canadian and other ores Band, Gunrds hands tn south and north band forse Bhow, Coliseum judging ponies, Hackney, Welsh Rhetlands Daylight Firaworks, Grand Eland gn nom, = Helly hroads her model kitehen, (upstaire), Viudeville, Grana Welfare Page nddrons: Canadian and of the National wesl wing, Wal» Amateur motogp 1hemile outhoard forse show, Coliseum, 10.00 pm ==Vaudo ville, 45 nets, musical ride, apeet. "Lion Pyrotechnie Voyageur" display, and Grand CITY NEWS W. WH. Moore to Npeak speaker at tomorrow will Moore, M,Poaleet for the riding of Houth Ontarip, weather, large turnout of members {n expects od to hear Mr, Moore, Kiwanis lun MW. H With the advent of Al exceptionally BE Is Busy OMee al Chamber of Commerce vv o it will stay comfortable, Let us show you this famouse mattress, Four grades to sult every purse, "MARSHALL SPRING MATTRESS HH Be 1 LUKE FURNITURE CO. 63 King St. East Phone 78-79 For three score and ten years A & P has had a single purpose~to sell the best food that can be found anywhere at the narrowest margin of profit possible MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SPECIALS AT Fine Granulated Brown or White SUGAR = 10ms.48¢ LUX sma 3 rn. 27¢ SALMON Pink 2 No.1 Tim 29¢ Toronto and Date Only has hecoma a centre of interest for outside business men and industrial executives, On two days of last week, Monday and Tueaday, no lesa that 18 visitors were in the ofc from outsofstawn points, on busls arate Bohool, HW, 1, Hamels No, 10, north-east ward-=141 Bimooe street north, H, K, Saunds ors No, 11, north-eant ward. street soheol, D, W, Parks, Eh wilh mark an "X'" opposite "For | the bylaw." The Question A separate ballot will he used for the voting on the question as to the lacation of the proposed new pollee station, Arguments might he advanced In favor of elther site, hoth are eltysowned property and ratepays era will simply make their seleo: ton by placing an "X'" opposite the site favored, Voting Hours Voting on the bylaws will take place from 10 e'oloek a.m, to 1 o'clock pom, when City Clerk Have will declare the polls elosed, He will formally announce the i At noon on the following day, According to a olause in hylaw Noo J028, autheviaing the vote te he taken, Mayor Mitenen and members of the elty council shall meet. in the office of the clerk at ten a'dlock on the forenoon eof AURust 27, when If request Is made, the mayor and council shall Appoint twa persons to attend the final summing up of the vote by the olerk, It it 1a so demanded the mayor and council shall alse Appoint two persons to attend each polling subsdivision, the ene I favor of the bylaw and the other apposed, Polling Stations City Qlerk Hare stated this morning that ne ehange had been made in the Polling alations and the list of such stations with their ' deputy 'returning officers is pubs Hehea an follows: | ' 0 1 south-west ward=-Centre Karn $ Dru Store "odor "hook Haw! Moore, \ 0 8 south-west ward=-T8 Neat I, 0, hone HTH Burk atyeet, George Puckett, : r ae No, 8, southsweat ward==438 "RAYON A popular fabrie for many different uses, Shown in 5 pretty shades Special 39 yard W. A. Dewland Limited Oshawa | Mary St. Charles or Carnation MILK ewer 3 12 32¢ w 3l¢ PE A Royal City Nrand vor. 37¢ Starts Tuesday Fancy Quality Tomato Juice Cocktail Rolled Pickled SIDE PORK 1. 25¢ Best Cuts ROUND STEAK . 23¢ CORNED BEEF Fray Banter Siiced 1b. 25¢ LAMB CHOPS cw From Loin 1b 25¢ BRISKET veh, For Boiling 1b. 10¢ The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. LIMITED OF CANADA Victory Brand Wayward girls teach sanctimonis ous reformer that people whe live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones tService lways You generally expect prompt wervice when you want a physielan's prescrip. tion filled-=--and sometimes promptness fa vitally neces BALY, We realize the value and Importance of prompt aes ton and you will always find our servis hath prompt and reliable, he: onuEe wo regard the work of filing a preseiption as a companion professional ser Vien with that ef the phyalelan who writes it, and we are agually. avon ate and dependable in our part of taking eave of your requirements, Prom DO YOU NEED SOME MONEY We will loan you meney on your car, reduce your pres ent padments and give Jou additional cash, 12 months to pay back, A confidential service, Phone 2790 for appointment, Open evenings till 9 p.m, . Motor Loans and Discounts Room$™ 1414 King Street East With ROBERT ARMSTRONG BARBARA KENT ARTHUR ROXY JAMEN GLEARON BERYL MERCER TONIGNY "RETURN OF DR. FU MANCHU" With Warner Oland

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