Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Aug 1930, p. 7

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BR a FO By a a, A ERA THE OSHAWA DAILY, TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1930 PAGE SEVEN TEXTILES PLAY ANOTHER GREAT GAME TO WIN INTER. HONOURS Textiles Pull Big Surprise Defeat Parts To Capture Championship ; Textiles Continue to Play Sensational Ball and Win Sudden Death Game 7-3 to Win City Intermediate Title and Earn Right to Represent Oshawa in Senior "B" 0. A. 5. A Playoffs--Rodgers and Whitely Both Pitch Smart Ball But Winning Hurler Gets Great Support -- Creamer and Haley Make Fine Catches Over B00 Attend Game They did it! After hein hand ed a 16 to | trimming in the rel game of the playoffs, on top ol the fact they had never Won @ league Eame against hel rivals, the Textiles turned around wand played sensational softhall to force the series to the thivd and last night they continned thedy tory-hook performance and much te the consternation of the Faris and Service supporters but to the unbounded' joy of (hair own, the Textiles defeated the Parts ind fervice team hy a score of 7 tn § to eapture the Oshawa City and Industrial Intermediate softhall | title and earn the right to repre sent. Oshawa ip the OANA, play. offs, The game last night was #4n other one of these, "The kind you read ahout hut seldom see type On wWeeount of the severe lacing they received in the fiyst game, a great many people stayed awny from Wednesday's game, expect ing it to he an easy win for the P, and BH, They were disappointed but the Textiles made an excellent try to duplicate their performance and. although they did not play auite as sensationally, the result was as was desired, It's doubtful it there will ever ha a playef! series as exciting as the one which has just became history There were more than five hun dred pald admissions and the ranks of Oshawa softhall support. ers should show a marked Inereas wfter last night's game, It wae | certainly a smart ball game, lash team had five errors, most of them due to the high tension under whieh the players were playing, Without detracting anything from their vietory, it can safely be said that the Textiles got most of the breaks' but they showed them selves to be a good team hy take ing full advantage of their oppor tunities, T, Elliott was vesponaihle for three of the P, and HW. ervors but enly one of them resulted in A score, (Gummew and Rewden were the other offenders, lvery member of the winning infield and the eateher each had one er vor chalked against him | The secret of the Textiles vi tary rests on the fact that as soon a8 the Parts and Mervice team made an error, they followed with a bit and se they combined three hits, three errors and (wo walks for seven ruus in the third and fourth inning. Carver's honiey, Bradd's alngle with two on, and Young's single with two ou, were the three most valuable hits of the dame, They got their hita when they needed them most, They hud Aix hits altogether, The Paris ana Hervice team managed to get fou hits off the smart pitching of Art Redgers, who showed no effeots pt his Jrevious night's werk and game, Rowden had two hits while Gummow and © Elliott were the others w ie ab tained safeties, It was a great game to win ang A very hard game to 1088, e8Pecials 1y for 'the Parts and Service youth ful pitcher, Whitely, who hurled a Amart game, If he had received his usual support he quite likely RE EE and Service -m | wowia have won but thet dide't papper, Avi Koders contributed i great deal 1o the Textile victory hit Gord, Creamer and Haley were outstending, Creamer covered all Winds of teyritory and in & remarks uhly short time, We made three arent eatehes, one of them heing un especially fine effort, 1t look: ed as if IL was a sure homer hut Creamer managed fo haul it fn, Brady also made one smart eateh, Haley turned in another strong game and helped out hy getting two hits, Carver also had two safe vlouts Wyvery member of fhe Parts and Harvice team worked hard but dese pite several changes in the lineup, during the course of (ha game they falled to mel the necessary Wits and runs, Gummow, tha first man up walked and scored on Young's error, They did not seers agatn until the final fnnings when orrove hy Haley and Bradd gave them thelr ehanes and €, Willett singled to score both rvuuners, The game was ended when Whites ly fiyed out te Morris, It was a great series hut there is no doubt that the Textiles play: ed a superior hrand of ball in the lant two games and they deserved to win the series, The date for the first game hetween the Tess tiles and the Hamilton winners, has not yet heen wet Box Parts and moenre Hervioa ARR Gummow, 8 A} lAMttle, ef +8 0 Rowden, ¢ ,..4 0 Hubbell, 1 0 4 w Clay, »f 8 0 P, Kiliott, as f } Gray, It . 0] 1, Willett, n Whitely, p 4 0 Webster, ef f Bayes, rf 13 DDD IDW De SowemImam-- 8 | > > > ws - _-- - TFaxtiles Hrady Creamer Young, ss Hradd, 2h Nodgevs, p Carver, If Parish, no ,., Morrie, Ah ,,, Haley, 1h = = fe rf of = = <= waz = Damm Dd -2 Dama - > "= ODIO OR a uDDIP Te SL w > as =™ 33 7 4287 «4 Struck out hy Whitely 4, hy Roduers 6, walked hy Whitey 4, hy Rodgers 1, Home runs, Carver Heore hy innings Parts and Nerviee 1000000088 Tontiios 0O0O480000OD On mpires==C, Dell, AK @ and W, Fair dossii Aeorer=-H, Cornish Steve O'Neill Will Likely Remain With Toronto Leafs in 1931 _ Terento, Aug, 282 Manager Ateve O'Neill of the Torente Club Inst night denied persistent rum- ors that he will take aver the man: agarial duties af an American Leas Bue (eam next season, Although the pilet of the local Maple Leafs has enjoyed two sea- none here, and will return again next season according to all the indications, rumor has frequently coupled his name with the man- agement of an Ameriean League elub, fo widespread have the rum. ors heen that O'Neill is dally re feiving letters and telegrams from friends. in the United Htates and distant points in Canada congratus- lating him on moving up again te the majors Vice-President James Dunn of the Toronto Club, stated last night that O'Nelll would he offered a oons tract te manage the Leafs Again next season, His two-year contract expires at the end of the present Tuternational League vampaign, hut O'Neill is stil) the property of the Torente Club as a player, A PARAMOUNT PIOTURE Thrilling L) Hequer tows "THE MYSTERIOUS DH, FU MANCHU" Starts SATURDAY Ho cheats the ve and petarng ta theill you again Final Shows Tonights Al Jolson in MAMMY" CRICKET NOTES Bt, George's journey to Toren on Bsturday next, the 2ird ftust, to play Bt, Edmund's in a longue ame, This in the Iapt away leagus en« gagement of the season, and as the boys have hit the winning streak lately, the following eleven Is en. trusted with the Joh of holding the eluh up the league Indder! V, Lamouth, &, Mann, HW, Ha worth, R, Drummond, W, Moors, J. Chappell, J, Plekup, ¥, Chap: pell, ¥, Train, W, Sargant and BH Anthony, Reserves, W, Thompson, All players to meet at Bi George's Varish Hall, Centre Bi al 18.46 pom, Cars will leave at | o'clock sharp, ry Aarabs Pla Monarchs Tomorrow The Aarabs, Oshawa's entry In the | Ontario Intermediate hardball play: | offs, journey to Toronto to-morrgw afternoon to engage with the snappy Mounarehs team of the Queen Cily, in the first game of the first Yeund of tha playoffs, The Aarahs served up same snarl haseball in thelr conquest of (ha | Lakeshore Intermediate group wn | if they ean continue to play as well as they did in some of thelr games, especially these played away, they should make things very interest ing for the Monarchs Wiranmgely enough, the Oshawa-Aurahs play thelr best brand of ball when they are oMelnting on a foreign diamond They will have to he on hel hest behaviour to-morrow, Mon arches are an axeeptionally strong ins termediate team, in fact {1 han hoon rumored that they will he playing in fenior company next season, Hows ever, this fast does not worry the ARrabs a great deal, The Aarahs feel confident that they ean elimin ate Moparchs and they should he able to, providing they play their best brand of ball The Oshawa Aarabs are hlessed with several fine pitehers and It is not yet known definitely who will he called upon to work to-morrow aftgrnoen, The Aarabs have heen practising faithfully and every one of the hurlers is ready for duty We imagine that "Maggie eink will get the call as he has heen showing fine farm In practices hut of course nothing is known definite ely, Manager Kohen will nol make his eholee known until nearly gana time The game tomorrow afternoon ia being played at Conboy Park, Tor onto, and 1a hilled to start at 3.00 o'tleck sharp. Judging from (he reports in the Toronto papers, a large crowd in expected to attend the game Tiokels ®o on sale al 1.00 o'clock, No doubt quite a num. ber of Oshawa fans will go up to pee the battle Al. Baffert Wins from Gardini Toronto, Aug, 22. =Al Raffert, the sensations! Frenchman who halls from Hellywaed, when he Is on this side of the water, and Renato Gardini, the pride of 1taly, provided the Toronto wrestling tans with the mest spectacular bout seen here In months, The Arena was In a constant uproar from start te finish, and when Gardinl secured the first fall, the cheers wera deafening, for it ap peared like an and would he put tn the Frenchman's winning streak, Rut Naffert wap equal to the occasion hy previding a moat effective block for the flying tackle, Gardini had meored hard with four vicious tackles, and was alming the fifth at his apparently | helpless opponent when all of a sudden a knee appeared where Naffert's stomach was formerly and the same knea caught Cardin on the point of the jaw, There was no doubt about his belng out, and It was only a matter of Haffer! | rolling him over on hin haok to | win the fall, The preliminavies were on a par with the main bout for excitement, and both wera terminated hefore the time limit by falls, Whitey Hewitt and Bill Demetral put up a atireing battle tn the semi-windup, and while "Whitey" won the hout, he at the same time lost a lot of friends, who appavently believed that the slap, which knooked Demetral almost unconscious, was ORT SNAPSHOT EE hl a ---- S By Guo, Oscrmmsy Sports Bidiber Textiles Win Deciding Game Alter several seasons of trying the Textiles Intermediute soft: ball team finally sueeseded In winning the Oshawa City Chamiplons ship and they did it in a manner whieh will by talked about this time next year, The Varts and Bervice playoffs, then it Linppened " » given wonderful suppor lust 1] night's did the Wilh Elven plenty af chimneys dentally, we called the ietly hve the children in addition softball would no the twa games and sensations] "grabs" dtendunc there were « there were ind the this man's town Ladies LJ ' to cheer lindyed paid wdiissions fonper din team defeated the Textiles avery league gime and gave them a 10 to | facing in the first game of the I'he Textiles suddenly came to Nife with a vengeance and played two games of softball such us has seldom heen witnessed and they performed the feat In two guecessive nights . Ld Wonderful Defensive Game Ihe Textiles played a wonderful defensive style of ball cher who can held w team of the calibre of the Parts and Servige, ta five hits in two games, deserves to win any league Phenamennl eatehes wer uffalr Any pit And Art, was the feature of produced almost us many Kaine The crowd and they certainly did, Incl leust five hundred and fur adults und then y like these lust Iwo previous fu be wt A lew gaine the biggest crowds In . . Errors Costly to Losers utiles Fhe "Ie upportunities ta score played wi the Parts and Service could not get the hits to result ul losers' I'he Ui erro First. run wis thi two runners who I'he Tentiles got up hi medintel ext hatter Whitels pitched a great gam given his uysuigl support, he the hetter first to team wen and the Fentile L] . wish (hie the I'he Was sane the Whithy nery 4 wo 4 Whithy fniee Matar Cit wadigim Maple and pa te Lenls up the Mave Was Just Gulltinan and but Mayne gume the eighth inning, hy Heeves I'he winning team will be the hall League » . il delensive themselyi cared in the Hen Cracked fo night have won Parts hest ol Was turned in series, having the allowed two hits, hath af whieh were and game will be played at Cowan's Parl champion ind will enter the OA) bull and the Fach tewin had five errory Take und un error pounced on hut Ayan ting Ihe following hoth reached first huse tu errors und the fhe hist been B owall fipth ie hit losers on hises wil 4 to wor Funne 1h and iH he Huwever, on the series, and Berviee player wire the pHECERD " LJ Whithy Evens Up Series not the only place where there good softhall, played last night , Dawn at Cowan's Vark, + MRE game to defeat the Tan last th in rival pitchers, both turned in + little effective He hame runs, both obtained in Jacabi he third and deciding tonight, starting at 6.30 sharp, of the A dntermediate plays + . first game only nore South Ontario sel ffs Sunday Nehool Softball Finals Tonight The he played tonight at King Ht, UU, X, | A | big of the Sunda Alexandra winners al first game inners ol ection Park, starting at 0.3 o'cloek This game School softhall league finals will The section will oppose Cedardale, hould attract a good crowd . Rl Oshawa Hakery Go To Kingston Tomorrow I'he Oshawa Bakery, local entry in the OA SA Junior playofis, travel te Kingston tomorrow to play the winners of that city in the first vound of the Ontario playoffs fur the Junior softball title Bakery have been out of active LJ . Stadium postponed game, - ro -------- ee TORONTO SCOTTISH AND CUE, PLAY TIE I'ovente, Aug, 22 Taranto Meottish and CG met gt Conboy Park tn a second round Ontario Cup replay, The first game ended in a draw of one goal each, After battling another H0 minutes (he result Was again a draw of two gonla each, In the first half each Hoal wan Visited In turn, Hpence having # good chance to open the georing tor Meettish, hut he shot wide, During the latter part of the fret half, Boottigh kept €.0.10 an the defensive, hui conld net score the Interval arriving with the sore sheet blank ULSTER UNITED WIN FROM Te 10 Toronto, Aug, 2) Ulster Unit ed won an eary 15100 decision from Faronto Transportation Commis slen in the second round of the Ontario Cup competition, at Ulster Atadium last night, The game wan pol ip to the average, and could vightly be ols: ted as a poor exhibition with the Redhanders being the better eleven on the evening's play, TOT, € han several new players Who showed to advantage the first time aut White, in particular, show: delivered with the closed hand, ing promise, The competition for some time hut the) kept in form and are confident of disposing of the Limestone City team right en thelr home diamond Ld LJ Whithy Rovers va, Chosen Friends Tonight Whithy Rovers play Chosen Friends tonight at the Motor City On Monday night, the Chevs, and the Malleabls play their postponed game and. this should attract & large crowd day night, the Chosen Friends and Malleables play their postponed game and on Wednesday night, the Chevys On Tues play in Whithy, anothe TET re e---- TT w-- Stuart Wins from Canadian Rival Hamilton, Aug. 22. Nignaller Vietor A, Btuart, whirlwind anmuteur heavyweight champion of England, last night won the Brit ish Wmplire title, leading the Mother Country inte a single win lend for honors, in the second boxing and wrestling show of the Kmpire Games, England captured two mitt finals, Mouth Africa ene ind Neotland one, Canada stood supreme on the mat, taking beth wiestling events, Lnshing big WI Blimming, We Canadian opponent with a never coaning attack, Btuart wan awarded the bout on a teehnieal knockout near the end of the second round Biimming, his face a mass of red Wealth, Erogey and an easy mark for the furleus Briton, looked helpless when Referes Alex Hin: elalr led him to his corner and raised Wtuart's hand in vietery, Nowfoundland's only entry iy the hoxing events, » Lalfosse, WAN AN easy viet) in his semi final bout with Lawrence Miavens, Tangy Mouth Afriean. Lalosse tried desperately to reach the Shifty Miavens With a twe-handed attack, hut his swings were wild, BRINGING UP FATHER BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL, LEAGLY Won Lost V0 84 hy 807 ceonnnre B14 hou CIT VV] he ha 4 A440 T4 44h Hoohester +oo0004 Baltimore Montreul Toronto Newark Buftsle ere reni1h vevvanvee 1h srvenenns i Bl vesrnaneis 80 Jorney CY voor hd 0 AUS feuding sires - 8% - 510 Youterday's Monulin flochester , 0 Newirk oH faitimore , A Monutranl oop Heading . 14 Bulluly | rial AMERICAN LEAGUY, Won Lost pT sevins 14 A or TEE vireavi bd BY irvennani hd 04 mh ro MTT My nao HB ARO JNh nul wa7 hitdsiphia Washington New York (Javoinnd Datrolt wt, Louis Chioago Boston convener ih? in 4 tian aN Yesterday's Hosni Claveland , x6 New York p wTwelve Innings I"hiladelphin § Detroit A | Washington 6 Bt, Louis 4 Boston 4 Chieugo ] NATIONAL LEAGTY, Wan Lost 71 4H He 4h CL fl ho Bh hs hi EERE ENE LA 9 Ty IL] hoy nen ins ANE 141 106 | Chicagn ' New York .. ' Brooklyn oie ias LL JOUIE sir anne Fittaburg Hoston i vvinin Cineinnat! ooo e 4 08 Philadelphia A070 Yestorany's Vonults New York , 18 Cllosgo LU] Wt Louls 16 Philadelphia Ul Brooklyn at Cineinnati-«Nain Boston at Pittshurg-=-- Rain Betty Nuthall Reaches | | hi Semi-Finals in U, §, Tennis Championships | . . Forest Hills, N.Y, Aug, 4! Betty Nuthul, Great Hritain's throat In the national women's tennis championships, renched the nomifinal stage of the tournament yonterday when she defeated Dor othy Welsel, Nacramente, Cal, 01, 6:1, "Hounding" Betty unloosed a terrific barrage of drives and ran her slim young opponent to the verges of exhaustion, chasing her from side (o side of the court and then dropping aver soft trap shots to soore clean placements, The sturdy Writish mir), flours {ahing har racquet Like a bludgeon, FPPADE Into the gamo with a ters rifle onslaught, sending the ball deep into the court, nleking the corners and driving with sueh Percy Williams Makes Fast Time in Century - - Viljoen Wins From Lord Burghley Hamilton, Aug. 44m==Crowding one sengition upon another untll dirliness settled down upon he Hamilton Civile siudium lust night, the wecond dey ws tinck und held ment of the British Kmplre Hames sounded uw oull to champions, und the sehilevement of champlons, Aw the full of records way bailed with rours of wpproval trom 17,000 pore Coons proked Into the stands, (here wood out with squsl prominence, the great elitort of Varey Willinms, won of uw proud Dominion, whe wreaked hiv way down u centry ne from a haluted wart to mix hii 100 Yard heat in 0 heh seconds, oqiule Hing the Canndisn mark, | phatting popular culonlations, ciime tho nope sutional defout of Lord Burghley, lingland's = Utled hurdler, when a stalwart won of Boulh Afrien, J. HW VitJoan, flung bimeslf into the taps wowinner hy Inches tn Wik 120 yards Ligh hurdles heat Records ware oquulled and hroks en in confusing suacasgion ax a hell A ST tp Pearce Proves Supreme Hohby "Down Allg ¥ from Burlington, Penrose, superpeiilino Under", last night crowned his hritHant caves Peuvie, his well frnined muscles vasponding fo the rain, and with a grim smile on hin tace, rowed three of (he Britigh Wmplra'n greatest onrsmen into sub mission and won the singles seull ing champlonship of tha Kmpire fdevinively I WHE A great vos while a crowd estimated at 75,000 cheered themaelves honvse Pouree took the lead lo the mile and BHO years grind and from then to the end pulled In front steadily gaining by Inches, but never relin qulshing for a moment his precious margin When nearing the finish he ppurted slightly to pull still further ahead, and Nnally, In ous mad hut inspiring rush, slid over the line oaplly threes lengths In front of Jack Beresford of Vngland, three times winner of the Diamond Keulls In third place, two lengths bes hind Beresford, came Fred Bradley, foren as to completely swamp her opponent #wlwo of Hngland, and two lengths stl further back was Joa Wright, Canndn's Hunt punoramns of sport wag un- fuldud, Thyes Canudinn murky wers shatterad, and une wes twice broken within u two-minute interval, Wil Humu's portormence equalled the Cunudign rosord snd wnuthey mark went under when the course reuord wii broken in the full digtenes Murathon, Two hours 44% min, 47 woo, Was Lhe Lime mude by Dougliy MoLwod Wright, #oeotlund's lone entry in the trying Journey over gity und suburban roundwnys, 'The elo rocord wis § hours, A4 min, 24 2 b owe, wel hy CHE Bricker in 108% Mart's Double Victory thes wig other chimplonships tht were fought out in Nnels to any, Knglwnd und south African divided with thres tiles ssch, A double victory was the suhieve mant of HN, Hurl, fouth African plrong mun, whose powerful srmes hurled the hammer and discus be yond any distance sot hy his vives (¥]] lone veprapentative in the ree, wlio mw former winner of he Diwmond Wewll Wright never entered into hie Ie got nway with the Low porfect start, kept, sven With the fiying Austealian fur a short, digtunce, und then droppad grandunlly bmek into fourth place He Antehed the vaca tired out, drop ping his head down hetwesn his bnean ne tha bout erossed (he Vine For Wright, without making any wrempt ab up alibi, 1 must he said that he was at a disndvantags, Joo tirsd® of numerous postponsmenis through rough water, started back ta Tovonto lute this avening, He Was told that the race would he held hy peopla sent to intercept him and hurried back to Burlington Just before his vice was ealled tontention other Nowadays a young gir! fsnt mueh hatp to mother until she can play a better game of bridge Brandon Mun, AW IR LUMBIR (> I Ww REN A ATH) ll Tom Thumb Afternoon Parties For Ladies SCORE BOYS SUPPLIED Sport! A 51 GOLF (OURNE ¥ [ kr 18 HOLES 3 BIG PRIZES EVERY DAY Opposite Memorial Park 25c All who play agree that IT'S A GREAT GAME © 1000 Lar) Posture Barer, Lin, rent Brats nhs soared Loo

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