Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Aug 1930, p. 2

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Bowmanville Daily Times Dhck, T News, advertising and subse de Domai of King Street. will be received ot Times in the Cowan 3 Howse--=131, Bowmanville RepresentativewsB, Herbert Mortlock FURTHER LIGHT SHED ON EVENTS AT DISASTROUS FIRE Other Men Helped to Try and Release Gatchell, Lady and Daughter Were in Building at the Time A little further light was shed on the terrific explosion end fire at Hately's Garago on Wednesduy night sithough nothing definite as to the cause has heen found, Two more heroes have come to light both of whom endoavoured to release the man who met so 'khastly a death, They were Nell Taylor, a fireman, who was come ing trom the bowling groen at the time of the explosion and who got badly burned about the hands in trying to roleass CUatchell, The + other man was Howard Cowles, who also lent his nesistance when the Tordiff and McKnight Inds were endeavouring to bring the 'man from what proved to be flery grave, A Jury summoned by Dr, V, H, Wlorey, coroner for the town, met 'At the Morris Vunera! Parlours yosterday afternoon at two o'clock and viewed the remains and then sdjourned until September 3rd when it is ox thet William Bagnoll and Wiliam Challis who wore injured will be able to throw some light on the affair, All day yesterday a slead) crowd viewed the ruins which were still smouldering, In the hole whore the body was found were soon the man's tobacco, bis shov and a part of Wis arm which had boon burnt from the body was also found, Many Theories Of course there has beon many theories propounded during the day but nothing definite will he known until the Inquest and oven At that time It Is expected that the truth will not really be known, The most likely theory is the one concerning the seetylons outfit as mentioned In The Times yoster- day, The Times reporter made nn inspection of the ruins yesterday in an endeavour to locate this oul fit but It gould not be seen any: where, If this was what caused the explosion then naturally it would bo blown to pieces, Another amas ing thing which was brought to light yesterday was the fact that the wife and daughtor of Mr, Chal Is, who was Injured, were in the office in the garage at the time of the explosion, How they escaped they do not know thomselves, Al they know is that they were able to get out of the bullding without injury, The funeral of the unfortunate A Ten Reasons Why You Should Support the Bylaws +7, It will help the unemployment situa- tion. Every dollar spent will be spent in Oshawa. Every man employed on it will be an Oshawa man, We are badly in need of a new civic administration building. Every, municipal department in the city with the exception of Police and Fire department will be housed under one roof. \ Oshawa will have suitable quarters for its Juvenile Court, Public Clinics and Welfare Work. Oshawa will at last have public lava- tories for men and women, Oshawa has never as yet had a police station. We will have an up-to-date Police Station, suitable for our re- quirements. These buildings will cost less today than in a few years. It will be money saved, And built when it reeded. 10 dollar, G. T.MORRIS Chairman Property Com, Your Taxes will not be increased one is most T. B, MITCHELL Mayor ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1930 ETT EEE » » v wa Ea a b man was held this afternoon ai his late home on: Lover's lane, The service was conducted by the Kev, R, J, Bhives, rector of Mi, John's Church and the ceremonies it the graveside were conducted by the Orange Order of which the deceased was a prominent men her, WATER PRESSURE AND FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS FAIL | Council Should Look Into; These Things Which Were | Noticed at Disastrous | Fire What Is the use of an efficient volunteer fire brigades if the fire syren does not work and tho water pressure is not what it should he? | This 18 a question being asked on | great deal In Bowmanville today, | When the disastrous explosion oc: | | curred In Bowmanville on Wed nesday night the first men on the scone In the fire hall endeavoured to sound the syren but without wuceess, They had to resort to the old fire bell to eall the volwitoers together, There appears to he 8 need of wn thorough Investigation into the fire alarm system and at the same time the water works pystem, Just ately 1t has been brought to the notliea of the counell the need of an extra equalizer and as ususl this work was put off until next your and when the next coun efl gots In they will likely put fl off until the next year as haw heer done with saveral other lnaeal Im provements which have beon need od, Any of the hundreds who wit nessed the fire on Wednesda night wore aware that there wis i poor pressure of water and hun dreds of others noticed the fallure of the alarm system, This latter fixture was placed on the equip ment of the department just a couple of years ago and there hus bean many times sineo that 11 has falled to do ite duty or has done ita duty when not required It 1a to be hoped that In view of Wednesday's occurronces somes thing will be done ahout these matters and that right soon hefore some other catastrophe of a lke natura oceurs, | NEWS ABOUT TOWN | Constable Returns Provineial Constable W K Bmith has returned to town aft an absence of threo weeks on vava« tion or rather, on honeymoon, Mr Nmith was married recently In hia home town, Napanee, and has been on a trip to Montreal, Queheo nnd down the magnificently mseenle Ht, Lawrence River, Garage Insured Hutely's Garage which was des stroyed by fire on Wednesday of thin week wan covered by insure ance The Times was Informed yess terday., The hullding Is owned hy William Brock of Queen Wrest and it 1s understood that Mr, Hate. ly had the contents insured, This would not cover the loss of cars which were stored in the garage, ig Race Tomorrow All #hrubb who is In excellent condition will race the famous Tom Longboat at the Exhibition tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock, iis many friends in Bowmanville fea! sure thut AML will bring home the bacon" despite his long ab sence from the cinder track, New Teachers There will be three new teach. ors on the wsiaff of the High Mehool when IL opens on Beptem- ber 2, They are Miss I, Clement, WA, Miss H, Isl), BA, and T. A Miller, B.A, The latter will be In charge of new: commereinl classes which will he started this fall, summer Nehool esults The following teachers from this district have been successful in thelr summer courses In Tos yonto summer Nehool Results Klomentary Ari--=Miss Allen V, Parker, Bowmanville, Vlemantary Physical Miss Marion Pickard, ville Bupervisor of Physical Culture Mr. Levi M, Annis, Tyrone; Miss Hilde Rowland, Newcastle, Bpecinlist in Physical Culture-- Miss Marion Dickson, Orono, Kindergurten Veimary Reva MeGIN, Enniskillen, Elementary Voeal Musle Marion G, B, Warder, ville Vilementary Part | Johnston, Culture~- Bowman. Mies Miss Bowman. Manual Training, (Hamilton )==Mr,. J H Bowmanville STOCKS TORONTO Look High Be, A, OI} 1h% liraz FR Can, Ist -01 Cockshutt 1514 Cty, Dry. 68% Dm, Stirs; 104 Gypsum 1h Hr, Wal LEM org 10 Int 22% Int 15 Ind 1 Imp 104 Ma 24% Me, Ppt 1014 Mt, Pr Hi Nhaw, LER Niation 40 Low 1H HEAR™ nm 16% UL RM 10 10 AY hoy Nkl Pot Ach Ol Hy Ntandard Mines , HOR ih fo 7585 178 ah 00 an 2100 2100 140 110 Wao 176 HER] iN 0 760 178 hb Ol 340 Hy, Gold 42 Lk, Bh, 2845 Nrnda,, 2125 Nh, Grd, 180 Bd. Ms, 11H The Hei 060 Wr, Hr 178 208 LR LL] arr (Rd 175 LA 280 am 428 126 110 116 ano 176 Alnx Amulet ig Min Ya, Mus, Maleon Holl In 2 2 SILK LI Slips OSHA DU BARRY Correctly styled garments, in a pretty range of Lingerie shades. Special Introductory Price Vest and Bloomers W. A. DEWLAND LTD. NGERIE - 49c¢ GARMENT - 98¢ WA The Whitby Advertising, After Business Houwrp=~FPhone T hey Defeat Robson Tanners Lost By) Score of 4-2 To Whitby | Team Last Night--Play Was Fast and Close With County Town Boys Al ways In Lead Whitby Maple Leafs tied up the play-offs in the South Ontario League by taking the return game of the home and home series from thelr opponents. the Robson "T'an- nery team, by a score of 4 to 2, The game was Just #8 close as the score indicates, and was by long odds the best game of the scheduls wo far, Many fans thought that the Tannery were in, when they won right In the County Town last Mon- day night, The Leafs showed rire courage Lo silage such a comebuck after the 11 to 6 set back handed them on that occasion, snd that at Cowan Park, the stamping ground of the Leather Boys, Whithy deserved thelr win, They played the better ball and got the breaks of the game, Taffy' Muyne the Leafs' box artist was on his best behaviour and In no small measure the success of his team wan due to his clever hurling. "Taffy" struek-out five batters aw compared with the three Gulltinan fanned, In fact all the hits the Tanners could get were two hom ers, ons of which was of the fluke variety, Both of these cams in the eighth The support mecorded Mayne was little short of marvel lous, Time after time, Whithy in fielders made stabs for the hell nnd came up with It in the old mit, The infield nelded faultlessly and the fi gures bear it out, thirteen Tan ners being retired at first bane There was no score until the wixth inning. Whithy got a hit off Gull tinen in the first but the next bat ter forced him at second and was himself retired on the play, In the second they got two hits Northam and Muaundrell both being safe Halliday however flow oul to centre to end the luning, In the third Forrester got a hit, with two "iss iptions and news will be Whitky Branch Office, at Gesell and Chronicle ~Telephone REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON Maple Leafs Tie South Ontario - Playoffs When Oshawa Team Daily Times received ot the 2, v MARGARET RAVIOR 15 LEADING SWIM (Continued from Page 1) world, plunged into Lake Ontario at 1,02 pm, todsy, They will cover a ten mile rectangular coursy Jaid out by the Canadian Nations) Exhibition, sponsors of the swim on the opening day of the great foir, As Jack Guest, Diamond Scully champon pulled the ropes that fired the starting cannon, the thirty-two went overboard with one great splash, Thousands of porsons lined the witerfront and swarmed. out upon the Inka in bouts, The course was kept clear officials of ull ox copt the accompanying boats and the official craft, Five laps over a two-mile course muko the full distance of 10 miles Lust your Martha Noreliug, now Mrs, Joe Wright, churned her way to vietory In five hours and 24 minutes With the woather-man predicting fair weather for the diy, und the water rising In tems- perature, It is expected that the record may be broken, Margaret Ravolr, of Philadelphia, forged into the lead ut 205 p.m, with Mrs, Ruth Corsan taking second place and Vihel McGarry, New Yor) dropping back to third place, The first two were struggling for the lead uy they began the second lap, while fifty yards behind, Fthel Hertle Comry, of Bronx, N.Y. was gaining in fifth place, Mrs, Evelyn Armstrong of Detroit kept her fourth place The time for the first lap was one hour, 17 minutes and 2-5 seconds Mrs, Corsan could not maintain her pace beside Miss Ravoir, who pulled ahead four yards, while Ethel McGarry, the original leader, now In third place, began to advance again Miss Ravoir appeared to be hold Ing the leadship with ease, At the sume time Ruth Tower Corsan and AWAY, but was left stranded as Joynt bounced to Kvans, That end- | od Whithy's efforts until the sixth, The storm broke and without warning, Gulltinan had been going wlong nicoly and It looked as though | there would be extra innings, Watty | the first man up in the eighth hit a slow floater to short centre fold, | Reaves, Jacobl and H, McDonald {all went for it and let it drop In [their midst, In the excitement Watts took second, Forrestar ploked one to his liking and slam- med it for a double scoring Watts, Joynt bounced to Kvans, Rye took un out at a low one for the third strike and BW, McDonald threw him out, Forrester scoring on the play Boott got his only hit of the night and made It count, A homer into deep left field accounting for an other run, With one away in the saventh Halliday beat out a bunt, Mayne poked one through second and both runners were safe, Watts got his second two bagger scoring Halls day, Forrester and Joynt both filled to. Reeves to, end the inning. In the eighth and ninth Whitby could not solve Guiltinan to any ex tent and were retired In order In both Innings, The Tapners got a man on third In the first Inning by virtue of a walk and several stolen bases but he was left, Major also drew n walk In the sesond but wag left on first base, From this point until the seventh the Tanners wera re- tired In order in each inning, In the seventh BN, Mc¢Donald was fan. ned and Naylor grounded tn Hoott, H, McDonald and Mayor however drew walks, The next batter, Mi chards wan the third out, Forrester to Scott, The eighth wax the only inning in which the Tanners were able to Koore, Jacob! getting a home run through Heard's logs in right fleld, Guiltinan filed to Forrester and Evans flied to Northam for the first two outs, Reeves, the next man up connected for another homer, thin one going far out over the fence in right field, Nn, McDonald fanned for the third time to end the inning. In the ninth Inning Tanners threatened again, With Naylor and H, McDonald out of the way, Mayne wenkened and fanued a walk to Ma. Jor, Major stole wecond while Fors rester held the ball and talked to Mayne, Richards however ended the game by sending a long fly to centre field, which Maundrell gath. ered in for the third out, The deciding game will be played At Cowan's Park' thin evening starting at mseven o'clock, The noore by Innings: 1234848 Tannery noooo Whitby Nooo0oan The line ups: Whithy==Forrester bh; Joynt, 9 bi Rye, o; Heott, Ih; Northam, It; Maundrell of; Halliday, su; Mayne, pi Watts, rt; Heard, rf, Tannery--Kvaus, 1b; Reeves, hi NM. McDonald, o; Naylor, 8b: MH. MaDonald, of; Major, rf: Richards, If; Juoobl, ga: Guiltinan, p, Umplrea~~Heater, Oshawa, plate, 780 02 0 10 0- -3 0p Iithel McGarry were swimming side by side First Swimmer to Quit Blanche Robinson, of Burns, Ore gon, was the first of the swimmers to be taken from the water, in the ten mile marathon She had not completed the first lap and was. far behind the leaders, When the wc companying boat: took her from the water she was thirteenth in a line. up of thirty-two, Mystery of 33.Years Solved As Body Found (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Oslo, Norway, Aug. 238.-A thirty-three year mystery of the Arctic has boon solved By the find- ing on White Island, Fridtjof Nan son Land, of the body of the Awed- ish-balloonist explorer, August Andree, by a Norwegian scientific expedition, OSHAWA MOST PROGRESSIVE IN HEALTH MATTERS (Continued from Page 3) aver the past three years have been largely responsible for bringing the convention this year to Oshaws, Yosterday was a full day for the conferring Banitary Inspectors of the provines, now holding their annual three-day meeting st the hotel Genosha, King Street East, A series of fine papers on 4 diver. sity of topics relating to the sani- tury inspector's work and interests worse presented, and evoked Hvely discussion, During the morning an Oshawa man, CC. A. Dickinson, veterinary surgeon and food inspector, deliv« ered an address on, 'Diseases Found in Meat, and abortion In animals." Dr, N. HW, Sutton, of Peterboro, who was to have spoken on, ""Ty- phold Fever and Milk," was unable to be present, and his paper was rend by 1. Pleton, of Hamilton, gacretary of the Ontario Associa tion, "Yentilation," hy John Richard- gon, provincial sanitary inspector, of North Bay, was the third morn. lng address, "Vood and Vood Handling," by I, H, Banders of London, Ontario, started off the afternoon session with a helpful series of questions and comparisons of experience, A demonstration was given by B, Card, of the action of hydro. cyanle weld gas, or cyanogen, in fumigating buildings to rid them of hedhugs or cockroaches, Mr, Card prepared a small quantity of the gas, and demonstrated its of« fect on mn dozen insects "Health Administration in the Malay States," by Hugh McDonald, of Kirkland Lake; "Banitary Ar- rangaments for the #hriner's Con- vention," hy W, H, Meadows and Gus, Pointon, of Toronto; and "The Beptic Tunk System and Proper Drainage,' by A. 1. Earl, Toronto, wera other Afternoon papers, Today's program was taken up Inrgely with the business session, The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and approved, the secretary's report and the fin ancial statement were presented This afternoon the delegates ware driven about the eity, and visited the plant of General Motors, as well as other loeal industries and points of interest, ASK EXTENSION OF PREFERENCE (Continued from Page 1) Mr, Forbes sald he hoped the duty would he only a temporary matter to ba discussed with Canada during the imperial conference, It In generally believed here that concessions will he made by both New Zealand and Canada, the lat. ter In the matter of revising the incronsed duty on New Zealand but. ter, In making the announcement yestorday that Canadian made, or Canadian assembled cars, would be put under the general tariff, Mr, Forbes remarked that Canada's new government had notified New Zealand that the Australian trade pact could not be extended to ine clude New Zealand beyond October, The government action {s con strued in the light of retaliation and as nn moans of securing a bar. The prime minister is expected to discuss the matter personally with the authorities at Ottawa, Canadas, while he is on his way to the imperial conference, Canada Neady Vor Parley Ottawa, Aug, 22.~The Domin fon Government is ready to discuss with Premier G, W. Forbes of New Zealand, on his arrival in Canadas, the question of a direct trade agroe- ment bhetwesn the twn countries, While Premier i, B, Bennett is now in western Canada, this intimation cams from official circlos here to day, The prime minister of New Zou iand, who yesterday announced that Cansdisn motor vehicles and acces sories had been taken off the pre ference ist and placed under the general tariff of Wis country, is ex pected to reach the eapital about the middle of eptember on his way to the imperial conference, As pre sent trade arrangements betwern Canada and New Zealand terminate on October 12, trade matters wilj he under discussion during his stay in the capital, A -------- a HOW ONE WOMAN LOST 47 POUNDS OF FAT "I have heen taking Kruschen fal for nearly 4 months, 1 have continued taking one teaspoonful in warm water every morning. | then weighed 217 pounds, was al ways bothered with pains In my buck and lower part of abdomen and sides, "Now I am glad to say IT am » well woman, feel much stronger, years younger and my weight i« 170 pounds, I do not only feel better but I look better, so all m friends say. "1 shall never he without Krug chew Salts, will never conse taking my dally dose and more than glad to highly recommend It for the great good that is In it," «Mrs A. Rolomon, "PB~You may think I am » aggerating by writing such a long Istter but truly 1 feel so Indebied to you for putting out such wonder ful salts that I cannot say enough.' wl WINE AGENT FOR CLAPP'S ORIGINAL APPROVED Baby Soup AND Strained Vegetables In Sealed Glass Jars FORINFANT FEEDING Ask Your Doctor KARN'S Drug Store Next P.0, Phone 878 TAS JIE JY Tr CCIE I) gain lever, ¥ a YOUR SPEEDOMETER, WHY? wear comes with mileage. power in your engine at its Wilkinson, Whithy, hanes, Blooping \Mlokness Death ) Toronto, ~-8leeping slokness or aoute encephalitiv, was the cause of the death of George Colelough, 15, of 40 Hook Avenue, in Toronto General Hospital yesterday afters ART COLE > ( DO YOU KNOW HOW T0 CHOOSE TE THAT IS CORRECT FOR YOUR MOTOR ? SINCLAIR has reduced it all to the simple law which you yourself apply by a simple method 1--=OJL. ACCORDING TO THE MILEAGE OF YOUR CAR AS SHOWN BY Because the factor which makes your car different from others is wear and As that space in your cylinders cylinder wall increases with mileage, your motor oil must be heavier, to keep that space sealed==to keep your power from blowing by! : SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR OIL, properly applied does this EXTRA SERVICE. It is only a good motor oil made to mest the demands of the present day engine, but it is produced in different grades, one of which is the correct grade to seal the prosent mileage. - SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR OIL X-H Power Gudoline and Gil Company Limited 407 Central Bldg., Toronto 2 DISTRICT MANAGER E OIL between each piston and Ww w PHONE 14 BOWMANVILLE noon, according to Coroner G, W, Cloendenan, _

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