Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Aug 1930, p. 1

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agit pon "All the News While It Is News" Eh ------ WE * | The Oshawa Dail Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer y Times A Growing Newspaper in s Growing City A ---- VOL. 7--=NO.44 Published at Oshawa, Usy Kasept Bundeys glory A OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1930 15 Cents » Week; 3 Cents » Copy TEN PAGES led ded - News in Brief PWT OP Ld dg Ten Killed in Explosion ftalino, Mussina, ~ Ten miners were killed today by an explosion in one of the oeal mines of the Don basin, near here, Vive others kre missing ' LJ LJ Noted Industirialist Dies Aylmer 1, J. Nairn, Inte Presi dent of the Dominion Canners and Director of the Canadian Canners, died suddenly last night in his seventy-third year, v LJ Ld Bi«Day Drought Ended Chatham, ~The first. beneficial rain in 51 days fell over Chatham and district yesterday, and was generally welcomed by farmers, While the break in the droughi came Loo late io be of value Lo the hean crops and the parched pasture fields, It will greatly help the sugar heets, tomatoes, enbbage and tobac. co crop, agrienlturists say, LJ LJ LJ Nilver Hoarders Fxecuted Moscow, ~Nine men charged with hoarding Russian silver coin were shot. yesterday, 'They were sen tenced to death for counter-revolu- tionary activities, v . NM King George at Balmorgl London, ~The King and the Queen left for Balmoral today, It was the first visit of his Majesty to his Beottish seat since his recent iliness TE ERT Noted Actor Dies, Marseilles, France, ~The Vreneh theatrical world today mourned Fugene Bllvain, dean of the Com edie Francalse and contemporary of Sarah Bernhardt, who died last night at his villa In Saint Cyr les Becques, department of Var Seok Wife: Slayer Frederieton, N.B New wick provincial police are scouring the province for Jerome Zwicker, former Grand Manan, N.B, man who is wanted in Norwood, Mass, in eons nection with the slaying of his wife, also a native of New Brunswick, The fugitive was reported seen at Dougs lastown, on the Miramichi river oy LJ Ll] Brunse Crop Damages Not Serious Fredericton, N.B The spread of the "rust" er late blight ameng the New Brunswick potatoe erop as the result of a week of exceptionally wet and cloudy weather is not as serious as was expected hy officials, Murder Suspect Arrested Long Island City, NYA man sald by police to be an "important suspect' In the 8:X murder mys tories of Queens Borough was ar rested last night, ' ¥ . . hip is Total Loss Montreal,--Word has heen re. celved here that the HN, Hochel age is a total lows and has heen abandoned by her owners, the Do- minlon Steel and Conl Corporation of Rydney, NN, to her fate, The collier of 2,601 tons nett, was pro- ceeding from North Sydney to Mon« treal with a load of coal and ran aground on Cofn Island, one of the Magdalen Islands, HAMILTON MAY BUY STREET RAILWAY AND BUS SYSTEM Hamilton, Aug, @=Sale. of the Hamilton Street Railway systen and the fleet of Interurban busses to the city for $2,500,000 has been offered by the Ontario Hydra Lommissjon, now owners of the holdings of "the Deminion Power and Transmission Company, The amount is less than half of what the Dominion Power and Transmission Company quoted the city some time ago for the street rallway alone, F, A, Gaby, Chief Engineer of the Hydro Commission emphasized to the city officials that the Hydro did not want either the street railway or the fleet of busses. The city was the first to receive the offer, and if it re fused, the railway and the husses would be sold to private Interests, GRAIN BOAT SINKS AFTER COLLISION (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Que, Aug, 2% The grain boat Donald Stewart, of the Canadian Nteamships Linen, Ia resting on battom, in eighteen feet of water, near the entrance tn the _ Cardinal canal, following a colli- slon with the steamer Koyvive yes. terday, The Donald Mtewart has a hole amidships and part of her cargo of 80,000 bushels of wheat in flooded, The scene of the miu hap is near Cornwall, Ont, The Keyvive wan slightly dam- aged but was able to proceed up stream, . WEATHER Pressure is high over Ons tario and Quebec and low off the Atlantio coast and to the northward of Manitoba, the weather has heen for the most part fale and. moderately warm n all provinces, Lower Lakes w= moderate northwest winds: fresh this afternoon: fair and moderately warm tosday and Saturday, Georglan Hay and Ottawa and Upper Nt, FAWron0os=Mos derate northeast winds: fair and moderately warm today and Saturda) # a A -------- Tn TODAY T0 DIS Farmer Organization, Pro, sumably Wheat Pool, Asks Saskatchewan Gov- ernment For Compulsory Pool PREMIERS ARE ALL SILENT ON SUBJECT If Wheat Board is Named, it Would Provide One Channel For Marketing of Entire Crop Under Supervision of Govern: ments, (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Man, Aug, 42 To day the I is talking of an com pulsory pool for all the prairies wheat a wheal, hoard to handia the 1680 evop, Premior J, T, M Anderson of Maskatchewan, after calling the premiers of Manitoba and Alberta to a conference at Nes gina today, 1s silent, Manitoba's Premier Bracken is unable to at tend the session, And it was not | known at Wdmonten oarly toda) whether Premier J, XW, Brownlee had departed for Neglia The meeting of premiers premiers who guarantesd the pool's Indebtedness to the banks on dhe A080 oropeiollows a pros posnl to Premier Anderson that the Haskatehewan grain yield be marketed entirely through a single channel, supervised hy the gov ernment, The proposal came from ane of the province's farm organi Eations-~presumably the wheat pool, whose members now are hal lotting on the advisability of a 100 percent, pool hy legislation, Premier Anderson's proposal comes us the whole country walls for the wheat pool's statement on the sige of ita Initial payment == hound to he smaller this year than aver in the history of the nines year-old cosoporative organization, It Is stated that the pools want « iarger advance than the banks are willing to guarantee, The banks, it Is learned authoritatively have not made thelr finsl declslon known to the pool At Winnipeg A, J, McPhail, president of the Canadian pool, could not be reached at his hotel room or his offices, At Calgary, Henry Wise Wood, president of the first pool te operate In Cans ada, sald; "This 1s the first | have hoard about a wheat board" Thieves Raid Tailor Shop Woodstock, =Thieves = seeured be tween $400 and $500 worth of goods from Gattrall's tailor shop some tm during the night The best sult lengths, overcoats, and other genty' furnishings disappeared tho od, PRAIRIE PREMIERS MEET CUSS NAMING OF WESTERN WHEAT BOARD ONE BODY FOUND IN YAGHT WRECK At Least Four Others | Drowned When "Islander" Sank (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) owe Allg A bod helieved of Commodore Henr ment King short , Logland, #1 to he that L, King, member of wid former aldesde camp George, wis washed up on the at Lansallos Bay today Commodore King and fon they their lve wits dushed men-=possibly five-lost when the yacht Islander on the rocks in Lantivet Ha day Thus fa faund Australia Wins Cricket Title Defeat English Team By One Innings And 39 Rum ested no other bodies hive (By Canadian Press Leased Win) London, Eng, Aug. 24. Australia today won the International ericket chumplonship when the defeated England at the Kenningten Oval tn the last of uw series of five test matches, The series was divided a follows i Austratia won two, England won one, drawn two wren din the match which finished tadny wer Australia, 095; England, 408 and 251; aggregate, 086, Australia won hy innings and 9 reas England had been international cricket champlons for four yeirs hey regained the "ashes" symbol of the cricket championship, ut the ovel in the last game of the 1936-27 series and held them in the Austra Hain 1928-29 tour, Test matches be tween English und Australians began | Australia in 1877, The feature of the tests just closed was the batting of Don Bradman, the twenty-one year old ect from New South Wales, He broke record after record in the series and set up new figures for the largest individual in international matches, IM was also done hy ( Girlmmett, Australia's, star bowler, who took the largest number of wickets in any aerics in score Great work A star reporter was killed hes apune he knew too much Harrisburg News, Ontario Starts Campa Buying of (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug. «= ANNOUNCe ment was made by Premier Fers guson last night that an oxtensive aducational campaign to encours wge the buying and eating of Cana dian products in Ontario will he launched by his government in the very near future Radio, lecture staffs, an ve and the -- pr mr y------ Duchess of (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Glamis, Heotland, Aug, 92. A new helr presumptive to the Reitish throne rested in her cradle today at Glamis Castle, oblivious to the commotion hey birth eansed through the length and breadth of the empire Hoth ehild and mother, the Duchess of York, were sald by the royal physiclans, Dr, David Miles and Bir Henry Simson, to be doing nloely, The little prinogas 1a the fourth grandehild of the King, Her own Alster Princess Kilsabeth and Prine. ong Mary's two sons having preced. ed her Into the world, The baby ix another helr-pres sumptive to the English throne, She York Gives Birth To Fourth Heir to Throne n For Anh Products nowspapers are all to figure in the Program, "We are determined', sald the prime minister, " ta shew to the people the res! qualities of our products to demonatvate the val ue of our own markets==to prove to them the advantage: of buying at home, In short, we want to eatablinh a greater measure of ons operation between consumer and producer", I -------- Ent IL in the line of sue unele the father and Princess stands fourth cession, following her Prince of Wales, her her four year old sister, Elisabeth, News of the birth was telegraph ed immediately to their majeation the King and Queen who qulokly wont back messages of congratuli- tions to the Duke and Duchess, John R, Clynes, home secretary of the labor government ofeially attested the reyal birth, Tonight the great heacon of logs piled by the county folk on Hunt: ers Hill, two miles fram Glamin castle will ha lit to celebrate the event, Tt 1a sand loyal Heotamen ave pressing that the child he nam. ed Margaret, the ancient Heottish | { | SCENE OF FATAL FIRE AT BOWMANVILLE EE Compulsory Pool Suggested to Handle 1930 Crop rar ---- ---- a -- is as A VIEW OF ALL THAT REM sion and five had burned It do the ground and. taken the Hits of Coe il loft to right Nell Taylor, who at tempted to rescue the doomed man) teapped In the hullding: Below, Night Policeman N, C, Hall, and AINED OF HATELY'S GARAGE, Fire Chief J, Lyle, of Bowmanville, BOWMANVILLE, after an eyplos Gatehell, mechanie, who: was BOWMANVILLE IN FINALS IN SCHOOL SPRINT EVENTS Several From This District In Schoolboy Track Meet (By Canadian Press | Hamilton, Aug, 22, Nearly four hundred young athletes from all parts of the provines wera gather ed here thin morning for the gixth annual wehool-boy track and field champlonships of Ontario, held in conjunction with the Nritlah Em pire games, From nine distriets rome from as far east as Ottawa and some as far west as Fort Wi Ham came sectional ehamplons to od Wire) royal name, pit speed and strength in the pro vinees interscholastie athletic elans- al A staggering total of 64 events Yuu wil | | ftneluding heats, ware to be run off today, Minnie will take place in the races whera hots are necessary this afternoon, Athletes were In attendance from Ontario. Athletle Unfon districts as follows: London, Hamilton, Taronto, Harrie, Oshawa, Kingston, Ottawa, North Bay and Mort Willlam, Heats in four classes of sprint events wore run off with great rap Idity four and five running In a heat, Toronto, Hamilton and Windsorvied for honovd in the aprinte, all three belng well repre- wnontad (n the finals this afternoon, Ortilin, Bowmanville, Ottawa, Qo halt, Hrookvitle, Fort Willlam and Woodstock also placed men in the finals TWENTY REDS ARE UNDER ARREST Plot to Overihiow Chinese Government is Frustrated (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Nanking, Ching, Aug. 22--Govern ment authorities announced today the arrest of hwenty canmunist lead ers within thd walls of this eapital and the frustration of a plot overthrow the Nationalist = Governs ment, whieh included the dynamiting of various government' buildings hove, Authorities sald among those ars rested was a fashionably = dressed, foreign educated givh whom they quoted as saying she was doing Red tal Aid Asked For Blast Victims Blakehurn, - Nt, Aug Hoven more bodies were loonted yesterday In the Hinkeburn miny in which 456 men wore killed in a wan explosion more than a week neo, 28 hod have now been found, and 22 are still missing Rellef organtantion was started today and a province wide appeal will be made for ald from the survivors of the vietime, It In ost mated close to $40,000 will be needed Ask Extension Of Preference To October 1st| New Zealand Importers of Canadian Cars Make Request (By Canadian Proms Tesi Wire) Wellington, New Zealand, Aug 28, A deputation of Importers of motor vehicles from Canada today walted upon the Rt, Hon, UO, 'W, Forbes, prime minister, and asked that cara ordersd to he exported from Canada before Ootohey 1 should he allowed to enter New Pealand under the Heltlah prefer ence an hitherto The fmporters' request followed the prime minfater's announcement In the House of Representatives youterday that cara coming from Canada would, in future, he placed under the general tavift and would no longer ha accorded the henefits of Reitigh preference, Although he gave no promise, (Continued on Page NH Bank President, Former Immigrant Dies at Age of 80 Hausalite, Call, Aug 2, "Noss! Hoatena, wha rose from an allan immigrant, to becamd the head of the Dank of MHaty, fifth largest in the United Staten, dind yesterday, He was K0 years old Lorenso Meatenn came frog Hay when 18 years old in 1868. He worked on a farm near here until he established a trucking business in San FPranolgeo, This grew into a commission firm that became one of the largest In the west, In 1008, A 1 Glannind, hin steps won, started the Bank of Italy and seven. months later espionage work among government officials, , ' : Was made president, hin stepfather | EXPECT ARREST OF BANK ROBBER WITHIN 36 HOURS Search Narrows to Three Men in Case of Holdup That Netted $7,000 (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Calgary, Alta, Aug, #2 After a Sdshour wearch of the Calgary dis teiet, for the armed bandit who held up and robbed the loyal Rank of Canada of $7,000 here, police officers have come to the following conclusions Although the bank robbery was carried out hy a lone bandit, "a confederate was awaiting a short distance up the street at the wheel of a late model sports roadster, bearing n Michigan leanne number, As the bandit emerged trom the hank the ear drove up, the bandit Jumped In and was then horne oastward Alrplane and motor patrols have ontablinhed the fact that the bandit orf bandits hava not tried to leave the elty, It fs belleved that they PHILADELPHIA GIRL LEADING SWIM MARGARET RAVOIR LEADS AT END OF FIRST LAP WITH ETHEL McGARRY SECOND ENGLAND WINS [Me Gre BOWLING TOURNEY Armstrong, Detroit, Fourth, and Ethel Hertle Defeats New Zealand Singles At Empire Gary, New York, Fifth Games in| THIRTY-TWO ENTER EVENT THIS YEAR All Take Off Together in One Big Splash at 1.02 pm, Today--Finish Ex« pected About Seven O'Clock (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Aug, 22 \A the the Canadian Na nile EWI (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hamitton, Aug The rose of Logland wis carried 10 vie tory today in the singles champion ship of the British Empire Lawn Bowling tourney Gage Park to day when Robert Colquhoun trl wmphed over W, Vielding, New Zeu land, 21-19 | It w the third straight vieto for the Fuglishman and the third for his country, the rink and doubles having cinched titles on Thursday The match today was productive of the hest howling of the week and Colquhoun met his strongest foe in Ilelding pr Crimson il " covered in tional Exhibitlon's ten marathon for won the leatdershin had settled into uw fght between Miss Margaret Ravoir, of Philadelphin, Miss Ethel Mcetnrry of Yor) and Mrs, Ruth Tower Corsan, forms erly of Denver, Colo, and now a route resident With nearly one course completed at Ravolr held a lead of over Miss MeGarry wis close behind All petting wn pace that left the others trialling behind In a long line, Fors ty yards back of Mrs, Corsan came | Mrs, Evelyn Armstrong, from Des (roi, swimming strongly Ihe champion of 1928, Ethel Hertley Gary, of New York, who did nou compete last year, was stroking steadily ahead in Hfth place and/ gaining slightly on Mrs, Armstrong Next in order came May Looney, Warren, Ohio; Leah Riley, Keensburg, N.J.1 Anne Prille Bens oit, Miami, Flo; and Olive Gatters dam, of Toronto The temperature of the water ale ter the start, both Inside and outside the breakwater, was 00 degrees, This was considered almost . perfegt for! the swimmers, while the wind, which hat* died down eonsiderably at the start, made water conditions simon ideal, There was a slight roll outs side the breakwater, hut Inside there were only slight ripples ThirtyTwo Knter . Toronto, Aug, 23.~=Thirty-twe women awimmers seeking tha marathon championship of the (Continued on Page 2) ! THREE KILLED AND ELEVEN INJURED IN DYNAMITE BLAST ---------- hel New York, Aug, Three members of a drilling crew were killed and eloven Injured today when a dritl struck and exploded o stiok of dynamity at the bottom of a 000-foot shaft of the New Yonkers Long Island aqueduct in the Bronx, Four of tho Injured were in a serious condition, The drill was' bellaved to have ptruek part of a charge that had failed to explode with a previous blast, miles Tow C.N.E. Opened This Morning World's Greatest Annual Fair Includes Displays From Nearly Every Nation third of the 248 po, Missal uw few virds Mrs, Cr ean wero of (By Canadian Press Lossed Wine) Toronto, Aug, 28.-~Canada (0- day drew back the curtain on her most prominent display window, At eight o'clock this morning the gatos of the Canadian National Kxhibition were opened for the Lind consecutive year, During the next two weeks Aug, 2% to Hept, O---at loast « million people--nand well over that number If expectations of officls ala are realized --will view Lhe wonders of the world's greatest annual fair, Displays from every country In the empire, United Wintes, a goodly number from Ku ropo and Mouth America, carvies the visitor on a tour of enchant ment from the tropleal sean to poenes In the far orient, The year has heen dosignated "Al Canada Year" and an day given the name of each province On thelr respective days the pro ducts and Industry of each prov Ince will he featured, and as far as humanly possible everything Cana dian produced is being used, A feature on the musieal program is the All Canadian Dand, comprise ing members of all permanent military forces throughout the Dos nminfon, The fair was offleially opened by 1, W, RNeatty, president and chairman of the Canadian Pacifie Railway, ne we Yankee Sets Yachting Record, are in hiding either in some block or private house, The polleo search was narrowed down to two or three men well known to the department and every avallable pollee ofMeer has heen pupplied with a description of the wanted men, FOUR CANDIDATES FOR BROMLEY SEAT Empire Party, Conservative, Labor, Liberal, Officially Nominated London, Eog, Aug: 22-All doubt that the United Empire Party would nominate a candidate 1a contest the Bromley by-election disappeared to day when V, nny former member of the Queensland, Austra la, Legislature, was among the four whose names were placed in formal nomination The hyselection wax caused by the death uf Lieut, Col. the Hon, Cuths hert James, second son of Lod Northbourne, who had represented Hromley since 1919 in the Consers vitive interest. Polling takes place on September The Conservatives today nominats od IT, Campbell to carry thelr standard, The Liberals chose WW, Fardham, who van at the generpl election and Labor named A { Ashworth, who was also in the field J I'S Gi noon, May Meet Shamrock V, Sept, 13 port. shortly after Yankee and 1interprise had broken all previous racords for a yacht vuece over a thirty mile triangular course, Yans koa now holds the record, Rha oame home yesterday in better time than did Columbia, the sucoessful defender fn 1901, fhamroek V, whieh will meet the winner of the elimination races on Neptember 10, wan given an ovas tion when she arrived in port, (Ay Canadian Press Lossed, Wire) Newport, R, 1, Aug, 28 -=Yan- kee and Mnterprise went out to the starting line today with two atralght races to thelr oredit In the ofolal elimination races for the pelection af the defender of tha Am erlea's Cup, blue ribbon of all yaehting trophies, Hhamrook V,, ton's Afth challenger Canada Will Soon Return to Normal, E. W. Beatty Says -- in no year have thea national ine tereats of this dominion been so ims pressed upon thinking Canadians, I do not eed to remind you that conditions are not exactly normal and that we are now experiencing a recession In business, due in part ta worldswide conditions and In pars to those peculiar to thia contineny and to this dominion in which wa are confronted with un situation ves quiring of our public men and our commereial leaders confidence, courage and pradence, ald Ma, Heatty, In expressing. confidence' in the ability of Cunada to pasa safely through the present situation, the spealier mentioned Wmpice trade among the plang which might be discussed in the effort to restore Nir Thomas Lips arrived In v- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug, 33,=="In the light of the eloguent evidence of what wo have done and of the history of thin country, both immediate and remote no Canadian should doubt that Canada will shortly emerge from the prosent temporary deproa. glow and prove again ita inhergnt strength and the sanity and rellance of Ita people," declared Kdward W, Reatty, K.C,, president of the Cans adian Pacific Rallway in the ads dress by whieh "All Canada Year" at the Canadian National Exhibis tion was ofolally opened this after " "Your directors' have oalled It 'All Canada Year' In desoviption of Ita national oharacter, No more in Bromley last year, Altipg torm could be uged because normal conditions,

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