Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Aug 1930, p. 4

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'VAGE POUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1930 The Oshawa Daily Times Succeed THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) An independent newspaper published svery afternoon except Sundays and legal holi days at Oshawa, Canada, by The [limes P vinting Com) any, Limited, Chas, M. Mundy, Presidents A, R, Alloway, Ses retary, . The Oshawa Daily Times is a member of the Canadian*Press, the Canadian Daily News paners Association, the Ontario Provineis) allies and the Audit Bureau of Circulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier, 15¢ a week, By mail in Canada (outside Oshawa carrier del limits) $4.00 a year; United States, $5.0 a yearn TORONTO OFFICE 118 Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street Telephone Adelaide 0107, H, D, Tresidder, representative, : REPRESENTATIVES IN US, Powers and Stone Inc., New York and Chicage THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1080 FAITH IN OSHAWA August 28 is to be a day of testing for the ratepayers of Oshawa, On that day they will vote on the building of the new c¢lvie administration buildings and police station, They will decide whether these much-needed municipal buildings are to be erected at once, or to he relegated to some time in the dim and distant future, There is no dissent as to the need of these buildings, The present plecemeal plan of having clvic offices scattered In small build. ings at various locations in the city Is un. worthy of a community the size and import. ance of Oshawa, Under this aystem there cannot be the efficiency that the citizens have the right to expect, for every depart. ment of the civie administration is working under a tremendous handicap, The condi. tions in the police station are even worse, for the quarters for this department are not only inadequate, but are so lacking in pros per sanitary requirements as to be a dis. grace to the city, On the question of the necessity of the buildings, then, there is no need of dispute, ? The question before the ratepayers, then, is one of faith in the future of the city of Osh. awa, It would be well to consider what the effect would be If the news went out, on the night of August 28, that the ratepayers of Oshawa had not sufficient faith in the future of their city to pass bylaws for civie build ings which are urgently needed. It may be true that Oshawa is under a cloud at present, but conditions are.not going to remain that way. With the return of bu. giness to normal, Oshawa is bound to con. tinue its retarded progress, and to grow as it did during the last few years, The rate. payers of Oshawa must have faith in that future, must have faith in the possibilities of their city to grow in such a manner as to make the burden of the new buildings a very light one on each individual, And that ia exactly what in going to happen, Let us have faith in the future of Oshawa, Let us pass the civic building and police station bys laws, so as to show the world that the citi. pens of Oshawa have every confidence that a great era of development atill lies ahead of the city. WILL MAKE CANADA BUSY One of the most encouraging features in Canada's future industrial outlook lies in the tremendous power development projects which are being undertaken in various parts of the Dominion, In Manitoba, in Northern Ontario, on the 8t, Lawrence, and in British Columbia, enormous projects are being planned, and contracts have already been let for some of them, It ia estimated that dur ing the next three years, not less than one hundred million dollars will be spent on the development of these projects, Both directly and indirectly, this should do much to bring back real prosperity, The work of conatructing these huge plants means smployment for thousands of men, and that in itself will be & good thing, And indirectly, the powbr developed will help to unlock the doors of new and greater industries, partis cularly in the northern aveas where it will be used for the processing of the natural mineral resources of Canada, Men would not go ahead and spend one hundred million dollara in invéstmenta in power projects unless they had an abundant faith in the future of their country, They realize that the greatest period of growth and development still lies ahead, and that electric power will be to the next half-century what the trans-continental railways were to the Inst fifty years, Canada ia ready for another great leap forward, and the harnessing of its waterpowers will provide the motive force to Carey it in that direction, AIDS TO PROSPERITY hier Ever since the business and industrial de- jon overcame the North American cons tinent, industrial and business leaders have beon stressing the nécesaity of making the greatest possible use of newspaper advertis. ing an a means of improving conditions, J, 8, Lowden, advertising manager of the De For est' Crosley Radio Corporation, addressing a 1 meeting of the sales organization of the com. pany, went even farther than that in his ap- praisal of the value of the newspaper in im- proving the situstion, He said: "I believe that newspapers are the greatest single factor in maintaining or restoring prosperity, Cut off newspaper advertising and business conditions are aggravated, Increase newspaper adver. tising and you have the greatest force towards the restoration of prosperity. Why is this? It is simply because ad- vertising has told us what goods can be bought, where they ean be purchased, and furthermore, creates a strong desire to buy them, When I buy a box of bis- cults I am putting money in the hands of the biscuit-maker, with which he may buy our product, In other words, each of us is a market for the other's product, If we buy freely, others buy freely, and general prosperity exists, hut If either one of us refuses to buy, then the wheels of industry slow down, "T'his company has increased its news paper advertising substantially, We know that if a radio Is bought the revenue will be paid in wages to workers who will buy the product of some other worker, It in an endless chain which results in pros. perity. for everyone," That is a message which should be broad. cast from one end of the country to the other, It contains two of the great essentials of the present situation In Canada j=first, using the newspaper to create a demand for the goods one has to sell, and secondly, buy- ing for the purpose of helping others to buy, and thus creating that measure of prosperity for which everyone Is looking. ro rE ---- ---- BANNING IMMIGRATION The new minister of immigration has lost very little time in closing the door of Canada to indiscriminate immigration at the present time, Many months ago The Times foresaw what was coming, and repeatedly urged that Immigration to Canada be discouraged until Auch time as the country was in a position to absorb newcomers Into the industrial and agricultural life of the country, This atti. tude was based on the reports that thou. sands of newly arrived immigrants were walking the streets of Toronto looking for employment, thereby adding to the difficul. ties of those who had their homens in Canada, and to the troubles of the municipal authori. ties, ' There are two sides to this question, First there in the necesaity of preserving whatever employment there is available in Canada for those who already have their homes here, who are native-born Canadians, or have lived for some time in this country, Kvery new immigrant coming into Canada, during a per. fod of unemployment, makes it harder for these men to secure work, and adds to the cost. of maintaining those who are unem- ployed, That, in itself, in sufficient reason for shutting the doors, On the other hand, it is only fair to those who might desire to come to Canada from other countries that they should not be al lowed to come at the present time, when em- ployment opportunities are very few, They would have little or no chance of finding em- ployment, and would soon become discouraged and disheartened, and, possibly, would find themnelves objects of charitable assistance, For thelr own sakes, then, it ia better that they should stay where they are, for any strange country ia an unkind country to those who are willing to work and cannot find ems playment, The decision to close down on immigration for the present is, under the circumstances, a wise one, and it in to be hoped that the authorities reaponaible for enforcing the deci. slon will take it seriously, and will see that it is made known, not only in Canada, but also in all those countries in which there might be people seeking to come to Canada, om" EDITORIAL NOTES The man who predicted a cool, wet summer was certainly not referring to Ontario, aaa ---- Dry weather ia threatening the potato erop of Ontario this year. But down in the Marl. times they have plenty of potatoes to ship to the Ontario market, If fruit and vegetable crops are ruined this year by the lack of rain, it will mean a busy winter for the can-opener, The new premier of Canada has shown that he can be a man of action when he likea, RYO body in hoping he will keep up the record, Ontario ia te have more highly colored li cense markers next year, If they make it more difficult for hit-and-run drivers to ea. cape, the change will he worth while, There ia quite a discussion of reforming fashiona for men, but the kind of reform that would be moat welcome is one which would make it possible for men to go around in the dog days an lightly clad as some of the women, : Mr, Bennett had a wonderful advantage over Mr, King right from the start, Did not his charming sister, Mias Mildred Rennett, accompany him on hia électioneering tours ? Mr, King's only hope now ia to find a wife. ! Other Editor's Comments YHEDN NO TEARS (Vancouver Bun) Within a short tims, it 1s pres dicted, nlgabra and geometry. will vanish from school coursen-=and good riddance! In California, the two subjects are long will not he required for en. trance to state universities and ahifldven will have more time to de- vole to real knowledge, Algebra, suctid and such technie #l things merely remain in school ourrienin hecaune traditionally, they. are part of the martyrdom through wileh children must go, To 000 children ont of 1000 they are absolutely useless; they deaden the desire for knowledge; they are, in most canes, naver used after the eh 1s gradunied If the child adopts a profession oalling for the vse of algehrs and auclid, ha should learn them, Just Af he learns engineering or chem: lon! annlynis But, making them part of a general course Is ridi enloun THE WHEAT POO, (Hamflton Herald) The guarantees given hy the prafvie provinces to the wheat pon) have expired without any demand upon them, The guarantee Was to cover the price of a dollar a bushel for the wheat in store, the hanks having refused to hack the project hayond the point atiained without further security, IL has now turned oul that enough wheat was sold shove the dollar mark to compensate for Gyproc Makes Summer Homes FIRE.SAFE! ROTECT your family by making your Summer home draught:proof, dusts roof and firesafe, The new vory coloured Gyproe. that does not burn will render you this service at small cost, Use It for structurally wally, ceilings and particions, It needs no dee coration (when panelled) but you can dnt, pipet or plaster it if you wish, oasily and quickly applied, is a permanent asset, and Is yuh superior to other building materials, Your dealer's name is listed below, Ask him today for full information on Gyp- roc Wallboard or send for interesting free book "'Bulld. ing and. Remodelling with stron Gyproe," - GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED TheNEW [VOY what was sold helow this Hgure, and the secounts are sll square without recourse to the provinces, Under the clreumstancen Lhis must he regarded as i res! victory for the pool and un Indication that with brighter conditions the fars mers would have done remarks ably well, As IL Is to averages » dollar on the crop must he consid ered excellent business, DIRCRWIION (Port Arthur News-Chroniels) A great word is discretion, It forma a sabisfying mouthful, and i may be the cause for the injection into clause nine of the Act Respeot- ing War Veterans' Allowances, That clause should he amended to make It compulsory on the commit ten to order the payment of the amount named to the widow of ahildren of the deceased veteran, The discretion of the eommittos means nothing less than how mush pull is exercised on hehald of the applicant. for a pension, Bits of Verse | THE SKY HEROES I sing of the men of the air, Of the strong men, fearless and hrave; Qf the men who Ny upward, and dare Pace the fog white and thick In hin lair, And laugh when the rushing winds rave, I wing of the men of the skies The Intrepid and lusty of hreuth, Wha shrink not when dangers nrise, Nor tremble when light of day fieA, Nor quail when Is Jurking King Death, I wing of the giants uloft, Who wkim 'neath the azure of bluse; Of the men who In perils are oft, At whosa courage pens ever yel $0060 en The airmen, valiant and true, I wing of the hirdmen who sour Var hivy where the eagles ne'er Yi Of the men plore "Mid clond-bursts and that roar Tha harole, hold men of the sky, = I'red Bateman, Otawn ast, Aug, 1980, | Bits of Humor | HER BEST "Tuck likes girls with blond hale" "I know it, And I'm dyeing to tke him like me" wha vast spaces ex thunders BEEN THE ROUND The hushand eame home and wis greeted at the front door by his wile "INA you get the new maid?" he Haked, whe shook her head, "Noy Um afraid not, dear," she ans wered, ; "Weren't there any wt the registry office?" he went on angrily, "Yes, darling, but we've lind them wll before," was the astounding re Joinder, Father="Nou should think of the future," Son="1 can't, It's my girl's birth tiny, und | have to think of the pre sent," SL Centrally In EARAOE Na | Hing Ldtward Joie ted in the business districh yet quiet and comfortable 1600) VIYNAG YITH BATH V0 and up » European Plen Modernly construated » well established ond mosh homelike hotel in TORONTO P11) Ee bro : [i ooo Ra, he AMOS 1OR 10D WNOTERNA DINE BEM A 1s Forty Sarpien Sperm Livy hhion bundy Lown lirnw 179 THE PAEHWIEK ROA Awol barvicn Spa id Pigia Liwerann » HW $poisd Tawls Anika [ins Tisimpt homday) 41 YE CAFETERIA Ml nd [v OQatario GYPROC biveprool Wallboard LL] For Sale Ry: | . Oshawa, Ont, Waterous-Meek Limited McLaughlin Coal & Supplies, Limited Oshawa Lumber Company The Carew Lumber Company, Limited W. J. Trick Company, Limited Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont, The Amber-Coloured Bottle-- with the O.K, Guarantee TRE new drink of eveamy sween sterilized, amber « lence O'Keefe's in the same § England is famous, vaciness, It ls ino oured bottle bearin = the OK, seals unfailin mise of excel: GINGER, Ih GINGER for which Enjoy it==at fountaing==on pienios at home, Keep it handy by having your dealer deliver a 12 bottle carton, 'KEEFE'S STONE GINGER O'KREFI'S BEVERAGES baling a i. a ~ cr . a TH Ns . " { ry | ) R | 4 ht 23 ~~ od 3 When you are at the Exhibition Be sure to visit the Superior Chain Stores' Booth in. the Pure Food Building. Our famous blends of Tea and Coffee will be served and you will have the opportunity te learn first-handed just why our stores and our products have reached the high peak of success that Is theirs today, WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS ITEMS FOR WEEK ENDING AUGUST 27, 1930 LUX For Fine Fabrics Aylmer Soups 2 tor 17¢ Royal York TEA 12b28¢ 1155¢ PALMOLIVE SOAP "Recommended by the Beauty Profession" 2 or 1§C BENSON'S Corn Starch rke. I2¢ Borden's $t. Charles MILK Small 4 tr 2§C Chateau CHEESE sw, 19¢ pkg. Crisco Best for Foving, Shorten. ing, Coke Making sue' 24€ Quaker Oats=Quick or regular. Larne pha Post's Bran Flakes, Pk Veatherstrip Cocoanut, HP, Sauce, per bottle | 26e Finest Nlue Rose Rice LE TT LL Clark's Potted Meats oP iia 17 Singapore Sliced Pineapple, B IOP .ivivivviiiiaas ile Bon Ami=Cake or Powder, ah | de Rabbit's Cleanser, ¥ for 1% Dabo "Best for cleaning porcelain, Bae 1" Interlake Toilet Tine 3 for Quality Brooms, medium weight, Each Standard No, 45, Sise 2 tin 9c WRSTON'S SODA WAFERS rks. §C Hawes' FLOOR WAX Lb. 43¢ Size GRANULATED SUGAR 101s. 49¢ Delivered with order Ingersoll Cream CHEESE 2 for 25¢ OXYDOL 21c FINEST CREAMERY BUTTER Large Pkg. Ti Zee 2§e| 2 rugs. 25¢ | 2 100 65¢ Premium TEA] TODDY st iowt 1D. §9¢ |802.36¢ 1602.56¢

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