Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Aug 1930, p. 12

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VYAGE TWELVE "4 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, , WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1930 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS PANTOR RESIGNS Kingston --Hev, M, ©, Johns ston has resigned aw pastor of First Baptist Church where he has preached for six years, TEACHER DROWNS Kingston, Philip Raymond All "of Niagara Valls, N.Y, a school teacher ngod 45, was drowned 'at Desert Lake when he either fell or jumped from pn boat And tempted to swim whore, BURGLARY CHARGED Kingston --Willlam Proetor, 21, and Walter lose, 20, of Toronto, are under arrest here charged with breaking Into four houses and utoaling Jewelry valued at $200, Most of the loot was recovered when the prisoners were searched, yvolice say. ib TO PURCHASE PARK Kingston, At a specinl meet ing of the City Council mn resoluy- tion was passed giving authority for the purchase by the corpora tion from the Kingston HBireel Rallway Company of their prop. erty at Lako Ontario Park, with Its equipment, for the sum of $17,600, It was also decided (0 submit a by<law to the electors for the acquisition of a portion of the Golf Club property for $60,000, BRIDE INJURED Brockville, --Driving east on the King's Highway, a short dis tance east of Bradfield School, Anselm Karlain of Portsmouth collided with an automobile driven by L, 8B, Utter of Burlington, wha, with his bride of a few days, was on his honeymoon and driving westward, Mrs, Utter was cut above tha right eye, Mr, Utler wan uninjured, FACES MURDER TRIAL, Cornwall, Identified hy Pro vinelal offfcers who secured a good view of his features in the flash of revolver shots which they fired at him, Frank Jacobs, CerAwall Island Indian, was committed for trinl when arraigned, before Magis. trate J, C. Milligan In Police Court here on a charge of attempt- Ing to wurder Provinefal Constable Wilfrid Bertrand at Vianigan'sy Point on the night of July 30, THREE: BARNS BURNED Cornwall,-=Lenving the ruins of nt least. threo large barns in its wake, a terrific electrical storm swept across the northern sections of Btormont and Glengarry coun- | thes, A holt of lightning fired and completely dostroyed ithe large barn on the farm of Norman Me Roe at Gravel HiIl, A barn owned by J. Brunner at Casselman wag burned to the ground, Archie B, MacDonald of the Third Line of Kenyon Township, six miles from Alexandria on the Greenfield Road, was a heavy loser when lightning struck and destroyed a large barn, containing a portion of the sea son's crop, implements and equip. ment, TUG In WRECKED Cornwall, Sandwiched between the grain barge Ned Cloud and the freighter W, B, Reynolds on the Bt, Lawrence River, east of Ham- fiton's Island, the tug Myra went to the bottom within a few min- utes, The crew escaped but lost mont of thelr personal possessions, SMALL BOY DROWNS Pembroke skiff in which from a he and (wo other small boys were playing Orville Beymour, son of Mr, and Mrs, I'red Seymour, Bronx At, was drowned in the Ottawa river, Frightened by the aceldent to thelr chum and apparently fearing that they would be blamed, the other hoys said nothing about the drowning and it was not for sev- eral hours that the parents, an slous because their little boy had not returned home, discovered tut he had been drowned, Jumping SEE Er -------- ey TELEPHONE Five Direct Lines - hh sunk i] ES 262 FOR Jeddo Premium Coal Semet - Solvay Coke Pocahontas, Cannel Dixon Coal Company igh Will you Pi J ld face another Winter in an uninsulated home? Will you burn fuel merely to melt the snow on the roof or will you seal heat and comfort in your home with Donnacona Insulating Board, With Donnacona installed in the roof you will feel the added warmth in every room, It will save you 23% of your fuel bills this Winter, A roduct of PRICE BROTHERS & MPANY Limited, Quebec, Cane oy (Established over 100 years.) Uninswlated vont ave responsible for 3% For added comiort and lower (001 1m the fhirate home, 'of the bot Fuel bills make sure the veo] is insnidind, DON ONA Carew Lumber Company The field events for the British empire games. gives Canada» splendid cholea of nthietes, While this section of meets has somes times boon sadly neglected by the public, the recovds set hinve heen steadily increasing In BUMPER CROPS Pembroke. Move, than half the grain crop in Renfrew county hus already been cut and threshing operations have already menced in some soction are splendid throughout the ty and the harvest will whead of that of batten pant, BOGUS $10 BILLS IN CIRCULATION =: | Post Office Issues Warning !! About Counterfeit Money con Crop coun he nnd lust year 19 Counterfeit cotha ten-dollar billy ne Ottawa, Aug Bank of Nova {ure being circulated In Canada |vording to n warning issued by the post offea department The spur | lous-money Ix described as follows { "The counterfeit nm photo graphic esopy of the front of the genuine note Issus of January 2nd | 1920, varia] letter "A, In appear {anes It 8 darker and Is slightly blurred, The buck Is of the 1824 Issue but of a deeper blue and 1x quite blurred, 'The numbers, which rd erydely eaxeculed, the same helght hot the figures 20082, on one | felt mlrendy presented tale up slightly more space than on the genuine hill, In wise one of the fie titlous notes presented fu nhout one sixteenth of an Inch smaller than {the genuine, while: another fa tne correct size The rut her | greasy and has n shiny nh" Are wider, and counter Paper ix fini ' GERMAN RAILWAY | EXECUTIVE HERE Insper Park Liodpe 19 Dr, Carle Steurnage! ant to tha president and director of statistics of the German Nation [ a1 Rallways, avrived at Jasper Park Lodge last Baturday with Mw Btournage!l to spend a few dave on his way east from the Pacific coast Dr, Bteurnagel sald he was Aig HELE] \ \ila than for ssveral peasons | | [5 number, | ever developed, Herve are the field men who will | with uphold the honor of Canada in the | K nr | od #irip around the world, expects | Joy nt Oakalla jal] by | with the purchase | nhout | | Jected through watey | the delogates | loud {ber of a syatem of radio-telaphony | thal ha | radlo, contests with the rest of the Brite ish empire, No, 1, CC, Herman of Nova Beotin, Canadian representa tive In the shot put, No, 29 Len Hutton of Montreal, who Is the best. broad Jumper Canada has He had ditfieulty the Canadian his leap was the champlonship honrd. at but plonsure trip and enjoying hin first Hm ps of the Canadian rockles, {ir Hnlph Verney, secretary of the British House of Commons, and dy Verney are visiting at Lake dith, Bir Ralph, who met Lady Varney here after sha had complet to spend shout two weeks in Jasper Park bhefors his return overseas SCHOOL BOARD AGENT) JAILED FOR FRAUD r, Aug, 10 C00 wil 4 pene tod purchasing agent of Hehool Board, was year with hard Magistrate (', Hhaw yesterday, He was oon vieted on two charges of dealing In i forged document in connection of coke deliver to his own home, but pald hy because of alterations made | In Involees | SHIPS MAY BE ABLE | 10 TALK SECRETLY New Development Forecast Wired Radio in | Britain Explained | on the entencad Vancouver to" one the elt come whips by heams pro wny sUgROst edd ap a future development of radiation hy Dr. R, W, Royle, of the National Research Laboratory, Ottawa, addressing the fifth an nual convention of the Institute of Hadio Engineers in nsession here I4-Col. A, G, Lee of the ongin erring department of the general post-office, London, England, told n radio recelying sat not necessary to receive radio programmes' in hig country, All that was needed, he wpald, was n poaker, If one is a mem Aug, 19 Heorel het woen ult rrasonie Toronto munigation means nof Wis Leen established, nodinl, he: explained, ttmilar te one on nm the householder Hy turn which in ordinary locates ng A ------------ ------ | | | | | | | Ahove is ghown an interesting photograph = of Lord Macmillan (right), noted English jurist and member of visiting party of dix tinguished British legal men tu convention at Toronto, and Hon. Wo Ho Price; attprneysgeneral of Ontario, who was on hany to greet better than the No. B, Archie Vuncouver, all round field athlete, He in a fire chief from Canada's far west, No, t Doral Pilling, who Is the chum of Percy Williams, Pilling comes from Cardston, Alberta, and In the Canadian champion Javelin always two feel other contestants, MeDigrmid of and wands station he desires, immediately whatever that station him hy wire on the alr, | TREATED CHILD WORSE THAN DOG Orillia Man Fined Cruelty To Little Girl Orillia, Aug, no right to. treat dog as you have treated this little child," sald Magistrate MeCaughrin here today In convicting John KE. Page, 41, of flogging with a rasor strap fiva year old Ross Jobe, ward given Into his care by the Child. ren's Ald Boclety 'nge fined 850 and costs [or 80 dor in Jalil by the mags trate who regretted the lash was not provided for such cases, The wife of accused testified that the child WAN A great screamer' and ha had "lst her have It" with his | int DENIES REPORTS OF GOVT. VICTORIES Bhanghal, C Ching, Aug 10 General Feng Yur Helang, com manding the northern rebels along the Halehow-Tungkwan rallway in Honan provinces, tonight sharp. ly contradicted Nationalist claims to important advances in that ge Lar For | | | 10 " "You have THREE ARE FINED FOR | SPREADING SEDITION Sudbury, with ature, AUR, distributing 19. Charged seditious Iter Urno Patviro, William Palawieh and Nick Thach, who were remanded from August 14, appeared again this morning and were sentenced to pay a fine of 120 and costs or one month, De eiding the case, the bench ra marked that the literatura in question contravenes the law In ndvoeating the Indian revolution and the changing of government by force, AFRICA TRYING CANADIAN MARKET will Provide Competition For California Fruit Growers Paarl, 8 Africa. Houth Afriea may send fruit to Canada, It Is rum ored here, Interviewed on the question of sending South African fruit to the Canadian market, N. J, van Nei» kerk, chairman of the Western I'ro- vinee Fruit Growers' Association, sald the deciduous exchange had heen exploring the possibilities of marketing 'our fruit on Canadian markets for some time, and were still giving the matter close atten. tion, "Owing to the earry-aver of Calls fornia fruit {t han boen found uses less to send over South African fruit until the latter half of the sea. son, when between 400 and 600 trays are sent over weekly via Lon. don," he stated,' "In view of the fact that there is no direct ships ping service between South African ports and Canadian porta it has heen found impossible to send fruit direct," Mr. van Nelkerk sald that the deolduous exchange had an equali- gation tund out of which losses aus- tained on trial shipments to new markets were met, "It ia part ob thel¥ regular polioy to develop new markets by sending trial eonsign- ments wherever prospects neem to warrant it," he said, "In a recent discussion on the matter 1 had with Mr, Jager, of Pouparis, he stated that the possibilities of the Canas dian channels had heen fully exs plored by their London house, and he felt sure that if results had wars ranted it, his firm would have fol lowed up, ' "He axpreased the opinion that the visitors. v a receive ments of Bouth African frult is be. whatever broadeast In [enue PHY fhetor | Bizarre Visions Induced by | the reason why Canada does not " 3 y A a LG SHER Ea em Lai hal thrower, He and Williams are in. separable when they travel east to the meets, No, B John Cameron of New Westminster, BA, He Is the Canadian champion hammer thrower and incidentally also the chief of police of New Westmine ser, regular substantial ship thet market is unwilling to mn price which would he suits to Routh African growers," EARLY INCENSE WAS NARCOTIC Fumes Thought Message of Gods The Incenge (hat curls Hoavenward from the als religlonists was Chlengo ad lazily tars of the early not Ineense at all, a University of Chicago Journal suggested to-day but narcotic Prof, Allen H, God. hey, of Duke University, concluded in the journal that narcotics are fr earlier in human experience than bread and that the bigarre vie slons and frengles of the narcoties arazed ancients were accepted as revelations trom thelr gods "The primeval savage discovered that the smoke In his ehimnoyloss cavern produced queer phylologleal affects," the article sald, "and a Iittle experimentation goon taught that cortaln woeds or sticks responsible That learned, he took to praying to these kind gods for more beautiful viglons of the world," Hebrew him were who warred upon the incense rituals of their times wera not simply champions ing monothelsm but were waging a fight against narcotigation that efviligation is still carrying on, the professor sald I'he. problem of more intelligent religious leaders in all ages, Prof, Godhey sald, han not heen to And wceeptable in canse hut to get rid of ft, WILLIAM AVERY, * CARPENTER, HAS prophets Sunday Night Suppers Prepared on Saturday A wf po Nl BY EDWINA NOLAN Director of Home Service, General Flectric Refrigeration Department SUNDAY night suppers can be tedious affairs or they can be happy snd gay and served without fuss, The secret, of course, is pre- paring them in sdvance, The simplest of menus is the one that men like the best, as for in. ance; Toasted Mushroom Sandwiches Chicken and Cucumber Balad with Poisto Chips Chocolate Creamy Cup Cakes Coffee The mushroom sandwiches are made on Saturday afternoon, folded in a damp towel and put into the electric refrigerator, where they keep in perfect condition until Sunday evening, The lettuce Is washed and put into the vegetable an in the refrigerator to eriep, The mayonnaise is made and, with the cucumbers snd an eight-ounce Jar of chicken, put into the rer frigerator, Cup cakes should he made on Baturday morning, The filling for the toasted mush- room sandwiches; 1 pound mush. rooms, 4 tablespoons butter, 3 table. spoons flour and % teaspoon salt, Peel tha mushrooms, remove stems and scrape them, Chop mushrooms and stems fine, melt butter in fry. ing pan and "add finely chopped mushrooms, Saute slowly unt] mushrooms are golden brown, Then dredge with flour and malt, stir flour rapidly inte mushrooms and eook until mixture thickens. Cool and use as sandwich spread It will keep satisfactorily for twn weeks or more in the electric re frigerator if not all used for the Sunday evening supper, Other menus are as easily arranged, This plan leaves for the late Sunday afternoon only the eombin of the chicken and cucumber ad, The sandwiches may ba toasted on a grill at the table and the coffee made in the percolator -- 0 years ago than thay an declared Mr, Danlely more sociable downheartedne "Town {toda [The y | Lhere | of Cape Town H0 years ago are Optriches on farm (Jreen Point, A dog chased somes of them into the and the hodies were washed tho old Direc Aer, I'nothall Hill," near Gallows were posts "People wern n il were ane WHE Nn HOM, up wl treet "I will give vou a 1 stupid things, When tonight, Tommy, write | punishment a hundred times 'a i tupld donkey," and bring the paper tv me signed by your father," Teacher not to do go home "Gallows The gon nn rond used matches Fihanegey often Ax happier In Cape gE lhl Left==No, 187 Cereal Spoon Right==No, 188 Tablespoon, No, 150 Teaspoon, SAILING HOBBY Second Cousin of John D. Rockefeller Saved Wife From Watery Grave Chicago Up along the lake phore, where a man with a liking for the sea may hear white-cape hreaking, William Avery saws boards, drives nalls and admits he In a second cousin of John D, Rock efaller, John D's mother was an Avery, fire. cousin of Willlam Avery's father, and she lived on a neighbor Ing farm in New York State, Avery remembers that Rockefeller, as a boy, visited hin Uncle Nolomon's farm, Although he has heen a carpenter for 44 years, Avery's hobby has been upon the water, In the summer of 1804 he in in vited his girl friends out for a sail A storm blew up and the boat oaps alrod, The girl was battling with the waves when Avery tried to reach her, "Petter let me go, shouted, "you've getting But Bi didn't let her go, wore married 15 years ago, He has sailed in hundreds of raves, He wan skipper of the Cherry Cirele in 1007, racing for the Lipton cup, He defeated Com- modore Price's crack boat, the "Spray," He also flew with many aviation pioneers, WORKS 1 YEARS FOR ONE COMPANY Cape Town, 8 Afrvioa.---A greys haired man walked cheerfully into a Cape Town store the other day proud of the fact that he had just completed 61 yeara' service with the firm-=Van der By! and Co, merchants and importers, He is I, W, Daniels and his work is sorts ing wool and skins, "1 joined an a boy of 14, In the daya when we chartered sailing ships to send our wool to Burope,' sald My, Daniels, "1 used to go Into the holds and gee that every corner was packed tight," Among Mn Nil" she weak," They Daniela's memories Wonderful Silverware is Yours For Quaker_Corn Flakes Coupons Jusr imagine how charming this dignified silverware would look on your table! How useful it would be, These apoons--and many other articles of usefulness and boauty==are yours for coupons which are found in every package of Quaker Corn Flakes, The new Mary Stuart design, chaste and beautiful =Tudor plate guaranteod by its well known makers. And at the same time you will get the best flavoured corn. flakes , , , ove okago . bears our offer to refund the purchase price if you do not agree that Quaker Corn Flakes are the best flavoured you have ever tas Just the crispest and most delicious, too. Because Quaker Corn Flakes are'triple-sealed and wax-wrapped, none of the original crispness or flavour is lost. Wite us for i co Copy of the the Quahor Premium Book. h olfae more than a hun ngs you have v You can get th them wi fe, ss any Quaker Mikes package. See the list of cereals on the he Soupess. uaker Jreimiuma aje g ewa reward for oa 0 are steady u not toring or, but HL instead of no Get Quaker Corn Flakes tomorrow, Use the other Quaker oeitaln, too, Saye 10 how coupons, and you wi soon you will have en to get yams of the h Rutideoige and ui Tif QuAkih oT thet sora PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO. Duaker Corn Flakes

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