Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Aug 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1930 pounds snd wag developed after experiments In which Captain Ocker found aviators could not de pend on their senses, While the first Integrator in a ment, he expects Lo where It. may hecome aquipment Bad Indigestion and Constipation Disappear Quick "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Now Her Only Doctor YHulfered Lerribly with Inaigestion anc onstipation, couldn't unt, A friend advised Fruit-a-tives' and g wim #0 nn fine and will, hey wre my doctor when 111." Leonie Paradis, Mont Carmel, 1.4 Letters from thousands say chronle constipation and ver troubles ended overnight with "Vrult-n-tives," Sour stomach, hil lousnoess, hearthurn, gas, bloating vanish Vike magle Bladder and kidney ills, pain in back go In 24 hours, Nerves quiet, sound slesp at once, Itheumatlsm, neurelgle, neuritie, slek headaches disappear Inn Jifty, Complexion clears quick Famous Canadian doctor's dis ' a Lrovery, Ten of nelure's Krentes | POULTRY RAISING remedies combined in handy little | tolel Tt i tablet, Amazing quick results, bump when iL reaches the ground | Great Rejoicing When First NETS OVER BILLION | Get "Frult-netives" from drug. Provisions are also made for land | Ship Arrived at Kint today, 1'eel great tOmMOrrow, Ing on the water, Under the foo | p | Washington, --An annuil nome | ses a au]. S S of the eabin mre alr containers Boston of more than $1,000,000,000 now is witleh will support the machine for produced hy the Uplted Higley v in _ indefinite period, poultry industry, representing 10 | Mdyertisenient A I'resent experiments ars heing per cant of the total farm Income | ih i carvied on with a single motor | lint Fond A survey of the department of |, { { Wpldor, similar to the ons recently I will looking at the paper shout f wEriculture shows this country to 6 J fe ifte rds, he used hy the Duchess of Bedford on be the home of ans-third of the " it i Witrds, her record (rip fMght to Caps Town i | here BRITISH DESIGN "70 IS CRITICS Bleyenreotd head saloxman and | "HUE the origing) bi=weekly { sanurate flocks in (he United Bintes "| PARACHUTE PLANE... of Italia Expedition TOURIST TRADE { hervies of the Cunnrd Line THIN | fnetuding about 442,000,000 chick May Make Air Transport Recalled By TO EUROPE DROPS { port hind been chosen as the term: | ang mug of the Hne because of Its ness Absolutely Safe | Book At Last develop I wlandard crude. Instr. | | | 1 CREMATION CAUSES "WAVE OF HORROR" Wellinglon N.7."I'"he cremation of the remains of Wir Maul 'omare In California hus cuuped what In described aw a "wave of horror' among the Muoris of Turannk!, his native people, Mir Maul was a former member The Reward of Patience By Thornton W. Burgess mmc rpr had known any one with a fur cont who could change his cont al But often when the need is Past. wip phan | suppose," said he, of the cabinet in the government of wMother West Wind, | vipat vou always wear this stripso y § y ALY Naw Zealand, and one of the hest ---- ¥ cont that you've got now," * Re Wg Bl | ) ' known members of the Maori race "Of course," veplied «+ Biriped ) His cremation violates a sucred Chipmunk, "That is«why | was Maori tradition. and there Inn & named Biriped Chipmunk," oral feeling among his people (hat "han 1 must have heen asleep the cremated remains shoud not ar dreaming, or there is something ho hrouunt Vash big th a 13 v " v [Ie gl, 0 the Matiet with ty Mog fe tribal assembly In his honor, were only one, Home of the feathered Juin Sompleved, why wavs el the | folk over here in the Old Orchard aremation enused a suspension of nro suffering from tha sams the meeting, trouble, I was certain (hal | saw you all in hiack, Sammy Jny says the same thing, Fammy thought you had fallen Into something blnek, What sre you ehiuekling about, Kiripsd Chipmunk? 1 don't lke belng laughed at." Biriped Chipmunk made no reply, Ho continued to ehuekis for a moment or two and then he disnppenreq ns suddenly an he had appeared (Copyright, Burgess), EE --, The patient main ther Inst, ands at Peter Rabbit was nothing If not vatient, He spent a great deal of imea==mora than he should have over by the old stone wall along de of the Old Orchard, Ha wanted to sea and (alk to Miripea Chipmunk in that sprightly way possibly go where HBiriped Chips munk was, he had to walt for Striped Chipmunk to coms where ha was, It seemed tn him that never fn all his life had Biripod Shipmunk been so retiring AL last, early ona morning, Peter's patience was rewarded Biriped Chipmunk popped out from hatwean the stones of the old wall Almost over Pater's head, "Hello, Petor Mabhit!" eried Ririped Chipmunk in that sprightly way of his, "You seem tno hava heen spending a lot of tims around here." "How do you know?" damanded Peter bluntly, "You haven' heen around." "Who says | haven't heen around?" asked Riviped Chipmunk, and chuckled when he sald it "I do," declared Pater, "I've wasted a lot of time watching for you and you haven't heen around." "Lat me correct you, Peter," sald Biriped Chipmunk, "You may have wasted a lot of time, 1 dare Say you have, However, vou al WAYS seem to have plenty tno waste, But you are wrong when you say I haven't heen around You haven't seen me, that Is all Thera hasn't heen a day when | haven't heen around, There are some advantages in soeing with nut being ween,' Meanwhile, Pater staring very hard Chipmunk, It was alr, It was impolite change your cont?' Rabbit, Btriped Chipmunk sled; he was pursled, "The same way vou deo," sald he, "I shed my winter coat In the spring and get A thicker and warmer coat in tha winter." "I mean," explained Peter, "do vou sometimes wear one kind of A coit one day and another kind of coal another day)" It was Btriped Chipmunk's turn tn stare, "What do you mean hy such a foolish question as that?" he demanded, "It tan't faolish," protested Pater, "I asked the question hes cause IT want to know Do you, Striped Chipmunk?" "Of course I don't" retorted Striped Chipmunk "Or onurse | don't! "Mave you ever known any one who wears a fur coat who dia?" Peter admitted » that litle drop Is expsrienced he we fore the parachute takes effect, With the ehassis detuchad the pl lot Is left with what may he termed n safe glider, over which he still i has A good measures of control ! A | O00-YEAR RECORD Without much skill he ean land i safely, and he and thy passengers will experience Iittle mora then a looking fill little 1h Wi hen hie this anishing cream Bogton Ninety years | ngo the | Wim peoples of Boston | | . Ja " knthered " Ld pod Bra --------_-- PA Br ST, I" reinstated long the wilerfront to welcome nomurvelons new ghip, the first Cunurder ranch Boston The iid hin hy TW tn Here mre shown featuves of Incl | tyessergeant Carson, who dents centreing wvound the Galt, | heen Ontario, poliee probe which results| yo, ed In resignation of tu police chief after exoneration and the res instatement of wn detectivessergennt Galt cltigens declare they ave not which provoked vecent ehneges and satisfied and demand a further | (8) Chief of Police 1, Boyd, who reaching Investigation, (1) Detoce | ins resigned The (2) John mink Naxt story Toanes Petey Kiriped Chip ftabhit ruhhe Huhher Inye suffers Fires find that fatigue (ngotie gator from \Mian Miss Love, used ann decoy under clreamstanees who it Is nlleged wae ol por dep nol port wer ad | | | vel a hich rl tenmuhip | from wheel I'nited nrops Vor nye hundred American who fravellsd gocond oluss Furope mer, there are only elghty-two thi an YOR to buwl ) I lan Oe bl ! to the Lite wre down 20 the 0) first o aupnn, the chief nt Ion news to the Marltime Provinces and the superiority Its harbor und Home Iinl Another chapter pet hiss been added to the controvers | wharf secommodations Her areival on July 18 was the which followed (he 1i-futed Italia expedition to the North Pole wignm for one of the grentest de monstrations in the history of the Hoturning from the ley north May, 104K, the airship Halin Guns fired, rockets ust mandead by General Nobile ! off und throngs crowded the shore 6d on an los Aow of pits] | True Stories Stranger Than Fiction og fg Big | STRANGEST TALES OF ROMANCE Ano MYSTERY haurhor A huge dinner was order and were murooned on the jee; the By Vance Wynn od nl Maverick House in Kast Hin remainder of the crew were onl (Author of ToDay's True Detective Ntorles) 1] lunt hatng Anne lone uffered Hallfax, who hud made the first voyage with the Britannia The | Mayor of Boston and hundreds of tended A toast proposed hy Kdward Kyverett win, "The Honorable Hamuel . Cunard the founder of direct steam navigation between Great Britain and Roston nh wine negotiator while govern ments are arguing about the boun | darian, he makes a successful in cnrson. with on penceful foree, into the heart of the country I'he day after his arrival, Mr, Cunard rocelved (872 Invitations to dinner, Rev, Fern Gannett deliver od a sarmon extolling the svent and {Hs wlgnifeanee in the Mederal Meet Ing House I'he Britannia way 207 feet long und 44 In hrendth inside her paddle hoxen, and 24 feat deep in the hold, Mer gross tonnage was LEIGH and displacement 2060 tons, Her wore constructed on that she had been the lever principal, then unl husband for two years | Yersnlly in vogue, and developed abiubhle that | 740 nominal horse power, capable An | Of driving her at K§ knots on a nobis | eonl consumption of 48 tons a day and | Bhe earvied threo masts rigged fore Nine Jand aft, with two fOQunre cross yards London A new Mane, destined to make al port ahsolutely safe, (s heing test ad hy NDritish Alr authorities If future tests prove as sutisfactory us those made to date, 11 1s possible that all British passenger planes will he converted In the near fus ture, The one diMculty however, Hea In the fact that the parachuta arrangement in ita present form calls for padienl changes In con struction The: parachute plans provides for the descent of the entire aero plane hy means of a parachute In case of emergency It 1h designed In two parta----engine fuel tanks and undercarriage being constructed on a steal chassis, and the second part consisting of the hody wings, rud der, tillplanes, joy stick and plot's went The pacond part Is attached to the chagsls by slip looks Over the roof of the eabin is a steel rod to which the cabin is at tached hy steel oahles, looking something lke an umbrella with the covering removed Ahove thip Ia a long stream lina cylinder con taining a parachute made of a new fireproof material and of suMelont strength to support nearly double the load of the machine, minus the heavy engine and the riage If the pilot suddenly self in diMonlties, he has only to pull a lever heside hin went Thin | unlocks the chassis, whieh id parachute aero trans. The decrouse Is due American whrond Rabbit wan at Btriped impolite, Yes, "Da you ever blurted Peter / ee at msm srs sma -------------- Can TT ------ -- -- tH "rush north looked pus Hoxton foto Bumuel Cunard of ried away with the disabled wir hip and were never heard of ugnln | When after 40 days of privation and hardship Noble's party wae rescued hy a resous neroplane, No bile allowed himself to first Now be pnved In "With North Pole Lmberta plies to his accusers When the Awadish avistor Lundborg resched the party, Nobile states, he declared that the General must come firs Mal of "Hut that's Impossible,' 1 repied, and pointed out Ceclond I'nke him fest, That 1s what | have de | tlded Lundborg answered firmly No! I: have ovders to bring you! "V™ Neat, hoonuse we need Your instru Hons to start looking for the oth ore (the party carried off 1p the | alrahip), Hin companions pressed underoas Ko, and eventually he weit ahi "Ones and for kl he IL sald,' he Know that he Was adda, "an a chief of the axpadition Minister of Polio my post wan thera on tha Citta qi He summoned a Milano, directing rescue work; not | WiLh hin ASKINLANOA dros On lve, Where my Injuries prevents | |, A violelcolored coat, a ofl ma from helping my men In any | velorad walsteont, short | | the alin to the Nobile 1 Amis RR ne WALNUT One RECHET OF THE faut AOA WAR Fauche, tha elved night of Polles, Fron i! in A SO I" \ ance I, and presto) de died no told the Mir Io from an 4d miemhei the nohbilit lim to send one of his represcnta p to eall upon her in order | y she might make a reve of the utmost importance The fact that she did him to come in parson curiosity of Fouche ined Answer the hill hot 10: jet munieation Ikulshied er | ONEINnON of Tmplori Mars wld her fy 1 im With nelaw had and hh th significant | Ih had seared the young wife | on her fore and main masts, the day hatore she had kone | "ha Biltannin was fitted to carey country house, and had Ine | 116 ophin passengers and 2256 tons Madama da Polvers OW | of cargo, Hor upper deck, in addi a he wa nr vd to make Lhe | gan ta oMeers' 'abine, galley and | Anil her de had | hakory sported cow houses, On Ie ; the main deck wore two dining Hea agreed to in hitiinn ] wloons and passenger accommoda the thing ta the and, That tions in | rel § rhag Fi In contrast to this celebration of Pogmaihiiu 00 years ago the lined Laconia one eountev: She of the newest and fleetest of the Mae And Cunard boats steamed into the har he disturbed. | DOr this week with all flags flying watched the | 10 eelebhrate the anniversary of the of het vam ke a hawk Cunard Line If only the people ILomldnight 1 opened, and. the Who stood and marvelled at the onme out, clothed ony in Nritanuin could walk up the pangplank and tnapect this present day prevhound of the nea Gy EEE hE AVIATORS IN FOG peered Nim without a shadow of recognition It was evident tha! the woman was a gomnambuliat New Invention Enables Pilot To Keep Straight Course LY at "ALL.-CANADA YEAR" CANADIAN NATIONAL OPENS FRIDAY EDWARD WENTWORTH BEATTY, B.A, KC, LL.L Chairman and President, Canadian Pacific Railway Company to officiate at impressive ceremony inaugurating "All.Canada Year" at world's largest annual exposition, Preset mathe commented he not wit plaued the | 4 ho deter or that he never | ! awn out him to th al ca hii | in a] the woman the eéishraled ta to PEERLESS BUSINESS COLLEGE FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2 Ofiee Hours: 10:18; 2.490 PHONE 2218 finds him costun Li ad hilmse PUrpie hieot ay the Iie And wen off, and at the same time operates the vipscords of the parachute, "The double nection in timed wo alogely | WAY whatever and actually mada| of hlack kerselmers me a danger and a handioap there." oeleings, shoes with | loa, A threscornsred . hat gold-headed cans. A piloh 1¥y applied, completed tha ding Diack LHL 1) ole nha eliver huek Aud a lover hor od to the BE a a ey nat tan A Sd nt vy Which wan an perfect that the vale i [ of the Minister did not recon re he : | him door GOM wkd TIRES Avoid the penalty of premature th her room Wik not to Ministor In the en ht EXHIBITS FROM AROUND THE WORLD IN EXPANSIVE ARRAY antowan even then walking In her neop, Nhe ascondes the staircase until she reached the third tleor videh was occupies by the servants yiuarters, At length she entered a ponenga which led to what hail heen an unknown chamber in the house, Bha walked stealthily across thu floor to the end of the room which was hung with a faded taps A beautiful young woman, entry, Nrushing this aside, she re "Madame, ha said bowing, "I vealed a walnut covering against am gent hera by the Minister of lina wall, #he touched a secret POH sm! [Wrong tn this and the door of the "Monsieur," aha replied falter | closet flow open ingly "hellave me that nothing | On the shalt of this olonet waa Ahort of absolute necessity would [a row of bottles each tantaining have Induced me (0 have went for | polwan, Seloeting one of hess ahe yeu, 1 am deesply indebted to Hin {put it In a hiding place In her francs of the Rus des Fossa-Saints | jp nig Vietor, Ho walked part of the diss | Lanes on foot and was Analy ads mitted to an ancestral mansion, He Asked for Madame de I'olvere "Da you want the Young one or tha dowager?" anked the attendant Fouche hesitated for the [race Our famous Gum Cushion feature could not be improved + « \ 80 we added 47%% more wear resistance to the tread « « « This has been verified by actual scientific test. « . a test equivalent to many thousands of miles of road service « « « The new tough *" Resisto" tread combined with the Gum Cushion feature gives you far greater value than any other tire of equal price... Sold at all 'Gum Cushion Tire Stations." Ixeallenoy==1 would prove my {nioht dress and returned te her ten of a minute. Nut peoasently, "Built Better to Wear Better gratitude If 1t wera In my power, [owe room recalling the perfume on the note Gutta Percha & Rubber, wee T= am very, vary wretched." | The Pollen Minister did nothing ha had received, ha answered holds By dint of much persuasion he) until he had made a full report of Limited futtutged In having the Nike the occurence to the Bmperor, Nas . . ® Mm hee story, It was appalling, ipcleon sald he could not permit TORONTO halrsralaing, Bhe sald in effect that HT A monstrous thing to go uns The Largest All.Canadia® boing | prnished, The problem was how te Rubber Company Founded in 188) ALL.CANADA PERMANENT FORCE BAND Seventy-aix skilled instrumentalists in daily concerts, "LES VOYAGEURS" an elaborate Grand Stand presentation, nightly, commencing Monday, August asth, Admission asc, $1.00 and $1.50 "he young one' He was escorted 1o a room on the keoond floor where he was greenied hy San Antonie, Texas A new de viee to ald aviation in fe fight amainst havasards of fog flying has heen developed hy Capt. W, €, Ock er, air corps flier He calls it a "Might Integrator" an instrument tn eliminate the tendency of a pilot fiving blind to sawing in circles and eventually drive hin ship into the onreh A dummy aeroplane aimulates the up-and-down apd trting move. ments with respect to an artifieial hovison, while a movable sereen in the background registers turning motions, Painted on the screen are clouds, one of which moves in- to view for each 45 degrees the plane fn turned, a hovigon line, and the earth, Directed by a gyros cope, the pifture moves to the left Af the plane {a turned to the right, and to the right in a left turn, The device, Captain Ocker says, eliminates the flluslon to a pilot fiylug blind of seeming to go to the right when his plane really Ia going to the left, 'Without 2,000.VOICE EXHIBITION CHORUS FIRST CONCERT NEXT SATURDAY accompanied by All.Canada Permanent Force Band, ase, Hoy f1.00 Remaining three concerts, Thurs, Aug, 28, Tues, Sept. a, Sat, Sept. 6, \ AGRICULTURE IN ALL BRANCHES Displays, Competitions, with §12s,000 Prize List. PROFESSIONAL TEAM RELAY RACE Ray, Gavussi, Newton, and others of the world's greatest runners SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, GRAND STAND TRACK FIFTH MARATHON SWIM Women's Section NEXT FRIDAY 10 Miles Men's Section she wan in deadly fear of noioned by her motharsinslaw, | deal with this onde without casts Fouche had 'heard many strange [ing shame upon an honored name, talon In his time, hut this ana pros! Fouche himeel! solved the problem voked his ineradulity, We sald [by having the Countess arrested and she offered to give him all of [aa a politleal prisoner, She wan tha ghastly details {Ff he would | piweed within the four walls of a premine to keep them secret and !pvivon where «he could do no furs not do anything that weuld tavs!ther harm Mer husband and son nish or imperil the honor of the pleaded for her, but without avail, distinguished family, | They wera told the secret of the He promisedsFonche cloast with Ita polson bottles and mun to, promisa anything were Elven the detalles of the Madame de Polvera sald that her airange deaths of the previous husband's mother had eoneelved | wives of the young nobleman, They wan tha would: not helleve it until they GEO. C. ALLCHIN LTD., 18 Church St. Phone 1438 WALTER S. WILLIAMS, cor. Bond and Prince Sts. Phone 1426 such an exalted ded of the dignity | of the family that the dread. of feeling the title become extinot had 0% two occasions driven her ta erime, The young woman was tha third wife of the nobleman, Nei ther of his previous wives hail Wought an heir to his name, and when It became evident that they ere not likely to perpetuate the family, each tn turn had (angnighs od and died. No ona had ever Fuewn the axael cause of thalr demise, A servant of lhe melhor! were shown the avidenos, and then hrokensheartod they aft the. uns fortunate woman to her fate, What was her fate? Well It wan one of thoes cass vherte the punishment la made to fit tha erime. Sha had succesded In earrying ane of the bottles ol poison to prison with her, One morning wan found empty © her alde, and she lay on her oo vigla In geath, goa and rely on thelr feelings, solving thig problem, the earth and given him the neces. fry balance," (Copyright uy fublid Ledger) alght', 'he explains, "the pilot re Hen on the 'Inner ear' whieh, une fortunately, ta a false indloator, Pilots even with Instruments in front of them will doubt what they "The Night integrator alma at The moving sorean registers for the filer, in a hooded cockpit or in fog, the mos tion of the plane with respect to The Instrument weighs 10 27-15 Miles SAM HARRIS, President WATERS, Gomera! Manager WEDNESDAY AUG. Ratervsetions for Babibition Chorwi oomerts and Grandiiand Pagers Performances bond be made al oie, Marl chogue or money onder, HW

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