Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Aug 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1930 PAGE NINE 48 pm, AA pm, 505 pm 4 pm 0 Public Notice South by Gibbs Street, on the Hast ss : .g : 0108 6.40 Dan } y by Simcoe Street, and on the West ' : RE W wT ra) 60 pm 70 an. 700 pn BO pm 79 v by the Creek at the Centre Street ), F ' ol 4 # Fy i | / i # ' 9,00 p.m B05 pan 4.40 pom, i yi " Tad : A Zar i. 4 5 #4) ' 7 | ' 9.50 pom, WO goa, 10.46 pan ¥ TAKE NOTICE that the following | School and Earl Moore 'shall be , ; : ; 4 000 pm, 1010 pw, 1190 ame 1400 om bi numbers (1) and (2) are true syn- | Deputy Returning icer, f "- bity ro : b \ ARTE db aa TRG WA 14 1h opses of proposed by-laws of the| No, 2, comprising wll that part of ; g / | x An ( Whithy Hospital 7.4 70 " 2 N Jar ¢ y / py i 94 y iGorporation of the City of Oshawa |the South-west Ward bounded on A i " # 3 hy | ; / BUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 164) 0 and number three a true copy of the | the North by King Street, on the ny WN J ; / [ y 4 y Going West $10.4 10,4) question all of which are to be subs | South by the CPR, on the East by 4 i 547 347, 7 | Lanve Leave Arrive Arrive tw Daily sucepr Sunday, $=Bundays only, % 4 4 Bowmanville Oshawa , Whithy ~~ Flospltal | 4 _Soiurday, Sundsy and Holidays only, mitted to the vote of the electors | the Creek and on the west by Park g 3 1 hb | f 7 ¥ 00 wm, 80 aa, 94D som 1000 wm qualified to vote on money by-laws | Koad, at 78 Burke Street and Geo, ie SA 7 |g 2 vn | LH am. 2pm. 14Y5 pom 18.28 pn I ny at the time and places and with the | Puclett shall be Deputy Returning Ly 4 / { ! ; 5 dae } 4 yo ; LAS poi, 405 pn, 2 pm n ) 'deputy returning officers hereinafter | Officer ' ' i a ' i Jat bm. 448 bm, 430 0 I : 7.45 pon, BAS joi 'set forth, No, 3, comprising all that pa { ' i 2 4 wm, WA pn oy i part © vi 1 g ! EA ' no hg WA | I : Number 1, the South-West Ward bounded on : J A : i hy boy Ror; I ai Wm ph 10% bill, IA Hw pm This by-law is for che purpose of | the Hast by Simcoe Street, on the J 4 par "Ws He ' i Leave Lenve Arrive Arrive ' I | y # / Hospital Whithy Oshaws Bowmanville borrowing the sum of $53,00000 for | West by Park Road, on the South ! & Pr ' ; : i Ho Bd! / the purpose of Hrecting and paying by Bloor Street, and on the North i 1s Ish a i vi Basel Ody Lidl Eu -- or a building for the accommoda-~|by Gibbs Street hetween Simeog a ; Ev | | i High A ii AL fm, AH pa i Z i gr , 4 ; iy taya tabn | Will Come To Canada Bee | i | ton of the Police Offices, court room, | Street and the Creek and by the C, ¢ ! Riv ; 7 oh ¢, in the said City, PR, between the Creek and Park 7 \ ; di " "He Ar Ba A Y The amount of the debt or liability | Road at 428 Simcoe Street South, \ p / 1 pm hi fin hi bn fore Bennett Leaves Fo to be created is $53,00000 for which | and J, A, Bickle shall be Deputy Re 0), ' 3 A ime arked Fie though busses to Conference debentures will be issued bearing five | turning Officer, (T0 \ - ate gx = WH a Var All Occasions . per sont, interest pryable in install- No, 4, comprising all that part of -_F H -- -- i . Rensonable Rates and Careful Drivers Washington, Aug, 20,-=Han ments of principal and interest for the § 8 ar ¢ Ff. A, GARTON, Fropriete NL : Ne " twenty es J the date of issue, Je Sutin Ward IYing: beiweet In the selection of Hon, J. A, out in the cold, nccovding to ve: | the cabinet was taken to mean | (1) intevesting camera study of ; Bowmanville Phone 417 or 6 ford Mae Nider nawly-appointed 5 4 A : A the annual Joyment being $4,252.85, | between Simcoe Street and the Rit- | Macdonald, Conservative member [cent dispatch from Charlottetown, | with and not without portfolio, | Hon, J, A, Maedonald, minister hawa's Waitiia Rosin, 10 Prins $0, ; nited fitutes Minister to Canady Number A son Road at Miller & Libby's Store, | for Kings as minister without | The prespolling statement of the | Mr, Macdonald has had a long Wihout Jurtiolie, (34) Slew of 1 CP RTIME TABLE dig ng) I a with Pro. ola 'aling . 0 w 1.1, 4 . vor bs aw lor the, 000.00 Ri {alin Street, and > H, okay portfolio, Prince ¥dward Island | Hon, KB, B, Beunett, that each |and great pavilamentary experi: roy oma In Ings, his Cha Effective April 27, 1930 mier i, I, Bennett hefore the latier A i p er. |} ! ' i q the rab. of erecting and paying gy 18 's, i uihng ge felt us though they had been left | provinee was to be represented in| ence and reproduced above show | ine wit, Blandnd Tina) louven for the London Imperial cons for & Municipal Office Building in| the South-east Ward bounded on the 5.47 am, Daily arenes, A he |} i -- - were A wD The new Minister yesterday has the said City, North by Bruce Street, on the South fr i HA opt fn A § . , . Swoon, Dai ' undny)s 4 1 . The amount of the debt or, lia-| hy Elm Street, Wilkinson Avenue, | Limit of the City, at the City Hall, [ No, 12, comprising all that part of | meeting thereof fo be held after the A148 pm, Lui! 4a Mu Inienslve dual of Canad bility to be created is $100,00000 for | Stucéy Avenue, from Court Street [Simcoe Street North, and A. G, [the North-east Wird bounded on the | expiration of one month &fter the 4 LE i a East Canadian oMeinls at the state der which debentures will be issued bear | to McKim Street and Eldon Avenue | Lambert shall be Deputy Returning | North by the North Boundary of the duto of the: first: publication. of this 0 am, Dall tment tor several hours ing five per cent, interest payable | from McKim Street to the Ritson | Officer City, on the South hy Aberdeen |" " irgt publication of this ih po, ail : periment tor 4 vere You! HIRE in installments of principal and in- Road, on the west by Simcoe Street No, 9, comprising all that part of | Street and Alice Street, on the West | notes, And that such first publica J Dally (Fuoept re reports 1a one 0 terest for twenty years from the|and on the Fast by Ritson Road, at | the North-west Ward lying to the | by Simeoe Street from the north | tion wis made on the Sixth day of , date of issue, the annual payment be. | Albert Street School, and C, C, Sten- | North of the centre line of Colborne | boundary of the city to Aberdeen | August A.D, 1930 ing $2420 house shall he Deputy Returning Of: | Street produced 10 the Western | Street and Mary Street from Aber Tak ' lurtt thal 8 Number | ficer, Limit of the City at the Separate | deen Street to Alice Street, and on ake notice further thst a tenun (Daylight Saving Time) (Standard Time) 4 \ 'a y ay The question to be answered is as | No, 6, comprising all that part of | School, and H, B, Samells shall be | the East by_the Ritson Road, at 98 who desires to vote upon said pro Going West KASTROUND fit: Tawi savay Pele, re. follows i="1f it is decided to build | the South-east Ward bounded on the | Deputy Returning Officer Alice St, and J, ©, Young shall he | posed by-law must deliver (0 the Leave Laave ~~ Arrive Arilve y phave thaws ty fieinl aonfirmation the police building which site do you | North by Elm Street, Wilkinson Avs No, 10, comprising all that part of | Deputy Returning Officer Clerk not later than the tenth day Bowman ille Oshawa Whithy Hospital 3d aan, Latly, | mday 41 sovitmat it ROvevar. tial prefers (a) the South Fast corner of f enue, Stacey Avenue from Court] the North-east Wired bounded on | No. 13, comprising all that part of belara he doy bold for Tally 70 am. KIO am, BI Km Voscept Pai Mg Washington is concerned p i' ce § . 3 reel ¥ J ? A . f . 4 , f vol declaration under i Ratan 44 anni 94 will, 1 / J Richmond and Prince Streets or (b) | Street to McKim Street and Eldon | the South by King Street, on the | the City of Oshawa south of Bloo Canida Silica Fog hy ok is nl sgn bin om Sg OR A isn am pon Di , : the time appears for some move, the property owned by the Munici-| Avenue from MeKim Street to Rit-| North by Aberdeen Street, on the | Street at the Cedar Dale School, und "n'a ¢ iil tenant whose lease extends for the | "14 wm Ho poan, 1480 pm pality on Bagot Street' son Road, on the South by Bloor | West by Simeoe Street and on the | Thos, Stapleton shall be Deputy Re p, 1,30 p.m opm, A90 pm v0 pom 1 ; ' A -- The vote of the electors of the | Street, on the East by Ritson Road, | East by Mary Street, at 141 Simcoe | turning Officer time for which the debt or Nabllit Wm, 400 pm i. | "i Ph, Except. Raturduy 125 APPLE SPECIES said City qualified to vose on money | and on the West by Simcoe Street, | St; North, and H. 15, Saunders shall And that the Twentysseventh day] '® 1° he created, or in which the | 40 pm, 410 po 42h } hy STROUND v " by-laws shall be taken on the above | at Simeoe Street School, and W,|be Deputy Returning Offices of August A.D, 1930, at the hour of | meney to he raised by the proposed | 1 ho hg fun, LAL WESTROUND GROW ON SAME TREE mentioned by-laws and the question | gel shall be Deputy Returning Of No, 11, comprising all that part of | ten o'clock in the forenoon at the By«law Is payable, or for at least 7 pom, 740 pm, Kb pom " on the same day and at the same| ficer, the North-east Ward bounded on the | City Offices in the said Municipality | twenty-one years, and that he has hy | #40 pm, 0.15 pm, #0 pn time, Samet the 28th day of August No, 7, comprising all that part of] North hy Alice Street from Mary | has been fixed as the time und place the lease covenanted to pay all muni. | 4 nl ig 4 " hdl b ie, 1000 DY A.D, 1930, between the hours of tem| the South-east Ward lying to the | Street to the Ritson Road and North | f the appointment of persons to] Coal taxes in respect of the proper o'clock in the forenoon and seven o'- | Fast of Ritson Road between King | Boundary of the City from Ritson [attend at the polling places and at clock in the afternoon daylight sav-| Street and Bloor Street, at 83 Rit. | Road to the Eastern' Boundary, on| the final summing up of the vote Hospital + Whithy Oshawa Bowmanville ing time, at the following places and | son Road South, and Geo, Shreve | the South by King Street, on the | hy the Clerk and that if the assent Dated at Osha ha Sih d hu mm, bam, 780 8 pm, Dia Except Bund omenon by the following deputy returning | shall he Deputy Returning Officer Faust by the Fastern Boundary of the the electors is obtained (no the A A Ld fo ' awa the 6th day of am 1.50 mm. R20 a.m FAR pm, Dail Upham has heen grafting branche UKgLSt, ) Am, RAO wm, GRAY COACH LINES ad to the origina) tres since 101A, officers: No, B, comprising all that part of {City and on the West bh Mar il proposed hy laws or either of 10.00 aan. 10:3 a.m au 100 ar Lam 108 fi 0 p1 (Standard Time) In the spring the grafted limbs LOO pow, 118 pm, 1.30 pm 0 pv Effective April 21th, 1930 hud at different times with hloss No 1, camprising all that part of | the North-West Ward lying to the| Street at Mary Street School, and | them it or they will he taken into FE HARTY the South-west Ward bounded on | South of the centre line of Colborne | D. W. Parks shall he Deputy Re. | consideration hy the Municipal City Clerd 0 hm Bom. sn Leave Oshawa eave Tarante the north by King Street, on the | Street produced to the Western | turning Officer Counell of the sald Corporation at a (30-3642) SAS pos 400 pm, A440 pm "M AM P.M, | soma In dozens of shades, an > Ey ------ . . 5 a a eam i aa a D.J. BROWN'S anville H mi first mutters (0 come under (he Whithy, Oshawa, Bowman ' tm. Dail hand of the Minister at the Cannr 5 NES WEEK DAY SCHEDULE ANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS |d1an capital would he the resume (Eactive on and after Apnil 37, 190) Changs In Tine effective July 1th tion of negotigtions concerning tha t ie ham, Dall - Ql lt Except Bundy Martines, Calif, =A tree with aps | proximately 146 varieties of apples Daily, Except Sunda on it has heen grown near hers hy Diily, Except bunds George Upham It took 18 years pi pom, Dh) 4 of experiments to obtain the phens LAY wi ol which he is tenant other than lo Going East al improvement rates Leave Leave Arrive Arrive aa Gentleman's Wrist | ~) A L IE: 4) B80 Watch Ay We are moving to our new store 20 Simena "tunat South, and on Fine 15 Jewell Movement in $7 5 0 account of breakage and damage to goods in the moving, are sacrk SOLID GOLD 14K . Permanent White case, Reg- ular $15.00. Removal Sale Price Hieing our entire Ladies' WristWatches 15. Jewel Guaranteed Movement Regular Gold Filled Gent's Wrist $40,000 Stock Price $29.00. Removal Sale Price Wane Regular rics $25.90. $12.50 of fine merchandise, Watches, Clocks, Silver Plate, Diamonds, Rings, $12.50 China, Glass and ete, ALARM CLOCKS A Misses School Watches Reg. $1.50 values Spec ape DIAMOND RINGS Fine $7.78 ial Sale Price ...... Special Inducements on all higher price rings and Settings All Watches Guaranteed For | Year All guaranteed genuine diamonds set in 14 or 18 Kt. white or English China Cup green gold and Saucer Reg. $12.00. Sale Price ....$8.90 Reg. $75.00. Sale Price .. $89.80 GLASS Regular Price $1.00, Removal Reg. $25.00. Sale Price . $17.80 Reg. $100.00. Sale Price .. , $70.50 : Sale Price Reg. $50.00. Sale Price .. $37.50 Reg. $125.00. Sale Price . . .$88.50 Green, Pink and Amber Glass finely cut Sher x Reg. $60.00. Sale Price $44.50 Reg. $150.00. Sale Price. $131,580 berts, Goblets and Tumblers, Reg. 78, 39¢ 49¢ All these diamnods are first water, fine white brilliant stones. Ring Removal Sale Price oii iiii1, settings are all hand wrought, beautifully made and engraved, and have Pink Water Sets $3 98 famous Orange Blossom Guarantee Speeial suring Lys . SILVERPLATE 0 Sngtish Indian Tree ner e S$ This famous pattern at Pie Plates, Pyrex lining, reg. $4.00 os $2.98 CLOCKS Moving Sale Price oom 94-plece tl Cath deal Gong Mantle Clocks, Regular Price $10.00 Removal $5 90 Gold and White, Regular Price $20.00 rea y BIO PRIOR avs inane tans sa sassadsasssassts rns nsrasny . 3 Piece Tea Set Sheffield Plate, Regular Price $15.00 $8 75 Removal Sale Price Chimie Clack, has tive gongs, chimes every quarter hour, The case in choles LAR 8 . Walnut, beautiful finish, Regular Price $50.00, Removal Sale Remaval Sale PES. coun rcmenrchipersivi ifsc : iets hewuiirer finish, Regu Jeiv ye. Seuom) se 529.50 bs e uce rices Mantel Qlocks, tine Walnut finish, Cathedral Gong, halt hour $9 90 Casseroll Pyrax lined Ivory handles. Made by Wm, A. Rogers ® stvike, Regular price R18,00, Removal Sale Price vivian . egular B80. R " 1 Sal Ja $5 90 i on ~ Plato Clooks, 8 day, Invge size, regular price §4,00, Removal Sale $2 49 1881. R Price $8.80. Remova 8 romana ' Many other sets in stack at attractive Coplands, Colport, Adams and Myottes, Just a Al RC ARRAS SR Ra . ; Prices small limited quantity se act at ence Many pretty patterns to choose from Special for Moving Day China Cups & Saucers 6 ior 6QC | Fine Belgium Glass, Reg. s3doz. Etched Tumblers 61:87¢ This Is Your Opportunity to Get Fine Merchandise at a Big Saving and Then Some | The Jeweller D. J. BROWN o0shawa

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