Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Aug 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SO IAL AND PERSONAL Mr, and Mrs, Howard Cranfield visited Trent Bridge, yesterday, Mr, Claude Percy, of Toronto, spent the week end in Oshawa with friends, LJ] L Ld Mr, Harold Wilson and Miss Helen McLean spent the weekend with relatives in Columbus, LJ . Mrs. Oub and Miss Lapp, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, C, Kay, Albert St, "ye Mr, Oscar Harris formerly of Publie Utility ofMce, has accepted A pesition In North Bay, - » ' J Mrs, A, Cox and daughter Flor. ence, Elgin Bt, left yesterday to spend two weeks' vacation at Col. borne, Ont, NM LJ M4 Mr, Don, Holden has returned to the city after spending two weeks at Lake Peninsular, Muskoka, Ld LJ L Mr, and Mrs, ¥, Branton and family, McGregor street, have re- turned after a week's camping trip on the shore of Little Lake, Mid- land, » LJ L Mr, and Mrs, M, Mcintyre Hood and family were in Beaverton on Sunday attending the annual dec- oration day service, » LJ . Messrs, Lawson Richards and Roy Perry, of Oshaws, have re- turned home after spending thelr vacation on Sturgeon Lake, » LJ LJ Mr, Frank Andison Fairbanks St, has returned home after spending two weeks vacation with relatives at Flesherton and Markdale, LJ * x Mr, and Mrs, Frank Weir and daughter Eleanor, of Agincourt, spent the week end with their son, Me H, J, Weir and Mrs, Weir, Alice t, » » LJ Messrs, Harold Rooney and Earl Clark, of Oshawa, left yesterday on a motor trip to Montreal and points East, \d * » Miss Jean McLean, of Detroit, has returned home after spending her holidays with her parents, Mr, 3 Mrs, W, D, McLean, Albert LJ LJ Ld Mr, E, J, Hutchinson, of Oshawa, has left to spend two weeks vaca- tion with relatives in Bloomfield, LJ ¥ Ld Mr, and Mrs, 8, Lowe, Yonge 8t., have returned home from » spending their vacation with friends in Lake. field and relatives in Port Hope, + . \4 Miss Blola Livingstone, R.N., of Collingwood, is visiting with her brother, Mr. J, C, Livingstone and Mrs. Livingstone, Simcoe Street North, L » Ld Mrs. C, Richards, Mrs, C, Me- Donald, and Misses. Isabel, Jean and Ruth McDonald, of Oshawa, have returned home after spending two weeks at Thurstonia Park, Lake Sturgeon, . . » Rev, E, Harston, pastor of Sim- coe Street United Chureh, is enjoy- ing his visit to the scenes of his boyhood in England. In a letter to a friend recently Rev, Harston . mentioned that he attended one of the great Australia-England cricket matches, CLAIMS MEN HAVE POOR SENSE OF COLOR Montreal, Aug, 15.~While most we- men have an inherent color taste, one out of every seven men are blind, de- clared Charles Conguergood, of To- ronto, speaking on "Color" before the advertising club of this city, He be- lieved, however, that in many cases a taste for color could be developed in much the same way as a taste for musie, Lew Fares TO TORONTO EXHIBITION Going Aug. 21 to Sept. 6 Return Limit Sept. 10 FROM Newcastle .............. 2.20 Oshawa .... «ieee 1.88 Whitby .. ......c.in 1,38 Similay Low Far Fares from Tickets on oy by al Station and Ticket Dies: CANADIAN PACIFIC LADY WILLINGDON ALTERS HER PLANS Word Received of Death of Her Excellency's Sister RE et Ottawa, Aug. 18,~~The death is announced from England of Muriel Countess de La Warr, daughter of the late Earl Brassey and sister of her Excellency the Viscountess Willingdon, Her Excellency has, in copsequence, cancelled her engage- ments in Toronto, She left on Sun- day night to join the Governor-Gen- eral at Lake Simcoe, accompanied by Capt, Blundell, ADC, . At Take Simcoe the Governor. General and Lady Willingdon are to be the guests of Mr, and Mrs, R, C. Kilgour, and on Tuesday the guests of R, 8, McLaughlin at Osh- awa, After spending Wednesday at Highland Inn, Algonquin Park, they will leave for Lake Timagami, where they will he the guests Thursday of Mr, and Mrs, Harry Gundy, They will visit the copper mines at Noranda on Friday, and proceed to Grandmere, Que, Batur- day, After attending the race meet at Blue Bonnets, Montreal, Monday, they will return to Ottawa that night, In Toronto yesterday Lady Will- ingdon was to have been A guest at Government House and to have visited Mrs, Dunlap's farm, BRIDGE BONDAGE IN AUSTRALIA Large Stores Teaching Wo- men How to Master The Game Sydney, Australia, Aug, 15.~While some citizens are worrying themsel- ves and others with talk of financial stringency, the races, the theatres, and all places of entertainment are large- ly attended, All the golf clubs are adding to their waiting lists and bridge bondage is noticeable through city and suburbs, Several of the large stores have bridge tuition as a special side line, Women who have heard from others that if they wish for so- cial success they "must learn bridge," and from their hushands that if they ask questions of innocence while fin gering their cards in doubt they will be socially excommunicated, are fe- verishly learning or partly learning just what to do in all circumstances, They are meeting at the stoies each day in their hundreds, meeting to learn, while in almost all the women's clubs and in scores of other places there are bridge parties every after: noon and evening, One great store has morning and afternoon sessions of bridge beginners at $1 a session, The charge covers morning or after: noon tea, There are in addition two afternoon practice sessions each week, with drilling in the intricacies and eti- uette of the game, at 50c a person, These likewise include tea, and being considered "good bargains" will he consistently rushed, Bridge is no longer a game in the city, With many it is an obsession BRIDGE LUNC HEON Hore is one of our favorite bridge menus and the recipes to accompany it: Stuffed egg salad, hot raspberry Bavarfpn cream, coffee, fudge. © Stuffed Eggs Saladi-Hard boll. ed eggs, cut in halves and remove yolks; fill the hollows with chop ped ham mixed with a hit of onion and mayonnaise to moisten, Befve on lettuce, Put yolks through a sieve and sprinkle all over the rolls, feed Two cups of brown sugar, 1 cup sour milk, % cup shortening, 1 O8E. 3 cups flour, 1 table spoon soda, pinch of salt, You may add any spice like; also ralsing and nuts, This ohke 1s a favorite at our house and will keep moist for some time, Thin Sickly Women Add flsaithy | Flesh you - out | "hide this Troston of of health SE One Thin Woman Gained 185 Pounds in 8 Weeks Accord. ing To Her ov Own Doctor Let the great Heshe adding, health. building and strengthening elements of McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab: lets get to work on the skinny, sick. ly bedy of yours!' In just a few weeks these delight- fully pleasant, sugar coated tablets start to add pounds of firm, attrac tive fistiiyout Il feel amazing ener: gy and vitality returning--=skin clears eyes sparkle with 'the glorious health which radiates your whole be- in $rom the livers of the humble Codfish comes this powerful flesh producing substance which doctors and great medigal authorities have for years prescribed for skinny, run. down folks, Feel years younger---regain superb health and if you don't gain at least § pounds in 30 days--your money re. turned without question! Sold by Jury & Lovell, 1 B. Mit. chell, Karn's Drug Store Te drug- gists everywhers, Mr, and Mrs. George Lee Entertain Victory L.O.B.A. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Lee, 280 Albert Bt, on Thurs- day evening, Aug. 14, when they entertained the members and friends of Vietory L.0.B,A, No, 688, at a Buchre of 8 tables, The prizes were won as follows; Ladies first, by Mrs, Johnson; Ladies' sec. ond, by Mrs, Thompson; consolp- tion by Hrs, Barrett, The gentle- | man's first by Mr, H, Poote, sec- ond by Mr, Smith, consolation by Mr, Clark, Refreshments were served by the Hostess, assisted by Mrs, Foote and Mrs, Belleck, The remainder of evening was spent in playing pepper and other games, PARHION TIVS That innumerable rings of real stones set In sterling and platinum Rttest to the present fad for finger adornment, while frequently the sterling mountings are enlargad and set with marcasite, What New York Is Wearing By An nehelle Wi Worthington Tustrated Dressmaking lesson Furnished with Every Pattern frock takes on The morning new smartness, It affects a capelel through epaulet shoulders oxtend into flaring sleeves, It nips its waistline with a wide helt that Is passed through a bound opening at the right side front, leaving the front free In9 panel efféct to give height to the figure The wrapped arrangement of the fronts that are reversible is decidedly slimming features, The pockelts gathered Into bands are decorative, The flaring skirt hem may be scalloped or straight as is preferred, This captivating mode! is layely for poroh' Wek' "made of orange linen with white collar, revers, pocket hahds and piping, Style No, 2617 'ean be had In sizes 16,18,20 years, 86, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust, Printed dimity, handkerchief lawn, cotton shantung, polka-dot. ted sheer muslin, striped cotton shirting and pique make up very smartly and the small cost is surs prising, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred), Re sure to fill in size of pattern, Address Pattern Department, The Summer Fashion Magazine contains most Interesting styles for adults for town or vacation wear, Also darl- ing styles for the kiddies, It is 156 cents a copy, -- collar that ERE EERE REN CE RE Name TARE Nee Street Address The photog shove shows countess Dunedi ed visitors who Viscount reproduced snd Vis n, two distinguish. are with the party of eminent linve come raph Association, , Iiritish to Toronto for the an. nunl meeting of the Canadian Bar ord, senior Lord of Appeal in the Or dinavy and Keeper of the (Gireat Neal of the Principality of Boots land, Juristy, who Dunedin, In 'WOMEN'S CORNER] PEED A tc hh HE FALL FASHIONS IN By Barbara B, Brooks [his Is the tun models appear | the dress shops or shorter; neck lines, even « sleey gular or irregular, some changes fr Previous SEASON, themselves keep the from earliest tin ing the bods actly the same n winter and sumn weight of materia But why not B change and thi Nature the hillside b colored flower shading the through the and the with an cye strips the trees bi with & mantle ol The sume basi food a» function of food bodv-=to keep it condition for gro and to furnish tl People could dra ing the amounts drate, fat, cessary for adequ on the foods whic and then keep or foods day alter mouth and year What is the n plan? # change of food reason that we vy new fabrics and gowns, for function which has ie that of protect fron herself reli lotting full « vivid hues of to cloth wth and development, vitatning, It is uninteresting roop | the fall foods, ¢ of year when fall n the window oul Skirts ar onger, es fuller or tighter uneven; hems, re There are always an the mode of the yet the clothes right on pertaorming heen theirs teresting textures, up very simply or terest, Fresh tomatoes long as mg or for salads fireatly sauces t heat or cold, lx wdel could he worn ier hy adapting 'the | to the temperature eeause women Crave | is perfectly natural the green of it with man delicate] hprin Summer fresh tomatoes Wish the ¢ from the top wer and butter pep) and | onion on e tints of lors Autumn until, trast ver tablespoon erate oven (350 them harp eon are and co ite salad oil (sliced) 4 cup | 2 onions | 2 green peg J ears corn 8 tamatoes salt Heat the nil principles apply 1 per Ing The primary ta nourish the Wikrm, in perfect ie glow of health w up a chart shows of protein, carhohy» and mmerals ne and corn and cool tomatoes til soft ate nutrition, decide h will furnish them | eating these same day, month alter alter year wtter with. such a We want styles tor the sani velcome original RB large Salt Pepper Bread crumb Butter Grated checae Peel tomatoe ulars, | Place alternate for new « cuts Dot each layer There is & wide range of choice in Fruits and vegetables are shown in beautiful eolors hey can he made which will furnish varicty should be they are mn market peel the and ell thoroughly to the flavor of many and casserole giving here some recipes fo Baked Tomatoes tomate of the tomatoes and top of each tomato, in a baking dish with tw of walter Fo) untit tender Tomato Goulash (shredded) (cut from (eut in eighths) Add amon and eon until a delicate brown five minutes and seasoning and cook un Scalloped Tomatoes fresh tommtor and cut Into slices, layers seasoning, and crumbs in & casserole with butter, with cheese and hake for 30 minutes in a moderate oven (375° 1.) MUCH BLEACHING Omee a fabric has been woven it is Fi ily subjected to one or an other treatment before it is ready for the market, If the bleaching of cottan or linen carried to an extreme, it may seri ously weaken the cloth, Sizing re fers to the treatment of eloth (gen erally cotton or sometimes a poor grade of linen) with a starch mix ture to give the fabric greater weight and body as well as a surface sheen a modest amount of sizing Is legit mate in man hut it is fre quently misused to cover up defi clencies or to give cotton the appear of linen In some cases, the siz ing is so overcome that it falls off when the cloth is rubbed briskly; in less extreme cases, a thorough wash ing will loosen the sizing and thu uncover the inferior fabric Weighting of silk 1s often misused to give the cloth a texture and body which the tho not the same rough tests of rubbing "nd vashing may he applied ta good ad vantage, Napping is a mechanical process of roughening the surface of yarns to produce a fuzzy texture It is often practiced on cotton blankets ton give them the semblance of wonl and it does increase their warmth This nap mats easily when the fabric is washed and in combinations | is and ine mn served as For sli tomatoes adds nips, We are cooked Lomato dishes Cases, ance es and remove a heore the centers season with lice Place 0 or three silt, Lay @ of dake ina mod falirie cob) Pepper ik Add peppers Add DRIED BEET AND CELERY Two cups diced celery, 1 cup water from celery, Y% pound dried heef, 1 cup milk, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 tablespoon hutter, Holl calery until tended, and save | cup of the water, simmer gently for 5 minutes and drain, Make white sauce of milk, flour and bnts ter and add to celery and heef Cook 10 minutes or more in double holler Herve with toast or with baked potatoes, rin flake crumbs ul tomatoes Cover Canadian Pacific Steamshipe Aid R-100 Or her historic voya the mighty aitiah h, diririnie wireless touch wi of Pacific trans-Atlantic Ty The rdly out above the ocean when ai cation with 8.8, real continual across the Atlantic to Mont. R- 100, was in the Canadian Bt alr liner was was in communi. "Montelare," then approaching the British Isles and some distance arther she overtook the Montealm, 8.8, "Empress of nee" was her next call as that ship was nearing Newfoundland, while down the St, Lawrence she spoke with the "Duchess is of York," the "Empress of Scotland" and the "Duchess of Bedford," Highteen other O.P.R, vessels were lying during her flight at British or Canadian ports, Thus the great Canadian transportation company was enabled to give a waiting world the latest lars of her flight, since all these vessels are in wireless communication with the shore and their messages were broadcast through the press and featured in all R-100 news items, | I'm ealoy although they he well Your schooled, Are not immune to being fooled, ld Mother Nature, Wabbit thinks his eyes ar Yew, sir, he thinks they wre pretty good, le knows they are not as good as the eyes of of the other ttle people of the Green Forest and the Green Meadows, hut he believes them good enough to hive faith in, He knows that the compare with the eyes of ple as Wedtail the Haw) members of the Hawk fam! when he sees u thing he | what he Bo it happened that Peter wis very much puzzled, He had heen the Old Orchard, and while he wa ting the old stone wall that Is on one edge of the Old Orchard he saw Striped Chipmunk whisking along the old wall as onl tripped Chip munk can, Peter and dripped Chip munk are old friend Striped Chip munk dide't stop tu speak Ie wis He disappeared between of the old wall Peter omewhere down under had a hole ham Eyes Veer prety good une Ha nut sich peor wid other Hut ure ol BGCH, er no Heat in a hurry the stones knew this neath dDrriped Chipmund in the ground and that hi there Peter had Chipmunk dreaming, glimpse of soni trom between the ste will and wlmost at ing agar, Peter's eye open, Yes, sir, they flew wide open He stared and stared and hoped that whoever had disappeared would re BPpEUr, Fhat wasn't Striped but it was a Chipmunk, Peter, "It must have heen munk, I just the shape of atriped Chipmunk, and it ran like Biriped Chipmunk, and it had a tail lke Striped Chipmund But, unless blind it hlach Of wldn't he, Chipmunks It must he that | wa I thought } was whall asleep and Wits ten ILng, caught Striped half just a popping out men of the wld ance disappesr flew wide almost forg wid wis when li une Chipmunk, declared a Chip Wis wil course th are not black more asleep than Perhaps | was dreamed it Just then Chatterer the Red Squir rel came whisking along the old stone wall At once he saw ePter, Peter sw him, Chatterer made a face at Peter and was going to run along when Peter a "Did you ever Black Chipmunk" demanded wee @ Peter Chatterer sald he, "1 never did ever did" "Walt a minute sald Peter, "Hoy one elie ever did Na! NO, tapped abruptly and no one els PW iit fo minute ld da you know no "Peter Rabbit hrs His Eyes By Thornton W. Burgess Secanuse Chipmunks are not black," da Chatterer in his most deeids ed way, "Why # Black Chipmunk as white Red Bawrvelt" demanded Peter ( Ardy i know just what te say, You see, he had once had a son who wore an all-white coat, It had happened only once, hut that ence did prove that a Red Squirrel could he white, "That's different," sald Chatterer, lamely, "White coats do happen once in a while" 0 do Lluck coats happen once in + while," retorted Peter, who just then happened tg remember that Reddy Fox had once had a son with a black coat Chatterer remembered at the same minute, and so he couldn't say a word of denial Bull, he wasn't ready to believe that Peter had seen # black Chipmunk, "Peter, said he, "you were dreaming, There may have heen a black Vox, for I remember now that Reddy Fox did have # Wlack-coated son, And, now 1 think of it, 1 believe that I've heard that in some places there are black mem hers of my cousin's family, Happy Jack and Gray Baquirrel, But 1 have never known of a black Chipmunk and 1 don't helieve you've seen one "Neither do 1," said Peter, "I must have heen mistaken," (copyright, 1930, hy T, shouldn't there he well as W. Burgess) The next story: The Old Orchard Is Quite Upset," HAM BLICE WITH ORANGE One pound slice of ham, 1 pint milk, two oranges, 4 cup brown sugar, # or § cloves, Place ham in baking dish, Cover with thin slices of ovange, each stuck with a clove, (ver with brown suger, 'our milk over all and bake in a moderate oven (850 degree) for ane hour, Haste often, Rerves four Raspberry Bavarian Cream-= Prepare raspherry gelatin as ususl, when it slarts to congesl, beat in VW cup of powdered sugar and 1% aups of canned raspberries, Then fold In 1% cups whipped cream, SR PEERLESS BUSINESS COLLEGE FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. ? Office Hours: 10:14; 2:44.30 PHONE 316 Rep R Rose Tea ood, Ta" io8 Two QUALITIES = = TED TABEL % Onno Taxon TILLIE THE TOILER--Mac Is A Soloist Sal an Le CSRTAINY | fifi ™\ Ls TT oh bpm a ERSTE ARBLY THAT OTHER GUY t § N\CE ORCHERTR SUPPOS Youl MEAN THAT By Ruse Wastoves - / SEND \D

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