Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Aug 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Interesting Pen Impres- sions of the Coming Attractions on ... Spanish Atmosphere in New Ramon Novarro Film Ramon Novarro will make his sec ond all-talking and singing screen Appearance Today at the Regent Theatre in "In Gay Madrid) # ro- mance based on the Spanish classic "La Casa de la 'Lroya," written by Alejandro Perez Lugin, The work was adapted for the sereen by Bess Meredyth, Salisbury Vield and Ed. win Tustus Mayer, who also were re- sponsible for dialogue wand contin: uity,, Robert Z, Leonard directed, Borothy Jordan, first seen with Novarro in "Devil May Care," will again play opposite the star and the supporting cast includes Lofiee Howell, Beryl Mercer, Claude King, Fugeniy Besserer, William V, Mong, David Scotty Merbert Clark, Nanel Price, George Chandler, Bruce Coles man and Nicholas Caruso. Six Songs Featured Information is that Nevarro have ing overwhelmingly proved himselt a drawing-card as a singer of the intimate type, in hath "The Pagin" and "Devil May Care" Metrn-Gol- dwyn-Mayer made much of the musical possibilities of his latest vehicle, engaging no less than five composers and lyricists to write the musical numbers and including as a feature of the picture a male chorus of Rfty trained voices, The songs n+ clude "Santiago," "Let Me Give You Love" and "Dark Night" written by Xavier Cugat, Spanish musician and orchestra leader in collaboration with Herbert Stethart and Clifford Grey, and "Smile Comrades!" "Into My Freart" and "Wine, Woman and Song" by Roy Turk and Fred FE, Ahlert ALLOW CHICAGO TO TAKE MORE WATER Temporary Larger Diversion Permitted During Severe Drought Washington. Aug, 16. ~With the approval of President Hoover, fee yetary Hurley has solved the drought problem, which has heen most important to the City of Chi ago, ' Acting upen an appeal hy overs nor Emmerson of Illinois, the Sec. retary has permitted an increase in tha flow of water from Lake Miahis gan through the Chicago River, which has reached a lower level, it in claimed, than is essential to dis pose of the sewage of the oity, Under the Secretary's ruling the fnorease above the 6,800 cuble feet per second, established us a maxi: pum hy a Supreme Court deuree, may be lad by degreasing propor. Honately after the drought the smount of flow from the lake, RETALIATION ON BORDER OF MAINE Enforcement of Immigration Laws Starts Merry War violated have forth around this vieinity lately with the result that the workers who have been crossing the line for their em ployment do not know just where they stand or when another exchange of wltimatums may. force them to seek new employment The trouble started over road con struction In New Brunswick, the gra vel for which has been hauled from here, Several Canadians were work: ing on this side of the line in the pits until complaints were made to the Immigration autherities, who had ne alternative except to send the Cana dians back : Complaints were then made In Canada that Americans were working in the woods there, peeling pulp-wooed, guiding and hee pulp-woed on the trestle of the Eastern Pulp Weed Company, The Canadian immigration officers retalinted and chased the Americans back to their own yard» The next move was in form of a word to the Canadian Customs that trucks working on the construction Joh were buying gasolene in the Unit ed States, That brought about the desired result and now all gas hought in this country must pay a duty of one cent per imperial gallon As several Canadian trucks are run ning on this side of the border with out the proper Maine registration plates, it is understood that the next move Is to have these drivers arrest ed for improper registration of their vehicles What form the Canadian reprisal is to take is vet to he ascertained br Rum Runnere Throw Policeman Into Sea, Tied Helplessly Portland, Me, Aug 16.-=His hands tied behind his hack with his own handeuffs, Michael T, Con nelly, veteran Pertiand policersan was tossed from a elif inte the sea while on duty yesterday, Hig hody was washed up on the edge of ort Ethan, Allen Park, where he wan found by u driftwood collector, Authorities helleve rum-runners were the slayers, Connolly was but recently transferred to tha water: front beat, and it was believed he might have heen slain for annoys ing smugglers too much, NOW oy A Boy and Girl in Love Twinkling mandoling == dark eyed aenoritas == , Dashing ro- mance = flery passions the gay abandon of #tydent life in San: tiago! - RAMON NOVARRO on MADRID IT'S MUSICAL! \ EE -------- ---- S---------------------- / moonlight serenades == rome live a night of ro- mance in old Spain with IN GAY With Dorothy Jordan Ades VAUREL-HARDY ™ Ta "Hog Wila" Graham MeNamee ter of fact NEXT TUESDAY ==--=1o take you fo Morocco, where life ia a matter of witsg--love a matter of fate and women a mal: "Women Everywhere" A Thrilling Romance of the Foreign Legion with J. HAROLD MURRAY==FIFI D'ORSAY Nowseasting THE LOCAL SCREEN A ---------- J ONG SHOTS AND CLOSE UPS FLICKERS PROM VILMDOM AND GOSSIP OF THE SCREEN A GENERAL REVIEW OF SCAREN ACTIVITIRG late unpleasantness," will go back Beaumont, Reginald Denny, Vifi Arthur Freed and Richard Shayer, Bylvin Thatberg and Prank Butler house ' Bessie Love will be the girl in 1 ham James Craft, that of Harry Langdon and Shim ready underway before Miss Love's could be fitted Inte Universal plan * Ll "Lave In the Rough is now un pleture formerly called "Like Dorothy Jordan, Benny Rubin, J others in the cust » » process of editing, shall Neilan claims as his discover many recent feature productions, is Ross direeted LJ tures of & red headed movie sitar song writer whose numerous lady heen signed as' Clara Bow's leading Others in the cast will he Charlie » NM "I'he Princess and the pear as & romantic team, will soo MaceFadden directing Bert Row for the supporting cast. Howard associate producer, Clift Edwards and Edward Brop doughboys In Buster Keaton's "I'he us buddies in "Those Three Vrench Girls," under the direction of Harry Ravel, are ulso members of the cast, The spory is by Dale Van livery, comedy which Universal has in production under the direction of Wil Bessic Love returns to comedy to splendid company, Kelly Can," which Charles Wiesner re cently directed for Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Shotting on "The Freshman's (i ies of Edueational's Vanity Comedies This comedy features Marian Shockley, whom Mar Iris Adrian, Churchill Ross and Vddy Barry in the supporting cast "Her Wedding Night," revealing the amusing and romantic adven who tries to escape friendd make life has been selected as Clara Bow's next screen vehicle popular leading men of the legitimme theatre, in & Paramount picture was in "Beau Geste" several yours ngo, has Plumber," first picture in which Charles Farrell and Maureen © seen Is putting the to the screen play and dialog and Al Rockett ha y vho were teamed as comedy Jongh Boys," un comedy ol "the to Vranes together wlter the wai Dorey, Yolu Davril and Sandra The adaption snd continuity Is by and the diplogue by 1", LG, Wad Ld * Ld "Sea America Thirst," the newest Summerville, The pleture was ul engagements ul the MGM studio 1) nnoineed as the final title for the with Robert Montgomery , Nugent, Catherine Moylan and Ld : mt," which introduces the new sey has heen completed and is now in Ray Cooke, popular Juvenile of also featured with Ronny Rondel, A nat + ' the men, and w miserable for him, Ralph Yorbes, whose last appearance man In the Avery Hopwood farce Ruggles and Skeets Gallagher . ) heralded as the wlivan will ay 1 go inte production with Hamilton and Luclen Prival have signed § touches for some time heen finish heen assigned ns FISHERMEN JOIN MARCH 0' PROGRESS rm------ Many New Wrinkles Added To Lobstermen's Bag of Tricks re r------ Boston ~The days when a labster fisherman could he identified hy his habit of standing in his dory and pushing on the oars, progressing along the sea something lke an Inchworm are gone forever, Lobster fishing, like other industries, has felt the pressure of modernism and the putt-putt of the power boat is only one item in the ad vance The modern lobaterman is likely 16 have a 28 foot power hoat, with a specially rigged clutch on the engine that can be thrown out leaving. the motor running and the propellor idl ing, In a boat like this, there is a davit set on the starboard rail.with a snateh block on I) This is luxury, for, by its aid the lebsterman picks up his huey, passes the slack of the line over the snatch bloek and leads it 10 a drum on the engine, All he hay to do then is to take a turn an the drum, tighten it, and the engine will fetch his gear to the surface=if the gear holds, Practically all the lobstermen today have power, but the majority faver the small dery with engine astern, a working compartment next and a bait pen next forward to this, They need to he weatherly hoats and they are Tt has to he a pretty rough day when a lohsterman refuses to pull his traps In the opinion of many, the cost of these hoats and the cost of upkeep is a good explanation of the present loh ster prices, Traps, ton, have heen modernized The old semi-cylindrical trap ne long ¢r in the fisherman's principal reliance If one were to look at the traps piled about an old lohsterman's door, he would find they were mostly of the rectangular type and, ax a general rule, factory built, That is, the equip ment is constructed piecemeal and cay be purchased in bundles ready to as semble, There are also three "ends" nowadays Instead of the old time two to attract the crustaceans to the more or less delicious hait The bait is now strung on a shert plece of cod:line, and the end passed out hetween the slats and made fast on a cleat outside, thus insuring Against a Jretuature opening of the trap and eliminating the hook whieh invariably stuck the lahsterman as he reached in, Ends and lines are now treated with an antisfouling com Found, which gives them a nice green n The lobster in itself is known us one of the most ill-tempered brutes in the sea, never licked and ever ready for u scrap even when resting on a cake of ige in a store window. This propensity led to the pegiing of claws, ay restaurant owners who wished them for broilers would not accept specimens which had came off second heat in some encounter minus a claw or some other vital part, -Resorted ty at first as merely a method of savin profits, pegging is now a standard manoeuvre with the lebstermen, To day ene buys the pegs just as any other gear, With all this talk of modern im provements it might appear that the present day lobsterman fends a life of comparative ease, A trip to sea with one of them would scon dispel this netion, a ---------- GRAIN EXPORTS REPORT ASSERTS Robert Armstrong | ARE GRATIFYING, | Carryover Is Actually Less | Than in Previous Year, | Statistician Says - | Fort William Aug, 16. ==Cratls| fying grain exports from Canadn | ara noted during the 1020 | yenr Just hrought to a clogs In the | Tuly report of K, A. Urasll, statis: tiolan to the Hoard of Grain Com | missioners released vestorday, "The | 1080 erop year will be remembered | as one In whieh mora diMoulties were encountered in the marketing bE the exportable surpluses of grain than in any previojs year in the re collection of the! Canadian grain trade," says the report Mr, Uvkell's figures on the total carry-over of wheat Included the wheat In transit in the United ates points, placing the carry over for 1000 as aotunlly less than that of a year ago, During the cvop year, the report noaints out, Kurapean aouniries reaped exceptionally good erops of wheat and coarse grain, In addi tion to thelr native supplies, Ay pentink' had shipped - very largo quantities of unsold wheat al though all storage spaces at the var lous ports were fully ocoupled und arop the vessels in whieh it was arriving wma ne le Re LLU. --- And James Gleason Paired in "Oh Yeah!" Two Famous Comedians Whe Won Distinction on Stake, in Pathe Talkie ---- Bringing together once more this thine on the spoken screen, the celes brated team of comedians who made millions laugh in the' stage produce "Is Zur Bo!" Pathe's. all-dia loge production, "Oh, Yeah!" opens wt the Martin Theatre Saturday for mo Awoediny run. Fhe wetors in guess tion wre Wobert Armstrong and Jumes Cilouson, past masters of the art of slang, who have done more thon any other two men to make the world for Ens i speech ton, Eile AME "Oh, Yeah! in fast moving edy dreamin with uw railroad ground directed by 'I'ay who, In the last year, his made notubl Creen entertainments as "Celebrity, "The Spieler" ahd "I'he Flying Fool" 1t is paeked with com edy, pathos, und thrills und, accord Ing to advance reports, the charace ters, nee portrayed by a cast of out standing excellence com buch Crarnett stich Armstrong © and Gleason play a couple of roustabout rallronders who pride themselves upon thelr inimun iy to the wiles of women, Then a couple of skirts step into their lives and the fun hegins Pathos and theills added to the story when the buddies, falsely, of robbery, are forced to get out of camp, and leave two perfect) good gals fiat They take un rattler and the TAFE On A TUHNHWRY jaunt down a mountainside, ending Crash nguinst a stone them physics! pre neeused Clr up in a terifle fia i hit ptehes up their love affair Patriel wn brunette heauty leatted from the stage, supplies the chief lave interest with Zasu Pitts heing the party ol the second part in a more humorous romance, Others in tie cast are Paul Hurst, Fran! Hagney und Bud Vine Wreck a Caron hind to be charted an storage necoms modation until they could he un londed To ndd to this, several lurppenn countries, partly owing Anancinl stringency and partly ANCONrAgEs tha use of home crops A gromter extent In In Krown tn ------------ a ow EH ge o \ / LL wv tlantic City is always 'Yin scason" There's never a dull moment at Atlantis City. all penrround Ia vacation timsl Bracing nir=ap vifead= ! One oko lines! Hotels In Atlantic City Fora weak ova weekend enter the lunury of the Anest appointments without exarbliant price, Basket, Write ar wire (or reservations, 200 ROOMS OVERLOOKING THE QURAN EA WATER BATHE CV. MEEKS, My A CU ANDREWS, vee SE ay AL "dh 4 court Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse ment World -- S------ Man Aided Police, - Is Not Forgotten Hamilton, Aug. 16.~=In police terday, Gus Dolan admit ted of Attempting Lo steal an autos mobile, { "Phils In the man who struck the bandit. Keg. Johnson on the head |' during the #anford Avenue hank |, robbery several years ngo and we-| | eurged hin arrest' the court clerk | | explained, The magistrate suxpend-|, od sentence . ' EE ------------ One Dies, Two Hurt ; as Car Leaps Bridge |' - } Cobalt Aug, 16,=Cyrl) Harrison || whose homa in Halleybury was kill od instantly und Pay) Caya of Ville Marie was so seriously Injured that |, grave fears are entertained for Jie recovery when the nutomehil nl! which they with two other men ware riding plunged over a hridgs p al Ville Marie yesterday A third oeeipant of the car named Valli guetta of Fabre also is seriously hurt und only tha driver of tho ma« chine escaped Injurs 1 hor introduced a system of heavy Im port. duties Thess conditions placed produc ars of the exportable surpluses, usunlly so necessary to Luropean importers, In nu dificult position as import requirements wers unusually small, In addition, although there was A Kroat scarcity of wheat and food In a large aren of Northern China the decline in the values of silver affectually prevented the sale of a larger portion of Lhe surplus in the Orient market than was ac tually taken | TIME TABLE | Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINES WEEK DAY SCHEDULE a on and after April ", (Daylight Saying Time) Boing West Arrive Whithy 75 an (EM ect 19%.) Laave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Hospital 10 am 10.50 a.m LAD pom 10,08 wm 12% jun 24 pm 340 pm Ah pm opm 6.4 pon OO pom 9% pm 10.30 am PRUETT 400 pow 300 yn $10 p.m 15 pn 618 pm 7.40 pm 01% pom M20 pm, 1040 pm HA pm. 1) mm doing East Loave rive Whithy Oshawa n¥ am pam Yam 75am EY an E30 am 000 am, 100 am 18 am, 1000 pom CLE pm 10 pm 4.30 pm 148 pom 148 pm AM pom 0 pom 9.00 pon Arrive Bowmanville 7.0 am 30 am 3 am 10.08 am 1240 pm L000 pm 0pm 4.40 pom, $40 pom AAO pm LOO pom, 9.40 pom, 0.40 pm, 10,40 pm, 104% pm, HOO pm, 10 pom, 1130 pom, 12.00 pom Time marked * are through busses 10 Whithy Hespital Hospital Iam LOO pom 15 poi aio pm HOLIDAY SCHEDWY © doing West Arrive + Whithy HAS am 10 pm 0 pm, 159 pm 0.40 pom SUNDAY AND Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa N00 am ON am LM am 1A pm LAY pon, 0 pom AAS pom, AIA pm Hpm 1 pm yas d m Mi ' mm, E30 pm 10,30 pom, 10.45 pom, ing East PH Arrive Whithy Oshawa 10.08 aah, 10,0 am 1A pm LD pom 245 pm 10h pm LAN A SO pom AAS pom mpm AAS pm, 900 pm nmpm HH pw HL pw Pima marked * are though Whithy Hospi! ' Al Oasnltn Special mee For hs lons sonah] Rates and Careful Drivers Arrive Hospital 10.00 a.m 12.38 pn 10.00 pom HO pm Arrive Bowmanville H,00 am 13 pm 1.90 pm LX pon pm 9.30 pom 12.00 pm busses Leave Hospital 1.00 am Wao pm NEW MARTIN 2 DAYS--SATURDAY AND MONDAY The Great Rail Companion to 1S ZA oh, Y ' JAMES GLEASON -- AND ALL STAR CAST wo WITH road Comedy !? I' 80? eal' «This In an entirely new syle of ploture dealing with the knights of the road, ROBERT ARMSTRONG UMPING ACKS UBILEE LEVER ARTOON OMEDY 'Down by the Gas Works' VAUDEVILLE SKIT 3 -- WRAYS -- 3 "ELIZA COMES TO STAY" - Pantomimic Diversion--Singing and Dancing T. A, GARTON, P \ Howmanville Phone AY ar M6 Oshawa's Waiting Roem, 10 Prints 8, Phone 120 C, PR, TIME TABLE Effective April 1, 1030 (Standard Time) Going West Daily Daily Daily (Exoapt Sunday), Daily Daily ih oR Ay } RAILWAYS uly 11th .. Gelng East Daily Daly Daily (Escept Sunday) Daily » Daily -------- CANADIAN NATIONAL Change " Time of hve 5 Q FES Leave Oshawa S20 am Daily, Except Sunday 058 a i» ly 12.80 poll Dally, Except Sunday 188 pom Dally 448 pom Daily ' fll pow, faly, Vacept Sunday 0.8 pom, Dally H00 pong Daily, Bacept Saturday 12,00 am: Daily WESTROUND Arrive Oshawa daily dally, Except Sunday Daily, Exeopt Runday pons Dally, Except Sunday 0 pom, Daly A pan, Daily S53 pom Daily, Except Sunday LIE pon, Daily GRAY COACH, LINES (Mandard Time) Effective April 20th, 180, ahawa save Torente "hn (8. AN 90 nw "na 10:0 wSundays only, Bungay, Motidays only, SeDaily axeopt Bhndsy ad P=3aturday, Fm runiing BONES tre fron edy I, Harold cading role ol Charlie Yankees who la Jackson, Kipper 1 "Wamen, Vverywhere, the omance of Morogeo und thi Aaghon, which starts Tuesday Legent Theatre, begun his 6 er ns wu singer othe i colored lantern wlides , A New Vnglander bh ravelled that part hie inging in ull the und tows i worthwhile 4 ural talent for musi woud head for busines Vn own music publishing N06 AM Mistray, ge Cu births, | 0] connty cities Having pr he of bustin fied elf ol them first Ul he push wiote hin ie published unl und cabimret His first worthewl willy came fn 1921, viulidey Ie role Hom ard 1921" Hiv stage + "Ihe Voges Jink he worl plugyerd REIS, with in lew Whelud Whirl of A "Chine Re "and "Rio Rita" in / | frie titisical ore ACCOMPAnIment / { well us i J. Harold Murray's Life One of W ords a L J ---- While plavi in the ed | ned to the officials of Vox Vilm Courpe a feat farried in for the character Mo { iY oh the i nd Music Just mention i contract Ir ution Holly» wereen role ietone vo Insipp red in i wood," bis fist worl He 1a (hye { nie Kirh the tance of life fer erueter "Wonien of bie duetio 1] ind Ralp du Dione | |i directed bh Korda of Mare Fiten | Zoli [if American | palace of king photo thie ALL-CANADA + YEAR FRIDAY, AUG. 22nd fo SATURDAY, SEPT. 6th Brilliant Setting of World Attractions and Exhibits to mark "" All-Canada Year" ALLCANADA PERMANENT FORCE BAND A history-making musical organization. of Canadians recruited from Canada's permanent military units to feature the band programmes of "All-Canada Year" (by permission Dept. of Miliua and "LES VOYAGEURS" sfense), Romantic spectacle especially attuned to the theme "All. Canada Year,* eclipsing in magnitude and interest all past grandstand pageants. General admission 23¢, Reserved Seats $1,00, Box Seats $1,350, 2000:VOICE EXHIBITION CHORUS Internationally famous choral organisation of 2000 glorious voices trained Ar Tare A ? ur, 3 Adhission 25¢, Ciouny fl Dr HA Fricker, MA, 28, Tues. Sept, 2 and Sat, Sept, 6, General oor 73¢, Boxes $1,00, FIFTH MARATHON SWIM for world championship, Friday Aug, 22n¢ FRCO. Four concerts Sat women), Wed, Aug, 27 ). R ed al clo. Tens i L BANS CAINS Bott Annu Alen meet, |r UAE spores ART, AGRICULTURE, MUSIC, INDUSTRY, SCIENCE ~ A COLOSSAL INTERPRETATION OF WORLD PROGRESS Ruservaiions wow bein concerts and Grand hogar or money orden, SAM HARRIS, Prusident in for Buhibivion Chorns Re Patrant performances, Mai! H.W, WATERS, Genova! Manage THIN SRR a Si

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