Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Aug 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1930 PAGE THREE To Hold Meeting Tuesday Night to Discuss Bylaw Proposals Chamber of Commerce Backs New Administration Building And Police Station Bylaws Mayor T, B. Mitchell Outlin- ed Proposals to Meeting of Chamber Directors Yes: terday ENDORSE PROJECT IN RESOLUTION Will Give Unqualified Sup- port to Measures = Work Regarded as Necessary and as Means of Provid- ing Relief for Unemployed I'he Oshawa Chamber of Com merge, through Its board of dire tors, has decided to give its unguali fied suppirt to the two bylaws call ing for the expenditure of §153,000 ma new muniiepal affice hullding and a polige building, which will he presented to the ratepayers of this city on August 28th, Appearing before the meeting of the diregtors ¢ Chamber, held In the offices Chamber last night Mayor I Mitchell presented a resume of (he the purport of the twa bylaws, and explained them earefully to the dl rectorate After due twa hylaws, the Chamber decided mation of Alex Storie and | | Johnston, to throw their weight to wards the passing of the bylaws, fed! ing that the work Is necessary, hoth fram the standpoint of providing em ployment during the fall and winter and from that of replacing the pre sent entirely Inadequate a tian The FERRE i] the af tn 0 consideration of th ACCA mation was whrded as fol lows: "That the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Ap prove of these two bylaws, and re commend that the Ratepavers of th City of Oshawa give thelr ment thereto Cammerce endorse At a veeent duel en th f eoast of France both combatants hi ed inte the sea, | lot fa their marksmanship that her of them missed =The Pas hau 8 i nen ing Some dav a manufacturer Wirt will spend 5 cents apiece putting reg ular eallar buttons in the neekehand of same, and sell 2000000 the first year ==Detralt News I ms eS iL) | Local Legion Branch | Learns of Details for Warriors' Day Parade i Details were received from | hoadguarters this morning hy los Lenl oNleers of the Canadian Lee glon regarding the arrangements for the Warriors' Day parade Af the Canadian National Exhibition next week when the Oshawa Branch will he represented by a large contingent of veterans, The Arrangements are that the parade will fall In at 1.46 pm, on Old Old Trinity College grounds, the sine places as asl year, ang will march off for the exhibition grounds al 2.80 pm The Oshe awa contingent, however, will levee OQdhawin by bus at elght a.m, HO a8 to KIve the velorans the ope portunity of spending the fore noon in the exhibition grounds he fora going to the parade Ho fay as the exhibition 1s con verned, velerans will bs admitted free hut 10 18 hoped that those who can, will marvel with the parade Wives and ehildren of vederans Can obtain tickets at the Dufferin nnd Princes' gates on thelr pro ducing slither medals or discharge papers of relatives who served OVBTABAN HARBOUR FILMS TODAY Many 0 haw people will have an (| of pleture lms depleting of 'Oshawa's io Thursday Regent theatre Voronte train, thewiselves on the when aps apart mation Hh ning sereen today, at the harbour a ie shown at Lhe filins were today, arriving und are helng HERON periemange SEEN 0S new week the rushed trom on Hoon howing at ihe Manager Leon Osier has arranged 19 hold them over two extra days, the list n of showing being Fhursday next wee Born Al Lhe Fhurada My, and ines Nora Oshawa Hos Alig 8 Mrs, Harold Anderson (10a) LOWERY pital 1040 nn in ', Linwery A HON IF IT'S DIET ve eaten heel all m imi as strong That's funny eaten fish all nostroke 1ife an ox |" sald he replied she, "I've He and 1 can't swim ded now REGIMENTAL BAND HEARD IN FINE CONCERT AT PARK Audience Is Most Apprecl ative--Oboe Solo Played One of the Anest concerts of the season was presented by the Band of the Ontario Regiment at Alex andra Park last night hefors # large and appreciative audience Weather conditions wera ideal and the various selections playsd hy the band wera much enjoyed, Ihe audience Indleating Ita satisfaction by hearty Applause, A ferture of the evening was tha ohoa mole In an Oriental Gayden", which was presented hy Banduma Hamn, a former member of (he famdus Huntsville Band, Bands man Hamn Is certainly a master of this diMeult instrument which when well played is one of the hest fo) wolo work he popular wally selection "Bpring Time the Rockies' was given hy hand In the Tike while after the second verse the whale hand joined In Last night's program lows The Maple Rogey, Alford; hemian irl, Nalfe Oriental Phanteay In & Chinese Temple (arden, Ketelhey; Walle, Bohra La Olas (Over the Waves), Tosas; Dasoriptive, The Hunting Heeanen, Bucclosst; Intermesso, Vorgel Me Not, Maebeth; Popular numbers (axylophone snln, Nteln song, play ad hy Bdms MoCrossing (h) Walls dpving time in the Noekles; (oe) Ohoe solo, Inn a Oriental Garden) played hy Bdms Hamn; Patrol, Blun Jackets, Rimmer] Helaction, Poet and Peasant, Nuppe; March, Wiars and Stripes, Rous; Alr, Auld Lang Myne, Siatter Regimental Mareh, John Peel find Mave Kink in an fol mareh, Col The Ho Leal overture, Arena Contract At Kapuskasing Goes to W. J. Trick Co. W. I Trick Co, Limited has beep awarded the contract for the con struction of a large arena hulld ing at Kapuskasing In Northern On tarin, 'The design will ba somew hit similar 10 the Oshawa Avena, hal somewhat smaller In seating capac ity, the cost running around #60 000, The building is being erect ad hy the large papery company al Kapuskasing operated hy tha fprues Falls Power and Paper Oo, PUBLIC MEETING A Public Meeting will be held in Memorial Par For the purpose of discussing the two Money By-laws which the Ratepayers of Oshawa will be asked to vote on, August 18th, 1930. onday, Aug. 1 at 8.00 p.m. Members of the City Council and prominent citizens will be there to speak on the By-laws. The Oshawa Citizens' Band will also be there to render music before and after the speeches, : 'All property owners are asked to be on hand Monday eve ning at Memorial Park at 8 p.m,, to hear these two import: ant matters discussed. ie ------------ | the chorus haing sung hy Rergean! | the | | derv, Ration Old Boats in Whitby Harbor Cause Objection Wii, f A its oh w, 4 7 1 vind 55H Brn a CITIZENS WANT TO KNOW WHY BCOWR AND FREIGHTER LEV 4 TO wot The photograph ABOVE shows two scows and freighter which have heen left in Whithy harbor, appars Chamber » of Co ---. vine ht race trom l'on onte, with the tinish hoe at the Osh wwii harbour, 1s seen in the of the Chamber of Commerce vite the Royal Canadian Yacht Club of Toronto to sail a FAC from Toronto to this If the winning hort will be vessel of hisrhour carly day when Oshawn wis call foe_the carried the frelght of thi Prospect of a deeininn no in CIHININN iy weeepted, the the first sailing see (0 enter Oshawa the nineteenth and the of the twentieth century, i reRilar port of Hers Mvitation is wh shee whieh hone continent LY thio inland water part of the New Capitol Theatre Opened At Port Hope Last Night in Presence of a Large Crowd . 1] The Port hentra was of night when from the Part Hope, Aug Hope new Capitol dimly opened ast Mayor Fred Nosevear ninge of the strueture told a orowded: house that the new Para mount Theatre was one of the An ent mtraetures and most up-to-datn sound and talking pletiure theatres in the Daminton of Canada In troducing Mr Harry Nedewiok, Kantorn Division manager pf the Famous Mayers, Canadian Corp oration, Mayor Nosevear, express od the gratefulness of the eltigens of Port. Hope for the eansidaration of tha Company placing 1a stamp of approval on the town of Part Mapa for tha expenditures of the large amount of money reguly ed for the erection of such a mod ern theatre : Mr, Nedgwick, on hehalf of this tampany, thanked the audience for the hanrty racoption and brief ly axplained the policy of the thea tre andl paid a high tribute tn the excellent qualities of Mp J), WN RATPAYERN TO MERT With the ahjeet of discussing the bylaws for the hullding of a elvie administration hullding and new polies station a special meeting of the North Rast Ward Hatepayers Aupoclation han heen ealled for the evening of Wednesday, August, 20 The meeting will ba held In Mary fireet Behool at eight a'elock, and, according to the president, NK, © Carnell, the hylaws will he dis oussed ohiefly in thelr relation to taxation and unemployment, All ratepayers of the North Kast Ward mmerce | nites | Royal Canadian Yacht Club To Stage Race to Harbour | are urged to attend thin meeting a FHS ently to vot and which are the sub. Jeet of indignant eomment part of the citizens npn of the Lown, I'he ta the invitation Is being forwarded ROY the of the following resolution, pased wt today, & results a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Chamber last night Resolved 1 that the Oshawa Cham her of Commerce Issue a formal in vitution to the officerd and sallors ol the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, to will mw oerulsing race from Toronto to Oshiuwn, and to be our guests while here and that the Chamber of Com offer a sultuhle cup Ie to the first ROY hoat 1n the harbour mere ns wird enter Wmurt, rosident manager, whom he anid wan largely responsible In hringing tha new Capitol Theatre tn Port Hope Mr, Amari was Riven a great ovation when he appeared op the plage and cheer after cheer gros ed him ax he tried to axprass his thanks to those who had assisted him from the Aral days of prepara Hon and eonstruction Ma men tinned the names of several olf! gens who he sald wera As much responsible ap anyone alsa In giv ing te Part Hope the new thealrs The opening performances Was n fonture pleture known as ""Quesn High with outstanding sereen characters, Ntanley Emith, Ginger Rogers, Charlie uggles and many other prominent sereen favourites Ihe talking pletures proved (oa ha ckeaptionally clear and account ivs of the theatre were found to ha axoallent Without a doubt Part Hope has ane of the most beaut] ful theatres In Canada TORONTO GIRL HURT Lindsay, Aug, 14 Miss Beulah Reynolds of Toronto, sustained eutw on the neck and faces one of them requiriing 20 stitches to olons when the ear driven by William Young, Toronto, In which she was riding with two other yaung peoples from Toronto left the swamp road and eranhed (nto & tree on the road In King's Hattlement near the farm of B. M, Thompaon on tha 14th coneession af Nrook township, The Young woman was attended hy Dr; RManchard of Cannington and In now vesting comfortably, though weak from lows of blood, EE a ---- Stock Market Prices Market Rummary by Canadian Press Toronto and New York Meck Quotations Supplied Biggar and Omwiord, Prise ing eked Toronto Stock Exchange pm 10% Ab 1T\W i" it » 3 20% INN 10% 2 11 1 1 High in ay 1™W (ER's LAH in 0 At 20% 184 1% Mook Low Br, Am, O11 Rranilian Canners 2nd Qookshutt 1, Qity Dalry Gypaum Hi. Walkers Ford Int, Nickel Int, Petrol'm Imperial Oi Mass, Harris MeQ, Front, Page Heraey Standard Mining Exchange pm, 200 80 W LEA) 210 CRT) HN Low 200 AD a0 ARO 200 285 LL] High 200 an LTR ARO a1 21 i flock Ajax Amulet Blg Missouri Hollinger Falconbridge Home O11 Howey Gold TH LLL) nee Tan 32 2100 ALL) 208K 2084 Hudson Bay Lake Rhore Noranda rw------ -- ---- 140 140 LEL LR] 1 10 Sud, RNasin 140 Teck Wumghes LR] Wright Hare, 17% New York Exchange 1940 LAR 00 MY 0N Mu 130 ANN 207 ny [IL 1 Am, Oan, 198 Am, B Pow, QRH Am, Tel: Tel, 200 Am, Interi'l AR Anaconda CLAY Rendix LER" Neat, Rteal wy Nyern A, M, 0H Can, Pacifie 180 Con, Mim Pr, 30 Con, Mim ©, 1% Ohryaler LER Col, Gan An Fox Tim CAN Gen, Rlectric T0% Gen, Motors 44% Int, Tel Tel, 444 Mont, Ward LER Nat, Cash (LEH Phil R, 0.1 18% Paramount ar PN. Jersey Lh Radio 10% Radio Keith 20 Standard, NJ, 12 U8, Steel 1608 Vanadium LTA LTR" Yel, Track WH NK NN Money, 3 per cant, an 82) 20 1 LAY ATS 1% a8 11% LAA Ns 1% 168% MM MY LER" ny TOW T14 160% 168Y These evant. are reporied to be pros perty of Warven Dradging company und are suid (to he now vesting on hottom and blocking harbor trae ANOTHER CASE OF POLIOMYELITIS REPORTED TODAY Is Not New Case, However, as Child Has Been Ill Ten Days Little clinnge haw heen poled In witiution affecting thin elty necording to le health Another Whi reported on Burke sires the ftiret In thres health officinls om Hoa nol BA new un the ehild haw hean 11 for days hefore dingnosis was made The patient In an small hoy No further deaths have ted nnd In view of the sane pre which nares heing taken prospect that conditions Thee ne ehitldren funy the Infantile paralysis nl nuthoritios IRE hig dnyn morning hut the phiustgs that HN tan nee fRutinns there In Improve 14 mny tunity antinn Are now loen) n Abed dppb hod + WHAT OTHERS SAY : fo .. dL L S OH INTOLIRENCY Mir Many hesifdes pleased 10 rend the funn nf 14th In I ean elim to have subisct for | was decided Mrotestant (uteloge, find | am unlikely aver to" become wn Ho man Catholi I will not refer to av, A, N, Tomlinson's statements thay Cathaliel in A In the world and that people whe aoknoweldge He crond- ara trograde in this world's affairs ex Copt to any that in my apinlon {hess ARRartiang are not fale and are not In necordanca with facts What I am concerned about In that falveminded people will dis cern in the denunciations of this modern Baul of Tarsus a hindrance Lo the entnn of Him who said that He enme not to destroy hut to fol ALY Thea Orange crusade han fin work to do, Let {ta adherents ha satinfiod to maintain tha positive attitudes of mind which shall eon dues to the uplite of Hamanity and avold that negative sitnte whieh only embitters and discourages thase whom we should love and reverence notwithstanding that we CANNOL ROB AN Lhey wen TC "Tou Tare To Classy . will. he ih your mynnif nrelele Intoleranes" on this nn nn bins nurtured under m mennes thom LL Corah Es tl a PULLETS FOR RALK TWENTY FIVE BARRED pullets, OAC, atraln, hatoh Phone H, Catton, hip » 1-3 (Ah) MATH FEAT THRE ROOMS, all eonveniences, Apply 108 Aue NAR Nireel (40a) FORT RENT WE TUTRNTRHED bhadrooma with private hath and entrance Hull two or four gens tlemen, Phone A118), 188 Coens tra street (Ahh) WANTED ™ FO TOY==% OR 4 room brick veneer house with all conveniences, central, No agents Apply Nox X60 Times TO HINT NIOREY TURNTRR ED badroom on ground floor, small wun room In addition, Kvery cons venlenoes, very eential Anply 178 Centre utreet, Phone 2500, (ha) ROCK Mareh Coming Events Satu 8 Ont word each tee sertion, wm change ow each insertion, ate, RE AY PA, OF CHRIAT CHURCH, Relleville, exouvalon to Roches ter, Wadnesday, Aug, 20th Rteamer leaves Cobourg, 10.80 o'clock wm, daylight saving time, Fare for the veturn telp, adults, $3.00, ohlldren, $1.00, Dancing and fun galore on hoard steamer Kveryone ine vited, Convenient train and mos tor connections to Cobourg, (48h MEMBERS OF ORANGR ORDER requestod to attend funeral of late Chavles Kiger, Monday, Meet at Hall at 13.44, (40a) THE REGULAR MEETING OF the Hospital Auxiliary is posts poned until further notice Ada) . | Cobourg Horse Important Civic Issues to Be Discussed at Open Air Gath COBOURG HORSE SHOW ENJOYS ® IDEAL WEATHER Parkwood Stables Won Fur.| ther Prizes Yesterday Michael Does Well Cobourg, Aug, 1he=An den) da and wu lwrge attendance contributed to the suceess of the Cobourg sum mer liorsa show vesterday, Hunter and Jumpers from the wellsknow tables of Toronto, Oukville, Mom real, Oshawa and other places too) pire in the principal events and con petition was keen, The Judges, Geo IB, Elllote and William 'I, Bredin Foronto, did not have an ensy tas) he Honorary President of show 1s George MPH, and Fran) Chalrmang Captain D, Paton, to, 1s Manager, and J, W, Bpragge, Cobourg BOCTELRry Lrensurer The others on the committer ure Cur roll Fitehough, Stephen Haas, JD Hayden, George Hees, BB. Hick Arthur Miles and M, DPilke he W Hess Varon Beardmore, Hu, V The program opened with a Jump ent or with 29 en I'he seeplichnse und WI eurs, tie Coho rin proved popular, being contested Parkwood Stables Do Well The Oshawa from the stables of R Melaughlin made u very creditable hawing Michael took hese priee the Amutens [umper clusy and Bathmore, an other of My MeLuaughlin's horses fourth place Hesides these, { Parkwood the fol lowing prigesy 2nd, in Light weight hunters and also third place in the-same class third in the apen heavyweight class and second in the pein] Hunter's stake [CITY NEWS BARN BURNED DOWN Wis hatl entries In Honk he Stables won Novice y Two horses Aug: 14 und two eown ware hurned to desth In flaming harn hore to-night, while Mearborn femen without wal er for thelr hoses, stood hy power loss tn help Nituated at Brimley Road and lglinton Avenue, the harn stood a short distance from the farmhouse of Rohert Rexton, owner of the eats te A number of farm implements were deatroyad in the hlage, There Win nothing the firemen could do Wa the hurning hutlding wan situate od outside the Bearboro water area, Apreading with great rapidity, the flames soon 1eft only a hurning mans of charred wood, and for a time the nelghing of the horses and the orien of the cattle werd heard An the flames Manrhoro, ] EE ---------- Railroads must he feeling the de pression. Our last Pullman towel only stond three trips to the laun dry =Rrandon Sun aaa authorities that gatherings will be cancelled, payers of the arnctios hullding and n will when mn public In night the construction of the two bullde Ings Ko hetfore the peoples on Thurs any, timaly to address ing nnd an earnest endeavor will he made ently Mitchell and cotnel] will probably take part the discussion and he prepared ino ANBWEY ANY he nuked relative Joutn Wy spent provide employed who otherwise might res fuire It In wlno evident that the need for hot h und n koanly AWA thronghoul the langth and breadih nf the I tha ely mn ments ure housed gon Ore ely pollen the tour anthuse over the fine modern fee tories, grounds and strangely silent concerning the pubs Ho local drug stores may show views of wohole and so forth avap pollee station ar present administras tion hulldings mnatiey ely, AEN they dition to {th assets and would serve tha Years Lo come ering on Park Lawn Memorial Park To Be Scenes of Citizens' Meeting «= Prominent Speakers T¢ Give Addresses WILL TAKE VOTE ON AUGUST 24 Question of New Adminis tration Building and Nev Police Station Is Matter for Consideration to Interest the rata city In the proposed new udministration naw polices station hy the city. council meeting will hs held Memorul Park next Thursday An the hylaws authorising An uffort ha mando August 25th, the meeting Is 8 ane Prominent eltizens nre expsacisd Tuesdny night's gathers lunes Intallig« Mayor city In fhe Lhe ratepayers members of Lhe to place hefors tions which might tn the two pros que It tn true that the bullding of thers structures would involve an expenditure of approximately F108,4 000 hut there nara faw who would It wns not money wall! The undertaking would work for a number nf une that relief from the elvie funds, mn administration hullding police sintion in heing felt Rov the pul decades or more Oshe hus enjoyed wu reputation nnd nn nn progressive eity, In therafora with surprise that Isltors here view the quarters for police forces and the oMces whith the various elty departs Auy loyal eltle who undertook to show visite the Interesting points In the would ha eareful to omit the station and eity offices in of Inspection, He might new harbor, parks, athletis sehools, churches, stores hut hea would hs residences hulldings, Posteards sold In Industries, ehurches, None would photograph of the certain hear a The naw hulldings would be » of pride and oredit to the OF simple hut imposing des would ha a distinot ade of Oshawa fog many needs EE Ee aa) In compliance with the request of the city health of children be avoided during the present outbreak of infantile paralysis, the following Sunday Schools hereby announce that their regular session of Sunday, August 17th, ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH KING STREET UNITED CHURCH CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH HARMONY SUNDAY SCHOOL NORTH OSHAWA UNITED CHURCH CEDARDALE UNITED CHURCH a ---------------- RCRA AUC AE RAT RAC RACE CC CC CC CR NORTH-EAST WARD RATEPAYERS A Special Meeting will be held in Mary Street Schoo! on Wednesday, August 20th 1930 at 8 P, M. to consider the Police and City Hall Bylaws in their velation to Taxation and Unemployment, S. G. CARNELL, President of the Association,

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