PACE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1930 FINAL SCORE OF YESTERDAY'S GAME WILL BE DECIDED TONIGHT [f Brampton's 3rd Goal Is Allowed, Excelsiors Are 1930 Sr. O.A.L.A. Champs. Record Crowd Sees Oshawa and Brampton Play fo 2- all Tie in Regular Four Periods -- Thompson Scores for Brampton, From a Free Shot, Just a Second After Bell Rings to End First Five-Minute Period of Overtime--Re- sult Will Be Decided at Meeting Tonight---Excel- siors Are Likely to Get Decision hia resull of the second game of the Ontario Senior lncvosse nals, he tween the Brampton Tixcelslors und the Oshawn General Motovs, played yesterday afternoon at the Motor City Sndium, is not yet known One of the largest crowds of sport fans whieh has ever been assembled in this eity to witness a sporting nt traction, wis on hand to see the game and they were dignppointed by seeing one of the most unsatisfactory endings uny game ever had, Al the ond of the regular playing period the weors stood at twoall in favor of the fans, At the close of the first Ave minute period, "Mush" 'Thompson tried to go hy Bill Coulter, Bill choeked him and Thompson hung onto the stick, with the result {hat he was thrown to the ground, Re feros Dennett wwarded Thompson a free shot Why? Nobody knows, Just us the Junior player wound up tn shoot the gong sounded but it went unheard amid the exelted yell ing of the fans, Before the faceoff was made, two of the three time keepers, members of the O.A. L.A, axe ecutive, and all neutral men, went nul on the fleld and told the referes of thelr trouble, Neferae Bonnett turned the teams around for the second five minute period and nelther - team seoved again, The TBrgmpton fans cheered Justily, the Oshawa fans be gan to leave, with very sad faces, and the Oshawa players extended thelr eongratulations to thelr oppon ents, 'Then the majority of the time koapers again made thelr protest, and Neferee Honnett made a decision of "no goal," and ordered the teams tn play another ten minutes or (wenty it necessary, However, Brampton's i a a aS Twiee Nightly Told I'he charming comedienne not the great emotional \ metres NANCY ARROL The evil's. oliday with PHILLIP HOLMES HOBART BOSWORTH JAMES KIRKWOOD Written and Directed hy EDMUND GOULDING Whe made "The Tres v C) Next Attraction--SATURDAY Ramon Novarro in "GAY MADRID" pms ----."e,..o oo NEW MARTIN 5 ---- SS THURSDAY --FRIDA ------------ BEN RUBIN 2 IN «Q, Ski " Sunny Skies FUN == FUN «= TUN rs COMEDY RED HEADS » wha aie USUAL PRICES we-------- wow' | got thelr shots away enn had eannily left for distant re | glons and although u great desl of | wrgument was made for the best purl of half nn hour, there was no more play, although the Oshawn players | were vendy, 14 wan finally decided | tht uw definite agreement would be Lmnde wt no special meeting of the LOMA, Executive, whieh will be held In Toronto, tonight. It. should be definitely understood that 1 was the timekeeper and not members of the Oshawn tewm, who | made the protest, A Real Championship Game But coming buek to the gaine iiself, it was a (ypleil Inerosse final game, | with oceasionnl finshes of good Ia | erosse but most of the play either be | ing very careful or very rough, Beat tio went around with a ehip on: his shoulder, He fHgured In three dif farent mix-ups, all of which resulted in Injuries to Oshawa players, Bill Coulter war back In his usukl posi tion, He recetved u great hand when | ha took the feld and he turned In a | very valuable game, considering the | great handieap he was playing un der, Brampton scored the only goal af the Nest period but Oshawa got two In the seennd session, the last custodian, Large, was serving a pen ulty, Heeve evened up the score in the third period while Thompson scored Brampton's third but disal lowed gonl, at the section of the overtime second und third gonls were of the enny variety, BNhannon not seeing the ball until It was ulmost in (he net, practically the entire game und while thelr play was rough and question play, they had a slight edge, Osh AWA were Just us good as Brampton but they could not eurry out the nitacks with the "zip" that has been thelr wont, They were wall eheeked ns soon ne they got within pearing distances Imrge was the stumbling block for the Oshawa sharpshooters, He muds several sensational saves und saved his team on many occasions when an Oshava gonl seemed coviain, Mhannon alwo played well In the nets, for Oshawa He suved what looked lke the win ning counter when Zimmer broke awny from Hubbell long snough to | wet a shot away, Just an the fourth period was ending, Jivery member of the Oshawa tenn worked hard and tried desperately (no win the game Doddemendn wan injured early in the game by a buttend and was un uble to play again Prampton missed Sproule but Beat tia and Reeve played great lnerosso {and wera the mainstays of their team, Penaltigs were numerous but oven at that, the oMeials in charge of the game were mibhjected ta some loud eriticism | If the goal is allowed, Bramplon ura 1030 Champions and will have the task of defending the Mann Cup | from the Western invaders, but if the goal is not allowed, and that is | the most probable of the two possi | Dilition, it fs likely that the game will be replayed In Oshawa on Bat urday, The OA LA, might order a | sudden-death game to be played in | Toronto, All we can do is wait and | nos, nn Brampton Scores First Both teams fought like fury for the ball and DeGray finally got pos nosslon, Oshawa hemmed Brampton fn for a few minutes but couldn't The Wxcelsiors broke away but Coulter cleared nice 1y, Beattie cama down, lost the ball but recavered it and went hohind the net and scored from the sida to put Nrampton ahead with the frat goal if the game, Drampton continued to press and play was rugged The players warmed up tn thelr work "lay apoeded up and the erowd cheared wildly at every play, Dodde. mende wan struck)down from heliind when making a enteh and had to go off, Mmithson and Burry were sent off when they slashed each other, Just before the period ended Silk wan given a penalty for a play which MeDonald didn't even nee, Score, Oshawa 0; "Brampton 1, Oshawa Gat to Business Oshawa opened up fast und White to Golden combination fulled to oliek, After several min. utex of skirmishing the orowd let lose with a veal yell when Barron passed into the centre, White pleked up the loose ball und evened up the ncore, Gowdy drew a penalty for hitting Spencer over the face, Heat: tie tripped Golden and followed Gowdy to the bench, With a two man advantage Oshawa went to work with a will and Large drew the ira of the crowd hy throwing the ball out of the park, Oshawa burned in on the Brampton net and the ¥xoel slors fought like lends to keep them out, Darren and Large drow penal tien. Meattia came bank and Oshawa fought to got a shot at the relieving goalie, Hurrah, DeGray tn White and although Burry tried hard the ball wifted In to put Oshawa 2, Brampton 1, just as the half time hell pounded, Reeves Evens It Up Large came back soon affer pla) started and play surged from e | in ond with Oshawa doing mont of the presning, Smithson and Burton drew penalties for rapping at each oiher A few peconds Inter Large made © wonderful save of Golden's hot wht Stephenson cut "Pete" Willa when he was ohocking him an "Pete" cama in for a ghot, Bob was sent off for a major penalty. Play roughened up and Roattis and DeGray gave each other a rough ride, Reeve evened up the game with a long shot from a Tong distances out. Shannen 'enuld [} Just n't see the shot, "I'he third perind onded a minute lator with the teams back on even terms. Oshawa Brampton 4, Neo Score~Plenty of Bumps Brampton started out fast and it began to look like another Brampton finish, Barron was vent off und soon wfter Wiephenson eume buck on and drifled ons at Large, Vinay pepped up and both defences were doing some hard checking, Hpencer was given un penalty when he was struck at by uw Brampton man, Beatie tripped Golden and was sent off, Golden had to go off, Hmithson and Gowdy also drow penilties soon wf: ter, White broke away with only Large uhend but Weave overtook him before he could get hig shot away, The time sped away and Oshawa bussed uround the Brampton net and then Teeve ralle od the pressure and Brampton sttucked, Douttie tried to pull an injury but Bennett wouldn't allow it, Shannon saved beautifully when Zimmer shot and then Oshawa broke away, 'The hell rang tn end the fourth period, Oshawa 2, Bramp ton 2, Overtime The Oshawa fans wera watching anxiously, Brampion got the ball first, Both teams had chances but the Oshawa fans groaned loudest as Frephenson's shot wis deflected, Oshuwn pressed hard, Brampton came down and Bennett gave Thomp one being scored when the regular | end of the frst | Brampton's | Brampton played nice lugrosse for able at times, on the day's all-round | son & free throw when Coulter spilled | him with a hard cheek, Thompson | was right In front of the net und he | weored, The hell had rung, however | | an argument ensued, Tt was claimed that time was up before the goal wis scored, The teams turned around and went at It again, Golden was | went off and lower, Oshawa tried hard in senre but the ten minute bell found them still vainly trying and then the big argument oceurred Brampton Gon! pointy Large; Hentty and Resve:: defense, Jiurtop | [ hurry and Willa; contre, Stapleton! home, Kendall, Jennings and Gib son; outside, Zimmer; inside, Cora Luba, Wilson, 'Thompson and Gow dy ' | Oshawa Goal Khannon, points Coulter and Hubhell; dofenre, Dod demende, Hpanesr and Smithson; | weantre, ¥i1k; home, Degray, Golden and Davidson; outpide, Whitn; in glide, Btephenson; mubs, Narven, Wilson and Fox Heferne-- Nennet! MacDonald Leafs Win Easily from Jersey City Jorsay Cliy, NJ Aug, 14 Tha Leafs' 1950 farewell to Jersey City took tha shape of a 11 to 2 tround ing of the Jerseys, who, ax usual ware not able to make much herd way against am Gibson The tall pitaher kapt the fow hits the Skeelers mot well gentteved and tanned nine of them, whiffing three fn the pry-off period, to indicate night baseball made little differ once to him Toronto took A chutitel mortgage on the contest in the recond inning when Jess Bream was bumped for five earned runs, Harry Davis with four safeties, was the batting star of an long drawn-out gams, Give (ibson a couples of runs here and the chances are he'll heat the Skeetdrs. The Leafs supplield Sam with five tallies in the second all made off Bream, who. hasn't finished a ball game slinos July 9 Harris started Jess's misery by de positing a home run in the right field bleachers, Hurke, Kunesch and Davis obtained singles and (Gibson brought the frst two in with a vielous hlow to centre after hin battery associate fanned, Rabbitit grounded out, hut Cote duplicated Ham's drive and Bream went home leaving with the seore of 5 to 0 against hig team, Guise, linivar sity of I"lorida, replaced him, "The Duke" yielded a tally in tha third one Kunesch's double, backed by Davis's single, and in the fourth anothar marker came 'Toronto's way on Lhe safeties of Rabbitt and Cote. Joo stealing second while the shortstop was up, In the eighth "The Duke" struck A wild spell and was yanked with the basen filled, Wopkins finished the Leafs getting four runs on one hit NERMUDA SWIMMERS LAND St, John, NB, Aug, 14-~Among the passengers arriving on the Canadian National SH, Lady Drake yesterday wero several en. tries from Bermuda for the Writ. ish Kmpire games, In the swim. ming contests ara W. G. Gloason, 1,500 yards; EB. 6G, Moms, 1. A, Taylor, R, A, Taylor, A. D. Spur ling, 100 yards, 1. A, Taylor in Bermuda champion In the 100 yards' olans, Two other contest. ants from Bermuda are already in Hamilton, D, Fraiuenbruck, swim. ming, and G, Bollvin, track, Judge of play PORT SNAPSHOT By Ono. Camrsms, Sports Bditer What Will the Answer Be? "To be or not to be-that is the question" What will the wnswer of the OALA, exeentive be? One of the largest gathering of sport lung which has ever been assembled to wee a Toenl sporting attraction, with on Diand to see the by game at the Motor City Stadium yesterday wlternoon and they are wot a yreut deal wiser now than they were his time yesterday, Oshawa scored two goals, both scored by "Voors' White In the second period. Brampton got one in the first and in the third, Overtime was played, Just as the first five-minute perfod drey to a close, Thompson, the Brampton junior, raced in towards the Osh awa net and he way stopped by Coulter, The cheek looked fair enough but Referee Bennett awarded Thompson u free throw, Just as' he drew back to let drive with his shot, the bell sounded but owing to the con tinuous cheering of the excited erwd, it went unheeded, 'The Bramyp ton fans increased the volume of sound when the shot provgd successful, The bell was again sounded and the time-keepers rushed out on the field, An argument took pluce but the game wan resumed, the teams changing ends, At the the a lusty cheer und the » . end of ten-minute period, Brampton sup tems stiurted to eave the field Md LJ portery gas e Oshawa's hopes sani | Plenty of Talk but No Action I'he Oshawa players thought that the Kime was over and the chan plonship decided and they congratulated the Meunwhile timekeepers und the officials had another consultation 1 three timekeepers claimed that the bell' preceeded the shot He called gol" the Excelsiors had hustled out of d Referee Bennett on the th Phen th und ordered loxcelsiors oof relerce made his deelsion right there the teams to conthie Hut the WIKUINK « ie the gin Stadium. There wins nore gin tried to get the game going lt there wa wis deaided that the meeting of the OA LA onl teum avilable Then it problem would be all threshed out official il AN cmergen executive und concerned I'he meet ing is being held tn Toronto Ll tonight * * » A Very Doubtful Question mothe suid for both sides Just wha much to be helter will decision is a question upon du hich there Oa the team und In wll fairness to the | aere tl} admin ever, the Oshawa team held | good to take the elsior s play, Brampton celslors Iie cheek und ut certain stages look Hommel hit they hud an edge, slight us ic wa Fert Kume hut Lary Burr point senmationall the | Burton, | and Ree played for and his proteet Heat la wonderful uss of ball had "no gon give hin slunes of sonde I'he main mn Oahw we Ax that tw oul to. be scored int three the thi ght there, calling \ Imekeepers clulimed the reieree nude ug decision und then urdered the tewms to continue the game. This decision was in Oshnwi's whether ever I he ur hut one will take the same standing tonight is a different question rule book overrules the referee and 1} | | fay errules 1) * » lecpers gong oy referee's whistle Why Brampton May Get the Decision Brampton may be awarded the decision for several rea Ihe | play w lay i I'he on of several hrst place, the question slioyl Then, tl Excelsior fe vet ha heen threshed out ¢ resumed likely to re d yesterday, MH the OA LA, orders nrepl Exeelsiors did not win the te the ARMIN, Just as they league thi Toronto papers, because nity, the ney Brampton has been trying VEAL, in O.ALA., league wa nr apr u hen te games are finlshed apd 20, in v | completed there is the fact the title that o o | | or for we eral and there 1s T™ both Brampton and Oshawa, e | last ARAL NOY that possibility will be en though Brampton held a A hig public sentiment will influence the decision decision awaited hnxiously in celebration night . . LJ . An Unfortunate Situation in Lacrosse rinal Althought Brampton apparently wen yesterday afternoon's 0, ALA, final at Oshawa by the score of 3 te 2, the Mann Cup holders have protested, claiming that the winning goal was regist: eved after the bell sounded to end the first overtime period, With | the count deadlocked "Mush" Thompson, the Excelsiors' youthful | star, was awarded a (res throw near the Oshawa net and then came the successful shot and the bell almost in unison. In the O.AL.A. | the timer's hell stops play, this being the same rule that is law in | the National Hockey Leagus, but net in the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association, where the referes's whistle halts hostilities, It Is, indeed, unfortunate that this mix-up should have oceurred, par. cularly from the point of view of the Excelsiors, whe seem to he "Jinued" in championship finals, Referee Silver Bennett ordered the game to proceed and accepted the goal as legal, and it would, there. fore, appear that the association heads are likely to declare the Encelsiors as champions, In the two game series the teams showed that they are axtraordinarily well matched in all-around ability. The game at Brampton, won by the home team, was decided in overtime, and again they were unable to settle the issue in the reg. lation 80 minutes of play y day. On the round, however, the pinch hitting and well.coached Excelsiors led by # to 6. They alin headed the parade throughout the regular season and they can hard. ly be blamed for battling for thelr rights just as courageously in the committees room. The Oshawans, a great team, holders of the' Mann Cup and the International Trophy, have made a lasting mark in the lacrosse annals of this country, 'and lose nothing in what might be described as meritorious defeat. In an effort to win yes terday theie brilliant captain, Bill Coulter, left the hospital, where he had boon ebnfined with a badly injured knee, and made a heroic effort te save the day for Oshawa, The record crowd in attend. ance roared their thunderous approval when Coulter appeared on the field with his teammates. They don't make them any hotter or "gamer" than this former Weston stalwart. Taken from the Tor: onte Globe, Will Cost More Discovered "Won't you spond more than , Old Gentleman | (to littla boy [® Puddle for yourself, playing in puddle-<Ciat out of that one first, puddle at once you naughty bey!" Roy (indignantly) «Go. and find Shamrock Vv Is Beiny Prepared New London, Conn,, Aug, 14,~ The task of preparing the Sham- rock V, Bir Thomus Lipton's new- "sl ehallonger for the America's cnp, began to-day at the electric bout work yards, Bho Is the fifth challenger the doughty Mir Tom has sent aerows the Atlantic in quest of the trophy won by the yacht Amerie in 1551, Originnlly the cup cost 100 guineas, To-day, If it wera not for the "old mug's'" glamorous history, no cautious pawnbroker would loan $60 on it, Yet four or five milllons will have been spent this year he. canus of It whan Bir Thomas sails away In the fall, vietorious or numbering his Afth defeat, Although she was beset by head winds throughout her voysge of 4,000 miles, the Hhamrock V dropped anshor here last evening after a 20-day Iand-to-land passage between England and the United Btates, Her time wax a day better than that of the Shamrock 1V, the Challenger which was defenttd by Resolute and Charles Francis Adame, presant secre of the NAYY, 14D YOATH AZO All superfluous NiLILEs must he stripped from the Bhamrock V he fore she Is randy (0 eross the start {Ing line off New Port, NI, Sept 13 ngninst a defender yot to hs nel. ected from four american candi | dntex, Those fittings Include ily | Ing accommodations used by the | | Tew | Age on thelr trans-Atlantic voy | During har stay on this side | of the Atlantic the crew will be quartered on the Killarney, a form ar excursion hont | AMted out for thelr convenience | and painted to the taste nf the old | Trish Knight, a brilliant green and | white | The most diMcult and Important task in connection with Shamrock | V's fitting out will be the putting in place of the top of har 182 foot | mast, She came across under jury rig using only about 110 fest | her two plece spar The other INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE SPORT INTERNATION LEAGE HAUSER WHITH TWO HOMERS Baltimore, ug, 14,~The Orioles took the second wiralght from Buf falo hers yestorday by virtue of » batting broadside that netted a 10- to-h victory, Joc Hauser lod the at tack with four hits, batting in ulx rung, Two of his blows were liom. ors, bringing his season total up to ROYALS © RALLY VIGOROUSLY Nending, Aug. 14,-~Montrea) contre, $1lk; home, Dexray, olden innings Lo overwhelm the Readink Keystones by 11 to here yester- dny., 'Waleh, after hoing given big lead, hlew up in the eighth and Grampp his successor was easy Lo solve, Pete Bcott hit hig twanty Afth home run of the season for Tead- ing in the ninth, Henry and Gul ley connected for the cirenit for the Royals, BEAN DEFEATED RED WINGS Newark, Aug, 14,--~With the ty- Ing and winning runs anchored on second and third hase and two men retired, Jays Patty stepped to the Mock at Baars stadium last night which has been | of | and struck out George Toporeer to glyn Newark mn J-to=% victory over the Rochester led Wings WISCONSIN GRIDDERS QUALIVY Madison, Wis, Aug, 14, Wis consin University's 1930 football | prospects ware improved yesters day with the announcement that Russell Rebholz and Ernest Lushy veteran backfield men, have be come eligible Rebohlz passed » condition examination, while Lus by made enough grade points in Bummer School to win a place on the eligibility list Captain Gan tanbe'n became eoligihla by pass ing an sxamination last week leaving linamen A) Leithen Guy Hhorthouse as the only Var wily veterans still uncertain of olf gihility BASEBALL RESULTS | shorter section must now he raised | aloft and fitted | pola Is put together, | Bir Thomas Ix exnected to arrive [In New York on a liner next Satur- | day His private yaeht, the ¥rin | will steam there tn meet him and bring Wim here. He ix reported tn have hired & cottage just of New London Roat yard oMelpls estimata that | they will have the Chinllenger ready | for the water again in A weak or [ten dAnaye While phe out her undarhody will be cleaned and po! ished to reduce to a. minimum re- | slstanra to other dater Shamrock V in wood | Whirlwind is the only candidate wooden planked | prise, Westamoe, and Yankee, are plated in bronee | Belleville Moose Juniors Lose Second Game of Series | Belleville, Aug, 14 Bulleville | planked american inter all Moose juniors lost the second game {of the series with the Peterbore' Kiwanin team here yesterday after. noon, 10.4 Since the Moose won the first game, another sngagement will he played at Delors on Satur day afternoon he Paterbare' club hit the ball hard In the pinches to-day, the locals fell down hadly when the safeties' ware needed, MeKinnon and Young wera the heavy sluggers for the Moose, the former having three hits, while Young was responsible for all of Nellaville's runs, Sproat, MoCul- lough and Dallin wislded the wil low tq advantage for the Petes Mott featured with a great running cateh in the sixth, The winners of this serien will meet the Kiwanis of Toronto in the next round, WISCONSIN ATHLETES Madison, Wis, Aug, 14.-+Tom Jones, University of Wisconsin track conch yesterday nominated four athletes te compete in the British KEmpire-United States track and field meat at Soldier I"leld, Chicago, Aug, 27, The athletes Sammy Rehr, Ted Shaw, William Menke and Art Prisch-~hava been entered in ths cantral AAU. ment at Chicago, Aug, 16, and 17, and {f successful in thelr events, will qualify for the national A.A.U, ehamplonships at Pittaburg, Aug, 23-26, Win. ners of the Pittsburg meat will quality for the Iinternational com petition, Rehr will compete in the shot 1 naw this und discus events, Sbaw in the high jump, Benke in the aprints much as a fishing outside | while | INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won rc 78 5 0 70 a Li lost AR LH) MA LL] an an 74 7 fochestor Baltimore Montreal Toronto Newark Nulalo | Jarsey City Reading had RL] hak 472 A452 ADK A8K | Wednesday's Keores Toronto ..., 11 Jersey City Nowark 1 Rochaeter | Montres! .,, 16 Reading ... Raltimore ... 10 Rufalo AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost LL] a fn 4h LE) 47 he ho ha LL] in 0 4h an 40 7h ! Wednesday's Seores | New York 10 Detroit ,,, | "hiladelphin 7 Cleveland St. Louis 7 HRoston Washington .. 7 Chicago ., Philadelphia Washington New York Cleveland Detroit ft, Louis Chicago Boston NATIONAL LEAGUE | Drooklyn .,.., Chicago ... New York St. Louis vi. Pittsburg v4. Boston ,,.,.. Cincinnati, ,, I'hiladelphia | Wodneaday's Scores Arooklyn .... 156 Chicago ., xNow York ... 7 Cincinnati ,, x10 innings. Pittaburg .... 8 Philadelphia ¢ Only games played, Pittsburg, Pa, Aug. 14 Remy Kremer settled down after a wobbly start and won his fifteenth victory of the season as Pittsburg took fhe third straight of the series from Philadelphia 8 to 4 yesterday, Four hits, one a home run by Lef- ty O'Doul with two men abroad, net. ted the Phillies four runs in the first inning, but Kremer vielded only four hits ~ thereafter, : Slam Kitty=«'Jack says he can read me like a book." Phyllis=~""You mustn't take Jack too literally dear. He probably means that you are a very plain and Frisch In the hammor throw. type.~Merthyr Express Engind, . | both al and, #19 | , | een got Thisbe Wins 2nd Race and Rochester, Aug, 14,~CAnaaas hopes of capturing the Canada's Cup were almost whatiered )esier. day when Thishe, that erack sight metre boat skipped hy Bill Barrows, showed what she could do In mod arate going against Quest Thinhe won the third of a periles of five races by 1 minute and 54 seconds or approximately 2060 yards, Thils gives her to date two firsts agnir Quest's one Weather conditions were for partifcipants and' onloo | ars, A record crowd of more than | 5,000 people viewed the rare, "i | hout-ownars took advantage of (he | comparatively calm lake to folio | this challenger and defender aroung {tha conrse, 'The muhmarine eh 9,00, 405 again served us oMeix nress hoat Feventy-Lthres could ha counted, Including hea ful power horte for which the Jiri ester Yacht Club is famous, cutts "loons, vawle, schooners and which were in an class of thelr ow The Ontario 1.1, ad n Inrge crovy {ahorrd, Then thers were subma {ine chasers and other navy cr The British dirigible R100 ho ad over the Into on Monday, Ye lay an aeroplanes wai overhead most of the time The radia 1) sanresanting Station WHAM nroadersting every movement the race, while many movie exmer as clicked off various paris of race perfect raft honts ATHLETICS WIN | Philadelphin, Pa, Aug | The DThiladelphia Athletics | their third straight game from (he | Cleveland Indians hare yesterda | by a score of 7 to 2 George | Barnshaw held the Indian tn | eight hith and won his eighteen game of the season aguinst woven lossen Moxie Lawson made his first hie | league start for the Indians and | wan effective until a two base muff hy Dick Porter paved the way for two runs in the sixth fnning that broke a 1-1 tle 14 w | SENATORS MAKE HITS COLA | Washington, D.C, Aug, The Senators made it two straight over Chicago yesterday hy win ning A game 7 to 4 in which thoy | were outhit 14 to 11 | Draxton started out Whita «Sox, hut was not effectiva nnd Washington scored two runs in the first and threo in the se ond bafore Henry took up the bure for tha ; , den, FARLY STANT WINS FOR YANKEES York, Aug, 14 off to a fast start yestor. day, picking up 10 runs in tha first ive innings, and made it two straight over tha Detroit Tigers hy fn 10 tn R ncore They noaded avery hit of their early lead (0 win, aa George TPipgras, after pitehing shutout ball for five In nings, hlew up In the sixth and ht successors did little better The Tigers plied up six runs of PMpgras in the sixth and assaulted Ruffing and Holloway for two more In the soventh hefors lov MeRvoy finally checked them, The Tigers made only seven hits hut made good use of walks and ore rors | New The Yank GOSLIN WIKLDR POTENT RAT Boston, . Mass, Aug " "Goosa' Gosline gobbled up all the honors hers yesterday an #t Touis plastered a 7 to 2 defeat on the Red Sox {n the second game of their series. Goslin .drave In four runs te ald pitcher Walter Stewart, | Ladies' Softball | League Standing Standing in Second Halt To mia Toam Won Lost PC, Whitby 3 ] 1.000 Malleable LLL] Chosen Friends 131 Chevys, .vovv. 000 A | v « 0 2 ? 2 Tailor-made 0 EE $25.00 | Scotland Woollen Mills | 8. BUTINH, Manager | RRINGING UP FATHER NOW: \'VE A DATE PLAY MIKATURR RDABEM | CAAT STOR SEW BUTTONS SINCE MAGGIE AN) ULL CALL ON YOU NAVE EN ue CLANCY AN HELL GIT MS WARE TO OO A LITTLE SRWIN' FER MB SHES AN OLD- FASHIONED FR ON TS r © 1090, Int) Posture Serves, Ine, Sreal Briais fights werved DWWNNY WHAT |S rR By Geo. McManus