Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Aug 1930, p. 5

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Women's Interests in the em------ roman THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, Hom AUGUST 14, 1930 PAGE FIVE A E------ NM e --- and . the Community SO IAL AND PERSONAL Mrs, James Christie, of Guelph, and Mrs, N, Whittaker, of Hamilton are the guests of Mrs, A Adams, Lloyd Street Mrs, Olive Vetley with her sons Rae und Bony 1s visiang in Wake: gan Mrs, Crow, of Bobeaygeon is vise iting her daughter, Mra. J. A, Riek: ell, JR Centre Street Miss Marjorie Moore, 30 Elena street, has returned from a short vis it with friends in Colborne, Ontario Mrs, J, C. Sadler, nee Miss Dog anthy Reid, is visiting relatives, Mr and Mrs, Leo Graver, of Windsor M. Melntyre Hood dreve to Sun. derland vesterday to attend the ane nual summer carnival of the Brock Township branch of the Canadian Legion Miss Iosther Milter, of Galt, and Mrs, Murray of Foronto, are visit ing thelr cousin, Mes, A, I, Alloway, Simeoe St, North Ed NE tlantic City is always 'in season" There's never a dull moment at Atlantic City. allyear-raund in vacation timel Bracing alr=aparie= wonderiilfead=rela x: ation! Spends week or i» week-end, with us you'll rsturn home lee) inghi=frash=vigarausl bp [4 olton Manor 0 he Finest Holels Mraftantic ( ity or 8 week ov a weekend snjoy the lusury 0 A A A080 ROOMS OVERLOOKING THE SGEAN av AY y oi DREWS, Free WaT | previous visit to the ald hospital Sheer Chiffon FuM Fashioned HORIERY Mo ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor, King & Slmcos 8 I -- N,N [eT------ Just a Few | Days of Our ~~ Great Mid-Summer | 4 Re | Sale Ave left to take advan: tage of the exceptional Bargaina in Ladies' i BEE Ladies' Dresses Regular $6.95 to $10.90 Reduced to $2.75 to $5.75 Afternoon Oresses Including Prints, Crepes, Regular $15.00 $7.75 | Ladies' | Hats TO CLEAR $1.00 A Few Ladies' Spring Coats Selling Below Cost -- ~The a Fashion Shoppe 84 Simcoe Street South Phone 3083w Opposite Bruce Street a URGES SAFETY IN CHOOSING CAREER Woman Stock Broker Ad- vises Girls to Keep Out of the Ruts London, Aug. 14, Bafely Ars in the cholea of career for girls was strongly condemned hy Miss Gordon Holmes the woman stocks broker, at tha fivst luncheon of the Industry and Commerce Board section of the Lyceum Club, Pie cadilly, "Wafely and enterprise are op posite terms,' she declared, "I wish parents would put thelr girls in business careers, rather than in johs so dear to parents' hearts Hke hanks and the Civil Rervice, hecauss they think they are so safe. Hafe for what 1 should say the luna: tie asylum, for these jobs which are bad enough for men with thely infinitely better pay and chances of promotion held few prospects for women. They have no hope for the future except a small pension years hence, Of course business Is hard work with often very long hours hut if is great fun, and there are many degrees of success to he ach faved and there is no champagne Hke success' Mig, (ox Pier, af Peier Jones, Ltd, sald that thelr business was now an entirely profit-sharing one, which was a greal Incentive to work atong the wipployess. Miss Width Beasley, the first woman. manager of an insurance eompany, sald that there was much seops for women insurance hrokers----'"a pleasant ang interesting business, with excellent prospects, "Women," she urged, | Uahould put thely insurance in the | hands of women. QUEEN MARY GIVEN | AN UNUSUAL GIFT | | London, Aug. 14 When Queen | Maly opened the Rethlehem Royal | Hospital revantly the architect | asked the Queen iI she would aes | copt A special memento instead of {the customary golden key and hey [majesty was ohviously delighted an {she was handed an antique Chinese | vase whieh whe had admired on a | The new hospital bullding are sf: | tuated in two hundred acres of parkland at Monk's Orchard, Among {the buildings are & science and | treatment lahoratory given hy Lord | Wakefield, A chapel and organ given hy Lady Wakefield, and a | $46,000 veereatinn hall aiven by | Lady Cooper in memory of her hus. [ band, the late Bir Edward Cooper | TO THE R100 ihip of the air! What a thrill tg he, Halling ahoard On' the "Kther-sea' Miereing the clouds, Of silver and grey, I Wikimming the paths OF that broad high-wa Out in the night, With the moen hung high "Mysterious Phantom * | Thou ship of the sky ) Neauty and grace, Are thy tribute here, Mirrored in memory Full many a year History too, Thy reward shall he Oh, wonderful bird Of the "Etheraea" Gallant and brave Ara thy satlors held Rxploring seas As In days of old King of the sky, All glory to thee Godspeed, (Godspeed, Q'er thine "Kthersea,' Ressie Holland Kar, \ large number of citizens, of Oshawa, went to Whitby last night to attend the annual street fair Mr. and Mes, F.C, Branton and daughter, Evelyn, MeGregor Street, left today to spend a fow dave holl days in Midland rrm-- | A very pleasant surprise was gis en Mr and Mrs, George Townsend, of College Ave, last Friday evening at the home of Mr, lsaao Smyth, Cubert Street, when aver 30 guests assenithled ta hid adiew to them as they are leaving shortly for their new home on King Street east, The evening was spent in music and lancing, the musie heing provided hy Mr. Norman Willams and Mr Walker. The gathering was called ta arder at 11 e'eloek and My, and Mra. Townsend were presented with A fine jardinier and acacaria plant Roth replied very fittingly, after whieh a dainty luneh was Served hy the hostess assisted hy Mrs, Walker The party brake up at the wee' sma' hours, all wishing Mr, and Ms, Pownsend every happiness in their new home RR Sh ' NOTICE! I'he limes" will publish te sorta of meetings ol all We men's Organizations he community, Kindy | dren such to Women's Page Ed itor or Telephone Nuwwe: 15. When writing remember | to use only ene de of paper | | 1 re) prm-- . York, who wedded Thomas Cm Intevesting camern study of | New Dorothy 1, O'Neil, doughter of | Mr, and Mes, Geo, Henry 0 pdl of Toronto and Lewiston Helghis | Lin iston hin Some Simple Menus for The After-School Meal HS EH a Monday---~Milk, sandwich of gra RY EDWINA NOLAN vl and peanut hutter, or Director of Wome Rervice, General ham bi Pleetrie Refrigeration Departinent | Ange IN the days of our eildhond We | juice, all have heard the .admonition, |' } xn aalm}; a oft repented; "No onting between |, If aduquday Mik, sandwich meals!" ds Taw nfroy Put times have changed Today | Thuvaday--Prait Jules, sandwich wo have carefully supervised diets |of graham bread with cottage whieh include bodybuilding foods | oheess, soft ginger cookie, for growing, healthy YouhRters, Friday Milk, sandwich of gra who in school and Play yh id y Uke ham bread with finely eut raw cahs up their energy ane od lly © subs | hage, apple A nd we have new and a Milk, sandwich of stiantifp dots about meals, foods | graham rend and Sliced AW to and their values, mato, soft ginger cookie Growing childven of schon! ake, | Sunday--=Hanana (ripe), oatmeal who oy Be outdoors until dusk, | ecokie : To should not go fram noon until six! Saturday and Sunday are as im or hover Clock Rrithaut Jood | portant in this Sthadule a sohool on, | eo does, he overeats or java if meals are to be regular, eats too fast at the evening meal The wo four o'clock bites i be or he may he unduly fatigued and | simple, both inthe kind of food he too tired to eat the things his nnd in the preparation ax the appe body requires, Hence, the after: {iia for the evening meal must not school meal, [he dulled. Far that reason, very It doesn't need te be much, as the [sweet fonds, such as desserts, are following suggested week's sched: | beat omitted on the afterssehool ule indicates menu eaday Milk and fruis ontimesl cookie, rice, 3 Avenue overiooking A Hotel Distinetively Different' UST COMPLETED IN ATLANTIC CITY NEXCRLLED COLONIAL HOSPITALITY r YOU! Now Ready _ cally. uro; Phan) FETTER & HOLLINGER, Se ~FUOFNE © FETTER np bent J uv "TILLIE THE TOILER--Unfaverable Symptoms | and What New York Is Wearing A jaunty ved and white linen print that yowll find so useful for all-day occasions for mid-summer, can ha copied for a very small amount The hocoming soarf collar white linen accented with red gives iL a wporiive-aly Mtyle No, 204) Wreots Prinessn shaping through the maulded bodice and cleverly low placed ful ness of the ciroular skirt "1 can he had In sizes 16, 18 years, A0, 08, A0 and 42 Inches bust, The medium size takes hu! B% yards of 40-inch materia) with I yard of AB<ineh contrasting for collar with 4 yard of 86-Ineh hiux binding for skirt, hem, euffs and collar trim of plain Peach shantung with collar of palf-fahrio In chic Mhell pink flal washahle arenes yellow and white dotted plane, orchid and white printed hatisie nile green silk shiviing candy wtripe are attractive gontions in LAL Pattern price cents In SLAmMps or coin (coin preferred), De sure to fill in sive of patiern Address Pattern Department. Tha Hummer Washion Magasine con [AINE moet Interesting wiyles Adults for town or vacation wear an for Alun darling styles for the kiddies, Bernard Varvelt, dv, of Montreal | It In 10 cents a copy, groogy, supported the groom, My Mis, Keay will reside Weddings in Oshawa I he marriage Vida solemnieed quietly at Nimeoe Steeet Unlted Chureh en Wednesday evening, of Alhert Fdward = Wea Cshiwn on of Edward Keay, of Liverpool, England, and Amelia Alice Marshall whe recently arrived in Cunnda from Liverpoal and who {x daughter of Charles Marshall of that ety Ihe ceremon vad performed b Rey. J I Wilson, of Simeoe | RECIPES Sram MPROUTS OMELET | uprouts dralned (these #re ness and come In cans), hall into very minal buttered Ing pan and sprinkle with the chapped ham Add remainae y Wir! Island, UU Wilh Niel ted (1) land, of Floral Park, Long olet 5 Hoth while HoRInP hited mit ron of Hono Mr, Leslie t Keay, of Toronto, a heather af the MALAY Cut away the NCOINE top of Touy a Lk | Angos, leaving oranges ocup-shap- 6d, Nemove pulp and save sume, with as much Julce us possible Fil) these cups with the following One small can of shrimps, mixed with two hard-boiled eggs, choppml vary fine, to which has been add ad 4 tablespoons mayonnaise, flu d » 4 vored with a MHitle oranges juice " und a dusting of grated orange B ITER pesl | Chop enovigh cooked ham 1 BRAN ZV.1.4%) mike 1 cup; add 1 well-beaten b 6, OER, 4 cup eream or rich milk, n dash of pepper and heal to holl ing point, spread on huttered tonst And serve al once Kriioou's Pep Bean Viakes are a splendidly balanced food with milk or aream, Filled with health giving whole wheat, With just enough | bran 10 be mildly laxative, They have the (amous favor of PEP. They're evisper--instior wehettor bran flakes, Just the cereal treat for shi). | dren, And grown-ups ten, Al all grocers, In the redand-groen package. Made by Kellogg In [ London, Ontario, | WITHOUY I could not brave The worries und hs sorrows of | the day, Without the wong of acstuny, I'he laughing mouth wind breathed 10 me, Ar through the hurrying throng I passed my way, THENY, I would lose falth Without the wondrous pence of | aventide, | Hooft alfin volees 'mid (he Jenves | A wKlesping houss with maeoniit PRYEN, A fragrant rosehud slowly open ing wide I could not lve Without the loveliness of little things, light that aye, The mystery of n dawn-Aushed sky The luting song a hrown thrush | sings The Ais a blackhird's When He created things 11ke these He created things like those G, T., in the Australasian Cs _ "Oshawa TennisCiub To 8 eps well heaton add 1 cup Chis | Pour | roof OLE MIKLUEE And cook AR any 6m | MEN'S DOUBLES TOURNAMENT Open Oshawa and District finely | Trophy donated by John E, Harris, L.L.D. i ti 1 i COMMENCING FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1930 Miss B. Furber, | Secretary. Hmmm ---- EE st t,o Oe OC LO ,., ek S. F. Everson, President, --_----____" ---- MY BOB'S AT THE AGE WHEN HE CRAWLS ALL OVER THE FLOOR, THI® HAMPER 18 JUST FULL OF HIB GRIMY CLOTHES: WABHDAY'S NO JOKE TO ME) OUR WATER 18 80 HARD i NEXT WASHDAY A | NOTICE YOU'RE THROUGH WITH YOUR WASH EARLY, DID YOU USE RINBO? YES, IT'S WONDERFUL =B0AKS CLOTHES MUCH WHITER, | USE ITS THICK BUDS FOR DIBHES Now, TOO a THE GRANULATED HARD:WATER SOAP in tub or washer .. washes clothes like new CHANGE TO RINSO, THE HARDWATER SOAP, YOU WON'T EVER NEED TO SCRUB IT'S SCRUB, SCAUBD, SCRUB ON MONDAY UNTIL I'M ALL WORN OUT! f 38 washers he or safety! \ lothes Ringo washes ¢ fas why the makers © dorse Rinso! re, , That's us washing Raat yh hardest water Rinsogives twic Lven And it's all | \ fle lightweight, putte whie so bar s0Aph ¢ Great for tub washing. : boiling: That saves the ¢ package: Millions use Rin w= thousands write us (otters like this abe | Water) ho ng TY clothes apo . i a particle of dirt anywhere. b or. Jastingsuds forallcleaning: "w | PERS: grout for dishes 1.4 MY ever "Ringo is use a softene MRS, / vot Brother Limited Toronis, Quarsnieed by the makers of LUK=L® CAME OWE" TELL You \*M SORR Way \! TING « | OH, THATS "THAT

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