THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1930 Wy -" PAGE THREE AE City to Co-operate in Providing Figures on Unemployment No Further Cases or Deaths From Infantile Paralysis In Oshawa and District Precautionary Methods Ad: opted by Board of Health Are Checking Spread of Dread Disense in City and Township -------- MAYOR COMMENTS ON PRECAUTIONS Sunday Schools Have Not Decided to Close--Parents Are Realizing Their Re- sponsibilities | No new cases of infantile paralys Ris had heen reported to the City Health Department this morning, and no further deaths have taken place during the last 24 hours, Tha Hist of cases whish have de- veloped wines the outhveak coms menced its ravages among the children of the cliy now stands at 14, with one additional) case of tubercular meningitis, a contagion somewhat similar in iis symptoms, Two deaths have oceurred gn (ar, coming close together in point of time the day hefors yesterday, the culmination of the epidemic which has erupted at widely sedttered points throughout the city during the past week, The original source of the in fection remains shrouded in h mys tary which has bafMed the most thorough investigations hy the health department, The cases have not eoeurred in geographical group, but At seattered points in the city, so that it {8 diMeult te trace the CARON LO A COMMON source, A checks up has been made on the milk sup ply in the homes involved, with the resultant discovery that in the majority, pasteurized milk is being used, and that there is therefore no chance of the diseases having come from this source, In conversation with The Times yesterday afternoon Mayer T, WN, Mitchell stated that he ig thorough ly satisfied with the measures whieh the eity health authorities are taking to cheek the further spread of the disenre, Hig Worship nad just veturned from a hrief holiday and had discussed the situs ation -with Dy, Lewis, assistant medical health oMeer, reviewing the steps which have een taken to protect the elty's health, The clos. ing of swimming pools and the voluntary postponement of the an nual General Motors plenie were considered timely measures hy Mayor Mitchell, He aldo expressed .nfxiety that parents realise their responsibility in keeping thelr children at home and away from publio gatherings where contagion in more imminent, It in not known yet whether Sun day Hchools will cancel thelr sess slons next Runday, If the supers intandents of the vavious scheels should decide upon this course they will probably make it known before the end of the week As the loeal health have suggested it 1s not a time for general alarm but worry and fear should he substituted by wise and reasonable precautions, OBITUARY DEATH OF GEORGE DOLINKKY occurred yesterday evening at the Oshawa General Hospital, of George Nolinaky, of a14 Reattie Ave, of this eity, The late Mr, Holinsky was smployed as a moulder aL the Fittings Limited, Pesides his sorrowing wife, he 1% survived hy two daughters "and two sons, all of whom are living at home, The funeral will he held to- morrow afternoon at 2,00 o'clock from the late residence, A war vice will also he held in the Greek Orthodox Church, Tather Chruss tawaka will be In charge of the services and interment will be made In the New Greek Cemetery, Bloor street, CITY NEWS | NINE CENT BREAD An announcement which is of in. ferest to every Oshawa housewife who ia concerned in reducing the cost of living ia to be found on ane other page of to-day's lssue of The Times, In an advertisement, the Superior Chain Stores are announos fng that thay now have for sale wrapped bread of the finest quality at nine cents a loaf, in bread, it 1a stated is made in Oshawa by Oshawa labor, is full weight, and should be popular with the houses wives of the eity, MINIATURE GOLF The following ave the winners of the prizes at the Tiny Tim Golf Course on Tuesday and Wednes- day, Tuesday, gents prize Mr, OG, Buoknam 1568 Nroek @Street K,, ladiels, Mary REliauk 155 Bloor fitreet Wednesday, Gents prine, Nn, Tucker, 217 Church Street, lad. fod, Miss DB, MeQuald, 148 Athol street K,, authorities The death CHOSEN FRIENDS POSTPONE PICNIC Follow Action of General Motors as Precaution Against Disease ---- At i special session of the Chosen Priends held last night in the lodge rooms, It was decided to postpone the plenic whieh had been originally scheduled for August ih, in view of the contagious disease existing in the eit This decision Is in line with thet of General Motors to post pone indefinitely thelr annual pienie, jor the same Leason At the meeting of the Chosen riendslast night a number of names were proposed for fultation, including those of Miss CG, Strong, Mr, W, Strong, Mrs, A, Read, Mrs, 1, Bone ham, Miss Lilv Weeks, Miss Joan Slater, and Miss A, Ogden, The initation will be held on the second Wednesday In September The instillation of the warden also took place last night, with Q, R, Hall in charge of the ceremony, and the position being filled by Mrs Rossco Mrs, Orman, viee counsellor, wis presented with a handsome dish, us a parting gift from the ledge, Mrs Orman 1s leaving Oshawa shortly te take up residence in London, Onta Ihe presentation was made by Cary communication from Chureh, Inviting the Chosen Friends' softhall team to play at thelr street fulr wus epted It was algo announced thit the Friends will have a howling club und a hoe key team during the coming winter, A socinl evening and dance will he held hy the lodge next Wedness day evening Musie hy My chestra brought close ALGOMA 15 AGAIN 10) Dr A ster Yorkmin ney Norris and his or th evening to FREE OF FIRES Two Blazes Still Smoulden) ing, But Are Under Control (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Sault Hte, Marie, Ont,, Aug: 14 Algoma is again practically free of bush fires, though .a new one vesterday swept over an Inland at Orystal Lake, northwest of the Hoo, completely destroying the timber, Fires back of Gavden Itiver and at Natohawana ara still smouldering, but are under cons trol, The village of across the border on the Michigan pide, is still safe though a fire olght miles wide has crackled on Ita outskirts two days, before a west wind, 'One hundred and At ty men are battling the blawe, HIGHER DUTY ON GASOLINE LIKELY Government nt Said Consider- ing Move to Aid Can. adian Refiners Sarnia, Aust, 14==Development of Turner Valley oll-feld, standar- digation of gasoline used in Cans ada and creation of employment In refineries of Canada are proposed in a plan te he announced shortly hy Prime Minister I. MN Dennett, it {x reported herve Financing the policies which he upheld during the recent election campaign the Prime Minister it wan stated plans to bring down a means sure at the next session of Parlin ment whieh will Inorease the tavift againat gasoline being Imporied at present from the United Sates have the effect of inereasing the vefining of olla In Canada and will stimus late activity in the preduction of oll in the Dominion, -- SURVIVES WIFE BY JUST ONE MONTH (Ay Canadian Press Leased Wire) Port Arthur, Ont, Aug, {4,.=J J, O'Conner, 74 atipendiary magin- trate for the district since 1084, died in hospital here late lant night, He wan a ploneer In shipping elrelen at the head of the lakes, helng here since 1878, One son, Sydney lives in Toronto and a daughter Molny in on the staff of the Toronto Con: servatory of Musie, Hix wite dled one month ago to-day in Toronto, MOUNTAIN CLIMBER IS BELIEVED DEAD TE ---- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Mount Robson, B.C, Aug, 4. Little hope vemains that Newman D, WaMe, headmaster of Carteret Academy, Orange, N.J., who set out alone to elimb Mount Robson eight. Sirongs, Just GENERAL MOTORS NOW EXPANDING ITS SALE DEPT. Will Establish Eight Zone Offices Across Do- minion COMPANY SHOWS FAITH IN CANADA ---- Oshawa, Ont, Aug, 10, Kxpan- slon of the (General Motors sales arganiaztion, involving the estab: lishment of eight important zone oMees across Canada, 1s concrete evidence of the confidence of the Dominions leading automobile manufacturer in the soundness of the country's business conditions The move, announced today hy J. HU, Beaton, General Bales Mang or, will result in the opening of a zone oMee in Oshawa during Ang ust, to handle the business of Cen tral Ontario, "The other zones Into which Canada has been div Ided for sales purposes, will have head-quarters at Vancouver, (nl gary, Regina, Winnipeg, London, Montreal and Haint John Vineh will have the function of a head oMea in its partieulnr distriet The volume of husiness received from the widely separated portions of the country, and the desirability of closer contact with desler and publle, prompted the new plan, ac cording to Mr, Deaton The new gone oMce organization will each direct snles of Chevrolet Pontine, Marquette, Oldsmobile, Oakland, Mcelanghlin-Bulek, Vik Ing, Lakalle and Cadillac cars In thelr territories Previously each Car division was handled by a wep arate sales organization, The com bined operation will include not only sales, but also parts and ser viee The Oshawa personnel, consisting of men well qualified by long ex perience with General Motors, and familiar with Central Ontario Hales requirements, is ns follows: Zone Manager, 16, I, Nrehard: Assistant Zona Manager, M, 1, Fitzgerald; Assistant Zone Manager, NR, A Tuck Chevrolet Toronto Hales Manager, (1, FE, Heuchan: Hales Promotion Manager, D, M, Harvie; Dealer inance and Business Man agement Manager, A, NN. Colwill Car Distributor, K, ¢, Mason; Parts and Herviee Manager, I, I, Daniels The Home OMea Control group, which will set up In the main oMes of General Motors hera will. have tia following oMeers General nlen Manager J, MH. Beaton] As nln General . Bales Manager, Ross Mackinnon; Hales PMrometion Manager, W, C. Herring; Denler Finance and Business Management Manager, J, C, Ross; Genern) Parts and Merviea Manager, €'. HB, Me Tavish; Advertising Manager, W M, Robertson: Analysis Manager I", GQ, Spry; Rupervisor of Retall Ntores, G, 15, Ansley; Vleet Depart ment Manager, W. (', Marshall; OMee Manager and Cay Distributor, Wo DD, Carnwith; Kaport Depart ment, A, Lane; Nudget Manager, H, nt, Wilber The lacnlized plan of operation presents several distinct advantages to the dealers In the Central On trio aren, BLIND CLUES <4 t HAMPERING Above are four of the Middle Mehool of the Oshawa Colleginte and Voeationnl Institute who wero among the most. successful of the student body In thelr midsummer examinations, All passed with | thousand Malt Heportey) Nunderiand, Aug, 14 The town whip of Brock. went on holiday yeu: tarday afternoon and evening, when of poaople assembled in of underiand for the festival of Branch of the Attended whole program (My the villags annunl rock Canndinn deal wenthe) starting ment in the Iw elima went off very succes gront crowd whieh attended on Joyed every features to the fullest posible extont The presence of Boh Balley's famous Clown and the equally famous Corn Husk are' Oprchestrn from Toronto added to the attenctions for the oeenslan, and Lhe, dancing on the wide, Amooth pavement] was kept up Uke tH midnight The mont In the fontnd ummer nahip legion {he in busebnll roan, and finding treat dance at night afully, nnd the with nite inn afternoon hasehall tourna wtivaeted foul fret round Woodville hy while win hy 6 yuns "The tween underiandg an exciting uhead Hy andsstayed out In front unt) the slrong teams underiand de HO rans to b from Uxbridge finn! game he nnd Hitton Hilton fo 2 Was wont contest niton {und the POLICE WORK (Continued from Page to the elty to reside a few Hugo Looal polls. are now anxious to get In toueh with him as they are of the opinion that either his car or his lioanse plates were stolen and used hy the slayers to threw the authorities off the trail, Police have asked New York authorities to investigate the theory that the murder was the work of United Staten gangsters, The theory Is entertained because of the yeunted activities of Rocco Perel In the boutlogging line, Perel and his wite had alighted from thelr automobile after returns Ing home from a visit to friends when three' shots » shattered the stillness of the late 'night aly, and Mrs, Perel foll dead on the hack doorsteps, shot through the heart by deadly pellets from a 13 guage shot gun, The echo of the shots had barely dled away when three men were seen to dart around from the yard and won an alley at the rear of the Perrl's garage and thence to a waiting motor ear which sped down Duke street, along Cavos line street and vanished, Perel believes the murderers were intent on robbing his wife of the expensive jewelry she wore, hut this theory lu discounted hy the police, who point out ne effort wan made by the gunmen to rob the woman after she had fallen, BUILDING TRADES REPORT 25 PER CENT. ARE UNEMPLOYED Toronte, Aug, 14 Twdntyshiye pereent: gf the skilled workers in the building trades here are unemployed, according to an estimate to be pre sented today at the eivie WA ment conference by John Gillanders, president of the Building Trades Cone, No estimatescould be made of the number of unskilled workers unemployed, said Mv, Gillanders, but experience Jad shown that the ras 1 months days ago, will be found alive, __ tio here was generally higher, SERENE el See 0 th, The Sunderland 1 od a single tally In the faurth, Inthe fifth they singed a floroe ting rally, and before retired am hand count hut hats the alde was ahead hy 7 to loenls were Toronto Stock Exchange 2pm 107% ERY Noy [X} ny 104 NN 20094 Ny 1814 104 1214 hoa Standard Noi Exchange Btook Abana Alan Amulet Dig Missour! Chem, Research Dome Mines Faleonbridge Hollinger Home O11 Hudson Nay Lake Shore Noranda High Low Thy "160% ht AMM LTR REY fii 0h ny ny In 10 NW TL HER "EE REY MW HW 18% 184 10% 1ny 18% 134% 2 20 8h IR Stock ne, Am Hrarilian Canners nt Clty Dalry Dist, Hengram Dom, Stores Hi, Walkers "ord Int, Niekel Int, Petraloum Imperial Of Lollaw "A Massey Marvin Mont, Power Lal} Low 11 183 an hh 00 708 200 hoo 200 Tas 2300 200 2pm, 13 180 hn ha LEY on 200 hho Hah 728 2260 0 High 188 AO na in 708 200 Aho LEE 730 2360 21200 | uth the | by | ! tournne | { | | Band, | I" two rans inthe fret fanning | ff Lehip Ix runs hind heen seorved, | wilt henefit mond first, ¢lans honors in many subjects | for thely Junioyp The students are, top row, vight Kelly, Bottom row, Arnold Jobh and Cromwell Sunderland En Fete Last Night for Legion Festival | 18 ? This advantage they k tl the end of the gume they again became whines Eaton Trophy pocinl races for the players. brought Plekham of sSunderinnd race for civeling tha basep the clveult in 14 4:5 second meorfelt, of Runderiand, nh drongest arm, and won 1} for throwing the haseball spaciul 100 yards dash, O of Woodville was first, 11 1:6 neconds, with Wilson deriand second and Norvion brides third Aftar the od In the agricultural the Indios of the village, crowd: then prepared for th danens Gamoen and vefre booth wore provided ar given good patronage, but wis reached when (1) Huskers struck dures tune and hundreds swarmed out on the the daneing From that th halt was ealled nftey avervihing was fun and mer and the summer festival wns A In every particular he Legion Branch, whi ored the event, under the of . President Lot wan highly gratifed with von achieved, and the brane fin an Iarge wa the holding of the festival, RPOFEN, BUpper w Hux | und thus | | hullding and pavement Matriculation, left to | shirley Vowke and Kenneth | left to rights | Young, apt une of the muehnll keon competition | ing noth won the | children of (he making | i, Bum the | Prive In a allowny LL) I winning In oft of un 1'x ne serv. | hy | the o Kireet | nlime nt | id were the elf i Corn | of people | for ne until midnight. Po riment nowt 3 Hon Pp In nex, | he wut h funds | y from Stock Market Prices | | Marked Summary by Canadian I'ress ( Toronto and Now York Nock Quotations Supplied by ' Biggar and Crawford, Alger Bullding, Oshawa 124 145 nan 150 120 144 neh 183 Khor, Gordon Bud Danin Tock Mughes Wright Marg, 140 LE RU) LN 150 New York Exchange Low (BR 200 4 LER ho $N High [IRN 2008 a 10% LH TN ne Nock Am, I Pow Am, "l'el»"l'el, Am, Intern'l Nendix Anaconda Bot, Stoel INyors A. M, Canada Dry Chrysler Gol, Gan fox "Hm Gen, elo Gen, Motors Int, TelsTel, Kelvinator Mont, Ward Mi Re Ql Paramount P. N. Joraey Radio Radio Keith Simmons Standard NI, U8, Rubber I, 8 Steel Vanadium Yoel, Truck Money, sR N88 an an G80 0H 158 fy UY Ny 24 per cent, INDIAN LEADERS. HALT CONFERENCE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Poona India Ange Hd Confers ences In Yeroda Jail of eivie diss obedience leaders were halted for a day after two hours of debate this forenoon when Mahathma Gandhi asked for axsurances of the government's intentions toward Ins dia before committing himaelt to abandonment of his campaign tor independence, \ RR + " ; l T HIRD VICTIM OF Ahi ] St Pau), was foun from the Ang 14, oirly to-day wood an amusement White Bear lake 13 weat of here, miles to be the work of "Bugs" EALR. - GANG GUNS FOUND (By Canadian fren Leased Wire) odies of two other vies tims found last night near Wild. resort Shooting ix believed dpm ah 200 Y an No iN Th Wi fn 27 hy 19% 07% THE" 10% 18 LER PER hi Ll 10 an n ll 04 140% LEAN NY vd body 00 feet on north- Morqn | summing | parents "FAMILY FEUD ON COLLEGE HILL HAS SEQUEL IN COURT Neighbor Woman Charged With Striking Child-- Warned by Cadi CHILDREN WILL FIGHT MAGISTRATE SAYS Viehoes of un Tamily fused on Colleg HIN, were heard In tity po Heo conrt this morning, when ¥d- McDonald appeared on bo of his eight year old son, to lay n complaint of as Mrs, Shettley, » half Harold, saul against neighhour Accusations and counter gntions, contradictions and arguments filled phore of the court for hour, as the court sought to sift out the mass of relevant and Ire relavant Information offered hy both sides of the case Neithor MeDonnld nor Mrs, Khettley wers reaprasented hy counsel, and un darviook {to conduct thelr own CANON Ho far ns could be gathered, the court sctlon this morning rosulted from a condition of friction hes tween the McDonald and Shettley households which hos existed for some little timo, and which cul minated on Sunday evening, on whieh ocenslon, alleged McDonald, the defendant had struck his son Harold and sent him home crying "Children will quarrel," re marked magistrate Willis, tu up the for Judy meant, "but when the parents get mixed up In it, they usually show a sense than the children, Chite | dren will forget an quarvel in Nfs tean minutes, and he playing to noe denials the atmos nearly san "hne RAIN I NEEDED IN'THIS DISTRICT gether again," The court found pullty of assault, with «a Mrs. Bhettloy and discharged | warning, recommend same time that if the two families fait | the future, 4he them settle 1 hop Hike fightin in should Jet Among themselves Indecent Assan Idaway paid five dollars Into the coffers of jus he pleaded gullty to a attempted Indecent as Victor nnd costs tice, when charge of nat Intimidation Two canes Anguel 21m this morning chrgod with which helng Iagnl penne Charged adjourned city police court James Dassott wa "Intimidation interpreted in the means following about warn in in un an old time | from place to place with throats of violence Mike wecured I'he Kareh remand wesslon of lauor charge wan Maurice onan by laid | Cohen | Hiegal nh STATE PRODUCTION OF POWER MOOTED New York Governor Ap-| points Commission to Consider Problem (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Abany! N.Y. Aug, 14 The hody that may set New York's feet in the path of state prodouetion of waterpower wan preparing today to thekle the big task, Governor Roosevelt having named the Ave men comprising the Si, Lawrenos ower Developmtnt Commission yonterday . The Governor confident the approach the from the viewpoint Interest, An early meeting of the commis ston wan promised, and the execu tive Invited the five men to mest him at Ogdensburg, August 20 for a twosday inspection trip down the St, Lawrence river to study thelr problem 4th Oshawa Troop Meet Tomorrow Night that he wan would primarily the publie mald, commission problem, of All members of the Fourth Onh- awa Troop, Boy Scouts ave urged to he present at a meeting to be held In Rotary Hall to-morrow night at seven thity HN, M. Albert Ingham and his assis. tant and two members of the fourth troop committeemen Mr. G, Clark and Mr. W, lint drove to Paris, Ontario 'over the week end to ate tend the Gilwell Re-union at Khor Park, Hera they wsaw 28 seout leaders from all over the provinve Join together in" games with all the earnestness of a group of res gular weouts, In the valley were the Lone Neouts with one scouts leader and no weekly meeting place and soouting with this troup la tak. on mally by gotresponden 0, Resume Shipping of Cattle to Britain (My Canadian Press Loased Wire) Montreal, Que, Aug. 14,=The Montreal Garette today says that interest in shipping circlon ix bes tng stimulated by tho expected re vival of shipments of cattle to the United Kingdom, and now that it is dofinitely known the 8, 8, Mans chester Commerce is carrying a cargo of cattle on Thursday next, considerations of available space are occupying the. minds of those. | nehfavement have heen hung in the trades Council to Hold Commitee Meeting Tonight in Order to Discuss Im, Farmers Are Hoping For Showers -- Drought Causes Damage §f Farmers and market gardeners o the district are anxiously waiting for rain. During the three weeks the weather Jas particular! dry and very little thu retarding the growth of crop fruits and late etable One does not have to limits of Oshawa to notice for rain, Lawn which are green all season have bece ed and dry while it is sible to use au hoe in a ga cougt of the hard baked vendition of the ground No serious damage has a reported from the drought In some localities outs have too quickly ont. of weather on the LA heen fullen rout YER leave thie usually purch almost impos the need mie eden on ae vet be ulthoug! ripened the hot whole Pasture on we Giruin crops to he promising course, 1s suffering This: morning the ky suguested that a good show wits on the Hsueh should to be the ea twill he ally to those and gard nre of appearance ol the 'f wi prove "e wel come upon nt THO COLLEGIATE PUPILS HAVE FINE RECORD IN EXAMS espe {arn the n ho depend | | at the | depurtment portant Problem * om-- Will Consider Public Works Which May Be Under« taken Providing Governe ment Assistance Is Forthe coming map TELEGRAM SENT TO MAYOR FROM OTTAWA Steps Have Been Taken Ta Find Out Number of Un« employed Residing With« in City Limits , 5 « | nw " Oghnwn |8 pre pared (0o co- operate { with tha Dominion Government in Iw efforts to ascertain the full ex- tent of unemployment throughout, the country in order that accurate date may he provided nt the une employment conference which Is lHkely to be enlled by Premisr I. 13, Bennett The city counell iw meatin in committes tonight, Mayor Mitchell stated today, and the of unemployment will he discursed while it is also plan ned to consider what measures hould tuken hy way of publis works providing the governmant offers nusintunce to municipalities A complete report will he presented next reguine meeting of the council to be held Monday night Mayor Mitchell has received wm telogrumi from Hon, G, D, Robert won, Minister of Labor, similar to that which has heen wont by that to the mayors of all municipalities over 10,000 popula wubject tion | onrly | ton Ix Ti telegram reads an follows! "Tap Information of parliament rho with special session next month your co-opora= pollcited and would thank timate of unemployment presently existing in your city and to what extent you expect iI may ha accentuated during coming wint Rocelpt of this Information In yon for « Shirley Fowke and Gordon with any detnlls you may care tn Byrce Get Nine Firsts -- Six Others Do " Well Twn records of up in Oshawa's educational hall of. fame hy €, Gordon Nryce and Shirley Fowke, fourth form students nt the Oshawa Collegiate and Voca tionad Institute, Writing this June on nina examinations each, based | upon n rather heavy yYoar's course of study, these two students won [the remarkable standing of frst class honors on every paper. This means that on every examination tried hy Miss Fowke and Gordon Bryce, a mark of at least 75 pore | cont was secured Gordon Nryce's Arsln wore galned on papers In Anclent History, Geo { metry, Phyalen, Latin Authors, Lat in Coniposition, French Authors Franch Composition, Greek Authors und Greek Aceldence, Shrlay Fowke wrote an seven of the subjectn tried hy Dryce, bul her Interest apparently turned more to moderna than to the class len, German Authors and German Composition being substituted In her cane for the two: papers In Greek, More than ordinarily high stand Inga were taken by several other Oshawa students, SKtanley Harria had first class honors In Ancient History, Geometry, two Latin pap ore, and two French papers, with third class honors in Physles, Cromwell Young also had first class honors in five papers, includ Ing English Comporition and Liters ature, Canadian History, Algebra and Chemintry, Firat clans honors In Geometry, Latin Authors Latin Composition, I'rench Authors and French Come position, with second clans honors in Ancient History and Phyales, wan tha record of Arnold Jobb, Mansell Stacey had firats In (eos metry, IMrench Composition, and two Latin papers, with seconds in Anclent History, Physles and Fronch Authors, Kenneth Relly achieved class standing in English Litera ture, Canadian History, Algebra and Chemistry, with a second clans in English Composition, Zellinor Davidson alvo did well with first in Geometry, Latin Auth. ors and Composition and French Composition and his two German papers, \ antstanding firat - FIELD DAY IS HELD AT ORONO The Clarke Agricultural Society were responsible for a very succosss ful Field Day held yesterday at Orono, Fully one thousand people attended, A baseball tournament took place, AlLSStar teams from Manvers, Hope and Clarke Town. ships participating, Manvers drew the bye, Orono defeated Hope 13 5. Orono won the final game from Manvers 10+4, Thin was fol. lowed by a softball game between the Whithy Rovers and Oshawa Cheve, The Chevs. won a allver Cup by 14:10, A well patronived oconodrt concluded the daw's pro. ceodingn, \ | ndd | Wired to he avallable for use at meeting of unemployment norvicn council of Canada tn he held Otinwe, Aug, 21." Hteps have already heen taken to find out the total number of unemployed who are at prosent res plding within the elty and it is ax« pocted that much valuable informa tion may be presented at the coms mitten meeting tonight, Oshawa, In common with other cities, in deaply concerned over the problem of the workless which, with the coming of winter, will probably he felt more keenly unless rolief monss ures are provided, in dos TEXTILES MEET TIMES IN SECOND GAME OF PLAYOFFS, STADIUM The Textiles meet the Newsies to night in the second game of the semi-finals, at the Motor City Sta dium [hese two teams put up a preatggime on Monday and there should he a good erowd on hand to night to see this softball tilt, Defeat neans elimination for the Newsies, MONTREAL TO HAVE "$2 TRAFFIC COURT" (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montronl, Que, Aug, 14, Noxt wdblc Montreal will = inaugurate what 1s termed the *Two-dollar Traffic Court,' Nrenkors of minor traffic rules will take their "tlokets' received from policemen on duty, to the wickets in the court house where they will pay two dollars, Mora worloun offondors will he tried hes fore the Recorder's Court an forms orly It fa anticipated the new schome will relieve the congestion of trafs fio eases In the Recorder's Courts oe Card of Thanks LN Mex. Doernice Y, Thornton and dhughter, Kleanor, wish to extend their heart-felt thanks to their neighbors and friends for thelr many acts of kindness to thelr doar mon and brother, the late Alry Chostor Thornton, dxring his past lness, and to all those who no kindly assisted us in our re cent sad bercyvement, also for the beautiful floral tributes, and to Mrs, Jack Lee, who kindly sang, "Some Day Wo'll Understand." (37a) Coming Events 8 Cents per word each fame | eortion. Mintmum charge for each insertion, Bbo, DANCING AT SUNSET PAVILION every I'riday night, Admin slon, 20 (36) = 00, THE ORANGE PIC NIC WILL BR postponed until further notice. (37a) ZEDDA, 224 8t, Jullan L3Tad CONSULT MADAME solentific' palmist, street, da er