Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Aug 1930, p. 12

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EASTERN ONTARIO NEW | NEW PONTOFFICE Brockville, The opening hy the PostoMes Department of an of fice known as Prt Johnstown! » fow miles eant of Prescott to serve the population employed upon the construction of the terminal grain slevators and the surrounding resl- dents, commemorates the Villuke of Johnstown which was laid out there tn the earliest days of Upper Canadian history ss the Capital" of the Johnstown district and where a Jail and Court House werp esta. blished before thelr removal to Brockyille in 1808, There is record that malefactors were exposed In in the stocks for comparatively tri. viel oNenses, TO EXTEND HYDIO Campbeliford,---Hydro extensions are boeing carried out with rapidity | In the Campbellford district, On the. Hoards Lino several people have signed for power and It Is ex. pected that the lino will reach Wellman's before many weeks, AUTHORIZE, NEW BRIDGE Belleville, --City Connell has authorized preparation of plans hy A. B, Crealock, consulting engineer for a pew bridge over Moira River here, One'strueture at tho south- arn extremity of the business nec. tion was completed only last week and following a report which stat. ed that the upper bridge is unfit for traffic, counell with only two members dissenting decided to erect another which will be much similar in design to the ons com- ploted. It is estimated to cost about $45,000, JOINS TEACHING STAR Bmiths Fallg,--=Miss Dortha M Ransom of Prescott, has been ap- pointed science teacher on the staff of the Smiths Falls Collegiate In- | stitute and will nssume her duties In September new HYDRO RATE (U1 Smiths Falls, --Reductions of dp proximately twelve per cent in do- mestic commercial and power rutey fo take effect in the Soptamber bil- was charged with being In possess concealed weapons, TWO HURT IN CRASH Kingston, --~Joseph Torontow, his wife and sister-in-law of Ollaws, were injured when thelr car lefl the round one mile cust, of West Brooke, The injured were removed to the Kingston General Hospital, ELEVATOR CONTRACT LEY Kingston,--1It' is announced that Barnett and McQuoen of Vort Arthur have been awarded the con. tracts for the erection of the new foundation and superstructure of a new 4,000,000 bushel elevator to (be bullt at Catargui Bay by the | Canadian Terminal Company | Toronto, | CAUGHT EAGLE ALhens,~-'The golden eagle which was captured at Charleston Lake by Dr, Pritchard and D, Fraser an weok or so ago, and which has bety in captivity since at the home of Mr Fraser and attracted many visitor has made ils sncupe It wan n young eagle with a wing spread of seven feet and a fine specimen BRIDGE, COLLAPSES Tenton,-- After over fori of service, the steal, wood and cable bridge over the Murray Cunal five miles southwest of Trenton collapwed, No one was Injured The bridge connects what 1s known as the English Settlement Road with the first concession of Murray ine Yours ESCOTT TWP, irockville Front township has struck a mills on the dollny purposes and 27 mills Inr for county purpore HATE of | rate for township on tha dol Beott NECTOR RETINLS Arnptlor Venerable | con Saddington, reactor | ual church, Arnprior, has ed his retirement from the ship of the local ehuy active ministry, Archden of KEmman rectors Ih and from sion of a stolen ear and enrrying | of ANRounNC | ling wera given to M¥miths Falls in the report of the local Hydro-Flecs . tHe Commission P d P Db - roauce rrices CAUGHT IN ALBERTA Napanoe.--Jamoes Wilson, who has made two spoctacular escapes from the Napanee jai! bas been re. captured at Lethbridge AltA, un der the name of James Varrell, Ho * GRAIN AT TORONTO Giraln dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the fol lowing quotations for car lots * Manitoba wheat No, 1 Northern #74¢; No, 2 do, H6e; No, do, 4% cc; No, 4, 013%; No, b, 80%; No, 6, 83%: feed," 68%c (ctf Goderich and Bay ports) Manitoba oats feed No, 2 do., 38¢; Argentine corn, fhe eo Colborne Millfeed, delivered froights, bags included ton, «27,25; shorts, por 26; middings, $45.28 Ontario grain Wheat, 78¢; bar ley, 42¢; oats, 24e; buckwheat, nominal MYTH vs | FACTS Did you watch the R100, | floating along like a gigantic | 114 No, 1 If. Port Bran, ton, $28 fish, yet soaring with the ease of n gull? How peaceful, how cool, how exhiliarating it must be to sit: in the observation car and watch the world rush | by, Of course we could let our fancy run rampant and imagine all sorts of things for the future, But there in one thing right here which is # concrete fact and your ima gination doesn't have to budge an inch, le, when you are in need of Sick Room Supplies it will pay you to come to our store, From a large assortment of fresh stock you are certain of an easier choice, Bed Pans, Urinals, Kidney sing, Buber Sheeting, Ca: theters, Fi un ls, Hypo Syring- ., ermometers, In. valid Cushions: Electric Pads are only a few of the many sick: room needs we carry always on hand. Qur quality is of the highest and our prices will hear com: parison, Hpeoclal care given to all. Mail Orders, When in need of Drugs "QUICKLY" 'Phone The Rexall Stores Jury & Lovell Ltd, King St. E, Simcoe St. 8, Phone 28 Phone 68 CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Aug. 13 Whila the Government reports 'yesterday re vealed holdings In excess of what appeared to ba the average trade estimate, the market developed only on slight weakness as a result, Poy haps an offset to showing of cane OKES Was that of frozen stocks, the surplus of which was reduced in falr amount, The futures dragged along throughout the cull with only na negligible price spread and prac tically no outside Intereit in evid once, In sharp contrast with the OREN, the Government report In dicated a shortage of soma 6,000, 000 pounds as against n Aurplus i month ago of about fourteen or fifteen milllon pounds, Thin was contrued as extremely bullish but profit-taking was so heavy at the | opening that Novembers only opens ed %e higher than the high of vosterday and it was not untll c¢losa that the market reached the day's high, Two market receipts Butter to. day, 10,838; last year, 24,737: oggs to-day, 33,188; last year, 30, 080, Chicago spot. market Butter, oxtran, 184c; standards, 384¢; tone steady to firm; eggs graded Nrate, 24 to 244; tone steady, New York spot market axtras, '20c; no tone; oggs, i | 284 to 23¢; tone steady, ade; Butter, firsts, Jeddo Premium The Best Produced in America At Usual Coal Prices [Lr DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines 4 a ah of 12] hen the Highland Gathering and Seottish Music bald at the Banff Springs Hotel under the patronage of HM. R. IL the Prince of Wales and the auspices of one lights of this great annual gathering of the clans reminiscent of the summoned runners carrying a burning torch through the Festival August 20 to September, the Canadian Pacific Rallway, will be the Mery Cross race, days when the clinsmen were by glens entered thelr bes trophies Lads ing kilt will perform Highland flings, renls Beventeen Highland regiments fn Canada have t pipers to compete for and lassies dressed in the flash sword Loading Scottish athletes of the Capt, Finest quality, full weight packed in bright aluminum "SALADA" "Al" ¥., Hare, veteran Inke wullor, who was awarded the lifoesnving parehment, of the Hamilton Ont, Humane Society, Heeve H.C, Thompson, warden of Peel County, made the pre. wontntion, The vescue was made from the Credit, River, Ont, when Capt, Hare saved the life of Charles La Pointe, Just like the patter of fairy feet Against my window pane; I'hese vain drops Along m fon For 1 Loo old for fairy I'hi [ helieve in fairies Of fair (h FAIRY RAIN we the rain with its rhythmic beat, own will not feet simply stay citler thrill agam a tn spine I wis feeling so odd tonight was feeling most grown (quite up, views rain has brought back my child hood dreams, it almost seems awny my blues I'hey "ve chased hop hop wv the dainty hippety ww the dainty hippety footsteps bight tell me, please, would you fairies mind work behind I were to leave m was witnessed recently at Banff Springs Hotel when Banff Rocky Mountain Goat, hour-old Stony Indian pa the Hilda a6 poose (inset) was christened in the court Caledonian games tossing the caber, und field events, of the high eentrated on the sor ballad operas presented ope entit] written by J, 1 Healey Willan, disti and the other, Burn Beggars." The Alfr pany, dian and Old Englis Hotel, will supply t tions to war valuable dances and Montreal | per By Thornton Ww. Burgess mince [The sully are in state of mind 'Temptation dearly loves to find wel) Mother Jim Crow wan fn disgrace Master having found the clothesping kad to admit row gh I'herefore hind punished n In whola hut in In a pen In the harn "1 surely don't Farmer Brown that derstands he fn being puninhod, Just the same © am golug to punish him Heo 1s probably wondering what It Is all ahout Ona thing | eortadin and that is that he will have to he shut up on wasli-doy It won't do to have Mim pulling tha clothesping and dropping the warh Ing on the ground ngain.' When after an couple of day wan ones more given hi erty, ho was very much out of Ho scolded Parmer Hrown's round! armer Lrown's chuckled "Lowish I oconld under stand what ha Is snying," sald he "I presume he is telling mae Jet what he thinks about me." Having glven his mante ough scolding, Jim Crow went by himuelt and wulked, I'hrmar Brown's Boy went down to the cornfield to. join his fathep at work there, Jim Crow didn't go nlong ng usunl His master tpeled to conx 'Makes Children Bright Active---Healthy With Rosy Cheeks | Cod Liver Extract, wo abundant [ n wugar-conted McCoy's Cod Liver 1 | tolen Jim Crow to be two dave ho wap HUD PONE hoy, ! Jim un Jim Crow ort Hoy Hoy n thoy Extract Tablots, In the quickest nnd surest way of setting skinny, | nervous boys and girls on the right vond to health, attractive | ness and happinens, Whon children take McCoy's they obtain the full body, bone and montality huilding benefit pf Cod Liver Kxiraet which doctors prescribe for thelr own children and which world's greatest medis pen! authorities enim are so os« I sential for health and growth McCoy's adda flrm flogh, out. flat chests ---- hones ° grow stralght and strong, plenty of ens orgy and vitality to vest dineass is created. Your rosy cheeked, hright eyed, well developed kiddies will he wonderful reflection upon a moths er's expert care~-such happy and healthy days ahead of them! Ono wlekly cohild gained pounds in 7 months, Got McCoy's Cod Liver Wxtraot Tablets at Jury ang Lovell Ltd, T. B. Mitchell, Karn's Drug Store, or any drugstore, 60 tablets, 60 cents. fills 12 " Ee 4 | | In | Innd wld | ridgepole | # but | they { | | | Tih | other | that off | ol on Ha tha fim flow hut rol down wulked him just "up Nature, [vidgepole of the barn and continued Mis | Lo sul It was while he wa that Blacky the Crow, nlso his mother hrothers and sisters, thelr friends, flying I'hay saw Jim Crow sitting of the barn and they al 0 saw that no ono wan ahout, No decidod to pay Jim Crow a Presently that whole flock gathered on the harn and othee, butldings They were vary quiet Blacky alighted heslde hig long lost son and began to talk to him in a low tone, He was nrg Ing Jim Crow ko hack to the them Jim up bin ome and n of hi lot of over on the came visit of Crows wa (Gireen Forest fo the Mun be flow sha mol hey him und r ow' { Ide of nn to talk ed on and sald nothing. Jim Crow nid nothing Put Nlacky and My Hlneky sald enough fon all the rest At first Jim Crow was a little frighs tened You wee, ho didn't know Nincky and Mrs, Dlacky were his father and mother, It had heen 0 long since he fell from the nest and was found 'hy Farmer Noy, and ha the time, that he ember his parents, didn't remember hig sisters and he nover any of the other erows rather afraid of all these strangers Probably if ing sulky and wouldn't have they had to say, forget. how he had for two days, No, slr; he Just couldn't forget that, If he should go with those folks of his own kind ho never again would be shut up, Prosently some of the other Crows began to urge him. to join the flock, It wounded as if it would be very wonderful to go off with these binck companions of his own kind and be froe to do as he pleasdd, Tt didn't oceur-to him that ho was free and had boen free right along Finally, at a signal, all tha Crows Look to their wings and bognn efr- eling above Jim Crow, all calling to him to come with them, Then they headed for the Green Novest, It wan more than Jim Crow gould re. alat, "Caw, Oaw, Caw!" he orled, The flock turned and camo back, Jim Craw spread his wings © Two minutes later he was on his way to the Green Yoreat, (Copyright, 1830, T, The neat story: lyon Are Opened." Just didn't rem: Of couren 'ho brothers and had known So he was black heen fool: worts, 'he to what he coulde't beon shut up he hadn't out of Hatened But Ww, "Hm Hurgoess) Crow's A TOUGH ROUND Indifferent Golfer: You are get. ting more and more hopeless! Caddi.: | couldn't have less hope than wot | started withy=The Hum: ardab, The musical programme this year the more Dominion have been rounded up for the traditional such as putling the as well as "stane," and usual track will be con with ve Pita we tonight May Witt And dance When a hay fork track and in falling plerced the breast of Mrs, John A Gilmour, Bhanly, who was stand roekville jumped the 51 yard of the hotel in the presence "744 0of around KOO guests and with A, H. Devenish, marager. of the hotel, and Mrs, Devenish, acting as Gode father and Godmother, Left to right the group shows: Noah ' Rocky Mountain Goat, father; Mrs ", Incorporating these songs Middleton, with arrangements by fhern futher | to Join the fleck and | with | The other Crows looks | Hrown's | hod been wo young at | 156 of Robert Burns apd two will ha ed "The Ayrshire Ploughman', nguished Canadian composer, 8 own cantata of "The Tolly od Heather Light Opera Come now presenting a two-month season of Cann- ' operas at the Banff be artists "prings for these produce neg | painful injuries but | Paw! Zegger, Amsterdam ace, lang distance champlon of Hollang | tor years decorated hy hoth the {queen of Holland and the king of [Belgium for his aquatic prowess, | who has desevied amateur ranks " | tompete in the Canadian National Lioxhibition's world famous N25,000 marathon, ABANDONED ROADS We are the abandoned roads, Hestde the great highways we linger We have faltered, stumbled in the on | ward march, | And now we look wistfully on [| Resigned, like old people in chimne corners, We witch these Smooth of face, brow muscled, they swagger! How they con quer all obstacles! "Narrow," they sneer, \"s we are narrow, No time had our makers for broad roads, They must press forward! But they stivred up our dust with their laughter, Packed it down with their tears and the sweat of their hodie Through the years we have bowed to their burdens, In their trivmphs, defeats; in joyous procession, m mourning, have deepened «wur ruts, they have furrowed our faces, In silence we watch while the young roads Lift all care from our shoulders Soo opr last faint traces 'will be hid den by grasses and wild flowers But we have Heed abundantly, We abandoned roads «Amy May Rogers THE MODERN GIRL rr (Queheg Soleil) The voung modern girl is leaving more and more the life of retreat and tranguility which preceding centuries made her lead. She wants more nes tivity and, before taking part in polit. fog, or becoming no votef, or entering the House of Commons or the Senate, she wants more contacts with world én the sume footing as young 'man, A AT WORK ON FARMS {Exeter Times«Advocate) There is little uneniployment on eur farms these days, Farmers are not the sort of people found in bread lines, Agraculture -doeg not offer large re- turns for the time and money invests ed therein This muy be sald of it, that the furmer who practices his art with intelligence and diligence rarely | waats for a competency in his old age, voung roads, d-backed, strong How Yes, I'hey the swerving past the Devenish, holding papoose ceremony unique in the his-! Rock y Mountain Goat, moth. ory of the Canadian Rockies! er; and AH, Devaiah, J helow, Mrs, Gillmour received will recover A ~Price without quality is worthless. We never sacri- fice quality for price but strive to bring to you foods of unquestionable quality at lowest possible prices always. Strawberry Jam. BRUNSWICK 43€ SARDINES § uw: 25¢ Lobster ;" 33¢ tn 219c"™" CHOICE CREAMERY BUTTER 2 un. 59¢ M E A T fy Preserving Needs Preserving Jars, quarts doz, 99 Preserving Jars, pints doz, 8 Rubber Jar Rings ...... doz, 22 19 12 Zinc Jar Rings ...... doz. Parawax ........ 1b, pkg. Certo.......\svu0i i000 tL 28 SANTA CLARA MEATY PRUNES se 2 oe 19e DATE JAM Biscuits 19¢ HEINZ COOKED SPAGHETTI 2 Medium Size Tins DJ e GENUINE NEW SEASON'S SPRING LAMB Loin Roast 51. 25 ¢ wv. [Ge id Fronts EXTRA SPECIAL! TENDER ROASTS OF YOUNG BEEF Chuck Roast - uw. 13e Blade Rib Roast - uw. 18¢ Round Steak Roast uw. 26¢ Rump Roast - uw 23¢ STEAK uw lye CHOICE LEAN Cooked Ham wn AY e Fruits and Vegetables LARGE RIPE BANANAS SPANISH ONIONS VALENCIA ORANGES < 43¢ Pork Shoulders sweet tickled, 1b. | Ge dos; 25¢ 5 n. 25¢ FRESH MINCED

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