Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Aug 1930, p. 11

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PAGE ELEVEN DS CTION. 1d CONANT & ANNIS, 8 AN ATR Bolleitors, Notaries Publis, Bie. Conveyancing and general pras tice of Law, Offices 7% Bi St. South, Oshawa, Phone 4, 0, D; Conant, BA, LLB; AV. AD: nis, BA, LL.D, il i WB. nN. SINCLAIR KO, WANK of Commerce Bullding, A y BA rister Bolloitor, Notary Publle, noer, Money to loan, Of fits Toe King Bt, Dest Dihaw 4, BF, Griamon, Mhton, BA, NO Dew ad's 10 simooe Notary, over Restle (1 ro" oney 10 10an aireet north, Phone 07, [] E OYE BAN. oftors, otc, 84% Sime prog 4 hone 8100, Money to 00s Bt. N, 1h, tor, oto; Gonveyanel vaotioe, 29% King BL, RANIC 8, EDBS, DARRI ' Bolloltor, Notary 'ublle, Convey: ancer, money to loan, Third floof new Alger Bulldinr, opposite Post Office, Phone 2000, Medical Re HAZLEWOOD & WAWPEN, rr Block, Phone £20860, Of ties hours D am, to 8.80 pm, Dr BJ. Haslewood $fecial attention to Surgery and X- ay Dr. BH Harper, special attention to ohild ven's Diseases and Obstetrics, Hun+ day and night calls $416 or 122, . MOKAY PHYBICIAN, BUR. DE Ther Oftige and resi: dence. King Bt, Kast, corner Vie. torls Bt, Oshawa, Phone 04, DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN urgeon, Obstetridlan, diseases of ntants and obildren, Office and vesldence, 07 DBobd East, Phone ARCHER, M.B., OM, , 0, P, and 8, Edinburgh, Phy. slolan, Surgeon and Obstetrician, 3 loo 148 Bimoos Bt, N, Phone 80%o0, residence $0 Cadiling Ave, North, Phone ' SIOTAN, ) Obstetrioian Office and ones, F189 Bimooe Street north, PHYS! batetriclan, 0 oe Simeoe Street, DR J. ARCHER BROW rE "Veterinary Surgeon "VITRWINATTAR olalist Diseases Domestic Anim. als, Cat and Dog THoptu 208 West, elephone 629, Hihy (5 aug. tf) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist ' PI TTF BRYANE OF 100 BLOOR Pirsst West Toronto will be at his oite over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 pan, for consultation and treat: ment of diseases of ear, nore and throat only, Appointments Way be made at drug store, Phone #7, e, , Nose an t "WT. RIOHARDEON, tallst, ORloa over Mitohell's Store, Phone 3000 and 438). arahiteotural work, "Cosond foo Royal Bank Building, Phone 1406, Nes. phone 000J, sodlate mrehitects, Simooe 8b 8 | 88 yor : Felt Bros, Watch Repairing Swiss watohmaker, repalr shop at 4% King Strent West, Your pat. a 1s solicited, epairing TRU BEST PLACE WHITE YOU jot your shoes tized lke new fa Ba oor corner Bimooe N. and Wiltiam w. July 30-1 mo) "Rates for | Classified Ads. © Piret Insertion=-114 cents per werd : Minldium charge $00, Pine tae iion Te" bee 4 oon inser: Three ot » wo As three (three cents a Mintmam shares tor ineertions, 60 oomte. 'Box number 100 additional } fant ) per month each wdditionsl } word, y avi, Sou LEE Lo | TESPRONS for Mlanstfied Ad a Department " h a whi TE | Nitrous ox1d oxygen gis for extrac: 1 Dentists, 87 King st. J ' ' B, soit's, Wpesinl attention to X-ray work, Oss extraction, Nurse In diisndance, Phone 000, House " ' ] north, over Mitchell's Drug Store L] straction, Phone b4, 1] Bank Bids. tions, Offices, Moya! 4 , 1878M, Pho AR, reside; Wimeoe WL N, over Dewlana's, Phone 157, Nes, 208W. Dveningh 'n, Wpesial xtraction and X» io attendsnne, attention to Ay work ure # L] -- PiCOTING, nine cents & yard. Pleating skirts ne dolar, Dresses cut and Atte orfeatly, Dmbrodery work, The all Bho 80% Bimeos south, Phone 10056, (July 81-3 mo) aveciniies in manele anomalies, of deli! and gispsen, Author of +) Are and Kye Birsls, The Chile and [ts Development, Dis ae ) opposite Pom Office hone 4410, (July 10-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND WMTTH ONTAW. io Land Burveyors and Olvil ngis oers, subsdivisions, town planning, munioipal engineers, 865 or 411 King Bt, 1, Phones 3582) or 2644, Undertaking ~~ LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING BT, last, Ambulanes, Residence B42 Simcoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W tain TEHAWA "WURTAL™ "CU, "IF, Armstrong & Bou, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Bervine day and night, Phone 1083W, § Celina, (4th) Insurance DAVIE AND WON, TNEUNANCE. 10 King #t. west, Oshawa, The old. est Fire Agency in Oshawa, 80 Res utable Fire Co consult MN, Johns, B80 Bimoos north, Your insurance wants ab tended to and your Interests pro- teated, Transportation OXNTAGH AND STORAGE COLL: man's, 86 Bond west, Speciall In furniture moving storage wa house and moving van equipment. Phone &8, TT NOVING,™ UWAVEL mand and oinders, Local and long digtance hauling. ®mith ox Phone 034, 10 Bond Wt, West, 1] AN OLDERT BTAD: lished furniture movers, Park Road oartage. Local and long distance, Frank Cowle Prop, 8 Park Rd. South, Phone 215, _ (July 21-1 mo) Beauty Parlors "LOU TERWANENT WAVE Spoolalints in permanent, marcel waving, Pere shop, finger and and $106, All other lines ot Beant Culture, Phone 2008, - Apply § imgoe street north, EXPERT MARGELLING BY DRS ty Ward at Netty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham poo $1, Phone 2004, a WATHON'S _ DARDER AND Hoauty hob, 9 Colina Bt. We spout faline In ladies' hale cutting, mare celling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 60 eonts, Jor appiiptments phone 03. (July 17-1 mo) ali Radio Service PAPER © with rectal 81,00, Fepaired ana rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 10 Mill Bt, Phone 18806W, (July 81+4 mo) UNHAWA [) pairs on radios, power packs and eliminators, Tubon tested and supplied, radio poles for sale: Batteries charged and repaired. Phone 88504, Charles Wales, 140 Bigin east, CIT RRR. mo, ) Meney to Loan oan Arrange a first mortgage on your residence If it 1a well lo: cated, Sndiey Bron, over Ward's Store, Slmooe Bt. South, (July 28:0) OITY PROPER: ty and farms, Apply A, J. Parks hill, 37 King St, Hast. Phone 1014, (July 31+tf) A attent! given wh on Eo sehol Iture sales and Farin: stock Hl i our Patrons Shop health, comfort, Personal atten: tion and wervice, Phone Nie Blots tor, Distelot Manager, 2180M. (July 21-1 mo) nen vatating a g RLY AUG tS Oshawa, gh, work guaracieed, %40 Plue Ave, Phone S065w or ¥087w, ssi aan a pm SEL manent wave prices $06, $7.00. $10 meets All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc: STRICTLY CASH IN This rule has been found necessary because sf sxpénse and loss arksing from handling » large number of small arcounts of this nature, For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient tw some personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring » messengar who will tecelve the advertisement snd collect for same | "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 24K FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT "ADVANCE Building Supplies y ORW," WAND AND gravel for salo==Ta losure prompl delivery, piace 'rders In advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale Phone 1618, Work Wanted NEW POC E=1r "YOU "Atk bothered With ecookronches, | will rid your hound of them, 149) Olive Ave, Phone 17887, (July 161 mo.) WANTED ACL RINDE™ OF coment work, also collars, All work done reasonable, "hone 1648 r 4, (Ae) cond Hand Dealer NEW"AND FECOND WAND YUN. niture bought and sold, 186 Bloor Bt. KB. Phone 10617M, (July 23-1 mo.) FRUORE™ WAND" DlALER~WE buy and sell used furniture, seve and tools. Phone 1080, M, Collis, ohureh Bt, (July 16-1 mo) Palmiet MADAME WENA PACMIET, 01h Buona Vista, Appointments, Phone LLOA Aug 3+1 mo.) A CMTE, Phone appointments Rod6F, 00 Lioulss street, (July 36-1 mo) RM A a TIVE Bh POULTRY "NEN =" UIT Yom hoavy breed 1%+3 1b, cookerals oaponised at 100 each, Minimuin charge, $1.00, It pays to enpob- ize, Ives Bron, 630 Drew street, (July 281 mo) FOUR AND orn suites in oration sto onces, ele, supplied, A or The Tru fad, manag FOIL RENT tral, 6 roor For Rent FIVE ROOMED MOD. wluding electrie refrig. ve, laundry conven) continuous hot water pply Bupt, phone 2071, ste and Guarantees Co or for owner, Toronto, (471) ~APAIVIMEN'T, CEN- ne, hewly decorated, nll conveniences, lease or by the month, Bo CHEERFUL business sec by the month or year, Times, X_748 Times, (160LL) ' AVAIVI'MENT IN tion, newly decorated, Box 147 (1638101 AVANTMENT, FURNISHED OK unfurnished , Mvery convenlence Phone 1660 or ABATW, (arn APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All convenie ADply Mradley bros, THREK R ront, $10 per month, Nt, Jullen street, COMPORTANLY two room a fences, sult Very centra TO RENT house, or w on fim flgor and charge T84W, floors (NHL) nees, hardwood OQOMED HOUR Apply 10 18% (4h) IFURNIRHED partment with cohven able for room mates I, 00 Centre, (46¢) =~ NINK ROOMED ould exchange 6 rooms for Heht and heat of furnace, Phone (Hhe) FOR RENT ed house, 2 «UNI I'OUR ROOM 08 Park road south (be) UARAGE T Phone 468W, CENTRAL (870) 0 RENT, Personal WHY BUFFER URE 10 NEwW Harmony Electro Magnetic Appl ance, Others are obtaining health, why not you! Klectro Magnetinm In one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century, In many cases where everything else han' fulled the Harmony Kleotro Magnetic Appliance han brought hedlth, We are not out to soll you something that you are not satisfied will benefit you, Therefore we give you & free offer to prove what we says Is correct, When you are antisfied the Har: mony will help you then it Is up to you to use your own Judgment W. CO. Hutcheson, Dominion Bales Manager, 1064 William 8¢, KEK, Phone 200, Oshawa, (July 26:1 mo.) Sadhana Bullders' Bargains Oak Flooring 0c. wa, Toot! Wall: board 87,60 thousand feet; Ready Glazed Barn Bash 08¢; Hate Roof fog 2,88; 28 gauge metal roofing 5.00; House paint B0Ou, qt: Garages $10 down payment, Asphalt hing. les 6,45; Metal Celling 5.408; Hop. tio Tank #0 down payment, Write now for Big Free Salo Catalox, Amaning savings for July and Auge ust, Halliday Company Limited, Box 16, Hamilton, Le tracting lastering, electric 01 alterations. hone 130 for estimates, family, very central, also garage: Phone 10887, (800) board, for two Collegiate studen a, Apply 208 Golf St, (37a) BATHROOM TLATw= newly decor vonlences, entrance, Bt, I, I'on rooms ever Hght housekeeping 28070), NEN ROOMS, ated, pantry, All cons Une' of phone, Private 288 William -------- (Hie) I § FURNISHED convenience for Phone J488W, ($0.0) 'y 402 TRUSANK NT. NROOMID houne, all ¢ double garage, TO MENT - house, all e floors, gara 106600, TO RENT houre, all garage, fac Apply 146 Contre street onveniencos, hea peu, Phone 1827 1-4, ~ (Woe) « BIGHT ROOMED onveyleances, hardwood ke, central, Phone (hee) CHRVENT"ROONMTD conveniences, double 'ing Memorial Park (4%) TORRENT =" WOH BIN Hix room haouuo, nonable rent NO, 260 I'IY 6 room, all per month exclusive agent, Nouth, Pho All canvenlences, roa » Phone 162 or 8484) -- Poo (47e) ENCHTRT, ORA WA, conveulencon, $45.00 Apply to W, J, Hulley, 6 Himooe Nt ne f (17¢e) NEW MOOERN RIX ROOM WIR: gala, fireplace, w lanve blinds sonable, 28800, HOURET0 nice condit! don, immediate possession, per month, For All conveniences, with open fred for stove, will and fixtures, ront rea partienlurs phono (070) TIRIRTSEETE Gane, on with planted gars $y Apply 8, Snowdon, 80 (iladstone avenue, (47¢) Nursing SUNNYNGOR, ™ TORAL [RET home, nurs up, Phon 460 Whitby, ng care, $10 wookly eo J, M, MoKee, RN, { Time (July 16+<1mo) Articles For Sale dors, binck loam, 84,67 per yard, Vor quality and service phone Ks scry Dros, 882 1 11, (May 8-41) MIXED HARD AND 50FT WOULD vinbs, $3.50 d, Also bone body wood, Witerous a ne, of Phone 12 eed APL 2011) FOR SALD--HEINTZMAN CO, LAd,, pianos, new and used pianos, also radios, latest models; terms arranged, Apply ©. Trull, Phone bod, (11141) -- ARN. {shes, We have the largest sssort mout of paints, varnishes, ete, In In the oity, The Paint Store, 80 King street west, (Apr, 38 tf) FOR BALl-= NEW AND USED bleycles, accessories, auto tires and tubes, also clean household furniture, Mverything olearing cheap, 164 Kulalle Ave, (Aug, 1-1 mo) FON FALE == MOTOWN BOAT "Ming Oshawa," 806 foot rong, 7 It, 6 hoam, 110 horsepower Redwing motor, mahogany trim, seating che pacity of 24. Apply Box 823 Times, (ar) OWN TLOYD TREAT ENAMEL stroller, good condition, 2064 ML Julien Hireet, (Bho) MOTTA BEETRTE WANTT, with conl or wood annex, #h0, 204 Bruce street, Phono 1050W, (fhe) FOR WATE =TUZZ" BAW "AND cement mixer, Apply 202 Park rond wouth, (He) FORT PALT == OTL WTOVIT IN good condition, 44 Bond wiréel onnt (46n) ( OAL OI HTOVE AND OVEN walnut hedutond and spring 3 Fernhill Bivd,, Westmount (470) TRL TT A Situations Vacant CATT ARNT MONEY WARITY, quickly enrned taking orders now for aur bonntiful line of Personal Christmas Gresting Cards, Hell on shit egal Art Co, #10 Kpa dina Ave, Toronto, DI, THUNA'S NERBAL, STORE moved to Blmeos HKouth, Corner Mill, - Herbal Remedies for various Allments continued hy same fam. ous Herbalist, (Julyih+1 mo.) _an a a ---- Situations Wanted NLDERLY LADY WANTH A POs pition as housekeoper, Mrs, Mary J. Cook, Newcastle, P.0,, Ont, (dle) LADY FREER PORPITON™ AN housekeeper, where child 11 years not objected to, Apply Box Ki46 (40) SRE 8 vu Real Estate For Sale MUNT BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY, 4 room cottage; 288 I'rench streot, newly papered and painted inside and out $11,760 Will aocept fully patd car or lot an part pay+ ment Apply above address or phone 2404M (dhe) FOR ALE =" OOM WRITER veneer cottage, north end of elty, Newly decorated, all convenionces, Lot 40 x 118 Bargain at $53,600 I'hone 2458 for appointment (400) Help--Wanted Male FTORE™ NANTON WANTS for Oshawa, Mxporience unneceps sary, 8060.00 weokly to start, also substantial shave of profits, Ap. plicant must he able to furnish 026,00 to $1,800.00 cash deposit on mereNandise, Addross Manager 4084 Bt, Denia Street, Montreal, Que (300-89) AMITITOUR MAN INT ORAWA Lo qualify for a permanent posi. tinn Must he capable, reliable hind honest, Necessary stat Im mediately on reasonable earning bani, Car noconsnry, Write P'renident, 089, Battle Crook, Michigan, (370) DT ----r A -- Help Wanted--Femal WANTED--MIDDLE AGED WOM: Ah an housekeeper, No family, Ap. ply Box 8838 Times, (H00) TOUR CENTWAL -- APPLY U0 Connaught street, (30h) Th COMPRTRRT housekeeper for family of four, Apply In person with references to Mra, T\ BD, Mothersill, 386 King utreet wont, (47) GOON MARURETHR™T0 WORK on comminelon or will rent space EE a i Bl. very cheap, Down town looality, Apply Box 838 Times, (370) Public Notice NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OV "LAW Notico Is hereby given that a by-law was passed by the Council of the City of Oshawa on the Oth dny of August, 1080, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $2,000.00, tor the pur. pose of laying a Ons Main on Nox. horough Avenue, and that such by-law was registered in the rogis | try office of Whithy in the County of Ontario on the 12th day of August, 1980, Any motion to quash or sot aside the same or any part thoreof must he made within®three months after the first publieation of this notices and cane not he made therenfter, Dated the 15th day of August, 10430, "¥, E. HARE," Clork, (87-43-40) --h Dominion Garage, 88 Bond streot whut, Phone S108, All oars at one price $1.00, (July 17-1 mo To J TOACT, equipped with trunk, for sale at sacrifice, Mako your offers, Talo. phone 21770, (47¢) Lost and Found - ON TT ANITA TR Villon Saturday night, Brilliant Hracolot, valued as Neopsake, Finder please return to Mrs, May. nurd, Oshawasonsthe-Lanke, (360) LONT wee BONDAY, AUGUET™4, Club Bag with men's furnishings between Oshawa and HBowman- ville, I'hono 3407) or 268 Celina wiroot Itownrd (46¢€) VOOND=IROWR TUN, PHONE 1204W, (40e) YOR] ; Th "ale Grounds, Rotary Carnival, Bar Pin, Winder please return to Dally Times Office, Reward, (47h) LONT=0N TURRDAY, A BUN: burst, on Ritson Noad North, corner of Celinn and Athol, Bime con wireet to Four Corners or In Bor 4 of the storos along there, Phone 1024W (470) BEATR ERAT ARR™UCON waa lost between Danforth and Rouge Hill, Kingston Highway, contain- Ing Children's clothos for vane tion nnd tonle for ehild, Kindly phone Oshawa 1532W., Reward, Heverse charges, (47h) Mark Mepton, left, aged 19, of Toronto, Ont,, who was drown. od In Muskoka, Ont, In attempt. ing to recover on oar lost from a rowboat, and James Hopton, his brother, right, who les crit. feally 1 in hospital, a victim of spinal meningitis, AVIATOR ADMITS BOMBING MINES Forced To Do It By Threat of Death to Self and Family Sheriff Willlam WFanigan has an. nounced that Paul Montgomery, 26.year-old pilot," had confessed that he wan the aviator who con ducted the aerial bombing raid on non-union coal mines Monday, near Providence, Ky, Montgomery had bean under sus- plolon since he was first questioned Monday afternoon, He was in the nowa several times recently in con. nooton with a projected airplane flight from Dallas, Tex, to Rome, "I wan forced to do It," the sheriff quoted Montgomery an says Ing, "I was threatened with death and my. family was threatened with harm, "There were two men who ap. proached me, | won't give thelr names, With one of them we left hore at daylight, Monday, and flew to Providence, "Ax ho dropped the bombs, 1 manoouvred so that none would fall in the groups of men about the; mine," C, Burrows, Toronto, fashioned this model of the famous dirige thle, R100 with bamboo rods and cloth, BOTH ABSENT -MINDED Smith="Du you know, my brother Is so absent-minded that one thinking his bieycle was outside, went to get on, hut fell off bheeaus De -- ------ Felt Bros The Leading Jeweler Lstublished 1880 12 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH J, REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your waich {9 uot giving satisfaction we can repair and make It tell the correct time D. J. BROWN I'K JEWELER Officio! Wateh Inspector tor Canadian Nations) und Ost awn Kallronds EC ---- 10 King St, W. "hone 180 aaa PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Bt. B == We Deliver an tomy COAL COAL hone 108 W. J, SARGANT Yards) Bloor #Atreot Mo Ordors U'romptly Delivered COLEMAN PALL LACAL Ann LONG.UIS TAN M Bond Street, Wet, i --------bdart de I ep Dofore placing Automobile Ia« surance, get my special rates, Dargain prices for lots in Dears born Park, subdivision, west of Slmooe N, J.H.R. LUKE % Regent Theatre Bldg. JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Wornill, Oph, D. Eyosight Specialist Phone 82158 LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber ang Wood Lard 'hone Oshawa 824 Whitby 18 wasn't there," Jones=="That's nothing! Why, my cousin, one night in bed, actually struck a mateh to see If he had blown the candle out!" TO HAVE HYDRO Kingston, --=Ag more than the n quired number have signed up, it 1% exphetad that the work of putting in the power lines to Wilton will he started In nu fow weeks, PROPERTIES FOR SALE Home real snaps in beautiful homes, ' DISNEY REAL ESTATE, 20 King K. Rs HSN YOUNG 4% PrincelS "Oshawa¥ Expert Watch Repairing BURNS JEW , 4 STORE King & Prince Sls, ds ls ee... Machinery Repairing NOTHINU 200 LARGUR NOTHING 100 SMALL AdanacMachine Shop 101 King St, W, Phone 1214 Good Weather Ahead! w=D0 not 1080 yOUr cre Lot mo finance you==Addle tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANN Room 0, 14} King St. East ET FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check ignition, clean and ads Just points, adjust carburetor on Chevrolet Cars, 1028 to 1030 models, Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 09 Simcoe Hb, South Ye CARTW Lump Rr (© a4 ATH) Diamonds! | Bassett's On Oshawa'e Main Comer IE- a-- tw () Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 900 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1658 ome EYRSIGHT SPECIALIST Spalalialng exclusively n muscle 08 d ELLA CINDERS--The Generous Lie

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