Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Aug 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1930 WHEAT GARRY OVER (11,000,000 BUS, Larger Than in Either 1928 or 1920--Whest Sold Totals 280,000,000 Bushels Ottawa, Aug. 14.-The total Mock of wheat remaining in Can ada on July 21 was 111,602,619 bushels, according to a special re- port Issued by the Dominion Bur- oan of Statistics yesterday, Pho following were the quantities of grain on hand on July 31, 1028: July 31, 1929, and July 81 this your respectively given in bushels: Wheat «= 77,626,071 ~~ 104,383, 221 ~~ 111,692,610; Oats ~~ 28, 604,060 ~~ 45,165,408 -- 21,411, 710; Darley = 5,450,603 -- 11. 020,867 --- 22,840,650; Rye - 2,080,040 ~- 4,219,756 -~ 9,192, 089 Plaxsced ~ 1,206,347 -- 561, 487 +e G6,008, The report adds that the distri bution of the 1029 wheat crop has proceeded far enough to make pos- sible a reliable recapitulation, Total sxports of wheat and wheat flour in the crop year ended July 31, 1930, amounted to the equivalent of 186,267,212 bushels, The amount required fbr seed in estimated at 44,500,000 bushels and food requirements at 44,000, 000 bushels. The total thus: ac- counted for is 274,707,212 bushels, while stocks in Canada on July 41, 1980, ndd to the record amount of 111,602,610, giving a combined total of 386,450,701, The carryover on July 31, 1920, RRR The photographs reproduced above show features of operas tions involved in raising the 1035. foot flag-pole, gift of tho British Columbia government, just south of Horticultural bullding at Exhibi. RT rita Tal Blo LANE LE eek rE ------ LE -------- I tion grounds, Toronto, This tre. mendous stick, constituting probab- ly the longest one-plece flag-pole in the world, came from Hritish Columbian last year by sea, via Pan. ama canal, Left, view of pole In i position, topped by copper ball pre. sented by Walter and Athol Gow. Right, pole during raising opera. tions, which necessitated use of a 77-fool crane, from the 1028 crop was approxim- ately 104,888,000 bushels, while imports during the crop yoar wire about 1,010,000 hushels, The amount of wheat disposed of from the 1029 crop is therefore loft at approximately 281,066,731 bushels, A -------- or in for lands 14 CENTS » who live among you, activities, your | | WHAT A DOLLAR DOES FOR YOU Follow It Over an A & P Counter #34 CENTS go wherever the best food Is to be found at least cost to you ~=in your own nel hiorhood, in other parts of the country, + + EW dollar 1s on the job for you every day. It comes back t you as food--the ind You, prefer, y tay Somoe tw is tay at home-for your landlords, salafy and wage 'earners taht, eat, power an m your avapapan or advertising that tells you special bare n 97% CENTS, the sum of these items, keep an A & P stores going, doing its full share in your community's business life, 244 CENTS, slightly more than the cost of a postage stamp, iy the only charge you pay A & P for all this service, ery cent of this part of your our tax collectors and community d_ water companies; FINEST QUALITY BEEF Legs Ib. 31¢ FINEST SLICED BOILED Fresh fs and v be had At attractive prices, "OUR OWN NECTAR BRAND GROCERIES BEST CREAMERY~SILVERBROOK BUTTER 2.57: raxcy paves SUNNYFIELD 1b. 31¢ "ZIPPY TANGY OLD AND FANCY NEW CREAMERY CHEESE BUY A DOZEN FOR THE WEEK-END COCA-COLA 6:25 FINE GRANULATED BROWN OR WHITE , SUGAR TORONTO AND DISTRICT ONLY FANCY QUALITY=A SALAD TREAT CRABMEAT STOCK YOUR SHELF AT THIS LOW PRICE Shredded Wheat 2 Pkss. 19¢ CHIPSO terse 2 run. 350 THE COFFEE SUPREME--SPECIAL! BOKAR iw 43: vi=lb. Tin 23e MEATS A & P meats are always good, Our complete money-back guarantee protects you on every purchase, EXTRA SPECIAL! Young Lamb LOINS Positively the Finest Offering of the Summer N| CUT IN CHOPS or IF DESIRED 1b. e | ROASTS Rump. sib. 2 Ge iit 1b. 17e PEAMEAL Back Bacon .ixn.35e | ew SEASON SPRING LAMB Lamb Fronts ogetables delivered dally to all of 'our stobes. A | list of all native and: imported fruits sod verolabies on 1 EATER My TEA BAGS Orange Pekoe .. ..... 2 De. lc, BROOMS-8-String ¥) "alt LER o . ols - Each: 20c Tw Great Adlantic & Pacitic Ten Co. ] I. LIMITED, OF CANADA -- An a { ALMONDS Balsdon und niece, Evelyn Mor- combe, and Mr. Walter MacCarl motored to Omemee on Sunday and {visited with. Mr, and Mrs, C. L Moreombe, Miss Elizabeth Fothergill is holi- 'nying with relatives in Ottawa, A very happy event' was cele- | brated on August 4th when the Challis family from Bowmanville, and Orono, nceompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Hockaday and son and Misyes Lizzie and Rilda Hockaday, from So- lina, and several other friends, gath- ered ut the home of Mr, and Mra. T, CC, Osborne to celebrate their an- nual plenie.. Bald and various other | games were greatly enjoyed, follow. | ed by a hearty supper, to which all {did Justice, Mr. T. Leicester Done passed away at his home, a mile and a half west of Whitby, on Bunday, Aug. | 10, following several weeks' illness, | He was born in Lancashire, kng., | and came to Canada about 20 Jeo ugo. He lived in the West for a 21. »31. 10 os. 48: ME 3 1 e ib. 370 ib, | Ze gg Ww Loins ib. 24e ¢ a 4 | ~ EE 5 time, later coming to Whitoy ten ears ago. He married tie anlels, of Kincardine, The late Mr, Done was a good citizen and made many friends, and was highly re. | | spected by all who knew him, He | leaves to mourn his loss his wife and one daughter, Jon, two sisters, one in Toronto and one in England, and a brother In England, He was a brick layer by trade but for some time had been engaged as foreman of the Bross Works at Sudbury. The funeral, which was held on Wednesday afternoon from his late residence was largely attended, I... J. M. CGrisall, of Whithy, condueting the service, assisted by Rev, Capt, Best, officiating at) Almonds during Rev. Mr, Richards' vacation, Many beautiful floral tributes testified to his popularity among many friends, and included tokens from the Brick- layers' Union of Toronto, Almonds Church Woman's Association and Sunday School. Interment was made in Groveside Cemetery. The pall bearers were Mr, Shepherd, Mr, Fleming, Mr. Lidgett, Mr, Clark and Mr, Falconer, all of Sudbury, and Mr, W. Chippindale, of Toronto, all of whom were closely associated with the deceased in business. GREENWOOD Miss Alma Attwood, of Uxbridge, returned home after spending two weeks with her uncle, Phil :=d Mrs, Willows. Bd. Annis and family and Misses Mildred Pegg and Zorah Gee, and Lloyd and Mys, Wilson and little dayghter, of Oshawa, are spending the week cumping near Oillia, Mrs, Wm, Middleton and son Her. bert and P. Willows motored to Buf- falo on Tuesday to visit the former's daughter, Mrs, Russell Philp, who has not been improving as well us her many friends would like to hear, Several went with the Audley Community Club on their excursion to tho Kawartha Lakes and all re- port a good trip, v The ice cream social under the auspices of Mrs, Bie's group in the Ladies' Aid was well attended and enjoyed by all present, The one-uct drama "Sewing for the Heathon" was very well presented by nino mem: ors, Miss 8. Jonkins, of Magnetowan, visited last week with her. sister, re. M, N, ois: ; Miss Mabel Bie spent a few days last week in Brighton, the guests of Miss Dorothy Leigh. Mrs, F. I, Green and Miss I. Stevenson visited last weck with relatives in London, ' Miss Edna Meadows, of Marthbm, i | lu, holidaying with friends in the. vi y wr and 'Mrs, Raine were in Brampton lat week attending the funeral of the former's 'brother, . COLUMBUS Mpg. Maxchington and daughter, + Miss Mary, of Toronto, spentithe week end with friends, | spent Sunday with Em Lawrenve, i Mr, and Mrs, Herb Tink, Solina, Ynitnd at Mr. I, Webber's on Sun. ay. 4 : ' Pl sited 'velatives in Hamilton t 3 : asters Jack und Ray Hayes were in Taronto on Monday. Miss Vora Cook, Oshawa, is spend. nga fows days with. Mr, and: Moe Lorne Co ; : Mr. Milton Balsdon, Miss Lois | Miss Beatrice Mountley, Kedtont ta 88 Tred Heddon, Kenneth dnd | RAGLAN Mr. E. Oliver, of Kingston, visited at Mr, 7, Dring's lust week, Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Wellburn, of Una Park, visited with friends in "| the villuge recently. Miss Jean Thompson is visiting with relatives in Peterboro. Master Bruce Garrett, of l'oronto, is spending his holidays with his grandmother, Mrs, J. P. Harden, Mr, Herb, Brent, of Montreal, is visiting with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Lamb and fam- ily, of Shirley, visited with Mrs, W. Bquelch on Wednesday. Harvest is in full swing. The farmers are reporting a good crop. Mrs, G. Lane, of Windsor, is vis- {ting with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Lane. Miss Mary Wales, of Oshawa, spent a few days at Mr. D. Lyle's lust week, Mrs. W. McKay, of Ithiea, N.Y, in visiting with her brother, Mr. F. Pierson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Luke, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Luke and Master Harold visited in Toronto one day last week. Miss Dorothy Bright is holidaying with her aunt in Oshawa, The afternoon tea held on Mr, Wm. Dyer's lawn last week was a decided success. Almost all of the members of Raglan Ladies' Ald were resent. The cholr was occupied by rs, Wm. Dyer, Mrs, T, Perriman read the Scripture lesson and Mrs, Cooper led in prayer, The program consisted of a voeal duet by Misses reading by Mre, Chas, Luke and a plano solo by Miss Cooper, of Col. umbus. Dr. Cooper gave a short ad- dress and afterwards dismissed the meeting, when all were permitted to wander around the beautiful lawn, About sixty-five ladies sat down to uw hearty vote of thanks was tend: ered the Columbus ladies for the de. lightful time they had afforded. MANCHESTER Manchester, Aug. 1=Miss. Reta Munro hus been visiting Mrs, Pear- son in Oshawa for the past week, Miss Dorothy Roper is spending her summer bolidays with friends in Toronto "I'he auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society met on Friday at the home of Mrs, HM. R. Murphy. The usual opening exercises took place after wihjch Mrs. Walker read a scripture passage, Mrs, F, Johnson was in charge of the study book. Several matters were discussed, Alfred Flewell of Fargo, ND, was a visitor at the home of his brother, Joseph Flewell, recently 11. Bunker and sister Flossie of Toronto visited at the home of Mn and Mrs, Wm, Munro for a few days this week. Mrs, George Black and daughter Jessie of Balthmore, arc visitors at the home of her sister, Mrs, John Moore, for a few weeks, Mrs, McDonald of Toronto, sister of Joe Buid, is visiting at the hone of her brother here for a week, The Misses Ackney of Utica are Miss Ackney of this village, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lamb return. ed home after a most enjoyable visit with relatives at Lindsay. I'he garden party held at the home of Jos. Strong was a good success, Mr, and Mrs, Ferguson of Manilla, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Lamb and son of Lindsay, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lamb. Mr, and Mrs, Willmet Walker, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Johnston and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and, Mrs, Reesor of Stouffville and isttended the evangelistic services held. in. the arena, Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Moore also visited at the home of Miss Reesor and attended the same gnectings, A large number from'here attend- ed the Chautauqua at Port Perry, © Miss Rilla Wrindrum of Lindsay is. a visitor at the home. of Mrs. Charles. Lamb. i Arnald Roach has been confined to (his home with. inflammatory rheuma- {seh but 'is somewhat improved, Congratulations are extended to Mr. and. Mrs, Clifford Sonley on their' mirriage which took place last week, --- ---- . RECKLESS, INDEED "Well, Tommy, I see your brother has' bandaged hand, Has he had an accident?" "Yes, sir, Reckless driving" In: w-motor-cary L-presume:" "Ol. na sites vail" a very dainty tea, and afterwards | visitors at the home of their aunt, |, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH PUBLIC NOTICE TO OWNERS AND OPERATORS OF MOTOR VEHICLES FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY LAW A New Measure for Safety on the Highways comes into effect SEPTEMBER 1st, 1930 amendment to The Highway Traffic Act, known as the "Financial Responsibility Lew," will come into effect on September 1. This Law was passed at the last session of the Leglela upon the dation of the H ble Frank E. Hodgine, one of the Justices of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario, who was appointed a C ioe by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council to investigate certain matters relating to the operation of motor vehicles on the highways. The Law has been endorsed by the Ontario Motor League, the Canadian Manuf * Association, the Ontario Associated Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce and the Canadian Automobile Underwriters Association, For the benefit of drivers and owners of motor vehicles, and of the public generally, the following information is published concerning the new law, Necessarily the provisions have been abridged for this purpose. Those who wish complete information are invited to secure @ copy of the Act from the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, PURPOSE of the LAW The purpose of the Financial Responsibility Law is to further encourage safe driving of motor vehicles, in the interest of the public as well as of owners and drivers, WHAT the LAW will ACCOMPLISH No motorist is affected by this Law until he brings himeelf within its provisions. It will not impose any obligation upon those who drive safely and obey The Highway Traffic Act, and who, in case of 1d pay judg » rendered against them for injury done to persons or property, It will penalise . . and under certain circum- stances it will remove from the highways . . those who persist in driving recklessly to the danger of themselves and others, or who have failed, or shall fail, to pay judgments against them for injury to persons or property by motor vehicle accident, HOW the LAW will OPERATE Upon conviction of an operator of a motor vehicle for any one of the offences named below, his driver's license and all motor vehicle permite lssued to him will be suspended until such aperator or owner gives proof of his ability to compensate financially those whom he may endanger in the future. The OFFENCES Following are the offences named: (a) reckless driving, if any injury to person or property occurs in connection therewith, Reckless driving is defined in The High- way Trafic Act as 'driving a motor vehicle on a highway reck- lessly or negligently, or at a speed or in a manner dangerous to the public, having regard to all the circumstances." (b) racing on the highways, which is prohibited by The Highway Traffic Act as follows: ~--"No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon a highway in race or on a bet or wager." (¢) exceeding the speed limit, if any injury to any person or property occurs in connection therewith, : (d) failing to remain at or return to the scene of an accident and to furnish the names and addresses of driver and owner of vehicle and failing to render all possible assistance, If directly or indirectly & party to the accident, in violation of the provisions of section 40 of The Highway Traffic Act, (¢) driving a motor vehicle on a highway without holding a driver's license as required by The Highway Traffic Act. (f) anyeriminal offence involving the use of a motor vehicle, including driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated. (g) any offence against public safety on highways as may be desig: nated by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, NON-PAYMENT of JUDGMENTS If the holder of a driver's license or owner's permit fails to satisfy a judgment rendered against him for damages on account of injury to, or death of, any person, or on account of damage to property in excess of $100, occasioned by a motor vehicle, within 15 day» from date of judgment, such license or permit shall be suspended until such judgment is satisfied to thq extent of at least $5,000 for injury to, or death of, any on¢ person and, subject to that limit, for each person 80 injured or killed to the extent of at least $10,000 for injury to, or death of, two or more persons in any one accident, and to the extent of at least $1,000 for damage to property of others resulting from any one accident, and until such person gives proof of his financial responaibility in case of future accident, OFFENCES OUTSIDE ONTARIO By Drivers licensed in this Province Fer similar offences committed in other Provinces or States of the shall suspend the driver's license and owner's permit until that driver or owner has given proof of financial bility in Tar van prant of Suerte) MURALI 0 the tame PROOF of FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Amounts and How to Give Proof of financial responsibility shall be given in the following amounts by every driver and in the case of an owner in the same amounts for each motor vehicle registered in his name: -- (a) at least $5,000 for injury to, or death of, any one person and, subject to that limit for each person so injured or killed, at least $10,000 for injury or death of two or more persons in any one accident, (b) at least $1,000 for damage to property of others resulting from any one accident. Proof of financial responsibility may be given in any one of the following forms: (a) The written certificate filed with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles of any authorised insurer that it has issued to the person named a motor vehicle liability policy or policies which at the date of the certificate is in full force and effect. (b) The bond of a guarantee insurance or surety company licensed in Ontario, or a bond with personal sureties approved as adequate upon application to a judge of the court of the county or district in which the sureties reside, (¢) The certificate of the Treasurer of the Province that the person named has deposited with him a sum of money or securities for money approved by him to the amount or value of $11,000 for each motor vehicle registered in the name of such person. PUBLIC NOW PROTECTED by INCONTESTABLE INSURANCE In the event of damage being done by the owner or driver of a moter vehicle to another person or to property of anothér person, and such owner or driver holds an insurance policy to pay the legal lability of the insured for such damage, and if through misreprésentation upon the application for such policy or in the event of a breach by the insured of any term, provision or condition of the policy which would relieve the insurer from liability, the insurance company must o Nevertheless under the Safety Responsibility Law, pay the damage to the person injured up to the limits named above, but in such case the insurance company by a provision in their pdliey may have the right to recover from the person | d the or "0 paid in liquidation of the damages for the injury he has done to the persons or property of others, including interest and costs. REPORTING of ACCIDENTS Every person in charge of a motor vehicle who is directly or indirectly involved in an accident, if the accident results in personal injuries or in damage to property apparently exceeding $50, shall report such accident forthwith to the nearest provincial or municipal police officer and shall furnish such information or written statement con. cerning the accident as may be required by the officer or by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, Where such person is physically unable to make a report and there is another occupant of the motor vehicle, such occupant shall make a report. A police officer receiving a report of an accident shall make all inquiries necessary and send a complete written Yeport to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, Any person who fails to report or furnish any information or written statement required shall incur a penalty, and his operator's or driver's license and owner's permit may be suspended or revoked. RECORDS of INDIVIDUAL DRIVERS Under the Law, the Registrar of Motor Vehicles shall keep the following records: A eesrd of all motor vehicle accidents in the Province reported to him, A record of all convictions, A record of all drivers' licenses or owners' permits suspended or revoked, A record of all unsatisfied judg per owners' permits or drivers' licenses. . holding A record of all persons who may be required to show evidence of financial responsibility. An operating record of every driver or owner who has committed an offence, which record shall show all convictions and unsatisfied judgments. A FORWARD STEP in SAFETY LEGISLATION The Financial Responsibility Law is a forward step in the policy of the Government to keep the highways safe for drivers and the general public, Its provisions are mandatory in respect to the suspension of drivers' licenses and motor vehicle permits for offences The Highway Trafic Act until such time as the owner or driver guarantees his ability to compensate for injuries which he may cause Sitoughithe operation of a motor vehicle, These provisions may also applied where injury to persons or property has actually been caused by accident on the highways. Under the Law drivers who use the highways with care and considera tion for others will be clessified apart from those who are not so minded, Offenders will be classified according to their records, and appropriate penalties will be attached to cach cirssification. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS , The HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister Co cote

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