Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Aug 1930, p. 8

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PACE EICHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1930 OSHAWA AARABS WIN LAKESHORE INTERMEDIATE GROUP TITLE gled Moore In, Kitehen's single fore Ninth Inning Roduars, #0 sivviavinins 6 0) Valrs thres Vise hit, Wichelss Dases | Newark ., 9:17 Bulalo ,, #7 | Cinelonatt ,., 8 Philadelphia 1 | 0 a Aa ab Win S C nd ed Heckman os hird, Wody rh Wis Peterhory je=Wodgers skied to Rows Kirehen, tf soivinnrinis 0 wit bills, ut Diinty B55 off Mundsley sBoeond gums eight Innings Bl Lows 000 4 Brooklyn .. 8 8 w Y § [ 5 e 0 out on # fhelder's eholes, GC, VillottY dens, Kitehen was vetired at fiest, | Men, 2b 0 0viivnniiis, 0 ald, off Kitehen 1; stitch out, hy weturdny's Moores Buston-Uhioago--rain, i ; retired Nichols ut first, 2 vans, 3 Mein: singled, Mein stole seqond, | ICH 80 10iviioniesie A Dainty 4, by Maudsley 2; Wit by pitch | Roading... 6:8 Toronto , 47 AMERICAN LEAGUY Gam and Grou Title From hits, 1 erver, Hit was out at third as he tried to | Maudsley, po viii iine B er, Dainty (hy Mawdsley) Houhaster , 16:4 Baltimore helo Wou | pe, € pS wa im Elliott (rounded hod a it, 1 Juni 1 hits 0 oory Nichols, #4 1 iviinienins 0 em A ------ Newary he! het) Bullutn (Bed 0 Lidiadeliiin vo 1M Mh schman, Grey was thrown out hy | Oshawa i=Young singled to deep fd v dormey Cy 4.0 8 ontrenl ., 4 wEhinglon ,., 01 M04 Peterboro Raybestos 11 + 10 Maudsley, Valr. rounded (0 Heck=| left gontre, Dulnty wis hit on the 19 | BASEBALL RESULTS NATIONAL LVAGUY Now York ores 87 hos man, 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, shoulder by & pitehied ball, '1, Elion Oshawa Asrabs Won Lost 100 | Cleveland 00 07 Hot i vr bd Eighth Inning nid down 4 parley hunt, io long fhe A INFHINATIONAL/ MAUL, freakin veers BA MH00 Datralt tities A 7 Js waeks, audsley wiks yanked, analy, of ciittirivisi} on AH LCL CNIAEO ieee BA M4 OREO 100000 44 S04 Asrabs and Petes Put Up a tingle aver, Aird, Moots Aled to Peterboras=Mavdaley singled 10 | Kitchen came from the field 10 take | Tilt. dio 00 0"! Nochester ooo 71 Ah 036] New York see 61 G70 Ml Louw 40 Vo 44 kD Weird Exhibition of Base Hd AY easy Mies to Valr, 0 runs centres Mill waerificed, Maudsley Lover the mound duties, Niehols going Kawi, Ho ioeeriensss Balmore 4000 74 i DTG WL, Lows ,,.00 hh 84 ain Boson 0000, U8 Ai of |2 bits, 0 errors ' "| seared and Hillier was safe on Tilt right, Kitehan walked Grey, (ores | abbot, 1h orrirerrerss Toronto covers BH Wo: AS DURE 000s BO hh Ae wundny's Meores ball in Second Game / [ Klhott's overthrow at third, Moore ling fin the tying run, Vale exaehed a | Whiteley, ¢ © rrrrerrers Monireint soe s Hh hh hab Boson © iviie BO ] Ady letra 000 4 Boston ,,4., 4 Oshawa s==Vair singled, hut was nips | Loe out, Elliott 10 Young, Heekms i 1 A Is 9 econ, i f ¥ WIE over sceond, and the Bama Was | Cunimiw, 68 reer reres Newiurk 11000 01 UE ATV Clnelnont! ,,,, 4) ry dual Now York ., 14 BL Lowly 11 Playoffs--Game ed on an atten n pilfer second, | good "so 'Vair, | rum, 1 it, 1 ervor, | gyer, Lahiy, on ep tern BUNA + 11ee. BH 0h ABD | Philedelphin 47 J ey Washinglon . 18 fl al 1 pt | Jilliott walked Rowden was re ; : f hh Studded With Hits and fired e a high foul fly, Yate stole | Oshawais=Ilott was out on u foul Peterborn Rayhestos TRON, 2D 12et2e0etes dorwey City +00 BO 18 AM Wundny's Beoves Other clubs not scheduled, ¢ was caught when he tried | Ay, Rowden's short lilt was snag- ABR: YE CreY, th +:it0ei00 0000001 Reading v0 0 AD 1 80 puitndelpbin 16:4 Clueinnati 0-4 A------------ Many Errors -- Neither sesond, by a - pi ifhidi the third ged by Maudsley, 1ubbell seovehed | Mall, Wf vicina 01 21 Young, bby pon wunday's Hooves Chlengo oo "001 Boston 0 Osh] The cont of constructing the 0 Team Plays Good Ball siek, 0 vuns, 1 hit, 0 errors, RIAs cutter between second nd Hither, #8 sorvinnrveinnn 0 4 : | orento 1-0 Heading ,, fel Bl, Lops oo Bed Brooklyn . 80 | qarle Government Building at the Bocond Innin, third, Whitely fanned for the third | Moore, ¢f venting ho ' 10 11 14) Montreal ,, 11-0 Jdorsey Clty Ged waturdny's meores [Canadian Nationa! Exhibition was ap and Expectant Fans Are Peterborn j=, pill heaved the | eut, 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors, Weekman, 19 vooeeerinr 8 0 0 Twa base -hits=Nichals, Dainty, Rochester , 13:4 Baltimora 4-34 New York ,., 10 Pittsburg 8 uroximately $700,000 hall ten feet wide of first, and Kit Ri. = . RRR wa ' a a La -- aby Disappointed chen was safe, Mein sacrificed him hoa b 4 far x oven ; on to second, Nichols tripled to : . Twa and three-quarter hours of un | deep left Asld, scoring Kitchen, mieresting baseball on Saturday af«| Maudsley gained a life on Elliott's ternoon served to project the Oshawa | second error of the inning, Niehols Aarabs into the group ehamplonship | scoring on the play, Rowden made of the Intermediate Lakeshore Leas |g spectacular eateh of Hall's long gud, The locals edged out the odd [ fy, Hillier fanned, 2 runs, 1 hit, A L 4 run in 21 after nine innings of ball | 2 error, " { ' that failed to produce either goad de- | Oshawa i==Whitely was thrown out . fensive work, or anything speetacus | hy Mein, Gummow was thrown out lar In the way of batting, hy Nichols, Dainty was thrown out ) The Aurabs supplied the only veal [by Mein, 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors ¢ n thrill of the game In the ninth inn. Third Inning ¢ ing, when, tralling by one run, they Peterhoro i=Moore walked, Meck filed the bases, driving Maudsley | man fanned, Jodgers fied to Vals from the mound in (he process, and | Kitchen singled, Moore stopping at set the stage for Fair to make hime | second, Mein was thrown out by self & hero, Fair came through all] Gummew, 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, right, and delivered the hit that won| Oshawar = 1. Elllett smacked i the game, clean single to gentre, Grey saerl Going Inte the last half of the ninth, fieed him on, Vlliott taking third en Oshawa were behind at 100, Gume | Niehols' averthrow, Fair doubled, maw singled, Dainty was hit by | fending Oshawa's first run in, 0, Ji) pitched ball, and V, Lliott bunted to lott wis safe at first on Men's Ril the bases in short order, with no | bobble, Fair taking third, Iillion ons out, At this juncture, Maudsley | tole second, Maudsley wis guilt disappeared from the mound, and of a halk, and a run was awarded Kitchen wandered in from right field Rowden sent up a. short high pep to supplant him, Kitchen pitehed to | Av: but Nichols dropped it, and Row only two batters, One of them he | den was safe Hubbell singled, hut walked te foree in the tying run, ane Filiott was ealled out at the plate the other he allowed a hit whigh Whitely singled, sending Rowden sent in the winning run, and Hubbell Tn, CGummow was out al It seemed to he an off day for hoth | rst Nichols to Heckman, 4 rum teams, The pitehing was = ordinary, | 4 hits, 3d errors, the fielding was i By and the hit Fourth Inning ting, although frequent, was far from Peterhora i=Nichols was retired, 1 being heavy, 1t was hardly the sort | Elliott to Hubbell, Maudeley {anne of game one would he led to expect | Hall walked Hillier singled, Hall in a group ehamplenship final, going on to third, and scoring when However, the Aarvabs managed to] C, Elliott dropped the throw, Moore he a little bit the least worst, and sa | hit to centre, Hillier going to third the group title will rest in this eity | Elliott dvopped \Whiteley's peg to for the next year, eateh Moore stealing second, and First Inning Hillier scored Heckman walker Peterharo i-=Hall beat out & hit to] Rodgers' bid for a hit bounced out of short, Hillier advanced him with » oa of the infielders, and Moore ~ wn w came in, Kitehen fied to Grey, J ----l "| runs, & hits, 4 errors Oshawa i=Dalnty doubled ta cen tre field on the Arst phieh, 71, kK) lott was anfe on Mein's lohbile Grey's pop fly was handled easily hy Mein, Fair walked, Coming to hat with the bases loaded, (, Elliott poled # clean hit to centre field, propelling two runs across the plate, Rowden laid down a hunt, and everybody was sui to fll the bases again, Hubbell singled Fair in, With a runner still ogeupying every hase, \Whitely fan ned and Hubbell was caught off first far the third out, 3 runs, 4 hits 0 error, i Fifth Inning Cyel Gors Paterhoro «Mein singled to right | : R. field, Nichols tripled down the third nt MOTOR FUEL hase ine, and some home on the ] throw, audsley was thrown out bh For wrinkles Mein, Mall singled, Hillier flied A new motor The faithful care of your 1 RL gator, ghee % 4 fuel with drive akin, according to the scien: [3 his 0 error, J R pep==and punch V, i Oshawa i=Young was thrown eut Aad wi har Hisabsth "| hy Nichols. Dainty fied Ji Nichols aplenty! - [| and lines, For this purpose, | hits, 0 errors T, Eliott singled ta short 1eft field RED INDIAN Elizabeth Arden recom. Sixth Toning MOTOR 0)4 smooth and full, and so pre: Grey singled over second, Fair was ; Y:y . I [] 3 Peterhora i Radgers was out on a iy sr Voutian Orenge infield grounder, Dainty go] Provides a perfect Kitghen's short fly, Dainty juggled / film of protection I AR\NR vent and correct wrinkles thrown aut by Maudsley, 0 runs, 2 These two Preparations sup | Neo : fein's grounder, and hoth runner ply every need of the tissues | were safe, Nichols filled the hares \ between all work. 10 kee round and firm, vith law roller . towars d, i : They held be pated well Maudsley AP Trai i, ih . ¥ \ WILY ing parts of the ato theakin, afeercleansing, [0 runs, | hit, 2 errors gm Tra yi Ee ---- ~ 15 aby | engine! 's Sole , 3 x 3 ru W 0 fh i li LR -- wp - is a) Lb i Ro id Fld Ry y hn Rie Loe Jp -- TS . f Ll 1 om ho f | 1 MARA THON Wig IY] ih \ ¢ 31 | | ; lor went between Nichols logs, | f lion i oy Sito ih - ) Vl phd dnp nie, oa ob { aS 1 on kde rw - Te \! | 0 i | "isin The REXALL Mores ing two, hii done ol hitely " TUT SAT-- pt 11 I di IH , au ARN ' A stralghtsrun gasoline + 4 + 000. Lovell runs, 2 hits, J error, aventh Innin, Nimeos Bt, K,| Poterhoro =Hillier walked, 'Moors nomical «+ + uni» one 98 Phone O8 | singled, Fair dropped Heekman's formly clean and | hoist, Miller scoring, Rodgers sine reliable! \d : le flight when you climb the sky .;. Banish fuel and oil worries wh Bale swiftness " i take ey bpd ge Py Red In oy «++ the miles dro thly behind oint the way to better, brisker perform. s Red 1 Teall! y Re.you wry Make it hoi id pod fo yield JJ For Furnace on the Red Indian Body H or Fire Place Red Indian Motor Oil and either Cyclo imum driving pleasure! Gas(No-Knock) Motor Fuel or Marathon Enjoying Canada.wide popularity, Hard Slabs For Cook Stove Hi- Test Gasoline give life and sest to McColl: Frontenac prod cts are to be or Heater your motor .., soom you over highways hat ily ph pi ey As you For Kindlin and loop you around trouble . . , with ) ; Soft Slabs ¢coging thease a er winged wih th power SEY vars 0 to Rod Tada -? , . of Cyclo Aeroplane Gas! tod tl | c o i / | age i pixoN coaL co.| MCCOLL-FRONTENAC Tolophone 202 Five DirectLines || Gomis yin hu tm ome Ton a tle pie al

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