Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Aug 1930, p. 1

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"All the News While It Is News" Che Osh mua Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in # Growing City aR ------ \ VOL 7-=NO. 34 zs Sit, Or Si OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1930 w 156 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents » Copy EIGHT PAGES : News in Brief (By Camadban Prom) Lord Beauchamp in Canada Montreal, -- Lord Beauchamp, leader of the Liberal party in the House of Lords, arrived in Mont. real yesterday, on route to the Pacific Coast, where he will sall for Australia, Chilg Killed in Crash Chapleau,~~Iteno Pelletier, six, of Chapleau, died half an hour af- a hed head-on into a truck, through the ing crag throwing the boy windshield, Triple Car Crash Windsor.--~Five persons fsjured, one of them a Detroit policeman, when three automo- bilos crashed on Walker Road, six miles from Walkerville last night, were MORE PARALYSIS CASES REPORTED ALL OVER ONTARIO Widely Separated Points Have Children Stricken With Disease (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug. 10,~ Widely sepur- ated polits in the province reported new cases of Infantile paralysis over the week-end, I'hren new cases in the cty of Ostinwa brought the total there to ten, Brantford's fiftesnih case vas 10- ported on Saturday, the latest vic. tim being a boy who swam in the river then went to a farm to spend a week's holliday, return'ng with the disease. In addition to closing the clvie swimming pool and Y.M, C.A. pool, Brantford henlth author. ities have now Isgued warnings against swimming in the river, Lindsay reported throe cases this week-ond, In each case serum was promptly used in the hope of check. ing the malady thore, All vietims of the discuss are of publie school age. The provineinl health department is prepared fer eslld from all districis reporting the disease Amd or an man om Lhe advanco of the malady, DRA MEETING 1S OPEN AT OTTAWA Important : Matches Being Held on First Day of Shooting (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Connaught Rifle Ranges, South March Ont, Aug, 11.--With a fresh wind blowing directly neross the ranges, tha first shot of the ominion of Canada Rifle Associa. ton meeting was fired early to-day, Extra series and practice shots woro scheduled, and at nine o'clock fhe first match, the tyro avent, oponad, In addition to the DRA, bronze medal and $15, the event is 'entur- od by a challenge cup pranented Ly Senator J. A, McDonald for team competition, Tha match Is fired at 600 yards, sevon shots, and has drawn a largo entry list, It wos won last year hy Capt, B, C. Bhaf- tner, of Bear River, N.§, with a perfect score, This afternoon threa Imporiant matches will take place, They are the MacDougall, Barlow and Cadet, all being fired at 200 and 500 yords, whila the MaeDougall is opon fo members of the Assoclation, the magnificent trophy prosental by Lady MacDougall, in restricted to members of His Majesty's Forcos. The Barlow Is open to teams of four officers from any unit of His Majosty"s forces while the cade: match carries both individual and team prizes, i ---- U.S. Steamer in Collision With German Vessel Southampton, Bug, Aug: 11,=- The United States Lines steamship American Farmer transerred 80 ngers to the Leviathan 'in Cowes Roads yesterday "ollowing a collision with the Gorman liner Lichtenstein, "The American' Farmer, bound or New York was foroed to return to Southampton. for repairs, reacn- ing port at 4 p.m, WEATHER Cool weather prevails from Manitoba eastward, with high ¥e spreading over the Great. Lakes from the north. west and low off the Mlantio Count And over castorn Queheo and the Maritimes, The weath. or has been fale in Nouthern Ontario but Mght to moderats showars have ovcurrod iv many districts and fn Southern Manis toba and Saskatchewan, Porevaxtse=bLower Lakes and Georgian Bay moderato to | & am, fresh northwest winds, fale and cool touday and Tuesday. R-100 PASSED OVER CITY AT 4 A. M. Non-Appearance of Dirigible in Da DIRIGIBLE R-100 PAYS VISIT TO TORONTO TORONTO, NIAGARA FALLS AND HAMILTON VISITED BY DIRIGIBLE THIS MORNING Citizens of Toronto and Niagara Peninsula Given Opportunity of Viewing the R-100 Under 'Very Favorable Weather Con- ditions HEADED SOUTH ON ITS RETURN TRIP Ship Is Expected to Reach St. Hubert Airport at Ten O'clock Tonight, But May Not Land at Mooring Mast Until Morning (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug, 11,~~Central On- tario this morning saw the R-100, Great Britain's mammoth air liner and saw it under tho most favor. ablo woather conditions, Blue sky and bright sunshine, with a scat. tering of white clouds, formed the the aerial backdrop for tho sets ting as people stopped in their tracks dnd gazed skyward at the Transatlantic dirigible, The dirigible first arrived over Toronto at about 6 am, It was in the vicinity of Kingston, half way betwaen Toronto and Mont. real, at 1 a.m, and over Peter: borough, 50 miles northeast of Toronto at 3.10" emi, "Alter her first visit to Toronto, reports of the airships position were flashed about confusingly and she became a will-o'-the-wisp to thoso angag- od in the difficult task of keeping Informed: the thousands who have anticipated her visit since she crossed the Atlantio io Montreal nearly two weeks Ago. The airship made two visits to Niagara Falls at 5.40 a.m, and at She was over Hamditon nt 6.45 am, and cruised around Toronto at 7.16 am, her segond visit to the Ontario capital, "She | apparently went to Niagara after hor first visit to Toronto, back to Niagara after her second visit to Toronto, Her third visit to Toronto was made at 9.20 am. when she camo across Lake One tario and over the Eastern Gap to Toronto's harbor, Flying at a low altitude and passing quite close to the'tip of the 32-storey Bank of Commerco Building, the R-100 flew around the City on her third visit te Tor- onto, while thousands of people on rooftops and' other points of vantage whore their vision would not be obscured, and along the lake front, waved and cheered as the dirigible majestically sailed over their hoads, raising and low ng her nose as if in answerhrdlu ering her nose as if in acknowl edgomont of the welcome, (Continued on Page 3) Five Injured: Schomberg Junetlon,--Iive peo- ple wore Injured, "one srelously, when two automobiles and a T.T. J, "bus became involved in an acol- dent on Yonge street, a quarter of a mile north of hore. * Wheat Prices Show Decline | At Winnipeg (By Canadian Press Letsed Wire) | Winnipeg, Aug, 11==Wheat declin | ed 244 to 2% c in the first half hour of trading on the grain exchange here this morning as the result of fairly general selling, Offering bee came liberal when it developed that exporters had done very little busi ness over the week-end, but some support later appeared and prices as cended lc from bottom levels The Canadian prairies enjoyed a cool week-end and the few scattered showers did not delay harvesting op erations Air Was Bumpy For Flight of Big Dirigible R-100 Bucked and Dipped, But Crowd Thought It Good Exhibition (By Canadian Press Leased Whe) (By George Macdonald, Canadian Press Btaff Writer) Aboard H. M, Airship R-100 Via Radio te Canadian Pres: through St. Huhart: Alr Station, Aug: 11.-The air was extremely bumpy as the alrship cruised over Toronto this morning, causing: her to buck and dip an if attempting » series of elephantine aerobatics. Doubtless the thousands erowding around Toronto City Hall aud in the parks, all clearly visible to those in the airship, thought it a good ex. hibition, Pissing over Ottawa Jast night, the R-100 made good time on the cross country flight to Toronto dur ing the night, and visited Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara "alls at daylight, revisiting Toronto and Niagara Falls during the forenoon, Hor sovial calls in Canada now at an ond, the big dirigible Ix pointed down Lake Ontario towards Mont. real and her mooring tower at St, Hubert Airport, which she expects to reach about 10 o'clock to-night. Lightning Burns Barn Lindsay,~~A loss of $5,000 was caused when during a severe electrical storm, a barn be. longing to Jeff Stovens, one mile south of Omemeo, was struck by lightning and destroyed, Creamery Destroyed by Fire North Bay, The Powassan plant of the Georgian Bay Cream. ery, Limited. located on the Tore onto-North Bay Highway, a mile south of Powassan, Was totally destroyed by fire. English Borough Celebrates Its 1000th Birthday this Week (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Aug. 11.--Even as ¥ng- Hsh municipalities reckon thelr age the pleasant 'ittle Devunsiire town of Darnstaple Ia now untitled 1u consider itself muture, This week Is eelebrating its thousandth birth. day ax a horuugh, A thousand years back Barn. *taple way pitlaged and burned by the Lanos. Thin weel it is invaded by visitors, most of them in motor cars, whose sponding much good mopoy within the anclont town adds greatly to the gest wi'h which the loyal towusmen embarl: upon their round of avtorous birthday rejoles ng. Another birthday celebration this week 13 that of the Norwich dine se which boasts an existence of 1,300 years, Canada to Concentrate on Finding Market for Wheat (By Cenadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Aug, 1]. -~Messages have gone forward to all Canadian rade commissioners situated in coun tries which import wheat and four | to concentrate on boosting the sale of these Canadian products it i» stated by Hom, H. H, Btevens, Minister of Trade and Commerce, This is being done to relieve, if possible, the wheat situation In Canada, : Conferences will be continued next week between the Western Provincial premiers and Hon, R, B. Bennett and his colleagues with respect to the wheat holdover, Won, Mr. Stevens expressed the opinion that the elevator space in Canada would be sufficient ta take care of the carryover as well as the now orop. "There may be some cnses of local congestion," he sald, "but taking the country as a whole | think the new crop can be rtoad It there had been a bumper crop i year it might have been dim. cult,' bn AOA Em Lf DEB ' ER ylight Causes Much Di wily & a a a -- ENON RH RG dw IRAP i a ow Ee se if {( GIANT AIRSHIP. SEEN PAL#ING TORONTO ary HALL The City of Toronte was this morning visited by the British Diri. sible R-100. The above photograph shows the monster of the air, while it was making its flight around the tower of the city hall, on its last oruise over the city about nine o'. clock this forenoon. Unfortunately, a threatened storm forced the R.100 to taks a southerly course on its re. turn trip to Montreal, so that it did not pass over Oshawa, Rhodes Resigns Premiership of Nova Scotia Hon. Gordon S. Harrington Succeeds to Office of Premier (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Halifax, Aug, 11.-Hon, E, N, Rhodes, premier of Nova Scotian since 1925, to-day tendered his ve. signation . to Lieutenant-Governor J. C, Tory, to accept the appoint. ment as minister of fisheries in the Dominion government. Hon, Gor. don 8, Harriston, minister of public works and mines in the Nova Ecotia government, was asked to form a government and accepted, Hon, Mr, Harrington will retain bis portfolio and the portfolio of the provincial secretarystreasurer, held by Premier Rhodes will be taken by Hon, John Doull, Metou county representative, who was formerly minister without portfolio, ------ OTTAWA BROKERS FACING CHARGES Mowat and MacGillivray Elect to be Tried by Jury ; Ottawa, Aug. 11 «= Charged with five counts of conspiracy, fraud and theft, R, Harold Mowat and Duncan A. MacGillivray, former stockbrok- ers, will appoar Tor trial at the fall assizen here in October, "I'ley wait- ed preliminary hearing when they appeared in Ottawa kh court tos day and elected for trial by jury at the next court of competent jurisdics on, | Since their arrest, March 13, at headquarters here of the brokerage chain of some: 20. branches which they operated, Mowat and MacGilii- vray have heen at liberty under $30,« 000 bail each, : ' Leave for Home On Wednesday Newark, NJ, Aug, 11! nistoun Burney, designer of the British dirigible R<100 sald here yesterday that the dirigible's start back for England has heen set ten tatively for next Wednesday, He stopped here en route from Mont real to Lakehurst by airplane to inspect new dirigible equipment at the naval alp station, Dirigible to | Sir Den Afridi Menace In India Not Understood Belief Is That Revolt in Afghanistan Is Involved in It Bombay, India, Aug. flerce Afridi tribesmen who are monacing the Northwestern Props tier area apparently are endeavors ing to persuade neighboring tribes to Join them in attacking Peshawar and othor strategic frontier towns, Their objective han not been made clear, however, since the news received here is very scanty and apparantly fs delayed or held up als together by, censorship, Observers here cannot understand why a few thousand Afridis arineds only with rifles, would deliberately go against thousands of regular British forces using aeroplanes and all other modern accountrements of war, unless they are spurred on by the hope of neighbouring mountain tribes joining thom, Some porgons belleve (hat their efforts may be in some way con. noctad with u vevolt of 'their tribal brothers against Nadir Shah, King of Aghanistan, Nadir Shab was reported to have sguelched a rebel Army. after an battleslate last month slaying hundreds, : The Afridis now in the vicinity 11,~The | of Peshawar unre themselves At ghans, Li! thet aarhey of ' warriors of \ ' Against both the Indian and Afgs han governments, { Critisism o New Cabinet By Minister Col. The Rev. R., H. Steacy Deplores Fact That Is Has No Anglicans (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Aug, 11.-"It is a mats ter of deep regret that the Hun, R. B, Bennett, in the forming of his federal cabinet of portfolios, has totally ignored the mighty contribu tion in thought, religion, and ¢ul- ture persistently made to the na tional life of Canada by the Church of England," declared Colonel the Rev, R, H, Steacy, C,M.G,, former director of Chaplain services [or the Canadian Corps, in his sermon yesterday in All Baints' Anglican church here, "Certainly the Roman Caiholle Church, the Presbyterian Churoh, the United (former Methodist and Presbyterian) church 'should as far as possible be proportionately represented, Hut a federal cabinet of portfolios without a single reps resentative of the Church of Kug- land's culture and thought is simp ly not a normal Conservative cab. Inet and unless remedied, cannot be endorsed." sald the preacher, TORONTO BANDITS TO REFORMATORY BY DIRIGIBLE ~~ MAGNIFICENT $P New Minister From Paris to Canada Likely Ottawa, Aug, 11 omelnl an nouncement from the government of France of the appointmaent of a new French minister to Canada i» expected shortly, 'The first Incum bent of this post Jean Knight was recently appointed director of publicity in the faereign ofilce of the French government and 18 now in Paris, Reports suggest he probability of the presant French minister to Blam Arsene Heny being appointed to Ottawa, Million Dollar Blaze on Dock At Vancouver Newly Completed C.N.R. Dock Completely Des- etroyed by Fire Vancouver, Aug, 11 With estimated loss of 41,200,000, new Canadian, National Ral! avs dock here, was destroyed by five vestorday only two days beforas it would have been turned over hy the contractors to the government, It was one of the most spectaca'ar conflagrations in the history of the walerfront Originating In the northnst corner of the dock at the extrome end presumably beneath the floor the 0 swept with dramatic wud dénness the entire length ot the structure, Only the new raup at the entrance escaped the flames, DEATH LIST FOR WEEK-END SHOWS MARKED DECREASE Fromm a Toronto, Aug, 10,-The usual heavy tall of life from motor and drowning accidents in On «rio over the week-onds, showed marikod des crease this week. Reports early Monday morning Indicated three deaths from motor accidents, two drownings and a man run over by a train, bringing the total to alx deaths, -- The dead: Vera Muccl, 10, Toroato, in motor accident at Whithy Graham Holden, nine, Meaicine Hat, Alta, drowned at Southamp- nn the killed ton, Willlam Pewless, Nrantord, run over by a train, Jackie Thorn, four, Thornbury, drowned in Georgean Bay, Rene Pelletier, six, killed in mat. or accident at Chapleau, Llsear Paquette, Sudbury, killed by motor car, sappointment MANY CITIZENS AWAKENED THRILLED BY ECTACLE Giant Ship Followed Line of Shore and Was Clearly Visible, With Its Gondola Brilliantly Lighted, and Its Engine Rosring as It Went West or -- ONLY DISTANT VIEW SEEN IN FORENOON Crowds of People Ass mbled on Roofs of Buildings and at Lakeshure to See R-100 But It Passed Eastward to the South About 10.30 t was the ehiefl em« n the minds and hearts of tha of the peoplp of Dah For days they had been vard to a view of dirigible,. R«100, passin over the ind when reports indi cited dhat it was likely to circle over ( sometime this forenoon, hi But the forencon me and went, and tg the vast mas , it hrought po ky tion great major awa toda ooking for glunt Brit ey, the Jshawa hopes wer h jority of the citizens hut u vain scanning of the for appearance of the dirigible, I'hose who were along the lake shore and on the roofs of high build ings did see it, far distance to the south, as it cronised along tha south shore of Lake Ontario, appar« ently dodging the heavy storm clouds which were sweeping in from the northwest, and headed due east, I'hrough glasses, it could be seen quite distinetly, its silver sides shimse the sparkling sunshine which came through a rift in the clouds to strike upon it, To the naked eve it could be seen only as a small object, like a cigar wrapped in silver, but that was all, That was the story of those who waited untid daylight to see the R-100 Seen in Early Morning There were others, however, light sleepers for the most part, who had a splendid view of the monster air ship in the carly hours of the morn« mg. They were those who stayed up to witness the passing of the great ship, or were awakened by the steady thrumming of its great en wines ay it sailed over the southerm part of the city on its way to Tore onto, It was about four o'clock when the R-100 passed over Oshawa, but those who saw it, and they were not few in number, were amply re« paid by the magnificent spectacle which the great wlio craft present« od under the flooding light of a full harvest moon. Its gondolas wera brilliantly lit, and its full shape could he seen quite plainly as it cruised a+ long at a speed of about thirty miles an hour It is interesting to note the vare« fous reports which were received by The Times as to the exact section of the city over which the dirigible passed, One report said that it fol lowed the line of the provineial high« way, passed over King Street last and headed directly over the Centr (Continued on Page 1) an im the mering in ' Ottawa, Aug, 11.--Possibility of further developments in connection with aerial communication batween the United Kingdom and Canada which might necessitate the erecs tlon of another mooring mast in this country, probably at Moncton, NiB., was seen as a result of con. ferences held over the week ond be tween officers of R-100 and govern. ment officials connected with alr Second Dirigible Moorin May be Erected at transportation. St, Hubert which Mast onecton, N.B, is rogarded as the best equipped airdrome on the North American continent, would continue to be the base of such contemplated operas tions, but an auxuthary hase neares the Atlantie Coast in favored as a means of further speeding up aerial activities In this regard. he city of Moncton, occupying a strategia position as a distributing centrey ia looked upon as the wost favore able site, ! (Ny Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug, 11.-=Roy Judges 16, John Raersloy and Fred Sheps herd, slightly older were sentenced two years less one day play one year Indeterminate in the Outurio reformatory by a police magistrate vere to-day after the tifo had been convicted of holding up a reatanrs ant proprietor at the point of a gun 'and taking the contents of the iil Police wera commonded for eap- turing the men within an hour of London, Aug. 1l.==l'nemployed reached a new high record iu the old world with the announcement to-day by Cermany that her total pumber of persons out of 'work is 2,767,000, As Qreat Britains unemployed ofolally passed the 2,000,000 matk last month, it in estimated that in six European countries there are tosday at least 5,040,287 persons listed out.of work, In Great Britain, Germany; Aus. the robbery. tria, Hungary ltaly and Frace the \ Nearly Six Million People Are Unemployed in Europe workers dependent for their livelie hood upon private charity or pubs lie doles now exceed the population of any Nuropean capital excep: an 8 London, Italy with 322,287 officially yes ported jobleps, 114,004 of them women: Irance with upwards of 100,000 on strike and 20,000 ous of work involuntarily; Hungary with 400,000 mostly agriculturists idle today, accounted for ahout 0,049,287 oMeinlly tabulated while Australia added 450,000 to the voll, "

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