i ! | ! I J or NE SL U0, LILES FI ATS AY TT OM THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home -- and the Community | SOCIAL AND . PERSONAL L Mr, and Mrs, Wesley C, Haldey and Betty, of Detroit, Mich, have returned home after spending three weeks with Mrs, Haidey's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Johnston, Simeoe Street Sputh, Mr, and Mrs/ A. A. Lawder, of Chicago, who sre returning from a motor trip to Montreal visited in Oshawa yesterday us guests of their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. A, C, Camer- on, Brock Street, Misses Corn and Iva Kverett, of Toronto, formerly of Oshawa, were in the city yesterday ns guests pf Miss Dorothy Cutler, Miss Dorothy Cutler, of Oshawi, is leaving to-morréw to spend two weeks with her aunt and unele, My, and Mrs, Thompson, of Toronto at Balsom Lake Miss Margaret Balles, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Balles, Simcoe Street South left this morning for Take Wesemakoon accompanied by Miss Betty Good, of Torento, and Messrs, Brentan Hazlewood and lan McKay of Oshawa who will be her guests at the Bailes summer home for two weeks, Miss HelenBatty left on Thursday for Brantford and Blenthem wher: she will spend the month of August Miss Helitha Vanstone of Whithy, entertained last evening at a shower in honor of Miss Helen Greene, bride-to-be of September Mrs, D. M, Tod uccompanied by her cousin, Miss Fthel Brewer, of Nassau, Bahama Islands, is holiday ing In Muskoka, Mr. and Mrs, John Burns, naught Street, are spending a vacu tion In Muskoka as guests of Mr and Mrs, G. WW, McLaughlin Miss Velma und Marlon Blewett, of Oshawa, are enjoying a holiday at Seaforth, Ontario Con Roy Perry, of this ety, Is leaving to-day to spend a week at Sturgeon Lake with pd Richards of Osh« AWA, Dr. 8, J. Phillips left today spend two weeks' vacation at Was ago Beach where he will join Mra Phillips who has been holidaying at the Beach I -------------------- ENGAGEMENTS FR _Srb to The engagement Is announced of Lilyap Rose, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs! J]. Wesoke, of Buffalo, New York, to J. Gutmann, of Oshawa, SUMMER SALE Waar * om" Talks FASHION SHOPPE | Phone BUSBW J "How about : a grand clean-up' Rack from vacation with the usual accumulation of family wash, Is a thought that takes the heart out of many a housewife, Come plete your holiday by send. ing the whole bundle (0 this modern laundry, and save yourself for other tasks less ardpouns, We have five different kinds of family wash from which you may choose, all done In soft water without marking of any kind, If you are planning to take holidays and your cottage is with. in the Lake Simcoe, Bramp. ton, Bowmanville radius, one us and arrange to ave us call for and deliver the wash. Any one of our courteous drivers can give you information, or eall us direct, - Whitby 316 "The Times will publish res | © gommunity. Mrs, Edgar Miller and baby Hv. oreit, of Hortop Avenue, Oshawa, have returned home after spending last week with friends In Toronto, Mrs, Capt, V, O'Hagan and jittle granddaughter Miss Nan Cox, Me- Laughlin Blvd, are visiting rela Hyves in Pleton, Mr, and Mrs, V, B, Cox and daughter Mary Kathryne, spend a fow days with friends in Prince Bdward County, WOMENS MEETINGS | NORTHMINSTER WOMEN'C AS, Ta tact that it 1s holiday time for many people accounts for the small attendance at the August meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of North- minster United "Church held on Wednesday afternoon, August 6, Mws, Kool, socond vice president, took the chair in the absence of Mrs, Irwin, The ladies made final arrangements for their part of the wqrk In conducting the annual Btreet ¥alr to be held on Vriday evening of August 22 In the usual pluce between Grete and Bimcoe Btreots, There will be a ton tent an well as various booths where sundry goods will be oNerad for snle, "I'he next meeting of the as socintion will be held on Wadnes dny, Beptember 4, Then all mem hors are urged to ha present to Sonaider church nctivitios for the nl LADY BOWLERS CARRY OFF PRIZES Local Club Pays Two Visits in Last Week The activities of the Oshawa Bowl Ing Club have increased considerably snee the inception the Ladies' scetion of the club, I'wice this last week rinks from the Oshawa elub have visited other towns in thelr dis trict, On Wednesday afternoon three rinks composed of ladies from here travelled to Cobourg where a tourn ament was held In eompetition against the Cobourg ladies Mrs Dempsev's rink from Oshawa earried off the honours of first prize Last evening eight rinks composed of sixteen ladies and sixteen gentle men the Oshawa club were guests of the Port Perry Club, the Oshawa bowlers coming away with three of the prices At both these tournaments the so clal side was not neglected, After noon tea was served on Wednesday in Cobourg and last evening a de Hhtful social time after' the games Was enjoyed of from Interesting camera study of Jane Norton, eldest daughter of Mrs, Por: ter Norton of Buffalo, whe is en: gaged to marry Douglas R. Clarke, oungest son of the late Lionel H, larke, former lieutenant:governor of Ontario, and Mrs, Clarke, the wedding to take place shortly, ROYALS WIN SUHIES Baltimore, Md,, Aug, 0,~The Montreal Royals cloned the series hare yesterday by winning the third game 7 to 5, and sending the Oriel. oh Into the Rochester series facing a big lead handicap, Inability of the Bird pitchers to hold the Royals was chiefly the cause of today's loan, Noster Kd wards, and Beryl Richmond allowed A total of 14 hits, Pomoraki's home run in the sith hroke a Gall knot that had results od from a 4<run rally by the flock in the ffth, tlantic City is always f'in season" There's ne dull oment at Atlan ty. Allspanrs ors of meetings of all We. | RE Organizations in the | Kindly addres such to Womens Page Ed: tor or Telephone Number 3% 'When writing remember to use only one side of paper. One othe lines! $ Im Aflanile ay a a Th 80 ROOME ~. SVERLOOKING THE DORAN 0. V. NREK News has just been received to the effect that Her Majesty, Mary, has graciously consented to accept a life membership badge of the Privease of Wales Chapter of the LODE, in Kitchener, Ont. The chapter was named after her majesty who recontly sent a signed photo PIPGRAN PUZZLES BROWNS New York, Aug, § Plpgras"s brilliant pitching some timely hitting on the purt of Harry Rico the Yora Yankees a beto-d decision over Bt. Louls Browns in the opening game yosterday, It wan the Yunks fourth straight victory, and Pip Kras's thirteenth pletory of the Neason, (leorke plus Eva New Pipgras set the Brown down nn order for five innings, but in the Missourians got him for two runs, | two hits, Again, and more safetion He thon clamped down gave out only three Queen | graph to Mrs, Heather, who 1s re: gont of the chapter, Mrs. Heather was guest at the ceremonial of the of purses at Queen Mary's hospital for the East End, { and was presented to her majesty by | the Dowager Countess of Minto, presentation ------------------ - -- |} ROCHESTER WIN LONG GAME Reading, Pa, Aug. 0 Roclivntor won a 12<inning declslon over end to win Lhe series hy The | 10 to 8, Manager Billy Sonthworth Ing yostérday tWo games to one Hore wi | driving home the winning run with n triple the score at 17 Rochester tled all in the ninth und went 'u front by seoring a run In the elaveuth Manager Bobby Jones of 'tlie Keys Injected himself into the game us {0 pinchehittor in the last of the | eleventh singled and drove In the tying run WOMEN'S CORNER A FORECAST OF FALL " FASHIONS Perhaps in the midst of the warm- est of summer weather it seems a little early to discuss what is going to be smart and fashionable for fall, but a cool day may happen along very soon and you will be beginning to give your fall and winter ward- robe some consideration and none too soon, either, for all ready styles {in street dresses and afternoon and evening gowns, wraps coats and suits, are arriving and are on display in the leading shops Street Wear A chic street frock is of basket weave flannel, rosewood in shade, with a woven pattern of open work, The dress is fashioned in one piece but resembles a coat with its short attached cape over the long sleeves and the tuxedo effect in front with a dainty front of tucked crepe de chine of matching shade, There is no getting away from the tailored suit, Black and dark brown will be used for these, and little trimming. 'They are just as popular touches of brilliant shades used for but this fall a few changes have been made in the cut of the coats, straight cut coats are rarely seen Instead they are cut rounding and do up in the front with one button instead of the double breasted style or the style with four er five but tons at the extreme bottom of the cont T'weeds are in again for top coats The very loveliest are browns and sands, Some black and white tweeds are displayed, All are fur trimmed Fur trimming for suits of a mor formal nature is.also used Afternoon Frocks More of the fussy afternoon and tea gowns are of silk fish net but many as before are chiffon, Velvet will be used extensively for formal afternoon wear, 'I'wo plece dresses of velvet in shades of golden. brown, navy blue, black and dark greeu, have been designed for the purpose of afternoon and street wear, There are long skirts touching the ground in the flimiest of materials, and as # rule over a gown styled in this manner a coat of taffeta or transpar- ent velvet will be worn, The coats are short, very short and many tie at the waiste line with satin or taf- fetta bows, The frocks are fashion. ed so that without the coat they may be worn for informal evening. Evening Wear We have had & peep at the gowns that will be worn at the most fa- shionable and -high brawn functions and they simply took our breath away, Shades that resemble the most delicate sunsets, shapes like the rainbow's, shades like the blue of the sky, shades that dazzle like the sun rise, sequins that shimmer like the raindrops on leafy boughs after the sun has come out again and velvets us sombre as the darkest purple of the pansy and as black as the storm clouds at night, What a sight! We could not look at each dress for only a moment was that door open, but the skirts are long, very long, with ruffles, frills, and tucks and everything else to make them as feminine as possible, We saw a few evening wraps, some of fur, and others of velvet with fur trimming Perhaps later we shall have the op portunity of viewing these fascinat Ng gowns at closer range so as to be able to give you a better idea of | just what milady will don for the formal functions yes, By Thornton W. Burgess "Just in time!" How much they mean, I'hose little words so often seen Farmer Brown's Boy It just happened that Farmer Brown's Boy saw Jim Crow when the other Crows forced him to fly over to the Green Forest, Farmer Brown's Boy had happened to he looking down on the Green Mendows when the ot her Crows 'arrived, He saw them surround Jim Crow and presently he saw Jim Crow fly away with them, "1 do believe," said Farmer Brown's Boy, talking to himself, "that those Crows made Jim Crow go with. them That's the way it looked to me, Now, [ wonder why, | wonder what they are up to, 1 do hope they don't mean any harm to Jim Crow, It looks to me as if Jim ds trying to get away from them 1 believe I'll follow to sec what's going on." So Farmer Brown's Boy waited un til the Crows had disappeared in the (ireen Forest, Then he hurried after them, Farmer Brown's Boy knew that they probably had sentinels on wateh, You see, he knows a lot about Crows, So when he reached the Green Forest he moved very eautiously, It didn't take him long to discover where those Crows were, As he had expect. ed, he discovered a sentinel on duty. hen Farmer Brown's Boy moved more cautiously than ever, He didn't want to give the alarm, Presently he discovered that the sentinel was not paying attention to his business. He was too much interested in what was going on amongst the other Crows So, moving very, very carefully, Far mer Brown's Boy at last got where ha, could see the whole performance There sat Jim Crow. Yes, sir, there sat Jim Crow in the middle of a circle of Crows and Jim Crow looked most forlorn and unhappy, In fact, Jim Crow looked frightened very 'now and then a Crow would lean forward and jabber in Crow-tulk, When he had finished, another would do the same thing Farmer Brown's Boy suspected that Jim Crow was the subject of that Crow talk, Yes, sir, that's what he suspeéted. Once, and once only, did he hear Jim Crow say anything. Meanwhile, the voices of those Crows sounded more and more angry, They did so. They sounded very angry indeed, Farmer Brown's Boy began to feel uneasy. He didn't like the sound of those angry voices He had a feeling that things were not going altogether too well for Jim Crow. However, he didn't want to in- terfere, ) Reduce the Acid In sick stomachs--instantly Sick stomachs, sour stomachs and indigestion usually mean ex coss acid. The stomach nerves are over-stimulateéd, Too much acid makes the stomach and iu: tentines sour, Alkall kills aold Instantly, The best form is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, because one harmless, % dose neutralizes many times its volume in acid, Since its Invention, 50 years age, it has remained the standard with phys slelans everywhere, Take a spoonful in water and your unhappy condition will probs ably end in five minutes, Then you will always know what to do, "IN wait," said Farmer Brown's Boy. "1 won't interfere until there seems 10 be real need of it; but 1 won't let anything happen to Jim Crow. It looks to me as if this is a trial, Yes, sir, that's what it looks like, Jf it is a trial, I want to know what they're going to do to Jim Crow." S50 Farmer Brown's Boy remained hidden where he was and listened to all that went on, The Crows became more and more excited; they did more and more jabbering, Finally, at a sig- nal from one old Crow, who seemed to be the leader, they all started for Jim Crow, Poor Jim Crow, He was in the middle of a whirling black crowd, Feathers began to fly and they were Jim Crow's feathers, Farmer Brown's Boy waited no longer. With a loud yell he sprang forward Such a scattering of Crows as there was then! They beat the air frantic. ally with their big, black wings, For gotten was Jim Crow, There was but one thought and that was to get away, As for Jim Crow, he was a sorry look ing sight, In just that minute or two before Farmer Brown's Boy had in terfered, feathers had heen pulled out from all over him, 1 birds could cry, Jim Crow would have cried from pure joy at the sight of Farner Brown's Joy, He jumped up on the shoulder of Farmer Brown's Boy and crowded against his face, all the time doing hi best to tell him all abot it, You he knew that Farmer Brows had stepped in just in time to & life ee, Poy we hi 1930, 1, W (Copyright Burgess) "Peter . Rabbit The Doubts next tory His Eyes" SENATORS WIN UPHILL NIRUGGLE RHEUMATISM? Sciatica? Lumbago? T-RC's give safe, y relief from and stiffness, Pa ¥, VieNesly of Peterboro, Ont.,, writes: "I have mo hesitation in saying thet 's Rheumatic Capsules are the only remedy that has given me relief from 4d T-RLC's are equally good for tien, Lumbago, Neuritis, Neursigia, No harme ul drugs. 50c and $1 at your dealer's. 181 TR-C* iF a Summer COLDS Quick E % Relief from any Cold, Sore Throat, Headache or Other Pain ON'T trear a "slight cold" lightly! The discomfort of a summer cold can easily develop into dangerous illness if neglected, tablet or two of Aspirin will check a cold as quickly as it came. And you will get immediate relief from the headache that goes with it, Washington, D.C, Aug, 9 The senutors yesterday outhit and outs fought the Cleveland Indians, coming from behind to win the opening game of the series b to 4 After the Indians had combined two walks and two doubles In the fourth to three runs off | Fischer, rookie speed ball pitcher, making his debut here, The Nata began to pound Schoffner hard, finally tying the score in the sixth when pinch-liftter Harris lashed | out n double after Spencer had | tripled, weore JUST COMPLETED Now Ready | Aspirin does not depress If there's a sore throat, too, crush 2 tablets in 4 tablecpoons of water, and gargle, Those who have learn the true value of Aspirin are never without it in any season of the ear. It's always ready to relieve endaches, neuritis, neuralgia, and a long list of aches and pains: see proven directions in each pickage the heart or upset the stomach. Druggists everywhere have it. a TRADE MARK RES PIRIN 0 Boardwalk and A Hotel Distinctively Different IN ATLANTIC CITY' INEXCELLED COLONIAL SPITALITY YOU! r 25 daly. | Se $720dally; Am Sean Dan | FETTER 6 HOLLINGER, 9c. ~EVOENE C. FETTER, Ang Din 3 I Are you prepared to render first ud and quick comfort the moment your youngster has an upset of any sort? Could you do the right thing--immediately-- though the emergency came with- out warning--perhaps tonight? Crude and harmful methods will ver appeal to you, Go prove id] for your own sake, It may save you a great many disagreeablo | hours, Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesin pre! soribed by physicians for 50 yoars | in correoting excess acids, Each | bottle contans full rections~-- | any drugstore, Castoria is a mother's standby at such times, There is nothing like it in emergencies, and nothing better for everyday use. For a sudden attack of "colic, or the gentle relief of constipation; to allay a feverish condition, or to soothe a fretful baby that can't sleep. This pure vegetable prepa- ration is always ready to ease an ailing youngster, It is just as harmless as the recipe on the wrapper reads, If you see Chas. H. Fletcher's signature, it .is genuine Castoria. It is harmless to the smallest infant; doctors will tell you so. You can tell from the recipe on the wrapper how mild it is, and how good for little systems, But continue with Castoria until a child is grown, pte A TILLIE THE TOILER--"All's Fair in Love" I STIL GRY \™ THAT 1SY » A THRILL THINKING THAR GAVE ME AST NAEHTY 2 -- x An UI King Fenton Riafioate Tae, Rear Britain Lah gat rved | TIME AT THE CASINO LAST N\@W WITH TILLER = A KNOW, hi DANCES VU OVER TO: "THE CRC CBAON®. AND ABKS HIM THE NAME STRA EYRE PLAYING « By Russ Westove