Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Aug 1930, p. 1

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"All the News While It Is News" Che Oshawa Daily Tones, Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer wv) A Growing Newspaper in 8 Growing City VOL, 7==NO, 33 Fire in National Park Prince Albert Bask ~--~Hungry 1 have devoured a strip of timber seven miles long and half a mile wide in the vieinity of La Vallee Lake, in Prince Albert Na- tions! Park, Last reports recely od indicated the blaze had nol been controlled, necording to J. A, Wood, park superintendent, ! . _» Man Births, No Deaths Woodstack--W, n, fmith, town clerk of Ingersoll, is viaiming an unusual record for that municipal ity in that while there have heen 14 births there since June 18, there has not been & single death during the period, Boy Drowned Venslon Valls Tumbling from ns wharf en which he was playing with his younger brother and his cousin, eight-year-old Gorden (ras ham Carl, son of G, A, Carl, 401 Millwood Toad, 'Torontn, Wie drowned, The body was recovered nearly three houry ater, Seven Miners Killed Pottsville, Pa.~Raven miners were killed and 16 Injured by a tall of top earth at the (ilberton Colliery of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Tron Campany, Three of the Injured are In a ser: fous condition ato hospital, . Drowned in Gull Lake Gravenhurst, Hert Honter, 8 tallor here and former resident of Toronto, was drowned last night in Gull Lake when his canoe capsize od 200 yards off shove Be bh, [J " . New Child Marriage Law Pangalors, Mysore, India Now that British-India has set the pace in enacting & ehild muivige rests raint law, several of tha Indian na- tive states are considering similar measures, . » LJ Little Rust Loss Winnipeg.~=Prohably 50 per oent, of the Manitoba wheat crop will be free of rust infection, fee cording to a report issued to-day by the provinelal department of agrioulture, The portien of the orop unaffected by rust Iv sald to Pe Durum, Reward and other early maturing varieties, ; -------- o Colombian government hus en a French expert to head its on LTH fon Bogota and has ; { vy vg hited States an Bus phases af fiving, SMALLEST THREE STICKER AFLOAT Tern Schooner Souvenir Is Only of 30 Tons Register Halifax, N.8=Up and down and across the Bay of fund, plying be- tween shore ports on the New Brun swiek and Nova Scotian coasts, sails the smallest three-masted schooner in the world, She is the "Souvenir" of 31 tons registry, owned by Lyman Outhouse of Beaver Harbor, New Brunswick, and registered at Digby, 8 Master of the Souvenir is Captain Oscar Outhouse, brother of owner, and the entire erew is embodied in the person of nineteen yoar old Lin- den Morehouse of Grand Manan, It was Captain Outhouse whe recently told the story of the Souvenirs transformation from an ordinary two-masted to the smallest known thret=sticker afloat, { The little schooner was built in the vards at Meteghan, Nova Scotia in 1903, being launched in June of that year, and was ited with the erdin ary fore and mainmast vig It was not until 1919 that the Souvenir was returned to the Meteghan yards, ent in half, lengthened by ten feet, and equipped with mizzen,' The addition: al spar made it possible for her two man _erew to handle three sets of smaller sails aft of the jibs much more edsily than two larger sheets of canvas, The vessel's present dim: enslons are 67 feet overall, with a 16-foot, beam, : Drawing six feet of water when light, the Souvenir, has two auxiliary soline engines, with a total of 42 orsepower, The wheel fs on the open deck, and navigating the erat calls for seamanship in rough wea: ther, She plies up and down the Bay, taking any available cargo, such a fish, lumber, salt and provisions from port te port, Police authorities in classifying automobile tire prints to ald in searching for car thieves and other 0 mines have found that there are about 450 patterns of tires in exists ~~ WEATHER th lo On: i A weather been eooler in the Canadian Le J i tale a and Sunday: a few local \ a a beaming a little. Weat, --- | Ur Ets Dundas vit bikie OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1930 15 Cents 8s Week; 3 Cents » Copy TEN PAGES DIRIGIBLE T0 LEAVE ITS MAST SUNDAY R100 Is Expected to Reach Toronto on Flight From Ottawa in the Early Hours of Monday Morning RETURN TRIP TO BE MADE IN DAYLIGHT Na Dirigible, As Far As Can Be Ascertained Will Pass Over Oshawa on Its Re- turn Trip Early Monday Afternoon By JACK HAMBLETON (Canadian Pross Ntaff Writer) Nt, Hubert Alrpert, Montreal, Aug, D==Preparations tn handle a huge crowd to-day and Munday are well advanced this morning at this airport, where the British dirigible f=100 swings idly at the mooring mist, During the week the volume of sightseers fell of buteto-day more are expected, while a dup Heate of last Bunday's evowd of nearly 500,000 is expected this Sun. day, when the ship, weather condi. tions permitting will cast off for a flight te Ottawa and Toronto, The exact hour of the R-100's de- narture Wunday, If she does leave that day Is problematic, Wowaver, it 1s expected that she will let go her lines around 6 p.m, and anpear over Oftawa two or theresa hours Inter, The course to be taken hy the dirigible will probably he an nouneed fust prior te her depart: ure, 10 all 1s well she will likely flv directly up the Ottaws Valley, After erilping over Ottawa and dls teint, the vessel will then head for Taranto, appearing over the Queen City In the early hours of Monday, UnoMelally, It was paported to: day that while in Western Ontarin, the ship will slin aver to Niagara Fallse=n trip which wan pronnsad sometime agn hut later cancelled, Mack Monday Wvening According to present nlans, tha N00 will he back at Kt, Wuhert Monday evening and. from then on, no time will ha lost in preparing her for the return flight tn Ene: land, the date of departure nwaln vesting with the weatherman, Whils her sehedule ealls for her to leave on Ausust 18 on the homeward hon, It 1s understood the RAritiah Admiralty desires to serutinizge all '(Continued on Page 10) a) noon just after being aworn In Cabinel photographed jus Conservative Cabinet are: of Trade and Commerce Colonization; Hen Hares Dupre, Solicitor General on rv Donald M, Su r-------------- Urge Action on Waterway For St. Lawrence Great Lakes "Harbor Body Passes Resolution Favor. ing Project Narn, Crops Rurned Weston =ftruok hy lightning during yesterday, the barn of Tho- mas Masters was completely burned, with his whole hay erop and half his grain, The damage is estimated at $3,000, PERJURY ACTIONS FOLLOW ELECTION AT PRINCE RUPERT Special Prosecutor Named by British Columbia Attorney-General Ry, (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Vancouver, B.0,, Aug, 0.-=~The province Yesterday published the following despateh from Vietorla, Logal vioceedings designed Ane ally to vold the recent federal cleos tion in Prince Rupert will get un- der way there immediately, it in learned hére definitely, "After citinenas of Prince Rupert had aworn out intormation alleging Irregularities in the election, Al~ torney-General Pooley appointed C, G. Reeston, of Vancouver, as special prosecultor to handle these oases, Mr, Beeston will proce: immediately to Princes Rupert an take charge of the prosecutions, #hould the court sustain alleged perjury oharges against persons, who voted in Prince, Rupert, agents of J, €, Wrady, defeated Conserva- tive candidate, will move immedi ately to mecure a new federal pall "Applieatton te the courts far such a pool would follow any cums vietions, Olat Hapson, Liberal, was returned in the riding at the general ealevtion, "The perjury charges td be tried at Prince Rupert, it was learned; are haned on the allegation that outsiders, not on the Prince Rupert Hat, voted there illegally, "It was made clear at the ogla« lative buildings that the Initiative Green Bay, Wis, Aug. 0H-~The Great Laken Harbor Association, in session here, wus on record today an favoring immediate diplomatic notion bétween Canada and the United States, leading toward early oon atryotion 'of the Bt. Lawrence Deep Waterways, Urging, in a resolution adopted yesterday, upon the governmenta of Canada and the United Hinton un hase tening of the "realisation of the proposed outlet to the wen," the association bellever agricultural in tereats and employment conditions in both countries would benefit hy an early beginning of the project, Leaders of the association, com Jused of Canadian and United Ntaten arbor representatives, declared that development of water package freight would be the next project under taken by thelr organisation, The resolution adopted wan an fol: lowai= "We respectfully press upon the President of the United States and Secretary of State and the Prime Minister and Seoreetavy of Hiate of Canada the urgency of initiating at (Continued on Page 0) Small Boy Drowns In Georgian Bay Owen Sound, Aug, O=Jackie, 4 4d adopted son of Mr, and Mra, homas Thorne, of Thornbury, was drowned late Friday afternoon when he fell into the Georgian Bay while playing with a boy companion an the whit, There were no other wit: nesses, Tha body wan recovered in half an hour, but resunciation efforts falled, Thin ia the second adopted son Mr, and: Mra, Thorne have lost for the prosecutions was taken hy Prince Rupert citizens," by drowning inside of two years, Upper platura is that ef the new Cabinet photagraphed Thureday alter Lower ploture Is 1 prior ta resigning office, Seated, left to right=<Hen, Hugh Guthrie, Min: ister of Justice; Sir Georgn Perley, Minister Richard B, Bennett, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance; Hon, Sen ator Gideon Robertson, Minister of Labor; Hon, Harry H, Stevens, Minister Standing, left to right=Hon. Dr, Robert J, Manion, Minister of Railways and Canals; Hon, Edmoyd B, Ryckman, Min: ister of National Revenue; Mon. Dr, Murray MacLaren, Minister of Pon: slons and 'Health; Hon, Wesley A. Gordon, Minister of Immigration and Hugh A Stewary, Hon, on homas G. Murphy, Minister of Interior; an, Secretary of State; Hon, Alfred Duranleau, Minister of Marine; therland, Minister of National Defense; Hon, Ed 'New Cabinet Ministers Are | | a outgoing Liber The members in the Hon, without Pertfelie) Minister of Public Works; Hon, Arthur Sauve, Postmaster:Gen Hon, Charles MH, EEE -- R-100 Will Probably Fly Over Oshawa, Monday CANADA'S NEW GOVERNMENT, AND GOVERNMENT WHICH RESIGNED ON THURSDAY N. Rhodes, Minister of Fisheriosy Hon, Robert Weir, Minister of Agris absent, ol | eulture; and Hon. John A, Macdonald, Minister without Portiollo, were In the lower pleture the former Ministers, with the portfolios they held, aver Seated, left to vight--<Hon. Jahn C, Elliott, Public Works; Hon. PJ. Arthur Cardin, Dandurand, Senate Leader; Right Hon, "WV. L, Mackenzie King, ustice; Hon, William R, Mothe ister; Mon, Ernest Lapointe, Marine; Mon. Charles Stewart, Interior; Hon, Raoul Prime Min. rwell, Agri eulture; Mon, Charles A, Dunning, Finance; Hon, Lucien Cannon, Solicitor: Goneralship. - Standing, left to right Hon, W, Fred Kay, without Port. folio; Hon, Thomas A, Crerar, Railways and Canals; Mon, James L. Ralston, National Defense; Hon, Fernand Rinfret, Secretaryship of State; Hon, Pater J, Venlot, Postmaster:Generalship; Hon, William D, Euler, National Revenue: Hen, James Malcolm, Trade and Commerce; Hon, Pater Heonan, Labor; Mon, Dr, Cyrus Macmillan, Fisheries; Hon. lan A. Mackenzie, linmi. gration and Health, SE -------- Not Likely To Be Opposed (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Oftawn, Aug, 0 Yoatarday, It Hon, Mackensie King called his former ministers togothor In the oes he will occupy as Opposition leader, room 401 in the centre block No statement wan forth coming on the nature of the dix aunsion, but It In helleved that they talked alout the by-elections of the new ministers, nominations for which are wet for Aug, 25, Tt is helleved here that none of the new ministers will ba epposad Today's cabinet moeting wap taken up largely with discussion of departmental routine, Hon, My, Hennett announced afterwards, He had no statement to make, he sald, With regard to his second confers once this morning with tha Weutern premiers, Menurs, Andarson Nrownlee, of Saskatchewan and Al bherta respectively Unemployment They will meet again Monday Meanwhile ft in stated that the new Minister of Labor, Henator Gideon | Robertson, In preparing a murvey | It in not oxpoeet that any an made until probably of the situation od here, however, nouncement will be Parliament In called, around Neptember 11 In order to give the members suMofent notice and to get the special staf in readiness, It doo not appear possible that Paria. ment can ha convened before Nept 8 or § at the earliest, A new dashboard signal for autes mobiles flashes a red light when the gasoline supply of a car ix nearly exhauited and a blue light when the oll supply needs replenishing From a study of statistics ingurs ance exports have estimated that®one - aut of every 120 persons in the i a EC ---- United States will be involved in an automobile accident this year, Germany has 7,005 miles of inland waterways, including rivers, canals and minor lakes, about one Alth of the mileage of its railways and is bullding additional canals, A SE Ontario Drought Ended; Storm Brings Much Needed Fall of Rain (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug, O-=Heavy rains in many parts of Ontario yesterday afternoon and lant night went far to relieve the drought whieh, as in other parts of the Dominion and all through the United States, han been shrivelling fleld and garden oropa for over a month, The rain, which in some districts reached the proportions of an eleo: trieal storm, was nat however, strong enough to have any great effect on temperatures, The Government weather bureau lant night prophesied continuance of the heat wave, with "fale and warm" Ontario's lot over the weekend, becoming only slightly vonler later on Sunday, Beyond that the future is indefin: fte, "We can't sed ahead more than 86 or 48 hours," John Patterson, director of the meteorologloal bureau, sald, "When we get beyond that, ita' Just a guess" The last general rain over South orn Ontario fell on July 18 and many parts of the provinee missed that one, Brantford and Galt last night saw the fivat rain In 34 days, Farmers In some weotions are doubtful if yesterday's relief will save orops Which have been withered in the long drought, More rain ia needed, they say, and even then the fate of some produce would he prob lematioal, Milk priven were boosted youtorday in the Thunder Hay dis triet because pasture lands have been burned out, vedueing supply. The storm wan a freak, travelling In a d0antle Kwath across the now thern half of the province. It miss od Londen entively, yet resembled a oloudburat for a few meconds in a sharply defined path, and was discussed, Somerville Is Three Up in Title Finals Plays Brilliant Golf in Match for Amateur Champ ionship (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London Hunt Club, London, Ont, Aug BC, Ross Somerville, twice champion and J, Wood Platt of Philadelphia, teed off at 11.30 am, onutern daylight saving time this morning in the fAnale of the Cana dian Amateur Golf Tournament, Somerville won the title in 1920 and 1028 und la the favorite today, After five holes of play, Somer villa was three up, The frat was halved in fours, but at the second Nomerville was down in two, and Platt, who drove into a bad position, conceded the hole. The third was unother half, enoh player taking four, At the fourth, Somerville went two up, taking the hole in three to Platt's four, At the fifth Somerville just rimmed the cup to misa another two, after driving on to the green. Platt took a four, putting Somerville three up, od or -------- . Brandon, The famous Aberdeen Angus herd, owned by Hon, James D. MeGregor, Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba, will be sold moon. The herd Internationally known coms ing 126 head of purebred cat: tie, Union Jack Must Head Alll Parades Fort Willlam, Aug, H,-<All publio parades and processions through the streety must in future he hoad. od by the Union Jack, acvording to a renolution passed at A meeting of the police commissioners yeulerday, Thin decision was arrived at as a result of the May Day parades mw the oity, when some of the' parad- |. Ing communists created dleturbancs of, which ended in police action being taken, 7 / PRAIRIE CROP PROSPECTS LOWERED Wisdom of New | Tariff Increase Canberra, Australia, Aug. 9.='l hat the effect of recent tari fncreuses | would he to rubse the price of many | Australiun products 10 the level of | import prices, or to the level of the goods plus tux, is the conelusion the Tariff Board's report to the Ved cral Government | I'he report state although high | tariff and embargoe have heljed | Australiun manufacturers, there is a grave risk of lo in customs rey ene, while the advantage of reduc ed prices in local commodities is also lost Horses and Men ol | In Novel Race Will Test Speed and Stamina in Twenty-six Hour Grind er Montreal, Aug, Twelve profek slonal Jong distanes runners, some of them with world-wide reputations, and ua dozen horses, well-known in Canada for having, won a great number of blue ribhons In various hotse shows, were randy to match speed and saminik today In a 26 hagur, relay race to, begin at three o'glock this afternoou, . JEhe race will be ovar the Montreal Beseball Btadium's track und will continue until 6 o'clock Bunday af ternoon, One thousand dollars will be distributed umong the winners, NEW GRAIN GLASS AT WINTER FAIR To Promote "Commercial Production of Seeds Toronto, Aug, #.~<An important forward step to promota the com mercial production and distribution of registered and certified seeds in Canada has been taken by the Roy nl Winter Fale to be held Nov, 10 to 27. A new clans has been added to"the Royal programme for need growers of wheat, oats and Larley confined to competitors whoan growing crops have heen inspect in the field under the provision of the Dominion Heeds Act and who have not leas than BO bushels of registered and certified weed grain for sale in a commercial way, "The actual exhibit will conmist of ones half bushel sample and muy be taken from the current crop or that of the previous harvest Ny the new conditions the prise winning half bushels must come from a 60 bushels bulk of the same quality and must be entered In the unbroken package wsealed hy an aceredited inspector at the time he inspects and nealn the bags or other containers of the main coms mercial erop. AFRIDIS DRIVEN OFF BY BRITISH First Attack by "Natives on Pashawar, India, Has Failed (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Simla, India, Aug. 9=The latest reports from Peshawar, the north went frontier city around which a horde of savage Afridi tribesmen fa oncamped, indicate that the elty ia now out of danger and that the tribal army in dispersing. Peshawar, India, Aug, d.-=Whila British troops and hombing planoa beat off the frat attack of an ad. vance guard of invading Afeidl tribesmen, the full force of 10,000 Afridis held their blow to-day and did not strike at thin important frontier clty, Ralders numbering about 1,000 who advanced to within a. mile of Peshawar on Thursday, encounters ing defending British troops and heavy five from the alr, have yo. turned a Khaauri plain, The bon. ing operations resulted in seven Afridin being killed, Another party of tribosmen which penetrated tuto villages southeast of Peshawar vere vholled and suffered casualities, a tp Australia Doubts | | tered conditions, HOT WEATHER AND RUST HAVE HAD SERIOUS EFFECT 'ON THE YIELD OF WHEAT Large Sections in Manitoba and Saskatchewan Have Sustained Losses, But Al- berta Has So Far Escaped Rust Damage : EARLY CUTTING IS EXPECTED SOON Better Than Average Yield Is Considered Likely in Parts of West Which Have Escaped From Severe Drought (Ry Canadian Press Loased Wire) Winnipeg, Auk f=Pralvie crop have considerably prospects been | lowered during the past three weeks, neeording to the Afth erop report of the Munitobn Free Press published today, Intense heat, Inck of moisture wna merious development of yem rust in Manitoba and eastern Busk« wtehewnn are (to blame for the ale it is stated Ten days of extremely hot, dry | wenther have hastened the ripening of the crops at the expense of the, | yield and grade in all three provine can, It Is announced, while rust has become an Important factor in the Anal outeome, Early wheat in Man« Itobn will escape serious Injury, it in sald, und nvernge yields or better nre expected Mouthern and Central Saskatches win are stated to have suffered most from drought and heat, but the nore thern wections report better tham WVerage prospects oven record yields at some points, Though Ale berta conditions vary, the report; mentions that foothills districts and northern paris generally report avers Age or betlerthan-avernge prospects, T0 CONVERSE WITH THE R-100 T'wo.way Conversation from Ground to Air Planned at Ottawa Ottawn, Aug, #~=What {a thought to ba the Arst twowny volee transs mission from ground to alr In Cand ada Is planned from Station CNRO, tomorrow evening when the British dirigible R-100 is expected to be over Ottawa, While the ship in in the alr In thine-distriet it is planned, on the regular 600 meter wave length of CNRO, to hold n series of short conservations with the ofMeers of the ship, It is also possible that local Authorities will tuke advantage of Ahe opportunity to broadcast to the Myers some form of apeoial welcome, plthough this feature of the pros Eramme has not yet been settled, | | |» On the principle of the sectional bookcase a new electric cooking range can be built up of 'separate parts or used ax simply ag desired, 30 combinations being possible, GOVERNMENT WILL FINANCE FRUIT CROP MARKETING Will Guarantee Money Ta Bank for Shipping of Ontario Crop Toronto, Aug, S-=Announcemens, has made from Premier G, Howard Ferguson today that in order to ens sure "Intelligent marketing" of One tario's surplus fruit, the governs mont ia prepared to come to the ald of the fruit growers' association hy guaranteeing sufMelont money ton the banks an will allow for the proper financing of shippers, It was also announced that. Ken. noth Crews of Trenton has been ap. pointed to assist PW, Hodgetts, director of the fruit branch of the government and secretary of the association, In further organising the provinea's export fruit trade, A norien of commeareial experiments will be undertaken by the govern. ment with a view to controlling the "apple scald" disease which annually causen (remendous loss to Ontario shippers, All three undertakings ave based on the advice of Andrew Malton who Was appointed lant year hy the gov ernment as thelr representative inl Great Britain,

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