THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1930 Seller "599695500 SEELED SECTION J) h BA Publie, Bte. onveyancing and general prac tice of Law, Offices 7% BSimeos Bt. South, Oshawa, D, Conant, BA, LL.B; A. ¥V. An. is. B.A, L.L.B, W B, N. BINCLAIR KC, 14 of Commerce Building, 4 ANGAN, BABA vister, Solicitor, Notary: Public, Conveyancer, Money to loan, Of tee 14% King 8t, East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone #47, ' 'Fraser, Borristers, Conveyancers, 'Notaries Public, ete, Office over Standard Bank, Entrance Simcoe ©co8, Bt, Phone 13, J. ¥, Grierson, X.C., T. XK. Creighton, B.A, N, C. Yraser, B.A, Bolicitor, Notary, over Dewland's 'Btore. Money to loan, 16 Simcoe street north, Phone 67, onve S474W, Resi. D py 8 BAR. risvers, Solicitors, ete, 24% Sim- St. N, Phone 8160. Money to n. i " # Ay a ARRIS. or, etn, Conveyancing and genera reacties, 23% King Bt, fast, ( A ] ARKISPER ets. Monsey to loan, Alger Bldg, op. a Post _Office. Phone 1614, K 8. EBBS, BARRIS fA Bolicitor, Notary "ublie, Convey- ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Buildin, opposite Poat Office, one 2006, a "Medical DRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block. Phone 2060, Of~ fice hours 9 a.m, to 8.80 pm, Dr, 3. J. Hazlewood special attention to Surgery and x- ay Dr. B. H. Harper, special attention to child. ren's. Dis and Obstetrics, Sun- ; day and night calls 2416 or 132, DR, 'McKAY PHYSICIAN, SUR- eon, Accoucher. Office and resi- once. King St, East, corper Vie toris St., Oshawa, Phone 94, DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Burgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and residence, 07 Bond East. ' Phone v «DA A R, M.D,, CM,, L. R. C. P, and 8, Edinburgh. Phy sician, Surgeon and Obstetrician, (Office 142 Bimcoe 8t, N, Phone $030, residence 40 Cadiling Ave. North, Phone 8155, SICTAN, » CO. W. CARR, surgeon, Obstetrician Office and ce, 614 Simcoe Street north, Phone 2416. . ARCHER BROWN, PHYS! ho ugaen and Sbatetriclan, office 185 Simeoe Street, oh. phone 3107, Veterinary Surgeon ist Diseases Domaestlo Anite Special als, Oat and Dog Hospital, ing West, Telephone 029, iby (Bb Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist BT ANS 0 Street West Toronto will bs at his office over Juyv & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m,; for consultation and treat- m of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made at dryg store, Phone 87, "Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat PRB. F.__ RIOHARD specialist. Office over Mitchell's Drug Store, Phone 2000 and 432J. Architects I. J -- 4 architectural work. Cecond floor. Royal Bank Building, Phone 1406. Res. phone 909J,. THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- soola architoees, Simcoe St, 8. Bros, ~ Watch Repairing Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat. ro "is solicited, ' Shoe Repairing 3 your shoes fixed like new fa Menko, corner Simcoe N. and illlam W. (July 30-1 mo) Rates for | Classified Ads. | First lnsertion=--134 conts per word, Minimum charge 30c. ' "Each subsequent consecu- tive Insertion 10 per word, Three conssoutive inser. thy price of osnts a word), Minimum Sere for three insertions, 60 cents, Bot aumber 100 additional Professional or Husinem anda, $3.60 per month for 30 words or less; 10 cents a word per \nonth for each udditional word, 5 TIMKEN CLASSIFIKD AUN CONT LITTLE: AC COMPLISH MUCH TRLOPHONE 88 Ask tor Classified Ad ' Department * il up. i. nko, DW, 8. J. PHILLIPS, OVER DAG setts, Special attention to X-ray work, Cas extraction, Nurse in fttehdanes, Phone 009, House Phone 4, G. [141 north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction, Phone b4. Nitrous oxld oxygen gas for extrac. tions, Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 048, residence 1378M, Simeos Bt. N., over Dewland's. Phone 1067, Res, 202W, Evenings by appointment, ; . A AID, . A Dentists, 37 King St. BE. Special attention to gus extraction and X- ray work, Nurse In attendanes. Phones 1248 and 864, emstitching HEMBTITOHING, -- PICOTING, nine cents 8 yard. Pleating skirts, Jne dollar, Dresses cut and Otted orfectly. Dmbrodery work, The oll Shop 206% Simcoe south, Phone 1656, (July 21-1 mo) a ometrist 3 « TUCK, OPTOMBTHINT, specialist fn muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses, Author of Eye Care and Eye Strain, The Chila and Its Development. Uls ney Block opposite Post Office. Phone ib16, (July 16-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying BONBVAN AND ® AR: fo Land Surveyors and Civil Engin. dors, sub-divisions, town planning, municipal engineers, 365 or 411 King St, E. Phones 2682) or All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of 'expense and loss arising from handling » large number of small arcounts of this nature, - For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to eome personally to The Times" office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement and collect for same. . "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 1.3K FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Building Supplies OUNMENT BLOCKS, BAND AND gravel for sale--To {asure prompt delivery, pice 'rders in advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale, Phone 1618, BAND, ORAVEL, BLACK LOOM, ne, also any kind of trucking Phone 1070W, (July, 12-1 mo.) 3644, Undertaking LURE BURIAL CO.. 67 KING BT, Kast, Ambulance,' Residence 042 Simcoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W, AWA oo, MT Armstrong & Sou, Proprietors. Puneral and Ambulance Service, day and night. Phone 1082W, 87 Celine, (4tL) Insurance DAVIS AND EON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old. ont Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re- putable Fire Companies, a WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult RN, N, Johns, 80 Simcoe north, Your fnsurance wants at- tended to and your interests pro- tected, Work Wanted NEW PROCESE=1r" YOU ARE bothered with cockroaches, I will rid your house of them, 149 Olive Ave, Phone 1708F, (July 1561 mo.) Caulking BEVERY HOME SHOULD DE caulked around the door and win. dow frames, saves fuel, shuts out cold alr, draughts, files, soot. Adds comfort, preserves frames, J. H, Lawson, Phone 723R2. (July 10-1mo.) Damn Ra LE Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR: niture bought and sold, 186 Bloor §t, E, Phone 1017M, (July 22-1 mo.) T man's, 86 Bond west, ' Specialists In furniture moving storage ware: house and moving van equipment. Phone 82, a OARTAGE, MOVING, ORAVEL sand and ¢inders, Local and long distance hauling. Smith & Cox Phone 924, 10 Bond St, West, SHAWA'S OLDES STAB lished furniture movers, Park Road cartage. Local and long distance. Frank Cowle Prop, 66 Park Rd. South, Phone 215. (July 21-1 mo) BRETT LJ Beauty Parlors AETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop, Specialists in permanont, finger and marcel waving, Per. manent wave prices $6, $7.50. $10' All othor lines of.Beauty Phone 2068. Apply 868 Simcoe street north. EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET- ty Ward at Petty Lou Permanent Wavo Shoppe. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone 3908, a A BARBER AND Boauty Shop, § Celina St, We spec {alize in ladies' hair cutting, mare colling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 60 cents, lor apprintments phone 53, (July 17-1 mo) Radio OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE AG- cessories for sale, repairs on elec: trio and battery wets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re- charged, rental supplied $1. Phone 8350J. Charles Wales, 146 REigiv East, (July 9-1 mo 0 with rental $1.00, Repaired ana rebullt. Called for and delivered. Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W, (July 21-1 mo) Money to Loan can arrange a first mortgage on your residency it it 1a well lo: cated. Bradley Bros, over Ward's Store, Simcoe St. South, (July 28t0) COANE © . ty and farms, Apply A. J. Park- hil, 87 King St, East. Phone 16014, (July Auctioneer 16) W, J, SULL AUC. 346 Simcoe St. S, Oshawa, Ont, Special attention given to household furniture sales and Farm. stock and Implements, Your Patron. eit health, comfort. Personal a ton and service, Phone Mrs, tor, District. Manager, 3180M, (July 21<1 mo) Painting. ng puri nger: painting and graining, loea right, work guarauteed, Pine Ave, phone 8066w or Haw: : (7 att) a Nursing SUNNY-NOOK, home, nursing caro, $10 weekly \ am aad vo. BECOND HAND DEALER--WE buy and sell used furniture, stoves and tools, Phone 1030, M, Collis, 8 charch ® (July 15-1 mo) © i" A Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND 301 WOULD slabs, $3. load. Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288 (Apr, 261) FOR SALE--HEINTZMAN CO, Ltd.. planos, new and used planos, also radios, latest models; terms arranged. Apply ©. Trull, Phone 1666J. (1111) = PAINTH, VARN- ishes. We have the largest assort ment of paints, varnishns, ete, In In the city, The Paint Store, 80 King street west, (Apr. 305 tf) GRAVEL AND SAND, ONE YARD and a quarter of gravel, $2.00, Screenod sand, $2.26. Prompt de- livery. Phone H20R12 after 6 p.m. (July 10-1 mo.) Motor Cars GIT YOUR CAR WASHED Al Dominion Garage, §8 Bond stret went. Phone 3108, All cars at one price $1.00, (July 17-1 mo) Contracting -- CUNURETE plastering, electrio oi alterations Phone 189 for estimates, (18tf) t --- ' cabinet maker, stair builder, gen. eral wood work, Phone 13031, (200) Builders' Bargains "Oak Flooring 00, 8q, foot; wall: board 27.50 thousand feet; Ready Glazed Darn Sash 98¢; Slate Roof- ing 2.88; 28 gauge metal roofing 5.66; House paint bBo, qt: Garages $19 down payment. Asphalt hing- les 6.45; Metal Colling 5.46; Sep- tio Tank $6 down payment, Write now for Big Free Sale . Catalog. Amazing savings for July and Aug- ust, Halliday Company Limited, Box 16, Hamilton, Palmist MADAME RENA, PALMIST, 846 Buena Vista. Appointments, Phone S424W, (Aug 8-1 mo.) Phone appointments 2636F, 93 Louisa street, (July 26-1 mo) Wanted to Rent MODERN BIX OR SEVEN ROOM- ed bouse wanted, to rent, for one cupation October 1st, In good resi dontinl locality and with all con venléences, Apply Box No, 814, Times office, (30d) WANTED 10 RENT--30 TO 60 ncre farm with buildings, on or «lose to Highway and to Oshawa, for term of years, with option to purchase Possession any time til next March, Ploasd apply to Box 770 Times For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- orn suites including electric refrig- eration . stove, Ianndry couveni- encow, ele, continuous hot wator supplied. Apply Supt, phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantee Co, Ltd, manager for owner, Toronto, eal th ns gt) FOR RENT=APARTMENT, CEN- tral, b rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences, lense or by the month, Box 746 Times, (1563tf) CHEERFUL APARTMENT IN business section, newly decorated, by the month or year, Box 747 Timon, (168-L0) APARTMENT, FURNISHED OW unfurnished, Kvery convenience. Phone 1350 of 2347TW, (ater) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors Apply Bradley Bros. (BHLE) FORT RENT" ""TURNTEHED rooms for light housekeoping with Jl conveniences, Apply 137 Bim- coe Bt, N. Phone 1236W, (3 aug. tf) TOR RENT--6 ROOMED HOUSE, cor, Ontario and Bond, all conven fencos, one block north of Post Of- flee. G, A. Salter, 88 Bond St. oast, Phone 121%, (31e) FOR RENT = ¢ "FURNISHED rooms, every convenience for light housexoeping. 3338W, (310) FOR RENT=--2 "ROOMS, NEAR™G. M.C., heated, 168 Roxborough Ave. Phone 1386), (32¢) TOR RENT=UHWOUND FLOOR apartment, 8 rooms and bath Central, - Will decorate to suit tenant, $23 includes rent and water, Phone 3173W, Car will call, (32b) FOR HRENT--SEVENT ROOMED houso, §imeoe Bt, north, Phone 9704. (320) FOR RENTTURNTSHED MOD: orn, 6b roomed brick bungalow, north end, electric range, mod- orate rent Phone 1538W, a. (42b) FOR RENT=TWO DOWNSTAIIS rooms for light housokeeping, ture nished. Apply 68 Brock street oust, Phone 33456W, (33¢) T--A VERY MODERN seven roomed brick house, all con. vonlences and beautiful grounds, on best rosidental street, $45 per month, also several houses In var fous parts of the city at lower rental, Apply Bradley Bros, Phone 420, (880) hei OMED apartment either two or three bedrboms, vory modern, no extra charge for garage. W, CO. Hutch. oson Apts, 1564-156 Willlam St, east, (83¢) USE: reasonable, W, 0. Hut. -- koeplng rooms, very overy convenience, 'cheson Bldg, 106 William stroet onst, (830) For Rent TO NENT--NICELY VURNISHED bedroom, single or double, MKvery convenience," very central. Apply 178 Centre street, Phone 20600, (33a) FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE BUN- galow, north end, 'every conven- fonce, electric stove, annex, and curtains, Vacant Sept, 1, For In formation, cull at 166 Ariyt St. (44h) For Sale or Rent FOR BALE OR RENT-=BRICK residence on north side of King ston Road west of Oshawa, forme- erly occupied by the late John Bartlett, Gardens well planted with flowers and shrubs, Apply to Conant & Annis, Barristers, &c., Oshawa, Ontarlo, (M-W-Aug, 1) Real Estate For Sale 5 ACRES, NEW HOURE, HARD: wood floor, electricity, 7 acres or- chard, good shape, near school, Mile from highway, Reasonable terms, no trade, Mr, Pinch, New- J LR, No, 2 (8110) Articles For Sale JAND OW' VEL, BTONE, OClw dors, black loam, $1.67 per yard. For quality and service phone Es sry Dros, 342 r 11, (May 3-1) FON BACE=--NEW AND UBED bleyclen, accessories, auto tires und tubes, also clean household furniture, Kverything clearing cheap. 164 Eulalle Ave (Aug. 1-1 mo) FOR BALE-~1930 CHEVROLET Couch, equipped with. Kari-Keen trunk and spare tire, In perfect condiiton Only run 6,000 miles Owner will sacrifice for $700 cash If interosted, write to Box No. 810 Times Office, (31e) fOR HALE =CAEAM WICKER Buggy In good condition, Sulky, Commode, Sleigh. Phone 2881F, (31¢) MOTOR BOAT "Miss Oshawa, 85 feet jong, 7 ft. 6 heam, 110 horsepower Redwing motor, mahogany trim, seating ca pacity of 24. Apply Box 823 Times, (321) ONE BEBDROOM SUM'H, ONE Parlour Sulte, one Dining Room Suite, Pillows, Linens, Blankets, and Cooking Utensils, all articles nearly new, offerod at less than half the cost price, 200 Arthur street. Phone 2740W, (32h) FOR BALE $8.00; Brass Ded and mattress, $2.00; Bedroom Dresser, like new, $7.00; Kitchen Cabinet, $0.00; Wringer, $2.00, 142 Ritson Rd, South, (32a) FOR SALE--AN ELECTRIC stove, four burner, $450. 168 Al- ma street, (38h) AUTO TRAILER FOR cheap, phono 16065, hill Blvd, FOR BALB--ONR ( cylinder chassis, $50 cash, 87 Colina or phone 1082 SAL Nim 87 Rose (34h) 'ADILLAC 8 Apply (ddan) Pets and Live Stock. TOULTRY "MEN -- GET YOUR hoavy breed 1%-2 1b. cockerels caponized at 10e¢ each, Minimum charge, $1.00. It pays to capon- ize, Ives Brow, 0620 Drew street. (July 26-1 mo.) Situations Vacant START NOW--YOU CAN EARN money qulekly, taking orders fo the most beautiful line of Per. sonal Christmas Greoting Cards ever shown in Canada. Write for particulars. Regal Art Co, 310 Spadina Ave, Toronto, EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY---AM- bitious, reliable men wanted at once, Part time pay while train. ing for Aviation Mechanles, Gar nge Work, Driving, Battery, Hlec- tric Acotylene Welding, House Wiring, Industrial Electricity, Machinist, Bricklaying, Plastering, Drafting, Barboring and Halr- dressing. Act quick, get your ap- plication In now, Write or call for Information, Dominion Trade Schools, Ltd, 70 Queen West, To- ronto, Eastern Headquarters, Em- ployment service----coust to coast. (8at.-Oct, 25) CHRISTMAS MONEY EASILY, quickly earned taking orders now for our beautiful line of Personal Christmas Greoting Cards, Sell on sight, Regal Art Co, 310 Spa- dina Ave. Toronto, (38a) Personal WHY SUFFER?- USE THE NEW Harmony Electro Magnetic Appll- ance, Others are obtaining health, why not you? Electro Magnotism Is one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century, In many cases where everything else has failed the Harmony Frectro Magnetic Applance has brought health, We are not out to scll you something that you are not satisfied will benefit you, 'Therefore we give you a free offer to prove what we says is correct, When you are satisfied the Har- mony will help you then it is up to you to use your own judgment, W. C. Hutcheson, Dominion Sales Manager, 164 Willlam 8t, 8, Phone 269, Oshawa, (July 26-1 mo.) - (a Agents Wanted UARTER WINDOW -- WAFHER, cleans, dries, polishes, Approved by Good Housekcepimg Institute, Ton: wales dally nets you $420.00 monthly, Write today, Carter Pro- duets Corp, 863 Front St. Cleve- land, Ohlo, (33a) MAGIC GAR EQUATE GAS 3c A gallon, Harmless guaranteed pro- duct, Used by largest Bus Com- panies, Labels, cireulars, letter- hounds with agent's name furnish- ed, Free -particulaps and proof. P. A. Lefebvre and Company, Ltd, Magic Gas Bullding, Alexandria, Ont. (33-36) Wanted 70 RTARE BODY TRUCKS wanted ut once, 3 months' work guaranteed Phone 2026J or eall 620 Bimecoe street north, Oshawa, (83e) RH Sm. Situations Wanted A RESPECTABLE Wibow wants position keeping house for widower or bachelor, by the first of Boptember. Apply Box 825, Times, (33¢) LICENSED DRIVER ~ WITH 9 yoars' experience, wishes position | for part or full time, Will also take caro. of liwns and gardens, ete, In spare time, Phone 1886), A ; (33¢) ELDERLY TADY WANTE A PO- sition as housekeeper, Mrs, Mary J. Cook, Newcastle, P,0,, Ont. (330) wm 3 ., Books NOBENTSHAWS CIRCULATING Itbrary, You will enjoy reading the Intest Fiction at minimum eost, Phone 1472, 37 Simcoe St. North. (T-F-8 tt) Notice DR THUNA'S HERBAL STORE moved to Simcoe South, Corner Mill, Herbal Remedies for various Allments continued by same fam- ous Herbalist, (July16-1 mo.) ~ Help--W nted Male STORE MANAGER WANTED IN Oshawa for cty and county, Experi- ence unnecessary, Salary $50.00 weekly, also substantial share of pro- fits, $625.00 to $1250.00 cash deposit required on merchandise. Manager, 4083- St, Denis St, Montreal, Que, v (30-b-33) PA Oa ty ta 4 Help Wanted--Female COOK "GENERAL -- 281 KING stroet east, Under 20 need not apply. (32¢) WANTHD--=EXPERIENCED RES liable cook general, Household of three, References required, Box 48 Post Office, (38¢) WANTED=="MAID FOR LIGHT housework, Apply Saturday be tween 6 and 8 pm, 464 Mont. rave Ave, (33a) URL FOR GENERAL HOUSE: work. Must bo fond of children, Roterences, Apply 31 Rowe St. (33¢) For Sale or Exchange Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PROPERTIES FOR SALE Some real snaps in besutiful homes, DISNEY REAL ESTATE, 20 King E. REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY it your watch is uot giving satisfaction we can repair and mako it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Wateh | Canwlian National and Osh. awa Rallronds 10 King st. W. I'hone 189 PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Bt. 5, ~~ We Deliver EEITETIURSST. Before placing Automobile (n- surance, get my special rates, Bargain prices for lots in Dear- born Park, subdivision, west of Simcoe N. J. H. R. LUKE Regent Theatre Bldg, JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Wornull, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8210 ROYAL YORK 0. re: 'Tea |e 28¢ At all Superior Stores COAL COAL Vhone 108 W. J. SARGANT Yard--=tp Bloor Atreet M. Delivered FATON GROCETERIA | | It Pays To Shop Here Always a -- et --. "LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber ang Wood Yard hone Oshawa 824 Whithy 18 TOR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE for house in Oshawa, 11 acre farm and service station, also cabins, 3 miles oat of Oshawa, Phone 482 r 31 or apply Lott and Sons, (81¢) TI HIVES OF ITALTAN BRES, good condition, Would exchange for lot or car, Box "771" Times, (33¢) Lost and Found LOST---ON MONDAY OR TUES day, dilver's lcense and oar I+ cense in case ,also gnapshots, Find er phone 1853W A. L. Lets, R, R. No. 1, Oshawa. (81) 85 Bond Street, West, E "oe hg STORE King & I'rince Sts. Machinery Repairing NOTHING 100 LARGE NOTHING 100 SMALL AdanacMachine Sho 161 King St, W, Phone 1914 Good Weather Ahead! ~=D0 not 1086 your CAPs Let me finance you---Addie tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Roo 6, 14% King St. East FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check ignition, clean and ad- just points, adjust carburetor on Chevrolet Cars, 1928 to 1030 models. Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 00 Simcoe St, South | | Men's Suits. Regular | $25.00. $3500 $12.50 | Dominion Clothing Co. | 08 King St. W. Phone 2141 Ye CART W lumi rR (© 74 ATHOL STW OF Phon yH / Diamonds! | Bassett's On Oshawa's Main see soni Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 809 Oarnegle Ave. Phone 1058 Seal 6 fi. Lon Giant AIRSHIP \[[/ Boys! here's the great Navy Model Aire ship, Large 6-fool air bag with inflators, patachite, hth automat Jelease an complete instructions for flying, Will fly for miles at height of , Grea chance to study ae fond "Pet Tu selling 20 packets Gold LI 4 packet, If you want ort and parachute, EXTRA olFr or promptness, Ve trust you, Order NOW, Send no money, eS ew ven er ORG "EMPIRE PREMIUM CO, DEPT, 7 Earl Street TORONTO §, Ontario, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Spadalizing exclusively in muscle anomalies eyesight and 1516 Phone=1518 Disney Block + Opposite Bet Ofte ELLA CINDERS--Speak For Yourself, John Phone J, M. McKee, R.N,, 1 a we Ti