Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Aug 1930, p. 8

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THE, OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 19%0 ' am a . . prem gown ww ---- A BE --_-- -- on ET EIT ST TC A SE pT Regular F reight Steamer Service From Oshawa' 8 New Harbor Is Now Assured f Ee ., E ----, aman REUSE SESE Po Canada Steamship Linesto | om ps iD HARBOR DEVEL Tree Line Navigation Company Christen Its Next Freighter = NEE TE "i > Enthusiastic Over Future of With Name "City of Oshawa" | «Na | Water-Borne Trade of Oshawa MP ---------------------- MEN WHO HAVE BEEN BEHIND HARBOR DEVELOPMENT re -------------- Fire Vessel to to Enter Oshawa | Mr, Robinson and Mr. King atin ab i | vo ah | Company Has Large Fleet of {for Joiding and _vnlouding. Levis, Harbor Yesterday One of dishing trait. Hoe ne | 4 I { Steamers Operating on the| that, 1his vessel will probably he seen Five Sister Steamers Ene | cent years to the improvements in| 1 ; ; Great Lakes, With Con-| in Oshawa before the season ie over, { fondling and unloading facilities in 4 | les by Which Frei ht! a With Canitantion goged in Freight Package! roduced hy Canindis Siewmanip Lines u wr ; nec Li Ona of the big advantages of ha Servis Buwemn | Lake [ Can Be Carried by Water) ti in ir Stel Ports -- City Can Have HARBOR OPENING | { From Oshawa to Any! iiuns with ocean going steamship yp y diye Part of the World dram, Fraigin'san huovioved fro Daily Service If the Busi: | od Vad) 4 vw : fi i Fos sh ye 10 - hart d of yi! mA Tres 14An8 bout, Carnes ness Developed Warrants CELEBR 4 fi # 9 "The Tres fine Company ara #n Beli on foreign ports being thusiastis about the possibilities in transehipped ai Montreal, oil 2 ) NF wiley boning trae in and ont 0 ha | MAYOR TT, B, MITCHELL, (4, W, Mel AVGHIAN : Ww. H. Moone : GD, CONANT 4 Ora war ac ared: 'M1 Norman | The Tres Lins company also wiv Egat the next sister ship of th [ 4 Who In his two years as mayor | Past Presidnet of the Oshawa | MP elect for Ontario Riding, who | President of the Oshinwa Chambery Moore, of the 'Frea 14ne Navigation | divect water transportation to Vac nity of Kingston," whieh opened | . han been untiving in his offovis | Chamber of Commevee; has this | gave great naslsiunee to the city of Commeree and no keen advo Commny wie With Mr 4, 1, Citvin, | Arthur and Fort, William ut the head Oshawa's harbour yesterday, will (Continued fram Pega 1) to ensure development of the on i lending part In pressing in the securing of grants for the ente of Oshawin Harbor Develops of Montreal, Comarnl mana of the | of the Takes, And him ready acess: failed the Velivy of fan" ak Mi {ing that he hoped he might he nly Ostia Huvim tor harbor development harbor ment Hine, Witonded the shaning of Deh {10 the markets of western Canada ne dimvies wer | the forerunner of the MARY ghptiiie ' awn's new harbour yesterday, "I'he : kan W, J. Ring, district Manage FOUL of Juke stenmers 10 put in al Osh Tran Line i8 here 16 stay, We can Ywo or threa of the he Are ep Canada Bteumphip Lines, Limited iWA harbour In the future things whieh we visualized at that | (hh oMeers and evew of the City of | 10 waa a gloviens peeasion for the b T {sense (he fact that Oshawa poole | ih aperation from the Maritimes in Tha City of Kingston 16 one OF] 0 "ogy ayngion greeted W, H, | Hime" Kingston turned (no tha move sevions | CL, gloviously celebrated, and one I mean husiness, and our company is | 1ake Michigan and Lake Super ve wistey ships al the present CN | yb ote man to whom mich of te | wome Heminisencos Waninase dnvidved in the visit of (hie that marks the beginning of Wiggs y Drepared 1h eooparate to the fullest | VOrIs, carrying bulk enrgoes, The remainder ply on a regular run from all named after lake port Which niet oon initity far the securing of ih Mr, Mason reminisced concerning | stesmer to Oshawa, the loading of the | thi greater development foy Osia% a 18 DEAD powsible extent in the davelopment | ' yegular puints of call far th Loh harhonr 16 attributed, as he stepped hi hovhond connection with the hav: | frst curio to he taken oul of Og | hf the. export (rade which is You! | Montrest Pont, Arthur, whieh in wines Oshawm has heen added LO FIED gop 00 1 i nul here, when he drove wagonloads | awn's new harho in spite nf the Ba ul Me ely nps ent, f Io 10 Ln it " o rightful dy Kingston, Oshawas (0) suinerary of the line, i618 fell tha WwW. MH: Moov | of harley down to the dock for ship: | short time which was avatiahle My, Moore had a sincers word of | Brockville this eity has o legitimate VIEW 401 pies may never be an event of | ment, and saw Hines-of landed wagons | umiming up a cargo, three 1m - | for the bouriesy and eoopeyi: | Yoni, Hamilton, Welland, Winds have its name placed op the hi | thi nature on the Geert Lakes | FORE IngE from tha wharf far up | anufastiuy ing Conceins ny JM nn "ee " p tion extended 10 the Tree Line of Surnin, Sault Hie, Maris and Fort the nexl- vessel of (he sie | Bimeon stveer, wilting thely (wm to | Wage of the opportunity i hi . Pansy Books Author Dies vials during thelr negotiations with | William | uguin," prophesied Mr. Moore, point: | . of making "" | Which jy ult f 3 lu gout Aha po other ely un thet SARARED 61 Jou Fhe mineiaf shiments By Belin Fi 0 hal J in California lithe local Chamber of Commerce, In The City of Kingston is one of 304 ue ny size of Oshawa 18 without | Bnee oF a havhony to any growing | Hele of merehandiss taken on hoard the person of ite secretary, Col, B,J Pht kage freight steamers opeyuled by | i aren Phin was our most eon: | F1HY wus points (out 10 me at that | the slegmel Vik Hh new made! 3 | MeCormick Our impressions of ha - py the C81, people, 'They also OWI nei oenment when wa approach. | Hime" | straight eight Mebaughiin Bulek wn ) Heth 1 LAT FH gity of Oshawn have 1argely heen | ENFIELD BRIE} S and operate 17 pussenger ships |e the government for funds to eon he importance of export trade to | tomohile, consigned to Montiel Af of wing for ls LH M | formen- during our associations with | S-- p N ) 'y " " » P 1 4 TIL wher gained Tame i i" ' large upper lake slegmers, insludin Cruel this hvhu No oily on (he | 1he ! Hi nN pene crphasised | Ler some manoeuvring the lis ful ' Tun 4 i Cot. MaCormiok Auring the - past | mana v..and Wis the. Lemoyne, the biggest vessel on goon Foss te more deserving of ul PY MY. Mison, who compared oni} sedan Wik sel In position on week, and 1 ean assire you that | k P Toronto, visited My the Great Lakes, and 60 hosts of | oo © hin OsbAWA, In view of tye | Reson In thie seonainle world (0 elevator on the ship's lower dec) A ht veurs | SE 0ity stands high In the esteem Frank Page, Tor ) : thst of Great Britain, and sly i] wis hoisted 10 the upper d § staby nupoATed In 4 YIGVETA: { . 7 y 1 ; Sani Mie dive' Bally Nev i impending Bi, Lawrence - develop Inat ul i ; / iF bey ov ob He 2 iw . ha Hppa a h Aeroplane And Motorboats Hy PADeT of the Trea Line Navigation Com | Myr Kdwin Ormiston visited of ment; and (he interest which we have | (7 5 Hh " 4 ud fi 118 ANEEY : L . t \ Af | Pan} | Bobheaygeon Daily service ean he provide tong, port trade," hullt on the sime foundation of roy wun followed hy annthey ear of {he Included in Supplies Huring Maan ae t Ir len | Ashhay Crossed Atlantie Nive 7. Dobhle and Mrs, 0 Oshawa (the development of dhe meres hy the wal poutten of the | sama type, and then Ave Chey vali . " poten } Bonles, the host! myo igs Line Navigation Com: | «PW y k " { wi hey | CR Is Hie, Toronto, visited 1, €, Pascoe freight business here wiarvan i pg world cones followed In sueoession, mi Aken on ues ing | LETTS pany's packene freighter, Ashbay | iio, Totonsa, visited LC. Fasins, the Canada Bleamehin oMeialh Wave | eee Sarin would realise the ii Me Wiltiwm Mode INE up wn shipment of seven sulomn LHR ie of Leia ih was hullt on the other side 'ot the Al: wea gy and Jean Ashion ind aig | he i oe ol Pipe § OV RER 10 ORMAWRA © OF COMPIBLINE | poyif of " | H Ai a bilan, eapyighed " fie Sennrat of | Pha Biritigh Art Alf [ wie the last four 4 1 hd dob [ 1antie, and proved her seaworthines | Mr. William Young, Toronto, visite 3 A sonra i" f f vidual committe fil il § n Aandun 8 Jiri Fie } In i" VERT E | ' boats on (he AREAL INBRLE her harbour development, and Luke y ! hi oii ABRIL Hnited, 10 th ne of : YY p an wu ablogeaphienl hy Cronsing the noean under net DWH 1 ad George Ormistons i" power I'he ship measures 240 feel | Mr. and Mes, John Hepburn and yonto-Hambltan run, one of whieh | Rh Er] thie d the elty council I wlenrly avicldanlars tn Mantieas), Ales Bell, (eal | outs pxpadition which 1s on | | | ~ 1A CORBILY BLES 10 hive Ha dane j ; . PA wry shin chant " ries nf entords passes Oshawa every uy of the Wi dent hy the mmense turnout (this af | fe manager of the eonpang, supers | hoard the gleamehip Quest chi thine 81 ora ner All, has OF font beam, and A | nee 10 Pascoe visited at Colums carrying capacity of 1800 tons Nhe hut Sunday, and # bout WHI put Int wii a Suiting LOE an. thik the eitizans of this eity | intended the Inading of thas cir on | THE & FO0LE (or regular wir srrvice I hior's sires really started Oshawa every day thal the wmount hdd nagar tn A a for # sendy twelve KOLA in eh" Town. NoGulinach hour, Miss Ida MeCulloneh visited Between Britain and Canada ayer When she wa 7nd mn opuphl teacher | " Canad Stoamehip Line polkia hrief | of freight walling for them wari ol Operates Kleven Ships | at Oronn NA Wileven ships are operated alloge Mr, and Mrs, Oliver MeCu)loueh { mame she elgned over her Hest wit eight years Mr, Monre closed bh ARP eERIng confidence that the new gavarn wie interest Volhely haehian hel the boat, the nperation being varied 4 fdeetivred A lope that in the fu ante with despatch, In splte of fhe (tHE avthern Aretid caries plant Wy expressing Ws pleasiie nl heing | ariipment for (hele important task, | by a priee offer for a hook on prin of | nt Dneida, Y., seminar Inspired Twe ghiers on 1 Montreal | Present al the opening of package | py i GICUT ENE Tha expedition 1s taking two De | elples of Christianity for children, she tn Tu Tigh fo ou the Monk at | FVOERL Ber viGe Inia Osha wi Peovide Ofelia] Wseart Othe Consigumunia Haviland Moths, and ones of (ham |wiote a story hit wis dlssatished and | m the Great Lakes by the Tree | ar | the disposi! of Oshawa shippe "Nou have # havhour here, a ha Wem: tal A iets : oy a The nest Breight to he Jonded wae | js packed fn two IRFgs Key canes {h leit in her trond hee divs he [th os 3 ure Fp or ail | and family Vistted AT SAHEW, when shipments are to he made to | Pour (hut will doubtless he elihnr | coud vegan tn gathe : on ouinn | * EHIpIEn of ahout twenty tong of i ve the competition el sed, A room ne | oi a. My, and Mrs, Kivera rmiston, $ ted In the pear future, here is no & ! WOH metal taihnd other metal produets | There are alan two outboard motor Ihont the writer's knowledge, | SHIPS 18 the fast thal thelr Reames | gowmanville, and 8 Tapp, Toronto, tha ROFL went f Tf front, Hy two o'elook a fram the Pedlar People, bound for | boats on board dn addition to (haf gahmitted it in the contest, The hook, | and with the-syllable "bay," and the | visited with Mr, and Mrs, W, J, These boats, handing what fa] Weion whe ) ht BRS WIVES IL | parked fitch nenrly to the im a | Monivenl, "Phin proved the material | $0106 host Theva nee a dosen | published under the tithe "Helen Les. | Vine was formerly known as the "Bag | Ormiston known as the north wes! trae, Are | You should not ave thee, Foye or Sigeos moet, nnd when | felis tod iy normeking, and | fe nthe prise Line" "The Ashbay, which yesterday Mr, and Mrs, T. R, Bowman vis all of 256 foot length with 44 font | ¢ en ve boats 4 week onlling hee | of Kingeton' hove nin hy manuil labor, and It 10k between | Her yirels wots wand vides Heguests for more stoeles followed | #drned the adistinetion of being the | jiad at Mount Fores! heam | Candi piaamehip Lines will keep | nn the horteon to (he then und four how tn fel wll (nd oa fodutiente pelentife Inet and che continued Ber writing after | frst westhound vessel to taka on | Miss Klaine Palmer, Tarents, Are Well Kguipped aheenst of all developments in thie § y wre turned that fol rowed ibaniul tha vessel, Next | ¥PUMERES (or surveying Phe WON | Ver mariage tn the Rov. Costas 1 fralght tn Oshawa's new harbour, ia | visited at the home of Kdwin Orm Mr, W, J, Robinson, distviet freight | oll Fhe motog Inuneh "Miss Oshawa' | gattawed & shipment of glass fram | HE 0F the Fai d tn the hoses | (enn of Albin NY. In Gloversville | one of nine sister ships kon Agent, and Mr. WJ. Kink disisi Frank ln Mason CATEYIRG Thi 0IIAL party of WEIGowE | ype W, 1B PAPE Compa tan de: | 0 pouid af dol POmmicant fin 166, Hee hushand and her son ™e Nowest Vessel Misses Dorothy and Helen Pascos manager, both of whom were in Osh peaking on hehnlf of he Chimber | cook off fmmedintely, seeding out | ofined for M Wnt i REE [they ave wine taking 000 Wh Find in Pennectvania, She cpent moet | The newest vessel of (ha line, the | visited at Oshiwa awn yesterday, sivessed the fael that [of Commerce, Frank 1, Mason, viee [into the Take to eivele the Incoming tin il of ta. / i oi' tmp POmmIcAn for men Hows |p | ody at hee home in | Teakbay, 18 also the largest, OF 3600 Mr, and Mra, John Delve, How Canada Bteamahips. boats ave all | president of that body, eonimented-| vessel, whistling in sabute, and (hen flock all of the local cargo hud heel |p ° are marked dog fat'! maf lr NI er danghiter in law | ton capacity, she in fully equipped | manvitle, visited My, and Mrs, John equipped With the most modern de | on the signifoance of (he fae that | Tending (he "Kingston" into the garine, of whieh "huskies eal od af ands | Hires with all the most modern devices | Hepburn Viees In unloading fguipment, tn fo hippos who sent consignments on! harhour [wton had 16h i whist 14 8 BA "Hn A aria number of hoses | eilitate vapid and easy transference | the City of Kingston yesterday, wer A nd Inunci Mi o Ay | yu A " il i INA pn each packed with a siock of | of package freight raigoe ung: | saving ffteen pee cont. on (hele | Yvonne! caitied a party of ne 4 huni ' 0 A i ns hati m 0 ook ind way doors in the sides of the ves | freight rates PRDEITIEN Hd PROLOGIADIAYS Tepe Land ented i J 1 ty CLL With as i : RANY fa peoiied soln open tn hn WIth whith peymitk| "Phe effort and endeavour to on | senting Nye newspapers, | neluding | TOMERE crowd of aitiaene Bi Hin ! orted | freight to gn into the hold fn exactly [tab ah (his harhour began 80 years | The Oshawa Dally Time wha tank | BETINE on he donk ta see (he Rest | para shed elrioken the same way as 11 would into ign, We hive tn the extent whieh | pletures of the steamer appiosehing | Yessel 10 enter Oshawa's new harho By a0 Ad man warehouse, | we on Loday materialized thoge fand entering the harbour pass out of sight tre th vil of HH WILL he an | Faet that 10 was un Intrieats of a nities whitch required handling | logded on hoard the siegmer, and he fore darkness fell the City of King A Quest will ha very growded I'hers ape ten of the grew and 14 of Tha wxpediiinn At tha barn Ielands the ahip will plek up 48 | dn I'hey tra Hel fa meal | some vy FOUN wean aratnd the Official Representatives in Oshawa for the * |] fi i i TREE LINE NAVIGATION | BEE" COMPANY LIMITED |B& § 5 Reasons The New Oshawa Harbor Rr > UF he Was Officially Opened Yesterday - - YF "w Harbor . | [|] 3 weshawa's Harbor will enable the industries of the city to take advantage | | 1 o Of cheap water transportation rates in bringing in raw materials and Yh NANOS shipping finished products, enabling them to effect a saving of 18 per cent, | VieasPreside Ww . ot the Oshawa " compared with all rail eht - I Chamber of Commerce, one of the speakers at the opening covemony Of Oshawa -Harhor weOahawa's Harbor will attract new types of industries, requiring waterfront : : a yesterday, : ® locations, thus giving the city a diversity of industry, : Ee ; : «~=Oshawa's Harbor will provide facilities for the *hipment of coal and gare 3. oline to the city by water, which will mean a saving of at least 50 cents a : | ton on coal transportation rates, and a saving on every gallon of gasoline : * brought in by water, 4. lane's Harber will, In lin vey Yvan of Oshawa and distriet an ©. Will Guarantee Prompt Wi . and Efficient Service to and From the Harbor og ee oon ed Ee 3 EH ¥ wy a » 4 - w=Oshawa's Harbor is the test single contribution, since the inauguration o Of electric power, to the development of the city, and will act as a stimulus. to the city council and Chamber of Commerce in their efforts to build up a bigger and greater Oshawa, OSHAWA CHAMBER TELEPHONE 345 | OF COMMERCE ALDERMAN WILLIAM RODDY : Al Bl d Ki Uhnliman of the Industrial Come . m i. FOR HARBOR TRANSPORT SERVICE |] "iii oo ger Bldg. . . 8 TOOK part (n yesterday's welcome to the fest steamer fo enter Oshawa Harbor Es mcpoinardi

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