Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Aug 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL To-morrow is visitor's day at the Oshawa and Whitby Girl Guide Camp at Fenelon Falls, It Is ex- pected that a large number of par- ents and friends will take advan. tage of this occasion to view the camp and learn how systematically and orderly it is run, Malcolm Young, son of Mr, and Mrs, J, C, Young is visiting with Billie Mcllveen, son of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Mellveen formerly of Oshe awa now of Walkerville, Mr, and Mrs. Leo Gray, Bimcoe Street North are in Toronto to-day attending the funeral of the late Mrs, T, N. Colgan, Mr. H. M, Black Is leaving tos day for two weeks' veeation at his summer home Counchiching Point, Ilake Couchiching Mre, J. H, Vallenu, Cadillac Ave, In spending a fow days at Hale Isle, Gananoque, the summer home of her sister, Mea, Dr. W, Hale of New York, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Burr and son Albert of Athol Street have return- od from spending the week end with friends at Montreal, Mr, Vie Burr and Miss Luella Hurst visited with friends in Mon~ treal over the week end, retary, Miss Elizabeth Dalr, W MRS. M'KINNEY MAY BE NEW PRESIDENT New Leader Must Be Ap- pointed Owing to Death of Late President The Women's Christian Temper- ance Union of Canada sustained a great loss in the recent death of its resident, the late Mrs, Gordon right, London, Ont, who for many years was the leader of the organiza. tion, Mrs, Louise MeKinney of Claresholine, Alberta, the first vice. president, is, however, assuming the duties of president tentatively, and will call a meeting of the executive short. ly, It is probable that Mrs; MeKin- ney will be asked to act as dominion president until the next: Canadian bi- ennial convention, which will he held ir Montreal in 1932 - The national convention was post poned a year in view of the World's V, CT. UU, to he held in Toronte June 3 to 10, 1931 Mrs, McKinney is well qualified to hotd this responsible position as she was the first women member of Par- liament in the British Empire and has had executive training in public de- bate and procedure, and Is the pres ent president of the Alberta Provin- einl W.C,T.U The officers of the Canadian W, ( ", U, at present are as follows; First vice-president, Mrs, ¥, C, Ward, To ronto; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. T, G. Brown, Kingston; recording secretary, Mrs, T, H, Wright, Hazel ton, RB, ( treasurer, Mrs, Jas, Ma hon, Montreal; "Y" gecretary, Mrs lames M MaeDonald, Griswold, Manitoba; , assistant "Y" secretary, Miss Rosamund Duff, Toronto; honor ble I, 1. 1, secretary, Mrs, G, F. MelLachlon, Hemilton: 1, T 1, see 'elland South ATLANTIC CITY'S NEWEST Centrally Located Fireproof Hotel 820 ROOMS EE ina pin 43 w Anion iG TR od ated day out. Persian oe PERSIAN! _ BALM X\ SUMMER SALE Whare { he Talks FASHION SHOPPE Phone B088W Weddings re ---- NOWELEANK In the Taharnacle United Church, Whithy on Thursday silarneon An. gust 7th, a very pretty wedding was solemnized when Miss Kath laen Fugeane Tensk, Aauwhter of Mrs, W, H, Leask of Port Perry hacame tha bride of Mr, Vernon Wemp Rrwe, only son of Mr, and Mrs, F, TT, Rowe of Whithy, The hide who was given in marriage hy har heather Mr, Rov Leask ware a hela ecrene ensemble, with hat and shoes to match and earried a shower hninuet of sweetheart roses with 1HIv of the valley, The hreide's attendant was har sister, Misg. Lueri'le Toask who was dres. wed In hlue genrretie crene with nfetira hat and shoes to matoh ond garriad a bhouanet of roses The groom was attended hy Mr, Linvd Marecamh of Whithy, and the pehers ware Lorne Kemp and RB, I Alger The oMelating clergyman wap Rev, A. LI. Richards, assisted by Dr, ¢. Carscallen, principal of the Ontario Ladies' Collere, Whithy, Mr. R. Nicholson played the wed- ding march and during the signing of the register, Mrs, RK RN, Alger of Oshawa, sang "My World," After tha ceremony, the happy couple 16ft on a motor trip to Musk. oka Lakes and on thelr return wm reside In Whithy, Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1840 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH REPAIRING WATCHES OUR IPECIALTY It your watch ls uot giving satisfaction we cap. repair and make It tell the correct time D. J. BROWN PHE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. 8 awa Hallroads 10 King st, W, "hone 180 NOTICE! "The Times" will publish re: porta of meetings of all Wo. men's Qriwnizauon Lh the community, n rene such to Wonens Sn £d- itor or Telephone Number 35. When writing remember to use only one side of paper. At ATKINS HOSIERY & | LINGERIE SHOP ) Near Cor King & Simcoe St, ta -------- PHONF 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 1 Sluwoe St 8 = We Deliver A golfer hecame exasperated and threw his clubs inte a lake, then threw in his bag, and finally his caddy, He is a golfer who seldom sinks his balls with this precision, hut remember that the lake was a very large lake and he couldn't miss it,Detrait News, 'SARGON BENEFITS JUST MARVELOUS "Far years a disordered stome ach and sluggish liver kept me so constipated my whole system was toxle, Two operations were a AN MacLEAN further drain on my strength and vitality, 1 couldn't half slesp on account of nervousness and was weak and exhausted, The rollet Sargon gave me was marvelous, 1 have a wonderful appetite, sleep fine and am dolightsd over my new strength and energy. "Sargon Pills were exactly what | needed to get my liver active; cleansed my system of polgons and tid me of constipation without the least upsetting." ==Mrs, Jean Mao. Lean, Apt. No, 10, The Linden Apt, Baln Ave, Teronte, Sargon may be obtained in Osh: \ J ono | \ | Dorothy above The mariage of Miss Marian Chapman, shown Wright Chapman of North Augusta Ontario, to Mr. Harold Jarvis dale fery of the department of national THE HOLULYHOCKN I know a little shadowy lane where all the afternoon The birds and hoes and butterflies keep the sad world in tune And at its end, where grea! trees meet in converse overhead, There is a cottage, shingle-enved, where . old vines proudly spread And near its little Dutch-sione wall bordered with pinks and philox, Like soldiers in the sun they sland, the royal hoellyhoeks They guard their little battlement in rank and rank of pride, Yet nod to every friendly guest who cares to step Inside; They lean with greetings chivalrous when through the gate | pias, And beckon as If asking me to run ROTOSK the grass; A row of old-time gentlemen, In ruffles and bright stocks I see them standing there, brave, the stalwart hocks hally Prime are their thelr days, thelr name, Yet who would lose their courteous nod, thelr pink and scarlet flame? Take all the roses of the world Hlies of the land, give me this spot and hand, the peas o'clocks, But best of all I love the tall and stately hollyhocks! Charles Hanson rows and prim old-fashioned |x the But ita old-fashioned I love swent four old-time pinks, and simple Towne Wonder if ene' of your troubles is using too much shortening? It is sal er to use less shortening than more than your recipe calls for, The thick ness of your hatter depends on the kind of eake you are making. For stance a molasses cake batter or spice cake battervis generally qg'te thick, while a sponge cake batter may he thin, TI generally start one hurner of the gas oven just before adding milk and flour to eake mixture and then put cake in when oven is about 200 A moderate oven, 350° to 375°, | about right for most cakes, When th cake has risen and is beginning to brown, I turn the gas off a little, and let it finish cooking more slowly, A cake Is done when it shrinks from the pan and if, when touched lightly with the forefinger, the depression will al most instantly disappear, Use standard measurements, always and sift flour once hefore measuring Level off cups of flour, teaspoons of baking powder; tablespoons of short ening, ete, with a knife, I'm sending {ou some simple eake recipes which I hope will be. of use to you. Two-Egg Sponge Cake--Reat two egus five minutes by the clock, Then gradually beat in one level cup of sug ar, Add ene cup sifted flour which has been sifted with one teaspoon baking powder and 1-4 teaspoon salt four times, Mix well and add 1-2 tea spoon lemon extract, Stir in 1:2 cup hot milk with level teaspoon of butter melted in. Hake in tube pan in 375° oven about 3§ minutes. This batter will be quite thin, Two Cake=Cream -3 cup but- ter with 1 cup sugar, Add 2 well beat- en egms. d 152 cup milk alternately with 1 34 cup flour (sifred before measuring), which has been sifted three times, with 2 1-2 teaspoons of baking powder and 1.4 teaspoon salt, Beat well after vach addition, Add 1 # | revenue daughter of My, and Mys, George Toronto will he a smart event st | the | the | old-fashioned | CAKE:MAKING INSTRUCTIONS | dé and son of Mrs, Jafery and the Inte ¢, V, 1, daflery of end of August,==I"hotogvaph of Miss Chapman and Mr. Jafery hy George Freeland, ER| | teaspoon flavoring Bake in greased Land floured tin at about 375 degrees | for about 40 minutes Chocolate Cake--~Cream 1-2 cup wteping with | 3-4 cups sugar, Add well hemten egus, 1 1-2 cups sour | mille with 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in it, 3 cups sifted Aour, sifted with 1.1.2 | tea baking powder and 1-4 tea | spoon salt Add 4 melted chocolate last and 1 teaspoon vanilla Half of this recipe will make a good sized cake or the whole will make a lufge layer cake ' poon (quares | Young People's Meetings | CENTRE BTREET HOME AND 8 A most enjoyable time was spent al Lakeview Fark on Thursday, | when members of the Centre pt | Home and Hehool Club, with their | families held a plenfe, The after HOON Wak spent (n games and races after which a delightful supper wis served, hosides lee cream cones for everyone provided by tha Club The | prizes for the races wera presented | by Mya, Colpus, The winners being follows | Motliers | Whily, Mrs | | nn Rice J Lahin, Mra. Harding, | Rahy's Race Helen Willy, Bob | Ralston, B, Harding | Girls' Boe Race tly, HW. doldsmith, L. Lahin |" Boys Bhoe Race-- A, Whitelaw, I, Lakin, G, Whitelaw Boys 6 to 8B year Murray H. Goldsmith, I, Maldme; Girls 6 to 8 years 1. PVolston, Dorvien Curtiss, Murial Hlateh Hoys Racal, Palston, 13, Gold: mith, A, Goldsmith Girls Race «bilan Wilson, Goldemith, OG, Harding Balloon Julien White Tay | log I PIERROT REMOVED FOREVER BY NEATH King of Mimics Is Buried in Sauveterre, France, Cemetery Paris, Aug, B=(CP)~Pierrot is dead. To have spen his cortege car ried in the mid-summer night up the mountain of Ventoux, where it over- Jnoks the Valley of the Khone, to see it wend its way to the cemetery of Saveterve, whose grey walls enclose a silence more heavy than that of any pantomime, was to see the passing of something beautiful from the world, The Pierrot, the eternal anonymous the light o' love, the phantom of youth, had a being and a name~Sey erin, Severin, the king of mimes, was a Corsican; He learned his art in Mar seilles, capital of the pantomime, where hoys In the streets, as in Na ples, speak to each other by this Tan guage, The art has been kept alive in Marseilles since the Greeks landed on its shores 2.500 veurs ago, In all that time it has known many eclipse, broken hy periods of great popularity From Debureay and the great Rouff, famous masters of pantomime In the last half of the 19th century, Beverin inherited the man with the white face and of him made Pierrot OF Severin it was said; "He had a tonge in every finger, every gesture touched a human cord. No other pan tamimist could catch the dream to which two hearts heat and make it live hefore the eye us did Severin" He taok Pierrot the gay, Pierrot the mocker at man's frailties and showed him the butt of fate, the deceived, the abandoned, In changed habits, hands and masks, and the red shadow, he reached the height of his popularity I'hen came the war, He was three times wounded, three times decorated Since then he has known indiffer ence and oblivion, eating his heart aut far from Paris at Chateauneuf-des Papes, which looks down upon the de serted palace of the schism popes at Avignon, Just before his death, in his hlography, Plerrot wrote of Co lombine : "Slight girl with eves of heaven for vou were pretty, unhelievahls pretty, with your soft, innocent air 80 you had to desert Pierrot, But did you have to do it so cruelly? Could you not have dissembled a little lon ger, even if you loved another? "You knew from the doctor it was a question of a few weeks, perhaps only a few dave "Such is love Colambhine." Severin was the only ane who eves improvised the death of Pierrot on the stage. He made the elusive phantom mortal. Tt was prophetic, He leaves none to take his place Pierrot has gone forever from the world's stage | WOMENS MEETINGS | GRACE LUTHERAN 1, AN, The regular meeting of Grace Lutheran Ladies' Ald was held at the home of Rev, and Mra, A, CO Hahn on Wednesday evening, The MALOOF WAS present to open the So let it he, Poor GRAIN SHORTAGE THREATENS INS, | Values Soar as Weather Still Detrimental to Wheat Crops Cheagn, Aug, 8 Mother Nature, taking hold of the national husiness depression in fashion wo harsh as to be cruel, put back to work last night the old law of supply and de. mand Mere humans sat hack powerless to interfere, depressed or jubilant, as the case happened (0 he, Ho severe waa the drought which affected most of the country that It was looked upon paradoxically in many quarters as the turning point in the present low ebb of husiness, The sudden shortage of corn and wheat caused by the drought sent all grain prices hounding up, After corn had sold for more than #1 a hushal on Wednesday and wheat had sold for prices averaging Hve cents higher than before, profits hungry traders sent prices on the Chicago Roard of Trade bounding back and forth in sensutional man. ner yesterday, Grains sold at the close of the serslon a fraction under Wednes day's prices, hut still so high that theoretical millions were edded to tottering farm fortunes I {meeting with prayer, and to read an article from the Lutheran Wit. ness on Kir Arthur Doyle and ipiritiam, Mrs, [,, P, Rogers re ported for the treasury, showing $178 cash on hand, The mile of coppers, which the ladies are striv. Ing to gather had passed the 760 mark, The expenditure that was made for a funeral wreath for Ei een Behoenau was sanctioned hy the society The ladies were gratified to re. celve Mrs, John Wilson and Mise Dorothy Panke as new members of the soelety, Under new business ® was de olded that the Ladies' Ald would again sponsor the Sunday Hehool plonio, The plnie is to be held at Lakeview Park on Thursday after noon; August 14th, The Hoclety will provide the refreshments ana priges for the contests, In regard to the new chapel, which the congregation fs planning the ladies urged the suggestion that a complete basement be constructed to allow space for the Sunday fehool and for the social activities of the church soolties, After tha husiness funeh was served In room, ALREURT ATRERT LADIES AID Members of the Albert §t, Ladies Ald Hoclety met at the chureh at two o'clock yesterday afternoon as arrangements had heen made for A hus to he there and take them to the Cream of Barley Camp tor their annual pienio and summer out-door meeting, 'The president, Mrs, D. Cameron, presided at the business seasion during which several ime ortant matters were dinoussed ullting of two quilts will he done meeting a the dining TILLIE THE TOILER--The Song Proves It THE ANSWER. i p---- awa from Karn's Drug Store, DIDN'T LAKE THAT QRCHE STRA LEADER pra VOL WHEN You ASKED HIM THE NAME © He if DO Y RIDICULOUS, MAC « Har i " LJ] it bi COCOA "The Drink of Drittks {or Sumner" Fry's Iced Cocoa Recipe 1/3 cup FRY'S cocon, 1 small cup sugar, 2 cups warm water, Mix cocoa and sugar, stir in the water and boil over slow fire for 3 to 5 minutes, Add Y{ tes spoon vanilla if desired, Keep in refrigerator, and when serving put a tablespoon or more into glass and fll with ice cold milk, Fr. J ICED A healthful and refreshing food-drink that pleases everyone, Children take it eagerly and it gives them energy to oflset the summer heat, 'We do like FRYS lced Cocoa , dont vio Sis ? ~~ J 8 FRY & SONS (Canada) Limited, Montres), Que gd J ) = a a an SA MAPLE GROVE Aug, b Mr, and Mrs. M, M, Munday and daughter, Greta, and Mr, and Mrs, J, D Mlevens and daughter Jean, motor ed to Ottawa visiting relatives en route Miss Emily recently visited Ivan Law The loeal girls journeyed to Kn niskillen on Friday, August 1, and played a loague game of hall with the girls there, the local team win. ning Mr won What with golf, miniature golf and softball thers seems to be little thought of the passing of regular baseball, Nohody veems tn mind its going Port Arthur Newse Chronicle, In the echureh parlors on Wadnes day, August 14 and plans were | made for a bazaar to ha held in the near future, also an afternoon tea, which will he at the home of Mra, J, Edmundson, 400 Centre Ri, on August 14 At the conclusion of the husiness sports were ens joyed and prises for first and se cond places were given Mis, Arkle Coning and Mr Harvison were first In the three legged race, Mra, Ciollogley fivat in the peanut race, Mra, FP. WilHams first and Mrs, Adama second in the slow walking competition, and Mm, C Hea first and Mrs, Peel second lu the shoe race After a stroll around the grounds, supper was served. There was a splendid at tendance of members and visitors Three new members were added to the membership roll LAKE LEVELS WERE | Maple Grove, Wem ---- One: way of helaboring a polities al opponent over the radio Is te oharge that he was onoe arrested as A horse thief, but neglect to say that he was acquitted.~=Detroit Baturday Night, Cherrywood, water, Mrs Gatos, her A woman has heen made aditer in-chief of a Washington dally pa per and we shall wateh for some stirring editorials on echints over drapes, parchment lamp shades And making fudge New York Evening World, and Mrs; D, H Pr, 1, H. Coates, spent the weekend here Mrs, Contes A week's visit Coates und Brantford, with relatives remaining for Nr. LOWER FOR JULY Average Levels, However, Were Above Average for | or these crisp spring ny there's nothing better than Ten Years | crisp Kellogg's Corn Flakes Ottawa, Aug, A.--Heavy raintell | and milk or cream, Serve with in the Ottawa Valley has prevent. i od the water level in Montreal from canned peaches, or honey, Good? Just try and match it for falllng any more than one inch during July, according to the mon. thly report of the Canadian Hydre- graphic, Bervice {saned to-day, The average, vecession in period during the past 10 years, The report continues: Lake Superior, at Port Arthur, averaged 4 inches highar than June and of an inch higher than July, 1080, Lake Huron, at Goderich, avers aged 24 inches higher than June and 13 inches lower than' July, 1089, Lake Krie, at Port Colborne, av. eraged A % inches lower than June and 8 inches lower than July, 1040, Lake Ontario, at Kingston, aver aged % of an inelv lower than June and A4 inches lower than July, 1020, #t, Lawrence River, in Montraal harbor, averaged 1 inch lower than June and 8 inches higher than July CORN FLAKES * Al ovensfreah in the inner os drei in la SHE ON N \ Ltd i eg tee i) jr gL Ene 47 Sea a TE -------- i

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