Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Aug 1930, p. 9

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, DR, MoKAY THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1930 PAGE NINE S meets D SECTION Seller | 4 PSPC 6) CONANT & ANNIS, Bolleitors, fer fonverandtng of Law, Bt. Oshawa, ow WB AV. Ane N, SINCLAIR RC, BANK BARRTITENS rister, Convey flee 14 Phone aneer, oney % King #t, East, Oshawa. 445, idence phone #37, ' ' 4 , Borristers, Conveyancers, Holarls Publie, ete. Office over Yank, Entrance Simeos cos Bt, Phone 18, J. V, Grierson, kc. JK: Crolghton, B.A, N.C Solfoitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store, Money to loan, strest porth, Phone 67, 0 B473W, {13 rioters, Solleitors, etc, 24% Bim- soe 8t. N, Phone 3160. Money to Resi tor, oto, Conveyancing and general ractice, 22% Xing hone 872487, tf) Yyoney ta lon PAL dn sy to loan, Alger as, ot fea, Phone 1614, 1k 8 EDBS, DARR p Solicitor, Notary "ublle, Convey- ancer money to loan, Third floor new Alger Duildin:, opposite Post Office. Phone 2000, _ Medical PRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block. Phone 2060, Of fice Hours § a.m. to 8.80 pm, Dr. 8. J. Haslewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray Dr, B. H. Harper, cial attention to ehlld« ron's Diseases and Obstetrics, Nun. ds d night oalls 2416 or 13%, PHYSICIAN, BSUR- Office and resi- Last, corner Vie Phone 04, 4 goon, Accoucher, dence. King Bt, toria Bt, Oshawa, .. DR, GRANT DERRY, PHYSICIAN on, Obstetrician, diseases of Safans 'and children, Office and Residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1 ' A in, M.D, CM, , 0, P, and 8, Bdinburgh, Phy TH on Surgeon and Obstetrician, Oftico 149 Bimooe #t, N. Phone 80320, residence 40 Cadiling Ave, North, Phone 8166, TO, W, CARR, BICTAN, " gurgeon, Obstetrician Office and ' FLEE BE TTPS TC SIRE TRITII as peat odin nad Liiamadad idl shdbiddii td residence, 613 Simooe ftreet north, Phone 2416, BROWN, PHYS! OR L ARCHER batetriclan, office Gh emt Bier" sre Veterinary Surgeon ' t, Diseasos Domestio Anim. Cat and Dog Hospital, 200 TelophOne 620, (5 aug, tf) § 1) King West, Ear, Nose, Threat Specialist. « BT 8 O01 160 Ptrest West Toronto will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treat ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 07, "Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat HON, specialist, Office over Mitchell's Drug Store. Phone 2000 and 433J, us Architects architectural work, Cecond floor Royal Bank Building, Phone 1406, Res. phone H0DJ, f soolate architects, Simcoe Bt, 8 Over Felt Bros. ™ Watch Repairing KX VON GUNTEN EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repalr shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat. ronage is solicited, Shoe Repairing EEL, le tena (July 830-1 mo) "Rates for Classified Ads. | Firat insertion==114 cents per word, Minimum charge 80e. Each subsequent consecu: Ue insertion 10 per ord, Three consecutive inser tions for thy price ol (1 | \nsertions wo rot on {three conta a word), Minimum ohai for three insertions, #0 cents. Box number 100 additional Proteastonat or Nusinem UVards, $260 per month for v0 wordy or leer; 10 conte a word per 'month tor each wdditional word HIMEN CLASSIFIED AlN VGN LETH AD COMPRISE MUCH TRL MPMUNE 88 Ah Thr lasnitien Ad Depnrrment Solicitor, Notary Prbile, M to toan, Of-|P 16 #imooe | H Bt, Bast, | spec ( | oan arrange a 'tira Dental sott's, Special attention to X-ray ork, Oss extraction, Nurse In gos | at 0. House attendance, Phone 9 191 north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas ont , 4 0 ' Nitrous oxid 0 .gas for extrace fice, fi Bank Dds. 948, residence. 1878M, Dentists, 37 King 6t. B. Bpecis attention to gas extraction spd X~ ray work, Nurse in attendance. Phones 1248 and #64, EMWITIOHING, -- pICOTING, nine cents 8 yard, Plesting skirts Jne dolinr, Dresses out and fited perfectly. Dmbrodery work, The Dell Sho 26% Bimeos south. Phone 1606, (July 21-1 mo) t ist in moscle an (] eyesight sinasen () d Eye The es Os [] n, Chile and Its Development, Dis ney Bleck opposite Post Otfice. Phone i164. (July-16-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying ['] A lo Land Surveyors and Civil Engin. oors, sub-divisions, town planning, municipal engineers, 8656 or 411 King 8t, X. Phones 2682) or 2044, CORY BURIAL CO, 67 RING BT, Kast, Ambulance, Residence 042 §itice atioet, north, Phone 210J and # OSHAWA "BURTAL 00M, 7, Armstrong & Mou, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service, doy and night, Phone 1082W, 87 Celina, (or) (Ly » I. males All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and arising from handling a large number of smal) arcounts lose 'of this nature, . For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to some personally to The Times' office, » telephone call bring » messenger who will receive the advertisement will snd collect for same - . "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 2.4K FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Building Supplies gravel for salo=T0 farure prompt delivery, piace rders In advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdaie, Phone 1018, BAND, hy y BLA A stone, also any kind of trucking, Phone 1970W, (July 12-1 mo.) ork Wanted NEW PROCENI=1r~ YOU ARE bothered with cockroaches, 1 will rid your house of them, 149 Olive Ave, Phone 17887, _ (July 16-1 mo.) AONGARTAN "GIRL WANTS housowork with experience, Apply to 183 Olive Ave, [Phone 2872J, (204) Insurance DAVIE AND W§ON, INSUTANCE. 10 King St. west, Oshawa, The old. ont Fire Agency in Oshawa, 50 Re. utable Fire Companies, YN PLACING INSUTWANCE gonsult MN, N, Johns, 60 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants st- landed to and your interests pro- tected, GANTAGH AND BTORAGH COLE man's, 86 Bond west, Bpecialiste in furniture moving storage ware. house and moving van equipment. Phone 83, En 4 GARTAGE, MOVING, dRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long distance hauling, Smith & Cox Phone 084, 10 Bond Bt, West, ONHAWA™S. OLDENT-- ENTAN lished furniture movers, Park Road cartage, Frank Cowle Prop, 66 Park Rd. South, Phone 2106. (July 21-1 mo) uty Parlors UTTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop, Specialists in permanunt, finger and 'marcel waving, Pere manent wave prices 86, $7.60. $10' and $106, All othor lines of Beauty Culture. Phone 2068, Apply 88 Simooe street north, EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET. ty Ward at Reotty Lou Permanent Wave Bhoppe, Marcel and shaw poo 81, Phone 3008, WARDEN AND Beauty Shop, § Celina Bt, We sper falize in ladies' balr cutting, mar colling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 60 cents, or apprintments phone 2053, (July 17-1 mo) adio Service ORWAWR RADIO SERVICE AC oossorien for sale, repairs on eleo- trio and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re oharged, rental supplied $1, Plone 4860J, Charles Wales, 146 Elgly East, (July 0-1 mo 0 with rectal $1.00, Repaired and rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, ¥0 Mill St. Phone 18806W, "(July 21-1 mo) mortguge on your residence if It Is well los cated, Mradley Bros. over Ward's Store, Blmooe 8t, South, (July 28-tt) LOANS ON UO0D OI Y PROPER: ty and farms. Apply A. .J. Parke bill, 87 King St, Kast, Phone 1614, (July 81-88) Auctioneer ONE 716) W, J, SULL A Honear, Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa, t Special attention given to household furniture sald and Farm. stock and Implements. Your Patron. 0 a Shop " health, comfort, Personal attens tion and service, Phone Mra, Blat: tor, District Manager, 2180M, (July 21.1 mo) Decorating yrhanger, patoting and raining, lots right, work guarauteed, N40 Plue Ave, phone S066w or oete ) ainting a Nursing SUNNY-NOOK, home, nursing care, $19 weekly up, Phone J. M, McKee, RN, 350. Whitby, uly 16:1mo), Local and long distance. | bod Caulking EVERY WOME SHOULL™ WE caulked around the door and win. dow frames, saves fuel, shuts out cold alr, draughts, fles, soot, Adds comfort, preserves frames, J. H, Lawson, Phone 72IR2, (July 10-1mo,) nd a éaler NEW AND FECOND HAND YOUR: niture bought and sold, 186 Bloor #t, Ii, Phone 1617M, uly 24-1 mo.) THECOND WARD" DEALKIH--WE buy and sell used furniture, stoves and tools, Phone 1080, M, Collis, 8 church Bt, (July 15-1 mo) T------y Articles For Sele MIXED HARD AND 301 WQUU slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bene dry y wood, Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288. (Apr, 3th FOR" BALE-HEINTZMAN CO Ltd. planos, new and used planos, also radios, latest models; terms arranged. Apply C, Trull, Phone 1606J. 11a) == PAINTH, VARN: ishes, We have the largest assort- ment of paints, varnishns, etc, In in the city, The Paint Store, 80 King street west, (Apr. 20 th) GRAVEL AND BAND, ONK YARD and a quarter of gravel, $3.00, Soreenod sand, $2.45, Prompt de- livery, Phone 020R13 after b p.m, a (July 10-1 mo.) Motor Care y Dominion Garage, §8 Hond streot west, Phone 3108, All cars at ous price $1.00, (July 17-1 mo) of By ' ' v Bix Coach, '87 model, hody In splendid condition, Motor just overhauled, Phone 836, (300) Contracting plastering, electric ©) alterations. Phone 180 for estimates, (18e0) cabinet maker, stair bullder, gen. eral wood work, Phone 12081 (400) Builders' Bargains Oak Flooring 00, aq, Toot; WRI board 27.60 thousand feet; Ready Glased Barn Sash 080; Slate Roof ing 2,88; 28 gauge metal roofing 8.46; House paint 0bec, qt; Garages $10 down payment, Asphalt hinge les 6.45; Motal Colling 6,45; Sep tie Tank #0 down payment, Write now for Big Free Sale Catalog, Amasing savings for July and Auge ust, Halliday Company Limited, Box 16, Hamilton, wont, Wanted to Rent MODERN RIX OR BEVEN "ROOM: od house wanted, to rent, for oo cupation October 1st, in good resi dontin) locality and with all con. venlences, Apply Box No, s16, Times office, (404) TT NOONMED WOURE WITH (AR: age In good residential locality for Neptamber 106th Phone 308) or 274800, (32m) aE For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- orn suites including electric refrig. oration stove, laundry convenis ences, ete, continuous hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantees Co, lid, manager for owner, Toronto, (271) FOIL RENT=ATARTMENT, CEN: tral, 6 rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences, lease or by the month, Box 748 Times, "(164t0) CHEERFUL APARTMENT IN business section, newly decorated, by the month or year. Box 747 Times, (1680) APARTMENT, VUTNTSHED OR unfurnished, Every convenience, Phone 16060 or 2847TW, (ate) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors Apply lradley bros, (¥HL1) FOR RENT 8 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeoping with all conveniences, Apply 187 Blm- coe Ht, N, Phone 1236W, (4 aug. tt) T ROONED TRICR HOURE "FOR rent, 02 Allce street, close to High Hchool and Motors, Thirty-five dollars per month, Louls Hyman, barrister, Phone 67, (300) YOU RENT=TWO TURNTEHED or unfurnished rooms, All cone vonlences, suitable for light house keeping, Phone 1602W (80¢) FON RENT=T ROOM HOURE, all conveniences, 115 Htacey Ave, Apply 26 Prince Bt. Phone 2114, (80¢) TT LANGE ROOME™ TO RENT, $22 a month, Apply 811 Division or phono 1687TW, (800) FOR RENT=TIVii ROOM HOUSE and garage, all conveniences, rous sonable, 174 College Ave. Phone 1017W, (800) FOR NENT ROOMED HOUSE, oor, Ontario and Hond, all conven. fences, one blook north of Post Of« flee, G, A. Balter, 38 Bond 8t, Phone 121%, (810) FOR REN 4 TYURNISHED rooms, every convenience for Hight housexceping. S248W, (dle) FOR RENT="T ROOM NEAR™a. M.C., heated, 168 Roxborough Ave, Phone 1886), (880) Se ---- FOR RENT=UROUND FLOOR apartment, 8 rooms and bath, Central, WII decorate to sult tenant, $23 Moludes rent and water, Phone 3178W, Car will oall, (34h) FOR RENT=FEVENT ROOMED house, Simooe St, north, Phono 070), (320) TOR RENTTURNTERED MOH: ern, § roomed brick bungalow, noth end, electrie range, mod- orate rent, Phone 10688W, (aah) ELLA CINDERS---Speak For Yourself, John "| FON For Sale or Rent VOR BALE OR BENT=--=BRIOK residonce on north side of Kings ston Rond west of Oshawa, forme erly oceupied by the late John Bartlett, Gardens well planted with flowers and shrubs, Apply to Conant & Aunis, Barristers, &c, Oshawa, Ontario, (M-W-Aug, 1) Real Estate For Sale ' ' wood Toor, erectricity, 7 screws ore chard," good shape, near school, Mile from highway, Reasonable terms, no trade, Mr, Pinch, New. castle, Ont, uM, No, 2 (411) Articles For Sale TAND. OW~VET, STONY, Clo ders, binck loam, $1.69 per yard, Vor quality and service phone Es sry Dros, 832 rv 11, : (May 8-1) FON BATE= NEW AND URED bicycles, accessories, muto tires and tubes, also clean household furniture, Kverything clearing cheap, 164 Kulalle Ave (Aug. 1-1 mo) YON ATV =LANGE "10 EpBOX, bargain, $106; 2 eggcrocks, large, $4.00; Victor gramaphone, ho records, $20, Menko, 288 Bt, Klol Ave (41h) FORT BALE=1070" CHREVROLYT Couch, equipped with Kari-Keen trunk and spare tire In perfect condiiton, Only run 6,000 miles, Owner will sacrifice for $700 cash If intevosted, write to Box No, 810 Times Office, (31c) VOR WHALE WECOND MORT- gnge, value $1,400.00 Agreement for sale, value §1,200,00-=go0d spocurity==liheral discount Hox K18 Times, (41-82-34) FALESCREAM "WICKER Buggy In good condition, Wulky, Commode, Nlelgh, Phone 28811 (8c) MOTOR™ BOAT "Misg Oshawn," 356 feet tong, 7 It, 6 heam, 110 horsepower Redwing motor, mahogany trim, seating on pacity of 24 Apply Box 81} Times (821) ONT HEADROOM /AOTTE, ONE Parlour HBulte, one Dining Room Sulte, Pillows, Linens, Blankets, and Cooking Utensils, all articles nearly new, offered ut less than half the cost price 250 Arthur street Phone 2740W (42h) FOR BALE--HBEWING MACHINE, $5.00; Brass Bed and mattress, $2.00; Bedroom Drhsser, ka new, $7.00; Kitehan Cabinet, $9.00; Wringer, $2.00 142 Ritson Ra Mouth (82) i FOR BALW Situations Vacant BTART NOW-=YOU CAN EARN money quickly, taking orders for the most heautiful line of Per sonal Christmas Greefing Cardy aver shown In Canada, Write for particulars, Regal Art Co, 810 Hpadina Ave, Toronto LE wor Persone WHY SUFFER?--USE THE NEW Harmony Electro Magnetic Applis ance, Others are obtaining health, why not you? Electro Magnotism In one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century, In many cases where everything olse has falled the Harmony Electro Magnetic Appliance has brought health, We are not out to sell you womephing that .you are not sntisfled will benefit you, Therefore wa give you a free offer to prove what we says in correct, When you are satisfied the Har mony will help you then it is up to you to use your own judgment WwW. C, Hutcheson, Dominion Sales Manager, 154 Willlam Bt, 1, Phone 200, Oshawa, (July 26-1 mo.) MOTORING TO NELLEVILLE Haturday, room for three passons goers, Phone 1684), (aim " amie a Palmist MADAME RENA, VATMIET, §16 Nuena Vista, Appointments, Phone daw, (Aug 8+1 mo,) MADAME WROWN, ™ TALMIST, Phone appointments 2080F, 93 Loulsa street, (July 26-1 mo) Pets and Live Stock. POULTRY "MEN = GET YOUR hoavy breed 13-3 Ib, cookerels caponized at 100 each, Minimum charge, $1.00, It pays to capons ize, Ives Bros, B20 Drew street, (July 20+1 mo.) TON FALR=HOLETEIN COW TO renew in one week 8, Snowden, 50 Gladstone Ave, or phone 1067, (200) -- He who doth desert his kind Mercy may not hope to find, w)im Crow, In his short life Jim Crow had more than once been badly frighten ed; but never had fear taken possess- fon of him as it now did, He was sit- ting in the top of a very small pine tree. In the trees wll about and on the ground were the members of the flock to which his father and mother be longed, There were Crows to the right of him, Crows to the left of him, Crows In front of him and Crows hes hind him. Wherever he looked he saw Crows, And he didn't like the wiy those Crows looked at him, In deed, it gave him a most uncomfortalile feeling, He withed they wouldn't look at him at al At first, Jim Crow couldn't under stand what it was all about, but after he listened for a while to the talk of the other Crows---und they all did a very great deal of talking--he began to understand that it had something to do with his having left the flock and gone hick to Farmer Brown's, Ap parently, the other Crows didn't like it at all, They said so, and they said so, in uw way that left no doubt that they meant just whut they said "He is a deserter!" said old Crow." He has deserted his own kind He has gone to live with the enemy of the Crows=-Mun," "But Farmer Brown's Boy lsn't an enemy," protested Jim Crow, where upon he was told to keep still seemed as if all the Crows there tall ed at once, us they orderd him to hold his tongue, ven Blacky the Crow, his father, and Mrs. Blacky, his mother, seemed to think that he had done something rong "What is the punishment for a de perter cried an old Crow "He shall be killed and all his feath ers pulled out," cried two or three young Crows together "Of eourse, It gasn't his fault in the beginning," id Packs "He was taken away, He couldn't help him self "That was all right," replied one of the oldest Crows, "That was quite all right, But after we brought him back, he left us of his own accord That is the unpardonable sin. Had he been taken away, we could have forgiven him, But he wasn't taken away; he deserted, Now, what do the rest of you think about ft Evidently the rest thought a great one If we are menaced, peace man as I am, I would not see my cruntry lot down A.V. Alexander, "frst Lord of the Admiralty, ---- Notice moved to Blmecoe Bouth, Corner Mill. Herbal Remedies for various Allments continued by same fam- ous Herbalist, (July1b-1 mo,) --. Help--Wanted Male STORE MANAGER WANTED IN Oshawa for cty and county, Experi ence Unnecessary, Salary $50.00 weekly, also substantial share of pro fits, $025,00 to $1250.00 cash deposit required on merchandise. Manager, 4083 St. Denis St, Montreal, Que : (30-h-33) WANTED = YOUNG MAN DK. tween 10 and 21 years of age, for factory clerk, Apply in own hands writing, stating age, and qualifi- cations to Box 823, Timos, (42a) ER TT A RT Rw in For Sale or Exchange TROON RUG HRIOR, CENTRAL, ideal for doctor or good rooming house) «' Wn! exchango for § roof bungalow, Box 815 Times, (300) TOR WALT ON WILL WRCHANGR for house in Oshawa, 11 acre farm and wervice station, also oabing, 4 miles east of Oshawa, Phone 388 r 41 or apply Lott and Sons, (81¢) A ii ale Lost and Found TONT--0ON MONDAY OR TURN: day, driver's license aud oar Ii- oense in ease also snapshots, Find. or phone 1868W or A, I, Lets, R, R, No. 1, Oshawa, (81c) a VS Thornton W. Burgess Jim Crow Is Tried PROPERTIES FOR SALE Some real snaps in beautiful homes, DISNEY REAL FSTATE, 2 King K. "'m whimpered Jim SOITY, HARDWOOD FLOOKS Laid by expert mechanics, 01d "loon fAnished like new, Ge. 21 ' Contractors. BW, HAYNES 161 King St. West house 481 « Hesldence BOTBW Split ing 4 vrs Wh from the way their tongues fle uch u racket us they made! And one and all they | seemed to think that Jim Crow should | be punished ; that he should be given | the most dreadful of all punishments, | It Ineked very bad for Jim Crow indeed, it looked very bad for Crow, In fact, it could hardly looked wors It seemed ns hadn't a friend there I'my sorry!" whimpered Jim Crow "I didn't know | was doing anything wrong, It wi ust that 1 felt so much | better off at Farmer Brown's, It wa ensier to get something to eat there, I felt safer there, 1 had nothing to worry ahout. 1 didn't know' that rong, Truly, 1 didn't," aw, Caw Caw, Caw, shrieked all the Crows, "Caw, Caw Caw! This fellow is a traitor! shouldn't be allowed to live should be made an example of" To all, of thi wise old Crow, | who y the eader of the flock for the time 1 lack having left the trial, shook his head and sald We must do nothing in haste; we must do nothing in haste, Hidsty action brings regrets," Whereupon all the other shouted louder and louder than ever, "Caw, Caw, Caw! Kill him! Kil him! Kill him!" (Copyright, 1930, 1 deal about it to judge Yes, Jim have if he loing Crows W. Burgess) "Tust in Time" The next story Queen Maria {5 In Vienna, Looks Ing around for some Walls songs, we understand, go with the Rumanian situation Detroit News The ant {sn't the only nuisance in the kehen=«tharae ave hushands, Quebec ChronleleT'elegraph, to - ROYAL YORK Tae Tea 28¢ | Halt Pound At all Superior Pkg, Machinery Repairing NOTHING 100. LAKUB NOTHING 100 SMALL AdanacMachine Sho 101 King St, W, Phone 1814 RE SEE TTEA, Good Weather Ahead! w=D0 not 1080 your cAbe= Lot me finance youw=Addle tional Onsh Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Hoow 6, 14% King St. East FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check fgnition, clean snd ade just points, adjust carburetor on Chevrolet Cars, 1038 to 1080 models, Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 09 Simcoe St, South ] 'Men's. Suits, Regular $25.00, Special ... $12.90 ' Dominion Clothing Co, |i | 08 Ring Bt. Ww. Phone 2144 I sos 2 X .. Yhe CAREW: TH NG 74 ATHOLL STW ( , i nL 3 COAL COA W. J. SARGANT Yard=-pb Bloor Atreot K, Orders 'romptly Delivered It Pays To Shop Here Always F. L. BEECROFT Whitby. Lumber ang Wood Yard I'hone Oshawa 824 Whitb | Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner SR Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 900 Carnegie Ave. ['hone 1058 wa -- EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Spa daltving wilitvely in am a 0g Bp AR ----------------r a EE Bln : ies Bi

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