" THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1930 PAGE SEVEN OSHAWA MAY SEE |: R100 ON MONDAY Projected Flight Likely To Be Started Sunday Afternoon By JAUK HAMBLETON (Canadian Press Saft Writer) fit, Hubert Alrport Montreal, Aug, If 811 goon well, the motors of 8 glant British dirigible N-100 will be heard singing their song of ower this week end for the first ime sines the ship arrived from Cardington last Friday, In an oMeial statement Issued te last night, announcement 1s ade that the dirigible will leave he mooring tower for her flight ver Ottawa and Toronto==provids weather conditions are favor. ble and repairs to her damaged bablliaing fin are completed, The Announcement by "Pro. viding the repairs to th 100 are yom pleted satisfactorily and weathe i' conditions are favorable, thers 8 avery reason to helisve that the lent over Ottawe and Toranto will made over this week end." UnoMeially It wan reported later that the vessel would leave (he mast on Munday afternoon, flying over Ottawa that night and over Toronto on Monday, returning to Montreal at dusk, This could not Pe confirmed to-night however, Atmospheric Disturbance Warlier in the week It wag Ans hounesd that an atmospheric dis turbance centred over Hudson Bay |R was connected with disturbances pver the Ottawa Valley to the wests ward, and (hat the ship would not fly to the west until these distur. EE aa --_ n thunderstorm clears the skies if appears improbable that the N-100 1 move, i a anndynied the ship leaves this week-end, It wil not likely ap~ sar over the Canadian Notions! Ehinition during the big faly as had been suggested, MISSION BAND OF COLUMBUS PICNICS Annual Event Well Attend: od; Many Races on the Program The annual, plenie of the Mission Band held on Wednesday afternoon at Mr, Webber's bush was a successful and enjoyable event, Ruces were ens Jayed with the followin % winners: Girls, § and under=Maurien Blair, Ruth Coek, Girls, 9 and under=Bernice Blalr, Stells Blair Girls and Boys, 6 and under=Bill Hayes, Stella Blair, Boys, 10 and under=Grant Webber, Ray Hayes, Girls, } and under=Mary Carr, Jean MeCullaeh, Three:Le Race=Ruth Brent, Dorathy hud ayes, Jean McCulloch and Mary Carr, Potato-RaceMary Carr and Lillian Underwood, Ray Hayes and Blanche Blair, SMinute 08s, Boot Blalr, Races=Ruth Rrent, Blair, Alma Race=Rlanche Gladys At the supper hour all sat down te a The above is u recent holo h of the new industrial uitiing an Wl 4 ww. ! , Lu Beecroft, of the hithy umber and Wood Yard, The building, of concrete and coment block construction, ls 28 % hN, and provides office, workshop and gare ago avcammodubion, The Willing | w wap started before the advent of the present, depression, hut Mr, Bescroft completed 10 with an eye to the fue ture, and is now well equipped to take care of the Improvement: in business which he hellaves Is on the rr ------r SECOND WIFE TO OPEN HERS -- OF with the old and on with the new, briefly describes the moad of Radio Pictures' "Second Wife," which opens today at the Martin Theatre When Lila Lee comes into the ple ture in the title role she finds Con vad Nagel, her newly acquived hus hand, toe comfortably ensconced in a dreary. home surrounded hy red plush furniture, chairs of anclent de sgn, Ngured carpets, war posters and a life-sized portrait of a dead staring down from a prominent posi tion above the mantelpiece "Second Wile" decides there are too many reminders of a calm and wile (hN2) Changes In operating organise fon on Canadian Pacific western lines ara announced us follows Jd. WH, Chown, superintendent of Aaskalohowan southern lines, transferred from Regina to Bdmon toni J, M, MacArthur, superinten dent, Medicine Mat division, trans ferred to Regina, 1. J Fox, in charge of Kdimonton division, transferred tn Medicine Hat, Thess transfé®s are made In ageordance with the eampany's poliey of en Abling its officers to broaden (heir experience in rallway matters, Mr, Patol Look over the Ine ) bls of which he Is the head In 1922, and haw established for him. wolf un raputation for faly und honest dealing, a fuetor which has contrib. uted In no small way to the build ing up of a good husiness, Tanohar Now meal, what 18 (he iigporiant thing! Class (in chorug) opener LL] nusi in wetting frst and "ind thie ean Halt OF Father of Wride will have a dowry of 860,000 but of courses 1 must Ingulves ahout your Anteesdents und prospec fulter: Don't make any ingniriss and UN take her for $26 000 Dortharbler, Beilin My daughtnsy BRITISH TROOPS RUSH TO HANKOW am -- Central China Port 1s Now Menaced by Com munists a -- By HANDALL GOULD United Press Balt Correspondent phanghaf, Chinn, Aug, #==Bril Ish troops stationed in Ahankhal worn rushed up the Yangtse Rver to Mankow hy #leamship yesiers day to reinforce the foreign foveas al that Central Ching port, report ad maennced by Chinese Commine. ist hands Tho United fiates forces nt Han kow and in that vieinity, gnome 600 miles up the Yangtes in the hean of the troubled sren were haliays ef sufficient nb present to protect Amarienn interesin there A numher of American gun hots are lying off the Bund in the | river ut Harikow, and oan put landing parties ashore If necossir) to protect Americans and. tholy | proper | The British contingent Ineluded A 1h0 men and officers from nu crack | yegiment stationed in Hhanghal | most of the time since the cris in the spring of 1037 They loft | on the steamship Buiwe for Hane kow Annther datachmant of KO men from the same yogiment way ord arad to proceed to Mankow within 24 hours | | Ahanghnl | KI Your husbands footstey- i Ey Yui aha. Jetty, on, - mae, o Ete Tad fas. ~ Q AT Rep: Rose Tea "i qeed Da," Quasviey «=n hain * Onanst. Prxiop a i li iL have uvoncens , on the north hit the river Navigate three continue to keep in th Kiuklang fin The British soldiers Yangtze ville quartered on honrd Lhe Hrit | nt Hankow warship Cumberland rend ol han of 6 river lund In the event of an emergen: araft shia in The United Miates has the 4th flegimant of Marin wtittonod | They have here 1047, foree in heen fn March, thward The Hankow, forglgn patroliin i v , » Ne hearty supper after which the pleniek- hances had cleared up. All week ors left for heme, domestie peace that was she it has been very hot hers and until changes everything Ameriean aolfers beat Writish players hoenuse they are mare in torested in the selentifin angles of the game and generally ApOakipi try harder, according to Don Moe 'niversity of Oregon wizard, In lerviewed al Vancouver, travelling Canadian Pacifie from the western Open at Chicago and the American Open tournaments at Minneapolis He described English golfers an the heat sportamen he md ever sp. | "Second Wife" was adapted from | countered, Fulton, Quraler's stage play, "All the mea-- a King's Men," by Bert Glennon. In Neven hundred Americans, aboyt the east are Mary Carr, Hugh Hunt: | two-thirds women, toured Nova fey and Freddie. Burke eh dori Senta Aeantly by, Dominion At The | pe epchild of the y Aller arrival at The Utter in the stepchild of the | JCal tax Aboard NB. California on "A Cruise to Nowhere! the larger part of which 1s spent at Ata outside the 13.mile limit hare wars throes of these eruises guring July and August from New ork, The old homestead Is abandoned for an ultra-smart apartment, fui nished in latest modernistic Je Persian rugs replace the carpet etchings and "old masters' supplant the war poster and highly eelored portrait, Radio Pictures spared no expense In creating a startling con TEA TESTING LOBLAW'S is done with such minute care that Loblaw customers have access. to Teas of exceptional merit, Our tea experts carefully examine and test samples out of each shipment re ceived, and their assurance of quality is B&' necessary before any of these Teas reach our Groceteria shelves, so" 45; a } LABEL 73: i 55. {m= | Hong B ---- BLUE BROWN LABEL LABEL These Specials on Sale Week of August 7th to 13th SPECIAL--AYLMER GREEN LABEL ORANGE 23° MARMALADE "35° An Opportunity to Save on this Versatile Food SPECIAL--NESTLE'S Condensed MILK 2 -- 31° NESTLE'S~The British Milk se Grape Juice ~~ Welch's, Na. tional Drink, Med, Size Bot, 32¢ Lunch Rolla -- Imperial, 18 Sheeta ie a Roll 3 Rolls 10e 9% Park Brand, 0 to a Package 12¢ Grape and Cherr, Pu he ll Horne's y, "Bot tle 23¢ A Daily Coach Service OSHAWA - TORONTO FARE 86¢ LEAVE UBUAWA astern LEAVE TORONTO Aandard AM, Time AM PM 3.00 8.30 §0 ---- re Mya more new bridges are to ho eanstructed on New Rrunswiek highways, tenders having been call. od for. by Hon, D, A, Blewart, Min« Inter of Public Works, for modern struotures to ba built with attend. Aut improvement of roadway all ment, One of them will he an #0. foot span across the Little River at Grand Falls, ---- PR fines July 1 the wild rose ls of fiolally the floral emblem of Als herta, the Act passed by the Legis. Iature at the last sesnion, going in+ to affect on Dominion Day, A quantity of encoons will he hrought te Montreal in thelr natu rl state for the purpose of des monstrating tha process of weave ing silk and converting it into the finished product at the National Produced In Canada Exhibition ta he held in that city November 8.8 net AG oie Canadian entries in the averasan section of the Nritisk Nationa! Vap-laying contest are holding thelr own with the world's heat opr producers Reports received hy ™ € Eitord, Dominion Nua handryman, show. that Canadian pena hold third and fourth poal- tions In the international contest, Firat place ia held by France and second by Ireland, ---- " Changes in operating organizn- tion on Camadian Pacific western 11808 are announced as follows |= J, a ughawn, superintendent of tehowan southern lines, rr from Regina to Bdmon« M. MacArthur, superintens dent, Medioine Mat division, trans ferred to Remina; OG. J, Vox, in oharge of Edmonton diviviop, transferred to Madioine Wat, These i di Are made in accordance ---------------------------- 6 company's poliey of ens Coach connections at Toronto for Barrie, Orlille, aAbling ita officers to broaden their frampton, Bchombery, Hamilton, Brantford, Muskoka experience in railway matters, Wharf, Wasaga Beach, Midland, Ottawa, Niagara we -- Falls, Buffalo and Intermediate points, American molfers heat Rritiah Coach connections at Butfale for all U, #8 A, layers hocause they are mors in points, areated in the seientifia angles of the game and generally apsaking try harder, according to Don Moe, University of Oregon wizard, ine lerviewed at Vancouver, travelling Canadian Paocifio from the western Open at Chicago and the American Open tournaments at Minneapolis, He described English golfers an the beut aportamen he had ever en. countered, §.00 7.40 8.40 000 0,80 i 40 PM 1.00 1.40 yecHunday only, wasDaily azoept Sunday, s=Baturaay, Sunday and Melidays only. VA SRY fm; LITT A {[] ol / r------------------ Tiokets and Infdrmation at GRAY COACH LINES Genosha Hotel OSHAWA Phone 2828 40.0Z, GLASS JAR & SPECIAL-LILY BRAND--DIRECT FROM THE OCEAN TO YOUR TABLE CHICKEN HADDIE 2 Serve Cold-~Ideal for Making Salads, Fish Cakes, Ete. Seven hundred Americans, ahont two-thirds women, toured Nova Meotia recently by Dominion Ate Iantie Railway, afer arrival at At Malifax ahoard AN. California on "A Cruise to: Nowhere the larger part of which (x spent at 804 outside the 13-mila limit, There were three of these cruises during July and August from New | ars of Nova Hgotia are encouraming York, heoause the British Isles muat jeok y ' to Nova Bootia for the hulk of thelr barrelled apple supply until Novem. her 15, an a result of the ambarge on barrelled fruit from the United Htaten, -------- A B Sottuting ETTER in BRAN FLAKES EVIRYIODY who has tried Kl Bop Bran Flakes d inl with fies orfu roved flavor prev erlapness of Ed off ies . eliclous surpel ih Jou got the pion the wheat w= ins==mineral faite Just en ani fit, Sold 4 Ne an ow Lf i Howe 8 heart~ £3 don't you Rnow i the ki dies love hristies ATYOwISOtS Ready for 2 a, aL Market prospects for fruit grow. SPECIAL--LASTING FRAGRANCE Lux Toilet SOAP 3 Cakes 17° Get Your Supply and Save Butter Puffs -- Jacob's mported .. Package 24 24¢ Lobater--Faney Quality, Packed on the north shore of N.S. under Government approved sanditions, Hae alves, Sarin 6.0m.) Tin Me Shiimps -- Perda Wet ack. Tin 21e Phi $ " | Thaty.. macks 2 Tins le Five more pew b dees are to be constructed an New Rrunawlok highways, tenders having heen calls od for by Won, DD, A, Stewart, Min« ister of Public Werks, for modern strustures to be hyilt with attend ant improvement of roadway alimme ment, One of them will be an 80. foot span across the Little 'River ot Grand Falls, : - TE Bines July 1 the wild rose In af flotally the floral emblem of Als berta, the Act passed py the Legis Tature at thy 'ast aeenlon, going ins to affect on Dominion Day, A quantity of cocoons will he brought to Montreal in their natus aK state for the purpose of des Hop a RB on Of course fchildren love | finiaved product at 'the Nations A 3 . Produced in Canada Exhibition ie Christie's jeswies hi K » Bi in that oity November 8.8 the most delicious, u ---- Arion tn the body-building Biscults you can Catadieh elle 1h (08 ot onal give them , . , and watch the | Wes-Laving sontast are holding grown. ups too, Naturally, ther own with the world's heat they expect every Christie ekg producers, Reports received Biscuit to be nice and, . SPECIAL--NON ACID-FORMING--FOR BETTER HEALTH TRY ROMAN MEAL . = Avoid Acid Accumulation in the Blood---Eat Roman Meal the Only Alkaline Grain Food ! SPECIAL~There are Many Ways in Which to Serve APRICOTS =u Matchet-=Maple Leaf or Silent Boxes ge Fisur_ Quaker Brand, oat Ont. 8-0Z, TINS Sanitary Straws -- No h should be without. 2 aig j Se _Sunwheat Biscuita---~The only Biscuit of i kind in the world wm PR ye ie Olives--Lunch Queen, Brand, . Nod 3 Sardines -- Skipper B Dainty and De! elousd Mine Ne Green Rie and Ginger Mar malade ~~ Robertson's Ime ported Geom, jar 36c Ovaltine--The Food oR TR nas le 10c Winiom Ls Self Grocaterias |ECHNSINSNN in Ontario (OAS We Sell For Less br I €, Eltord, Dominion Wuse ry 4 TAR Be | hen you see the short work | rir HX) br Frames aad ! make of ind FY you ' by In om" Christie's for fralt grow. Arrowroots extra' nice. Fay Ey HTH . & u. ait ; hristies |=" ~ He e Ry --r---- p tan FOAr A artist pub. rowroots |:i:Siskisd: Canede's Original 4] pA TR fe in fea Wn " fiver dA" Se 1051 ah I TER BRAN FLAKL!