Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Aug 1930, p. 3

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Bh ae nar atta Ts i Gt 4 PR anime THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1930 PAGE THREE City Council to Attend Harbor Opening Tomorrow in a Body New Building for S. S. No. 6, Near Columbus, to be Erected By W.J. Trick Co. of Oshawa Building to > Seal 50 Pupils] Will Have Stage and Dressing Rooms -- Will Be Built of Brick With + Stucco Facing COST ESTIMATED AT ABOUT $8,500 Council Decides to Provide Street Lights for Harmony ~--E. M., Webber Named Assessor for 1931 Among the more important ftems. dealt with at the regular meeting of the Kast Whitby Town~ ship Council were the reection of & new school a quarter mile west of Columbus and the installation of street lighting at Harmony, The now school, the contract for which has been let to the W. J. Triek Company, of Oshawa, will be a one-room school to seat HO pupils, It will be of brick con- struction with stucco facing and | will cost in the neighborhood of $8,500. The school will be 24 feet By 32 feel. and will be equipped with lobby, stage, drossing rooms and lavatories, Miller and Libby, of Oshawa, were awarded the sep- rate contract for the plumbing and Russell Lockwood of this city, the heating. The contract for the electrical Installation has yet be let, The Council will make an agree- ment with the Hydro-Eloctric (Continued on Page 6) CLOSING HOUR SET FOR MINIATURE GOLFING COURSES Eleven O'clock Adopted by Council as Proper Time "to Stop. Business, Redulations Soverning the opera: tion of miniature golf courses in this city will be presented to the eity | council for adoption at its next meet- ing, It was decided by that body last | night, At the meeting notice was served | on the council of an injunction be ing applied for by John Cummins, who resides adjacent to the city prop- erty on Bagot street, against the use of this property for leasing to a miniature golf course concern, The matter was referred to the city prop. erty committee, It: was stated at the meeting that residents of the vicinity of both of these courses in Oshawa were com: plaining that the courses were open until after midnight, even on Sun. day evenings, and that many pro tests were being lodged, P. A. Macdonald introduced the question by moving that the general purposes committee draw up regula. tions for hours of closing of these businesses. Alderman GG, Morris, necting as mayor, in the temporary absence of Mayor. Mitchell, urged that a deci: sion be made at this meeting as there was much dissatisfaction in the lo eality with the hours of closing. | OBITUARY FUNERAL OF MNS, HARMAN In the présence of a larga gath- ering of mourners and sympathiz- ing friends, the funeral was held at Aurora on Saturday afternoon last of Mrs, Eliza Allen Harman mother of Alderman Clifford Har- man of this city, Mrs, Harman died at her home in Aurora on Sat- urday of last week, The funeral service at the residence was con- ducted by the Rey. Mr. Essex of the Aurora Baptist Church, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Lightbourne of the Aurora Anglican Church, Members of the Ladies' Orange Lodge, with which Mrs, Harman was assoclated conducted a service at the grave. side, Interment was made in the Aurora Cemetery. Among the many beautiful floral tributes were wreaths from the City of Oshawa, the Oshawa Fire Department, the Painters of the G, M.C.. Mr. apd Mrs. Walter C, Madel and Mr, and M Mrs, Herbert Coombs of Oshawa, and sprays from Mrs, H. Topping and Mrs. L, E, Brockle. hurst of Oshawa. 4 + | ro; Si HARDWOOD FLOORS Lald by expert wechanies Old "oon fnished lke new Ge "1. Contractors RW. HAYNEN 101 King st. West Phone 481 « NMesldence S0TAW COAL COAL Ww. J. . SARGANT Yard av Hioor 'treet & 4 Promptly Delivered ARCH, H. HALL Who has been appointed General Purhasing Agent for the Gens eral Motors of Canada, succeeds ing E. W. Drew, who retired re. cently, Mr, Hall, who has been with the General Motors for the past twelve years is a trained engineer and will have hix headquarters in this city, Aldermen Macdonald and Bunker | then moved that a by-law be prepared | fixing the hour of eleven o'clock as | the last hour at which games could | be commenced by players on these | courses, and including other regula tions, The motion carried ANNIS FAMILY HOLDS REUNION AT LAKEVIEW PARK Branches of Clan From! Many Places Gather-- Clair Annis New Pres. Eighty members of the Annis fam- | ily, a family whose history is closely | bound with that of the history, | | ancient and modern, of this part of | Ontario, gathered at Lakeview Park yesterday afternoon for the annua! | Annis reunion. Branches of the fam ily located in widely separated parts | of the province were represented, | some coming from as far away as the town of Mitchell, Ontario and Durham counties were particularly | well represented, with Annises pre sent from Leamington, Port Union, | scarboro, 'Toronto, @shawa, and many other points throughout this | district, The afternoon wgs devoted to the | yeurly vrenewnl of acquaintances, Many members of this family see each other only once #4 year, al the annual reunion, and the occasion Is always anticipated as the, strongest lok between the geographically wide ly separated offshoots of the original Annis stock, The ferris wheel and the merry go-round received their full share of attention from the juvenile members of the clan during the day, while the gand beach proved attractive tn those who had brought picnic bas. kets, A full program of sports oe: cupled the early evening, with base ball and novelty races as leading features, Supper was served at a single sitting in the pavilion dining hall, One of the most interesting ad: dresses of the day was given by Levi Annis of Scarboro, who is engaged in the compilation and preparation of the history of the Annis family in this province, which he hopes to have ready for publication next year, Other speakers included Allan Annis of Oshawa, Willlam Miller of To: ronto, and George Annis, reeve of Darlington township, The musical program included a plano solo by Ada Annis of Ebene: zor, a reading by Hazel Annis of Highland Creek, aesthetic dances by the Millson sisters of Enniskillen, and a vocal duet, which brought to gether mother and son in the persona of Mrs, Levi Annis and Clair Annis of Port Union Community singing was led _by Mus, Levi Annis, The officers responsible for the 1930 pienfo were as follows: Arthur Annis, Ottawa, president; Levi An: nis, Tyrone, vice president: Grace Annis, Scarboro, secretary; Clair Annis, Port Union, treasurer; Ivan Annis, Highland Croek, sports con venor; Mrs. Arthur Brent, Tyrone, and Mra, Charles Annis, Pickering, table comniittes convenors, The following executive was elect ed to carry on with arrangements for next year's reunion: -- President, Clair Annis, Port Union; vice presi dent, Wilfred Luke, Oshawa: secre: tary, Grace Annis, Scarboro, treasur- er, K. Annis, Dunbarton; refreshment committee convenors, Mrs, Charles Alland, Bowmanville, and Mrs, Levi Annis, Port Union; sports commit. tee, Gordon Annis, Oshawa. Fort "William. --A water: front 'fire which raged for several hours caused $1,000000 damage here, The blaze destroyed the Cana diap National Railways regi shed No, 2, In which was stored binder twine valued at $760,000; while on adjoining tracks 23 cars of newsprint with about 600 tins of paper fell prey to the flames, | clearances th GENERAL MOTORS, PEDLAR'S TO MAKE FIRST SHIPMENTS Cargoes Can "Clear From Oshawa to Any Part in the World That the frequency of the service which Oshawa will get from the two navigation companies which are com. mencing their calls here tomorrow, will depend directly on the ability of the city and district to provide freight business for water shipment, was the leading impression gained during interviews yesterday with re- presentatives of the Tree Line Navi- gation Company, and of Canada Steamship Lines, Limited, Mr, 8, E, Spence, Montreal freight trafic manager, Mr, Norman Moors, Toronto, freight trafic representa: tive, and Mr, A, H, Beal, Toronto, freight agent, all of the Tree Line Company, spent a large part of yes terday In Oshawa concluding pre liminary arrangements for a steam ship service by their line to cover the needs of this city, Pedlars Ship to West Mr, Spence announced late yester , by water, They have A carload for the steamer ks here tomor- toms office for Weed Line cargoes, The Smith Cartage Company have | been appointed local agents for the | line, and will give 24 hour trucking | service to and from the harbor and | any part of the eity, Mr, Bpence informed 'The Times | yesterday that with the opening of | the Oshawa harbor, the Tree Line | will bé able to give through shipment | by water from Oshawa to any part of the world, with a very material | freight saving as a vesult, Local | manufacturers will be enabled . io | compete on comparatively tovel | terms with New York shippers who | have previously enjoyed an advan tage through lower freight raies b) all water route, | Shipment direet by water on the one bill of lading is now possible | from Oshawa to New Zealand, Aus: | tralia, the Orient, Britain, South | America, and all other paris of the c ontinued on Paye ? PICTURE CONTEST IN FINAL MONTH, CLOSES AUG. 30 | | | | | | Harbor Opening Provides Good Opportunity For Sapetiote The pictorial history contest spon: sored by the Chamber of Commerce is now well Into its last month, The last date for submitting entries is August 30th, and little enough time is left to snap that pleture you have had in your mind, get It developed, and send it in, Thirty dollars in prices are waiting for four indivi. duals, and It might just as well be you, Tomorrow will offer the best op portunity for a photo , of real his torle value, that has occurred since the contest opened a month ago. Photos of the first ship to enter the Oshawa harbor, of the crowd which will gather to greet it, of the pre sentation of a silk hat to the skip per, will all make excellent subjects for entry in the contest, The rules of the contest are here repeated for the benefit of thoss who may be reading of it for the frst time: Contest to close at 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, August 30, 1930, Competi- tion to be divided into two classes, CLASSES: Class A--To include pictures taken in Oshawa and suburbs during the year 1930, : Class B--To include pictures taken in Oshawa and suburbs previous to January 1, 1930, Special attention given to those of historical value, PRIZES: Two prizes will be award: ed in each class, | at Prize--$10,00, | 2nd Prize--4$5.00, | JUDGES: All entries to be judged | and the prizes awarded by a commits tee of three, including D, F, Johnston, Director, Cham: ber of Commerge, ¢, M. Mundy, President, Oshawa Daily Times, D. Campbell, Professional photo grapher, The points to be considered hy the {uta in awarding the prizes will 1, Value from historical standpoint, 2, Clearness and general photogra- phic excellence, 3, Originality of subject, In all cases the photographs en tered must have the name of the con: testant, approximate date taken, and the title descriptive of the picture, on { the back, Photos taken by the contestants submitting the picture will' be given preference, All pictures to be the property of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce for use in the compilation of a ple torial history of the City of Oshawa, 4 ithe decigion of the Judges tn be nal, Prizes to be awarded in cash dur | due will be collocted | ity | on motion passed by the eity enun- | efl last night. | cutting down of trees at 221 night CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | GRANT ¥OR DOG POUND A grant of $700 towards , the cost of a dog pound was mide to the Oshawa Humane Hoclety by the city council last night, APPLICATION REFUSED An application by the owners of the boat, "Miss Oshawa' to erect a ticket stand on city property at Lakeview Park was rofused by the City council last night, PAY PUNERAL ACCOUNT ane city council last night de- cided to pay a bill of the Luke Burial Co, for $45, funeral expen- wes for Gideon ODlosson, who was found fatally injured on a railway track near here a few weeks Ago. An effort will be made to rocover this amount from the Department of Immigration, APPROVE DECORATION DAY A national decoration day, to be observed throughout Canada, was approved by the city council last night, A resolution original. ly adopted by the council of Kit. chener was passed, calling upon the foderal government to estab lish a certain Sunday early in the summer as a national decoration day TO COLLECT VEEN All _nrrears of license fees now forthwith, and if they are not pald within a reasonable time the names of those in arrears will be handed ovor to the police to be dealt with according to law, the eity counell decided last night, GOER TO PANNING BOARD | The question of changing the name of Currie avenue and using this name on a mors pretentious street, as requested by the Cana- dian Legion, was last night re ferred by the city council to the planning commission for con- sidoration, CITY HAY NOL Nn The hav on the Idan site was sold to R. Gimblett for $50 REQUEST REFUSED An application from Mrs J Cralg for removal of the rosiden- tial restrictions on the northwest corner of Colborne and Mary streets for the purpose of making This a business corner, was refused by the city council last night TO CUT TREES Permission was granted hy city council last night, for the the Ar £02 street thar street, Simcoe | south and on Front stroet near the | Oshawa Railway weigh scales, | NEW STREET LIGHTS The city council decided to have new street lights | installed' on John street betwoen | Nassau and Burk streets, twa on { Olive avenue: one on Park road { near the CO. P.R, crossing, East | Whitby township to pay half the | cost of the last named light, NAMED WEIGHMASTER Fire chief Elliott was last night | appointed city welghmaster, with | firemen G, A. Salter, NW, Pollock, | 8, Smith and W, Logeman as dep- | uty weighmasters, The city scales will be open for business from # a.m, until 6 p.m, each weok dav, CITIZENS' BAND AT MFMORIAL PARK Will Render Last Program of the Season in This Park Tonigh* After a successful gro the Oshawa Citizen's Band will close their series of concerts in Memorial Park with a splendid program to. night, This fine musical organi ration will render ons more con. cort following this one and that will be in Alexandra Park, 'The program for to-night included many popular numbers with the College 'selection 'Campus Memories" as perhaps the most entertaining one, The program Is: March, '"'Norman;"" se "Songs from the Old Falk nade, "Cupid's Charms; "March of the Rersaglieri;" Wa y ""Olivette;' ggavotte, "Rells of 8t. Malo" Intermission, March; "The Show Boy;" Intermezzo, "The Res ponse:" college selection, "Campus Memories;"' march, "Vallonia;" God Saye. the King, ant |! | | | Card of Thanks Mr, and Mrs. J. Wingrove and Mr. and Mra, H, Copeland wish ta thank their many. friends, also Dr. MoKibbon, for kindnesses shown them in their recent be: reaveament, DANCE AT SUNSET PAVILION, every Friday night, Admission, Lhe. (300) MADAME NEVADA, PALMISEY, Ross' Corners. Phone 2804, SURVEY WATER LOTH Donevan & Smith were orderod to' survey water lats bordering on the Oshawa harbor in order that proper application might he made to the federal government for the use of them by the city, REFERRED TO COURT The commupication from (ha trustees of Albert street United Church regarding the frontage charge for street cpening levied against thelr property, was refer. red to the Court of Rovislon hy the city council last night, PERMIT NOT GRANTE n The city counell decided last night not to grant a permit to the Citlen Bervice Oil Co, for a gaso- line pump at 186 Bloor street oant, | TO CONNTRUCT BREWER A storm sewer will be laid on Park road from Quebec street to King street, providing the town ship of Kast Whithy enters into a satisfactory agreement regard ing the division of costs, Il was de cided by the city council on re ommendation of the Hoard Works Petitions" were recelve by the council and passgd by the Boaid of Works for sidewalks on the north side of Tresune streat and the east side of #1, Jullen Ht | | of | f | Ontario County Boy Captain of Boat to Call Here| A singular coincidence in seen in the fact that an Ontario county boy will be captain: of the frail west bound steamer to enter the new Oshawa harbor, Captain Bert Hogos skipper of the Tree Line Navigation Company steamer, "Ash Buy," Is ¢ native of the town of Pickering, -(he home of Ontario county's representa tive In the federal house, W, H Moore Captain Hogue will take his hoat { { out of Montreal early this morning, arriving in Oshawa sometime Yomor row afternoon. The possibility ex Ista that he will win the race fo the honor of being the first steamer east or westhound, tn dock ut Osh nwa, and thus gain the coveted silk hat which is being presented by the city to the frst skipper to dock EE ---- at | three worthy { uation, a | re | northern intr {on whieh t | hie man | protest h LAKEVIEW GARDENS BRIDGE. QUESTION BOBS UP AGAIN Objection Taken on Legal: ity of Building Bridge on Right-of-Way The ghost of the Lakeview Gardens bridge, which every city council for the last five years has aitempted to lay, hobbed up again last night, No less than three times did it rear its head in the city council meeting and made the members forget everything else while it played about with their time, Finally, the council gave in to its demands sufficiently aldermen to accompany into the sit the council been done helve the t ugnin to appoint Tair, to again look gain report to which 'may again, has countless times in the past while mutter until tl gh rs its head AN the Cedardale d several of the eetion | ited front tht give th it te its as ' ind in n from the wlderme den Te the eit in demanding of their cthing ileeview ( present elan colleagu done tn dents some m Oshawa creel duced 1] Board of Worl ed ly ta he palit walt until a more Then Aldermm ik up the cudgel high time | Ta Carder ing the Tack when Lil pre requested | i" Alder question of in! re Cro tl report ent on | myenient season MacDonald lared tha tal 0 I ind deg action led rid of Wi suttable Garden t more than Jac) vi of Wor Wits Wil m terion \ He Wi instrueted | brid to estimated « {1 Aldern H | Ya R chidrman of the Be 1 jected, sa tl Come | ing that received ar | decd place t t could net be built an pri Alderman Bodd I'he rightseol en promised by all the required pi and there sho urther dela leclared Alderman Ha He adder final thrust tha ! h th premies r Ontario ent having 1 ut of their thridg and a ind that |} any ri bridie ie reed nroy ith hii had { NeCessinl {I ie ged wit Hon atid imi ARAINSE the wall mile wiv hiecanse I'he hrid port made fer « lo FREUSOl ( (BY) | hildy v hali is ho for i and sar re Id he no | { All Public 0 | hould he | | A: C, | Who war recently elected to the of WILLOUGHBY fice of District Deputy Grand Mas: ter at a meeting of this Masonic Willoughby is a reo: District, Mr sident of Colborne, hawed Vi ailahle lone 81 it legal top i t on the basis of a right Alderman MucDeanald assert hame to huild thi five more vear wld find some "Ma Mitchel ohserved, A recom passed hy thy uneil mihs ago | bridue he Wo bt. ond Tt shld De pro fed with, he declared | An amendme nd dull that a committee compri ng Alderman F, Jackson, J. B. Wat and KB, MaeDbnald prepare report on the question of proceeding with the work [on the basis af the rights of-wa | fered the city, was passed, the arigina tion that the bridge he construet declared lost | bridge hefore 1 { { thing to tall rither ironical! had bh n whou of { mendation en of ere | erou legality of mi that the nt of Alderman Boddy a including the Invitation Is Extended to rganizations = ToBe Present at Ceremony Now Era Has Dawned For the City", Declared Mayor Mitchell at City Council Meeting Last Night TWO SHIPS IN RACE Both the "Ashbay" and the "City of Kingston" Ex. pect to Arrive in the Local Harbor During Tomorrow An oficial Invitation Is extended by the ¢ity to all the public orga: naations of the ¢lty, und to every citizen of Oshawa, to he present tn morrow afternoon at the harbour, when Oshuwi's new status as 4 we tar port will he celebrated as the first ship to enter the new harbm comes Lo doek, The eity counell de elded by unanimous vole last night to uttend the event In a body, and to tender a civic welcome to the first ship to dock I'hey are naking all organizations, und the people of the city generally, to en-operate to the extent of thelr presence at the lake front I'he sporting favor of the event Brows In Intensity as tomorrow af: ternoon approaches, The Canada Steamship Line boat, "City of King: ston," will leave Toronto tomorrow wt noon, and expects to arrive at Oshawa about 3.80 pm, Meanwhile, from the other direction, the Tree Lina Navigation Company steamer, ""Ashhay will be speeding from Montreal, with the expectation of docking al Oshawa sometime during the same afternoon, The elvie wel: comé will be extended to the Arst lip to arrive, and the time honored ceremony of presenting a silk hat to the skipper will he performed hy Mayor Mitchell in the course of his address of welcome "A new ers has' dawned for the elty of Oshawa," declared the mayer during the eouncil meeting last night, "1 am satisfied that suMelient | busines A will coma here as a result (Continued on Page K) 1 1 | HALF PRICE SALE $10,000 STOCK SELLING OUT TO THE BARE WALLS only. OSHAWA NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! To-morrow morning at 10 a.m, the Manufacturers Qutlet Company opens its doors for a limited period A $10,000 stock goes out to the public at a desperately low price, , All Sales final, BE HERE SHARP AT 10 AM, AND SHARE IN THE BARGAINS, of Misses' and Women' and outsized dresses, includ ing Canton Crepes, all sum fabrics, AJl less than hal price, $3.95 $5.95 $7.95 FREE Gent's Coat These are in the window they are yours for noth Don't be afraid to come to these garment is FIT U CORNER RICHMOND Ing the first week of September. (308) TT Fp TT Dresses A large and varied selection mer dresses and other silk Ladies'Dress come in and see them, try them ow and if they fit Jou the only condition attached THEY MUST oS A are all wool TWO PANT Men and their elders, $14.95 ME! Money talks and we must quit before long, Come in and see for yourself the wonderful selection of honest to goodness suits ing. We tailor to measure All Wool Serge Suits Positively the best value for 80 miles around, These SUITS for Youths, Young At a fraction of their veal value $22.50 HERE IS A BIG BARGAIN SUIT TO MEASURE $21.00 FIT, STYLE, WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Youths' Two Pant Suits These must be sold re- gardiess of all profit or loss, Hardy two alike and not all sizes in the group, but a better selec tion is not in OSHAWA, 4 piece tweed suits, $7.95 5 Thirty and thirty-five dol. lar suits tailored in the very best of style are in this group, some are single, others are double breasted, All are in per: fect condition. Sizes 36 to 44, Your choice $18.95 MANUFACTURERS OUTLET 67 SIMCOE STREET NORTH All Wool Fast Dyes [A ---------- Now's your chance to dress up at a fraction of the cost, | Winter Coats Chinchillas worth twenty. five dollars, While they last $12.95 Ladies' Coats Winter coats in a good selection of styles, all are perfect in fur and fabric, From, $16.50 Slickers For Girls', Misses' and Wo. men's wear, in high grade leatherette, Para cloth and oil skin cloths, Many differ. ent shade, for $4.50 For men who prefer high grade footwear, these shoes solid leather and are lined with kid, Special value CORNER RICHMOND

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