Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Aug 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY IVES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1930 Women's Interests in the Home «- and the Community Social and Personal Notes for the Social Column and other items of mews for the Women's Ly i the Ia and should pr 85, Miss Mary Vox is visiting In Lindsay the guest of her aunut, Mrs, Baldwin, Mr. George Reld and Ted Colling were in London on Friday last at tendng the Sparton Convention, representing the Vox Hardware, Among those who attended (he annual Terry family 'plenic held at Lake on the Mountain Prince Kd- ward County were Mr, and Mrs. Yarrow, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Terry, Mr, and Mrs, C, Vox, Mr, and Mrs, H, Boyce and sons George and Vrank, Oshawa Blvd, spent the week end and holiday with Mrs. Boyce's father and mother, Mr, and Mrs, D, Buch- anan, Collingwood, Ont, On Wednesday evening last Mrs, Harold Gay entertained about 25 friends at a delightful miscellan sous shower in honor of Miss Laura Stacey, who 1s a September bride. elect, Ming Stacey was the reciplent of many beautiful and useful gifts, Miss Mamie N, Rowe of Whitby is spending this week with Mr ind Mrs, J. A. Cronin, Lindsay, Mr, and Mrs, J. Rowe of Whitby sind the Miss Rowe's spent Sunday In Port Hope. Mrs. A. Pipher and daughter, Innis, Bruce Bt, are visiting with hor wister, Mra. J, B. Graham and Mr, Graham, Copetown, Ont, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Nobes of this city who have heen visiting for the past twd weeks In Kingston with the former's parents returned lo town yesterday. DE -------------- listen to it POP! Just pour milk or cream in a bowl of golden brown Rice Riispies and your own ears will tell you how orunchy every toasted bub. ble is. 'Bo erisp they actually crackle out loud! Try the recipes on the package. Rice Krispies are delicious in dozens of ways, At your grocer's, Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario, RICE KRISPIES Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler + Established 1880 , 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH REPAIRING WATCHES OUR WEULALTY it your watch Is uot giving satisfaction we can repair ai make It tell the correc! 0} 1] D. J. BROWN rel JWhikn Otrigiet Watoh fuspector tor Canadian National and Osh. awl Hallronds 10 King St. WW Phone Id "NOTICE! "The Times will publish re. rm eotings of all Wor Rory ok nizations in" the men's sommbniiy, ely address such to Women's Page Ed: Telephone Number writing remember one side of paper. 10 Simcoe NE 8 = Wp Deliver to the Kindly avold writing on both sides of the paper, | [is wpending her vacation same and address of the sender, Social Editor, or phoned to No, Misses Jean and Isobel McDonald Robson #t, are spending their vacation at Thurstonia Park, Stur- geon Lake, Messrs, "AV Pyrér, Harold Roo. ney andd Bert, Barrell of Oshawa, spent. the week end and holiday at Pleasant Point, Sturgeon Lake, Mrs, Jackson, Simcoe St. N, spent the week end and holiday at the home of her parents, Cecil Dodwsll of Stirling spent the week end and holiday at his home in Oshawa, The members of Victory 1.0.B.A, were entertained at a card party on Friday evening last at the home of Mrs, loud, Ritson Road, South, The prizes were awarded as fol. lows: Mrs, Foote, Mrs, McKnight Mr, T, Mains, Mr. McKnight, and the consolation prizes to Mrs. Morrison and Mr, Jim Saunders, Miss Inn Gould of Oshawa spent the holiday and week end in Wind- sor Mr, and Mrs, Stewart MeTavish were guests of Mr. McTavigh's pars onts in Flesherton, Ontario over the holliday. Cather. week of Miss Rhoda Leggd of St Ines was the guest last Miss Lorraine Mason, Miss Doris Kennedy off Oshawa, | at Wasaga | Bench | Mrs David Millar and son | visiting for the Mra, Millar's par. Mrs H. Fullton | Thomas have been past week with ents, Mr, and Court Street, Miss Aureen Dowson of Oshawa | hits been visiting recently in De trolt | ing with friends fn Herkimer, New Miss Anna Williamson is hollday- York for a week Misses Helen and Jean Keddie are leaving to-day for Ottawa where they will spend two weeks visiting thelr brother, Mr, William Keddie and his family, Willams of Ottawa spent the holiday and week end visiting his mother, Mrs, Alice Williams, William Street, Mr. Allen Mr. John Hawkes of Oshawa, wis guest of friends at Barrie for the past weak-ond, Fred in Rae O'Hara week and end Mensrs. Gilmore spent the Gananoque, and Ste. wares In holiday, Mossrs. Lloyd Carnell wart Ball off Oshawa Clinton, Qntario for the Mr, J. H. R, Luke leaves this morning for Muskoka, where he will spend two weeks with his fam. fly at thelr summer home, Mr, and Mes, WW. W, Snider and Miss Lilllun Snider of Kitchener were guests of Mr, and Mrs, T, H, Everson, King Street Kast, Capt, and Mrs, Jarrett and daughter, Kathleen, Miss Mary Beaton and Mr, and Mrs, A, L. W. Smith of Oshawa are leaving this this morning for Gull Lake, Min den Ontario, where they will spend the month of August, TTT IT a a] SARGON BUILT HIM RIGHT UP, HE SAYS "I was weak and rundown before ['started Sargon, my food disagreed with me and constpation had a steady on A sluggish liver kept me a 'needless THE LOGICAL FAVORITE. 1 4 The news that Ethel Hertle Gary, winner of the women's ten-mile swim of 1028, will positively be wn starter in this year's C NK, mermaid gambol add a lot of color to the event, The photo of Mrs, Gary reproduced above wus taken Inst week at Clarahelle Barrett's camp in the Adiron. dacks, where she has been In training for two months for the $5,000 prize, YOUNG WIFE After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham' aanle Ey PAINS | of wome | an | petting quick relief from thoss distressing peri ie Aches and pairs by taki vw ZUT00 TABLETS, Harm loss but affective, thay bring immediate relinl, Women who thus sufler, are suffer ng nesdioss pain, for ane o wo of these harmisms fits tablets will certainly slop thw pun Thousands Neuralgia Headaches Colds | | 1 SPIRIN tablets will relieve pain, No doubt about that, Even those deep-seated pains that make a man's very bones ache, Even the systemic pains that women suffer. They yield to these tablets! Genuine Aspirin has many important uses, Read the proven directions found in every package of Aspirin tablets and don't endure Paina from neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, ete, Keep a bottle of these tablets in the house; carry the pocket tin if subject to unexpected headaches, sudden folds. Quick relief, without any armful effects, Aspirin does not depress the heart, Just look each time for the name Aspirin--and the word genuine printed in red on every box, TRADE MARK REG. SPIRIN A charming vacation frock at a small outlay, Capelet collar and bows accent an peach shantung frock, sponsoring a slim sllhoustte It favors the becoming V-neck. line and repeats the V-shaped outs line In the front skirt, A narrow belt marks the natural waistline Style No, 2004 is designed In sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 yoars, 36, 38, 40 and 42 Inches bust, It in fascinating lovely in shell: pink, flat, washahle crepe ailk, Printed volle In pavy blue with white pin dots you'll find very ser. viconhle and smart with bows of white organdie Yellow handkerchief linen brown hows Is ultra-chie Printed dimity, printed sheer lawn and chiffon also suitable, * Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred), Be sure to fill 16 sixe of pattern. Address Pattern Department. The Summer Fashion Magazine contains most Interesting styles for adults for town or vacation wear. Also darl- ing styles for the kiddies, It is 10 cents a copy, with No, 2604. Signe, City BOY WHO MADE GOOD Null=="T started out on the theory that the world had an open Ing for me" Vold--'"And you found ft?" Null="Well rather, I'm in the hole now." True Stories Stranger Than Fiction STRANGEST TALES OF ROMANCE aw MYSTERY By Vance Wynn (Author of To-Day's True Detective Stories) da THE PRESIDENTS WIFE, WHO WAS KILLED BY SCANDAL At least one man believes that the life of » wife of a President of the United States was shortensd by the work of scandal-mongers, ' That man was Andrew Jaciison, and the woman in the cacy was his own devoted wife, who before her marriage as known as Rachel Don. olson, The tragic story of the courtship, the marriage and the death of this wife of one of the most illustrious of American Presidents has few parallels in the history of men fn} high places, It began back in 1700, Andrew Jagkson, then climbl ig the Indder of fame, had & warm fring in Judge Overton, The two men boarded in Tennessee wilh Mys, Donelson, the widow of one of the Isading men of that community, In the same house was Captain Lewis Robards and his wife Rachel, wso was a daughter of Mrs, Dopelson, Fhe was a woman of great at'alpe ments and was admired by all, In cluding Jackson and Overton, But she llved unhappily with her husband, He was insanely jen! us, and thers were constant hickerings and quarrels, Floally, eanditions became so unendurab'e thet thay separated, The difference hetween them continusd for some tima, hut aventunlly they were reunited through the good" offices of Andrew Jackson and Judge Overton The peaca thus made did not 19a long Their troubles hegan anew, and and once again they decided Yao live apart Is it a long lane that has no turning, and eventually an ap pHeation was made for a Al,oree This was the first step in a series of misunderstanding which caused great unhappiness the woman in the case In May, 1791, word was recelved fn Nashvilla that a divorces pa! heen granted to the Robards hy the Legislature of Vireln's, I" wes understood tn have granted in the winter of 1700-1701, Judge Over. ton, who made an exhansetive exam 182t1on Inte the fasts of tha case, is cortain on this peint In the summer af 1701 who was then a leadire and a conspielous po'ltionn Nateheor, where he met Mrs, No bards Thelr arquaintanes, thus renewed, soon ripened inte lave and ha proposed and was accented They wears duly narvied, returned to Nashville, satt'sd in an home near the eity, 1lvad hanpilr and were genarally esteamen who were familinr with the counle regarded It am a desirable mateh, They wore a devoted eonpls, Jack wn was passionaiely In love with his wife, and seemed Actermined hy a life of devotion te comnensaio her for tha unhapnv davs of hér youth And then, ike a flash ct lightn ing from a elenr skv, eama the dis. covery which threatened ta blight their lives, Tt was while Jackson wae on one of his trips, nractieing law, that he heard In Dacamber, 1703, that Cantatn Robard had mada an anp!! radon to the Mercer County, Ken tueky, Court for a divorce In weema that the Virginia Leglsiatuve had not absolutely grants the Al. vores, hut had left that sormality for the court, It came In time; hut tn the meanwhile the man who was the hers of New Orleans and the President of the United 8tn'es was In the position of livine with a woman who was not legally his wife. Jackson was amazed, He 'iA net know what to make of this te Jackson lawer went to All af thoes | situation, Judge Overton, who had been his friend in bright days aud dark ones, Immediutely advised that he be married over again, Jackson did pot like the notion of doing this, He 'nsisted that he had been married once in perfect good faith, in the full belief that Mrs, Robard bad been legally di- vorced, But, finally, he acceded to the counsel of his friend, and, on the return to Jonesborough, In January, 1794, a license was ob- tatned and the marringe ceremony rawin performed, Thus the records were kept straight, alibcugh the amazing experience became a mats ter of public gossip aud was used hy unprineipled political opponents to harass and injure Jackson in the esteem of the peoples, Sueh a thing would be alniost impossible in the present day and generation, Judge Overton ex plains how it happened at the time by speaking of the fsoluted situa: tion of Tennessee, Tho Hlate was surrounded hy hostile 'ndians and communication wos slow and at times almost impossible It may he pointed out that ne regular mall servies was established In the Stats until 1797. From th's it runy read. fly be seen how the false report of the supponedly complete divopes renched Nashville and was wecept ed without waiting for off.cis: con firmation The 'Incident caused Mere, Jack s0n great anguish, and her grief Was 8 cause of great sorrow to the warrior-statesman, But she wus destined to be a great helpmuts to Jackson and she buried rer woes and did everything In her power to make him contented, (esling In that why she hest served his politieal and public Interests As Is well known, he rose from one pust tO | another, winning milit: ry and pol Vitleal wiecesses unt! he war finally nominated an elected to the pres- dency, H + Joy In great triumph | was sinesre and unc inesnled, (reat were the preparati ins for going to Washington to take po. session of {the White House Cre day Mme JaekB®n went into the elty to do {some shopping, anl when she re- {turned she became 'ery ll, and falled from day to day, unt) she finally dled, : 'd General Jackson learned that au fneldent Wal arrurved to WP Wer dinary tranquillity, Khe 'os walting for friends In the room of a hotel when she overheard some vomen in an adjoining apartment making use of her nome. They were talking of | the unfortunate in ident regarding her marriage and placing the worst | nocsible construction upon ft | poor woman, whose health was (frail under any elrcumstances, was | forced to romain there and listen | to this gossip, and when she re turned home 'he ¢ollapsed, Jackson was furious when he learned of thiz; and, If he had teen {able to fdentify the gossips, would | undoubtedly have ehas'ised them with his own hands, His wife dled before he was Inaugurated, and his grief at her funeral was most af- foeting "Forgive 1 ese tears, friends," he cried; "rie shed many fur me." Until the day of his death Jack: «rn wore around his neck, ann baneath his shirt, a er ' which held a miniature of Mrs, Jackson and on the back of which was a wranth mada of his and her halr, (Copyright by Public Ledger) The 20 DOZEN FANCY BATH TOWELS BOUGHT SPECIALLY FOR A WEDNESDAY MORNING SALE at 29 ce ea. Just at the time when a good supply of towels is needed in the hqme, When the ¢hildrén and the grown-ups, too, enjoy a dip in the lake, we offer you a bath towel value that is outstanding, A Bath Towel which at this very small price has seldom been equalled, Attractive check patterns in rose, blue, gold, helio and green on white | ground, Size 21 x 38 inches, , "THEN IN WALKS "THE WHOM YOU "THOUGHT ONG (ADY To ov WERE" PROPOS/N , ' R 6G' | | ANRY BE JUST 4 EXTRY," © BUT (EMME MEST THIS PIG DIRECTOR, |W TEU. HM How TO MAZE "THIS ; WHERE Pon THE Gen /vEoRmS You THAT HE 5 THE PERSON YOU SEBVT, AND Asks THAN You Q\E HIM "THE "INPORMAYION fh [CET RR EES TRE Made of pure materials= in modlern sunlit factories. No expense spared to have it clean, wholesome and full flavored. WRIGLEYS is wrapped and sealed to keep it as good as when it leaves the factory, WRIGLEY'S is bound to be the best that * men and machines and money can make. | The delicious peppermint flavor freshens the mouth and aids digestion, ENJOYED BY MILLIONS R. SMITH bilipus and: 1 suffered with awful ams in-my back and sides, Four Bottles of Sargon built me right up und rid me of every ailment 1 had [ eat hearty meals without a trace of indigestion, sleep . sound and feel ne. "Surgon Pills put my liver to act my right and routed my constipation whivont the least griping or weaken mg "=R, Smith, 225 Chatham Ave, Toronto, Sargon may he obtained in Ovh awa from Karns Drug Store. (Adv,) | SUMMER SALE | Waive | he Talks i FASHION SHOPPE | Hi Phone POSHBW I Ba a ot aE TILLIE THE TOILER FAN CE 1 OVER BY "= ME ORCHESTRA MR WHIRPL! «3 \I WANT © J TO Find rol Sl ial 6 3 804 NAME OF THAT TONG THERY (RE SLAY IMG WHAT \S TE NAME OF THAT TUNG § VOTRE SRARSY NOW "THAT you | NAME OF LL mar so y By Russ Westover (11 KNB WHAT ToT WANTED. To WEAR THAT LEADER TEL ME i § 0 JIA PRIS he, feat Bonin sale ered

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