Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Aug 1930, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR ; THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1930 1] 7% The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding ' THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER > (Established 1871) An independent afternoon except \ fore at_Oshawa, P A Chas, Mundy, 4 A Alloway, Phin | { 0) [The wa Daily Times is a member of the \ d Press, the Sansdisn Dally News, Dhllies and the Audit Bureau of Circulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier, 15¢ a week, By mail in Canada Sous Oshawa carrier deliv limits) $4.00 a year; United States, $5.0 a year, 0 TORONTO OFFICE B18 Bond Building, 66 Jampeiancy Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107, H, D, Tresidder, representative, REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S, Powers and Stone Inc., New York and Chicage | TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1930 THE LATE JOHN POMEROY OWENS The Times A ted, Although it is several years since he re tired from business life, and left Oshawa to make his home in Toronto, the sudden pass- fing of John Pomeroy Owens at Jasper Park Lodge, Alberta, on Sunday morning, came ns a distinct shock to the wide circle of Osh. pwa friends who held him in high esteem, Most of his life, and al of his business life, was spent in Oshawa, and, apart from that, he gave lavishly of himself in the welfare pf the community, It was typical of his attitude to life that his main avenue for public service was found fin the Oshawa General Hospital, in which he took a keen interest as a charter mem. ber of the Hospital Trust, and as its trea. purer for many years, When he left Osh. pwa, he was sadly missed from that board, pnd now that he has gone, his work in the fnstitution remains one of the fragrant mem. pries of a well-spent life, His chief characteristic, perhaps, was his fine faculty for making friends and retaining friendships, That is why, in spite of the years which have passed since he left Osh. awa, many of his friends and colleagues in this city deeply regret his passing as the passing of one of themselves, To his fam. fly and relatives, a large measure of genuine and heartfelt sympathy is extended in the sudden bereavement which has come upon them, COMPETING FOR THE HONOR The announcement the other day that the Hirst steam freighter would enter Oshawa harbor on Thursday evening of this week was apparently a little premature, Since it was made, another steamship company, the ' Canada Steamship Lines, has decided to steal Bp march on its rivals of-the Tree Line Navi o gation Company, and have its first freighter i in the Oshawa Harbor on Thursday after. hoon, This is both interesting and encouraging. At shows that the steamship companies were merely waiting for the harbor to be opened fo inaugurate a freight service hy water to pnd from Oshawa, It seems, too, as if they ecognized that the Oshawa harbor would e used to such an extent that the local busi. mess was worth fighting for, That is why these two steamship companies are compet. "fing for the honor of having the first steamer enter the new Oshawa harbor, And it is gust possible that a third line may jump phead of them, and steal away the honors, In view of the attitude of the department bf public works towards the Oshawa harbor, fit is encouraging to find steamship companies gompeting for local business, . The depart. ment has stated that as soon as the needs pf the harbor are apparent, further develop. ment work will be undertaken, In other words, the continuation of the harbor devel. ."""jppment depends on the use which is made of it, on the amount of traffic which passes through it. This places a responsibility on * the community to make full use of the facilis ties which have been provided, so that it "will be possible, in the very near future, to 'place before the government the claims. of the city of Oshawa for an even greater har- . Por than that which has been provided, 3g x ---------------------------- L \ A SPLENDID SERVICE On Saturday aftornoon the last of the boys tame home from the Kiwanis camp at Ked. won. For the last month, the camp has been 'busy, and a happy place. Two separate (ps of boys have had the inestimable pri. of spending two weeks at the camp, expert and painstaking leadership, as 'guests of the Kiwanians, Those who n in close touch with the camp, and w the boys when they arrived there n they came back, have expressed at the transformation that was ected "in the short" space of two weeks, . The two of open-air lite, with Rauithy ' yegreation, splendi , and everything that 4 Tha ing of sound and minds, worked wonders, and these wa will feel the benefit of their camp period right through the fall and winter, ~The Kiwanis CI has rendered a splendid service to the city in the operation of its camp, In the first place, it is tobe congratu- lated on the speed with which it erected the camp bufldings and put the site into shape, And, secondly, it is to be congratulated on having chosen this field of endeavor as an outlet for its activities, A It is to be hoped that the 1980 Kiwanis Camp, successful as it was, will'be regarded as only a beginning, and that each succeed- ing year will find greater developments, not only in the provision of camp buildings, but 880 in the gradual increase in the number of boys to be taken there during the summer vacation, There Is a need for this camp in Oshawa, and it might very well be regarded #8 the start of a movement that will result in an all-the-year-round program of body and character-building activity for the boys of the community, THE NEW CABINET-MAKER The Hon, R, B, Bennett haw not found it an easy matter to select hig cabinet, not he- cause of any dearth of material, but rather because of the surplus of elected candidates on his side of the house who might have good, claims to be included in the cabinet, This is inevitable in a country like Canada, with provincial and sectional interests to he considered, All the provinces must have cabinet representation, and there are also ra. cial considerations entering into the choos. ing of the men who will occupy" the front benches of the government side of the house, If that were all, Mr, Bennett would not find it hard to choose his cabinet, for he has an abundance of good material from every province, On the other hand, he has to con- sider the feelings of his elected followers, Scores of them have the idea in the hack of their minds that they are logical men for cabinet positions, and they are not slow in letting their leader know what they think, Unfortunately, there are not enough port. folios to go around, so there are bound to be more disappointed members than satisfied ones, That is why Mr, Bennett was not in any hurry to announce his cabinet, He does not relish the idea of having too many disgrunt- led followers in the House, He knows that some of them, like Isaac MacDougall, in Ins verness County, Nova Beotia, have heen tell ing their constituents, that they were likely to be cabinet ministers, We can recall hears ing Mr, McDougall, in an election campaign speech, tell his audience at Orangedale, Nova Beotia, that if he were elected, he would be in the next cabinet, And he told his hearers this information "in strictest confidence," It would have been better if he had kept his oonfidences to himself, for he has not only placed his leader in an awkward predicament, but he has made himself look foolish to his constituents, since his name has not even been mentioned in the many lists of cabinet possibilities, Mr, Bennett, however, need have no diffi. culty in selecting a capable cabinet, The party which he leads is rich in talented men, and although there will he many heart-burn. ings, the country as a whole should find the new cabinet well up to the standard of any that have preceded it, EDITORIAL NOTES The man who throws bouquets at himself should be careful that they do not return as hoomerangs, A real optimist is an advertising writer who claims that shaving can be made a plea- sure, Bennett's first task is to find cabinet jobs for his unemployed followers in parliament, It is stated that Ottawa went delirious over Rudy Vallee when the crooning singer visit. ed that city lately, That does not speak very highly for the mentality of Canada's capital, The little things still count, A torn fin fabric slowed up the trip of the R-100 and caused postponement of its flights-in Canada, Backyard lawns are heing badly disfigured pince the Tom Thumb golf ¢raze became popular, The election post-mortema have not yet res vealed the cause of the slaughter of Liberal candidates in Quebee, If Mr, Bennett caries out his promise to have the old age pensions paid for entirely by the federal government, Oshawa will be able to save quite a few thousand dollars a year, Hansard reports of the House of Commans will be numbered among those grateful for the defeat of Tommy Church, Those applicants for government positions who built up a good case as Liberal sympa. thizers will be rather out of luck now that the Conservatives have the giving of the ap- pointments, The latest reason given for the Liberal de- feat is that a government which could call an election in mid-summer deserved to be Other Editors' Comments MOTORISTS AT FAULT (Kitchener Kecord) The fact that most grade crossing accidents ard the fant wi thesmotor- ist and not of the rallwhy Is strik- ingly brought out inn rpeent ingis dent newr Bt Albans, Vermont, At i £rossing near that eity i. motorist drove his car into a Central Vermont rallway locomotive and damaged the locomotive 10 the tune of $19.60, The vallway sued for' the sum, and the motorist's insurdnee company has paid it in full, The rallway contend: ed that the motorist was entirely at fault, since he drave out on thé cross: ing despite the fdct that the erossing hell and semaphore were giving him the yropee warning, As # general thing, it can he said that. mogt grade crossing 'mecidents are due I the motorist's negligence, This rallway's action in eollection for damages 10 the laeomotive Is a good reminder, GREEN APPLES AND SMALL BOYS (London Free Press) It Is a queer code of ethics which allows hoys whe would not dream of entering # house and robbing jee or 4 pantry, to go into a yard and rob an apple tree, just as much the property of the owner, 1t may be a throw-hiek to the time 'when nan re garded all the fruits of the earth us his, hut that day is long since past Parents should impress upon their chitdren the fact that theft of apples is Just as wrong and just as mu hw crime as wny other kind of theft They will he doing thie youngsters is well as the public a service -- A NOVELIST'S ESTATE (Taronto Mal and Faopire) W, 1. Locke, the novelist, left an estate of uhout £25,000, But novelists have rarely apphed themselves seri ously to the business of leaving large estates, even when opportunities hive heen present hey have probably not less respect for money than oth ers, hut seen to find plenty of inter esting ways of spending if, MEAN MOTORISTS (Montreal Gazetie) Detroit police have started a cam PAIBN PRAISE GRIVErS who parked cars into forbidden zones tu make room for their own, The fact that such aetion is necessary shows that seme of the meanest individuals on record are included in the army of motorists, MINIATURE GOLF PROSPERITY (Variety, New York) Of the sixty miniature golf spots ii and around this town, eleven are continuing to a profit, The othe forty-nine are for sale This is written at Flagstaff, cen tered among the scenic attractions of Arizona, a state famed for the vari ety and grandeur of its natural won ders. Flagstaff is, because it also has the most delightiul summer climate in the state, the state's leading and favorite summed resort gity Bummer vacationists and tourists find modern accommodations, chiel among them the up-to-date new community Hotel Monte Vista, built hy the citizens of Flagstaff and operated hy benitor Charles B. Hamilton as part of hi big chain of modern hates, of which the Hotel Alexandria in Los Angeles is one link ' Col, ¥, 8, Breen, publisher and editor of The Coconine Bun, Flag staff's only newspaper, says that not even the oldest residents . here have seen all the scenic points worth seo ing In this wonderland of America Chief among them, af course, are dhe Grand Canyon and Rainbow Bridge, to both of which Flagstaff is the gateway, Then there are the San Francisco Peaks, highest in the southwest, at the foot of whieh nes tles Flagstaff, highest city in the state, at an elevation of nearly 7,000 feet; and deriving its abundant wis ter supply from snaw-fed springs away up the Peaks, Ta the south are more than thirty mountain lakes, ene the largest in the state) te the southeast and southwest mountain streams, the lakes filled with bass and perch, the creeks with trout, All around are great pine trees, part of the largest virgin forest In the world, Great lava beds; caves in whieh ice is found the year around and the most in summer | prehistarie Indian ruing that archaeologists agree are the oldest discovered in the United States; the famous Painted Desert, larger than some of our states Mts erally hundreds of 'extinet voleanoes in a radius of a few miles | great herds of elk, deer, and antelanymite deer so plentiful that this fall the state hapes to have 4,000 killed in ane com- paratively small aren, to save the others from starving from insufficient range} i hig, state-owned and protect, ed herd of Buffalo; nearby 'reserva. tions on which the native Indians may be peen following their original tribal customs, among the tribés, the Hopi, famed for its annual "snake" dance, or pagan prayer for vain, In climate, in scenery, 'Flagstaff and its environs has often been called the Switzerland of America, though its. climate in delightful' com. Sin and Salvations==The Hopip+ ture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Ohelst might be given to them that believe ~=Cal, 8188, Prayer: re, happy hearts and. happy omens Td whom this King in triumph eames. vere Tre-- , What | Bits, of Humor Body By James W., Barton, M.D, CHANGES IN DEATH AGT ES One of the i research men h is how the deat aliments has the past twenty Drs, GG, H, 1 bien, Boston, hi for the three nd. have quency of the f eath for all age groups, Then they ha allment occurs quency in 191 They were th ailments were those that were home of the very favorable were Just # Tuhereulasi and ove merly stood hi now stand 1%1 couraging when there is no for tubercul Wir, rest, un And the u from 15 wu losis still death There fad ton nine Ww Is One ol the ing tuhercul Ere use | YeRrs 0 It Ing fou ardinar the h Lime Ioan that thes even older the right amour A a phoid fever | { wish first ten causes on thanks to ou ments, Bummer dinir! farmerly carried past, that it sto stands mm tenth our health dep inspection of tl ter suppl An unfa tantly ineren pendicit tl to MM \ prevalent rar earlier than 1 Als shown the dM) yea peresting things that uve found out 10 is I rate from different heen changing during YEAS igelow and Ham ve totaled the death city peviod 1944-1945 order of fre ein causes ol fpsl sand in oeertain nge where cach d in order of re 1917, and 19058-1907 us while to note MAhe nerease, deere vee shown what and #sing finding nati Liavorulil HL patie fu | 1} Hint Hue 1abereu ofl lip With place place, thanks priment | ih fi 0 Hat vi cer | that win heen extended | deuth URe 1s Just go [hese hgure all of u (Registered rate inf NEW BANKING PRACTICE A colored man cheque at a ban wrs of his own "Man," OU na mone "Yes; ah i "Ah put te months ape "Six manth teller pitying! don't vou kn dat up long age paid 1 fartablens | Its scenery ind cence In declar to excel that « the visitor her fraction al niet shoulders with own lapguange manner, and wningodsitive TOURINTE CQ TINENT ON.1I$ THE OLD SA SHOULD ny TQ STOP AL TEL, MONTE SOME OF THI WONDERS, fash k oper race he teller, ! th insisted lar de mntrist it least equal ta and Iversit nd magnih I h Fld traveler 1 Switzeiland And has the added i ting up and rubbin fall wha h in hire western friendline OBSING THE CON HIGI\VAY 06 NTA Fl TRA ALL, MEANS PLAN EW DAYS AT HO VISTA AND Sli NEARNY KCENK weal pea Boy Scout | Yet nn | | { | | That, | tL Tdles the At tines TAKING "Bee thst woman five "ohe's suffer mania" "Good gracious) take something for "Bhar will ina minute," the dete tive replied, MARK TWAI Mark Twain, as Samuel Langhorn Clepns (1835-1910) ehase to call him known to he Mrs. Clemens ealled him "careless = self, was in his dress, As m fore him, and many another has done since, Mark Twain went calling om day without his nee visiting Harriet Beeches "Uncle Yom" fame awire of his lack 0 tl My i oon his return A little Tater My her doer to find wave her it, she found # bla and a brief 1 "Here in # neck und look wt 1 this mor f At the au kindly ret I hive how ane THERE fon heing of justice) Cabh court the Judge Nhat | vou don't know ire Cahh wid the AND 80 ON ¥ evidently « Well, 1 alwa e one, and dock sees and they "And then the n t I'ie-But Clemens « wn small package 10k I think 1 stayed half end of that time, A Landon Caurts feel terribly thirst i | wike up in WAYS 77 said the dete ing from kleptos Why doen't she itr" Times office N'§ COLLAR ROOUT EDITORIAL, Every your tha problem of hitch. liking and cadging rides from moioristg 18 Leeming wero neute, ind the practices 1s becoming move ard more papular anengst the yoinger generatl m who gre anxious to travel at noothe's exponye, "This practice cannot he to sound ly critiniged hecause of the danger Involved and tha moral degrada ton thet one musi undergo (o reach the level of an ordinary hohoe Yy ashing others to pay (he expences of travel and secept 1h responsibility of depositing ther unweli,me PRASENRRY, Kil ind ANNA at their destination, There wre, of vauves, times in which it 1s sucnsable to ask for a AL, End under theo clreumstanios nohody would complain ahout 1he practiee; hut pinety pereent of he hiteh-nikers of toduy have nn vight ta Infict themsnlves on another's generosity, hecause they have no need far the heip which they de mand from the motorist It 1840 ha hoped that no Beans Will carry on this practice, unless in the case of dire necessity so tht motavisls may know that when n Heout asks for a VEL there In a res won for the asking There ave several reasons why this practice should he disenuraged Firstly, it places the hiker on the hams of an ordinary heggur Asking for moneys in the form of free transportation Becondly, necause it is not ad visahle at any time to ask for. or accept, favors at the hands of a total strange) hivdly, from tha p CEEENLNIE any # man did he He had heen Btowe, of wind he was not f haberdashery un alled attention to ktie, 6c Bhgwe answered i messenger, who Opening ck silks necktie in Fake fhe im out ning without this urn bt, as it is the "Mark Twain" 18 NO told to go 1a the And where he cabiby ani ere the law court law courts Bul of Justice Irink too much the morning, so I "feel hike a new ew man feels thir HE nf view | Bits of Verse of the motorist, 'In view af he numher of murders and rohheries sommitted hy some of the hiteh hiking fraternity, It Is extremely AFFIRMATION When 1 afin; despite the world EAINMAYNIE, ib Nite In gi win or lose, the playing withstood I am Aomibt 18 Hwrieving Far needless pai I Jy leaving Never | we know come @ griet WOW And in m Flore lives a faith LOMOTFow My own novi nething within n reason His up Hs life's pra vol Ang reason I dare rejoice MOONSET night w dresming hr That waking murmur low, lost melody returning stirs As aan Ihe love of long a And through the ephyr-fanned, won is land I'he traubled night tively Wander {he cedars, LH Awalt its answerin I'liat comes the strand, I'he while the moe owsland, chanti 0 I join your minstre And call neross the light As scething ealls I diy we stand, Hut | have touch shadow-land, shall come ta me sinking on restless wing in wash of waves along oft responsive voices of the night t all your meaning unders risky to pick up any stranger at any time The reason for our mentioning this subject, was nn recent drive down tn the Lake during which we wera accosted hy dozens of children from the ages of four tn fourtesn, who were standing on the edge of the road giving the ap proved hiteh-hikers high sign Another veasson (8 the veeent murder of an Ameriean business man Which in itwelf In 8 gand yea son why a law should he made to prevent this sort of thing the game I» worth s that whisper life only hy their Bve gain I find a eure {oi d NCOUT NOTES (L)Mambers of the 1084 Camp Fifosh have jusi, returned from thelr wask of work and piay in the wild and woody section north of Courtien There were exactly forty hove at Camp, and the oMears inelnded ¢ AM, R, Terrett, ABM, R, Way ses; 80 in every | and Forestry 8.M, EB, Goddard Anather innovation this year was Camp Cook Thompson who Wak thera for the purposa of aank Ing the evening meal each day ABM. Hutcheson and ABM Rileg hath helped during the last two days of Camp when Mr, tind dard and Mr, Way had laft, and My, Hutehoson was present for the fivat two days when husiness was getting under way Many Incidents, hath serious and amusing, were. noted during the Camp peried hut the one which amused us mostly was that of the Heout who gave away his Com Hiareh pudding hecause he did nol Ike it, and was called Inte the Cook's Headquarters tn he given ahout two move helpings which he was innoeently required to eal, as A raward for his good hahaviour, ( However, he obeyed arders and put it away in great style without a whimper, and It was not until after the episade that the truth ahout his dislike for this pavtienl ar kind of pudding hecame known and the joke became appavent There was keen competition in oamp thin year, and a great deal of difoulty wan experienped In making the awards, The final lst wan & follows Pifosh Hatehet for hest all round fy that en agms dim ne, deeper than all through the N far, cool distance inte shadow bird galling plains | veapers the Ni wn slips into shad I8y fading silver to meg ed your soul in Pauline Johnson Activities News of what the Bey Scouts of Oshawa are doing contributed by the scout leads ers, Contributions to this column will be welsomed, and should be sent to the not Inter than Tuesday 7 moming each week, hoy In Camp to Patrol Lssder RB, Richards, bith Froop) : The decision on this Was so olose that I wag found necowsnry to award two hitehels the other of which will go 10 Patral Leader J Bimmaons (BLh 'Tranp), Fitosh Woodnrnft Knife for hoy wha in the apinion of the menihery of the Camp lived closest to the Bodut Laws, Lo Patrol Leader Don ald Miller Vitash Bllver Mudal, for the hove pussing the mont tests In Camp win ilso through necessity doubled wid was awarded to Beouls Carson Heard and Lloyd Annis, (6th Troop) Vitosh Bronge Medal for Matus! History was awarded 10 Fatrol Leader |, Simmons, (6th Troop.) The Naturar History 'Preagirs Hunt Prize went 10 Patrol 1eade do Binsman tor vst bio to Camp alley the veasurs wi found, hut. the Honor of finding Lhe Treasure welt to Second Vato) Lender J, Moumendy wha maa ih Yery hne attempt On Friday the hig Camp Fire was held, and aver ons hundred visitors ware present The programme the an heing which Included YAVIOUS presentations w pot hy the various patrols, soln nimhers helng given hy seats |) Maountenny, M, Cranfield, W, Drake i, Mclvers, W, Cantwell, .and Messrs (1, Hood and (0, Thompson, A playlel was given hy the Kang wrongs under the direction of 1), H, Wiehavds and a vory pathetis play ealled the "Babes in the Wood" with a east chosen from the whole Troop hrought many a sympathetic soh from the emational fudlence On Bunday afternogn the Camp broke up and everyhody returned tred hut happy, prepared to rest up on the following day, The Troop wishes to publicly thank the Rotary Club for Apply Ing transportation to and from the Camp, and Messrs, Chant and Hardy for thier continued hospital ity (8), The Beant Rally for the week end of Bept, 6th and Tth, is fant taking form and many of the Local Troops are workims on thelr demonstrations A Church Parade will ha held At At, Andrews Chureh on Sunday marning hefora which a wreath will he placed on the War Memorial, It is hoped that ArFAngemenixs oan he made to have the Jamheres moving pletupras for. this Ime, An exhibition of Heom wilh ha held at this time and the hove are advised to wiart working on any models thay may have in mind 80 that they will he ready for (his avent, THOOP hth Troop The Ath Troop wil meet on' Frise day next at thelr outdoor GUAriers on Mary Bt, North, Court of Honour 7.00 p.m, Troop Meeting 7.00 p,m, It in very impevtant that al boys he present al (his meeting as preparation must he made for the fortheeming rally, NOTICES STRONG MEDICINE A colored woman went te her hus hand's physician and said; "Doetah, Al's ¢ome ta see If vou am gwine 1a ordah Rastus one af dem mustard plasters again today" "1 think, Mandy, perhaps he'd het ter have ane more," "Well, he saves to ax yo' kin he have a slice of ham wif it 'cause it's mighty powerful ta take alone," The Finer Wealth Roh found making his fortune in the oity slow work, One night he felt so miserably disgauraged he decided to telephine home, It WAKE & hiEe success and mugh. eas: fer and cheaper than he'd ime alined, ong Distance han brought him a wealth of comfort and en Joyment, EA Pete lt a M-------- hog a NS

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