Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Aug 1930, p. 11

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PAGE ELEVEN h) CONANT 2 & ANNIS, J, rg jul Genrer Ottioos 1 rh, aoe rg ip NAD id WAN Mtentiop to X-ray Nurse in 59. House igo ro Rr eA | Nitrous oxid oxysen , for ext tions, Office, oval nk Phone 044, resid rh Simcoe St. N,, Phone. 1067: Nes, ¢ appointment. in Bron ir Dentists, 87 King #t. 1. Special 5. Kc. 3 ~ Crelghton, A, N, C ' Notary, over Dewland's org Nota to joan, 16 Simcoe north, 07. Resi. o $470W., . WEYE BAN: , Solicitors, ete, 84% Him. ts N, Phone 8160, Money to sire Phone Lokn, ter, oto, Conveyanoing and general ractice, 22% King #t, as, one #347. (tf) A A = A to loan. Alger Bids, jee, Phone 161 ATIC :- EBDS, DARIN Solleitor, Notary "ublle, "Convey ancer, money to loan, Third floor |B new Alger Building, opposite Post Offige, Phone 2000, Medical Dis, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone 2060, Of- fice hours § am, to 8.80 pm, Dr, PB. J. Hazlewood, op hitention to Surgery and X-Ray Dr, NB. MH. Harper, special attention to ohilde ru Diseases and Obstetrics, Nun. and night calls 3416 or 123, & MeKAY PHYSICIAN, _ | BUR os, al eon, Accoucher, Office and resi. ence Jing St, Kast, corner Vie torla Mt, Oshawa, Phone 04. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of fufants and children, Office and Pond Vast. Phone (CHEN, M.D, OM, L it GC. P. x 's, Edinburgh, Phys slelan, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Offico 148 Bimcoe Bt, N. Phone 2090, residence 40 Cadiling Ave, North, Phone 81066, . Or [8 Ti STCTAN, sur eon, Obstetrician Office and residence, 619 Simcoe Street north, Phone 2416 DR. J. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI. lan, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office ni res dense, Simece Street, orth, phone 3107, Maul Surgeon PR BARLEY, VETERINATIAN Specialist Diseases Domestio Anim. als, Oat and Dog Hospital, 803 King West, Telephone 040, (July 8-1 mo.) residence, 97 Street' West Toronto will be at bin office over Jurv & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 pm, for consultation and treat A of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 07, HON, ver Mitohell's EBX RICHARD special Office Drug Store, Phone 8000 and 432). 'Architects OU. FTENHOUNT == OONENAL "Decond floor, architectural work, Phone 1406, Royal Bank Building. Tes, phone 000J, y AN soolate architects, Himocoe 6t 8. Over Felt Bros. Watch Repairing kor A Hy King Btre Bre as, ¥ 5 bs kg, cor corner Hmeos Mt and iam W. shop at Your pate Classified Ads. Minimum oharge 30c. Five tawrion 0° pb Pox number 108 Mditionn) Tan Bn I Ci (July 30-1 mo) | attention to gas extraction and X- ray work, Nurse in attendanee. Phones 1248 and 804, Hemstitching « A PICOTING, ard, Pleating skirts, resses out and fitted Bmbrodery work, The 20% Mimeos south. LLH (July 21-1 mo) Op! ometrist 0 HW. , OPTON THVT, specialist in mancle saomalies, eyesight and glasses, Aathor of Eye Oare and Dye Brain, The "1 Chita and [ts Development, Dis ney Bleek opposite Post Office. Phone i616, (July 16+1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH ONTAN- fo Land Surveyors and Civil Engin. eors, subdivisions, town planning, munielpal engineers, Kins Bt, 1. Phones nine cents & Jne dollar, partastly, ell Sho! Phone 1 26023 or 206 or 411] "All Classified 'Advertising ~ Coming Events, Ftc. | STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE Ta Fe oe ove Fou wim lose arising from handling a large nupber of smal] arcounts of 'this nature, For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to some personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring » memenger who will receive the advertisement end collect for same. "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ).4K FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT becouse' of expense and Building Supplies NT BLOCKY, AND "AND | = gravel for sale==To insure prompt delivery, place ders in advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale. Phone 1018, AND, UNRAVEL, WLACR LOOM, stone, also any kind of trucking. Phone 1M0W. (July 13-1 mo.) Undertaking LURE TURIAL CO. 67 KING BT. East, Ambulance. Residence 0642 Blmooe are, north, Phone 210J and 210W OWHAWA BURTAL™C0, MW, i Armstrong & Hon, ro Funeral and Ambulance Hobvite, day and night. Phone 1082W, Celina, (4 ey 10 King St. west, Oshawa, Tite old. est Fire Agency in Oshawa, bd Re- La ire Companies, HEN PEROT dg 1 aonsult R. N, Johns, 80 Himeoe north, Your insurance wants at fended to and' your Interests pro- tected, lo... . Transportation CARTAGH AND #1ORAGE COLE man's, 6 Bond poaialist in furniture moving Morage ware: house and moving van equipment. Phone 83 OAR ING, ORAVEL sand and cinders, Local and long distance hauling, Smith & Cox Phone 0234, 10 Hond Bt, West, SHA OLDENT ENTAN Hshed furniture movers, Park Road onrtage, local and long distance, Frank Cowle Prop. 66 Park Rd. South, Phone 216 '(July 81-1 nio) Beauty Parlors WAVE cians in permanont, finger and marcel waving, Per manent wave prices #6, $7.00, $10° and 818. Al othor lines of Beauty Culture. Phone 2008. Apply 88 Bimooe street north. UXPERT MARCELLING NY DRT: ty Ward at Petty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and shaw: a #1, Phone 2008, Bhop, DARDEN AND Yonuts Shop, 9 Celina 81, We spec: {alse In ladies' hair cutting, mare cellind, shampooing, facials, Marcel 40 sata, "or appihtuiehie phone July 17-1 mo) adio Se OEWAWA RADIO SWRVIOE AC gessories for sale, repairs on eleo: trio and batter tty jibes and batteries test batteries re charged, rental supplied 1. Phone 88603, Oharles Wales, i "oy | Last, 1 mo with rental $1.00, Repaired ano rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan Dligdon, ¥0 Mill St. Phone sha + (July 81-1 mo) Money to Loan oan arralige a tirst mortgage on your residence it it Is well lo+ cated, Bradley Brow, over Ward's Store, Simooe St, South, E (July 38-t0) LOANN ON TOOL CITY PROPER: ty and farms, Apply A, J. Parks Mil, 87 King St, Kast, Phone 1014, (July B10) Simcoe Hg and furniture plements, Your Patrons health, comfort, Personal atten 'tion and servige, Phone Mrs, Blais ter, District. Manager, 3180M, ee 21-1 mo) orhunger, valnting and Training, bing right, work guarauteed, ¥40 Pine Ave, phone 3065w or HATH CONTRACTING =""CONURUTE ! Sagas ath Porgy 0 Wah ty Awnings ee y ' ' ' of canvas goods, Com: plete camp equipment for rent Fos Hardware, phone 26 or 126, Agents for J. J. Turner and Son, Peotorboro, Ontarlo, all kinds (July 3-1 mo.) Work Wanted SONOKETE WORK, CELLAR AND garage floors sidewalls and road. ways, sand, gravel, cinders. Chris, Graham, Phone 2021M, (July 8-1 mo, A Bothered with cockroaches, I will rid your house of them, 140 Olive Ave, Phone 17080, (July 16.1 mo.) LOAN WANTED==¥4,000 CHOICE location, 1 mile out of olty, mecur: Lity for three times amount, WII iy TM. Enguire evenings lox (400) LICENNED DRIVER WITH 0 iyonrs experionce, wishes position for part or full time, WI also take .onare of lawns and garden, ete, In spare time, Apply Dox 821, The Oshawa Daily Times, (800) WORK "WANTED HY EXPERT enced man, driving washing and cleaning your car, making and oaring for lawns, flower beds, or any odd jobs on small estates. Phone 1386). (2300) WONGARTAN™""UTRE™ WANTH housework with experience, Apply to 183 Olive Ave, Phons 2872) (20d) Caulking oaulked around the door and win. dow frames, saves fuel, shuts out cold ale, draughts, files, soot, Adds comfort, preserves frames, H, Lawson, Phone 783R3, Sn 10«1mo. ) "Second Hand Dealer EE IE TE nitdre bought and wold. 186 Bloor St, XK, "Phone 1017M (July 24-1 mo.) DT DUATER=WE buy and sell used furniture, stoves and tools, Phone 1080, M, Collis, 8 churoh Bt, (July 15-1 mo) brtclee For ANG 3GFT A TO ot dod, ane Th Lim Tined FOR SALE--H NaN. 0, Ltd. pianos, new and used planos, also ypadios, latest models; terms arranged, Apply ©. Trull, Phone 1666J, (111-tf) or We Ee or the argos JARS. ment of paints, varnishes, eto, in in the oity. The Paint iors, 80 King street west. bt GRAVEL AND SAND, Cy a and a quarter of gravel $1.60, Boreened sand $1,756. Prompt des livery, Phone 020R12 after 6 p.m, Sy 10-1 mo,) ___ Artigles For Sale SAND GR .VEL, KTONE, CIN ders, black loam, $4.69 per yard, For quality and service phone Es scry Dros. 8838 r 11, (May 8+ tH FOR HAL = NEW AND U BED bieyolon, acconsorien, aute tire and tubes, also clean household furniture Everything clearing cheap, 104 Kulalle Avo (Aug. 1<1 mo) -------- For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- orn suites including electric refrig- eration stove, laundry convenis ences, ele, continuous hot water supplied. Apply Supt, phéne 2071, or The Trusts and Guarantee Co, Ltd, manager for owner, Toronto, LA Abia 5.) vi 3 VOL RENTAPANTMENT, OEN- tral, b rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences, lease or hy the month, Hox 740 Times. (188tf) CHEERFUL APARTMENT IN business section, newly decorated, by the month or year, Box 747 Times, (168-0) AVANTNEN YT KD OR unfurnished, Kvery ocenvenience Phone 1560 or A34TW (ar APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences hardwood floors Apply liradiey brop. (HL) Fon REN FUNNTEHED rooms, avery culivonionee for young couple. Phone J338W (400) FON RENT=Z4" "PURNIBHED rooms for, ght housekeoping with all convenlences, Apply 137 Ble oe Bt, N. Phone 1234W, (d0e) FOR RENT-=WELL FURNISHED modern alx roomed house, reasons uh! areful tenants, 40 Warren Ave, (880) FOR TENTS ROOM HOUR, cor, Church and Colborne Sts, Mod. erate ront, Phone 0674, (480) FOR TENT=0""Yoom furnished apartment, All convenlenobs, Im mediate possession, Apply #7 Cole borne St, 1, (270) FOR RENT-WOUSK™ PARTLY furnished, Vacant Hept, 1. Phone 877 or 2002W, (270) -------- = Notice DR TRONAN ITER EAT WTORD moved to Simcoe South, Corner Mill, Herbal Remedies for various Allments. gontinued by same fame ous Horballst, (July1b-1 mo,) MHospits WHTTRY PRIVATE HOSPITAT, maternity and all patients recoms mended hy physicians, Phons 8860 Whitby, J: M. McKee, R.N,, Supt, (July 16-1 mo) Palmist + PALMTET, 478 Appointments, Phone (July$«1 mo,) 2080F, 99 (July 206-1 mo) Situations Wanted WANTED AS MANAGING FORE: man of farm, capable of taking full charge of same, References furnished, Box 711 Times, (28a) Buena Vista, J424W, Phone appointments Loulsn street, io! $ALE OR RENT BRICK ewidonce on north wide of King hi Rond wost of Oshawa, form orly occupied by the Inte Jahn fiartiett, Gardens well planted with flowers and shrubs, Apply to Conant & Anus, Barristers, &c, Oghawa, Ontario, (M-W-Aug, 1) Real Estate For hundred acre farm, - good brick house, bank barn 'equipped with steel stantions, water bowls and milker," good out-buildings, close to school, store and church, Easy terms, Apply to Wonver, Jackman & Co, Trenton, Ont, Box 04, BOTTACRE "VARM™ FOR™ BALL, good buildings, all kinds of frull, at Trout Creek, 7 miles north of Bowmanville, Apply Mrs, W, MH, Haltacre, RB, RR. No, 6, Bowman. ville, (20h) FACTTPTON FACE==31,500 BUYH 8 roomed house, electric, gus, good collar, furnmaco, ete, in good condition, $400 ensh, Phone #106, (200) Ea eh He ARR TRE Room and Board ROOM TO RENT IN PRIVATE home, Indy or gentloman, Board If desired, Also garage to rent, Phone 1046W a (27¢) ROOM AND BOARD, PARK Itond N, Phone 466M Ly (270) NOOM AND VOARD TN PRIVATE family, garage, nll convenloncens IPhone 1028), (29¢) "Pets and Live Siok. POULIN MEN" STOR YOUR honvy breed 1%-% 1b. cockerels caponized at 10¢ each, Minimum charge, $1.00 It pays to capon~ lwo, lvgy Bros, 649 Drew street, (July 20-1 mo.) FOREATE= PUT BRED WHTTE French Toy Poodle, male, mus! have good home, Apply 224 Court Nt, Oshawa (37¢) FOR RACE=ONE oF Clyde mares, ago 7 yours Sound and right, Soe them at the farm, Elmeroft Farm RR, 1. R. Ray Me. Laughlin (28) LL) TEAM WIT YOUN CAR WARHED™ Al Dominion Garage, 58 Bond streut went, Phone 3108. All cars at one price $1.00, (July 17-1 mo) FOR BALE =="CHEV. COUPE, good condition Phone 466M, (208) Sw Situations Vacant ANN 090 I PERDAY="AM Bitious, reliable moi wanted at once, Part time pay whilo teaining for Aviation Mechanics, Ousrage Work, Driving, Battery, Jlectrk Acetylene Wolding, House Wiring, Industrial Electricity, Machinist, Drickinying, Viastering, Drafting Barboring and Halrdressing Act quick, get your application in now Write or eall for Information, Uominion Trade {ichoolg Ltd, 79 Queen West, Toronto, Eastern Headquurters, Employment service count Lo const, -- (Sat, Oct, 35) FART NOW=YOU CAN HARN money qulekly, taking orders for the mont beautiful line of Pers sonal Christmas Greeting Cards ever shown In Canada, Write for particulars, Regnl Art Co, 810 Bpadina Ave. Toronto, FMR - Help-- Wanted "Male AE MAN TOR ONE HOR: dred storo route; thin county; exs perience unnecessary; no selling: distribute and collect, Should net woventy dollars woekly, Shamus Mig, Co, New Toronto, Ont. Personal WHY BUFFER! USK THE NRW Harmony Electro Magnetic Appll- ance, Others are obtaining health, why not you! Kleotro Magnotism Is one of the greatest discoveries of the 90th century, ' In many cases whore evefything olse has fallod the Harmony Bieotro Magnetio Appliance has brought health, We are not out to soll you something that sou ard not satisfied will benefit you, Therefore wa give you a free offer to prove what we says is correct, When you are satisfied the He mony will help you then it ix » you to use your own |v W. ©. Hutcheson, Domi Manager, 164 Wilita Phone 269, Oshp: -- vv 4 wld} APARTMENT IN i of olty, Apply Box (200) by 0-1 mo.) a ai WAR" ne ¥ L By Thornton W. Burgess No matter how. the guilty tries, He's bound to show it in his eyes, Old Mother Niture, Jim Crow had as usual gone down to the cornfield riding on the shoul der of Farmer Brown's Boy, Mother Brown had watched them go, She had chuckled as she heard Jim Crow talking erow-talk to his master a» they Mabon "I'int black scamp talks Just as if he thought we understood all he sid," wig Mother Brown to hersell, "1 am glad that he likes to go down to the cornfield, He does a lot of good down there by hunting out White grubs and cutworms and it keeps him out of mischief up here his was u busy day for Mother Brown, She had a lot of sewing to do, She sat by an open window sewing and as she sewed she hummed, Vor uw long time she worked, Then she hud to go out in the kitchen for something, She laid her work down, put her thimble on the windowsill and left the room, She was gone for only a couple of minutes, When she re. turned her thimble was missing, Yes, sir, the thimble was missing, At first, Mother Brown thought that she might have been absent-minded and possibly have left the thimble some where els she went back to the kitehen to see if she left it there, She couldn't find it, Then she went out doors ta see if it had fallen on the grounds outside, She didn't find It there By this time stopped humming, to finish her sewing noving to have lost Moreover, she was couldn't understand have lost it "I must have been careless," said she, "When I got up in a hurry 1 must have dropped it and it rolled Well, 1 can't stop to I must have another somewhere and Mother Brown had She was anxious It was very an the thimble puzzled, She how she could somewhere, hunt for it now, old thimble around I'l use that," Mother Brown rummaged around in her work-bhasket and finally found a buttered old thimble that would do, Then she resumed her sewing, As she worked she heard the. voice of Jim Crow down in'"the cornfield, You see, the wind was just fight and Jim Crow's voice carries un long distance "If that black rascal was up here, | shauld suspect him of knowing some thing about that thimble," thought Mother Brown, "But | saw him go dowit in the, cornfield and he is still there, So I must have dropped that thimble somewhere! She gave the matter no further thought, feeling sure that sooner or later the thimble would be found, She knew it couldn't have gone very far, Presently she went out to the kitchen to get dinner, Then she blew the horn which was the signal to Farmer Brown and Farmer Brown's Bey that dinner was ready, Jim Crow un« derstood that signal just as well as the others did, He stopped hunting for white grubs and he rode up the Long Lane and into the farmyard, Mother Brown was standing in the doorway as Farmer Brown's Boy ap proached with Jim Crow on his shoul. der, Instead of riding into the house, as usual, Jim Crow flew up in a tree, Mother Brown noticed this, "Wel, you black scamp," she exclaimed, "vou must have found a lot to eat this morning, Usually you come right in and tease fo be fed." "Caw, Caw!" sald Jim Crow, as if he arte, which of course he didn't, And all the time he kept his sharp eyes on Mother Brown, Yes, sir, he kept his sharp eyes on Mother Brown, quite ns if he expected her to do something to him. But Mother Brown didn't notice it and neither did Farmer Brown's Boy. So after a while Jim Crow flew down and tame into the house and listened just as if "Lost and Lost and Found "WTWEEN ALTER PRIER ' Office, 4 keys on ring, indly phone 1088M after (20a) NEETAETWERENT ORHAWA id Plekering, leatherette Qlub Bag, containing gentleman's une derwoar, shirts and ladies' shoes, Pinder please return to 108 Al bert street Oshawa, (800) ORY ' 4 _---- a pair of glasses, dark shell rims, gold arma, double lens, Finder please leave at d8 Elgin At, KE (20h) ELLA CINDERS he understood while Mother Brown told about the missing thimble, (Copyright, 1930, , 1, W. Burgess) he Thimble The next story: Is Found," ---- BH a] AVTER THY, WEDDING Samho~"DIid Brudder Brown glb de bride away?" Nastug~"'"No suh;, he gwine de groom find out for hisself." lat Builders' Bargains Oak Viooring 6c, sa, foot; Walls honrd 27.60 thousand feet; Ready Glazed Barn Bagh 98¢c; Slate Roof ing 2,688; 28 gauge metal roofing B66; House paint bbe, qt; Garages $19 down payment, Asphalt hing- les B.40; Metal Colling 6.45; Sep tie Tank #6 down payment, Write now for Big Free Bale Catalog, Amazing savings for July and Aug- ust, Halliday Company Limited, Box 16, Hamilton, 85 Bond Street, West, HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by expert mechanics, Old 'looy finished like new, Ge. 21 ' Contractors, 0. W. HAYNES 101 King St. West Before placing Automobile [n- surance, get my special rates, Hargain prices for lots in Dear born Park, subdivision, west of Simcoe N, J. H. R. LUKE Negent Theatre Bldg, JURY & LOVELL'S OPTIOAL PARLORS J. W, Wornill, Oph, D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 82158 COAL COAL Phone 108 W. J. SARGANT Yoard-=8 Mloor Atreet Orders Promptly Delivered [3 PROPERTIES FOR SALE Home real snops in beautiful homes, DISNEY REAL ¥NTATE, 20 King K. EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop ' Here Always Expert Watch Repa pai iring BURNS JEW STORE King & Prince Blas, i a --_-- Machinery Repairing NOTHING 200 LARUE NOTHING 100 SMALL Phone 481 « Residence 8078W || + Stop Sma ---- ROYAL YORK Toe Tea Pekoe he 28¢ At all Superior Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St, W, Phone 300: aaa ESSE Good Weather Ahead! w=D0 NOL 1086 JOUF CAP Lot mo finance you--Addie tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Room 0, 3M ¥% King St. Kast FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check ignition, clean affd ad- Just points, adjust carburetor on Chevrolet Cars, 1028 to 1080 models, Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 00 Simcoe Bt, South "Men's Suits, Regular $25.00, Special... 912.90 Dominion Clothing Co. O08 King St, W. Phone 8144 a A AUR LumB} R (0 '4A ATHOL STW OSHA * Diamonds ! o Bassett's Oshawa's Main Cone: | wea ---------- Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 800 Carnegie Ave, [Phone 10488 LUMBER F, L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Curd Phone Oshawa B24 Whithy 12 EYESIGHT SPECIALLY Spa dalining exclusively in ALY, pa wlasess hh Phone=1510 ' Opposite' | Wane Rots a: Gaia) i Ih hi lit! | ! | RUE wright, 1080, Li fervien, Ine. PF a

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