Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Aug 1930, p. 9

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iad WHR HERS WEG dar Wy hse FS rm THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1930 pi AY PS SABI I SE pes abd rm Re lea TT i BIN 4 PAGE NINE 'OSHAWA TEAMS WINNERS IN HOLIDAY WEEKEND LEAGUE GAMES Oshawa Aarabs Win First Game of P offs From Peterboro Raybestos 7-1}: BASEBALL RECORDS Roskiostor ++ +: Baltimore , + + Montreal , + +» oronte + + Bullalo ¢ 1004 "Duke" Dainty in Fine Form and Pitches Very Effect, ively When Peterboro Gets Men on Bases -- Aarsbs Are Outhit 8-7, But Maske Only Three Ervors to Peterboro's Six ~Timely Hitting And Smart Deferisive = Play Wins for Oshawa--Row- den Gets Homer a ---- Playing beneath a blazing hot sun and before a large crowd of noisy, rival supporters, the Oshawa Aarabs turned in one of the best displays of defensive baseball they have ever made, on Saturday afternoon in the Liftloek City, and succeeded in win- ning the first game of the group Sramplonsiip playofis by a score of to 1, The Aarabs got one or two "hreaks" during the game but they rertainly deserved their vietory as hey put up the best brand of ball played by Po this season, Contrary to expectations, Al, Heek- nan did not take the mound but Paterbora's hurling duties were looks wl after by Kitchen and he did a very ood Job of it too and he was given good support by his teammates, The Rtn tenn outhit the Aarabs by B to 7 and this is a hets ler comparison ef the two temms than he score, although! there is ne doubt hat the Aarabs were the better team, I'hey grabbed off seven hits for seven uns and any team which ean do this, Is playing smart ball, The Aarabs got their hits when they meant runs but on the other hand, the Petes failed to come through in the pinches, Dainty Hurls for Aarabs "Duke" Dainty got the call for the Oshawa team and he certainly proved bitter medicine for the Peterbore supporters, ea tare espec! eetiv ag ! e took things casual ul the Petes got & runner on paths, "Puke" . ie had them well next man up strick out ng features of this inning and the Contrary to what one might from tol, t limit gnd did not break aw the seventh, At the end of the score was 3 to | for Rowden got Oshawa's with & homer in his first tri late, He celebrated his Ve Je his recent slekness in a riste manner, A the third, when MecDougs scoring him, Whitely got on error and scored on i sacrifice the verdict, The Aarabs C, Elliott being the offenders cause a great deal, played great his fine effort and of pla; with the plate, they had too many errors an winners got 'what breaks were This victory makes the Oshawa AB R, Fair, of fie | C, Elliott, 3b Rowden, If Young, » Hubbell, 1b, Dainty, Whiteley, ¢ MeDougall, 2 A \ A 1h New Martin TUES, -- WED, A Royal Romanpe; With 4 William Collier, Iv. Pauline Starke Comedy "Mush Again" RROKEN NTATUTHR Kinds Today "MOUNTAIN JUSTICE" dT SF NN" _--DDOD=-- ¥ of less o20= PR oe | = DWDDA-- We 4 VN DARD DDD i r Hall, If, H, Nicholls, 3b, Moore, of Heckman, 1b, Hillier, 8s. Rodgers, « Mein, th, Corrin, rf, Kitchen, p, Holmes, rf, i k Sus DI SWI ee OOD D--=t-- -- = NAW, Seaman Hubbell) , 0, Bl Yih iter, RR 8 (Niohlls, Yhe CAREW UMBI (0 Corrin { ou' bal ry Gra iL aw ot He iiched smart ball the py re game and wes de- (1 t @ or on ut 4s soon as 8 play got. on | the helr lone Soun yin 4 . hid ot thelr il all grabbe of [) A he and with two men out, Moone got a single scor~ Hall, The Petes threatened the seventh hut smart work by the Asrabs held them off the sheet, Gray's throw to the plate was one of the lacing st the final score, i Aarabs were extendedito i ta LU 7 "m hit by I'm. McDougall and a single by Gray, The Aarabs got two mere In the seventh and two more in the ninth to clineh had only three errors, McDougall, Young and The Petes had six errors, most of whieh were costly and helped the Asraby' Every member of the Asrabs team good ball and all contributed a deal to the vigtery but special mention must be made of Dainty for ray, whe ed his best game of the season, four hits out of four trips to The Raybestos played goed hall bt ve ong. re , fa. rites to take the group title in two bod games, The second game of the play-offs will be played at Alex: andra Park on Saturday afternoon, be HPO. A d Suowa--so=2 al 3--s33cncz-9 1 3 Be A Strick outi--by Kitehen 5 (F Dainty Mein, Holmes), Kitchen); bases he Of Kithen "35 8 1; home run, Rowden; two b ai sacrifice hity o--- 15 "Rowton Dell tnd Labarr, ; cov The next ui were (i) a Ao safe on an error and Gray sing al one mseocone ul Sc---s500--0--0 wiv Kenan " y Resting He LR 4 Monday's Neores Toronto ....9:8 Montreal , 8-4 Butalo ,,., 18 Rochester , 11 (11 in) prehe : Reading 1] N Joniar Baltimore ,, § AMMRICAN LEAGUE iadelphis on Hone ih Waehiagion, ..' 41 New York a] # A032 (1 Hh Jeveldnd .. ,. Bb roit rr ter Hp hi AR Chioage + - + 43 ouls A10 A or Ll oston 7 403 LL) A400 4 til Monday's Reores aDetroit ,., 7 Chicago X19 innings, Pulladeiphin 13 Boston ...\ BB, Lous ... ' Cleveland , , ? Only games played, ATIONAL LEAGUY Won Lost Brooklyn ,. (}] 1] 1] LF] ho i" re MOY ATS HLL) M1h M00 M02 A40 A87 loago re ne New York , .. ] Ws vei Pittsburg oiton ah aes Cincinnati , , , 44 Philadelphia , 94 Monday's Rdores New York ,,, 4 Brooklyn ... 0 Boston , 0.0 8 Philadelphia 2 Only games played, CRICKET NOTES Oshawa Bt, George's, whn have won thelr Inst four matches in sue cession pulled off another victory Inst Baturday at Lakeview lark, this time at the expense of Toron- to Toe H, Start of play at the scheduled time was delayed by the Jate ar. rival of the Toronto team, Toc MH who unfortunately, webe short of thelr team, went In first to bat on a good wicket the' apt (o be a little fory, as Indeed wan ulso the bowling of Harry Mawarth, for he took the Tee H, captain's vicket with the second ball lie howled, Throughout the luning he was al moat unplayable, and vqually good bowling came from the other end por George Mann, who sent down & good straight length ball, He smartly caught and bowled the bataman third ball of his second over, Nmagt oatehes off the howl ing were made by R, Drummond, J. Chappell and W, Wargant, Th of Bt 0'8 WAS RO every man on his toes, backing up well and making smart returns, Wickets fell quickly and the Toe 1 innings closed for the small total of 80, although the fact of being two players short must have had iia effect on them, Hawarth's bowling aBalysis was 6 wickets for § runs, nn's was § wickets for 10 runs, hit after knocking up 4 quick time missed a sitter whieh took him off stump, G, Mann joined Chappell and they proceeded to knock the (owl. ing about, Fours and twos came rom thelr baty in quick fashion nd the score reached 50, with byes, when Mann was smartly caught for 20 rums, J. Chappell being 30 not out, innings was de- olared closed, The teams and friends went te PORT SNAPSHOT Aarabs Defeat Raybestos in Peterboro The Oshawa Asrahs played some of the smartest ball they have ever played on Ssturday afternoon when they defented Peterboro Raybestos right In Peterboro by & score of 7 to 1, Dainty and his tewmmates were in fine form and they gave a snappy display of baseball, Dainty allowed eights hits und had elght strikeouts, The Anrabs had only seven hits but they got them when needed most and with the added help of six errors, made by the Petes, they were able to mike & total of seven runs, The Asrabs shone at defensive play and they executed some smart plays to eut off threatening rallies, The second game of the series will be played on Saturdiy afternoon, ut Alexandra Park, at 330 pm, The Aarabs are out to mike it two straight and W they play as well as they did in Peterboro, there Is no doubt that they will be Group Champions for 1930, The Raybestos are noted for thelr fighting spirit and they will he trying with all their might to extend the series to three games, * ' General Motors Find St, Simon's Easy 'The new attack which 81, Simon's were to Introduce in their play in the game at Varsity Stadium on Saturday afternoon did not bother the General Motors a great deal, In facet, it only gerved to open up the game and the Saints were wide open. The Oslliwa sharpshooters ran wild and "Suds" Sutherland was showered with shots from every pos: sible angle, Practically every player had a shot at the Toronto net und It Is a credit to the St. Simon's goslie that only fourteen of the shots found their way over the line, Bill Coulter did not play due to injuries ' . ' . Big Game Tomorrow Night There should be u very large crowd of lacrosse fans at the Stadium tomorrow night to see the last scheduled game of the 1930 season in the Senor OA LA, group, The Brampton FExeelplors have a one-game lead over the Motors and a vietory for the Oshawa team will make them tie for first place, The first two games of the Senior OA LA. playoffs will be played on Saturday next and" Wednesday, August 13, 11 & third game Is necessary, it will be plaved at Varsity Stadium on Saturday, August 16, The game tomerrow is very important from more than one standpoint and both teams will battle hard for the decision, . v ' Oshawa Shamrocks Take "Soft One" The Oshawa Shamrocks had things all thelr own way yesterday afternoon in thelr last home game of the schedule, Millbrook were the visitors and they came up without thelr regular goalie but even taking this into consideration, they were no match for the fast trevelling Sham rocks, The Oshawn team played good lacrosse both offensively and de fensively, The rearguard played steady lacrosse and although the Mill brook team broke through once or twice, Stokes was unbeatable and he earned his shutout, The Oshawa attackers played wide open lacross They gave & smart display of combination work and most of the goals were scored on combined efforts, Unlike the last game, with Camp hellford, they did not buneh around the net but kept well out and broke fast when making a try for a goal, ' . Oshawa Juniors in Toronto Tonight The Oshawa General Motors Junior Lagrosse team travels to Toren to tonight, to play thelr nearest wivals, Mulverns, at Withrow Park, Teddy Reeve's team have yet to win a game but they would like nothing better than to take thelr Arst vietory from Oshawa, The locals seem to have hit thelr stride at last and are out to defeat Malverns tos night and keep them In the eellur- position » » + Intermediate Game Tonight Phillips and Times clash at Alexandra Park tonight in a postponed game of the Intermediate sorthall league and the game Is an important one, A win for Phillips will create a four-cornered tle for third place while a win for the Newsies will give them undisputed title to third place . . % * Church League Softball Playoffs 'The second game of the playoffs for the championship of "BI" sec tion of the Sunday School league will be. played at Cowan's Park te night, Cedurdale defeated Trinity badly in the first game and if they repeat tonight, they will he meet the winners of "A" section for the League title, King St. Renediets and King St. UX. met tomorrow night at Alexandra Park in the first game of the playoffs for the cham plonship of "A" section Ll HOME-RUN STANDINGS HOME TWUNS YENTYRDAY Gehringer, Tigers, 2; Allen, (Hants, 1; harry, (hunts, 1; Lind: strom, Giants, 1; O'Doul Phillies, 1; Grove, Athletics, 1; Himmons, Athletics, 1, THY LEADERN Muth, Yankees, 40; Wilson, Cubs $b; Gebrig, Yankees, 54; Klein, Phillies 29; Foxx, Athletics, 29; Borger, Braves, 27; Mimmons, Ah lotics, 26, Pe Longue tolsls-Nationals 615; American 406, Grand total 1,109, Local Tennis News The senior squad of the Oshawa Tennis club put Oshawa Into first place tle with Campbellford, by their vietory over that élub on Baturday; Led by Krle 'Vesey, captain of the feam, the Oshawy players (ook six of the seven matches played, and in most cases by one-sided scores, The games between Hainer and Freq which went to three sets, the Las dies' doubles, won hy Camphelford and the mixed doubles, provided the thellls of the day; In wll other events the Oshavu players led all the way, The results are us f(ollows Men's Singles--Vesey (Osh) defeats ed Weston (Cam) 6:0, 6.3 Hainer (Osh) defeated (Cam.) 6:3, 36, 6:4 Men's Doubles==Armstrong and Mee Mullen (Osh) defeated Kingston and Smith (Cam) 6:3, 6:1 Alger and Vyerson (Osh) defent ed Reott and Neals (Cam) 6:0, 6.3 Ladies Singles Miss Vishleigh (Osh) defeated Miss Verrls (Cam) 3 6:2 Ladies Doubles Misses Douglas and Smith (Cam,) defented Misses Go heen and Ferber (Osh) Ke, 11.9 Mixed Doubles--=Miss Gilbert and Mrs, Fishleigh (Osh) defeated Mra Wegtim and Dr, Longmore (Cam), 6:4, 6:4 The standing of the Central On tario Tennis League in us follows Won Lost To Play | | | Although Weakened by Ab- sence of Bill Coulter, Oshawa Team Over whelms St. Simon's and Wins High Scoring Game by 8.Gosl Margin--Saints Are Completely Outclass- ed But Battle Gamely -- Oshaws Players Bopst Their Scoring Averages-- Excelsiors Here Wednes- dey Despite n great dew) of advance no tice re uw new method of attack which they would introduce, the Bt, Simon's, Toronto's senior OA LA, entry failed to make a very impressive showing ugninst the Oshawa General Motors senlors on Saturday nlternovon when the "Saints" made thelr last uppenrs ance of the 1930 season, in ou league fixture "The game was witnessed hy a crowd of fans and although the glicans scored the first goal of encounter, they were seldom mm the pleture aiter that and while the game was fled with numerous spark ling lacrosse plays, very little enthy slasm was aroused among the (uns due to the distinct superiority of the Blue and White team, The final score of the affair wis 14 to 0 As the score indicates, the game wis the wide open variety with the Toronto tes being mu h mere wpen than Oshawa, 'The General Motors were without the services of their captain, WI Coulter, who wis out of the game due to injuries received in the last game with the lixcelsiors Doddemende also was not on the lineup, Smithson took over Coulter's duties and "Smoke" Fox and "Walk," Wil son hoth played on the rearguard wry" Silk was seen In a new role, that of centre player eGirny worked with Davidson and Golden on small An the Free Oshawa Camphellford 1 | Peterhoro | { Bowmapville 0 1 Prizes Captured At "Tiny Tim" Oshawa | » y Home excellent weores ware turn ed in over the week-end on (he Tiny Tim Golf Course and compe tition was keen for tho prizes of fered for the hest scores on Mat urday and Monday, civic holliday Mra, M. Mason, 804 Himeoo street south, had a creditable 64 for the ladles' prize on Naturday, while Duncan Bowman, 145 Allee street, was hiree ahove par with 40 to take the gentlemen's prise, Mon day prises wore won hy Miss N, Datnes, 187 Ritson Road wouth, with 60 and Walter Johnston, with 44, BRAMPTON JUNIORS DEFEAT MIMICO, 4-1 Brampton, Aug, BH. Hrampton Juniors defeated Mimico hy 4 to 1 in an OA LA, game heres yoesters day afternoon, It was a strenuous battle, but Thompson of the looals wan the only player who sustain. od Injuries, Good of Mimloo saved his team ister 13-0 Whitewash to Visiting Millbrook Team Oshawa Team Scores Easily fencemen and Goalie Play Strong Games to Earn Shutout -- Small' Crowd' Attends Game The Oshawa Shamrocks had every thing practically their own way on Monday afternoon in thelr scheduled fixture with Millbrook, It was the last home game of the sehedule and the loeals celebrated the occasion by cutting loose and administering a 1J to 4 whitewash to thelr visitors, Shamrocks ' Play Good Lacrosse and Admin. and Often by Means of Smart Combine. ation Play -- Local. Dp. | i Oshawa Srs. Give St. Simon's Bad Beating - Score 14 - 6 PL the home field, a Mel, Whyte and "Shine" ~ Bovin both got Into action again on Satur- day und both players turned In nice gRInes, Nearly every member of the Osh- uwis team had ut least one shot at "Suds" Sutherland und u good per~ centage of the team contributed to the score total, "Toots" White led the wiy with a tots) of four goals and Golden wis next with two, The Saints tallied first, soon siter play wis started but the score at the end of the first quarter stood at 4 to 2 for Oshawa, Half time saw the mar- win greatly increased at 7 to 2, At the end of the third session, the score stood at 11 to 3 and then the Ogh- awn tenant eased up Just a little but managed to score goal for goal in the final quarter Sanderson, Kavanagh and Thom were the hest for the home team, The Oshawa team plays thelr Inst scheduled game of the schedule on Wednesduy evening at the Motor City Stadium und a win for the Gen+ eral Motors will make them tie for first place und in this instance, no doubt u coin will be tossed to decide where the first game of the playoffs will be played, "The first game will be played on Saturday and if the Vxcelsiors win on Wednesday, they will have their choice of grounds, Ciamen, not gouls, will count to deelds the winner of the Senior OA LA. champlonship St, Simon's Sutherland I'hom Kavanagh Leighton Nettleship Virtue Hain Blakely Davis Sanderson Kohertson MeGregor Smart Heasley Maran Referee Len, Smith Judge of play=Lionel Conacher, Oshawa Shannon Hubbell Smithson Spence: Fox Wilson Silk Delray Davidson Golden Stephenson White Bovin Barron Whyte Position Lion! Point Cover Ist defence nd defence rd defence Centre Ist home 2nd home dd home Outside Inside Subs SS ---------------------------- -- Oshawa Shamrocks Apply Whitewash to Millbrook Shortly after play had opened, Gar- rison started things out when he took u pass from Bovin and scored the first tally, Bovin followed with two more goals in Yule succession, Millbrook came to life and pressed for a while but the pressure was soon relayed, Campbell, playing his first game in Intermediate, scored Oshawa's fourth soon after he had taken to the field, when he grabbed off a loose ball out in front of the net and went on In and scored, This ended the scorig for the first period, Goals came fast and furious in the second session and the visting onlie wis kept busy picking the ball out of the net, Daniels scored the Afth on 4 nee effort whieh af the al tender no chance, "Sailor" Luke scored the next one, Campbell passed to Luke whe took the ball en the run and scored with a hard shot, Gar- rison got another soon after on a lone effort which ended with a nice shot, The next goal was scored from a scramble in front of the net, Luke passed to Campbell who shot at the net, The ball hit the goalie and bounced out, A scramble ensued and the ball came to rest in the net, J. Cardinal got the ninth goal when h drifted the ball in on a nice shot, This ended the sharpshooting for the secs ond session, Oshawa eaped up on the attack in the second half and scored only two Joule in the third and two more in the fourth, "China" got thie tenth goal on one of the nicest plays of the game, G, Luke got his second when he came down the centre again and took a pass and scored with a long shot, Bovin made it the even dosen in the fourth quar tor when he scored on a pass from Perry, Red Cardinal added Bla contribution about halfway through the last session, to make the "bakers dosen" The game ended with Oli awa launching still another attack, The Shamrocks lined up an follows i Goal, Stokes; Peint, Stephen; Co- ver, Harer 1st defence, Logan; ane defence, 11. Luke: Jed defence, G. Take) contre, Perry) ded, home; J. Carding; and Home, Danlelsy 1a home, Novint outside, Garrison; ins wide, MW, Cardinal; subs, Baves. Campbell and Armour, Referee=1, LaRoy, The game was played in torrid heat and there was only & handiyl of spec tators on hand, to witness the gwne but nevertheless the Shamrocks went to work with a will and swept the visltors completely off their feet, The game. win fairly fast and while» the heat effected the tempers somewhat, the players kept themaelves in check and the official In charge did not have to inflict a single pepalty, " The Millbrook team was seriously handicapped by the absence of their regular goalie but they were outs played in every departinent of the field and the acting gonli® Was given little or no chance on any of the shots which went by hin hen M The members of the Oshawy team took advantage of the opportunity to hoost thelr goalsacoring averages and most of them succeeded adinirably Garrison and Bovin led the way wit three goals aplece. The home field A nigely and wostsoi the gogls "Yeah, and now he's out of a came un A regult of shart AT {ri Job, The poor guy called every: tion attacks which left the visitors thing a foul" flat-footed, The Oshawa defence held ------------ firmly broke up the Millbrook ats ADDITIONAL SPORT |cevagng sth ck sce ¥ ON PAGE TEN ers, Stokes played a conl, steady game fn the nets and while he did not have a great deal of work to do, he made several nice saves and earned | his shutout, OH NO: PEOPLE BORE MK ANY WIRY FIND YOUR HUSBAND VERY INTER BOTING WE PREFER TO NT OUT HERE - from a shutout hy scoring four minutes after the game hegan, MeClure, however, tied the count in the same wession, In the third quarter Clarke put the loeals ahead while he and Fleming res gintered, the Pavilion and the occasion of this being & return game with Too H was taken advantage of (0 stage A dinner at which H, Hawarth was the guest of honour, It wan during the game with the same club on me Tth at University of Toronto that Marry created a cricket record by taking seven wickets with weve on consecutive deliveries And se on Maturday the self same two teams came together after the Isague game around the festive board to pay tribute to this unique performance, The ball with which Mawakih hileved this record as been mount. Oshawa Soccer Teams Both Win Roth of Oshawa's soccer teams were vieterious on Saturday alter noon in their league games, The Nats, defeated Mount Dennis United rather easily by a score of J ta 0, This victory puts the Nats, in second place but they must win every game to have a chance for the league title, The City won a nice vietory from the Ontario Hospital at New Toronto, The home team scored two goals in the frst half but the City eame back strong when they had the wind and sun at their backs and scored four times to win the ganfe 4 102. The City and Nats, have been drawn against each other in the Ontario Cup games, They are playing a twosgame series, goals to count, The first game will be played at the Motor City Stadium on Thursday and the return game at Alex andra Park the following Thursday. While there is no {ll-feeling, a great deal of rivalry exists between these two teams and the series should he w good one, There ix no doubt that these games will attract a large number of vorees a Stella Walsh Sets NewMark t 4 Cornwall, Aug S==With one Canadian r smashed when Stella Walsh, the Cleveland flyer breasted the tape in 10 4-§ seconds women's 100-yard dash | Suits ...... Scotland Woollen' 8. ROTISH, Manager gH CHAINS OF HAWIT "Poor old Archie, Hure ia tough' about him, Ian't 8?" d "Toy! I don't wea why, Of course I know he fan't muoh of a heavyweight, but the last I heard," "Yeah, the last you heard he'd given up the boxing racket and be. come an umpire, huh? But did you hear the rest of 11?" "Naw, what was that?" "Well, he got a job all right, and for a Httle while it looked like he might be a success in baseball, But his old habit was too much | for him, Frank" YHADILY You means" a "Roll Your on" ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE PAPERE PEI 0 3:5 weconds, the fecond annual fleld aad of the Cornwall Branch 83 of the Canae and suitably inscribed, forming dian Legion provided plenty of ex-|an appropriate trophy, Mr, W, H, oltement for upward of 10,000 Moore, the newly elected member spectators, of Parliament for Mouth Outarle, In creating a mew Canadian re-| Vice President of the St, Georges cord of 10 4-5 asconds, Ntella Walsh | Or lub, oi LA] Bora Sells Yah Cricket Club, a devotes of the ue anaes to beat Key game, and father of tha popular 120 Leaf Book & 54. "i " vy 10 Tach ily" Moore of the Oshawa tea The futomatie hook, ' One * bi hy waste, 110 leaves So Owain by stout WAS present and met with a very Demand refuse imitations Be etter tl ete AAA Chevs, Defeat 0, M. I --- Game Tonight The Chevs, won the benefit game with the Malleables on Saturday night at the Stadium and there was a good crowd of fans on hand, The game was not as Interesting as most of the meetings of these two teams but the fans got their money's worth, During the game, the umpire and one of the spectators indulged in an exchange of opinions, The discussion was continued after game in a more strenuous manner, This sort of thing may provide added excitement but it certainly doesn't boest Ladies' softball, 'The Malleables and Chosen Friends nieet at the Stad- fum tonight in a scheduled game. The Chevs, travelled to Owen Sound on the Heliday and played twa games there, losing the first ene, § to 2 and winning the second § to J re d | A Mller Was not hearty reception, and made the , mien have. rin even presentation to Marry Hawarth in or the & happy, racy, speech, pleasing to MoMaitin Gold | ty he en's pers Ahly the Toot iomt of the trophy and all Cup for t amancombe West Rud NCA PiNTem Prose. , B, Crummer, Chatham Cols ' to Institute, tied with 10 wag you oned="It {n't necessary th and each will receive a knows everything."=Answers, amall gold replica of the cup, BRINGING UP FATHER -- WMAT 194 MOTHER ? Be "Yon Casalun hath a Ioan and, hungry look" "Yeah, he just finished luneh - in a sandwich shop." By Geo. McMasue WELL: OF ALL THINGS ? tell your wife She WHERE | Your FATHER? HERE ARE nets NO (|| Baan: TS BORON E WHERE TO 88 FOUND «| | || Mu. BEY WE 1D WONG: Pll FIND WIM "ON THE LEVEL" ihn avian. Vie, is, dame hunting again in TODAY AND this new poppy, WEDNESDAY SROppy romance, ' "Its Cool at the Regent"

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