Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Aug 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1930 WHITBY ROVERS AND TEXTILES WIN LAST NIGHT'S SOFTBALL TILTS A SII ST FEIN Helped by Numerous Errors, Whitby Rovers Give Bad Beating to Chosen Friends Rovers Pound Chosen ' 1 Friend Pitcher Hard and Losers Have Decided "Off Night" -- Final Score of Affair 1s 34.8--Winners Are Completely Masters of Game at All Times sheridan, p. 7 4 4 1 f Nowman, r, 6 f° # Hh § Watson, it 7 Hh #& & 0 3 Be 26 47 14 1 Bagas on halls --off Vishey 2; off Bheridan 4; siruek out, hy igher 6, hy Bhevidan 4; two hase hits, Pareall, M, Vorresiey, BKheys Idan, Snowden; theea base hits, Newman: sacrifices hits, Loti, Vishs ary wtolep hases, B, Neeoe, 'T, Mondy 2, Plsher, Varvell, Wilcox, Lott, Newman, Watson Shorelint Wins Feature Race M u, ¥ gwamped heneath a DAVIkge of wisn hits, and guilty of LULL han 17 vecavded rove, the Chos en Friends went down in PUN INK tafant hefore Whithy Ladies au night, The final score Was Ba-8, (thosen Vylends (Ame elogs 10 piling up A record for TOFS only wo of thely team anloyed eyroy {ars evenings in tha field. J, Movghi at short and 1 slondy in right he 4 urning in pervieet defensive Bam h Miss Fisher, in the how, avarie anced hey strikeou tote) of ve with an erroy tolpl of »iy, wh i the other hil of the bitlevy, TL wpnowden, added thres more, whith coved enough runs win the gna i ons inning the einth, when the rushed nina yun aernss the pails In this {rane (hey put fogel hey (lpran BINEIGH two doubles, a health triple, sacyifice and hnses gilned on four (thosen Vriend 1 Amaes their inning total awh and Miss Watson had Vi) ving during the Fning Miss Watson and Mis hared the batting honors for winners, with four hits apiace of Miss Eheridan's blows went fol (wn Lase: Despite the heay slug ging, no honois weve maude during | | Ag § Canadian held the centres of the plage at Hamilton yesterday whoa glx of the hatter class domest! racers met in the Alexandyin Hap It ep, In this Bhorelint earvied th Canary and Black siiks of the hornctifta Btable to vietory aver tha mile and » sixteenth Tha neavast contender at the dn'sh wan J, 1, Bmaliman's Gay Parison, which wore the winner down to he heaten hy hut half a length, ville an additional length further hak the Besgram Stahie's Kipling clos ed fast 10 be third, The plaved (vin inn division hy themselves gnp of five lengths axisied Kiting and Willingdon, fourth, i, HH, News Ay a tivad Ah to lend 1 Perviapide Hamitton bred horses ote in ereni Miss vieh wor und an hetweyn whieh wa ihieridan the | mand One| only other stariay Mannning Juniors Put Willowdale Out of Race the ERIE Migs Wilson fective of the ( arg, with tives (rips to the plate Har team fall ad Lo come up to her example, ani phe wags lef! marooned on the ha oa each time ingle run Hoth (eam apening pasm ('hosen failed to count in the frst the wpecond, while Whithy anven, and after that the Friends were never in the Chosen Velends AIH 3 | LU] Nees h fi Mood rf 1 1 0 0 9 inowden,. f ] ' | (| |) | fH nt 0 n most hinsen Friend sli | lag In hey hve wis | All ? Hy healing in uw well played game Manning A, t', became of the Boy Coup having won playoffs 11 played hefora Hhaw and final seore rantn Willowdale Inst night, junior champions ell Bofthall Leagur the first game of (he on The game wa i urge crowd Dundas diamond being 11 tn 4 fin tte night the affalr wan all Manning thelr supremacy hedng challenged anly onea In the third Inning when with twa nut Willawdnalon eonnveted for wo double and an hraea of single | CIOUIR To put aver three rane ng falling tn seore a in the | Friends hall of ran in ('hosen pleture grored nee AL the play PO, AK Biblock, oh Fighar, p Wilson, If Morgan, Farrell, of Wileoy, th | Lacrosse Returns To 0 1| Kingston After Absence { | : a of Twenty-Five Years (0 R18 14 Whithy ladies Allawn rf } } Watson ho R fi | Kingston, Aur, 2 In the first | leagun game nf Inerps played LL here In more than 86 vears, Madi } 0h sone, of Otawn, defeated Prim ¥ D1 poser, alan of Ofawa, hy (he sonra i LU] Blot 4 in thee Riehardonn ¢ 8 6 1 Df gium before a rrawd of over | Apaciptoy -- [The $25.00 1: He arrester Long, of Ltt, h ' Rlow, 1h I wa 1,000 Ba rafareed hy veteran rughy and tay, while a feature nf | Tailor-mad Tailor-made § 1 the gama was the Inteaduction to uits lds AEE i! the fans of ¥, 1 Lally, of Corn Scotland Woollen Mills {| wall Hetwean the halves an ox» | hibition nf lacrasss was given hy BN HOTINH, Manager HAMA Was Hawlf two (eams of Kingdton's youngsi ers TU SATURDAY MONDAY martin 2 Days Htark drama and rough mountain justice In the wild Kentucky hilly where all liquor is moons shine, A deadly feud centering about, the beautiful village schools teacher, Npleed with hilarity and olimaaed by seh a feast of mad, hing viding such an woo Tovey before saw in any pletupet With KATHRYN CRAWFORD "SERENADING * SADIE" MUSICAL COMEDY CONEY.ISLAND oo COMBADEN WEEKEND PARTY VAUDEVILLE SRY Agia BASEBALL RECORDS EO CL] INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won ti he Rochoster ior ri0 HB Baltimore coer renih Forento irre rvees BB Montrenl orev ns 80 Buttle covvvinnns ha NOWRYK i rrernnr BR dovusy CY corvviens Bending ovine Vriday's Weorves Woehoster 41 Toronto 44. Baltimore 4 NeWwhrk 104 darsey City 1h Reading +s Montreal , 12 Buffalo NATIONAL LVAGUK Wan 10st ' A Ira LL rrrees A ' pone d rere Brooklyn +, Chicago 4 Now York, wt, Lonls 4. Pittsburg Boston Cincinnati i" "hilndeiphin 44 Friday's Weoves New York 10 Boston TR) Brooklyn ...0 Philadelphia ] WM, Lows 10 Cineinnatl { Chicago 10 Pitshirg / AMERICAN 1LVAGLY Won Last an 4 ho 40 M00 ho Ahh hi Bis ro AK ih REE EERE pret e PL LE] hh ULE hip ih 442 inn 147 Philhdelphin Washington New York ,ovo0000:80 4B Cleveland ov 000 04 BO Poatrolt viva are id HA CheRBD vivre re id RP Bl, Linuls i AB Boston nh He 118 Entered In Canadian Amateur Open Toronto, Aug, 2. Ons hundred and eightean entrants far he Canadian amateur golf champion ship to ha played at the Landon Ont, Hunt Club, commencing neat Monday, wera paired off for Ih Bh-hole qualifying round hy offiel pls of tha Neyal Canadian Golf Association yestorda) I, WK, Arkell of und HH, MaeFarlane Que, will lead the procession ul! E00 am, Eastern daylight time and will ba followed at five-min ute Intervals hy the rest of th field, the laet paler in ten off In the moveing round being RH 7 Gray of Toronto, and 1, 1, Van Zant of Tulse, Okla The B23 lowest scovers in Lhe medal round will meet in dally mateh play of 06 holes, culminat {Ing In the semifinals on Friday {and the final on Haturday EERE Pree London, Ont of Montreal NATIONAL LEAGUE rrr CUBS WIN AGAIN Uhicago, Aug ? Gahhy Havinett's big bat and some op portune hitting by the rest of the Cubs hoosted the National Leagu champions to & 10:7 vietory novel Pittsburg in the opening game uf the series Hartnett accounted for a homa run and a pair of doubles to lead hin assault, whieh stavied on Meine: and finished on Npenoar Meine wan rapped for four runs In the first ianing and vetivad In [aver of Bpencer with one oul GIANTA TAKE ANOTHER New York, Aur go Freddy Lindstrom supplied the hig share of the New York Giants' batting Atrenkth yosterday and sant the Roston HBeaves. down to their third straight defeat, 10 to 4, Lindstrom hit twa home vuns, a double and A angle, driving In als runs CARDS TAME REDS Clneinnatl, Aug, &,The Car dinaly, hehind the fourhit piteh ing of Wild Bill Hallahan, yoater day game out of a threa Weeks plump, duving whieh they lost MARY EAMES hy one Pun Margin, and pounded out a 10:1 vietory over the Reds DODGERS WIN NNRIEN 8:1, Philadelphia, AUR, 2==The Brooklyn Robins hammered Harry Amythe for five runs In the sixth inning and pounded his sucoessor, Ace Kiliott, for threa more in the soventh to defeat the Phillies you terday, 0-4, Brooklyn won the sep fen, #41, Babe Herman's home run, hig twenty-fourth of the season, Waa the deciding wallop, Tha blow, made With two on hase In the AIEth, enabled the Robins to overs come a lead, PORT SNAPSHOT By Ono, Caxrema, Sporis Bditer Whithy Rovers Rub It In The Whithy Rovers muy have | Wee In iw row but the Movers sertainly gob even list night, pounded the Chosen Vriend's pitcher much worse, the "Friends" obliging Crrars full mds antag hall of the schedule . 'The losers certainly had an "off night! and the It heging to look as if Whithy might take the second heen defeated by the Chosen Priends They hard and alten and Lo make matte ly made the small sum of seventeen Rovers took ' ' Textiles Defeat Times I'he Fimen and the Textiles put up a smart solthall tle last night at Cowan's Viark and the crowd of fans who were on hand were trested 19 # YEIY Nice hamers in one Thomsen wi was tied nt the game the hatters wha sent end of the sixth hi \s + Two Imporian hee Lehi The wnd while it Is that they concerned und then ul 10 keep 4b Beplors must win today rumoured the we think will need wll of tures for today wie Auris Peterboro baseliatl, group a hard voud ahead of | Heekman wi Anrihs hi It is duties in wl expected tht Al teyhara uniiarm Big Kporis Day I he sport miter of the Ca program of cports for the pumas! pe on. Monday. A program of fourteen far adults h hall ganies, gon, and one af 'Win chatrmanship of Will hued wt $200, for the ify heen drawn up, and hetween Oshaw the '0 Bran he betwen Wl also Dgure in the Jones Fug der the prices, em lan th will |} In wddy (raat da pores entertainment attractions thal one LJ Li Fhe Newsles performed ti innings off the offerings of Art Rodgers, we two important games todey ws tur as the Balt are gOIE Lo Ly kh few new thic Oshawa Nits Teal wl getting two Kitehan and the ball on its Journe The senre it finally the Texiiles broke away . M tL Games Today sport ting of there 15 the IRerusse game thelr hanes for a te for first plas tricks, two most important CONN them, The coer gime al the Stadium and the in Veterhore The feel equnl to the task, pluyolt game, hem but they wep the mound | once apuin Like v ' For Veterans nadian Legion has organized a gress tg be held ut the Kiwanis Camp events for children and twelve events will be nie, in addition there two soll nd Pore Perry branghe ho osolthall team and the I'he sports commitiee, un ef the Le Executive PrAgIAM haw lined up wn wonderful array of 80 that the veterans should have a he committee his arranged for other the ouing a memorable It ! elp to make ' M \ Intermediate Lacrosse Game Monday sha A I'he holiday attraction | between Oshawa Bhamrocks and put up wR feated record he plaved d game and the locals I'he game is tadium ' 3 Benefit Ga solthall it the heneint kn da real hig crow what I » LJ schedtled fog wa in the intermediate lacrosse games fillhroo) ANIONS 10 10h pm hese twa teams alwira wre nerease thelr unde and of course, will me Tonight game tonight, The CC) when these hand tonight ve, OMI inpen teams mevi | on LJ Phillips Play Times Tuesday Times ir Tuesd their tie Phillips and the HAMe Ver again on 'hillips win this game they place, Tha Times ave playing sma bu hard to heat, The will game is down sor lthall teams Alexandra Park, 1 the cornered tie for third rt ball at the present gime and will ta start ul 6.45 ptermediate will pla iy night mt Teale un Town pm aharp wir a a Golfer Makes Hole:in-One And Then Repeats When Showing "How It's Done" Rostom, Aum. ? Mont will tell you one holedpn-onn enough, If they helleva sich a thing aver happened Minn Kleanor La honte, member of the Charles River Coutey Club Andes them «an Hy dane, On Wednesday, she got off a beautiful' fren whol op the fourth tee and the ball triekisd inte tha hola LAN yards awa In a mateh Thursday as a mam har of tha women's four-ball team aaainnt Wellesley, nha told friends on the pama tea! "1 shot o lolein ona hepa onen hefors thin week Here's haw it's dona! Anatheg beautiful fron alot, and the hall again volled inte the oup for an other holedn-one INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL LEAGUN HEANA LONE AGAIN Baltimore, Md, Aug, Belin Koupal won the Hith and rubber game of the sovies from the Naw: ark Hears here yesterday with a perfact hunt on squeese play alan to seore Heffner in the eighth, This run gave the Hook a 0:2 vie Lory, Only ane home run marked the contest, and thin was secured hy Joa Hauser, It was hin forty-Hest of the suasen and kept him out in the lead hy a comfortable margin, TWO MG RALLINS Roading, Va, Aug, Jo dormey Clty aplit oven in the four-game series with Reading hy pounding goifers | In | rom [ out A IBR yietory yesterday, The | taamn staged a wild fourth inning, Bach weaving elEht runs, Max West hit & homer for the Pests In the Hh with no one on hase ROYALA THOUNCH BIBONN Montreal, Aug, 2 The Royals hammered oul 16 hits off Cowboy Tombin to capture the third game of their series here with the Rul faln Risons, 18 tn § Amith was driven out in the eighth ana Pamoraki's tine relief hurling averted probable disaster for the Royals, The locals wont ahead With four Yuns on twa ereers thee singles and a hit batter mn Lhe Flea Inning and were always in front | Oakwood Grads Win From Torontos 64 Toronto Aug, 1 Oakwood [ Cloadn detonated Torontos in a wen [tor "RY game at Orang Btadium Iast night, 6 ta 4, The lesen wera minus four of thele regulars, and inserted some of they Juniors Inte the feay, In the frst peciod the Grads helped themsslves to threes goals vin Vareos and House, the latter getting two, whila Hun dle tallied for the Wiues, In the seoond frame, . the Grads noreased their lead hy two when House and Johnston hulged the twine, olossly followed hy a nice effqrt by Car roll, of Taronton Thea Rlussn were all aver the Grads at the start of The third planta, whan Carroll got in closs enough for a niea tally, hut Mouse aame haok with another for the fivads, Vareos ended the seoring of the game for the Rluas, the last frame going seareless, "Tha hoya wont at it an If the ehamplonship depended on the autonome, HOMERUN STANDINGS Home Runs Yeelarday Ruth, Yankeow, 2; Iindstrom, Giants, 4; Bool, Viates, 4; Her: man, Robins, 1; Hartnett, Cubs, 1; Akers, Tigers, 1; Bosihern, Phil lies, 1; Kress, Browns, 1, The 1enders Yankees, #8; Wilson, Cubs, 4%; Gehrig, Yankees, #4; Kisin, Phillies, 24; Voss, Alh atien, 49; Berger, Braves, 27 Ruth, Poor Pitching Loses Game For I oronto Tovonta, Aug Boo Yoslardny WAR Just another day an fay ap the fans were concer nen, and as hy an the Lenis were conserned ns wall, Oneca again the local twirl ors talled Lo come through, and us A resull the lesgus-ieading Hed Wings captured the second game of the series, 11 to #, Daspita the fuel, thet It was Ladies' Day wl the Fleet Sires Bladium, (he locals vould not come through vith a win, although (they hed plenty of opportunities Frank Barnes was Mansger O'Neill's choles of mound duty, und an was the cass in the opening game of the series, the origins! nelaetion felled to stand the pace and was roplaced hy Niek Harel Fon in the third Inning after the visitors had camhed his offerings for 10 hits and 7 runs, One thing in Burnen's (aver, he sxperianced Hitle trouble in finding the plate In fart his niin was so good hai the battling Red Wings never hesitated to hit the ball hard and often arvison Inefieetive HarviBon In the relieving rales, although he finished the game, did not prove sueh a greal pus kle, allowing' four runs and five hits as well as genarally helping "long the visitors' oause by dis trihuting six charities, Whan right, there Ia little doubt but that Ha vison has plenty of "stuft"' on the hall, hut when he is not on edge ha has the greatest diffleulty in putting the ball aver the plate, On Iwo or three ogeasions yesiarda he walked batters on four pitahod halle, ones in tha sixth, walking [Wo in a vow before having a srike galled on the hitters, In the latter Inatapen, the twa charities wera followed hy un scorching triple hy Martin, This turn of fate appeared to ineensn Harrison to sueh good affect that he "hore down' on the next two batters and retired them an strikes AMERICAN LEAGUE BARE RUTH HAR PERFECT DAY Howton, Aug, U,- Bahe Ruth siariad the new month with wo home vung yesterday and another hig fellow of the New York Yah hoon, Charley Rufling, heat the Hed Fox, 4 to 1, to clean tha four kame series, The Habe hit his thirty-setenth homer of tha sensei off. Hovade Lisonbes in the first inning with nena on base, then clouted No, 48 In the ninth off Milt Gaston, scoring Rulfing ahead of him, He alan walked (wien and hit a double for a perfect day al hat INDIANS BEAT BROWNS Bt, Louis, Aug, B.=-Tha Clove land Indians, acoripg two runs in the fiest Inning, maintained an ad vantage throughout and defeated the Bt, Louis Browns In the firs gama of thelr series here yestor day, 4 in A, TIGERS CLOUT BALL Detroit, Aug, 2.-<A barrage of LT hite, which went for £0 bases, gave the Tigera a 18 to 4 vietory over the Chicagn White Rox In the fivat of a four-game series here youiavda) While tha Tigers wars getting to Duteh Henry for six hits In the frat and second innings to give him his fifteenth ds AoUROn, and maltreating his suo oamnnr, Karl Whitehill, was hold: Ing the Box to sight his and aes oumulating his seventh connseutive vietory, ASA -- TRAIN FOR HENINY Arookville, Aum, BoA 100 pound foursoared orew, stroked hy Albert Kelly, and an 186 pound four, with George Power stroking Are in training with the possib ity that they may he sent to tha Canas flan Hanley as representatives of tha Brookville Rowing Club, Gen Ald Rearvian, oluh single seuller, a Alan training for the Henley, Textiles Defeat Times In Well-Played Game 11-6 Times Batters : Get Two the last three fenings seoring hres [in the seventh, ons In the sighth Homers on Rodgers in and two more in the last, Tha Timon were held wpeoreless (or hs One Inning ~-- Game Is | rest of ihe gems, i The game wan (asl and vary ine Fast ond Full of Good tarasting and wak heightened hy " HGYETR] KnRppy plays, Softball = Textiles Hit Parish and Gower were the load, ing hatter with three safe hity & Heavy and Often to Win ie | Morris and Haley sech had Game. two and wll the other members of thee Textiles togm had one, Mogi) Had the Vimes with two and Ki Lehen, Burr, Thomenn IAs ang wan 10 ha expected, ihe Ta len' Aafanton the ¥ iman lak! night | Vetaraon each had one, but what was unexpected, the] The ean Times put wp # baits which ex | Times Kitchen, ¢, Bure, tn, tended the Plushmen to the Umit | Thomson, ef, 14008, LE, Vetarson, The game was played at Cowan's | 1h, Toppings, win, Hubbell, rf, Park and was & postponed game, | Hood, Gh, Magill, p, and Brown, § Tha Ann) scores was 11 tn bh hut at) the end of the sisth Inning tha seore win tied wt Avaenil Onen| fy Parigh, again, Art Rodgers proved hail hy, mainstay of his team and helped | Half his cause along hy aceounting for Linplvag slaven putouls himaelf, vin the srikeont roils Neither Team peared In the fArst threes Innings and the crowd warmed up Bs 1ha gamn progressed wo favourably, The | fam textilon hroks away An the 1ouvti | jefe when Ava hits, two erors anid n walk gave tham Ave rine The | UNewEIes" cama hack with one | when Thomson walked and sive hits hy Little and Je seared him, Thimes avaned up the game In the fourth when the a splurge of hits, Hubbell out; Hood did likewise men aul, 'hy sirikennt onsed up for A moment Nowsion grasped ha Hika mn ""Ara-snle hiargnin slariad things nul right triple and his hattary-mals cohen, rapped the pill for a Bure followed with another hit and | Hie ty!! "Thomeon Avova the sphere hgh and far for a lovely homes run | | | Taxtilog Brady, af, Carver, |, Hodgere, p., Gower, Marvik, % bh, Badd, 4 and Turner, rf Garrow anid WW, hy Knog, WILLIAME BTARTH KAN 0, TRIAL MET Yaneouver, Aug. | Percy W (5) print ghamping, here Thursday night with In Hurry Warven, runney, and fetiinremid, eld sar, to -vepresent the Canadian rack held hampiaonships In onto. The meet will he held prior to the Lmpirs meat at Hamilton hai "he 4 Jo | ! Aiud] h Win ecompan (L hy With two | ABE? Bert Davidson and Coach Hoh Kodgars ranger, Duncan MeNaughton, Yen he ho will alsa represen ni left far Toronto n few npportunity | i Anvi wal VOR mpl Avihia RUCOuver in Lunn I'm LEIRIN fine US ny and | {10 Mugil! with » Kit homey TAtcle flaw aut (a Hradd to end the The feamy battled UMBI ) two mora Innings and then the | Tostilen drew away, They hunched | EEIRCIREINT olght hits and four sacrifes hits In' 1 rally, on In (0 dw! Wivwi LAUGHS ROARS / T™e big chin: andegrin man In a refreshing ror Manes filled with and fun Oshawa's Favorite Funster JACK OAKIE won WH om MARY BRIAN AKENTA GALLAGHER OLIVE NORDEN "The Social Now Playing It's His Happlest Grin Invasion Next Attraction STARTING TUESDAY VICTOR | McLAGLEN a | a] "ON THE LEVEL" BRINGING UP FATHER , , » NOW M ane] ar WYER RD ON ow DVT HERR - A By Geo. McManut Th vo oF. MORE COMFORTABLE IP Yaw HAT ON THE "i FLOOR: \ -» NEO THANKS \ LIKE TO DWING MY FRET MARES Mg RRL : Noun f BY GOLLY WoL Wave | TE FRELYOWUNG TO BE ABLE TO SWING A SRT OF FRE LAWE THEM « \'r

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