Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Aug 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX ESA ING THE OSHAWA DAILY IMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1930 Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community Social and Personal otes for the Social Column and other items of news for the should bear the name and address of the senile, addressed to N omen's and should t B85, Kindly avoid writing on both sides of the Miss Sally Rainish, of New York, formerly of Oshawa, is in the eity for a few weeks, visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs, H, M, Black, and family, Masson Street, are leaving to-day to spend the month of Au- gust at thelr summer home, Couch- fehing Point, Lake Couchiching, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Mounce will spend the week-end holidey with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, H. M, Black, al thelr summer home, Coulchighing Point Misses Velma and Irene Bone, Brock Street, have returned from a motor tour through the « Thousand Islands, Montreal, and Ottawa, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs, I Ww, Kaiser, Cedar Street, Oshawa guests AL the Assembly, Lake Rosseau, are Miss Marion Burns, Mr, and Mrs, N, Johns, and Mr, Jack Kelley, Muskoka Mr. and Mrs, George M, Wtone, | Westmount, Montreal, were guests of thelr nephew, Mr. A, W, Bell and Mrs, Dell, Bimcoe Hireet Mouth North, last week, Dr, and Mes, #, D. Phillips Are spending the week-end and holiday al Wasaga Beach, Miss Jean Bain, of this city, In spending the summer vacation al her home in Fergus, Ontarlo, r. and Mrs, ¥, J, Balles, Bim: or fouth, Mr, and Mrs Jack Beaton, Connaught st root, and Mr, and Mrs, W. A, Coad, Rimeos ftreet North, are spending a holls day at Lake Weslemakoon Those from oul of town who ats tended the funeral of the late Mrs, Jennie James were Mr. and Mri, Russell Hunter, Mr, and Mrs, W gE, Caldwell, Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Keith, Mr. and Mra, Jolliffe, and Mr, Thomas James, all of Toronto, and Miss White of Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs, Cleve Fox of this city, were In London, Ontario, yes tarday, to attend the Hpartan Na- die Convention and the opening of the new Hpartan Radio Factory which will begin operation at once in that eity, Mr, and Mrs, Gamble and thres children Wanda, Carl and Noel, Mrs, Bert Martin and won and daughter Grace and Perl, Mr, and Mrs, Moy Morphy and daughter Audrey, Miss M, Mayers and Mr Arthur Rogers left on Friday to spend the holidays in Huntaville Miss Madge Hannah, was taken completely by surprise one even ing recently when a number of her friends gathered at her homa 10 honor her bafare she leaves thi city to make her home In Montreal A delightful social hour when readings, and musi were rendered hy the guests Was spent, Miss Han. nah, who is a dancer of no mean talent and ability, entertained with several solo dances, A gift of & beautiful purse was prosented tn Miss Hannah, and with It a very fiting address in whieh her friends expressed thelr regrat, that she Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH REPAIRING WATCHES OUR PECIALTY It your walch ls uot giving satistaction we oan repav and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN HE JEWELEN Otticia) Wateh laspector for Canadian National and Osh. awa Railroads a, WW. Phone 180 NOTICE! "The Times" will publish re ports of meetings of all Wo. men's Organizations in the community. Kindly, address such to Women's Page Ed: jtor or Telephone Number 35. When writing remember to use only ene side of paper, Near Cor, King & Simcoe St MONE 22 For Your Drug Needs An VvMPSONY 0 hos MB w= We Deliver camp without having those 'hings was leaving thelr minst and niko thelr best wishes for her future success, 'The note was signed by all who were present: Misses Mil dred Bull, ¥rma Shuliz, Velma Harris, Doris Hopkins, Catharine Bull, L4ly Phillips, Jean Martin and Margo Delorme, Miss Hannah voiced her surprise and apprecin- tion In a charming manner, The party was made completa with the serving of a dainty lunch, GIRL GUIDES ARE OFF T0 CANP Bus Load of Guides And Their Luggage Travel to Fenelon Falls -- "Hurrah we've off to camp' and they wurely ware, "Twenty-eight (Guides, members of the Arst nnd second Oshawa companies, packed "hag and baggage' into the bus provided for them by the Rotary Club drove off from North Simeoe Behool yesterday afternoon, head od north, to thelr camp site at Fenelon Falls, Cameron. lake, A dream of weeks passed had ae tually come true when good-hyes had been sald and waved apd the bits was rolling northward on ita way to the eamp, which was still even then, a dream camp, Mothers, Dade, big sisters, little brothers, and aven one tiny pup, were there to see the Juldes off, No one waw late, in fact, many wera ready anil walting three quarters of an hour hefore leaving time, and all were there at the nieeting place hefore the bus arrived, When it did, there was A frantie rush to plle in all the luggage, and still leave altiing | room, .Dunnage bags of every | shape and size and color were | stowed away The one long | "sausage bag" wan convenlontly | tucked away but there was difenlty | in Anding places for some of the | others that resembled anything | from pack-mule outfits to over stuffed laundry bugs I Was a pussle at frst to know where to put the rakes that simply could not he left at home, and then with the mention of rakes, a wild seream want up in one section of the crowd, for a certain group had overlooked thelr rake That meant a desperate dash to the home of the girl who lved nearest and whore father fortunately could furnish the necessary article fram his garden tools, Finally a place had heen found for everybody und everything, and through the opun windows of the bus mothers and big sisters sald thelr last good byes and gave thelr final warnings to "he good" and "do he careful of the water," Who ever goes to Lieutenant Alice Pitehes, was In charges of the Guides on the trip, The Guides expected to arrive at the camp late In the afternoon, Mrs, Rateliffe, Distriot Captain and her efMolent staff, who went out en Thursday would he there to meet them with much In the way of camp making completed, The camp staff is com posed of very capable women and girls all of whom have had. somo experience In the work of whic they are to be in charge this sums mer, It was only five minutes after scheduled starting time that roll wai ealled and the heavy hus py!l od out frem tha curb and hit the trail north, The sixteen Guides from Whithy who are also to he at the camp loft about the same time this afters noon, They were travelling In pris Yale Cars, The Oshawa Guides who are at camp are! Lieutenant Allee Wit ohes, Millicent Histon, Fairley Kvans, Molva Titley, Anne Tyrrull, Florence Fitohes, Annie Anderson, Dora Sweet, Mary Andrews, Killeen Copeland, Margaret Danlels, Jean Wilson, Audrey Rombough, Louise Dennett, Ida Clifton, Katheleen Cuming, Olive Favell, Genevieve James, Marjorie Breault, Margaret Gowdy, Florence Robertson, Patries ia Hobbs, Vi Wilbur, Kvelyn Rows den, Yvonne Yourth, Maisie Yourth Lillian MeDowaell and Petty Hobbs, The Culdes from Whithy who are attending the camp ureis- Marjory Ruddy, Marjory Jarrett, Marguerite MoCarthur, Jean Mos Carthur, Betty Lawler, Kathleen Woods, Dorothy and Vivian Rice, Hildagarde Goodfellow, nobel Hal land, Anna Town, Jean and Mary MeConnell, Beth Melntyre, Mada. line and Betty MoHaleo, sald to them? WOMEN'S MEETING | CENTRE ST. LADIES AID SOCIETY The Ladies' Ald Society of the Centre St, United Chureh held their August. meeting on Thursday afters noon, on the beautiful lawn of the home of Miss IY, Baker, at Harmony, After a very short business session an interesting time wan spent in cons tests and games, followed by the us ual delicious lunch served in picnic style, Those winning prises in the various contests were Mr, W, R, Al chin, Mums: F. Clifford, Mrs, Me Clinehy, Mrs, A, Robinson, Mim F Baker and Mya, W, Po Knight, Among those present were guests from Saskatehewan, Irvington, NJ, CHAMPION MERMAIDS IN ROCKIES how glass can be made to shine if rubbed with soft paper? Try i on your windows, . hh 1 bold ds . / ig » PRETTY PARABOLA New beach parasols are made with only four sides Instead of the regular six or eight, Bome are white Jinan eambroidered, oihers Agaudy prints still others delicate pastels, 11 is smart to match your parasols with your bag and shoes in color CHILDREN'S BANDWICHEN When making sandwiches for a children's party, try making faces on the top of them, You can use sliead olives, pimento, cherries, orem cheese or many other adihle things to outline nose, ayes and big, smiling mouth, VAUATION EMPLOYMENT If you can work oul some am- ployment for your children that will occupy thelr leisure and give them a Vittles money, Loo, you are the iden) parent, Girly usually like sawing; let them do the mending for a consideration, Boys like ear pentering, Don't you need repairs or new contraptions? Decide on the wages hefors they star. the RECIPES NEW SANDWICH that plenle luneh, try new sandwich for something once hearty and tasty, Cut thin slices of rye bread, butter them this al Foy Champion lady swimmers and divers of the United Bates invaded Banff and Lake Louise this month ahd gave thrilling exhibitions in %he pools attached to the Canadian Pacific hotels at both resorts, dreds of guests at both hotels witnessed the show where skill and scenes of superb natural beauty make Ilustration team with a background of Lake louise and mouns a remarkable combination Mrs, Johnst ety, dies for the In enteitisinh their homes on, president of the | vil the kindne expres thinks Miss Baker y ul thi and ull having enjoyed pleasant alterneon | CW eddings Fam RRA NHERIDAN « ROSEN KAR Ald ) A Wan solemniged nt Mayol and My suturduy, August danghler, Audrey Kilenn. became ride of Chuan vey Martin Mi and Mra, Charles dheridan, Toron- | to Fhe vere fOoK pin iW four o'clock, with Nev, UG, A (CTT pastor of Port Hope United Charen | officiating | } Port Hom ly wedding home of HOURBY ERT, when thei the Fred on H) anly hae pheridan im of Wy wits begutitull whell I'he od In hridi frilled ankle length skirt On whe a bandean of pearl bridesmaid, Miss Klonnor sister of the groom, wort ing frock of pol hit Frank Lord, of Toronto, heat mun After the weremony a wits held at the home of the parents, where the bride's mother received In an exquisite gown smoked hive crepe and the groom's | mother in hecoming binek satin | and lace, On thelr return from a net hay with head I'he wheridan, | noeharm ti isti noted as pink reception | bride's ol Baby ills and ailments seem twice as serious at night, A sud den ery Jay mean colie, Ora sudden attack of diarrhea~a con. dition it ia always important to check quickly, How would you meet this emergency-=tonight ? ave you a bottle of Castoria ready? There is nothing that ean take the place of this harmless but effective remedy for children; Sotking. at aot quite the same, uite the same ¢ She Guile th same comforting For the protection of your wee one~=for your own peace of mind ==keep this old, rellable prepara of the lu {distriet; My | lice Hun | 1) shows the honeymonn in the reside in Toronto WAR V "Border Fail tains, Hanf, oanor Holm, Muskoka and Mrs Likes Khoridan will "| REDS ROUTED BY ETERANS cory pret | Demonstrations Planned at to Get Under Way Larante \ Ui Peace demonstrations brought a near riot al biter nationnl HUN S Ningura Full lust might, forced Hremen to aid po in dispersing 4 mob ut Sudbury rouulied An se¥en arrests at Nault St Marie and caused in Taronto At Ningara Falls w persed the Reds counter William verman ATFests Warn brandishin musket Hi shirt to In Attempts Ihorold and Niagara Falls, NY, side of the wired in seven nirest "n peddle college i another gowns Ogeen's Park demonstration and two alter a ILerintie nhartive ur veterans dis fistic en Hill, Nia the veteran Hritish arm du Communist demonstration mn Megritton A wan Higeles Aine wal display Ie Loaders Glad ta Escape Niagara Falls, ig E S are upset Om, A Ra 1 UR tion always on hand. But don't keep it just for emergencies; let it he an everyday aid, Its entle influence will ease and soothe the infant who cannot sleep, ts mild regulation will help an older child whose tongue ia eoated because of sluggish howels, have Castaria the Chas, H, Fletcher' the wrapper, TILLIE THE TOILER Oakland, Cal, and Confluence, Py Before leaving in the late evening All druggists genuine bears signature on ) They are, from left to right, Agnes Geraghty, Olymple swimmer; Catherine Ames; Lisa Lindstrom, metropolitan distance chumpion and Olymple swimmer; Constance national tates, 100 and 200 yards, back stroke; and Georgia Coleman, national champion diver, who is also inset, All are from New York, except Miss Coleman, who in from Los Angeles, Hghtly . and All between with » mixture of cucumber and either erah or shrimp chopped Ane and touched up with a little lemon jules or white wine vinegar, Junior metropolitan ¢hamplon of champlon; the United | ALLIED RALAD Another nies plenie dish ls made hy cutting up & small can of piman toes and adding 3 cups of diced { ealery, Pour a pint of boiling wat | ar over a oup of sugar, cool and add an envelope of gelatine that has heen dissolved In a little of the holling water, Btir In the pim ontoas and celery, and % bottle of tiny plokled onions and jules of a lemon Wal 0 Individual jelly moulds and pour mixture] aol AWAY Lo stiffen heralded international Com anticbimperial and © anti-war sari Falls Tast night glad 1 much munis celebration in A the allowed to escape Ihe end nf Ww KB o'cloed emo ended in lenders heing he Malls fine wi At least the Canadian the in the i! he hridge ¢heduled for ration BEKEY LOAF If you want a cold meat loaf for the pienie basket, try this Cans dian recipe for Beef Loaf Put through the grinder, with ths fine toothed cox on, 's Ib, raw ham and 8 Ihe. lean hes! Add 1 tea | spoon each of salt and pepper, FR orackers rolled into Ane orumbs, § | wellyheatan eggs, and 8 tablespoons | of cream or undiluted condensed milk Mix thoroughly, and press | halt of it Into a well greased bread loaf tin, Cut off a bit at hath ends of hall a doren hard bolled eggs | und places them end to end on the meat In the pan Pack the rest of the meal firmly around and over them, pressing down well and cover the pan Hake a full hour In & moderate oven---aor a it tle longer-~then uncover and baka another halt hour slowly, It may he swerved either hot ar cold, When slloed across the eggs will appear an dines in each alice decorative and delicious seething mass of pe O00 were present, awaiting (F pected invasion from the other side hat ins i materialize, be cunne the y aeross the river hibited and arrest the ple aston did 1 authori peaking |r 1 el tiurted their even speaker 1 on Ws address HELPFUL HINTS PAPER TOWELS something Is spilled tha stove tahle n paper will wash away the deed and then, how ensy Is as Landy Mae Nath said This will save Inundry pu the paner towel can he thrown AWN he paper towel can he ned ne A paper napkin, In many Instances, It ean ha spread ont when peeling an orange or a panch or an apple and the peslings mthared up in ahd thrown away, wnd so save dishwashing If paper towels are not avaliable, a plle of old newspapers stacked In the kit ehen near at hand for all thess PUPPORER cn serve vory nicely as a Iahor saver Have you noticed iS a Lie "Here are " two womens-- the makes ments, on on Lowe) When ol ton weekly pays her, expensive nundry equipment and does the laundry at home wethe other makes week. Iy payments to our driver and does it with a smile, hocause he gives her fn res turn the family way all done and ready to put away, You may be trying wo decide a similar problem, ot un tell you of our five diferent. services and the moderate charges involved, We have no doubt an to how rou will decide the miter, Please remember that all washings are done separately In soft, water without nny marking, Phone today or stop any one of our courteons drive or, IN A HOLLOW TREN Dessie saw a little fellow frish Phone 788 inte the hole in a tree and she ia ' wondering who he was, But would you believe it the little rascal was looking down at Reasia 'rom the tap of the tree and it vou want to see a picture of him, take your pencil and join all the numbered dots together, starting with dot number one and ending 434 Simcoe Street South with dot number forty-eight, EE (V6) "Bill Haven of Bouthmore "hig Alsatian police dog with an aristo- eratis background, from the Burk Kennels Toronto, is on a 7,000-mile trip from Toronto to Yokohama by Canadian Pacific ¥xpress and Vine press of Asia to the order of a Jupaness merchant of the latter city, During his lang journey the dog 1s In charge of Canadian Pacts fie officials, Twenty New Zealand athletes and twenty athistes from Australia hive already arrived at Hamilton for the Umpire Gages under the chairmen ship of ¥, W, Beatty, ehairman and resident of the Canadian Pacifie Allway, Theres will he represen. tatives from Creal Britain, South Afriea and nearly every provinces of Canada at the Games which are scheduled tn ba held in the Ontarie ¢ity next month, Doubling the population of Co. hourg for the day, a force of more than six thoussnd members of the Canadian Pacific Recreation clubs of Toronto and Trenton sel 4 new record for plonie attendances when the annus function was held there recently, The freedom of the city was conferred om the visitors for the day and the high spot of the sports, the Grout Cup, trophy of the softball mateh hetween the Toronto and Trenton clubs, was won (or the fourth year in succession by "ren ton, With an aggregnie of 138 years of unbroken service, three Cana: dian Pacific engineers from the On. taro distriet retired on pension | recently, They area John Douglass, | Thomas Bennett and John GG, Moors | and al! have unblemished records | Bennett's service goes back 10 1587 while Douglass and Moore go back to 1885 and 1880 respectively The Taronte Industrial Commis sion announces that hetween Jan uyary 1 and June 50, 16 new indus trial firma have coma tn Toeonin with which the eommission has eo operated, Of (hese, 11 had their origin in the United Miates and 4 originated in other paris of Can ada. The list of these new Indus tries Ingludes a numher of out standing companies whose entrance into the assembling and manufar turing field In Toronto means an important growth and development in the eity's Industrial life H The old belief that the Red Miver fixes & charm upon those who touch It, was tried nut recently ns Harry Pearse, undefeated Austra lian Mingle Sculls ehamplon and one time world champion, stood on its shores and watched his son, J NN. Pearse, Olymple amateur eham plon, in A try oul as a guest of the Winnipes Rowing Club, Pearse is A contestant in the Kmpire Games at Hamilton next month For the first time Tn history horses were ridden over "Hall Pass" near Banff recently The riders wera Jim Brewster, J, Murray (hh bon and Glory Temple, the latter a Lake Louise guide and the purpose of the trip was to locate camps for the Trail ride at end of July, Only three hours were required to travel from Banff to the summit of Ball Pass yet this pass has hitherie heen considered impassille excep tor Alpina climbers, PREPARE FOR BELL BLEV EN Hrantford, Aug, 2 Hrantford erieketers have arranged a maleh with tha Woodstock team of the Mouth-wentern League for Roturday to tune them up for thelr mo important mateh of the sonson that at Toronto on Monday next, when they will meet the Hell Tale phone team, of Toronto, in the ichn Ross Robinson Cup oempetition, equivalent to the Canadian 21! kel olamplonship, The locals have al ready defeated two Toronto tenn and feel that the Telephona City of Ioney will he abla to takes care Phone team, although outht Bell their star all-round player, Is through an injury sustained 'n hig Inst mateh and may not play sean, out this season EE A A hi LE is Safe Speedy Relief #2 NEURALGIA Weurnlgle pala inface, hes oy OF BOY ARSE part of the hedy [| quickly ended by Ww T~R~C'® tif B00 and $1 0% al) druggiw -- ---- my PAIN Peculiar to Women Periodic Buffering Headaches Neuritis Here's sure Relief! | Tne next time a headache makes you stay at home---or the time of 'month has brought on pains which threaten to prevent your kee ping ROME CNEAREMEN Low remember apirin, Give these tablets a trial, and you'll be grateful for their comfort, There are so many aches and pains they relleve promptly, There Is never the slightest harm in thelr use, Genuine Aspirin ean't hurt you! Doctors will tell you It does not depress the heart, of millions of speaks for Ita The experience men and women l worth, Mo don't suffer needlessly Aspirin tablets will. cheek your cold, rvelleve a headache or neuralgic pains se easily! Buy the 100-tablet bottls and save money, COASPIRIN a EE A i a - \ rg A tlantic City is always in seavon" There's never a dul mement at Atlantis Cw, oallipanrround fo vacation time! Bracing plrsaporte= winded ii fodmrelany ation) Bpanda week or aweskand, with us you'llisturnhamelesls Inght=frashmvigerounl RATES ; ) American Plan ofa Hath aT nM One of rhe Nnest Holels In Atlantic City week or a week:and enjoy the lures of th ont ARPAINTMEnts without exerbiiant price, Roakiel, Write ar wire for reservations B80 ROOMS», OVERLOAKING THE OONAN SEA WATER BATHE Q. V, MEEKS, Mp» A OC, ANDREWS, vw, ---------- |; -- For the JUST COMPLETED IN ATLANTIC CITY UNEXC rR 00 HOO = MR, WHIPR

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