Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Aug 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1930 ' | EASTERN PPP POPPY PY aaaamasaass on oot asda aa dese] ONTARIO NEWS POPP TOTP OT PP WOMAN, CHILD MISSING Pieton =A search is being con Aueted for Mrs, Margaret Beattls, Aged 43, and her daughter, Mar: garet Joan Bentile, aged 5, of Adolphtistown who have heen mis wing from thelr home for nearly two weeks, - ' KILLED IN FALL, Kingston, =Clarence Amey, # well-known and highly respected farmer, ving Just outside of Sydenham, was almost Instantly killed when he was thrown from his hayrack, and struck his head against the stone foundation of the barn, NEW WATER PUMP Tweed. ~The big electric pump yecontly installed at the water: works station has commenced pumping into the mains, It has n capacity of 86,000 gallons per hou? " yyy aoon CROP VORVCANT Kingston,--"The Department of 'Agriculture ofc in the city reports that the grain crops In some wec- tions are ready for cutting and a¢ a whole the flelds Took well BAND RESIGNS Lindsay. = Band matters In Lind- say Are again up to concert piteh; the climax being reached In the joint resignation of hoth Bands master Shunk and the members of the senior band, TWO BURGLARIES Belleville, =A grocery stores on fiation strest owned hy C. A, Camp- bell was entered and a Iarge quant. ity of provisions taken besides a small amount' of money, Thieves, entering tha home of Mrs, Labarge, 108 Btation Bt, took an amount of small change from a purse lying on tha kitchen table LABOR SITUATION GOOD Kingston, ==The situation at the local Government JKmployment Bureau for the past two weaks has heen extremely good, The report shows that the demand for farm help in haying was steady and a number of men were placed, There has been no change in the indus trial situation, RECORD PEA CROP Pleton ==The factories at Bloom. field have finished canning pears and the paok is the largest aver put up, The acreage was the larg. ast ever sown And the yleld per acre a record one, | Beckons Know the Call Join Lhe kreal throng of Mollday Boekers «= pack your lunch == take your bathing sult and camera, hap in your ear and away you go, This 1s a long week-end holiday, and wo that you will he certain to have all your needs look over this lst of HOLIDAY SPECIALS HBwim Kapa ois M0 up Awim Nhoes ...y The pry Awimming Wings Be Bar Rtopplen oooi 00 BO Kodak Flim 000 800 up CAmeras sovvvsave Mle up Vacuum Bottles ,,.., 4 Thermos Bottles #100 up Dry Ginger Ale $2,00 dos, Lemon Nquash viv B80 Gypay Cream (for suns BUFR) sansnnnnsiy BOO French Balm vovvi i Ao You "SAVE with SAFETY" a AL wen The REXALL Mores JURY & LOVELL King St, BK, Simcoe St, N, Phone 28 Phone 08 AF, (Matt) A metrong HOUSES BING BUILY Kingston, --Heveral small houses are under construction fu the north. western portion of the ety, The building industry In general Is very busy in Kingston at the pre- sont time, and the number of houses helng erected Is unusual, DIDN'T NEED GLANS ES Kingston, One of the features of the election in Frontense-Add- ington was that Mrs, Mérrin, who lives near the Kingston CNN, station and who Is 056 years old, marked her ballot without using glasses, | CHURCH BARN BUNS Pleton, Pires visited Cherry Valley, a frame barn used aw a garage, being destroyed, The build. ing was owned by Cherry Valley church and situsted a short dis. tance from the parsonage, smoking in the barn caused fire, NANDBANKS CROWN LAND Pleton, In reply to a letter from Hallowell Township Council, VF, Suthertand, Acting Deputy Minister of Mines, informed that body that the whole bar hatwesn West Lake and Lakes Ontario, known as the Bandbanks, vontain- ing 600 nerves belongs to the erown and is not part of the, Township of Hallowell FALLIN FROM HAY 10AD Pleton, While ussisting In drawing in hay on the farm of George Workman at Cherry Valley, Thomas Cain suffered a severe shaking up and miraculously es onped serious Injury, He fell head first from & load of hay when the horse started up suddenly FAMILY REUNION Kingston, The third annual family restinfon of the descendants of Henry Wood and Kilsabath Da Melt, was held at "The Point'"" Sydenham, About 100 descend: ants were present for the gather Ing, Members of the family came from Malt Lake Clty, Brooklyn, Rochester and Winnipeg, and other from places closer al hand, BRIDGE CONTRACT LET Gananoque. ~The contract for the construction of a new trafie bridge over the Gananoque river on King street has been awarded the Holderoft Construction Com pany of Kingston, Eye Care and Eye Strain] by ©. N. TUCK, Opt.D, (Copyright 1038) Part "gp" Perhaps we are very much overs done with our work and are looks ing forward te our helldays ax a measure of relief that we may hulld up preparatory to another round of work and worry, The sehool ehild In Just as human and being a growing child tu often more fn need of relaxation und rest for the mood of his up builds ing, Me in, no doubt, then looking forward to his holidays, It his eyes nled correcting they should be looked after whin a symptom of defect 4s Arst noted, Don't shove it ahead when "a4 has a holiday, If we Weated ourselves thin way we would soon not know the meaning of the term ralaxation or rest, Those errors and defects that oan he attended Lo an We go along should receive immediate attention and the others of leas Importance or beat suited to summer weather or in the need of constant care may be given deeper connlderatiog, (To he Continved) "You ma are a bookkeeper "na ay or » LL) "And do do all the biling™ "You, ang the oo0ing, too" Lu (today. the British Admiralty stated fi definite AW, (Army) Armstrong FUNERAL DIRECTORS Profesional knowledge, experience, sincerity of purposs ; Modern Facilities SAY AND NIGHT PHONE 1082W Motor Ambulance Service ys and work proceeding. fry TRAGIC DEAT OF COM» ! "It is one of Lhe ironies of fale Abut one of the most gallant offis- ors in the American Navy, who had escaped the bullets of the en- omy in many thrilling engagements, should finally be Iald low at the hands of one of his fellow offic. ory, 1t all came about through a duel, that favorite method of setiing per. sonal disputes in the early days of the American Htepublic, The prinel- pals were Commodore Stephen Deca tur and Captain James Barron, Decatur had been a member of the sourt==ihe naval oourt---that had found Barron guilty of neglect of duty in surrendering the Chesa- peaks to the British Leopold prior to the War of 1812, The sentence was looked upon as n severe one, because Barron was suspended from the navy for five years with out pay, 1t was most humiliating, #0 much so that the convicted man wont abroad and remained there during the period of his debarment frou duty and pay, He falled to re- then to this country for the War of 1818 and that brought a great deal of censure upon him, When he did return Decatur opposed his reinstatement in the navy, It seemed avident that Decatur was moved hy high-minded mot. ives, Me had no personal feeling against Barron, but 'he did not think a man with a record of that kind should be permitied to walk the deck of an American warship But the other man In the cass did not look at it In that light, He felt that he was very mueh abused and that he had a personal grievance against Deeatur Ho Captain Barron ohallenged Commodore Decatur to a dusl, At first Decatur was amused The man who had proposed the toast "My country, may it always be right, but right or wrong, my country," was nol eager to engage In a personal quarrel, He had pers formed his duty as he had coneely- ed It, and he felt that Bprron had no Just cause for his challenge But the captain was persistent, Ho wanted tn fight. and he would not he satisfied with anything else, To this Decatur made a retort which stung Barron tn the qulek, The commodore wrote If you are so eager tn fight you missed a fine chance in the War of 1813." We may be sure that thin was like rubbing salt on a fresh wound, It tufuriated Barron,and he knew that if 1t becama publie It would expose him a ridicule, Ko It ended hy the arrangement for a duel bee tween the two men, It was Agreed that the encounter should take place At Niadenshury, Md, on Mareh 22, 1820, On the morning of that day Com modore Decatur and Captain Maine bridge, his friend, had breakfasts od at a hotel In Washington, The famous officer did not want to cause his family any unnecessary anxiety and the delalls of tha dus' were kept from them as much as possible, He talked over the roms ing event with Captain Bainbridge and nasured that officer that he did not have the slightest personal feuling against Barron, Alen he ane nounced his Intention of not killing [the aggrieved one, "f-ahall shoot him In the hip" he sald In effect, "hut will not ---- eu TRIPS PLANNED FOR R-100 HAVE BEEN POSTPONED Repiars to Dirigible Make This Necessary-- Will Not Go to U.S. (By Jack Hambiston, Canadian Press Stal Writer) St. Hubert Airport, Que, Aug, 4 'he proposed iit ol the R100, glant British dirigizle, over Ottawa on Aug. § has been definitely posts poned, according to an official mes: sage handed to the press last night by the press liaison officer, W. A Lawrence, In addition a strong pos sibility exists that other proposed trips to Quebeo and Western Ontarie will also be postponed or abendoned The message stated that it is prob: able no extended flights will be un fdertaken until the ship sails for Great Britain again, she was en route to St. | Cardington, Khatuad, yesterday, Repairs to the ship will proceed at §St. Hubert and there is nothing in the message to substantiate rumors that she might £0 to the hangar at Lakehurat, N.I,, for repairs, Karly ly that the ship would not (feross the United States border dur ing the ppresent tour, 1 The following official message war if ivsued last. night to the Canadian | Press through the press liaison of: flears of the airport, "Examination of damaged fin of the R-100 shows no structural defects Jor failure, but stripping of fabric {over fairly extensive a hn in | 1] sides of horizontal fins, for repair are on hand at St. Hubert 1t is not poss any final faible this evening to Make HA hts in statement as to prpopose { True Stories Stranger Than Fiction STRANGEST TALES OF | ROMANCE Av MYSTERY By Vance Wynn (Author of To-Day's True Detective Sories) MODORE STEPHEN DECATUR give him a mortal wound." Alter tinishing thelr meal al the hotel, Decatur and Bainbridge haste oned to Bladensburg in a closed car riage, There they found that Bar- ron, with his second and members of his party, was siready making arrangements for the duel, A physi- oiun was on hand rnd all of the do tails 'were carefully planned, Ds. catur found that his opponent was near-sighted, and in order to make wllowance for this defect he agreed that the fight should be fought at eight paces, instead of the ten usually employed on such on slons, It was a pleturesque sight, and a second worthy of an artist, Both men were imposing in appearance, and they carried themselves with muen dignity, The seconds examined the pistols and found everything all right according to the requirements of the code, They took their places, each man holding the pistol in one hand and bending the other behind his back, Before the command to fire was given Barron said in a low voice with much pathos; "I hope, sir, that we will be friends in the next world," Decatur was quick to respond to thin, He mid: "I have never been your enemy, sir." What emotions must have filled the breasts of those who listened to this brief conversation? A mers Inyman might have heen pardoned for asking, under the eircumstances why the duel should be fought, But It was too late for such reflections and the affair procesded to the bit- ter end "Gentlemen, are you ready?" ealled the master of ceremonies, They signified thelr acquiesence, and he shouted: "Fire!" Two shots rang out on the morn ing alr, Darron fell at the first shot with a bullet In his hip, Decatur had fulfilled his promise of the morning. He stood erst, with pale face, Presently a red spot colored the bosom of his shirt, His seconds rushed toward him, He smiled Jaina: "I am moriallm wounded," ha sald, "at least I think so, and my enly wish in that I had fallen In Ithe defense of my country," | The surgeon gave him what at. tention was possible and then he Iwas bundled Into a earringe and hurried to Washington, A second examination proved that hp had diagnosed his cane correctly. He suffered intenss agony, but with characteristle consideration he de. jelined to let his wife remain in the room, I" VPhe wight of my suffering," he | old, "will only make her miners (Able, and that is nol necessary." | The medical attendants did all in thelr power, but they were really powerless, He died before the stroke of midnighte=the victim of a false code of honor, John Randolph, of Virginia, ans nounced the death of the Intrepid Decatur to the House of Nepresenta tives, and moved hat the lagisiat. ors adjourn in honor of the great naval hero, and that: they attend hin funeral in a body They did attend the obsegulen, but not offielally, because soma nf them feared to placa the seal of approval upon tha dueling Canada but it is probable that no extended flights may be undertaken In any case the flight ever Ottawa, scheduled for Aug. §, must be post pened," A Bitter Pill This gnnouncement a "bitter pill for American papers. All the news stolen sent" out yesterday and last night have exulted over and harped on the fact that it would be impossible to repalr the British air wiant on British tereitory and that the R100 positively would have to neeept the invitation of the Ameri: cans to visit Lakehurst, there to he placed in a hanger which has already housed the Graf Zepppelin as well as the United States irikible, Was KEN MAYNARD IN "MOUNTAIN JUSTICE" AT NEW MARTIN Vamous Western Star In Dramatic Youd Slory; Pleture Is AIWTaiking Kathryn Crawlord Heroine A Kentucky mountain court, where the men of the bills take Lhe law Into their own handy and where justice seldom falls Is ons of the highly dramatic episodes of "Mountain Justice," Ken May. nard's latest Universal all-talking pleture, which opens Waturday at the New Martin Theatre, Whe mountain cour'. or tribynal in Ame affair of secrecy at whi the mountainoers settle dispulés according to thelr own peculiar code of honor, #eldom has an out- sider witnessed a session of the court and It was only after weeks of Intonsive research work that authentic details for the pleture were obtainable, Maynard goes into the Kentucky mountain district after the man who murderod his (ather and be- comes enught in the crossfire of a typleal Kentucky feud, He Is or- dored befbre the mountain court in midnight session on sulplelon of boing a rovenus agent, Another pleturesque featurs of the pleturs is un vonl, oli-fashioned mountain "shindig", or dance, at which Maynard performs as a fid- dler and Kathryn Crawford, who upponrs opposite him as the girl in the story, sings the quaint songs of the Kentucky hill country, Maynard tights one of ths rough. ost fist battles of his career and risks his life riding two horses, floman fashion; at broakneck speed in "Mountain Justice,' The fight lasts for ten minutes and at its finish the room In which it occurs is wrecked from flop to bottom, "I never had to fight wo hard before," ways Maynard, "| told Paul Hurst, with whom I bat. tle, to make it a ron! fight and he did, We went at It so hard they had to pul) us spars long fe ter the camern stopped grinding When we shook hands we moant i." In riding the two horses Roman fashion Maynard has a foot on the back of each horse and sands erect, Had he lost control and one of the horses pulled away, he would have heen thrown under their pounding hoofs, Maynard and Miss Crawford are Kiven excollent support by Otis Harlan, Paul Hurst, Richard Car Iyle, Los Dates, P. W. Holmes and I"red Burns, JACK OAKIE BRINGS LAUGHS TO REGENT -------- Jack Oakie; the personification of wisecracking youth, has been get ting better and better in each sue ceeding picture, It In therefore noth Ing short of unalloyed Joy to see and hear the irrepressible Jack in his mest recent "wise guy" role In "I'he Social Lion" which is playing at the Regent today and Monday "The Social Lion" Is an adaption of a famous Octavis Roy Cohen story, "Marco Himsell" and It proves to be right down Mr, Oakie's alley, To begin with, it's a neat little plot, Just like all of Octavus Roy Cohen's stories, there are many sur prise twists in the telling of this one, and the final scene in at once mirth- provoking and convincing But most important of all, It seems to us, is the inimitable clown ing of this superb Mr, Oakie; He In seen in the title us the poor but honest and very brash garage meeh anie who aspires to fame in the field of sport, Falling as a pugilist, he gets himself a joh on the polo team of the swell country club In his town and makes good, having heen un star polo player on the enlisted men's team of the cavalry unit with which he served a term, Having made good In polo, the chesty Jack now thinks he can make wood In the soelal circle into which he has been projected by. the force of his horsemanship prowess, But he fails miserably as a pink tea pers former, and loses the ritry society girl with whom he had thought he wis in love, In the end he has to concede the vietory to the plain little gir, Mary Brian, and to the plain life of plain folks, This morning, Manager Opler screened the picture for the press and a few prominent citivens, those TELEPHONE ¥ " a bi Aon 262 FIVE DIRECT LINES TO CENTRAL COAL Eppo PREMIUM COKE sever. soLvay WOODALL xiNDs & DRY Service 0 iivey Vehicle DIXON COAL CO. AN ENGLISH COTTAGE INSPIRATIO Mir Carve b Carve, wh his 7 fl 1 11/8 a 1 1" amin I I- v ar) wy 1" Java, 2 Ld " U9 Awe? flv" 22M " me 1h My, ! wns 40, oI ARCHITECTS, "TomonTo Necessity demanded that this vosidonce should huve an inviting aspect and truly the requirements were adequately fulfilled ,in the charming, comfortable lines of this English types home, Being design. od for a physician's residence and oMee, wheres cullers are frequent, the friendly air was essential and the layout of rooms convenient, One glance nt the floor plans show that the arrangement of the rooms is all that could he desired, Bepar- ate entrances serve office quarters and the private section of the home, both being very attractive, Every detail has been carefully worked out, The chimney occuples a conspleuous position at one end of the building, Btuego walls for the greater part with & few brick courses near the top produce a handsome appearance Clapboard covers tha upper part of each gable with a pleasing effect, orrict pire GOOD SUPER- VISION HELD IMPORTANT IN BUILDING RESIDENCE IT PAYN TO HAVE CONNTRUC. TION SUPERVISED PROPERLY "Some time ago," sald a pro minent architect, "a friend came into my oes who had bought a set of plans and set himself adrift on the sea of house bhullding, It had thought he would be filled with elation, having found after months of study the kind of house he want. od, But I thought I recqgnjeed a hit of hesitation, wo 1 asked him if everything was clear, 'INo,' ho sald, "it Isn't, | see DINING BM ------ . 881s ------ Figsr Node Puan and ig heated by a radiator from the heating system of the house Near the rear of the garage the will has heen wet hack to allow In piallntion of the raditor so that it takes up no valuable floor space This will ba noticed especially on the front gable, Shutters on the windows are composed of threo slaty ouch, nalled to two pleces run ning across the back This con struction Is well in keeping with the rest of the design, The kround floor plan is compact, the rooms being cons venlently arranged without any cramping, For the average family, an alternative" plan would ba to transform the waiting room Into a den and the ofMee Into a hedroom with a bathroom where the digpen sary Is now located, Advantage of modern, eMciont aquipment has been taken in the kitchen, It will be easily seen that the remaining rooms are equally well planned, Three attractive bed rooms and mn bathroom occupy the second floor, all enjoying good pos| tions : The garage adjolr Outline Specifications Wize of House: 27 ft, § Inches 1 bb ft, 1 Inch Nultable Jot: 75 ft narrower corner lot, Wallls: Stucco Roof: Wood shingles Bulltein-¥Ventures: Cupboards Cuble Contents: 28,600 eu, 1 Approximate Cost; $10,000,00 very frontage ot Nenders desiring further infor. mation regarding 8 house of this design should communicate with Mesers, Catto & Catto, 1 Welling- gt, W,, Toronto, and mention design No, 240, Consult a loca nrehitect If designing architect | ton far removed, Copyright 1940, ton fhe hau 1904150 LIVING ROOM Os 130 Stconp Foos Pun I told him. he would not know and could not know unless he war un expert, unless he knew some thing about materials, Bupervision I suid, {8 the important factor; sup ervision by an arelitect, by a dis interested purty, of Detter expres sed, by a party who is 'nterested only in seeing that the plans and specifications are followed neeurats ely, and that the owner does not pay for something he does not get, and never pays until he is sure the contractor has already squared his accounts with the material deal: ers and workmen, that | have a set of plans, and |, thought that that would end my troubles, Now I am beginning to realize that my problem has Just begun, "Who 1s going to build this house for me? How will T Xnow that he builds it the way my plans and specification require?' "I told him he would not know who was going to bulld it until he had had several reputable con tractors bid on it, "Rut why don't T just A contractor?' he asked, "1 told him his financing com pany would probably object to that r They would not want to lend money excepting on a good louse built at the lowest price; that he had bet ter got a number of high grade contractors to submit bids to bulld at a fixed price, "Ones more he asked, 'How do | know I am going: to get that house?" choose fo he hired an architect for that, Now he is happy in his own home, and whenever he sees me he pays, 'You did me-a good turn, I am grateful to my arehiteet, hut more grateful ven to you, Our house In exactly what wa hoped it would be Copyright, 1930, The Bureau, Ine Architects' fimall 'House Service fortunate enough to be in the theatre laughed uproaribusly at Oakie and his witty wise-cracks, On several occasions the: tumultuous Juughter wits 80 prolonged that it obliterated the ensuing screen dialogue, Skeets Gallagher, Mary Brian and Olive Borden are featured players The remaining portion of the pro gramme ix, as well as being varied MOE entertaining, consisting of a tuneful musical Revue called "The Beauty Shop," another of the inters esting Screen Snapshots showing the intimate life of the Hollywood stars; a vaudeville divertissement "Chinas town Fantasy" and the ever popular Graham MeNamee talking newsreel, It's a show worth seeing, ONE DEAD, ONE WOUNDED IN SHOOTING AFERAY Mystery Surrounds Shooting of Noted Lawyer's Son ---- Knog, «= An amasing Oxford, , shooting tragedy occurred at Oxs foyd, As a result Franols W, Giv» ool, a former well-known under praduate, son of MH, M, Giveen, K, Ly Junior Counsel to the Treasury fs dead, and Alfred Bradbury, 31, of Starsroad Caversham, ix in Rad: olifft Infirmary, suffering from wounds, Bradbury ) was complete | stranger to Giveen and why the latter should have shot him ia a Worked at the Lock Bradbury, a married man, is a diver's assistant in the employ of the Thames Conservancy Board, and has been engaged on recon. struction work at Medley Look on the Thames, About G15 pm, he left the barge where he had been working to post some letters in Walton Wall Bridgeroad, Oxford, On a path adjoining Port Mea: dow he passed Mr, Givesn, who wag carrying a sporting gun, | The sound of the shots had been heard by the lockkeeper at Med: ley welr (Mr, White), who discov: ored Nradbury In a collapsed state, The wounded man Indicated the direction his assailant had taken. Mr, White had only gone about | an or 40 yards when he came Jumped Ditech Bradbury had only gone 20 yards beyond Mr, Fh n when he was shot In tho back of the head and fell to the ground He partly rose and was In a crouching position when he recely od another charge in the face, Chest and arms, In spite of hix Injuries Jumped across a ditch and shouted for his mate. Then he collapsed EE -------- i et A ------ 21¢ A GALLON HOLIDAY SPECIAL GREAT SAVINGS AFFORDED HOLIDAYERS AT THE DOMINION GARAGE - FOR WEEK STARTING SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 British-American Gasolene Selling regularly at 28¢c per Gal, at money, : saving price of 21c Gallon DOMINION GARAGE 88 BOND STREET B.-A 16 ov across tha body of Mr, Givesn crumpled up at the fopt of a wil Ho was shot through he low tree the jaw, A at

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