Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Jul 1930, p. 5

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1 3. 1 Li | PHONE 232 Aa I ISA ona Ho THE OSHAWA DAILY .IMES, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1930 FA PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs, Gi. Strachan, of Fort Francis, Miss Joy Harrison and Mr, G P. Saunders, of Toronto were recent ests of Mrs. Strachan's sister, rs, D, R. Dulmage and Mr, Dul- tage, Westmoreland Ave, Mrs, (Capt) William Dulimage, South Bay, Prince Edward County, has recently returned to her home after visting with her granddaugh~ ter, Mrs. A. K, Hele and Mr, Hele, Christie Street Mis. Sandford Perry, Hortop Ave, 1s spending a month with her pars ents, Mr, and Mrs, Flewelling and other relatives in Guelph, Messrs. W. and 8, Panke, of Thors Ald, were recent guests of their sis Miss Dorothy Panke, Bucking. ham Manor Mr und te Mrs, Lrnest A, Doolan, of Chicago, 111, were recent guests at the Conmnercial Hotel, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Doolan have visited this city every summer for the past three years Mr, and Mrs, Earle ¥, Heffley and family, of Clevelund, Ohio, are stay- ug ut the Commercial Hotel for a few days Dr, GL, Bird left today for Roche Minn, will spend two weeks studving at the Mayo iter, where he Cline My on, Bond and Rapids, TR and Mrs, Orton Donald, of Grand ETE SEE Awaiting now to Welcome you, this fine new hotel of distinc tion affords a luxury of ac commodation and appoint ments found only the greatest of metropolitan ho tels; a nicety of service ine herent to Canadian National, The Nova Scotian, with 170 guest rooms, Is convenient to railway and steamship traffic and to all' favored Nova Scotia resorts , the ideal headquarters for » Maritime Province tour or vacation, Full details from g WAYS KY mein any Canadian Ne" a. " Oo Xs Y 4 ; AS MiLEAN. " endeni, 4 I own WALTER PRATT, General Manager, Moaueal, > \ gd ~ Ss REPAIRING WATCHES OUR PBULALTY It your waich is uot giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN HE JEW RLER Offiglal Watoh Inspector for Canadiap National and Osh awa Railroads 10 King St, WW. "hone 180 NOTICE! "The Times will publish re ports of meetings of all Wo. | men's Organizations in the | community, Kindly address such to Women's Page Ed itor or Telephone Number hen writing remember | to use only one side of paper. Sheer Chiffon Full HOSIERY Ar ATKINS HOSIERY & - LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King # Almcoe St, For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcos St = We Deliver Mich, are guests to Mr. and Mrs, Frank McLaughlin, Colborne #t Mrs, W, A, Luke and daughter, Millicent and Margaret, who have returned after a trip to the West orn Coast are now staying at their summer home in Muskoka, LJ Mr. and Mrs, Harry Gray and family of Walkerville have return- ed to thelr home after visiting for the past while with friends in Osh. Miss Allee Hoehn, of Metord, formerly of Oshawa, was the guest of Miss Ruth .Fishleigh, recently, Mr, Lionel Rowe of this city is sailing from Montreal this morn- Ing for England where he will vis it frlends and relatives for several tl Mrs, Gordon Rateliffe, Masson Btreet, Distriét Captain of the Gir) Guides, left last evening to go to Cameron "Lake. the camp site of the Oshawa and Whitby Guides, Mrs, Rateliffe will begin prepura- tons for the camp which opens to. morrow, Mrs, J. Btacey, of Chicago, 111, and her granddaughter, Susan Gen- try, are visiting st the home of Mrs. Btacey's neice Mrs, JE, Flom. ing, King #t. B, ~The engagement of Miss Helen Guthrie. daughter of the Hon, Hugh Guthrie, to Captain Victor Blundell, Scots Guards, A.D.C, to his Excellency, the Governor Gen- oral of Canada, has been an- nounced, Miss Elinor Hazlewood of Grimsby, Is the gust of Dr, and Mrs, B. J. Hazlewood, Connaught Street, J Many friends of Messrs. Roder- lek and Kenneth Graham gathered At the home of Mr. and Mrs, J, BE. Hamilton, 64 Bond Mirest East last 4vening to bid them (arewel) before their leaving to-day for South Africs, There were twenty. two guests present and a happy time spent in games and dancing Was ehjoyed by all, Among the Kuests wore Mr, and Mrs, Adam Price of Torvento, WCME!'S MEETING W. A, OF ORDARDALE CHURCH Women's Auxiliary of Coed. ardale Church met yostorday af- ternoon, Mrs, G, W, Irvine viee- president was presiding, The meet. Ing Included merely a business dis- cussion, Arrangements were made for a sale of home cooking and fanoy work to be held sometime lat: or in the menth, The Sunshine bags that were given out at the be. ginning of the summer were turn od in yesterday and the ladies ware well satisfied with the proceeds member had one and for ev: ory day that the sun has shone in the past two months a cont wan put In the hag, There was no programme at yesterday's meeting, TENNIS CLUB SPONSORS SOCIAL While music played by the Reg: imental Band floated on the alr, guests were served with dainty re- freshments at the lawn social held under the auspices of the Tennis at Young People's Clubs of Holy rinity Church on the lawn of Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Dixon, Simcoe St, South, yesterday afternoon and ev- ening, The tea centre pleces of summer flowers were set under Lhe trees, and were resided over by Mrs, Tom Pitches, re. Turnes, Mr. A, L. v Smith, Mrs, Jones, - Mrs, (Cap- tain) Jarrett, and Misses Jones and P, Turner, In the evenin when the young Jadble arrive there was dancing on the lawn and also games, The young people took this opportunity of bidding one of their number who is salling to-day for England, adieu, The social was a splendid success, socially and financially, Tn MY KITCHEN The kitchen in my modest home Ia warm and snug, With painted gupboards by the wall, A braided rug: The snowy curtaing softly frame A window bright, With red geraniums on the sille= A cheery light, I think I like this reem the best Of all we own For here 1 reign--a happy queen Upon her throne; For those I love I wash and mend, I broil and bake, Tron ruffies set on little frocks; Make gingercake, And to my kitchen 'comes at night with ail ip 14 shut all the world shut awa, Beyond the look, ' And all the warmth of lovisg heart Kept safe inside; with wel a kitchen, who weuld no Be aviited? -=From the Sunday Provinces, Van. aduver, B.C. HAPPY REMEDY, "Doctor, I can't sleep." "Drink a glass of whisky every half hour throughout the night" "Will that make me Heep? "I don't know, hut it will make the file pans more pleasantiy. "Passing show, ) Before placing Automobile Ine surance, gét my special rates Bargaly prices for lots in Dear horn Park, subdivision, west of 'imeoe N, J. H, R. LUKE Regent Theatre Rldg tables with their | thely youngest daughter, Eleanor Vietoria (Mille) will Become the bride of Lieut, C. Churchill Mann, son of Mr, Clarence EB, Mann, of A wedding of wide interest will be at the beautiful home of Mr, and Mrs, IR, 8, McLaughlin, of this city, at the end of August when Toronto, Miss McLaughlin who Is a skilful young rider was a debu. tante of two years ago. Three Hundred Attend Annual Picnic Of St. George's Sunday School Special street car service was ro- Vivian Puteher, Joan Gorink quired to take the kiddies and Boys under 6-~Don Bouckley, thelr teachers of St, George's Bun-| Jack Logerman, Raymond Miner, day School to the Lake yesterday | (dirty, under # Margueritn for thefr annual plenie, Perfect |Oarey, Mary Bouckley, Edna Lar summer weather made possible a| Mer most enjoyable afternoon, In form- Boys, J-leggod race, over 13 or years it has heen the custom to | Will Hood and Karl Newell, John stage the sports' programme down | Hood and Richard Newell behind the old pavilion but this (rls, G-logked race over 12 your the athletic field In Lakeview | Marion Hopkins and Netty Clark, Park was used, Mr, Htenhouse | May Bwallow and Grace Jackson, superintendent of the Hunday* Boys J-legged race under 12 School, assisted by a numner of the John Hood and Richard Newell, teachers acted as judges and other | Max Genham and Andrew MeMul officials on the Sports' Committee, | len, The races attracted the usual large (iirls 3-legged race under 12 erowd of spectators composed for| Verna Goring and Lila Polston, Bi the most part of the mothers of [leon Birchall and Jean Clark, the children, Many took advane Boys suck race under 12--John tage of the mild afternoon to go| Wood, Don Hmith, Earl Newell in swimming, As has been the cus- Girls sack race over 12 tom In previous years the supper | Lackie, Nellis Saunders, was served in. Barnhart's Pavillion, | Birchall Three hundred people were accom Boys egg and ppoon race modated at the supper. Winners | 12. John Hood, Arthur of the races are as as follows; aourt, Boys under 7--Jos Carey, Wille Toys ogg and Kpoon race ovar 12 Norton, Don Bouckley Earl Newell, George Goodchild Girls under 7 Girls egg and spoon race under Dorothy Bivehall Gladys Sug. Klin Eileen under Bellan- Holdaway, 12 | den Girls Egg And spoon race over Klla Lackis, Eileen Birchall, Boys under 10-~Edwin Clarke, 'oy Hawyer, Andrew McMullen Girls under 10 fanhel Qu mw *, Audrey Smith, Beatrice News Moys under 11 Leslie Colvin, glans Gower, Andrew MoMullen, Tis under 11 Isabel Cumm. Dorothy Birchall, Marguerite Idaway Hoys under Stop that Head Aching Why suffer headache, or any other pam, when ZUTOO TABLETS, taken when fool it coming en, will give relief in 20 minutes. Harmless and re Nably: Used by thous ands, 12 12 adh td at LL Leslie Colvin, ar | MUST SAY YOU MAKE EASY WORK OF THE DISHES NOTHING TO IT, THESE RICH RINSO SUDS LOOSEN THE GREASE LIKE MAGIC KNOW what awork-saver Rinse is on washday==how it geta clothes much whiter and brighter without scrubbing or boiling, Well, it's Just as wonderful for dish- Yoahingl It ope td, grease in . flash, ust oA r 1] Rin Yada FG In ot WENSE = an oe them drain dry, How they shine And Ringo is economical, too, Granu- lated, compact==it gives twice as much suds as lightweight, Rich, cred op lini pt Rinso makes all cleaning easier, Use it for oy basins, woodworl, Get the BI ue oven ~ jp t 1 ! GM i ay | abi a | | om dl; A I a A RN) IK Andrew McMullen, Douglas Gow- or, Cirle under 12 Velmn Wram ley Marie Goodchild, Margarite Holdaway Boys under 1} Gordon Holbrook, (Hris under 13 ors, Velma Bramley Kuson Hoys under 4 brook, Earl Newell, Max Graham Girls under 14 Thelma are guson, Nellie Saunders, Velma Gor ing Boys under 1] Billia Bt, Andrew, Girls under bh Joun Newell, Doris Gillson, Mary Bouckley, Boys over 14. Roland Holhraok, Karl Newall, C(isorge Goodehlld Girls over 14. Winona Arm strong, Marion Hopkins, Joan Armin strong. Girls skipping race over 12 Ella Lackie Winnie Griffin, Polston Girls skipping race under 12 Nellie Maunders, Kthel Logerman, Lentils Colvin Knrl Newell Nellie Baund Thelma Fer. Itoland Hol Hille Parker, George Slater Elleen Birchall, Poot and whoe rece over 12 Don Smith, Arthur Bellancourt, Richard Nowell, ROYAL TEMPLARS MEET 'Lie regular businoss meeting of the Roya! Templars of Tomporance, Oshawa No, bE, wan held on Tues day lant A good attendance of members ware present, presided over by Belect Councillor, Sister PP, W, Dalton The chief tam of business was that of arranging details conoarning the Noyal 'Temn. | lar Elecution contest to be held In the rooms above the Commercial Bank, on Tyesday, August the 13th Brother D, Hmith, convenor for this occasion has promised an ex ceptionally fine programme besides the four or five entrees comprising the contest The public will he cordially Invited, a silver collec tion 1s to be taken, and a good attendance In expected, The Couns ofl olowed In due form at 10,30 pm BE i he "St Ll - oe \ 0 No i EE od hour 1 saw one To vs, Willie La 3 Hemmingf ond, A New Budget of Dollar Day Bargains For Friday -~ » Peter Pan Prints, Reg. 59¢c 3 yds. for ies Boys' Wool Pullover Sweat. ers. All sizes ......... $1.00 $1.00 Striped Awning Duck. Reg. 49c. .3 yds. for .... Women's Wool Pullover Sweaters, up to $3.95 for $100 $1.00 Wicker Fern Stands. Reg. $1.95 for $1.00 Girls' Bilk Hose, substandards $1 00 4 pairs for All Summer Hats, up to $493for ............. Women's Fancy Crepe Pyja- mas, Reg. $1.75 for . $1.00 Full Fashioned Silk Hose, quality, gair . .. 14$1.00 $1.00 Sipe Res, 81.90 for... 91-00 | | : Crisco @ Avert 3 Pkgs. 10c ------ SERVICE Faney CRABMEAT fo. LOBSTER Sea King hin Wh BEETS Sliced SPECIAL VALUES IN QUALITY MERCHANDISE DM iia o Pickles ..:. ® Pork «Beans v2 or 17 ® Cheese ¢ Salmon Peanut Butter r+ 17. 22: i 66° Lib, Tin Tea Richmelio FOR TASTY SALADS KIPPER SNACKS" 1\N""6¢ SEA CLAMS Mined mv 23¢ Neo. 2 Tin 14¢ Horssshoo, Clover Leof, Maple Leal MINIO SPEAKING OF PICNICS You will find that these tempiingly delicious plende suggestions will prove just as Inviting when served In your own home as In seme cool, shaded spot "nr from the madding erowd." WE'LL PACK YOUR BASKET FOR YOU SANDWICH SPREADS OLIVE SPREAD '{X 35¢ FISH PASTESc. & 5..:26¢ ) POTTED MEATS ke 25¢ RELISH SPREAD, %;s4,.23¢ MUSTARD visbys ax 12¢ 33c 35¢ \ Going Camping? nr, Sauce soruz 26¢ FOR YOUR POTS AND PANS 8.0.8. .. .% 23c + + PKG, Grape Nuts rxa.17¢ BRANSTON BOTTLE Sweet Pickle. 25¢ DELMONTE NO, 1 TIN Fruit Salad . .30¢ Sm Cahes & Pastry FROM OUR OWN BAKERY TANMTY Cookies RICH Wrapped 141d, Blab Cherry Cake .35¢ DAINTY Bach Madeira Cake 15¢ 37 soun 32 '4:0b, Phe. 2 for 33 'tie & for Fe Try It losd 1B, He CANDIES Cooling Drinks Jams and Jellies FRESE AND PURE Allsorts Licerieetn28¢ Bon-BonsA'jy*+¢25¢ Chocolate Bars 3 for 14¢ [A Toffee win rxa2lc WELCH'S Grape Juice. .3 Cherry Punch 23¢ Drinks . sorne 35¢ RASPERERRY, BLK. CURRANT Jam . 1m ar 21 SHIRRIFF'S 12-08, JAR Jellies gute 23c ORANGE 1-LB, JAR Marmalade ., 19¢ J BRAMBLE AR Jelly Robertson's 2BC SHIRRIFF'S PINEAPPLE 12-08, 23¢ Marmalade'is EASY TO CARRY Bottle Bottle & B. CONCENTRATRD TMS (S$ NERR WME TILLIE = COM\ Ng SBR hn, Thm | INT Re " ON, MR. WHIPPLE - \Y'8 GONNA. BE TERRIBLY HOT = WHY DON'T You LEAVE MAC \N C AND SSM ON OV "To = If Jin} <A \ q(® WHY NOT; k \T2 TAKE MR. WHIPEL & SORE. BORORs :

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