Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Jul 1930, p. 9

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GC THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1930 - PAGE NINE Liag® -- JHE CLASSERIED meets ECTION. 4 Legal CONANT & ANNIS, OATTTITENG Hollcitors, Notaries Publig, B Cony ging and general pr tice of Law, Ofioss 17 Wimeos St, South, Oshawa, nis, B.A, LLB, W I, N, BINCLAIR K.C., WANK of Commerce Dulldin rister, Holisitor, Notary Publis, Conveyancer, Money to loan. Of fice 14% King 8t, East, Os . Phone 446, Residence phone 91, GRTENBON, CRET ANI Borristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete. Office over Standard Bank, Kotrance Simcoe coe Mt, Phone 18, J. V. Grierson, K.C, 7. K. Creighton, B.A, N, C, Fraser, B.A. d Holleitor, Notary, over Déwlhnd's Store; Money to loan, 16 Bimooe street porth, Phone 67, Resi: dence 0473W, D risters, Molleitors, ete, 24% Bim- fos Sit. N, Phone #1600, Money to LON, A ' A, ter, etn, Conveyanoing an general ractice, 23% King St, East, hone #487, (tf) A & A ILL, BA 1 ets, Money to loan, Alger Bly op- oslte Prt Office, Phone 1614, FRANK §, DBBS, DARRISTERN, Solicitor, Notary 'ublie, Convey- ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Bulldiny, opposite Post Office. Phone 2000, ' Medical DRE. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone 80060, Of- tice hours 9 am, to 8,80 pm, Dr, B, J. Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray Dr, RB Harper, special attention to childs ren's Diseases and Obstetrics, Hun- day and night calls 3416 or 122, DR, McKAY PHYSICIAN, BUR- goon, Accoucher, Office and resi dence. King Ht, East, corner Vie toria Bt. Oshawa, Phone 04, DR. GRANT DERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and residence, 07 Bond East. Phone B 116 & a. PN. DAVID ANCHER, M.D, CW, L. RC. P, and 8, Edinburgh, Phy: siclan, Murgeon and Obstetrician, Offico 148 Bimecoe Bt, N, Phone 8020, residence 40 Cadlling Ave, North, Phone 4166, = "0 W. CARR, DPHANICIAN, Burgeon, Obstetrician Office and residence, 513 Simcoe Street north, Phone 8415, DR. I. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI. an offle Street, tian, Surgeon and Obstetric! and residenie, IBS Simebe North, phone 3107, Veterinary Surgeon PR, BAMMLEY, VETERINANTAN Specialist Diseasos Domestic Anim- als, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King West, Telephone 620, (July 8-1 mo,) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist BR, VF, IRYANS OFF 100 BLOOR jtreet West Toronto will be at his office over Juvv & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday trom 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treat ment .of diseases of ear, nose and Appointments may Phone 07, throat only, be made at drug store, Phone 4, G, [1 D, Conant, BA, LLB; A V. An: | DR, «| one dollar, eors, sub-divisions, ' Bpecisl attention to Beray as extraction, Nurse in Phone 960, House north, over Mitchell's Drug Htore, Gas for extraction, Phone bd, Nitrous oxld oxygen re for extrac tions, Office, Noyal Dank Bldg, Phone 04%, residence 1478M, eT CK, DENTIN, #imeoe St. N, over Dewland's, Phone 1067, Tes, 802W, Xvenings by appointment, y ATD, Dil, DAVIEN, Dentists, 87 King 8t, 1, Special attention to gus extraction and Xe ray work, Nurse In attendanne, Phones 1248 and #04, Hemustitching HEMPITTOHING, = piCOTING, nine cents a yard, Pleating skirts Dresses cut and ftted Pmbrodery work, The 26% Simeos south, (July 31-1 mo) 0 Nn ) : specialist tn muscle Anomalies, [) yt and gisssen, Author of 9 Care and Eye Strain, The Ohllg and [ts Development, Dis ney Block opposite Post Office, Phone i616, erfectly, Dell Bho Phone 1656, (July 16-1 mo) 3 ngineering and Surveying |BONTEVAN AND ANTI ONTAR- fo Land Surveyors and Civil Engin. town planning, municipal engineers, #656 or 411 Ring St, B®, Phones 2682) or of this nature, and collect for same. All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and lose arising from handling » large number of smal} arcounts For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to some personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED -AD DEPARTMENT Building Supplies CEWMENT BLOCKS, BAND AND gravel for sale=="T'o Insure prowpt delivery, place srders In advance of delivery. date, W. Borrowdale Phone 1618, a WAND, OWAVET, BLACK LOOM, stone, also any kind of trucking. Phone 1070W, (July 12-1 mo.) 264 Undertaking HK. | CORE BURIAL CO. 47 KING WF, Kast, Ambulance, Residence bH42 Bimooe street, north, Phone 2104 and 210W, SRSLY : ORRAWA WURIAL CO, MM, 7 Armstrong & Son, Proprietors, Funeral and Ambulance Service, day and night, Phone 1088W, #7 Celina, (4th) Insurance BAVIN AND BON, INWOWANCE 10 King St. west, Oshawa, The old: est Fire Agency in Oshawa, 80 Res putable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING INNURNNCE consult RN. N, Johns, 80 Nimcos north, Your insurance wants ate tended to and your interests pro- tected, WB TER NPE SRT STR oF Tra CGATTAUL "AND BTORAGH COLE man's, $6 Bond west, Hpecialists in furniture. moving storage ware: house and moving van equipment, Phone 83, sr iRauite TARTAGYE, MOVING, --GWAVEL sand and cinders, Looal and lous digtance hauling, Hmith & Cox Phone 34, 10 Hond Bt, West, ORHAWAN OLDERT ERTAN lished furniture.movers, Park Road eartage, Local and long distance, Frank Cowle Prop, 64 Park Rd, South, Phone 216, (July 41<1 mo) awe + Beauty arlors TITTY LOU TURMANENT WAVE Shop, Specialists In permanent, finger and marcel waving, Per manent wave prices #6, $7.50. $10 and $15, All other lines of Beauty Culture, Phone 2068, Apply 84 Bimooe street north. ye, Ear, Nose t specialist, Office over Mitohell's Drug Store, Phone 2000 and 438), Architects INHOURE = URNENAT, architectural work, ECecond floor. Royal Bank Building, Phone 1400. Res, phone 9007, NEON, AN: 0 soolate architects, Himoeoe Ht. 8 Over Felt Broa, Watch Repairing FA Vv fiwles watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat. ronage {8 solicited, ot your shoes fixed like new fa i enko, corner Simeoe'N, and filam W ---_-- a A. -- .=-- Rates for Classified Ads. | First lnsertion==114} cents per word, Minimum cbarge 80c. uent eoRseCH: a "erie n lo per word, Te tions for two first \nsertions (three vents a word), nimam oh Nr thes | ase Box number 100 additional rE TS nt Beh for 30 words or less; 10 cents a word per \wonth tor each wdditional word, hari ANTI AG COMPLIAE NUON Ad a 13 Cute Three con " (July 30-1 mo) |' EXPERT MARGELLING BY DRT: ty Ward at Netty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe, arcel and shame pao 81, Phone 3008, (] DARITR AND Beauty Shop, 0 Celina Ht, We specs lalige in ladies' halr eutting, mare oolling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 60 cents, For apprintmenta phone 0a, (July 17<1 wo) ADI WRRVICE AC ceswories for sale, repairs on elec trio and ' battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re gharged, rental supplied 1, Phone 44503, Charles ltd, : oY aly . uly 0+ [] with rental §1,00, Repaired and rebuilt, Called for and delivered. Prompt serrice, Stan Bligdon, ¥0 Mill St, Phone 1880W, (July #11 mo) ney to oan arrange a first mortgage on your residence If it ls well lo» cated, Bradley Wros., over Ward's Store, Simooe St, Houth, (July 88-tt) COANE ON GOON BITY PROPER: ty and farms, Apply A, J. Parks Mill, 87 King St, East, Phone 1014, (July 811) MN Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS = PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, canop, tops Installed. I. Tavier, [I'rronte Oshawa phone 183 (Apr, 10-11) , PLAGE, A gi all kinds of canvas goods, Com: plete camp equipment for rent Fox Hardwarn, phone 206 or 2 Agents for J, J, Turner and Mon, Peterboro, Ontario, (July 8+1 mo,) Work Wanted OONORETE WORK, CELLAR AND garage floors sidewalks and road ways, sand, gravel, cinders, Chris Graham, Phone 8081M, (July 3:1 mo) NEW PROCENR=IV"YOU ARE bothered with cockroaches, I will rid your house of them, 149 Olive Ave, Phone 1788), (July Caulking EVERY HOME WHOULD™ 1B caulked around the door and win. dow frames, saves fuel, shuts out cold alr, draughts, fles, soot, Adds comfort, preserves frames, J. H, Lawson, Phone 758R1, (July 10=1mo,) ge a a a Notice BO THONA SE ITERIAT "WIORE moved to Bimoos Mouth, Corner Mill, Merbal Remedies for various Allments continued by same fame ous Herbalist, _ (Julylb<l mo.) A andy A Hospital WHITRY THIVATE ~WONPTTAT, maternity and all patients recon: mended by physicians, Phong #60 Whitby, J. M, McKee, It,N,, Bupt, i (July 16-1 mo) "Second Hand Dealer NEW AND WRUOND WAND FOR. niture bought and sold, 184 Bloor St, K. Phone 1017M, (July 23+1 mo.) AUOOND™ WAND DRALER=WE buy and sell used furniture, stoves and tools, Phone 1080, M, Collis, § chureh Bt, (July 151 mo) a ---- er aad Palmist MADAME RNA, PATNIET, 578 Buena Vista, Appointments, Phone daw, (Julyd:1 mo,) MADAME WROWN, PALMIET Phone apbointments 204K, 93 Loulsa street, (July 88-1 mo) Articles For Sale 16«1 mo,) MIXKE er load. Also bone dry fed wood Valerews Mek Ly FOR SALE-=-HRINTEZMAN CO, Ltd, planos, new and used planos also radios, latest deh; terme arranged, Apply O, Troll, Ph 1668) t assort: ment of palnts, varnishes, eto, in fn the eity, The Paint Sore, 80 King street west, (Apr, 208 t0) {shes. We have the lark HARD AND 830K WOUD| 8 Articles For Sale SAND, GR/ZVEL, HBTONK, CUlN ders, black loam, $4.69 per yard For quality and service phone Ks sry Dros. 848 r 3, (May LEAR GRAVEL AND BAND, ONK YARD and a quarter of gravel $1.60, Bereened sand $1.76. Prompt de- livery, Phone VE0RI12 after b p.m, (July 10-1 mo.) FOR BALK 300 FEET HOT water radiation, first class cond tion, halt the price of new, Also doors and other building material, Phone 1860 (840) VOR™AALH="ATWATER KENT 0 tube battery radio, ingle dial con. trol, All complote, In splendid con dition, $45.00, John Meagher, 03 Mimeos N, Phone 371W, (2b0) FOR FALE =0UNNGONOLX TAN: inet gramaphone, in beautiful con ditlon, cheap for cash, no reason able offor refused, Vhone 1810) between 6 and 7 pm (8he) FOR RACE-KTTUNEN CANINE, good condition, plteh r pump new, and other articlos, 017 Masson Nt (200) or dr a Ea For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- orn suites including electrio refrig oration stove, lanndry convenls ences, eto, continuous hot water Aupplied, Apply Supt, phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantees Co Ltd,, manager for owner, Toronto, J pa aa _ (371) FOI RENT=ATARTMENT, CHK. tral, § rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences, lease or by the month, Hox 740 Timen, (16a) CHERIFUL ~ APANTMWNT IN business section, newly decorated, by the month or year, Hox 747 Times, (168-0) APARTIENT, FURNIENRD OW unfurnished, Kvery convenience "hone 1560 or JU4TW, (or) TO ANT WOONTH NMOURE, all conveniencos, new decorated at $385 per month, 4 rooms water an Mght at $10 per month, Apply 148 Bloor Bt, W. (840) APARTMENTTO TET CENTRAL All eonyeniences, hardwood floors Apply Bradley bros. ELL FOR NENT=NEATUTITUT, HOM, modern throughout, Heven rooms, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, double garage, prosent tenant must leave Oshawa, Will sacrifice for $30 per month, Phone S678), (Mo) FOR WENT = UNFURNISHED ground floor apartment, § rooms and bath, central, $28 per month includes vent and water, Phone nnw, ere (240) TO" RENT=ROON, IN PRIVATE home; healde Fittings, Suitable tor one or two ladle, Rent reanonablo, Home privileges, Apply 234 Drew H (40) FOR RENT" ROOMN. ALL conveniences, central, Apply 89 King 8t, W. Phone 33604W, (240) T=TWO BITRE UN furnished rooms for light houwe- keeping. Apply #18 Roxborough ve, (840) TNT=NMODERN APART ment, immediate possession, in: uire ¥, L, Henry, 281 King 8t, K, hone 10, (260) mr 'Auctioneer PHONE 716) W. J. EAR AUC tioneer, imeoe Oshawa, Ont, atten [ rn stoc! n to iture sales and Farm. and Implements. Your health, comfort. Personal atteus tion and service, Phone Mrs, Blat- ter, Distriot Manager, 8180M, (July 81:1 mo) arhanger, painting and graining rloea right, womk guarauteed, #40 Pine Ave, phone 8066w or Tate. Contracting lastering, alectrig 0: Alterations, hong A80 for estimates, (AM) Patron: Ty ng For Rent FOR RENT-=§ ROOMED HOUBE on Brock Bt, $40, 6 roomed house on Prince Bt. $18, Phong Role tH ) rooms, kitchen with sink, wired for slecirio stove, own meter, rent reasonable, Phone 4400W, wm ¢) FORMENT==AT ONCW NOT LENS than 8 acres with good house, barn, garage and hen house, For term of years with option of buy« ing, 711 Box Times, (260) Fon RENT=7"""TUNRTRIED rooms, every convenience for young couple, Phone #885W, (200) FON ERT WOOM™ HOUR, possossion Kept, 1, Apply after 6 o'eloek nt #56 Oshawa Divd, (46¢) FOI RENT=8™ TIURNISH ID rooms for Hght housskeaping with ull conyenlences, Apply 1487 Kime coe Ht, N, Phone 1230W, (20¢) -------- Wanted To Rent WANTED 10" NENT=Y01i ONE week un motor ear In good condi. tion, Apply Box 810 (40e) A di For Sale or Exchange FOR HALE ORC EXCHANGE tractive 100 mcre farm, nour Brooklin, choles soll, faly bulld ings, near chureh, wschool, store $E500, Wil exchange for Oshawa property, Hee Holden, 92 Blmeos N, (26h) AT EC -- or Sale or Rent FOR BALK OR RENT==DRICK residonce on north side of King: ton Nond west of Oshawa, forms orly occupied by the Inte John Bartlett, Gardens well planted with flowers and shrubs, Apply fo Conant & Annis, Duorristers, &c,, Oshawa, Ontario (M-W-Aug. 1) Ewha Jour Soa Real Estate For Sale 3 REAL DARGAINS 6 roonl brick veneer house, Attle, garage, nll conveniences, on paved street, Price only $8600 7 room frame house and 2 lots Hardwood floors, electric Hghts, garden wll In, This 1s a good loca tion for genornl store or coal yard Price only $2000 JONEN REAL KBTATH, Cor, Bimeoe and Bond W, Phone 2667 (24e) LEAVING $4000 his TOR FALE" OWNER the city und offers al $0000 residonce | hedrooms, hardwood floors, paved street, first class woction, small cash pay mont, Act quick, Apply Murdoeh, 97 Warren Ave, (4b0) MODEAN ROOM HWOURE,"0AR ake. Kauity 31500, Dalance oasy Make an offer, 200 Huron, (460) MUR TIN AOTD"CLEBAIL FARM, 146 nores, 180 workable, 4 bush 0 room frame house, Barn 88 x 60. Kteol roof, Good stabling, pix pen, henhouse For qulek sale, Only $4000, Kusy terms, Jones Real katate, cor, Bond and Simeon N, Phone 2607 (46h) RE --- . aa Au RATERS Help Wanted--Female ERTERTRNCED (OORT OUNERAT for small adult family, Telephone 08 Whithy, (240) WANTED =X TERTENTED GTR for general housework, over 23 years of age preferred, Phone IHW, (36h) WANTEBSEXTERTENCRD GEN eral, reforences, phone 841, (8060) WANTEN "EX PERTENCRD cook, Apply Mix, GU, W, Herel wood, 400 Himcoe Bt, N, ly (26¢) WONAN WANT AD TOR GRNET- al housework, Apply 05 Albert Nt (86D) WANTED = HX PETRTENTRD Hable cook, general. Household of three, References required, Nox 48, Post Office, (840) Auction Sale ATOTION FATE "UNDETC MONT gage, 260 nerves of Jand and farm buildings, § miles from Port Perry on the Heagrave Road, at Sebert Houre, ort Perry, Ontario, at 2 pom, August 16th, 1080, Harris & Harrls, Vendors' Holloltors, Port Perry, Ont, (20-80-89) Wanted To Buy WANTED TO OV==UFRD "NAY: fo D-Battery Eliminator with 136 Volt output, Phone 26560F, (28¢) What In life that knows no fun? Better it had not begun, «Jim Crow, It. didn't take Jim Crow very long to make himself very much ut home at Farmer Brown's, Farms or Brown's Boy had planned to clip one of Jim Crow's wings, wo that he wouldn't he able to fly awny, He wis quite satisfied not to fly away, Iw other words, Jim Crow wus smart enough to know Male or Female Help WANTED-~MAN OR MAN AND wite to manage Oshawa store, Ka porience unnecessary, $60,00 weeks ly und share of profits, $1260.00 cash deposit required on mers chandine, Manager 40835 Ht, Denis Hi, Montreal, Que (84-20-28) EE Ab: Motor Cars TYOUTC CAI WABHED™ Ai Dominion Garage, 58 Bond streut west, Phone $108, All cars at one price $1.00, (July 17-1 mo) BT ---- Room and Board Wanted HUARD AND ROOM WANTED DY young Indy In private family for wohool year, Give rates, Peerless Business College, Oshawa, (46¢) A Books RUDETTSAWS CINCUCATING brary, You will enjoy roading the Intest Iletion at minimum cost Phone 1473, 87 Blmcos Bt, Norgh, (T-F8 tf) - al al ial] ik Help-- Wanted Male WANTED AN MANAGING FORE: | mun of farm capable of taking full charge of sane Referonces furs nished, Box 711 Times, (46n) Pots and Live Stock. FOULANY "MEN =a YOUU honvy breed 1'%-%2 1b, vockerels euponized at 100 euch, Minimum charge, $1.00, It pays to capons ise, Ives Drom, 680 Draw street, (July 36:1 mo.) FANTANE FOR FALE, APPLY 71 Boverley Ht, Westmount, (200) a Public Stenographer POTEET" Fr ENOU RAPHE Homes or offices visited, Any kind of work undertaken, Kxecuted promptly, Moderate rates, Miss Juy, 78 Oshawa Blvd, (dhe) Personal WHY BUFFER !==USE THE NEW Harmony Electro Magnotio Applis Lance, Others are obtaining hoalth, why not you? Klectro Magnotinm 1s | one of the greatest discoveries of [the 20th century, In many cases | where everything olse has falled | the Harmony Klectro Magnetlo | Appliance has brought health, We nre not out to sell you. something that you are not satisfied will benefit you, Therefore we give you a free offer to prove what we says In correct, When you are satisfied the Hare mony will help you then it is up to you to use your own Judgment, W. ©, Hutcheson, Dominion Bales Manager, 1064 Willlam Bt, 1, Phone 200, Oshawa, (July 26-1 mo.) _---- % Tenders Wanted OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PAINTING WATER TOWER Scaled tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tenders for Painting Water Tower," will be received until 12 o'clock Noon, (Day- light Saving Time) Tuesday, August 5th, 1030 Gal, Water Tower at Oshawa, Ont, Conditions of contract specificas tions, and form of tender may he obtained at the office of the un« designed, The lowest or any ten: der not necessarily accepted, (Spd) W, C, SMITH, Mgr, Water Works Division, City Engineer, "1onid Varmer for the painting of the 500,000 Imp, | Jim Crow Plays a Little Joke By Thornton W. Burgess " JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL. PARLORS J, W. Worrull, Oph, D. Eyesight Bpecialist Phone 8218 when he was well off, Farmers Brown's Boy made a place for him in the barn, and every night when it began to get dark Jim Crow would go there of his own sceord, Like his futher and mother, he had no. desire Lo he roaming around ufter dark, Ho might he very hold and brave In daylight, but as Koon us it gol dark Jim Crow was afraid and he didn't ears who know it, Now, Jim Crow wag very much interested In the hens, Kvaery morning he would go out to the henyard with Farmer Brown's Boy and watch the Intter feed the hens, He would #it on one of the posts of henyard, with his hend cocked on one side, he would watch avery thing that Farmer Brown's Boy did Then he would ride hack on the shoulder or head of Farmer Brown's Boy, He dearly loved to whe the hens all come run ning when Iarmer Brown's Boy called them, When Farnier Drown's Boy wasn't around and he was nure that no one else was listen ing, Jim Crow would try imitating Parmer Brown's Boy when he call. od the hens to be fed, Over and over he would try it, unt at Inst he was satisfied that he could do it pretty well, Then one morning Jim Crow wasn't to be found when it came time to feed the hens, "I won. der. where the rascal In' wald Farmer Brown's Boy, "It isn't like him not to be on hand to help fead the hens," He called hut got no Answer, He looked around the barn for him; he look ed In all of places He didn't ses so muuch ay single black feather of Jim Crow "Well, 1 can't walt for him," Brown's Boy, !"The hens must fed," He wsiarted for the henhouse Perhaps you can Imagine his surprise when ns he turned the corner of the barn, he heard some one calling those hens Heo looked up to wee the hens nll racing moross the henyard there was Jim Crow poking sticks through the chicken wire, Ho was pretending to feed those hens, und all the time he was calling them Then he flow up on the nearest sure he made no sound "I wouldn't have bellaved ft, {ft I hadn't ween It myself," sald Farms or Brown's Hoy, an he told Mother Brown about ft afterward, "There wore' those hens, walking around with the most surprised and disap. pointed looks and there was Jim Crow, enjoying his little joke, There Isnt any doubt about {tee he was enjoying his little joke, You should have ween his eyes twinkle when I wont over to him and spoke to him." v After that Jim Crow played that joke often, Whenever he could think of nothing else to do he would go over and call the hens, and then offer them Iitle sticks or pebbles, He would do It several times a day, Now, hens are not such stupid orontures as some people think, Afs tor a while they refused to come to Jim Crow's oall, They were no longer fooled, And finally * Jim Crow gave up his little Joke In diss gust, But while ft lasted it was 4 very funny performance to watoh; (Copyright, 1080, T. W, Burgess) The next story: "What Happen od to the Wash." wal Inughing even If he AN INTERRUPTED EDUCATION Mrs, Chatterbox=-Oh, Henry, what do you think? Little Richard is bes ginning to talk, Her hushand--Good Tuck to him! It's more than I've heen able to do in this house, How did he ever get the chance P==Detroit News, "lust where did the car hit you? "Wel said the injured wil f I'd been wearing a licensesplate, it would have been badly damaged." Tit-Bits, LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard hone Oshawa 824 Whithy 18 Jim, | Jim Crow's favorite | and | post, and Farmer Brown's Boy wan | Expert Watch Repairing BURNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Bs, Machinery Repairing NOTHING 100 LARUE NOTHING T0900 SMALL Nach aL a Good Weather Ahead! wD NOL 1088 JOUP CAP Lot me finance yous-Addis tional Onash Glven, G. R. Holden . MOTOR LOANMN Roo 0, 14% King St, East Ea A ST -- FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT fgnitlon, clean and ad udjust carburetor Cars, 1088 to Check Just points, on Chevrolet 1080 moddin, Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 0 Hlmeoe Bt, South A pins -- Suits, Regular | | $28.00, Special... $12.50 | | Demon Cetin $2 | Yoo CAREW LUMBER (0 'a ATHOI Phone a Men's Diamonds ! | Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner 5 Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 800 Carnoglo Ave," Phone 1058 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Spa talining exclusively in mussle eyesight and glasses 1510 Phone1514 Disney Bleek . Opposite Bart Offng - cra] - f=

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