Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jul 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1930 ° PACE THREE | Business Depression in Canada Said To Be Nearing Its End | Kiwanians Throw Camp Open To Boys of This District For a Period of Two Weeks ff Any Boy Who Wants Two Weeks of Camp Life Will Be Accommodated Dur. ing Next Two Weeks ------ ADVISED TO MAKE APPLICATION EARLY Nominal Fee Will Be Charg- od--Funds for Under- privileged Boys' Work Ex- hausted, But Camp Will Be Kept Running The best of things must come (0 an end eventually, and on Mate urday of this week, the second fortnight at the Kiwanis Boys' Camp will and, and (twenty-one youngsters will return to the eity, brown and healthy after a glorious two weeks' outing at the expense of the Kiwanians, A wonderful improvement has taken place In the ten days that the present group have been in camp, Pale, under: nourished bodies have heen flled out and strengthened by hearty, well-balanced meals, and a marked improvement has heen made in the physical condition of avery one of the score of underprivileged boys, through the regular outdoor life which has been theirs under the di rection of Camp Director "Robbie" Robinson, Unfortunately, with the end of this week, the funds which the Ki- wanlans have gathered to provide eamp periods for underprivileged boys will come to an and, and they will find It Impossible to give Any more free vacations this sum mer, Anxious, howaver, that the camp propesty and equipment which they Ave brought into being should be of as much service as possible to the community for the rest of the summer, the directors of the elub have decided to throw the camp open for a further two week per. lod, starting the first of August, The wervices of Director Robinson wilt be etainey for that period, And a charge o von, dollars per week. per + Lh be ¥ ma Mg 1 cover hare running expenses, The Kiwanians feel that a num- bear of parents would like to avail themualves of this opportunity to kive their hoys the benefits of ore ganiped camping at minimum cost, Only a limited number can he taken during this period, however, and any wishing to make applica- tion should apply to Dr, J, W, Brook, 18 Kimeoa street north, phones 1057, before five p. m. on Friday, LOWEST RIDDERS T. B. Mothersill Company of Oshawa are the lowest bidders on A general trades contract for the ersction of a proposed new wing and alterations to Mt, John's Units od Church at Campbelliford, No award of contract has heen ane nounced an yet, howaver, but there in every possibility that the Osh. awa firm will get it an the lowest tenderers, &- DIES SUDDENLY HYMAN ENGEL Prominent. business man of city, who died suddenly morning, PROMINENT CITY ~~ MERCHANT DIED SUDDENLY TODAY Hyman Engel Had Been in Business Here for 25 Years The city of Oshawi is the poorer this morning by the death of one of its most charitable and best liked citizens, Hyman Engel, Mr, Engel succumbed to a paralytic stroke in the Oshawa Genernl Hospital at two o'clock this morning, Mr, Engel was one of this city's most progressive business men and Is well and favor ably known throughout the entire county, He eame to Oshawa 25 vears ago from Toronto and started in a rendy to wear store, On his death he was operating two Atores and was the owner of considerable real estate in the eity \ He resided at 70 King street west and was only 53 veurs of age when denth ¢laimed him, He was the presi dent of Oshawa Hebrew Congrega- tion, a member of the Independent Order of Foresters, Independent Order B'Nul B'Rith, the Maccabees, Pheonix Lodge No. 22, 1.0.0.F, and a member of the Bay Street Syna gogue, Toronto, le Is survived hy his wife, threo sony, S, A, Engel and William Fngel, of Oshawa, and J. Engel, of §t Catherines, and four daughters, Mrs, M. Ambrose, Mrs , A Freeman, Mrs, H, Marks and Miss Clara Pie gel, of this ctv and an adopted daughter, Miss Shirley Wise, also of Oshawa The funeral will take place afternoon from the Benjamin oral Parlours In Toronto, at five o'clock and will he private, Inter. ment will he made in the Jones Aye enue Cemetery this Fun. veo oH 11Q Ny NN "HTH A % a ----. 77 "7 7 D HEAVIER PENALTY NO DETERRENT FOR DRUNKEN DRIVERS This Is Opinion Expressed by Chief Friend at | ware lax, Convention Chief of Police Priend of this ty expressed the opinion that heavier penalties would not be a deterrent for drunken drivers, in a discussion of that subjeet dur. Ing the meeting of the Chief Con- wiables Association to HWamilton ranterday, A report of part of the discus lon follows: "Invest Polles Magistrates with the authority to canes] the driving Heonse and make the maximum wnalty for the frst offense one venr In prison-~these were advan. 0d an the host methods of dealing vith the drunken automobile driv. Ww in & paper prepared by Magis rate I, D, Mitton, of Moncton, N, J. and read by Chist Hutehinson if that city, "Magistrate Milton stressed that this types of offense Is increasing at an alarming rate throughout Can. wda by reason of the fact that lg. wor is sold in almost avery Prov. ince under systems of Government control, "One might just as well acknow: lodge the fact, he said, that as long as Hguor is available, juust so long will there be drunken drivers to mennce human lives on the high. ways of this country, ""Chisf Friend of Oshawa did not think & more severe penalty would nolve the problem, He told of how woveral ministers of the Gospel in Oshawa offered much criticism of the way drunken drivers were dealt with, thinking the police Bo they thought and talked he sald, until a prominent churchman there also "went bad' and so lost control of himself and his automobile that a collision with hn street oar resulted, The min. istors wo Chief Friend sald, chang od their tune right away, and de olarad it was a shame that Mr, So. and-No should thus be sent to Jail, oven for seven days, 'It all de pends on whose bull is being gored in this matter,' the Chief said." LUTHERANS ARE PRESSING WORK ON NEW PARSONAGE Improvements Being Made to House and Chapel Will Be Erected The members of the Lutheran congregation are working hard to prepare the chureh property at 164 Albert street, The house is to be moved to the south half of the lot, Before it Is moved a part of the basement is being dug out by the members, The supervision of the moving and excavating In entrusted ito the building committes, which consists of ¥, M. Dahmor, N, Stire, Carl Sohoenau, and H, M, Hartwig, The committees considered various tenders for the moving and cons orete work in the basement, and lot the contract to Hugh Palmatier, Last Saturday the properly was Investigated by the officials of the Ontario district of the Missour! Hynod Lutheran Church, The Rev, Messrs, Schoedsl and Storm, and Mr, Murr constitute the Mission Noard of the Ontario District, Af. tor they had seen the property and learned the detalls of the purchase, they assured the Lutherans of Osh. awa, that in their opinion, the in vestment was wise and sound, The Mission Board Is willing to do ev. arything in ita power to encourage the building project, In order to finance the hullding porgram, a Joan which frees from interest, will be negotiated with the Church Extension Board of the District, The Rev, Herman Brege, of Fishervilla, Ont, who ia chair man of this board, Inspected the property, and promised ti a loan would be extended to the looal con: grogation, The loan will be wut: flolently large to cover the gost of improving the house with base: ment, hard wood flooring, exterior and interior decoration, Further. more, the loan will gover the cost of erecting a modest Lutheran Chape on the north halt of the ot, In order to enlist the support of the members of Grace Lutheran Congregation, the bullding com: mittee In advised to circulate a subscription lat, The members will be asked for immediate oash donations for the building fund, and then to indioats the amount of support they would be willing to the in the course of three years With this support, together with the rent monsy which the pastor will pay for the house the loan can be repaid to the Church Extension Board in very few years PLEADS GUILTY T FORGERY CHARGE Pleading guilty to a charge of forgory in oity poliea court this morning, Pater Porayko, grocer, living at 108 Olive Strest, wan re manded one week for sentence by Magistrate Willis, ; Porayko admitted forging a mortgage for an unstated sum in favour of National 'Groeers. He was represented in eourt by D. A. J, Swanson, ? Faithful Stayed up to 4 a.m. But Bennett Did Not Speak Scores of Oshawa citizens, no doubt feel deeply gratelwl toward Cleve Fox for his kindness and high- ly efficient methods employed "with radio and bulletin at the New Mare tin' Theatre to keep the people ins formed us to the results oF the elec tion, ' Mr. Wbx further. displayed his gen erosity in entertaining the crowd un. til four o'clogk am; while waiting to Wear Mr, Bennett's spesch and clos. ed up only when it was learned Mr, Bennett would not be heard until later in the day, General Motor# Executive On "Flying Visit" to Oshawa The modern' trend of business men to use the fastest means of transportation was fHustrated when the Gipsy Moth plane N.C, 0707 landed In Alexandra Park this morning at 0.45 o'clock bears ing as & passenger HW, KE, Steargs, general manager of the bulldihg division of General Motors Corpor. ation, Detroit, Mr, Htearns was on un business trip to the local plant And was met on Arrival by execu~ tives of General Motors of Canada and conveyed by auto to the plant, The plane, a snappy (wo sekier In cream and brown was piloted by "rank R, Mickelson, of Detroit, who brought the plane down from Toronto this morning In 22 min. utes, It eame from Detroit to Toronto yesterday afternoon and made the trip in 2 hours and 66 minutes, The plane is the proper: ty of the Aly Yacht Club of De troit and was built by the Da Hav. {land Corporation, * Within & few minutes of Its are rival in Oshawa the plane wan sur: rounded by a throng of interested eitizens wihle swarms of children inspected the plane from the tip of the propeller to the end of the rudder. Duruing its wole stay In the city a crowd of curious people surrounded if and it was not un til the plane took off on Its re: turn trip about moon that the crowd left the park for home, AAAS ALLL AL ALLL alas What Others Say | LR OA Asz THE VALUE OF PRONIBITION Dear Bir; Glancing casunlly through the pages of The Chicago Herald, is sue July 27th, 1980, my atten: tion was attracted hy an article therein, entitled "Our New Glant", Le. an interosting illustration of prohibition and its results, Taking ull risks involving violation of the unwritten law 'comparisons are odious' fould you allow me, Sir, to render a mere layman's opinion on this subject, based bn obsorva- tion and deduction, leaving my- self open to criticism, given that my statement can be disproved, Throughout the ages it has boen Acknowledged, man's moral 4nd spiritual nature cannot be con. trolled by any force of act of pare lament, Man's continuous, un- conning rebellion against those ancient "Thou shalt nots" write ten on Mount Stoal over 8000 JOATS AKO Are ample proof of this, That gitt of "Frea Will" Divine, | If controlled and held in subjec- ton, a final source of bitter mine ory and mental wretchedness Jt abused, steps In, resulting in man's constant, inevitable fall, In effect, our friend "Unele Sam' speaks to his_people. "Thou shalt take no liquor'! Forbid a man a certain thing, in comes auto. matically, that unborn de to disobey, He will move heaven and Oarth to satisfy his. longing to overcome that particular 'Thou shalt not', He dooan't really desire the liquor or whatever is forbidden, It In that paychologieal mysterious oraving to Ignore dioipline and treat it with contempt, which over. comes him, The results "soross the border" need no pen of mine for description--they are too ob. vious, Canada shook off the dust of that particular "Thou shalt not" Whilst still endeavouring to on. shaty ki Will" what happen. ' "Rootlegging, B . erot Drinking." 5. Bing"Pifs, be Now for "John Bull", What does he say and do? In plain sim- ple language, just this! '"Thete's the liquor, It you must have it, | won't stop vou, Drown in it it you ghoose givan that you Are not found under its Influence publigly on't onre a rap; hy Pi so get along But--mark you--1 set the price and you must pay or go without, No interfering hers with 'Free WHI", What happons then? I was in London recently, apent tive Freak Bet on Election to be Paid Saturday Saturday night at eight o'clock will ee an Interesting spectacle on Simcoe Btreet. The whole affair will be an aftermath of the elee- tion on Monday, [It all arises out of a het made Dhetween Johnny Graves and Ab, Cox, the well known and popular local agent for Ford ears, Johnny, of course, het on Moore, while Ab, het on Kaiser, And the upshot fs that on Batuur: day Ab, Cox will ba seen wheeling Johnny Graves through the husl- ness section of the city in a wheel. barrow, Johnny is reported to have something up his sleave in the way of additional features, hut he refuses to divulge what they are Put It rumors are correct, the cere. mony in to be quite an Interesting and spectacular one, OBITUARY ANDREW J. IRVFRERY Death onded a rengthy fliness of Andrew James Jeffery, thin morning At the Oshawa Hospital, | The deceased was in his [fifty fourth year and lived at 188 Rit son Road Routh, The ate Mr, Jeffery was a life: long member of the Anglican Church and was a respected oitl gon of the community, The funeral will be held at 1,30 Friday after. noon 'from the late rosidence, 158 Ritson road south, Rev, 8, C, Jar rott will*he in charge of the wer vice and Interment will bho made in the Union Cemetery, The late Mr, Jeffory was pre: deceased by his wife a number of ye Ko, He is survived by two daughtors, Mm. G, Wingrove, of this eity and Mrs, WH, Copeland, of Kingston, Ontario, months there and did not witness during that period one person the worae for liquor, records of crime and drunkenness steadily de creasing simply owing to the fact that the vast majority cannot af. ford to abuse tha privilege ox tended to them, hence are com: polled, without that everlasting '"Fhou shalt not" slung in their face, tp moderation, Poor old much maligned "John Bull', After all you are not such a fool as you are imagined to be, CIVIS BRITTANUN SUM, Stock Market Prices Markey Summary by Canadian Press dvionto and New Xork Wock Quetations Supplied bp Biggar and Orawford, Alger Building, Oshawe Toronto Stock Exchange High Stoek Br, A, Oil 1 Bras, .. Cookahutt Cty, Dry, Dig, Sgm, Dm, Stes. Gypsum Hr, Wal, Ford .... Int, Nk, Int, Pet, Imp, Oil Mw. Hr, Pg. Hr, Shaw, hy 8, Station 45 | Sandurd Mining Abana 4 "w 1] Amulet 11] (1) (1) Ch, Res, 835 1 De, Mas. 785 748 Holl, .. 80% sO Ne. O11 328 LHL Hd, Bay 888 826 Nenda, 2410 10 Sh, Gr, 132 198 Sd, Be, 148 148 Low 11% wy " Hh Th Mg. $60 680 108 184 108 180 108 ro 184 Venta Wr, New York Exchange 130 100% ne 7" Am, Sa, 134 Am, Pr, Pr TTY Tel. 216 Radio ..., Radio 'Kth, Simmons gt. No U8, Stes! Yel. Truck 38% NEW STRAIGHT 8 BUICK ON DISPLAY IN GANADA, AUG. | Syncro-Mesh Transmission and Oil Temperature Reg: ulator New Developments Pofir series of MeLaughlin-Bulek yalve-in-the-head straight eights will go on display neross the couns try on Aug. 1, this important hulld- er of six-cylinder cars swinging over to eights exclusively, A pra. showing for Oshawn residents was held last week, Silent synero-megh transmission is standard on three of the four new MelLaughlin-Bulck series a feature in this field enabling the driver, so company engineers ax. plain, "to shift nolsslessly back and forth at any speed vequired hy driving conditions." J. H. Beaton, General Hales Man ager of General Motors of Canada Limited, ways of the new cars: They are so sensitive that they soem Almost to respond to the drive or's wish, and their stlence at any pace Is uneanny," Ol Temperature Regulator Described hy Mr, Beaton as one of the greatest contributions in trouble-free motoring 18 the engine ofl temperature regulator introdig. od on all the new MelLaughlin: Buick eights, This deviea main tains the ofl at the mast efficient operating temperature warming it in winter and eooling 1t in sum mer It Is peculiarly valuable In Canadian weather conditions The new straleht eights wheel hase lengths retain (he tinctive hody lines of the 1640 models, as well as many of the proved features of the MeLaughlin | Dulek sixes The valvasin-head | prineiple, the unit power plant, the | controlled wervo-internnl hrakes, | sealed chassis, and double-aeting | shock ahsorhers, mre carried Into | the feld of the sight | Nilent Operation Bilent operation has heen the | goal, apparently, In many of the MeLaughlincBulek changes "Even | the hodies hy Fisher, unchanged In general appearance from prey lous models," it is disclosed, "have not only heen strengthened, hut al 80 literally (i=aTated against noise, heat and old; syncro-mesh trans masion wolves problems of quiet (Continued on CITIZENS BAND WEEKLY CONGERT Good Program Has Been] Arranged for Presenta- tion Wednesday I'he weekly concert of the Oshawa Citizens Band will be held at Alex andra Park this Wednesday evening, and the following program will he Riven: March~"Fort Gay" Irish Over ture~="Sons of Erin" Concert Wale «Danube Waves" Medoly--"Star light" March="National Emblem ;" Serenade~"Evening Meditation." In termission, Selection="Home Songs' Gavotte--"La Cinquetaini" Religious "The Palms;" March--"Matinee" God Save the King COMMENT ON RESULT IN ONTARIO RIDING "Our congratulations are extend. ed to Mr, W, H, Moore, He hrings to political life tha talents, ideals and practical experience that en- sure for him a hrillfant parliament ary oaveer." Toronto Star, | "The most important victory hy the Liberals was that of W, H Moore, who defeated Dv, T. K, Kaiser fn Ontario, All along Mr, Moore has been counted as a win: ner.'=--Toronto Telegram, "Another remarkable fact is the defeat of Finance Minister Dun ning, whila his _ lleutenant Rill Moore, former chairman of the tariff hoard, achieved a signal vies tory In Ontario county." == Kitchons or Record, "The defeat of Dr, 17, KE, Kaiser by W, H, Moore at Oshawa wan hardly a surprise, The Libera) candidate Is a smart man with many resources and Ontario rid- Ing 1s normally Liberal In the rural setions.' en 8t, Catharines Stands ard, ORME GAMSBY HAS CAUGHT A FISH Orono has oaught a fish, Pardon us. Wo moan that Orme Gamaby has. oaught-a fish, The Wo terms are ao nearly synony- mous that we hecame temporarily confused, At any rate the story goes that Orme, in the intervals between running street fairs, building swimming pools, conducting auto contests, and advertising Orono generally, mallied forth one dav with rod and line, and caught a fish, No ordinary fish was it. Orme, fn telling his friends about that fish, Is reported to have spvainwd hx back stretohing his arma, We don't really believe that, hut I serves to give you some idea of the magnitude of the tinny prise. Searching inquiry by I'he Timon reporter yesterday failed to ellolt any definite information as to the in all] din- | | night actual weight of that fish, "Ten Canada on Upgrade Again, " Industrial Depression Is SWAILL Who was last. night elected a member of the Board of Vues tion to fH the unexpired term of the Inte ¥, bL, Vickery LV, SWAIL FILLS VACANT SEAT ON EDUCATION BOARD Elected by Board Members to Succeed the Late E. L. Vickery AY, last members Alheri V fwall night elected the of the Hoard of Education to fill the un expired term of the late Trustees F ,, Vickery, who mel a tragie doath # short time sgn The meeting was an adjourned wossion from the regular meeting The election of Mr. Bwall moved hy Trustee Dr, ¥, J) yonevan and seconded hy Trustee C, Anderson, being uhanimous ly carried hy the hoard, 'Fhis was the only husiness to come hefoye the meeting, Trustee Swall hus for some time heen a member of the Vocational Advisory Committos connected with the Board of Education, and has shown a keen Interest in edu- cational affairs, hoth by regular attendance and In the work of the committe Mi Hwail will hold office until December 41 this year, when Trustee Vickery's term ox plred, [CITY NEWS Whe hy wan NEW CAR DRAWN CHOWD A considerable erowd was ats tracted to the corner of King and Himeos street about noon today when the Haby Austin ear which is helng given away at the Hownian- ville Rotary Fair was helng. dis played Hveryone seemed interes asted in this hantam of the autp species and every feature of the car was given close attention GAVE FLOWERS TO PREMIER When Pramler King wan spark ing at Palmerston during *hn last days.of the election campaign, & houguet of roses Was presented to him hy little Miss Marion Haver son, granddaughter of Ge'rge Haverson, #08 Richmond at eet onnt, this elty, and hy Miss Eileen Diehel, Kach of the little girls ve. ceived the usual salutation from the Premier MURIC KNAM RESULTS The following pupils of Mrs, 0, A. Stanton, AL.COM, were success: ful in the recent musio oxamina- tion, Elementary theory: Lorraine Drew (Honora), primary plane, Joyee Priest (honors); elementary plano, Roy Martin (Honors) Hve- lyn Clarke, Audrey Smith, pounds®", the newshound sug: geated. hopefully, when he encoun: tere Orme at the lacrosse game, and pinned him hy the lapel, Bul Orme merely smiled, and would not he enticed into vilgar details Bul as to the actual oxistence of that fish there can he ne doubt, For Orme _Gamgby had it stuffed, and up until Saturday afternoon it reposted In the window of Robert. ghaw's store for all to see, The rest of the story remains shrouded in a misty haze, Rut the salient fact remains: "Orme Gama: hy caught a fish" mR Too Late To Classify TOR FAL =GUNNSONOLA OAT: inet gramaphone, in beautiful cons dition, oheap for cash, no reasons abla offer refused, Phone 1818) hatween Hh and ¥ pm, __._ (260) CONT" ATK DIET 00AT with white flower, Retween Lake: view Park and Regant Theatre, Finder please phone 1172M (28a) FOR WENT NODERN APART ment, immediate possession, in: quive ¥, L, Henry, 281 King 8t, K, Phone 16, (300) | regulir Passing, McCormick Says "ELECTED TRUSTEE Bottom Has Been Touched in Business Stagnation and Economic Cycle Will Now Turn to the Better, Is Statement GREAT FUTURE LIES AHEAD OF OSHAWA Jreams of Bright Future for Oshawa to Come True Soon, Col, B, J. McCor. "mick Declares to Kiwanis Club We have touched hottom in our present industrial and economies feprescian, sand we are on the way ip the Incline to prosperity again", lectured Colonel B, J, MeCormick, coretury of the Chamber of Come und Industrial Commissions ar, addressing the local Kiwanis Cluh yesterday on the subject of trade cycle Col, MeCormick went briefly inte the economic history of the nation for the past 60 years, demonstrate Ing the fact that alternate inflas tions aid depressions of industrial If followed each other at Intervals, In earliar days hisine men did not understand the regular recurrent natura of these alternations, and termed the periods of "depression, 'panics' Modern economie sclence realizes that excessive prosperity is invari ahly followed hy excessive depress slon, and can predict with a falp degree of accuracy when tha pendus Im will swing hack througn nore mal to good times again, Figures prepared and enmpiled hy Roger Habson, the foremost statistician of the continent, were presented hy the Colonel yesters day to show that the trend since the month of June, 1030, has heen apward, Time Money Rate Experience during previous des pression has shown 'that the rate for "time money' on the New York market can he used as a barometer of wpational finance, In other slumps, time money has fallen tn three per cent, at the very hottem of the depression period, and then risen dn conditions have improved, In June of this year, time money at New York hit hottom at three per cent. Hinee then it has heen on the up grade, and a few days ago stood at three and a half per cent, Col, McCormick spoke of le afs fection which he has developed for the ¢ity of Oshawa, even in the brief space of time in. which he has been a resident, Further nove he stated his unshakeable convies tion that a great future lies ahead of the city, Fine Future Ahead "We have great things in store for Oshawa," he declared, "and it looks now as though there were every hope of some of our dreams coming true in the not too distant future,' The speaker of the day was ine troduced by Kiwanian Tom Muffitt, Ry unanimous vote, the club des cided yesterday to send their popu lar secretary, Kiwanian Dr, Jonna Brock, to the convention at Bt, John, N.B, as the official vepres sentative of the Oshawa Club, A very much appreciated letter from the Kinsmen Club has heen received hy the president, Kiwanian Rob Amith, congratulating Oshawa Kiwanis on the splendid work they are doing in their hoys' camp, ard axtending every wish for continued HUCOORE, Card of Thanks Mr, and Mrs, Floyd Reesor Olive and Arletgh, wish to thank their many friends for their thoughtfulness and kindness dure ing our recent hereavement, (36a) merce live Deaths JAMES--In Oshawa, on Tuesdayy July 20th, 1880, Jennie James, in her 67th year, Funeral from the residence of her son, Dr, H, B, James, 12 Els gin 8, East, on Friday, August 1st, Service at 2.80 pm, Inter ment Union Cemetery, (36a) he Did . When Lou awoke she realized it was a "special day," Then 1% dawned on her, It was her aister'a wedding anniversary! A Mimi of her telephone reminded her that her sister was a great Long Diss tance user, She'd appreciate being congratulated by telephone, Lou wan right, Coming Events RE Ohureh hasement, dat; 2.80, SQUARE DANCE RARNHARTS Pavilion, Thursday, Win the prige a sack of flour, Admission Thursday, (24h) de, (38h) Sd ---- Da

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